Oksana Fedorova could well become the prototype of a new beautiful doll. Model parameters dark-haired beauty - height 178 cm, weight - 50 kg. But Russian Barbie has a much higher intelligence, she tries to behave according to the laws of morality and Orthodox Church, and I’m not used to bending my heart. A real Russian woman, recognized as the most beautiful in the Universe.

Cinderella story

Oksana was born into an ordinary family in the glorious city of Pskov. The parents’ personal life did not work out, and the mother raised her daughter herself. A professional doctor, she raised her daughter to be responsible and serious. Graduating high school No. 8, the girl was already enrolled in the military police lyceum. Either the determination of Sagittarius (born December 17), or life without a father, set Oksana Fedorova to choose a path associated with upholding justice. And for the sake of this justice itself, it is worth saying that the Pskov beauty was already distinguished by her attractive appearance. And her hobby - the saxophone - only emphasized the uniqueness of the one whose beauty is recognized by the world community. Oksana Gennadievna Fedorova has achieved significant success in serving justice. After graduating from police school in 1997, the Russian beauty set off to conquer the peaks higher education(according to the police case). And if one song sang about a junior lieutenant who drove women crazy, then the beauty of Oksana Fedorova, who graduated from the institute with the rank of senior lieutenant, had many more admirers. Ahead of her was the position of an investigator, postgraduate study and writing a dissertation. But work on herself and His Majesty chance allowed the Russian Cinderella to transfer from a police UAZ to a fairy-tale carriage for princesses bearing the title “Miss”. Maintaining good natural data within the walls of the gym, it never occurred to Oksana Fedorova that she would soon become a participant and winner of “Miss St. Petersburg”. The competition was held by the Shaping Federation, which rented the gym. After conquering the city on the Neva in 1999, a well-deserved victory came in another competition - “Miss Russia”. And from there she was invited to become a participant in the most prestigious event - Miss Universe. The girl had serious reasons for refusing. She wanted to get an education, but willingly agreed to the offer a year later - in 2002.

Beauty and intelligence in one bottle

Oksana Fedorova deservedly received the crown and the gifts offered to each winner in her status - 200,000 USD. from a jewelry company, about the same amount were cash gifts from project sponsors. They were also offered the opportunity to live in paid apartments in America and study at a school for TV presenters. But it wasn’t just ups and downs that Miss Universe experienced during that period, there were also problems. The titled beauty did not wear the crown for long. A few months later, Oksana Fedorova was deprived of her status. According to one version, due to the refusal to constantly participate in charity events and travel around the world, according to another, due to attachment to work and education. The press often recalls the story of how a girl was initiated by a media tycoon specializing in gaming business(Donald Trump), were invited to the provocative Howard Stern show. Open and honest answers confused the “highly moral” American public, so Oksana left the official post of “Miss Universe”, but did not go unnoticed in her homeland. Correct facial features and the ability to carry on a conversation are what the camera and audience love.

Oksana Fedorova was a favorite of audiences of all ages. She began telling fairy tales to children in “ Good night, kids,” she brightened her leisure time on weekends with her presence in the television project “Saturday Evening.” She hosted the entertainment and search show “Fort Bayard” and managed to play a role in the films “Sophie” and “Yolka”. But the girl never took a single photo that she had to regret, and was never seen in inappropriate form. It suits her as a police captain. But beauty is also a gift. Oksana Gennadievna develops it in every possible way. Since 2008, she has become a model for the Magic of Gold jewelry company. She published her own book “Formula of Style” and actively participated in the life of music show business. Duets with N. Baskov, songs for musicals and action-packed videos - all this happened. Today Oksana has to deal with much more responsible activities - raising her son Fyodor and daughter Elizabeth. At the same time, she continues to donate funds (as for the restoration of the Pokrovskaya Tower) and remains a representative of UNICEF.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

