Program content:

  • Learn to compare two trees by external signs(the thickness and flexibility of the branches, the color and characteristics of the bark, the shape of the leaf, the location of the needles on the branch).
  • Teach children to classify a specific tree as a particular type of forest (aspen to an aspen forest, spruce to a spruce forest, etc.).
  • Develop observation, attention, thinking, ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions. Develop coherent speech in children.
  • Cultivate love and respect for native nature. Promote the formation of communication skills. Evoke an emotional response in the process of admiring native nature.

Previous work:

  • observations of spruce and pine in a corner of the forest on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
  • reading natural history literature; learning poems about nature;
  • looking at illustrations about the forest;

Vocabulary work:
Birch Grove, birch forest, aspen forest, spruce forest, pine forest, Pinery; coniferous forest, deciduous forest; white-trunked; needles, needles.

Materials for the lesson:

  • branches of birch and aspen, spruce and pine in vases with water;
  • illustrations depicting a birch grove, aspen forest, spruce forest, pine forest in different time of the year;
  • pine and spruce needles in plates;
  • pine and spruce cones in containers;
  • illustration of a pine branch with cones;
  • game ball;
  • handout cards with images of single trees: birch, aspen, spruce, pine.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we will have an extraordinary interesting activity. Do you know why? Because I received a letter of invitation to the forest.

Can you explain what the word forest means?

“The forest is a place where many different varieties grow. different trees(which ones?), various wild animals live, mushrooms and berries grow. There is little in the forest sunlight because there are many trees growing in it.”

Do you know any proverbs about the forest?

“The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests”

“The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forests”

“Don’t destroy too many forests, take care of few forests, plant no forests”

Who is the owner of the forest?

Well done, but before we go into the forest, what should we remember?

That's right, the rule of behavior in the forest.

1. Let's not break tree branches, let's not scratch words on it.

2. Let's not pick flowers, but let's admire them.

3. We will not pick unfamiliar berries and mushrooms, and we will not uproot them.

4. You can’t make noise, you can’t offend animals.

Do you want to listen to a story about trees?

“Once upon a time there were trees – girlfriends:

Christmas tree - Greenfinch.

Birch - Veselushka.

Rowan - Red-cheeked.

Pine - Slim.

They lived amicably, but one day they fell ill with boasting. Let's listen to their boastful speeches:

Christmas tree – Greenfinch: “You won’t find a better person than me, I’m green all winter. That's where the real beauty is. And I gradually change my needles after 5-7 years. But not all at once, but one at a time, so I’m always green. On New Year There are round dances around me. They make paper from me, and artificial silk, and they build houses and musical instruments from me. Here's how: I am much better and more necessary than all of you.

Pine – Slim: “No matter what you say, I am the most beautiful tree. My trunk is smooth and the needles are longer than those of a Christmas tree. And they build houses and bathhouses from me. And I’m also going to build ship masts. I am the most important tree.

Rowan - Red-cheeked: “Bragging, boasting, but I’ll tell you this: you won’t find anyone slimmer and more graceful than me anywhere. And when I put on a yellow outfit in the fall, the clusters of my berries are visible from afar, and they contain a lot of vitamins. How many birds do I save from hunger in winter! And people are not averse to eating them. So - there you go!

Birch – Veselushka: “Who do they write poems and songs about? Such, for example: “ White birch under my window...” How does it sound! And my trunk is white, not like yours. And with my kidneys you can cure a cold by rubbing the infusion on your joints so that they don’t hurt. My firewood provides a lot of heat. They also make furniture, skis, and tar out of me. So I am the queen!”

It's full of miracles.

The gifts of nature live in it

For people and forest people

Well, don't be afraid to go into the forest. But the trouble is, you can only get into our forest under an enchantment. I came up with an idea. Let us tell you magic words:

One, two, three bend over

One, two, three turn around

One, two, three, spin around

And you will find yourself in the forest.

Along the way, to make it more fun for us, we will sing a song about friends.

(At this time, an airplane - a letter - flies into the group. The teacher reads.)

“I am an old forest man. You have entered my domain. And in order to get home again you will have to complete my tasks. All of them are hidden in the chest. Guess it, and the way home is open to you.”

Well, guys, let's think, I want to go home.

(The chest is covered with a tablecloth on the coffee table, there are three envelopes with the numbers 1,2,3.)

