Rising leaders - in memoirs and documents
"The last Soviet citizen, free from capital chains, is standing above his head of any foreign high-ranking bin, worst on the shoulders of the yoke of capitalist slavery." Stalin I. Questions of Leninism, S.500.

In the picture: the signing ceremony of the contract with China. (Stalin is below all - S.Sh.).

There are such gigid of mountains in Europe, this is the highest ridge of suddenov, located on the border of Czechoslovakia and German Silesia. It exceeds 1.300 m (vertices: snow (shneekope) - 1.602 m, highly happy - 1.509 m).
Apparently, they seemed high on the plains of Europe.
Although, if you begin to compare them at least with Elbrus or Belukha ...

How often it sounded: Great Lenin, Great Stalin ...
And what growth were they, great?
Let's try to answer this question, always formerly state secret.

First we will look into the Grand Soviet Encyclopedia.
It says that the growth of every particular person is not a permanent value. He changes from birth to death.
Funny newborn baby for 10 lunar months (40 weeks or 280 days) passes the intrauterine development cycle and by the time of birth on average has a lot of 3200-3500 (from 2500 to 4500) G., height 50 (47-54) cm, head circle 32 -34 cm. (BSE, 3rd ed.).
Then the man begins to grow, and reaches maximum growth during his heyday. Then, with the approach of old age, growth decreases, sometimes quite strongly.
The increase in the 1st year of life is 24 cm, an annual increase of up to 3 years - 10 cm, from 3 to 7 years - 6-6.5 cm. Body length gain during puberty is 5-7 cm per year.
Since girls have sexual maturation earlier than that of boys, from 10 to 14 years old girls grow more intensively and overtake boys along the body length, but after 14 years old boys become higher.
The growth process on average ends in men in 18-20 years, in women - in 16-18. Women's growth is 8-11 cm less than in men (for example, in the USSR in the 1960-70-X Gg. Middle Growth of Men 167-168 cm, women - 156-157 cm).
After graduation and about 50 years old, the body length is stable, then it gradually decreases due to aging processes. In terms of growth phases, variations in the social segments of the population and in national groups are observed. So, rural residents have the beginning and ending growth noted later than in the city. With a pronounced difference in socio-economic conditions, the growth of less secured segments of the population is usually lower than those provided.
As for ethnoterritorial differences, they are not always associated with geographical position and climate.
For example, small growth (below 160 cm in men) have Eskimos, Buryats, Vietnamese; Big (above 170 cm) - Scots, Swedes, residents of the Balkan Peninsula. The growth of bambouti pygmeyev living in the countries of the river. Congo, - 144 cm, and the Africans of the Tutsi tribe from the neighboring Rwanda - 176.5 cm.

With all the variety of body sizes in individuals, the average figures derived on the basis of numerous measurements remain a remarkable constancy for one or another nation.
The smallest growth was found in Africa at the Account Tribe - 1.37 m, in Asia - Negritzov Filipino Islands (1.46 m), in America - Guiana and Venezuela Karaibov (1.57 m), and in Europe - Lapland (1.52 m).
The greatest growth is distinguished: in America - Indian tribes (1.74 m), in Africa - the inhabitants of Sudan (1.74 m), in Asia - Turkestan Roma (1.72 m) and in Europe - the agricultural population of Scotland (1.79 m).
Scottish peasants, therefore, are the highest people on the globe, and the people of the Akka tribe are the lowest. Science and Life, 1904, KN. 2.

The scope of individual variability is greater than group, and is ± 18-20 cm on the medium-average growth value of this group.
The growth of men below 125 cm is defined as nanism (dwarf), above 200 cm - as giantism.
But the magnitude of our growth hesitates and every day. In the morning, after sleep, when with lying all intervertebral discs spread, the person is being made above, and by the evening, like and running, becomes shorter, approximately 1-2 centimeters.
With centuries, the average height of all mankind changes.
Anthropology testifies: over the past 100-150 years, the somatic development and physiological ripening of children and adolescents occurred. There is a change in the size of the body and the timing of development and throughout the human life cycle. Acceleration is inherent in all social groups. Sometimes they write about psychological acceleration, implying the acceleration of mental development under it, although the reliable statistical material has not yet been collected about it. The most studied changing body size.
The growth of children at birth on average is greater than 0.5-1 cm, and the weight (weight) is 100-300 g than 100 years ago. In children 5-7 years from 1880 to 1950, the length of the body every 10 increased by an average of 1.5 cm, and the mass is 0.5 kg. In school children, the body length has increased by 10-15 cm during the same time.

