In the article I will look at the exterior, character, habits and lifestyle of the forest ferret, and show what it looks like. It is also called the black polecat. I will tell you about the population, habitat, breeding and feeding characteristics of these animals. I'll list natural enemies ferret. Let me explain why ferrets are listed in the Red Book and how they are protected.

Forest ferrets have a flexible, elongated and not very large body. Due to their short and thick paws with five fingers and sharp claws, they are characterized by external disproportion.

On average, the body length is 40 cm in females and approximately 50 cm in males. The weight of ferrets also varies according to gender: for males - 1000-1700 grams, for females - 650-950 grams.

Black ferrets are characterized by an elongated neck, a neat oval head with an elongated muzzle, slightly flattened closer to the nose. On their “face” there is a distinctive pattern similar to a black mask and a white nose. Small ears, wide at the base, also found a place on the head. The eyes are also small, resembling brown beads.

The total number of teeth in a ferret is 28-30, of which:

  • 4 fangs (a pair for each jaw),
  • 12-14 incisors,
  • 12 premolars.

These animals have long (up to 6 cm) shiny fur of brown-black color, which takes on a darker and richer color in the area of ​​​​the paws, tail, back and muzzle. The most majestic part of a ferret is its large and fluffy tail. Its length is adult can be from 8 to 18 cm.

Near the tail of the animal there are special glands, which, in case of danger, secrete a fetid, caustic secretion.

In the wild, their lifespan is relatively short - about 3-4 years.

Interestingly, at home the lifespan forest polecat increases almost 2 times and is 5-7 years.

Ferret population

The forest polecat is a predatory representative of mammals that belong to the mustelidae family, the genus “ferrets and weasels.” The population of the black ferret decreased every year. In this regard, the animal was listed in the Red Book.

Animal habitat

The habitat of these animals extended to the entire territory of Eurasia and the northwestern part of Africa. They can be found in Russia, Ukraine, China, England and other countries.

Some time ago, black polecats were brought to New Zealand in order to reduce the population of rats and mice. As a result, the ferrets took root there and successfully spread.

From the name it is clear that the predominant place for life of trochees is forest zone. You can meet them:

  • in groves;
  • near the forest;
  • on the edge of the forest;

Hori also prefer to be located near bodies of water: lakes, rivers and swamps.

The animals are very attached to the place they choose to live, as they lead a sedentary lifestyle. Dense taiga and open areas are unacceptable to them. IN extreme cases can settle close to people.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Ferrets make their homes in burrows.

In most cases, they occupy the burrow of a hare, badger or fox, less often they dig themselves.

The forest polecat begins its hunt closer to night. During daylight hours, either danger or severe hunger can force him to leave the hole.

In these animals, plant foods are poorly digested, which is associated with low levels of amylase in the body. Everyday dish for them are rodents (mice, voles, moles, hamsters and nutria). They are also not averse to eating wild birds, gophers, toads, snakes, fish, lizards and hares.

The key method of hunting for ferrets is to lie in wait for prey at night near the entrance to the shelter. Sometimes they also have to run and catch their dinner. Often hunger forces animals to eat food waste and carrion.

Ferrets often cause harm to farmers. At night, they strangle chickens and feed on their eggs. However, they also bring benefits there - they destroy rodents, toads, snakes and large insects(locusts).

Character and habits

Each ferret representative defines its own territory.

In males, the territory extends to approximately 2.5 hectares, while in females it is half as much and is often adjacent to the territory of her male. To mark their possessions, they place stinking marks around the perimeter.

The distinctive hunting characteristics of the wild forest polecat are fearlessness and aggression.

During a duel with an enemy (even if he is superior to the ferret in size and strength), he boldly fights back. He does the same with his victims. For example, if a ferret attacks a nest, then, having had enough of one bird, it will crush all the others.

Forest ferret leads single image life. He communicates with relatives and other representatives of his species only in the spring, during the mating period.

Reproduction and care of offspring

These animals begin to think about procreation between the beginning of April and the end of May.

In a female black ferret, pregnancy lasts 1.5 months. As a result, 4-6 cubs are born. After a month they begin to see, and all this time they feed on mother's milk. Babies begin feeding solid food at 2.5 weeks, meat at 4 weeks, and at 7-8 weeks they can already hunt on their own.

Children are under mother's care until late autumn, and sometimes until spring. She spares no effort in protecting them from danger and taking care of them.

Forest horis love water and can swim. And often there the Horis meet a representative of their family - a mink. To which they periodically woo. The descendants from such “marriages” are called “honoriki”.

Natural enemies

IN wildlife The main enemies of polecats are larger predators:

  • Foxes,
  • Wolves,
  • Lynx,
  • Eagle owls,
  • Golden Eagles,
  • Owls,
  • Eagles,
  • Large snakes.

Listing in the Red Book and protection

Due to the race for valuable fur and urbanization, main enemy these animals are humans. The population size decreased significantly after fur products made from this animal came into fashion. However, the situation is gradually changing. The black ferret is listed in the Red Book.

Hunting the forest ferret is prohibited by law.

The black ferret is a valuable adornment of our nature and fauna. And, in order for this wonderful animal to always remain on Earth, we need to reconsider our views on the love of fur products.

The forest ferret is a nocturnal predatory mammal that lives almost throughout Europe and in some regions of Russia.

Ferrets first and foremost Good friends for foresters, since with their help they can control the population different types rodents that can cause irreparable damage to young shoots and other forest crops.

