Politics is a vast and quite complex field. human activity. It includes issues such as diplomacy, war, public finance, etc. Politics is also an important part of every person’s life, since it is the political structure of society that determines the legal framework of our life. This is why it is so important to understand the basic aspects of politics.


    To get started, check out various types states and how they work. It is vital to know as much as possible about the system of government not only in your country, but also how things work outside of it, in order to understand how different governments interact with each other. Try to learn more about the pros and cons of different systems.

    Learn how your country is governed, from the upper echelons of government to regional and local authorities. Familiarize yourself with the electoral system and legislative structure.

    Find out what rights and to what extent you are guaranteed. In America, for example, people are guaranteed freedom of speech. However, freedom of speech ends where another person's rights begin. Threats of murder, for example, do not apply to freedom of speech. Know your rights and how you can exercise them.

    Follow political news to stay up to date with the latest developments. In almost any publication, be it newspapers or electronic media, you will find a lot political news, including information about elections, coverage of social and economic issues, information about events on international arena and much more.

    Do as much research as possible into the current political situation. Look at how this or that event happened, what consequences and impact on various areas of people’s activities it is fraught with, and what they think different people on this occasion. Try to comprehensively analyze a particular event and discuss it with colleagues to also learn alternative points of view and better understand its meaning.

    Try to get to the bottom of the meaning of all terms that you do not understand. Extension vocabulary very important and useful for gaining a deeper understanding of what politicians are talking about.

    If you don’t understand something, ask your friends who are more knowledgeable about these issues. If you are faced with questions for which you cannot find answers even on the Internet, then contact experts who have special education and are able to simply and clearly explain to you the essence of the issue that interests you.

    Study economic structures various countries, their pros and cons. Economics is a key area in understanding political issues and it directly affects our lives. In every country, politicians have their own own ideas And own approach to a decision economic problems, so knowledge of international economic experience can be very useful.

    Study biographies of politicians. There are plenty of websites where you can find information about who is who and who voted for whom. Just look at the objective, dry data about the policy you are interested in and, most likely, a lot will fall into place. This is especially important and useful in the run-up to elections, when you are not sure who to vote for.

  1. Try to better understand how authorities work (not only political, but also economic). It is necessary to understand that democracy is not perfect, and therefore there are many aspects to consider if you really want to understand political issues and are going to do your part in changing this world for the better. It is useful to read the works of Marx, Rousseau, and other similar authors.

    • Examine the power structure at all levels.
    • Regularly replenish and expand your vocabulary.
    • Be interested in the political structure different states, not limited to their home country. This will help you expand your political knowledge and deepen your understanding of politics.
    • Study the names of departments and departments in government structures and try to understand what exactly they do, what they are responsible for and what powers they have.
    • When you read a news story that involves someone political figure, try to find out more about it from the Internet, study it Political Views and, if possible, his biography. This will help you better appreciate the scale of the event.
    • Remember that "politics" mainly covers issues related to power and its role in your life, including social problems(abortions, same-sex marriage), economics, diplomacy, elections, laws, rights, working conditions, and the like.
    • If you are planning to travel to other countries or if, for example, you need to send a certain amount to your loved ones living in another country, check foreign currency exchange rates.


    • Be careful with funds mass media and never blindly trust the facts presented in the media. Please note that they all work for certain structures and objective information can only be obtained by studying various sources, preferably representing the interests of opponents or opposing political groups. In any matter, it is important to know the versions of all parties to the conflict or incident.
    • Always be open about your political views.

Pro-government structures in Russia say that social political lifts have begun to work in the country, but political scientists are cautious and even skeptical about such statements. "New Region" interviewed experts and found out how modern Russia you can get into the political elite - if not the federal, then at least the regional.

The topic of developing social elevators in Russia was raised by officials at the highest echelons of power in May of this year, when President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Igor Kholmanskikh as plenipotentiary representative for the Urals Federal District - former boss factory floor. Then the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, commented on the event, saying that this was the most eloquent example of the work of social elevators. “The appointment of Igor Rurikovich to this position is one example of the fact that social elevators are starting to work. I am a supporter of attracting and not being afraid to appoint people to responsible positions,” he noted.

