When is the best time to go on holiday to Goa and how long does it last? beach seasoncurrent issues for many tourists. Not all travelers realize that in India, where all year round Summer, only a few months are suitable for visiting.

India is a huge country with a very diverse climate. Goa has the most favorable climate in the entire subcontinent - mild and without strong temperature fluctuations. In other states, the air temperature in summer warms up to +50 degrees and above, and in winter drops to +5. The climate in Goa is different from the weather conditions in other states. If in November there is already snow in the Himalayas, then beach holidays are just beginning on the Indian coast.

Conventionally, the weather in India, and in particular in the state of Goa, can be divided into 3 periods:

  • high season: comfortable with moderate heat (October to March);
  • hot, dry and windy (March to May);
  • low season: monsoon time, hot and rainy (June to September).

The tropical climate in Goa allows you to enjoy favorable weather for exactly six months. From October to March the most favorable time for tourists. But in each of these months the weather will not be the same.

Tourist season

At the beginning of October, Goa can still experience rain and showers, but from the middle of the month it begins to settle down. hot weather. Starting from the second autumn month the humidity drops, the rain stops, and the air temperature rarely exceeds +30 degrees.

In mid-October from all foreign countries Millions of tourists flock to Goa. Tall palm trees, crisp sand, velvet sea and tropical sun create an atmosphere of “paradise” life. Increasingly, tourists prefer to travel to Goa with children, despite the lack of entertainment infrastructure and children's animation.

From November to February the weather in Goa is favorable comfortable rest. At this time there are no clouds in the sky, and the air temperature during the day is +28- +30 degrees. At night, the air temperature can drop to +20 degrees. The water temperature in the sea during this period is always +27-+28 degrees. The most pleasant time for swimming is morning. It is when you swim in the sea in the morning that you can feel how hot the water is.

Going to Goa is worth not only for a beach holiday. The period from October to March is great for excursion routes. Indian state is rich historical monuments And nature reserves. Don't forget about health routes. Ayurveda originated in India, and many groups come to the Indian coast for the purpose of self-knowledge and spiritual balance. There are many Ayurvedic complexes and SPA centers in Goa with healing massages and relaxing treatments. And in the mornings, groups do yoga on the beach.

The sunniest month is January, with more than 320 sundial. During this period, the weather is magnificent and there is a festive atmosphere.

It is worth going to India from November to February. The weather in Goa is considered the most comfortable for any type of vacation. The absence of rain and wind allows you to spend carefree time on the beach, swinging on light waves and drinking fresh fruit juices in beach shakes. The sky is cloudless and the sun is shining brightly, but not burningly. Sometimes the sun is obscured by a light foggy haze; this weather is ideal for excursion routes.

From mid-February, the weather begins to change and winds hit the state. This time attracts kite surfers: constant waves and wind create the necessary conditions for this sport.

Night temperatures in January–February can drop by 5-7 degrees. Tourists are advised to take a couple of warm clothes with them. You will need them if you want to go to the beach to watch the sunrise or return late after a night out.

By the end of February, daytime temperatures rise and by March the heat sets in. March is considered the first month of summer in India. The temperature in the shade during the day reaches +34 degrees, and at night does not drop below +28. April and May are the hottest summer months in India. By the end of May the air temperature rises to 38 degrees during the daytime, weather change and the monsoon time arrives.

Rain season

When in the good half European countries begins calendar summer, it’s an unfavorable time for holidays in India. Tourists should not go to the resort at this time. As a rule, charter flights end their flight program at the end of March – beginning of April.

The rainy season begins in June - the monsoon or mansoon in scientific terms - and lasts until September. The monsoon moves from the southwestern state of Kerala across the country to the north. For four months there have been steady heavy rains and strong winds. The sun, which sometimes peeks through the clouds, is very active. There are practically no tourists, cafes and restaurants are closed in Goa, hotels and guest houses are empty, housing prices drop during the rains. The beaches are flooded dirty water and littered with garbage from mountain rivers.

Many Goans rejoice in the monsoon season. Ceremonial events welcome the rainy season, in rural areas lush greenery blooms.