It is also important to note that he is a valuable fur-bearing animal; his skin has not lost its relevance to this day and is in enormous demand.

Back in the 20th century, local hunters massively exported skins for sale to near and far abroad.


The male of this species of animal is one and a half times larger than the female, its weight can reach up to 1500 grams. Average weight females do not exceed 800 g. The body length of the predator varies from 39 to 47 cm, height no more than 5-7 cm.

Its body is quite elongated and extremely flexible; it should be noted that in appearance they strongly resemble another related species of no less cunning and skillful hunter, the “white weasel.”

The color of the animal's skin is black-brown, the rest of the body is almost black. This representative of the family has a secret under its tail, that is, the ducts of the anal glands are capable of secreting a pungent odor exactly the same as it secretes, with the help of which it marks its territory and repels the attack of enemies.

There is a characteristic mask on the animal’s face; it forms wide light stripes; this is perhaps one of the main differences between our described hero and the African ferret.

Place and habitat

The habitat of this wild animal is quite large; in the European part it is distributed from the coast Atlantic Ocean and right up to Eastern Urals. Also, its habitat is considered to be the territory of Sweden, Norway, up to the Mediterranean and Black Seas.


The forest ferret leads an exclusively solitary lifestyle and goes hunting in the dark. A very dexterous, cunning and fast furry animal is capable of an instantly fatal and crushing attack. He often prefers to settle in damp areas, and also does not disdain forest areas that are adjacent to the settlement area.

The hunting territory of one mature male can occupy two and a half hectares; he fiercely protects it from strangers. The female’s territory is almost half the size, and it can also overlap with the male’s area of ​​responsibility.

The male marks his territory odorous liquid secreted by special glands, which can temporarily paralyze the sense of smell of another animal.

There is no competition in food between males and females; males hunt only large mammals, leaving smaller animals for females.

Relationship between ferret and human

In the old days there was folk pastime– conduct sport hunting for animals with dogs. Times have changed, now foresters and ferrets are allies, together they fight the rapidly multiplying population of rodents that spoil the bark of young trees and weaken the forest.

Also, farmers welcome the animal; they can rest assured about their harvest if an animal settles somewhere near their land. He will quickly restore order and destroy all rats and mice nearby.

Unfortunately, there is a dark streak in the relationship between livestock breeders and furry animals, which has been going on for many years and we assume that more for a long time this tension will continue.

The fact is that our hero has a passion for poultry meat; he regularly raids the chicken coops of local residents.


Of course, its diet is quite varied; it can consume mammals, amphibians and reptiles. His immodest daily menu may include:

  • Rats;
  • Birds, eggs and chicks;
  • Lizards;
  • Ordinary and ;
  • Frogs;

It should be noted that although he is small, he remains a very strong and resourceful predator. One can be amazed by his bloodthirstiness as he first exterminates the entire family, then eats part of the trophy, and hides the rest until the next feast.


The mating season of animals begins in February and continues until the end of April. The offspring is born once a year; with rare exceptions, some females manage to double it.

The mating ceremony may take no more than an hour, the male during the approach bites the female on the neck, she patiently endures the trauma inflicted. The male needs this to provoke his genitals, which in turn will ensure successful fertilization.

After this mating dance, the animals mate several times, then each goes their own way. After mating, the female begins to build a reliable and warm nest away from prying eyes, insulating it with branches of grass and moss.

After 45 days, from 4 to 10 cubs are born. Caring mother, for the first day of life the babies leave their nest only for a short time to find food and relieve themselves. This type of animal is also quite clean and never defecates in the hole.

She will feed her brood fatty and nutritious milk for 30 days, then she will unobtrusively add small pieces of fresh meat to the babies’ diet.

The young brood happily eats the meat brought by the mother, but is in no hurry; they refuse mother’s milk. Only after thirty-five days do their eyes open and the little hunters can leave the nest for the first time.

Puberty occurs after a year, sometimes earlier, after eight months.

Red Book

Currently, the population has declined sharply. There are several reasons for this; deforestation, construction of processing plants in uninhabited areas household waste and finally, the reclamation of empty and wasteland landscapes, which actually displaces all living beings from their habitable zone.

Related species

The closest relatives of our hero can be identified only two main species; African, steppe or light ferret.


In the wild, the forest ferret lives no more than 7 years.

  1. Many young ferrets die under the wheels of cars when they go in search of new uninhabited territories.
  2. Skunks are close relatives of the furry animal, this is explained by the presence of anal scent glands.
  3. Traces of these animals are extremely rare; much more often you can see feces in the form of sausages no more than 75 mm long and 4.5 mm thick. As a rule, they contain pieces of wool and small bones of the victims.

Ferret is a prominent representative predatory mammals from the Mustelidae family. This dexterous and agile creature, possessing an extraordinary mind, has won many fans all over the world. Ferrets have been domesticated for a very long time; they have been living side by side with humans for many centuries and benefiting them. No less interesting are the wild individuals of this family, living on several continents of our planet.

Description of the ferret

Despite the fact that there are several varieties of ferrets, they are very close to each other. However, each species has its own number of individual traits and characteristics.


The ferret is a small, graceful and flexible animal.. The animal's legs are disproportionately short, but muscular and powerful due to its extraordinary mobility. These creatures are rightfully considered excellent swimmers, and their elongated claws help them climb trees and dig holes.