Which envelope do you think we should open first? (with number 1). This envelope contains a task in which you need to show and answer what is needed for the growth and life of our trees.

Exercise 1

1) The sun is a source of light. A tree cannot live without light. It, like an artist, colors the leaves in green color. They contain special “food” for the tree (chlorophyll grains that make the leaf green). Some trees prefer bright places (pine, larch), others can grow in the shade (spruce, linden). When daylight hours become shorter in the fall, the trees receive a signal - they need to prepare for winter.

2) The sun is a source of heat. Some of them can withstand cold, others can only live in warmth. If in winter there are very very coldy, the plant may die or freeze. The amount of heat determines the beginning of the appearance of leaves.

3) Trees drink water, just like people. Some trees need a lot of moisture, others get by with a little water. The tree receives water from rain; besides rain, there are other types of precipitation: snow, dew, frost, hail. Snow covers the roots, like a warm fur coat, and saves them from freezing. In the spring, when the snow melts, the tree is fed with melt water.

4) Trees, like people, need to breathe. Plants need it just like we do. fresh air. They die from dirty things. At the same time, the trees themselves purify the air.

5) Wind - carries pollen from plants (spruce, pine), and also distributes seeds (spruce, birch, pine, maple, ash, poplar, linden).

6) Birds play different roles in the life of different trees. Birds eat fruits and disperse seeds, and feed on insects living on the tree.

7) Bees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects drink juice - nectar from flowers and pollinate them.

8) Earthworms loosen the soil, making it suitable for plant development.

I wonder if the old forest man heard us? (music sounds)

Well, he gave us a sign. It's time to open another envelope. Which one? (second)

Task 2

You need to answer this question: what is the difference between birch and aspen?

They have different colour trunk The birch has a white trunk with black lines, while the aspen has a gray-green trunk.

How can you say in one word about a white birch trunk?

WHITE-trunk birch.

Birch is the only tree in the world with white bark.

Guys, why do you think birch trees have black lines? (Children's answer options).

It turns out that birch trees breathe through them, and they are called LENTILS.

How else are these trees different?

Pay attention to the leaves. They are identical?

Different. The aspen leaf is round with wavy edges, while the birch leaf has denticles.

Let's look at the branches. Touch them and compare.

Aspen has strong, strong branches. And the birch branches are thin, flexible, tender.

People say that the birch tree has a braid. Why do you think they say this?

When the breeze blows, the branches of the birch tree are braided like braids.

Girlfriends in white dresses scattered around the edge of the forest.

Look at the illustration, how many birch trees grow here - girlfriends. Such a forest is called a birch grove or birch forest.
Repeat please.

A forest in which only aspen trees grow is called an aspen forest.

Repeat this new word.

A forest where birches, aspens and other trees with foliage grow is called deciduous.

Why do you think the deciduous forest is called that?

Leaves grow on the branches of these trees.

Oh, hear the music, this means that we gave the correct answer to the second task.


"The morning has come,

The sun woke up

And the birch trees reached out to the sun. (hands up, stand on tiptoes)

Greeted each other

Leaning to the sides. (tilts to the sides)

Say hello to the sun

Rejoicing at the new day. (hands up, wave them).

Well, we only have one envelope left. With what number? (three). Which one? (third). I wonder what is hidden in this envelope?

You will need to correctly answer the task: what trees grow in a coniferous forest?

What trees grow in a coniferous forest?

Pines, spruces.

Who knows the riddle about spruce and pine?

One color in winter and summer.

You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet

Stands as prickly as a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (spruce)

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree

I'm growing very straight

In height.

If I'm not on the edge

The branches are only at the top of the head. (pine)

Why are these trees green?

They don't shed their needles like deciduous trees foliage

Look at the forest where only spruce trees grow. Such a forest is called SPRUCE.

What can you tell us about the Christmas tree?

The upper branches of the spruce trees are young, short, and below are old, long. The bark is dark and rough.

What kind of trunk does a pine tree have?

Light, golden. The old lower branches die off, so half the trunk is bare. Pines usually grow taller than spruces.

A forest where only pine trees grow is called SOSNOVY BOR or PINE.

Tired of wandering through the forest? Let's sit down in a clearing and look at the branches of pine and spruce and their cones.

How are they similar?