Heavy rains, tornadoes and strong wind- the height of Mansun. Humidity and heat air creates a feeling of a greenhouse effect.

In September it continues to rain, and with the onset of October the mansun ends. The sun begins to appear, the vegetation after the rains becomes bright and saturated. The rainy season ends and the dry season begins. Some regions in northern India remain cool: in Delhi, daytime temperatures during this period do not rise above 22 degrees.

In October, tropical fruits ripen: juicy mangoes, heavenly coconuts and sweet pineapples. Nature itself is preparing for the opening of the summer season.

When is the best time to go to Goa?

It’s too early to go to Goa in early October, but travel agencies are already selling tours for this time. The weather in October has not yet settled and it may rain sometimes. October is considered a transition month; the tourist influx is just beginning. Europeans prefer to holiday in Goa from November to February. Russian tourists open the beach season in September, and the last charters leave the resort in early April.

"In Goa there is no bad weather“You can hear this phrase from most local residents and our compatriots who have been living there for many years. Indeed, the holiday season in Goa lasts all year round. Tourists come here all the time, although in some months a little less often due to heavy rains.
But over the past few years, due to the vagaries of nature, even local Goans will not be able to say exactly when it will rain and when it will begin. best season in Goa. Let's figure it out and try to find out when is the best time to go to Goa.

Rainy season in Goa

In 2015, my wife and I arrived on August 8th; at that time there was beautiful sunny weather in Moscow, which we unknowingly expected from Goa. Basically, for this time of year air temperature It was quite a good day in Goa: alternating heavy rains were followed by several hours of scorching summer sun. This was really good for August, since this month usually brings endless downpours, stopping only for an hour or two.

All the locals, when asked about the weather and rain, unanimously declared that nature is full of mysteries in Lately, and no one undertook to give us any forecasts with 100% confidence.

Usually the monsoon season in Goa lasts from June to September, during which time even schools have summer holidays so that children can stay at home while nature rains down its water flows to the ground. The most rainy months– this is July and August, it falls great amount precipitation. Therefore, if you come to Goa on vacation in July or August, you run the risk of slightly spoiling your impressions of your stay in this wonderful place.

The length of the day in Goa does not fluctuate much, unlike Russia. In summer it is twelve hours, in winter - eleven. Therefore, tourists will have enough time not only for swimming in the sea, but also for sightseeing.

Goa is the smallest Indian state, but at the same time the most popular among tourists. From November to the end of March it is densely populated by visitors. But closer to mid-April, travelers leave. The thing is that the climate in this part of India is subequatorial. The dry and wet seasons are very distinct. From mid-April, and sometimes even from the first days of April, it begins to rain. And if the first few days the precipitation comes intermittently, and sometimes the sun comes out, then starting in May it rains almost around the clock.

During the monsoons, the temperature remains quite high - in May it reaches 33-35 degrees. Water spilled from above actively evaporates, which ensures constant high humidity. It is not at all comfortable to vacation in Goa at this time. Not only that, rain can start suddenly, catching travelers on the road or on the beach. Due to high humidity, mold begins to form in the premises, which often affects not only the walls, but also clothing. Things in such conditions always remain a little wet and quickly deteriorate.

Goa is a former Portuguese colony in India. In this state you can see abandoned forts with old guns, Catholic churches, houses of European architecture. This makes Goa very different from other Indian states.

Precipitation increases sharply in June - 868.2 mm compared to 112.7 mm in May. Maximum amount precipitation falls in July - 994.8 mm. Then their number gradually decreases. In August it is already 512.7 mm, in - 251.9, in October - 124.8. The monsoons stop abruptly, and in November the amount of precipitation does not exceed 30.9 mm. Rains during this period are rare and are perceived by local residents as an anomaly.

When is the best time to go to Goa?

The sunniest months in Goa are January and February. They are also optimal for visiting this Indian state. By this time, not a trace remains of the effects of the monsoons. All hotels and guesthouses have been put in order, walls have been cleaned of mold, and washed-out roads have been restored. Goa is becoming a cozy and comfortable place to relax. By the end of December, the water in the sea warms up to a maximum of 28-29 degrees. And it remains like this throughout the winter months.