The color of ferrets can vary from light to almost black, with the legs and tail often being darker than the rest of the body. The spots on the face form a pattern resembling a mask. The animals' fur is fluffy and relatively long; The hair at the base is much lighter than at the ends.

This is interesting! In autumn, at the end of the molting period, the fur of the animals acquires shine and becomes very beautiful.

Males are slightly larger than females and reach 50-60 centimeters in length. Distinctive feature Ferrets have a long fluffy tail.

Lifestyle and behavior

Since ferrets are nocturnal predators, they are active mainly in the dark. This applies equally to both wild and domestic animals. These are sedentary animals, tied to their habitats; they leave their homes only when forced.

The animals live in burrows dug by themselves, which they equip with the help of leaves and tufts of grass. If for some reason ferrets cannot provide themselves with shelter, they occupy an empty hole of suitable size, for example, a fox hole. During especially cold seasons, they can move closer to human habitation and live in barns or basements.

It happens that ferrets appear in villages and villages in search of food. Such visits cause great harm local residents– predators kill poultry out of a desire to feed themselves or just for fun. Ferrets lead an active lifestyle. Mobile by nature, during waking hours they do not sit still for a second. However, their behavior may vary depending on gender. Females are more playful and more trainable, their intellectual abilities are higher. Males are more phlegmatic and affectionate towards people.

How long do ferrets live?

The lifespan of animals varies depending on conditions environment. In the wild, ferrets live only 2-3 years due to the numerous dangers that await them everywhere.

Important! Such longevity is only possible under conditions proper nutrition and caring for the health of the animal.

At home, with proper care, the animal can live much longer - 5-8 years. There are cases when individual individuals reached ten or more years of age, but this is usually rare.

In the wild, there are only three types of ferrets: black, steppe and black-footed. The fourth variety, ferretka, is domesticated and is found everywhere.

  • Steppe, or white. The ferret is considered the most major representative of his family. The maximum live weight of males can reach two kilograms; It is noteworthy that the females are almost as big as them, but weigh half as much. The body length is 50-60 cm. The animal has long, but not too thick hair, which is why the thick down is clearly visible through it. White ferrets are predominantly light in color; only their paws and the tip of their tail are black.
  • Black-footed ferret. Otherwise called American, it is significantly smaller than its white relative and weighs a little more than a kilogram. Its color is yellowish-brown, the back, legs and part of the tail are much darker compared to the rest of the body. The ears are large, rounded, the paws are very short and thick.
  • Black or forest. The ferret is of medium size - the approximate weight of males is one and a half kilograms. Just like other representatives of the mustelid family, it has a slender, elongated body and small paws. The most common color is black and brown, but there are red and even white individuals. The animal's back is lighter, its legs and tail are darker.
  • Fretka It is considered to be a decorative ferret, specially bred by humans. It is slightly smaller than its steppe counterpart, and some individuals even exceed it in size. The shade of the coat can vary and be almost anything. The animal's fur itself is thick and very fluffy.

Range, habitats

All three wild species found in Eurasia, North America and in the northwestern part of the African continent. The steppe ferret has chosen open areas and avoids mountains, forests, and crowded places. It can be found in steppe or semi-desert regions of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China, some areas of Europe and Asia.

Important! The ferret is not found in the wild. The animal's gentle nature and lack of hunting skills simply will not allow it to survive in such conditions.

The black ferret, on the contrary, prefers forests, ravines and the banks of reservoirs, sometimes settlements. It does not go too far into the thicket, being content with the edges and areas with sparse vegetation. Its habitat is Europe and part of Africa. Their black-footed relative lives in the forests and prairies of North America. It is also found in the mountains, where it climbs several thousand meters above sea level.

Ferret diet

The ferret is a carnivorous animal; the main part of its diet is meat. IN natural conditions he can eat:

  • Insects. On occasion, the animal does not refuse earthworms and other invertebrates.
  • Reptiles. Hunting lizards or snakes, including poisonous ones, does not present any particular difficulties for the ferret.
  • Rodents. Moreover, the size of prey can be very different, from field mice to rabbits and hares.
  • Birds. The ferret feeds on both adult birds and chicks and eggs. He will never pass by a nest or clutch.

The share of fish and fruit in the animal’s diet is almost reduced to zero. Digestive system The animal is not adapted to plant fibers, and it can obtain all the necessary elements by eating the stomachs of small mammals.

This is interesting! Just like some other animals, in cold weather the ferret stores food. The food obtained is stored in a secluded place until the worst times.

The ferret hunts only at night, but severe hunger can force him to leave the hole during the day. If it is not possible to catch prey, the animal may begin to feed on carrion.

Natural enemies

There are many enemies that live in the same territory with a ferret. Some of them can cause serious harm, others can even be eaten.

  • Large predators such as foxes and wolves. In the warm season, they rarely choose a ferret as a prey, but with the onset of cold weather they become less picky about food.
  • Birds of prey such as night owls or golden eagles. A small animal is an excellent prey for them.
  • Wild cats don't shy away from ferrets either.
  • Large snakes. They can attack, despite the fact that they are not always able to cope with the nimble animal.

One more dangerous enemy The ferret is a person. It causes harm both directly and indirectly - through extermination, construction of roads, and settlement of previously untouched territories.

This is interesting! To protect itself from enemies, the ferret emits a pungent odor, secreting a secretion from the anal glands near the base of the tail.