Some experts are convinced that the appointment of the Kholmanskys will give rise to the formation of a mechanism that will allow people who have proven themselves to be different areas, participate in municipal and public policy. However, they have opponents who are skeptical about such assumptions, as well as about the very fact of the existence of social elevators in Russia in the classical sense of the term. “As for real social elevators in Russia, when there are some smart, talented and honest people, this is all absurd. The social elevator exists only as a figure of speech, to which some people are drawn by the ears specific examples"trip from 1st to 25th floor." An example could be the same appointment of the Kholmanskys,” political scientist Alexey Shweigert explained to New Region. – In fact, the same presidential personnel reserve, which was planned as a way to support talented and young officials and politicians, is not working. In our country, an imitation of a political erection is taking shape and, I think, it will flourish for a long time. So to say that the social elevator works in our country means lying to yourself. It works only for a select few, between representatives of elite or bureaucratic structures, but not according to the “man of the people – federal-level politician” type.

Along the way with the party in power

Meanwhile, there have not yet been such dizzying rises as in the case of the ex-factory worker Kholmansky, but experts say that there are other ways to get into “big politics.” Among the first is joining the ranks of the party in power, which, in general, is not some new method of “getting into politics.” Even during the USSR, membership in the Komsomol, and then in the CPSU, guaranteed advancement. In modern realities, only the name of the party has changed, but the essence of the method remains the same. "We have a system political growth“It is very bureaucratic and follows long-established schemes,” political scientist Anatoly Gagarin explained to New Region. – Firstly, of course, you can join the United Russia party and move higher and higher there. But there are several ways here too. You can be a party functionary, a person who has his own ideas, who really acts and gradually enters into political elites. Or you can have large business assets, or be an official.”

By the way, you don’t have to look far for examples. As a New Region correspondent notes, there are more than enough businessmen, for example, in the Sverdlovsk regional legislative body. Thus, many members of the former House of Representatives, which included large entrepreneurs. Very influential businessmen Valery Savelyev and Igor Kovpak became deputies, and the ex-director of a large gas enterprise Denis Pasler from the deputy seat moved even higher - to the post of chairman of the government Sverdlovsk region.

Young green

As mentioned above, the second way to get into politics is through youth organizations under parties or youth parliaments and governments. However, experts note that such young functionaries most often turn out to be “caliphs for an hour.” “Often young people go into politics purely because of their ambitions, which have nothing behind them. Very rarely do young people make it to the level of politicians who are truly significant in the life of a region or country,” explained Anatoly Gagarin.

One way or another, one example of a “youth elevator” is the entry into regional politics of Alexei Korobeinikov, who began his career as a car mechanic, but after graduating from university in 2005, he joined the “Young Guard” United Russia”, after which he received his own party card. By December 2008, the 30-year-old functionary had achieved the post of head of the regional branch of MGER, hoping to get into the party lists. regional Duma. Korobeinikov’s dreams came true last year: in 2011, he became a deputy of the ZSSO.

Also, some experts believe that, if not the elevator, then the way to enter politics is the presence of advantageous family or simply friendly connections. So, for example, today in the parliament of the Sverdlovsk region there are two Kovpak deputies at once: father Igor and son Lev. First for a long time was a member of the House of Representatives, the second was a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma. But no one doubts that Kovpak Jr.’s entry into the business and political elite was facilitated by his father’s position.

Cultural and sports way

In general, many parliaments have unspoken quotas for youth and athletes, analysts say. By giving mandates to famous athletes or representatives of youth groups of parties, politicians strive to prove to society that the interests of many segments of the population are reflected in the legislative power. By the way, in the same Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly there are representatives from sports - this is a multiple winner Olympic Games, titled athlete Sergei Chepikov, who was elected to parliament from United Russia.