The green-eyed, brown-haired girl, judging by the novels described in the press, is still a captivator of men’s hearts. Since participating in a popular beauty contest, the pretty Russian woman had been dating for about a decade and a half with a respectable man, about 20 years older. Beloved (Vladimir Golubev) proved himself in business, but besides this he is known as crime boss under the nickname Barmaley. The man brought stability to the Perm woman’s life and made this “diamond” feel like it was in a worthy frame. The popular TV presenter was thinking about tying herself with him in sacred ties, but in 2006 the couple broke up. According to rumors, the woman wanted a child from her beloved, but he was in legally married with another. Love has come to its logical end. Oksana Fedorova became a wife in 2007, having gone abroad. The “Overseas Prince” was the German Philip Toft. The young and promising blond surprised the future bride with a beautiful courtship. But the husband’s loss of a symbol of fidelity - wedding ring– and life on an airplane in between different states quickly cooled the feelings of the young.

Work with public figures, as a dancer Alexander Litvinenko (partner in the show “Dancing with the Stars”) lit up not only a dancing star in the amateur performance firmament, but also the heart of the green-eyed Perm girl. There was also a more popular “star magnitude” - Nikolai Baskov, he also marked the fate of the charming Oksana. Nikolai knew the girl before, but now in public they held hands and smiled. The relationships brought by the New Wave 2009 developed beautifully in public. The couple filmed a video together, and Basque gave them a ring. But instead of the expected confession, something else was heard, about separation. Make it in live music award in the Kremlin - this is in the style of an opera soloist. Despite the girl’s apparent disappointment, gossipers claim that the brown-haired woman appeared with the famous singer for a reason, but for a lot of money (150 thousand dollars).

The heart of the recognized queen was waiting for her king, who became the father of her children, a man with similar views and a strong nature. Fedorova took the surname of an FSB officer named Andrei. Now this is a married lady Oksana Borodina, who never ceases to be an interesting and attractive woman for many men and viewers.

Ambiguous personality Oksana Fedorova For almost 15 years now it has remained in the attention of the Russian and foreign public. Abroad, she is an “icon” of many beauty pageant fans who consider her the most beautiful winner in the history of the Miss Universe elections, an example of how to look and present oneself at beauty competitions. In Russia Fedorov- first of all, a well-known TV presenter and socialite, the heroine of numerous publications in the press. Like any successful woman who made a career thanks to external data, Oksana has not only fans, but also haters. The latter question her beauty, professional quality, and her title is called purchased. There is little "evidence" - the presence of Fedorova in 2002, a rich lover and links to documentary Boris Sobolev, in which all miss elections, without exception, are presented as completely corrupt.The author of the sensational “Crowned Kings” spoke about the corruption of “Miss Universe” in a slightly veiled form: If you study the origins of the winners of the three main world beauty contests ( meant "Miss World", "Miss Universe" and "Miss Earth") behind recent years 15-20, then an amazing pattern emerges: up to 70 percent of all prizes are taken by ladies from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil. That is, the more black money and corruption traditions in a particular country, the more often its beauties achieve recognition in the international arena.
Well, I’ll dwell in more detail on the point of “purchasing” the title “Miss Universe”, and especially close attention I’ll focus on 2002, when a beautiful Russian policewoman from Pskov won the competition for the first time. It would be naive to think that the author of the documentary “Crowned Persons” (2013), who introduced this thesis into the heads of many Russians, is the first journalist who decided to look at beauty pageants from a critical position and find some kind of compromising evidence on them. As you know, Miss competitions are a Western invention and have been held in a modern format since the early 1950s. They came to Russia almost four decades late.And the genre of investigation was introduced into television practice long before it was adopted by Russian TV. The origins of this direction of journalism also originated in the West,de the status of representatives of this profession and the possibility of obtaining necessary information much wider than ours. So, over the entire 60-odd years of the existence of Miss Universe, foreign colleagues Soboleva they were never able to “dig up” any facts or evidence of corruption at this global competition of beauties.The same can be said about “Miss World”, who in her lifetime has been accused of many things (humiliation of the dignity of women, exploitation female beauty, ostentatious charity, etc.), but not in the sale of titles.Theory Soboleva says that since among the winners of “MM” and “MV” girls from Latin America and South Asia, that is, from countries where corruption is rampant and shadow business- then this is already a serious reason to question the integrity of their victories. Is it true, Sobolev either due to a professional oversight, or deliberately overlooked an important point: the mentioned competitions are business projects based in the USA and Great Britain, in countries with the most low level corruption and shadow economy. And it would probably be more logical to consider that the rules of the game at such events are established by the organizers, and not dictated by the participants. According to its structure, 1996-2015 Miss Universe was a billionaire's joint venture Donald Trump Andtelevision corporation NBC Universal, where both parties have equal rights and obligations, including reputational ones. The enterprise is far from unprofitable, all costs for it are multipleThey pay for themselves through the sale of television rights, licenses to hold the competition in different countries and tourist centers in the United States. Large sponsorship contracts are concluded, the winners also travel around the world on a commercial basis.For example, their presence at a national beauty contest or social event costs the host $50 thousand. Since the competition itself is profitable, why trade prize money on it?in places, risk the reputation of the event and the owners? Any such scandal could cost Trump and the television company huge losses, incomparably large with the size of the bribe of 4 million dollars, which appeared in journalistic fantasies Soboleva.