All this leads to the animal dying or leaving its habitat to find new ones. The destruction of animals that make up the ferret's food threatens its existence no less.

Ferrets are small carnivores similar to weasels. They are found in North America, in almost all European countries, V South-East Asia. In Russia they can be found in the European part, in some steppe regions, and in the Far East. Three species of these animals are known, one of them, the forest ferret, is domesticated. Descriptions of domestic ferrets (furo or ferrets) are found even in ancient authors, from which it follows that they were domesticated thousands of years ago.

Nowadays, animals are also often kept as pets for themselves and their children, they are raised, and they come up with names for ferrets. The animals reproduce well in captivity, so breeding them is not a problem.

What family does the ferret belong to? It belongs to the mustelidae, a genus of weasels and ferrets. Like all representatives of this family, it has an elongated and very flexible body. The legs are short and disproportionate to the body, which is why the animal looks squat. The body of ferrets is very resourceful and compact - they can crawl into any small gap. The length of the body is from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the type. Weight - from 600 g to 2 kg.

The head of ferrets is oval, elongated, the muzzle is slightly blunted at the tip of the nose. There are 28-30 teeth in the mouth, canines are well developed. The head sits on a long and mobile neck. The ferret's tail is long, from 13 to 18 cm, and fluffy hair grows on it. Legs are strong and muscular. The animals jump well, climb trees, and swim well. The paws have well-developed claws, thanks to which ferrets dig holes and cling to branches.

Animals have fur of medium length. It consists of undercoat and guard hairs. For most, the base of the hair is slightly lighter than the ends. After autumn molt the fur begins to shine very beautifully. Colors may vary depending on the species. All ferrets, except white ones, have black markings on their faces that resemble a mask. In the tail area, ferrets have glands that secrete a secretion with a very strong and unpleasant odor. With its help, animals scare away enemies and attract their fellows. You can see in more detail what ferrets look like in the photo.

Habitat and lifestyle

We told you what a ferret looks like, but where does this animal live? The animals inhabit forest, steppe and forest-steppe zones. They avoid places that are too open and do not live in dense taiga. They often settle near human habitation. A ferret in the wild becomes strongly attached to its habitat. It uses burrows as shelter, which it rarely digs itself. Prefers to occupy old ones left behind by badgers or foxes, and sometimes climbs into the hollows of old trees.

The ferret is a typical nocturnal animal. The animals go hunting after sunset. They wait for the victim in cover and attack using the effect of surprise. Ferrets feed on voles, rats, hamsters, and moles. A rodent caught in the clutches of a predator has little chance of escape.

These animals are very skilled hunters. In winter and early spring, when food is scarce, ferrets can eat insects, bugs, lizards, and sleepy fish near ice-covered bodies of water. Sometimes they eat quail eggs or eggs from other birds.

Animals rarely hunt domestic animals. Wild animals prefer to stay away from people and come close to housing only when there is little food in the forest or steppe. Animals harm poultry houses and eat baby rabbits, so farmers often set traps for ferrets. Adult birds wild representatives mustelids are rarely touched: the animal is too small, even a sleeping rooster or hen is beyond its strength. For the winter, the ferret can store food in its territory.

Reproduction and mating of ferrets lasts from the end of February until the last summer month. The age of puberty is 10-12 months. The mating occurs vigorously, there is no special mating ritual. The male attacks the female and forcibly holds her by the withers with his teeth. Often after the mating season, females exhibit shabby withers with bite marks. Obviously, they are happy to quickly get rid of annoying males, so they do not form stable pairs.

Ferrets bear offspring for 1.5 months. There can be from 4 to 18 cubs in a litter. Newborn animals weigh 5-10 g. Only the female wild ferret takes care of them. She feeds them for approximately 2-2.5 months breast milk. At 4 weeks the baby begins to produce meat.

Raising offspring lasts six months. Growing ferrets hunt with their mother, learning all the skills that will be useful to them in the wild. In the wild, ferrets live up to 5 years.

Types of ferrets

How many types of ferrets are there? In nature, there are three varieties and several subspecies:

  • Steppe ferret (light or white ferret).
  • Common forest or black ferret.
  • American or black-footed ferret.

A subspecies of the steppe ferret is the Amur ferret, which lives in northern China and Russia, near the Amur River. The forest one is also known as the African ferret, fetka or furo. These are domesticated species, photographs of which can often be found on the Internet.

Steppe ferret

The steppe ferret can be called the largest, its body length is 52-56 cm, and its weight is 2 kg. The tail of this ferret reaches a length of about 18 cm. The guard hair is thin and brown. The light undercoat is visible from underneath, which is why the fur takes on a beige, almost white color. The tip of the tail and paws are dark, and a black or brown mask is clearly visible on the muzzle.

The steppe ferret lives in Austria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, and is also found in some areas of the European part of Russia. In the far east, northeast of China, lives the Amur variety, which is sometimes called the Siberian ferret. In the photo, it is almost no different from its relative, except perhaps a little larger, the difference between the main color and the color of the limbs is more pronounced.

The steppe ferret eats gophers, hamsters, mice and other rodents. It feeds much less frequently on birds and eggs, insects, lizards, and fish. During hungry periods, it approaches human habitation, can eat waste, and attack small domestic animals (rabbits, ducklings, chickens). Sometimes it eats poultry eggs. These ferrets are very fertile; one litter can have 7-18 babies. Each cub weighs about 5-7 g.