Therefore, when it comes to an average growth of some person, it will be necessary to clarify: in which age.

Recall the old lengths of length: ARSHIN 0.711200 cm, a heap of 4,44500 cm; 1 ARSHIN \u003d 16 tops.
Foot 0.304800 m, inch 2.54000 cm.

Repeat: in 1960-1970 - x In the USSR, the average growth of men was determined in 167-168 cm.
According to the encyclopedic dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron, in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, the average growth was about 2 Arshin 4.4 vershkov (161.8 cm).
Here is a lengthy quote from the dictionary.
In 1730, the smallest R. was first set for recruits - 2 ARSHIN 4; But this R. was small and already in 1737, it was decided to take 30-year-olds in 2 ARSHI 31/2, and more young - and the smaller R. (still grow). In 1766, they returned to the norm of 1730, but they soon lost 1/4 of the appearance.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the emperor pointed out of ordinary sets of people in 2 ARSHI 31/2, and over 22 years old - 2 ARSHI 33/4. With reinforced - in 2 ARSHIN 31/2, the top, regardless of age; With emergency - in 2 ARSHIN 3.
The population of some areas of Northern Russia was allowed to put people a few smaller growth, but not lower than 2 Arshinov 21/2 of the tops.
With the introduction of the Universal Military Meetility in 1874, the smallest growth of recruits is established for the entire empire in 2 ARSHIN 21/2 (only in Finland - on 1/2 above), mainly in order to have a greater number of persons recognized by Its growth is suitable for the service, and to ensure the possibility of widespread benefits for the family position.
For judgment on the growth of our recruits, these results of appeals from 1874 to 1883 can serve. inclusive.
Growth of 2 ARSHIN 21/2. The appendix had 2.8% of recruits (34.5 tops \u003d 153.5 cm).
Growth of 2 ARSHRY from 21/2 - 3 tops - 12.0%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 3 to 4 top - 24%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 4 to 5 top - 28.5%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 5 to 6 top - 20.6%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 6 to 7 top - 9.0%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 7 to 8 top - 2.5%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 8 to 9 vershkov - 0.4%,
Growth of 2 ARSHIN from 9 to 10 tops - 0.1% (186.7 cm).

The average growth of recruits was about 2 Arshin 4.4 vershkov or 161.8 cm.

One third of the recruits was higher than this norm, a third - below.
According to the Circular of the General Staff (1889, No. 180), in order to get to the guard, it takes an increase of not lower than 2 Arshin 6 vershkov,
in Grenadiers, field, backup and serf artillery and pontoon battalions - 2 ARSHIN 5 vershkov,
to army cavalry - 2 ARSHINA 41/2 Crash,
In the border guard - 2 ARSHINA 4 tops,
In Railway Battalions - 2 ARSHRY 31/2 Crash,
In rifle and engineering parts - 2 ARSHINA 3 tops.
The greatest growth limit is indicated only for the army cavalry - 2 ARSHIN 8 vershkov.

State peasants who used to be in the department of Nikolaev Admiralty were not the best situation. They paid 92% of income from their business on Earth.
This financial burden has a detrimental effect on all sides of the rustic life.
General Gurko in the report by the military minister stated: "... the last recruit set in Novorievsia testifies to the degeneration of the Russian soldier ... The peasants of the huds and Maloroslas are not expanding to the system of one and a half (less than 160 cm). Many recruits first try meat only in the army ... ".
The rural population of the Russian Empire, crushed by unbearable taxes, has become degraded by biologically.

This is all surcharge. Tale ahead.

Great Lenin
Many who knew Lenin - and friends and enemies - they write that he was medium or even a small growth.

Here, look ...
Ariadna Tyrskova writes: "I did not meet and did not read Lenin before. He was interested first of all as Nadine husband. The low, it seems below it, a squat, wide cheese face, deeply charged, small eyes. Sleepless man. Only the forehead Socratsky, convex. With no appearance, he captivated her. " Tyrkova-Williams A. On the ways to freedom, London, 1990, p. 188.