When planning a trip to India, many people ask the question: when is the best time to go on vacation to Goa? The best time to visit the state is considered to be from early November to late April. At this time, he comes to the state greatest number tourists. There are a lot of visitors from Russia and Ukraine here at this time. You will definitely meet Russian-speaking tourists who have been coming to this state on vacation for many years in a row. To make your vacation more comfortable, interesting and full of positive emotions, learn from experienced travelers who have been vacationing here for several years about the peculiarities of the state, about the best attractions known only local residents and a small number of tourists.

Beaches in Goa

To determine the season when it is best to vacation in Goa, you should find out about the features climatic conditions and about their changes depending on the specific time of year and month. During from November to March the state is very good weather. There is little rainfall here. Air humidity does not exceed 70%. Air humidity during this period is at optimal levels for comfortable well-being. Water temperature - up to +29 degrees.

In October (second half) Vacationers are already starting to come to the state. Prices for accommodation, food and air tickets at this time are still relatively low, and therefore you can save a lot on vacation at this time (before the start of the tourist season). The air temperature at this time is approximately +33 degrees. At night the temperature drops to +24 degrees. It may rain this month. But precipitation is no longer as frequent and prolonged as in the middle of the rainy season. Diving schools begin to open in the middle of this month. However, due to the fact that visibility is still quite poor at this time, diving schools open to beginners this month.

Many who have repeatedly vacationed in this state, answering the question of when is the best time to fly to Goa on vacation, It is advised to plan your trip for November. There are still relatively few tourists in the state this month. There is practically no rain. Precipitation may occur 1-2 times per month. Water temperature +29 degrees. Daylight hours last 10 hours. It's clear and sunny all the days in November. warm weather, ideal for relaxation. Air humidity is also optimal (about 67%). This is the month when the season begins for beach holiday to Goa.

December It's the height of the tourist season in the state. Tourists from different countries world, including from Russia. During the day the air temperature is +34 degrees, at night the thermometer shows +23 degrees. Relative air humidity - approximately 61%. If you are planning to go on holiday here in January, be sure to take warm clothes with you for evening walks. On some days, the air temperature in the evening and at night can drop to +19 degrees.

During from March to the end of April the average air temperature is +33 degrees. Water temperature +25 degrees. There is practically no precipitation. But at this time the wind increases, which can cause storms. During these two months, it is clear almost every day. It is extremely rarely cloudy.

In May the season ends. The air temperature rises to 35 degrees. Storms are becoming more frequent. Sometimes there is precipitation. Air humidity rises to 75%. There are significantly fewer tourists this month.

Exotica in Goa

Monsoon season in the state

This season in the state begins in the first month of summer. It rains almost constantly. The air temperature is +30 degrees, and at night +25 degrees. Air humidity rises to 85%. In the summer months and until early October, more than 90% of the average annual precipitation falls here. Precipitation increases in June and July. If you are planning to spend your holiday here on the beach, sunbathing and swimming, it is better not to fly here during the rainy season.

In June There are continuous rains here, which can rain for 2 hours without a break. The state is uncomfortable to be in because it becomes difficult to breathe. The reason for this is high humidity. There are sunny days at this time. But there are no more of them than cloudy ones.

In July, the state still receives more precipitation. This is the wettest month of the year. Sunny days this month is much less than in June. Air humidity rises to 86%. At night this figure can be even higher.

In August, the number of rainy days significantly exceeds the number of days with clear weather. The air temperature during the day is +29 degrees, and at night +25 degrees. Relative humidity reaches 88%.

In September, the heat in the state begins to gradually subside. The air temperature during the day does not exceed +30 degrees. But relative humidity air is still at high levels. In addition, it rains quite often this month. Therefore, September is also not suitable for a beach holiday.


Let's sum it up

In October and May, you can fly to the state for sunbathing, swimming, and diving. At all, swimming season opens here in November. For those who prefer to relax in uncrowded places, it is better to arrive earlier, for example, in the second half of October. You can also plan a vacation for the first half of May or the end of April. During this period, tourists leave the state. Accordingly, prices for food, accommodation and other services fall. Thus, by planning a trip in the off-season, you will be able to sunbathe on an almost deserted beach and save on your vacation, since it will cost much less than during the tourist season.