Forest ferret

The forest animal or black ferret is smaller in size than its steppe counterpart. The body length reaches 36-48 cm, weight - from 400 g to 1.5 kg. The length of the tail is 15-17 cm, in females it is 8.5-17 cm. Females are 1.5 times smaller than males. The color of the fur is black-brown, almost black on the chest, tail, paws and throat. The contrast between the colors of the paws and the tip of the tail is not pronounced. The muzzle is decorated with a dark mask. Absolutely white and red ferrets are found in the population.

The black forest ferret lives in Europe and throughout the European part of Russia. Ferrets make burrows on the edges of forests, clearings, and in not too dense groves. Here they are favorite places hunting. It is not for nothing that this ferret received the name “edge predator.” Ferrets feed on mice, voles, and sometimes eat snakes, lizards, fish, and frogs. They destroy hare holes by eating the young. They destroy bird nests with chicks and eggs. They can get close to the house, appear at the dacha and hunt for domestic animals. To catch an animal, they set a trap, the bait in it is a piece of meat.

This species has been tamed; the domesticated form of the forest ferret is called the ferret. The size of its body is about 50 cm, its weight is from 700 g to 2 kg, the length of its tail is about 13 cm. The colors are very different. Albino domestic ferrets are called furo.

Sometimes breeders mate ferrets with wild ferrets. The hybrid of this species with mink is called honorik. He is larger than an ordinary ferret, the characteristics and description of his appearance have the features of both parents.

American ferret

Animal American ferret- endangered animal. Several decades ago, in Mexico and the USA, it lived only in captivity. Now it is successfully adapted and resettled in natural habitats: there are already about 600 individuals in the wild. Hunting this ferret is strictly prohibited. It is the smallest among all species, its body size is 31-41 cm, weight - 650-1000 g, fluffy tail length - 11-15 cm.

Ferrets' fur consists of hair that is light at the base and dark at the tips, giving it a brown tint. The tip of the tail and paws are black, contrasting with the rest of the color. The natural habitat of the species is the prairies east of Rocky Mountains in the USA, some areas of Mexico. The main source of food is prairie dogs; the population of ferrets directly depends on their numbers. Additional food - voles, gophers, mice.

Color types of domestic ferrets

Domestic ferrets, or ferrets, are characterized by a wide variety of colors. Thanks to many years of selection, very beautiful views the fur of these animals. International system classifies the colors of fetches according to the following principle:

  • Color type (white albino, black, different shades of brown).
  • Pattern (Siamese, roan, solid, standard).
  • White spots (flash with a spot on the head, panda, mittens).

Fetuses are divided into groups based on their color types. Albino animals with absolutely white fur, a pink nose and red eyes are considered separately.

Pastel group

These ferrets are characterized by a light coat color, from beige to brown. The pigment is distributed unevenly throughout the hair, which creates the effect of beautiful tinting. Brown ferrets stand apart in this group, their fur has pronounced orange and yellow shades. Here are the types of pastel ferrets:

  • light;
  • standard;
  • dark;
  • cinnamon.

Mother of pearl group

The hair of animals from this group is unevenly colored. The base is light, almost white. The tips are always dark, their color varies from gray to black. The following colors are distinguished in the group:

  • standard mother-of-pearl;
  • dark pearlescent.

Sable group

The sable group of ferrets is the most numerous. This color is as close to wild as possible. Shades vary from light yellow to almost black. They are distinguished in the group:

  • standard sable;
  • dark sable;
  • black sable.

Golden ferrets

The golden ferret is a real Russian ferret, since it was bred in Russia. The fur of these animals is very beautiful. The undercoat ranges from yellow to bright orange. The guard hair is light at the base and dark at the tips, which is why the fur shimmers beautifully in different shades of gold. There is only one type in the group: gold.

Black group

The black color is provided by very dark and dense guard hairs. The undercoat may be lighter, but it is slightly translucent. These ferrets have black eyes and nose. The ferret's muzzle does not have a specific mask. The following dark color options are available:

  • black;
  • black selfie;
  • black-solid (solid).

Pestel selfies

This group of ferrets has a fairly light coat, but, unlike ordinary pastel ferrets, their hair is completely colored, so the fur is closer to a single color and does not shimmer. The following types of colors are distinguished:

  • Chocolate selfie resembles milk chocolate in color, the animals' nose is brown.
  • Chocolate solid - more light shade, with brown undercoat.
  • Champagne self - guard hair varies from beige to chocolate, the undercoat is light, the nose is pink.
  • Cinnamon-self - the shade of the guard hair is brown with red tints, the undercoat is light, the nose is white.
  • Dew - white ferrets with dark eyes.

Types of markings

Decorative ferrets can have colors with different markings. Depending on the tone, location, size, the following are distinguished:

  • Marked - 40% of the outer hair on the entire body is colored, the remaining 60% is white.
  • Silver - mother-of-pearl group ferrets with unevenly colored hair.
  • Roan - the spine is unevenly colored, the percentage of the pigmented part is greater than in the previous two.
  • Panda - the head and neck are noticeably lighter than the rest of the body.
  • Blaze - a solid one stands out on the head white stripe.
  • Mitt - the tips of the paws and tail are white.
  • Point - there is a pronounced contrast between the colors of the fur on the body, paws and tips of the tail.
  • Badger - a white stripe on the head with uneven contours or intermittent.
  • Milk Mouse - there is a clear white spot around the face and eyes.
  • Pinto panda - the pattern is the same as that of a regular “panda”, but the main fur is lighter.
  • Harlequins are ferrets whose coloring is asymmetrical or difficult to classify.