"A few days after the departure of the" teacher of life "[E.I. Sponti] A new guest came to me, also a young man, low growth, a rather colorless look. Introduced himself:
- Vladimir Ulyanov, came recently from Russia. Georgy Valentinovich, in Geneva, asked you to bow. " Axelrod PB From the memories of the negotiations with Lenin in 1895. - In the book. Lenin V.I., writings, 3rd ed, t.1, M., 1929, p.488.

"On the other, I mysteriously indicated by someone:" Pay attention to the one, the young, with a bald: it is a very interesting person, he among St. Petersburg Marxists is a big bump; his brother was also a major size, he was hanged on the people's thoroughly " . It was Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). He seemed very nonderable to me; His mop, however, sounded with confidence and sense of excellence. " Chernov V. Notes of the Socialist-revolutionary.

For the first time I met with Lenin in December 1905 at the Bolshevik conference in Tamemenefors (in Finland). I hoped to see the mountain eagle of our party, a great man, great not only politically, but if you like, and physically, for Lenin was drawn in my imagination in the form of a giant, state and representative. What was my disappointment, when I saw the most ordinary person, below the average growth, with nothing, literally anything different from ordinary mortals ... Stalin I. About Lenin. True, No. 34, February 12, 1924; Stalin I. Op. T.6.

Comrades in the party, however, the theme of the growth of the leader often managed.
It was a dark blond with a combatant a little curly hair, an oblongable beard and a completely exceptional huge forehead, which everyone paid attention. " Bonch-Broevich V.D. My first meeting with V.I. Lenin.

It is known that the police and gendarmes of Russia in the fight against "political criminals" actively used a verbal portrait. Although they tried from the memory of people to withdraw not only images, but also the names of those who struggled with the autocracy, compiled by them verbal portraits forever retained images of many revolutionaries.

It was on the archived gendarme documents that the majority of the statements of Soviet propagandists about the life of the Communist Chiefs are founded.
True, above the question, how true and accurate these messages from the past, headsets heads did not break.

Founded in the archives - the correspondent of "Izvestiya joyfully reported, - a verbal portrait of the CPSU Creator and the Soviet state V.I. Lenin:
"Signs of V.I. Ulyanova: Growth 2 ARSHIN 5 1/2 Crash, the physique is average, the appearance produces an impression of pleasant, the hair on the head and eyebrows. Rousse, straight, mustach, and beard - reddish, eyes - brown, medium size, the forehead is high, the nose is ordinary, the face is round, The features are correct, the mouth is moderate, the chin is round, the ears of the average value. " Evseev A. Story about one search. Izvestia, March 9, 1961, №58.
The "verbal portrait" reproduced the feature of V.I. Lenin in the days of his arrest and references at the end of the XIX century. Immediately two pictures are pasted on the card - FAQ and in profile.

True, it was possible and not to dig in the archives, but simply read the old magazines.
"Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich (Lenin's nickname), born in 1870 in the mountains. Simbirsk, assistant jury attorney ... Signs: Growth 2 ARSH. 51/2 of the vertices, the physique is average, the appearance produces the impression of pleasant, the hair on the head and eyebrows, the brown, straight, mustache and beard are reddish, the eyes of brown, the middle size, the head is round, the middle size, the forehead is high, the nose is ordinary, the face is round, the features of it Right, mild, the chin is round, medium-sized ears. " Collection of the Siberian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP, 1923, No. 1.

Length measures: ARSHIN 0.711200 cm, Cup of 4,44500 cm; 1 ARSHIN \u003d 16 tops. Foot 0.304800 m, inch 2.54000 cm.
5.5 tops 24.45.
2 ARSHIN 142.24.
142+ 24,5 = 166,5.
That is, its growth was 166.70 cm.
According to any standards for recruits, low Lenin you can not name. For the royal guard he was, of course, low, and in the Grenady of Young Ulyanov could have been thinking easily.
It turns out that Lenin's contemporaries had to say: above average.
And they are all, as they conspited: Below ...

All Governors, Governors, Ober-Politzmeysters, Heads of the Gendarm, Provincial and Rail Police Departments, to all border points, the Police Department sends a list of persons "to be returned by political affairs."
In the list under No. 89 - "Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyin, a hereditary nobleman of the Symbirian province, a jury assistant", which retired abroad and included in the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party.