A green pine branch and a green spruce branch. Pine has needles and spruce has needles.

“Even the Christmas trees are at the beginning

They were indistinguishable from pine:

Once the needles grow,

So these are Christmas trees.

And when they ate on a branch

We took a closer look

It turned out that she

Not like pine."

So what is the difference between a pine branch and a spruce branch?


In another way they are called needles. Therefore, a forest in which pine and spruce trees grow is called CONIFEROUS.

Tell me, why is the coniferous forest called that?

What kind of needles does a pine tree have?

Long, soft, light.

Short, prickly, dark.

How many of you have noticed how the needles are still different?

Pine needles grow in pairs, and spruce needles- one by one.

Take two different cones and determine where Pine cone, and where is the spruce tree?

Look at the clue (I show a picture of a spruce branch with a cone).

What kind of cones does the spruce have?

The spruce cone is elongated. She has softer scales.

What can you tell us about pine cones?

The pine cone is round with hard scales.

Pine cones take two years to grow. In the second year, when the cones ripen, the scales open and the wind carries them throughout the forest. Where the seeds fall, new pine trees will grow.

We've been sitting in the clearing for a while, let's play the game “Every tree has its own leaf.”
- The cards show coniferous and deciduous trees. Take a leaf from the magic tree and find each leaf its own tree. (During the game, I ask why the children placed this or that piece of paper exactly here).

An old forest man enters

Well done guys, you know a lot of useful and interesting things. But my forest still holds many mysteries. I look forward to your visit. In parting, please accept my surprise. And you will find it in the chest.

Well, here we have given answers to all questions. Let's try to get back home. Let's remember our magic words and our song.

One, two, three bend over

One, two, three turn around

One, two, three, spin around

And you will find yourself in the garden.

Guys, what about our fairy tale about trees - girlfriends. “A breeze blew through the forest and wiped away all the boasting from the leaves and needles. They looked at the birch trees, rowan trees, pine trees, and fir trees on the sides, they felt ashamed of their behavior, and they again began to live together.

Guys, it depends on you and me whether they will grow beautiful trees in forests and parks, whether cheerful birds will build nests on them.

“I only like the one

Who protects the forest world,

The one who doesn't break branches

The one who doesn't scare away the bird,

The fly agaric will not knock down,

And the fire won't light,

Who is always, always in the forest

Respects silence."



  1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A manual for teachers kindergarten.- M., 1991 – 42 p.
  2. Bondarenko T.M. " Environmental activities with children 5-6 years old" - Voronezh: TU "Teacher", 2002 - 52 p.
  3. Ryzhova N.A. Ecological project“Tree” - “Hoop”. – 1997 - No. 2 – 32-35 p.
  4. Ryzhova N.A. "Hello tree!" - " Preschool education" – 2002 - No. 10 from 15-20
  5. Ryzhova N.A. Ecological project “Hello, tree!” - M.: Karapuz, 2005. – 43-36 p.

Subgroup speech therapy session on the development of coherent speech

On the topic: Trees. Forest.

Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest and trees.

Educational:introduce the names of trees: birch, oak, maple, rowan; enrichment of the dictionary on the topic: “Forest. Trees"; formation of adjectives from nouns.

Corrective: development of general and fine motor skills, auditory perception, production of a stable air stream.

Educational: upbringing careful attitude to native nature.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic: “Trees. Forest", sensory track, software package "Games for Tigers", sand table.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

1.Communication game “Say hello, buddy!”

Children enter sensory room and stand in a circle.

We ran, we walked,

Were mischievous

And how did we get into a circle?

Say hello, buddy!

Children sit on ottomans.


Hello guys, we have received a letter. It is written by Lesovichok. Let's read what it says. “Dear guys, hello! I am Lesovichok, the guardian of the forest. I protect the forest from people who do not value or protect the forest. They leave garbage, burn fires, cut down and break trees and bushes. I really hope you won't do this. After all, we cannot live without forests, without trees. Remember this! Please treat the forest with care!”

II. Main part

3. Introduction to the topic.

That's right guys, forests and trees are friends of all life on earth. Tell me, what is a forest? A forest is a place where many trees grow. Trees on our planet are the most different types. The forest, guys, is our wealth. Motherland - Russia. The forest, so beautiful and elegant at all times of the year, gives everyone around fresh and clean air, rich in oxygen, which is so necessary for people and animals. The forest is home to animals and birds. The fruits of different trees feed animals and birds.