The colors of animals may change slightly: after molting, they become lighter. Baby ferrets are also born with lighter fur; the pattern may not be clearly defined. Each color has its own pros and cons; you need to choose it according to your own taste.

Keeping a ferret has its own characteristics. This animal is a predator, and also nocturnal. Ferrets sleep during the day, but in the evening they are very active. These habits are characteristic of animals in the wild, but even at home they have largely retained their wild character. For small ferrets, it is best to buy an aviary or a spacious cage. It should have bedding, a crawling tube, a ring, feeders and a drinking bowl. They also need to be let out to walk around the apartment, since closed space they cannot stay long. From time to time, the ferret needs to be taken outside for a walk with a leash and collar. For long walks you may need to carry it.

What can you give your ferret to eat? This animal is an obligate predator, it eats only the meat of animals that are comparable to it, so you can feed ferrets chicken meat, turkey, rabbit, quail. Beef, pork, and lamb should not be given. They give eggs a couple of times a week, and low-fat cottage cheese every other day. The ferret has a habit of hiding food; he can drag it under the bed, cabinet or other secluded place.

Raising a ferret is not difficult: she is a very smart animal, almost like a puppy. The animal is easy to toilet train; training allows you to learn simple commands; they even come up with nicknames for ferrets, since they respond to their name. True, these animals have one bad habit: they love to dig in the ground. It is difficult to wean an animal off of it, so it is better to place the flowers in an inaccessible place so as not to constantly pick up soil from the floor with your hands. Some owners find walking around the apartment at night disturbing, but you can get used to it.

Life expectancy and illness

Everyone who wants to have a ferret at home is afraid that it smells bad, even stinks. To get rid of the smell, you need to bathe the ferret once a week. They also ask whether it is worth having a girl or a boy at home. The female ferret is very active, she will not give anyone peace. The boy is calmer, but he definitely needs to be castrated.

Tamed ferrets live at home for 8-10 years, some do not die at the age of 12 years. The following diseases are typical for this species:

  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • viral or Aleutian plasmacytosis;
  • flu;
  • flea attack;
  • rickets;
  • allergies to shampoo, food, etc.;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • catarrhal and bacterial enteritis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • insulinoma;
  • lymphoma;
  • inflammation of the glands near the anus.

If your ferret is not eating well, is sneezing, coughing, itching, has a fever, or is feeling sick and vomiting, you should definitely take the animal to the veterinarian. The specialist will be able to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate medications to treat the animal.

The most dangerous disease ferrets - rabies. If an infected ferret bites its owner, it threatens him mortal danger. The sick animal will have to be euthanized. Therefore, all pets need to be vaccinated.

You can learn how to properly keep a ferret by looking at photos and videos of booms.

Ferret (ferret) is a predatory mammal, belongs to the mustelidae family, the genus of ferrets and weasels (lat. Mustela), subgenus Putorius .

Ferret - description, characteristics, structure. What does a ferret look like?

The body of ferrets, like most mustelids, is elongated, flexible and very squat, due to disproportionately short legs. The ferret's limbs are very strong and muscular, thanks to which the animals easily move by jumping and swim well. The toes end in long, strong claws, which allow ferrets to deftly climb trees and dig deep holes.

The average body length of adult males is about 50 cm; female ferrets are always smaller and grow up to 40 cm in length. The weight of a ferret, depending on the species, ranges from 300 g to 2 kg.

The ferret has a long flexible neck, a neat oval-shaped head and an elongated muzzle, slightly blunted towards the tip of the nose. Ferrets are particularly proud of their fluffy tail, which grows to 13-18 cm in length.

A ferret's fur typically consists of thick, soft underfur and guard hairs, which are usually lighter at the base and darker at the tip. After the autumn molt, the ferret's fur acquires a characteristic shine and becomes especially beautiful. Fur color depends on the species and can vary from a light sandy shade to almost black or completely white in albino ferrets.

All trochees (except for species with a white color) have a peculiar pattern on their muzzle, reminiscent of a black mask.

Near the ferret's tail there are special glands that secrete a specific secretion, which has a sharp, pungent odor and is used by the animals to scare away enemies. Of all the senses, the ferret has a well-developed sense of smell, which is what the animals rely on when hunting.

In total, the ferret has 28-30 teeth: 12-14 incisors, 12 false-rooted teeth, premolars, and there is also a pair of fangs on each jaw.

The lifespan of a ferret in the wild is about 3-4 years; in captivity, ferrets live up to 5-7 years.

Enemies of the ferret in nature.

The main enemies of ferrets in the wild are larger predators: young ferrets often become prey to feathered predators - and. In some areas, the ferret is a valuable game animal, so the animals are mercilessly exterminated for the sake of warm, soft and beautiful fur.

Types of ferrets, photos and names.