Even if we take seriously the theses of this master of television investigations and assume that the title of world beauty can still be bought for the amount mentioned in his film with six zeros, whole line circumstances under which Fedorov became "Miss Universe 2002", do not fit well into the scheme Soboleva. At least five such points are worth paying attention to:

Justin Pasek and Oksana Fedorova

1) First of all, I advise you to watch the full version of the competition. Fedorov clearly surpassed all her rivals in beauty, in movements, and in confidence in passing all the competitive rounds. Her smile was beyond praise. Some foreigners believe that, in terms of external parameters, the Russian woman could then compete withsemi-finalist Natasha Borger(a German-Venezuelan mestizo who represented Germany), but these are isolated comments from ordinary fans.2nd place Panama hat Justin Pasek, to which the title "MB 2002" subsequently passed, next to Oksana, to put it mildly, I was completely lost. 2) The audience in the hall favored the Russian woman, each of her appearances was accompanied by encouraging exclamations and applause from the audience.
The competition was held in Puerto Rico, there were no people from Russia among the audience, that is, all the “sound” support came from foreigners. The victory of the Russian beauty met with the approval of an overwhelming number of spectators. When the public is at one with the jury in their sympathies, this is a clear sign of the objectivity of the judging.
3) Behavior Fedorova at the ceremony announcing the winner. Left alone in the final with “Miss Panama” and waiting for the results to be announced, the Russian woman was noticeably more worried than her opponent and was breathing deeply.After the results were announced, she covered her face with her hands and said the phrase “Oh My God!” several times, transition from native language, which she used in the speaking tour, into English - evidence of emotional shock. When on Oksana they put on the crown, she crossed herself. Her entire behavior indicated that the victory came as a surprise to her; she doubted it to the end. "Paid" winners don't worry so much. 4) Russian part of the preparation Fedorova to "MV" was carried out entirely at the expense of the organizers of "Miss Russia". President of Miss Ukraine Sergey Matyash, who spoke more than once with the then owner of "MR" Nikolay Kostin, asserted in his interviews with Ukrainian publications that V.Golubev was against the participation of his beloved in "MV".Quote: " The fact is that in Russia Fedorova has a very serious boyfriend, who has certain “oddities” in his biography. When she went to Miss Universe, he did not provide her with any support, moreover, he was absolutely not interested in her participating"On "MV" Fedorov had only one evening (or rather even wedding) dress, which looked too provincial and was not suitable for this level. He sent her another dress (white “victory” from Gucci) Golubev shortly before the final, and this was his only contribution to the successful performance.
5 ) After deprivation Oksana Fedorova title is the main reason for such harsh measures Donald Trump And Paula Shugart called the absence of the Russian woman from a number of planned events and photo shoots, which ultimately could have cost the Miss Universe Organization several hundred thousand dollars. Assuming the title was purchased for several million dollars and everything in this organization is easyis solved through bribes, wouldn’t it be easier for them to ask the winner’s sponsor for compensation for their losses?And stop there, without leading to a noisy international scandal.
These are the thoughts and arguments regarding the allegedly paid victory Oksana Fedorova. As you can see, there are inconsistencies between real events and this hypothesis are very significant. The reasons for the then triumph Oksana I recommend looking in a completely different direction: our representative simply turned out to be the most beautiful, bright, charismatic, self-confident, perfectly psychologically and functionally prepared participant. The Latin American audience in the hall was rooting for her (and not for the “Latinas”). Industry experts and foreign audiences never doubted the integrity of the victory Fedorova. Only in Russia do some people continue to perpetuate their cynical theory that there are no fair victories, deception and falsehood are everywhere. And that everything in the world is bought and sold, or acquired through bed.