Today we will talk about the forest. And the theme of our lesson is “Forest”.

4.Guess the riddles.

Guys, we know that there are many trees growing in the forest. But we will find out what trees grow in the forest when we solve the riddles.

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress. (birch)

I crawled out of the little barrel,

Sent roots and grew up,

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (oak)

Horned branches, winged fruits,

And the leaf is palm shaped, with a long stem. (maple)

Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,

In the fall I wore red corals. (Rowan)

Let's try to find a picture of the tree you named on my desk and attach it to the board.

(children name the trees, find a picture of the tree they name and attach it to the board)

5.Describe the tree.

Look how many trees there are in our forest.

Birch - a smooth white thin trunk with black spots, thin branches drooping down, triangular leaves.

Oak - thick trunk and branches, oval leaves, acorns.

Maple trunk is dark gray, the leaves look like an outstretched palm.

Rowan - the trunk is thin, straight, brown in color, the leaf is oval in shape, consists of small leaves arranged in pairs. Rowan has red berries.

6. Touch track.

Guys, do you like walking in the forest? (children's answers)

Now let's imagine that we are walking with you along the forest paths. (Children walk along the sensory path to the music and recite the poem)

We go one after another

And we don’t get tired at all.

Raise your legs

On a forest path.

Left time, right time,

Look at us.

Everyone in the forest is surprised

Different trees grow:

Unraveled the braided branches

White-trunk birch.

The oak spread its branches,

And the wind is not afraid of him.

The trees rustle their leaves,

It's like they're having a conversation

The arms and branches spread out,

The birds were invited to visit.

7. Auditory gymnastics.

Let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest .

Children close their eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest.

Guys, what sounds did you hear in the forest? (birds singing, leaves rustling, wind blowing)

8. Breathing exercises (games for Tigers)

Let's take turns blowing on a dandelion.

Children blow on a dandelion.

9. Articulation gymnastics

10.Game “Which branch are the kids from?”

Let's play a game. Find which tree the leaf fell from and name it.

Birch leaf (which one?)… birch

Oak leaf (which one?) ... oak

Rowan leaf (which one?)…rowan

Leaf from a maple (which one?)…maple

(pictures of trees hang on the board, children pick up a leaf from the floor and find which tree it fell from)

Well done guys, you did a good job.

11. Finger gymnastics “In the forest”

One two three four five,

We went for a walk in the woods.

This finger is on the path. clench and unclench fists

This finger is along the path,

This finger is for mushrooms.

This finger is behind the raspberry.

I saw this finger of birds.

The birds flew away noisily, shaking their tassels

They didn't want to play with him. clench and unclench fists

12. Drawing in the sand.

Let's draw the leaves that you found on the sand, but first remember the rules for drawing on sand.

Children remember the rules and draw leaves in the sand.

13. Rules of behavior in the forest. Do you know how to behave in the forest?

1. Do not destroy bird nests.

2. Be quiet in the forest.

3.Do not light fires in the forest.

4.Do not leave garbage in the forest.

We remembered how to behave in the forest.

III. Lesson results

Let's remember what trees we met while walking through the forest. Repeat the movements after me. (children pretend to be trees)

Mighty oak - hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists.

Slender birch - arms raised up, hands slightly tilted to the sides.

Maple - hands crossed above the head, tilted forward

Well done guys, they depicted the trees wonderfully.

Today we visited the forest. We remembered what trees grow in the forest. We remembered the rules of behavior in the forest. I’m sure Lesovichok can be calm, you will treat the forest with care. And so that you don’t forget the rules of behavior in the forest, here’s a house for you. exercise. You need to color the drawing.

Tanzilya Nureyev
Lesson summary “Trees of our forest”

Lesson notes in the senior group according to O.O. "Cognition".

Subject: « Trees of our forest» .

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Target: Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about trees.

1. Educational task: Practice agreeing nouns with adjectives, nouns in genitive case plural.

2. Developmental task: Develop thinking and speech.

3. Educational task: Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations featuring trees, leaves and fruits trees, ICT with recording of bird calls and noise forests.

Preliminary work: Reading books, looking at illustrations about trees, excursions to the park, viewing fruits trees, memorizing poems, pure sayings.