The classification of ferrets includes 3 main types:

  1. , aka light ferret or white ferret, also known as steppe, light or white ferret(lat. Mustela eversmanni)- a large ferret, growing up to 52-56 cm in length with a body weight of up to 2 kg. The length of the tail of adult individuals is 18 cm. The light-colored ferret has long but sparse guard hair of a brownish color, so a dense underfur shines through the fur - additional hair of a lighter tone. The limbs, tail or its tip are dark in color, and the muzzle is covered with a mask. The steppe ferret eats quite varied. In the warm season, pikas and invertebrates become its prey. To a lesser extent, amphibians and birds are food. In winter, the diet is limited to hamsters and voles, which can be caught in the steppe. Since digging rodent burrows becomes impossible, the animals are content with carrion and food waste that they find near people’s homes, and in the spring they pick up dead fish in river floods. If there is a sufficient amount of food, the animals avoid populated areas. Female steppe ferrets are extremely fertile and give birth to about 7-10 and even up to 18 cubs. On European territory ferrets live in the Czech Republic, eastern Austria, southern Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, northern Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland. In addition, ferrets are found in the Middle and Central Asia, in the steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts of Russia from its European part to the Far East, as well as in the eastern part of China.

  • The only subspecies of the light-colored ferret is the Amur steppe polecat (lat. Mustela eversmanni amurensis). The body length of the animal reaches 56 cm, the tail length is 18 cm, and the weight is no more than 2 kg. The color of the fur is dominated by white and yellowish tones. The animal's abdomen is light, the tip of the tail and paws are black, and there is a pattern in the form of a mask on the muzzle. The main part of the population of the subspecies is concentrated in the northeast of China; in Russia it is found in the steppe landscapes of the Middle Amur.
  1. Forest ferret, aka common ferret or black ferret, which is also called ordinary, dark or black ferret(lat. Mustela putorius). The forest ferret is smaller in size than its steppe relative: the body length is about 36-48 cm, weight from 400 g to 1.5 kg, and females are 1.5 times smaller than males. The tail of the male ferret has a length of 15 to 17 cm, in females it is 8.5-17 cm. Unlike the steppe animal, the color of the black ferret does not have a sharp contrast between the color of the legs and body. The main color of mature individuals is black-brown, and the legs, tail, throat and dewlap are almost black. The muzzle is decorated with a characteristic mask. Pure white or red ferrets are also common in the population. The basis of the forest ferret's diet is mice and voles; additional food is snakes, frogs, birds and their eggs. Forest ferrets tear open holes and eat their offspring. Individuals living near populated areas will not miss the opportunity to feast on rabbits and poultry. Unlike the prolific steppe polecat, a female black ferret gives birth to only 4-6 puppies. Forest ferrets live throughout Eurasia, especially in Western Europe and practically throughout the entire European territory of Russia. The animal prefers groves and woodlands and waits for prey on the edges of forests, which is why it is called an “edge” predator. Together with weasels, the black ferret was brought to New Zealand to exterminate rodents, where it successfully took root and became a threat to the local island fauna.

  • Fretka ( domestic ferret, African ferret), also known as furo(lat. Mustela putorius furo) is a domesticated form of the black ferret. Scientists and livestock breeders use the name “furo” exclusively to refer to albino ferrets, although a domestic ferret can be an animal of any solid color (white, black, brown) or a combined type of color. The body length of an adult domestic ferret is about 51 cm with a body weight of 700 g to 2 kg. The length of the tail reaches approximately 13 cm. Furo is bred both in its pure form and by crossing with natural views. The Poles nicknamed the hybrid furo and forest ferret “thuzhofretka,” which in Russian sounds like “chorefretka.”

As a result of crossing the forest ferret with the ferret, the golden ferret, the first Russian breed of ferrets. This is a large animal with thick silky fur, which is distinguished by black guard hairs with orange underfur. Female golden ferrets reach a length of 39 cm, males are larger - their body length is 46 cm.

  1. American ferret, aka black-footed ferret(lat. Mustela nigripes)- rare view North American predators, which is protected by the United States and is listed in the Red Book as endangered. The body length of the American ferret does not exceed 31-41 cm, and the body weight ranges from 650 g to 1 kg. The animal's fluffy tail grows up to 11-15 cm in length. Hairline white at the base and dark at the tips, giving the appearance of an overall yellow-brown color. The tip of the ferret's tail and limbs are black, and there is a distinctive black mask on the face. American ferrets live in the central United States, in the prairies east of the Rocky Mountains. Ferrets feed on mice, voles, and ground squirrels, but the survival of the black-footed ferret is entirely dependent on the population prairie dogs, which are its main source of nutrition. One colony of blennies covers 50 hectares of prairie and can support only one adult ferret, with one family of ferrets requiring about 250 rodents per year to survive. In the 1980s, the remaining representatives of the American ferret species were caught for artificial breeding and released into the wild in some states of the United States and Mexico in order to revive the population.

Honorik is an artificially produced hybrid of a ferret (bred by crossing the steppe and forest ferrets) and the European mink. Honoriki rarely appear in the wild in areas where the ranges of these 3 species overlap. Honoriki are larger than their parents and inherit their traits equally. Outwardly, the animals resemble a mink, and their black, shiny guard hair with a thick brown underfur is very similar to sable fur. From ferrets, the animals got large ears with a light border around the edges. Honoriki, like minks, are excellent swimmers, and from trochees they adopted the ability to dig holes. Their own character trait is rare aggressiveness and inability to get along with people.

Where do ferrets live?