In addition, the same United Russia plans to nominate the artistic director of the Buranovskie Babushki show group Olga Tuktareva to the top three in the October elections of deputies of the State Council of Udmurtia. “This will be a party decision, we are preparing candidates, I would like the three to be a peasant and an industrialist. Well, it is necessary that female version there was still one,” noted the President of the Republic, Alexander Volkov.

On the wave of protest

Another way to enter the political system is through opposition and pseudo-opposition parties. “Those who were not included in the United Russia lists often come here.” Moreover, there is such a nuance that businessmen very often change their identities, move from one political force to another, depending on the interests of their business, or to maintain a mandate,” said Anatoly Gagarin. – That’s why in Russia it’s often politic system is decorative, it only covers up business structures.”

By the way, entering politics on the wave of opposition protests is not easy. At least it's not a conveyor belt method. “I have an internal expectation that political angels will appear in the regions, who will either independently or by attracting a certain circle of people to try to change the structure regional policy. So far there are no obvious examples, but to some extent Leonid Volkov can be included in this category (approx. NR - Estonian State Duma deputy), noted Alexey Schweigert. – But, again, this is not a social elevator in the full sense of the word, because... they will have no real leverage over the political situation or public opinion V in a broad sense. These are local stories that happen on the initiative of an individual; such people cannot enter the power structure.”

Outstanding figures of the 20th century began their careers in the ranks of political parties: Winston Churchill at 26 and Theodore Roosevelt at 23 became members of parliament.

In Russia, young people have a chance to start even earlier, since the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows people to be elected to the State Duma from the age of 21. That is, while still a student and taking notes from his comrades, a young man or girl has a chance to achieve political influence, a service apartment in Moscow and a foreign car with a flashing light. There are only a few of these, however. The youngest State Duma deputy is 27 years old, and average age people's representatives - 49 years old. But this does not deter young people.

The party system in Russia is still infantile, the rules of the game are constantly changing. If you keep your nose to the wind, there is a chance to integrate into the vertical of power.

For a young man who is not exposed in the media, like Anton Sikharulidze, or does not have a couple of billions, like Rustam Tariko, the path to the coveted mandate begins at the lowest positions in the EdRa headquarters.

First steps

“To become a member of the United Russia party, it is enough to come to one of the district branches of the party or to the central headquarters on Konnogvardeisky Boulevard. To a young man To begin with, they will offer to become a party supporter. This means that within 3 months he is obliged to take part in all party events - congresses, street actions, pickets,” says Nikolai Konstantinov, chairman of the executive committee of United Russia in St. Petersburg.

If a young man has career ambitions, then he should conduct propaganda and agitation as if he were Demosthenes and Cicero rolled into one. Instructions from senior comrades must be carried out especially carefully, demonstrating 150% diligence and accuracy.

“The most important qualities for getting on the party list, which gives the right to receive a deputy mandate, are sociability, energy and determination,” summarizes Nikolai Konstantinov.

The formal structure of United Russia provides for three staff positions in each district of the city and 25 positions at the city headquarters - a total of 129 positions. Their salaries, however, are less than the salaries of support staff in district administrations.

Another opportunity to get closer strong of the world This is to become an assistant to a State Duma deputy, full-time or freelance. Such people are usually sought among senior students at St. Petersburg State University.

The leadership of United Russia has provided a 20% quota in the party list for youth. In principle, of the 315 mandates given to United Russia in the new Duma, 63 should be taken by people under 35 years of age.

You'll go right...

The path of young people who decide to participate in party activities is as follows. Joining the youth wing of the party, then 2-3 years of active work to establish oneself as an initiative, executive, but most importantly - an irreplaceable person in the party. This opens up new opportunities and allows you to be included in certain rooms. And in these offices sit the so-called “locomotives.” If you like them, they will move their protégé up after them. And there, even if it’s not a stone’s throw to the Olympus itself, you can perch at the foot.

In the glaze of ideology

“It’s interesting that among the fairly young leaders of United Russia there are those who not so long ago belonged to opposition movements: anarchists, social democrats, etc.,” notes Evgeny Konovalov, chairman of the Russian Social Democratic Youth Union. Coming to such a vertically structured organization as EP, they quickly achieve impressive results. They are greatly helped by the acquired ability to formulate thoughts. Those who did not like a party career still gain valuable experience. Many people open their own business and become quite successful people. They are often more experienced than their peers.