the most beautiful "MV" in the history of the competition according to a poll from the Globalbeauties website
P.S. Recent election campaignI am for the presidency of the United States, in which Donald Trump was subjected to fierce criticism from opponents on all sides, and indirectly confirmed itinvolvement in "sales"e" titles for "Miss Universe". No one in A America didn't even try accuse him of this crime. Although huge amounts of money and effort were involved there, aimed at “digging” commoditiesA. No “witnesses” were found goofy manipulations, attributed to x this competition some and Russian magazines alistami and ill-wishers of competitive beauties.There was only one episode concerning the former Miss Universe" Alicia Machado from Venezuela, who accused Trump of making rude remarks towards her. That's all "crime"!

Oksana Gennadievna Fedorova (December 17, 1977) is a Russian TV presenter, artist and world-famous fashion model. She won beauty pageants twice and was even awarded the title “Miss Universe 2002”.


Oksana Fedorova was born on December 17 in Pskov, in hereditary family lawyers. Her father and mother were famous and respected people in the city, so the girl knew from childhood that absolutely any of her wishes could be fulfilled.

“Thanks to our good position in society, our family did not need anything. I don’t want to boast, but we really had what, by the standards of previous years, was considered great luxury. But you will be surprised, I was not so capricious. This is how my parents raised me.”

In order to raise another lawyer in the family, the parents send their daughter to the police-legal lyceum. There, young Oksana enjoys delving into the basics of the profession and studying all the intricacies of diplomacy. The Lyceum is being replaced by the Pskov Secondary Special Police School, where Fedorova is studying to become an investigator. By the way, even in early age She shows enormous potential and remarkable mental abilities, so she immediately becomes the favorite of almost all the teachers and graduates from the institution with a gold medal.


After graduating from a secondary specialized police school, Oksana successfully passes an interview and gets a job as an investigator in one of the district departments hometown. There she becomes a true professional in her field and successfully arrests criminals several times.

Deciding that she still has little experience, the girl moves with her family to St. Petersburg, where she enters the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While there, she meets very educated people who become her best friends on long years.

“I can still call all those with whom I worked in the police. They all know me very well and see me on TV. Sometimes we even get together cheerful company in a cafe or outside the city and just relax from the bustle of the city.”

In 2000, Oksana Fedorova graduated from the university with honors and, proud of herself, got a job in the line department of internal affairs at Pulkovo Airport. At the same time, she independently studies criminal law, intending to subsequently retrain as a lawyer.


While studying in her last year at the institute, Oksana Fedorova is offered to take part in the Miss St. Petersburg competition, but the girl does not immediately accept the invitation.

By the way, the coveted prize went to her, since the contestants could not score even half of the points she had. Subsequently, she wins several more similar competitions, including Miss Russia (2001) and Miss Universe (2002).

In 2006, Oksana Fedorova was first shown on television on the children's program “Good Night, Kids,” where she worked as a presenter for several years. At the same time, she is offered to take part in the extreme television game “Fort Boyard”, after which the girl’s popularity increases by leaps and bounds.