Ferrets live in European countries (including England), the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China, countries of Central and Central Asia, and northwest Africa. At one time, forest ferrets were brought to New Zealand to fight rats and mice, as a result of which the predators spread there. The habitat of ferrets is steppes, semi-deserts, sparse forests and even populated areas. The animals avoid open areas and dense taiga. Ferrets lead a sedentary lifestyle, are strongly attached to their habitat and are typical nocturnal predators. Ferrets extremely rarely dig holes and more often occupy the homes of other animals, for example, foxes or, they can settle in the voids of old trees, in a haystack, a firewood shed or in a pile of dead wood.

What do ferrets eat?

Ferrets do not have a cecum, and due to low amylase synthesis, their body does not absorb food well. plant foods. The basis of the animals' diet is different kinds small rodents: voles, mice, hamsters, water rats. In the spring, animals destroy bird nests, dig up hare holes, large species attack muskrats and gophers. A small part of the diet consists of large species of insects, frogs, fish, snakes, etc. Animals prepare for winter in advance by storing excess food in their homes.

The main method of ferret hunting is to lie in wait for prey at the entrance to the shelter. In other cases, you have to run and catch the prey. Often, hunger forces ferrets to eat carrion and food waste, and destroy poultry houses and rabbitries. And the bad reputation of ferrets as arrogant and unprincipled predators is greatly exaggerated, largely due to the ignorance of people themselves. Most of the “sins” are pinned on animals in vain and crimes committed by martens, weasels and foxes are attributed to animals.

Reproduction of ferrets.

The breeding season of ferrets depends on their habitat and lasts from February to the end of summer. In steppe ferrets, the rut occurs in early spring. For forest ferrets, the rut begins in April-May, sometimes in the second half of June. The sexual maturity of the animal occurs at the age of 10-12 months, and special marriage rituals not observed among animals. Ferret mating occurs violently and aggressively: the male ferret grabs the female by the scruff of the neck, despite her resistance. Therefore, after the process is completed, females are often left with shabby withers, on which traces of the male’s teeth are visible.

The pregnancy of a female ferret lasts on average 1.5 months, and the litter ranges from 4 to 18 cubs. The weight of newborn ferrets is about 5-10 g; the cubs are born blind and helpless, but grow and develop quite quickly. Breastfeeding lasts about 2-2.5 months, and the mother begins to feed 4-week-old cubs with meat.

At the age of 7-8 weeks, young ferrets are already able to hunt, although they continue to feed on their mother’s milk. In case of any danger, the mother selflessly protects her offspring. For up to six months, young ferrets hunt together with the female, gaining useful skills, and then move on to independent life.

Ferret colors with photographs.

According to the Russian classification, there are 3 color options for ferrets:

  • Pearlescent color(it includes silver and sable colors). The general color of a ferret's fur is light cream and may have an ash or silver tint. The awn is black or brown, the tips of the hair are cream or gray.
  • Golden color. The general color of ferrets is yellowish or closer to orange. The awn is black, the tips of the hair are red.
  • Pastel color. The overall color is light cream. The guard hairs are light brown and may have a smoky tint. The ends of the hair are light gray or cream.

According to the American classification from the AFA (American Ferret Association), there are 8 colors and 4 colors of ferrets, however, this classification is also not complete and does not include all the color variety of the fur of these animals. The color of a ferret usually means the color of the guard hair and underfur, as well as the color of the eyes and nose. Coloring implies a pattern that is formed when combined different colors. Another characteristic of a ferret's fur are marks, spots, which, depending on their location or combination, are divided into several variations.

The AFA recognizes the following colors for ferrets:

  • albino(albino, red-eyed white). Fur with white underfur (sometimes with light cream patches) and awns of the same shade. A ferret's eyes are always red, his nose is only pink;

  • black The guard hair is black. The underfur is white or golden in color. Ferrets of this color have black eyes and a nose of the same color (a motley nose is allowed);

  • sable. The awn is warm brown, the underfur is white, cream or light golden in color. The eyes can be brown or almost black, the nose is brown or light brown, there are individuals with spotted noses and with a T-shaped pattern;

  • black sable. The fur is distinguished by black-brown or dark ash guard hair with a pronounced glossy sheen and underfur from white to cream tones. The ferret's eyes are dark, almost black, the nose is black-brown and may be spotted;

  • champagne. The guard hair is colored brown or light brown, the shade of the underfur varies from white to cream, without splashes of yellowness. Eyes cherry or dark cherry color, nose pink, beige or pink with a T-shaped stripe of brown color;

  • chocolate (chocolate). The awn is “milk chocolate” color, the underfur is white or with a slight yellowish tint. The ferret's eyes are dark cherry or brown, the nose can be light beige, pink, pink with dark stripes in the shape of the letter T, sometimes there are individuals with a brick-colored nose;

  • cinnamon. The guard hair is colored a rich shade of red-brown, the underfur is golden, sometimes pure white. The ferret's eyes are light or dark brown, the nose is pink or not completely colored.

  • dark-eyed white. The awn and underfur vary from pure white to light cream. A ferret's eyes can be dark cherry or dark brown, and the animal's nose is always pink.

According to the AFA, ferrets are classified not only by color, but also by coloration, which is determined by the color of the nose, the type of mask on the animal's face, and the concentration of color on the legs, tail and body. There are 4 types of colors:

  • Siamese (siamese),
  • roan
  • solid
  • standard

In addition, it is customary to take into account the presence of peculiar white spots and markings on the ferret: depending on their location (on the tail, face, body, limbs, head or neck), the American Ferret Association designates variations under the names:

  • Blaze (blaze - flash),
  • Mitts (mits - mittens),
  • Panda (panda).