Vocabulary work: Belobok, three horses, pine needles, birch bark, Torch, grove, oak grove.

Individual work: Learning poems, speaking tongue twisters; learn to correctly pronounce sounds in words.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part.

Educator: - Children, guess the riddle.

Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh -

White-eyed, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver. (winter)

Yes, it's winter. Name winter months. What month is it now? (children's answers).

Now listen to the next one riddle:

It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, and warms in the winter. (tree)

2. Main part.

Educator: - Today we will talk about trees of our forest.

There's a knock on the door.

Children, someone came to visit us.

The old man - the forest boy - enters.

Educator: - Guys, look who came to us! Yes, this is the Old Man - the forest boy.

Old man - forest boy: - Hello children, I was coming from forests and decided to come and visit you. I brought you a lot interesting riddles, pictures, games. Guess where I am I live:

The guys have a green friend,

Cheerful friend, good

He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them

And thousands of palms (forest).

In my forest, it’s very good, they grow all around trees, birds are singing. Wanna listen to the noise forests?

Using ICT listening to recordings with bird voices and noise forests.

Old man - forest boy: - I have more riddles for you, guess which ones trees grow in my forest.

1. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

Show a slide with a picture of a Christmas tree.

2. They want to grow to the skies,

They want to sweep the sky with branches.

So that the weather stays clear throughout the year. (pine)

Showing a slide with a picture of a pine tree

Educator: - What is the name of forests, in which these grow trees? And why? (children's answers).

Without caring about the weather,

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (birch)

What does the birch tree treat us to every spring? Eat omen: if a lot of sap flows from a birch tree in the spring, then the summer will be rainy. What kind of trunk does a birch have? What can be made from wood?

Show a slide with a picture of a linden tree.

Educator: And this tree This is how he talks about himself.

I've grown up, I'm sticky

Thin and flexible, don't break me.

I will bloom in the summer, with a honey-bearing color.

Protect me.

The trunk of the linden tree is dark, the leaves are like hearts, craftsmen make various fakes from the wood. How is linden useful for people?

Show a slide with a picture of a mountain ash.

Autumn has come to our garden and lit the red torch.

Here blackbirds and starlings scurry about,

And noisily, they peck him (Rowan)

Educator: - How is rowan useful? (children's answers). Eat omen: if there is a lot of rowan, then the winter will be cold.

Show a slide with an image of an aspen tree.

Look how thin and fragile tree. Nobody scares it, but it still trembles. What the tree? If you want a forest tree, the children will read a poem about an aspen tree.

Old man forester: - Can I tell you a riddle?

All the kids are on the branches

Wearing berets from birth

WITH trees will fall -

They won't find the berets. (acorns)

From what these kids are trees?

Show a slide with an image of an oak tree.

What kind of trunk and leaves does an oak tree have?

Reading tongue twister: A woodpecker heals an ancient oak tree, a good woodpecker is a friend to the oak tree.

Now let’s rest a little, let’s go to a clearing in the forest.

Fizminutka "Glade" with musical accompaniment.

We came to a forest clearing,

Raising your legs higher.

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps,

We walked for a very long time,

Our little legs are tired.

Now let's sit down and rest,

And then we'll go for a walk.

Old man - forest boy: - Can I play with the guys? I have interesting game, and it's called "From what tree baby»

Educator: - Lesovichok, the children have prepared poems for you about trees.

Reading poems.

Old man - forest boy: - What is the name of the forest in which only trees with leaves(foliar). And in what forest do they grow? trees with needles(coniferous). Where do only pine trees grow? (Pinery). What if only birches grow (a birch grove? What if there are oaks?

Educator: - What benefits does the forest bring? What should you not do in the forest?

A story about benefits forests.

Old man - forest boy: You guys know a lot about trees thanks, and it’s time for me to go back to the forest. As a parting gift, I will give you pine and fir cones so that you can make them various crafts. Goodbye, guys. Welcome to my forest!

Final part.

Educator: - Children, you liked the meeting with the forester. What did we talk about?

Reading a proverb: Few take care of the forests, No plant forests.

Children's choral performance.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Trees - the beauty of the forest” Goal: - to form ideas about the forest, about the varieties of trees growing in the forest; - generalize children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

Summary of an integrated lesson on “Cognition” and “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in the middle group. Program content: 1. Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué. 2. Teach children to compose a composition.