Writing career

Being a very stylish person and participating in many photo shoots, Oksana Fedorova decides to express herself as a writer. In 2008, her debut work entitled “Style Formula: Tips and Recommendations on Beauty and Style” was published. It is worth noting the fact that in addition to the usual advice on how to dress, the TV presenter speaks quite frankly and openly about pressing issues and even shares many details of her personal life, which she sometimes hid even during interviews.

Personal life

After receiving the Miss Universe crown and enormous popularity, the TV presenter begins dating St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Golubev, known in criminal circles under the nickname “Barmaley.” The couple lives in a civil marriage for several years, then Vladimir invites the girl to legalize their relationship, to which she does not give a positive answer and asks for a little time. Despite the press's expectations of an imminent wedding, by 2006 the couple suddenly separated, claiming that "the romantic relationship has outlived its usefulness and is a thing of the past."

After this, Oksana formalizes a relationship with German businessman Phillip Toft, but literally 2 years after that, without even filing for divorce, Fedorova is already talking about her imminent marriage to Nikolai Baskov. In 2010, the TV presenter and the German businessman finally filed an official divorce, and a year later Baskov publicly announced his separation from Oksana.

And finally last marriage The fashion model's transition takes place in March 2011, when she marries Andrei Borodin, an FSB officer. The couple gives birth to a son, Fyodor, and Oksana proudly declares that she has finally found her real life. woman's happiness and a loved one.

Oksana Fedorova is a Russian beauty who earned the title “Miss Universe” in 2002, TV presenter, actress and singer. Oksana has participated in many competitions throughout her life, and everywhere she took the highest title. This girl always achieves what she wants, not only thanks to her beauty, but also thanks to her confidence and determination.

During her career, Oksana had many affairs with the most famous men, including with Russia’s first blond pop singer, Nikolaev Baskov. The man even proposed to Oksana, but the star said that they were too different and ended up choosing someone else.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova - Miss Universe 2002, as well as the winner of other beauty contests.

The girl became popular thanks to the fact that she began acting in films and also working on television, so today Fedorova has many fans who want to know everything about the beauty: how she maintains her figure and appearance, what her hobbies are, and girls who also dream of becoming models and conquer the world of beauty, they also wonder what the winner’s height, weight, and age are. It’s not difficult to find out how old Oksana Fedorova is; today the actress is 40 years old, and she just looks great! Fedorova's height is 178 cm and her weight is about 50 kg.

Biography of Oksana Fedorova

The biography of Oksana Fedorova began in 1977 in the city of Pskov. It's amazing, but about life public person, the girl never dreamed of a career in the world of show business and the profession of an actress. As a child, Oksana loved to read detective stories, and immediately after school she entered the police lyceum, and then the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. After completing her education, the girl began working as an investigator and has the rank of senior lieutenant. Oksana worked for the police for three years, and then got a job as an investigator at the airport.

In parallel with the hard work of protecting the law, Oksana went in for sports (went to shaping), and participated in various beauty contests, this was her hobby. In 1999, she won the city competition “Miss St. Petersburg” for the first time, and then, already a confident girl, she signed up as a contestant for the “Miss Russia” and then “Miss Universe” competitions in 2002.

Victory in international competition turned the girl's life upside down. Now she is no longer an ordinary airport worker, but a star who must participate in castings, shows, and advertising. In addition to the victory, Oksana receives a huge fee, many gifts from jewelry companies, certificates, clothes and a place at the New York School of Television. Oksana refuses to film and leaves for Russia to defend her dissertation, after which a few years later the title is taken away from her because she did not fulfill her duties as the winner under the contract. Already in Russia, Fedorova begins to act in films and becomes a TV presenter.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

The personal life of Oksana Fedorova is very eventful. Such beautiful girl, like Oksana, during her life, of course, she had just a bunch of fans! And not only when she won the competition. And before that, men had their eyes on the beauty; she was one of the most beautiful female investigators in the police, and then airport employees also courted her.