The greatest influx of tourists is observed during the period New Year's holidays. WITH different corners planets come here to meet New Year. It is not recommended to fly to this state for a beach holiday in early October, since it transition period in this area. At this time, the shore is dirty. The beaches are covered with algae and debris thrown up due to storms, which are observed during the rainy season in Goa. Bungalows that are rented out to tourists during the high season will not be available for rent in early October. They begin to be handed over towards the end of October. In addition, precipitation continues to fall at the beginning of this month. From all of the above we can conclude: the best time to vacation in Goa is from the beginning of November to the end of April.

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A world-famous tourist center, the Indian state of Goa receives millions of tourists every year from all over the world, incl. Russians. There really is something to see and where to relax.

How to determine the best season in Goa? What time is best for a sightseeing or beach holiday? When is the best time to go to Goa on vacation? This important information you need to know before going to distant India.

This Indian state is located on the western coast of the subcontinent. The climate in Goa is such that you can distinguish winter from summer only by humidity. You will certainly enjoy it here even during the rainy season in Goa.

Holiday seasons in Goa

When describing the local climate, it should be remembered that the state is divided into two parts: northern and southern, and has different climatic features in these parts. In the north of the state, young people have fun, while the south is more respectable, families with children relax here.

When deciding when is the best time to go to Goa, remember that the weather in the state is divided into winter, summer and monsoon seasons. Winter begins in November and ends in March. Then the entire vein until the end of June, June lasts Indian summer.

And the rainy season in Goa lasts from July to October. This time is also quite suitable for relaxing in this wonderful place, where today you can find clean natural places, untouched by human civilization.


Winter in the state lasts from November to March. The weather is wonderfully sunny, warm and mild, so winter here is... High season, i.e. best time to go to Goa.

In winter there is no sweltering heat; the air temperature during the day approaches +32 Celsius, which is optimal for our residents northern latitudes. The sea water warms up to +28C, which is ideal for swimming and diving.

Exactly this beautiful time for a beach holiday and the most comfortable season for a holiday in Goa. Therefore, it is in winter that most Russians purchase travel packages or book rooms in local hotels.


In March, the air gradually warms up to +35-+36C. Humidity also begins to rise steadily, making it more difficult to breathe and endure the heat. Not the best comes best time for a holiday in Goa.

The water in the sea is very overheated - +30-+33C - it does not refresh people swimming. The feeling of bathing in a warm bath remains. The heat and humidity do not subside even at night; without air conditioning it is impossible to sleep.

For northern Russians, the Indian summer is a bit difficult, but for southern Russians it may be quite the right time, when it is best to relax in Goa to bask well under the hot Indian sun.


At the end of June - beginning of July, monsoon showers begin. It rains for many days in a row, and the air temperature reaches +40C. In homes and other premises, the humidity is at least 90%. Swimming in the sea is almost impossible due to storms.

The Indian monsoon season in Goa is for those interested in the tropical flora that blooms in all its glory at this time. Monsoon rains fill her up natural beauty And vitality. And prices for vacationers are noticeably cheaper.

The rainy season in Goa lasts until October, after which the precipitation gradually stops, the monsoons go away, and the dry, warm and sunny season of excellent beach holidays begins again.

When is the best time to vacation in Goa by month? Let's try to plot the air temperature monthly and sea ​​water, air humidity and precipitation. Based on these indicators, it is easier to choose an individual season for a holiday in this state.


By the end of autumn, monsoon showers and prolonged storms stop, and weather comparable to July or August in middle lane Russia. Most tourists consider November to be the best time to vacation in Goa.

At noon in November the air temperature rises to +32C, and at night it becomes cooler - +22C. The water in the sea warms up to +29C, air humidity is about 70%, the weather is dry, windless, and there is almost no precipitation.

Since November, local hotels and beaches are filled with tourists from all over the world, which means prices for tourism services increase. The vacationing public has fun at discos, festivals, folk holidays etc.