Form: Complex lesson. Goal: To give an idea of ​​the spring forest and the wild animals living in our forest. Objectives: Educational: 1.

Goal: introducing children to the rich world of animals Perm region. Objectives: -to develop the ability to identify parts of the body of animals (head, torso,...

Topic: "Trees"

Goals: fix the names of trees, their structure, external signs; teach children to distinguish trees by external features;

develop speech, thinking, auditory attention and memory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement; formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature

Equipment : subject pictures on the topic “Trees”, riddles, a poem, a picture depicting parts of a tree, a subject picture “Trees”, tree leaves, a table “Noisy objects”.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational point:

Goal: preparing students for work, activating attention.


1. On the board there are pictures of trees.

What's in the pictures? (trees)

You will turn around yourself and turn into trees. Imagine that you have turned into mighty oak trees. Place your feet firmly on the floor and clench your fists. Strong wind barely shakes the big oaks. Now turn into thin birch trees. Even a light breeze sways the birch trees. Raise your relaxed arms and shake them.

2. Imagine, children, that we are in the forest. Show me how big the trees are there.

(children raise their hands)

A warm breeze blew and the leaves rustled.

(children move their fingers quickly)

Blown cold wind, the pines swayed.

(children sway and wave their arms)

The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches move anymore.

(children relax)

II .Introductory part

Purpose: organization cognitive activity students

Guess the riddle.

Growing on the street

Tall, green.

There are leaves on the branches,

There are no leaves in winter. (tree)

Demonstration of pictures of trees.

III .Main part.

Goal: to clarify and expand students’ knowledge about trees, to teach them to apply knowledge in various situations.

1. Teacher reading a poem showing parts of a tree.

What do you know about trees?

They have a mighty trunk, (show tree trunk)


And leaves (show named parts of tree)

The wind in the crown found them. (show tree crown)

And also root ropes (show tree roots)

They go deep into the ground.

Water is found underground.

Conversation about trees by questions.

Is a tree a plant or an animal?

What is the difference between a tree and a bush?

Why do tree roots go deep into the ground?

What can grow on a tree?

What trees do you know?

2. Exercise to develop auditory attention.

Game "Show the named tree"

On the board there are object pictures depicting different types of trees, and the children have similar pictures on their desks. The teacher reads a poem, the children find and show the named tree.

Are there different types of trees?

I've hit the skies

All resinous pine.

Unraveled the braided branches

White-trunk birch.

Find this tree on your desk and show it.

Find this tree on the board.

Like a blade of grass in a pole,

Thin aspen grows.

The oak spread its branches

And the wind is not afraid of him.

The spruce blossomed its needles

And I covered all the mushrooms.



The wind blows in our faces (children wave their hands)

The tree swayed (the children are swaying)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (they crouch to the words)

The tree is getting higher and higher. (Stretch up)

We are around birch trees

Let's go have fun, Children stand in a circle and walk,

Let's raise our hands up, raise them,

Let's spin around a little. spinning around

And we'll throw some leaves

Up under the clouds. make throwing movements.

3. Exercise to develop thinking.


In a white sundress

stood in the clearing

The tits were flying

They sat on their braids.

What tree is the riddle about?

Show a birch leaf in the picture.

What kind of tree

Is it green both winter and summer?

What tree is the riddle about?

Show a leaf of the Christmas tree in the picture.

What is the name of the leaf on the Christmas tree? (needle)

Which tree leaves are you familiar with?

Show and name what tree they come from.

4. Exercise to develop attention.

Game "Noisy Objects"

How many leaves are there in the picture?

Show and name the leaves you know.

Paint over the maple leaf.

5. Exercise to develop memory.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Which leaf is missing?

6. Exercise for the development of motor skills.

Practical work.

Name familiar leaves and color them.

Circle only the trees. Name them.

4. Summing up the lesson.

Purpose: summing up the work of the class during the lesson.

Reflection (methodological)

- what did we do in class?


Expand children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
Introduce children to the concepts of “dark” and “light.”
Continue teaching children to listen to a piece of music.
Form stable ideas about color, shape, geometric shapes, quantity, size, position in space.
Teach children to do group work without disturbing their comrades.
Improve your sculpting skills, unconventional drawing(fingers and toothbrushes).
Practice carefully gluing together image details.
Develop visual and auditory concentration, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.