Rumor has it that the TV presenter even refused the Miss Universe crown because of her lover, who saw the girl at a city competition and they began an affair. The girl's boyfriend was almost 20 years older than her, they for a long time lived together, and then separated, and Oksana got married. Today Fedorova is already in her second marriage, in which she is happy. You can often find pictures online of Oksana Fedorova with her children and husband. Photos from 2016, when the girl went out with her family for the first time in a long time, became a reason for discussion among fans.

Family of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova’s family is, first of all, her mother, who raised the girl alone. When Oksana gave birth, her parents immediately divorced, so she grew up without a father. The beauty often admits in her interviews that she lacked her father's words and attention, perhaps that is why her first man was much older than the girl and became her common-law spouse, father, friend, and helper. Oksana always wanted to create strong family, and her second dream was to work as a police officer to help people.

Today we can say with confidence that everything the actress dreamed of has come true. She brings up two children, is loved, and loves. Several years ago, information appeared on the Internet that Oksana Fedorova was expecting her third child. January 2015 stunned fans with this information, but it was not confirmed, and journalists drew this conclusion from the fact that Fedorova appeared in public in a wide dress.

Children of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova's children were born from her last spouse, Andrey Borodin. The beauty was always involved in education and career, traveled to different countries, built a career, participated in competitions, and was engaged in creativity. Despite the fact that Oksana began relationships with men quite early, the girl did not think about having children for a long time, since she believes that first she needs to realize herself, and then continue her family line.

The second reason why the winner did not have children was most likely the fact that Oksana was not confident in her men. The actress became a mother for the first time at the age of 34, and she gave birth to her second child just a year later.

Son of Oksana Fedorova - Fedor Borodin

The son of Oksana Fedorova, Fedor Borodin, was born in 2012. Today the boy is already 6 years old, next year he will go to private school in Moscow, but for now Oksana wants to give the children at least a little more childhood. Unlike others famous mothers, the actress does not often post photos of children online. She surrounds them with love, and doesn’t want the kids to understand early what publicity is, because journalists are trying to get pictures in the most unacceptable ways, lying in wait for Oksana near the house, or snapping her with the children right in the store.

Fedya loves dogs very much, so Oksana several years ago gave the child a Yorkshire terrier, whose name is Zephyrchik.

Daughter of Oksana Fedorova - Elizaveta Borodina

Oksana Fedorova’s daughter, Elizaveta Borodina, was born in 2013, immediately a year after Fedya’s birth. Oksana always wanted two children: a boy and a girl, so she did not put off her second pregnancy and decided to give birth to a second child. At that time, the star was already 36 years old, and she really wanted to give birth before she was 40.

Lisa is very similar to her mother, and we are sure that the girl will grow up to be just as beautiful. Today Oksana’s daughter is 5 years old, and it is too early to talk about what the beauty’s children will become in the future, but her mother is already saying that she will support the children in any case, no matter what profession they choose in the future.

Oksana Fedorova's ex-husband - Philip Toft

Oksana Fedorova’s ex-husband, Philip Toft, is a German citizen. In 2007, the couple met on the project “Dancing with the Stars,” and the young people immediately fell in love, an affair began between them, which lasted a couple of months, and then they immediately got married.

The guy was not financially secure and journalists said that Oksana’s marriage was just a step in order to leave the care of an adult common-law husband, but not love at all. The girl did not even wear a ring, and also promised her husband to help with money in business if he took her abroad. While her husband was in Germany, Oksana often appeared in the company of Nikolai Baskov, and then the couple divorced.

Oksana Fedorova's husband - Andrey Borodin

Oksana Fedorova’s husband is Andrei Borodin, an official, serving under the President of Russia, vice-president of the boxing federation in Russia. They met in 2010 and got married a year later. Oksana says that with her husband she feels like a stone wall, she is finally truly happy. The woman is raising two children from Andrei, and today she does not often appear in public.