“The fact is that “United Russia has become less of a political structure and more of an bureaucratic structure with a clear chain of command. That's why there are few initiative people there. A ticket to life is given to those who prove their devotion by participating in informal events and currying favor with the “top,” says Evgeny Konovalov.

In general, we can say that now the number of lucky tickets for young people eager political career, decreased sharply. The main pieces on the chessboard of United Russia have long been placed. And in order to take her out of the field, you need not only to have the necessary “bag” with you, but also to catch luck by the tail.

A humble party supporter campaigns for a leader.

A charismatic party member speaks at a rally.

An indispensable deputy assistant.

A foreign car with a flashing light is an indicator of status.

The pinnacle of his career (but not the finish line) is the Speaker of Parliament.

Select the fragment with the error text and press Ctrl+Enter

To become a politician, you must love this field. It is important to strive to make the world a better place. There are politicians who live and work for themselves. But a real politician must live and work for his country, his lands and his people, compatriots. Thus, one can easily distinguish which politician will be against corruption, and which one will agree to legitimize this system and call it “auction”. Politics has always been interesting to many, it inspired confidence, here one could speak out, express one’s opinion, and become more influential and significant. Perhaps it is significance that attracts many people into politics, because... I occupy this or that position, they do not want to move on, wanting to sit in one place all their lives.

Previously, only men were involved in politics, but the world does not stand still. As soon as women won the right to work and normal wages, they began to occupy “male positions.” Women were also interested in politics. It is clear that men and women have different interests. For example, if the male population of the country is ready to legalize prostitution, then the female population insists on a ban, talking about the morality and foundations of society. That's why big squabbles happen in political world when the interests of male and female politicians collide. Although politics is an aggressive environment for people of the same sex.

Many people laugh off the question of how to become a politician. They offer such options as spitting in the faces of opponents, fighting with those who are against you, chewing a tie, etc. But, you see, this does not make a politician out of a person, leaving him at the level of the average “gopnik”. A politician, in fact, must be completely different, must represent the people of his country. We expect to see a calm, intelligent, competent, honest, pleasant person who knows how to behave in society, answer questions clearly and briefly, not react to attacks and not be easily provoked.

But, without deviating from the topic, let’s clarify how to become a politician in practice. The politician should get higher education, ideally political orientation (state and municipal government). But those who have higher technical, legal, philological and other education are also allowed into politics. Apparently, higher education is perceived by others as literacy, education and status. Let it be so, why argue, in many ways this is how it turns out. Next you need to become part of politics. To do this, choose political party, which you consider more right for yourself, but it is best to choose a party that has access to elections. In the party you need to prove yourself in order to be nominated as a party activist. As soon as you have established yourself with the support of people, you should nominate yourself as a candidate in the next elections as a deputy or as his assistant. If you are a party member, then your candidacy is nominated by the party. If you are a non-party member, then your candidacy can also be nominated, but with the condition of collecting the signatures of those who are “FOR” your candidacy.

All that remains is to work hard for the benefit of society, to prove that you were not chosen in vain, or to convince people that they should choose you. Further, you can move forward on your own merits, but do not forget that you are still responsible for those who voted for you, who believed in you.

Olga Nagornyuk

People in power have enormous power. Some people use this potential for the purpose of their own enrichment, while others want to change the lives of their fellow citizens for the better. Therefore, more and more young people are asking the question: how to become a politician?

What qualities should a politician have?

When deciding to become a politician, carefully assess your capabilities. Analyze how your character and temperament correspond to this profession, and at the same time objectively assess whether you have the makings of a political leader.

Good politicians are different analytical thinking. They know how to build logical chains, skillfully leading their interlocutor to the necessary conclusions. This skill can be mastered with practice. Try to convince your fellow students of the need to participate in the university-wide community cleanup, justify to your parents your choice of becoming a politician, prove to your doubting friend: participation in a theater club is a very masculine activity.