The list contains - in case Ulyanov appears in Russia - all signs:
"Growth 2 ARSH. 5 and 1/2 of the vertices, the physique is average, the appearance produces the impression of pleasant, the hair on the head and eyebrows, the brown, straight, mustach, and beard reddish, the eyes of brown, the middle size, the head is round, the middle size, the forehead is high, the nose is ordinary, the face is round, The features are correct, the mouth is moderate, the chin is round, the ears of the average value. " In case of detection of a person with such signs, it is ordered to "search, arrest and telegraphs the Police Department for further instructions." Red Archive, 1934, T.1 (62), p.139.

And the Department of Police sent, - also for search and arrest, - a verbal portrait of Lenin. "ROCT 2 ARSH. 5 1/2 of the tops, the physique is average, the appearance of the impression is impressed by pleasant, the hair on the head and eyebrows of the blond, mustach and beard reddish; Capee's eyes, medium size, head round, medium size, top high, the nose is ordinary, the face is round, the features are correct, the mouth is moderate, the chin is round, the ears of the average value. " Spiridovich A.I. History of Bolshevism in Russia: from the emergence before the capture of power. 1883-1903-1917. Paris, 1922, p.26. Vilensky-Sibiryakov V.D. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov). Katorga and reference. Historical and revolutionary messenger. 1924, № 2.

Arshin - 0.711200 m, camerts - 4,44500 cm.
142+ 24,5 = 166,5.

But after 10 years, February 9, 1908, a photocarcar was sent to the St. Petersburg security department to Moscow and a completely different description of Lenin:
"A small growth, a dense, short neck, a round red face, beard and mustache brill, the nose is slightly rummaged, a sharp look, a bald, high forehead, almost always carries a waterproof cape, a headdress changes, barish china, Finnish English Matter Cap with Visor like jockey, gait solid. " From Art. Ulyanov V.I. In KN. Changlovsky M. Bolsheviks. According to the Moscow Security Office, 1918

"His low figure in the usual mapus, - recalled G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, - could easily be lost, not rushing into the eyes, in any factory quarter. A pleasant dark-minded face with a somewhat eastern tint - here's almost everything that can be said about his appearance. With the same ease, glading to some Armenian, Vladimir Ilyich could get lost in any crowd of the Volga peasants, - it was something that goes directly from these folk standards, as if his native blood. " Memories of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, in 5 tons. T. 2. M., 1969. P. 10.

But the portrait of Klenets in 1924: "It was a young man of a small growth, but strong addition, with a fresh ruddy face, with barely punched mustes and a beard - a reddish color - and slightly curly on his head, and reddish. It was not more than 23 years old. His big head with a big white forehead rushed into his eyes. His small eyes seemed to be all right, serious, thoughtful and gaze. A somewhat ironic, discreet smile played on thin lips ... "Commune, Samara, April 24, 1924.

Having met him in a restaurant after many years, I, of course, did not recognize in this low growth, with an unpleasant, directly repulsive expression of a person, a rather broad-way person with confident manners, that Vladimir Ulyanov, whom I could see in Samara. Mongolian type narrow little eyes with an evil ironic light in them. Solomon G.A. (Warm). Lenin and his family.

At this point, the doors opened and a small, a lush man in a gray coat and a fence, a soft hat ... Little shoulder man with a big bald shovel opened the door with a big bald hat ... So describes the leader in Munich and Zurich F.A. Ossendovsky, author of the documentary lead "Lenin" (Warsaw, 1930).

I was naive and enthusiastic directly from the Butyrsky prison, I got to Paris ... a squat bald man behind a mug of beer, with a junk eyes on a red face, similar to a good-natured burearator, held speech. I asked the words. A certain party maiden, who led me to the meeting, whispered in the thrill: do you really object to Lenin? I. Erenburg. Quiet family. - Daily News. M., March 27, 1918.

As Preszov emphasized, there was nothing in Lenin's appearance, which could explain his "hypnotic impact on people." Low growth, squat and bald, he reminded to contemporaries of the Russian peasant. In addition to the feeling of enormous physical energy and strength that emanated from Lenin, his eyes were singled out - "penetrating", "sparkling", "all-seeing", "amazing" and "flashing blue lights in the corners." Potreov A. N. A posthumous collection of works. Paris, 1937, p. 301.