After her marriage, Oksana announced that she took her husband’s last name, and now officially she is Oksana Borodina, but in the media, the famous beauty is still habitually called Fedorova. Andrei and Oksana want their son Fedor to have a military career in the future.

Naked Oksana Fedorova

During her modeling career, photographs often appeared on the Internet showing naked Oksana Fedorova. The girl appeared in various publications, advertised swimsuits and underwear, and is also the face of the Magic of Gold jewelry company, where she often showed beautiful Jewelry on a naked body.

In 2016, the star attracted the attention of fans when Oksana Fedorova staged a hot photo shoot in the pool. At that time the star was resting on ski resort and the girl published photos of herself splashing in a hot pool in a transparent white blouse against the backdrop of snowy landscapes.

Despite his natural beauty, today many stars resort to help plastic surgery in order to preserve youth, Oksana herself is no exception. Photos of Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery are often published in the media. When the girl turned 35, fans first noticed that Oksana was resorting to beauty injections. In addition, viewers are also inclined to believe that the actress had silicone breasts, since Oksana Fedorova’s photos in a swimsuit clearly indicate that the girl had implants inserted.

Oksana herself does not see anything reprehensible in plastic surgery, and believes that if a girl needs surgery for self-confidence, she can have it done and correct flaws in her appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova

Oksana questions the sexist saying that a girl can be either beautiful or smart, being not only a multiple winner of various beauty contests, but also a former teacher at a school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Oksana managed to prove herself in many fields of art: television, cinema, music, singing. The girl also wrote a book for women, “Formula of Style,” which was published in 2008 by the Eksmo publishing house.

Oksana Fedorova is a Russian TV presenter, actress, the first Miss Universe from Russia (she refused the title), police major, singer. Oksana was born on December 17, 1977 in the city of Pskov in the family of a nurse and an engineer. She became famous throughout the world in 2002 after her unexpected victory in the grand Miss Universe competition.

Childhood and youth

Oksana was raised by her mother and stepfather, because her father left the family when she was very young. Later she tried to find him to restore communication, but found out that he was no longer alive. She was calm and obedient child, studied well at school, played volleyball and played in KVN.

I tried to be the best in everything, participated in various events and competitions, and she succeeded in everything. Oksana dreamed with primary classes to become a police officer, and she was also interested in working as a model.

Oksana in childhood

After school, the girl without hesitation entered the police school, which she graduated with honors, and later went to the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and graduated with honors. At the same time, she worked as an investigator and attended a modeling school, where she participated in photo shoots and beauty contests.

Participation in beauty contests

The first beauty contest in which Oksana won was the Miss St. Petersburg 1999 contest. She decided to participate there because it was organized by a shaping gym that she went to to maintain a good figure.

After this victory, she became the pride of the Russian police, and already in 2001 she received the title: “Miss Russia”. In 2002, unexpectedly for everyone, Oksana received the title “Miss Universe”.

Title relinquishment

This was the first time in history that a Russian representative won this competition. Oksana received a gold crown with diamonds, many gifts, including free education at the New York Film and Television School with housing to boot. Oksana was bombarded with offers of cooperation, and she also had to sign an agreement with the organizers of the competition and participate in various events throughout the year.

With Nikolai Baskov

They appeared together at various events, and their communication was not like friendly. But the fans decided that in this way they just wanted to attract attention. Already in 2009, before the official divorce from Philip, Oksana announced her engagement to Nikolai Baskov.

As a result, the divorce took place in 2010, but Oksana broke up with Baskov a year later, which they announced at a creative evening in 2011. Oksana said that Nikolai was not ready for family life and often changes his mind. Despite the fact that he proposed to her on “New Wave” and stated that he was ready for children, Oksana was not ready to connect her life with him.

Oksana admitted that she really wanted a family and children, but her chosen ones were not ready for such responsibility. But already in the same year she legalized her relationship, which she hid at first, with FSB officer Andrei Borodin and it was with him that she found family happiness.