A background picture depicting a forest edge with geometric shapes in green and brown inscribed in the image.
Squares in dark green and light green.
Image of a tree without leaves on a large sheet of paper, flex: leaves are light and dark green.
A background picture of a tree with shadows of geometric shapes, color images of owls in the form of these geometric shapes.
A picture depicting three trees and one mushroom.
Blank for drawing “willow”, green gouache, toothbrushes.
A background picture with a forest (a tall and a low tree, a spruce, two clouds, a tree stump, a lake, three lilies), silhouette pictures (a bird, 2 mushrooms, 3 flowers, a snake, a frog, the sun, a duck).
Game “Who lives in the forest”: picture-background “forest”, color silhouette pictures of animals.
Game “Whose Tail?”: a picture of animals without tails, colored silhouette tails of these animals.
A picture of trees with hollows of three sizes, silhouette pictures of squirrels, leaves and acorns of three corresponding sizes.
A blank picture depicting a bush, brown plasticine.
Hazelnuts. Cones, basket, saucers from doll dishes.
Background picture for applique, tree crowns cut out of colored paper, glue, finger paints.
Equipment for dynamic pause: stumps, artificial Christmas tree, bench, “stream”.
Audio recordings: “Morning in the Forest” by E. Grieg, “In the Forest” by Zheleznov, “The Sound of the Forest” by Ference Liszt.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Game situation “Going to the forest”

Today we are going for a walk in the forest. Let's build a bus out of chairs and hit the road. (You can use the “Song of Friends”).

Listening to the music of Edvard Grieg's "Morning in the Forest"

An audio recording is playing.

Construction “At the forest edge”

Post it geometric figures to their places. Show me a narrow path, a wide path. What color is the circle, oval and triangle? Green color. What color are the square and rectangle? Brown color.

Introducing children to shades of green

There are squares in front of you. What color are they? Green. And this color is green and that color is green, but they are different. This green is light, and this green is dark.
Show light green color, dark green color.

Collective application “Tree”

Now we will paste light green and dark green leaves onto this tree.

Didactic game “Owls on a tree”

Place the owls in a tree. Place each owl on its shade that matches its shape.

Didactic exercise “What’s extra?”

Look carefully at the picture and tell me what is superfluous in it? An extra mushroom because all the others are trees.

Painting with Willow toothbrushes

The willow tree has branches downwards, draw green branches with leaves. Use toothbrushes to paint.

Musical exercise “In the forest”

Children walk around the room to the words of the song “In the Forest” by Zheleznova. Then they say “ay”.

Didactic game “In the forest”

Children lay out small colored silhouette images on the background picture.

Here is a picture of a forest. Let's complement this beautiful picture.
Let it really be high tree a bird sits. And under a low tree two mushrooms will grow.
And three flowers bloomed around the stump. A snake climbed onto a tree stump. Cones grew on the tree. The sun is shining brightly in the sky. A frog sits near the lake, and a duck swims on the lake. Count how many water lilies bloomed in the lake? How many clouds are there in the sky?

Didactic game “Who lives in the forest?”

Let's put the inhabitants of the forest in the picture and name each of them.

Didactic game "Squirrels"

Help each squirrel find its nest. Give the squirrel an acorn. Select a hollow and acorn according to the size of each squirrel. Now try to guess from which tree these leaves fell.

Modeling "Walnut Bush"

The nuts are ripe on the walnut bush. Let's make them from plasticine. What color is plasticine? Brown color. Tear off pieces of plasticine, roll them into nut balls, apply them to the bush and press down with your finger.

Dynamic pause “Walk in the woods”

Children walk on stumps, go around the Christmas tree, jump over a stream, and walk along a bench. (Audio recording of “The Sound of the Forest” by Franz Liszt is played).

Didactic exercise “Whose tail?”

Help the animals find their tails.

Visual activity “Forest”

Attach leaves to tree trunks. These are the trees in the forest! Stick them on. Draw the leaves on the birch tree with your finger.

Games with cones

Count the cones, throw the cone into the basket, do not drop the cone (carry it on a saucer).

Hazelnut tasting

The forest has prepared a parting gift for us - hazelnuts. Try them.