A politician must have good memory. To be convincing, he needs to keep a lot of numbers in his head, know by sight and name hundreds of colleagues, opponents and voters, remember historical facts and events of the recent past. If you are not yet able to retain so much information in your mind at the same time, do not despair: there are special exercises that can improve your memory.

Diverse development is another quality without which one cannot become a good politician. An erudite person always looks more convincing in comparison with an ignoramus. Read scientific literature, follow events in the country and the world, get acquainted with analytical articles by political scientists and study biographies of outstanding politicians: W. Churchill, Elizabeth II, M. Thatcher. This not only broadens your horizons, but also creates an excellent basis for a political career.

A leader's charisma is the key to political success. People whose energy is capable of raising the masses become the first persons of the country. Anyone who does not have such magnetism can attend development courses many times. leadership qualities, but remain with the makings of an average person. In this case, choose a different profession: it is better to be an excellent doctor or teacher than a mediocre politician.

Where to start a political career?

Having decided to finally and irrevocably become a politician, get ready to work hard and persistently. Of course, the easiest and Right way get into the political environment - take advantage of acquaintances and connections. But even in this case, you will have to prove to others that you are not a random person among them. Therefore, it is better to start with work in ordinary positions, because voters sympathize with deputies who made their way to the political Olympus “from the bottom.”

Getting higher education

We advise you to choose specialties related to management, international economics and the study of law. The knowledge acquired at the university will become the basis for further study and honing of political skills. Already as a student, take an active part in public life University: join the student council, take initiatives that will help win the sympathy of your fellow students and teachers and create a good reputation for you.


The country has a lot of shelters, boarding schools, nursing homes and other institutions whose residents can be patronized. Organize among your fellow students a collection of toys for children growing up in an orphanage, perform a concert in front of veterans, offer student help to the management of a hospital, hospice, etc. Engage in socially useful work and always be visible, earning authority for the future.

Membership in the youth movement

Take part in the election campaign. Most likely, you will first be given the simplest tasks: distribute leaflets, ensure the collection of signatures. But this is also an experience, because you will see from the inside how the candidate promotion system works, and you will be able to learn self-PR.

There is a second option for getting into big politics - getting the position of assistant to a deputy. This position is quite prestigious, but it is also difficult to occupy, because, in addition to good grades in the diploma and knowledge foreign language, deputies also want their assistants to have some experience in the field of politics.

Participation in the life of a public organization

Some aspiring politicians take a different route: joining public organization and, speaking on her behalf at meetings of the local council, they form their own image as a fighter for justice/an animal defender/a champion of human rights (underline as appropriate). At the same time they tie useful acquaintances with well-known people in the city and region and prepare the ground for their own elections to the council. Then everything is simple: they become deputies of the district/city council, earn a corresponding reputation and run for the regional council. The ultimate goal could be The State Duma or the Verkhovna Rada.

Into politics through production

Most of the men now at the helm of the state began their careers not as politicians, but as workers who went from an ordinary worker to the head of an enterprise. And only after accumulating enormous managerial experience did they enter politics. This method of getting into the political environment takes the longest, but is also the most certain.

Once you enter politics, you will inevitably be faced with the need to participate in elections. It’s good when you have a party behind you whose sponsors will support your election campaign money. However, self-nominated candidates who enlist the support of large businessmen, promising in return to lobby their interests, also have a chance to win the election race.

Who do the electorate vote for? For a person who has an untarnished reputation, who has established himself as a defender of the interests of ordinary citizens and who has risen from an ordinary worker to a leader whose name is well known in wide circles.

Voters pay attention to:

  • marital status of the candidate for deputy. Statistics show: married people are trusted more;
  • education. An economist, lawyer, political scientist is more trustworthy than a philologist, cook and artist;
  • nationality. Unfortunately, we have prejudice against some nationalities. It is difficult to fight stereotypes, and politicians sometimes even change their surnames to more familiar Slavic ones.

When you decide to become a politician, do not turn into a corrupt politician. Always remember: the fate of people depends on you, and be honest with your voters.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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