If the walls of one of the houses on Baillou Street, located in the Catacombs quarter, wished to talk, then we would hear that a strange institution was located 10 years ago. It was called school. Six or seven Russians lived in it ... once or two weeks later, there was a low, bald, lean man and, riding as a camera-junker, indifferently read six ignorant, often dried, listeners of a strange property lecture.
The professor explained in detail what he would do with the earth, with the factories, with the wealth of Russia, when it becomes its owner. He also said - he outlined this idea at that time and writing - that with the owners of land and factories - first of all with the king and nobility - he will have to deal mercilessly and that such a rush is called terror.
Talking from an hour, he went to his cone on Marie-Rose Street in House No. 4. The present name of this Ferdinand VII PRACTRY was known to be a little.
It was called at different times differently: Comrade Karpov, Comrade Ilyin, Comrade Tulin. Now he has fame in the world under the name of the comrade Lenin. Aldanov M. On the way home. In KN. Aldan Mark. Fire and smoke. Paris, 1922.

Wife G.E. Zinoviev met the leader in emigration, in Switzerland.
From September 1914 to February 1916 IN AND. Lenin lived in Bern.
The report of Lenin was appointed in one of the Cafe Bern.
The audience gathered in advance.
When I came, the hall was already full.
I remember the question of someone from the comrades why you are so late, I answered in a joking tone: "Snake-the temptist will not start without me."
"Are you sure about it?" - asked me suddenly a small broadcaster little man, with drilling eyes and with a smile in the whole face.
"I am sure," I replied ignorly.
"Then order to start? I'm speaker. "
I measured. This means Lenin. Linail Zlata. My acquaintance with Lenin. The only unofficial one. Yekaterinburg. 1924. P. 30.

The only one who was distinguished from the choir - Bryandinsky. If you believe the gendarme archives, the provocateur, the bonding about the school in Lonjumo, reported completely different signs of Lenin: "About forty years old from the genus, above average growth, the oblong white face, living eyes, light-blond, big bald, mustache and british beard" .

So, Ulyanov-Lenin ... Tight blond blond with Tatar skull and narrow tatar eyes. Kostin N.D. 10 attempts on V.I. Lenin. M., 1994, p.281.

Ilyich arrived in Russia from abroad in the spring of 1917.
How did they see contemporaries?

After a trip to the revolutionary Petrograd, Swedish Social Democrat K. Lindhagen in 1918 issued a book "In the country of revolution".
In the chapter "Lenin" he described his first meeting with Lenin and his companions in Stockholm at the Hotel "Regina" in April 1917.
"It was," the author wrote, "a rather large group of men and women who had to fight for their beliefs with the vaginities of fate. Each by the shoulders had events testifying to the struggle and deprivation. On their faces it was possible to read an incredible desire: "Back to Russia." They were not party leaders in the usual understanding or ordinary members of parliament. It was a rare combination of real people. "
Lenin Lindhagen recalled: "Externally, and according to the data, he was 47 years old. It is low growth, with a face resembling a lapland man with sophisticated features. View calm and focused. He knows how to own the situation and be kind. It seems to be Lenin with a brief acquaintance in the society of other people. " And further: "During this short meeting, it was felt that some unifying force came from Lenin. I paid special attention to the fact that, trying to be inconspicuous ... He impressed a tight compressed spring. " Lindhagen S. in Revoluttionsland, Stockholm. 1918. S. 72, 74.

In an interview with K. Ulafson and T. Diet, Norrinsflamman's Communist newspaper correspondents, telephonist Harald Vennstrem (he then walked the eighth tens) he said that in 1917, Haparada was a wagon shopping center, the movement across the border was intense and business people turned there Solid operations. "Yes," he recalled, "I saw Lenin." I remember well how early in the morning of April 15, 1917, a large group of Russians arrived at the Old Station in Haparada from Stockholm. I remembered a low person with a small beard. His image crashed into memory. " Zubko M. Swedish vertical. P.171-172.

"The third of April 1917, in the twelfth hour of the night, a train approached the Perron of Finland Station in Petrograd. A low person in open a dark coat, from which a gray suit was seen, appeared on the footboard of one of the cars. " To Russia. M. Goberman, member of the CPSU since 1911.

"Lenin and other who arrived - Krupskaya, Zinoviev-Radomysl with his wife, Inessa Armand, Sokolnikov-Brilliant - went to the room where passports were checked. The crowd in the hall began to rain. The members of the St. Petersburg delegation advanced to the door, followed by the arrivals. Soon Lenin came out from there, with a passport in one hand, with a cap to another. He was in an unbuttoned demi-season coat, a gray suit. A little growth, dense, with Lysina through the whole head, with a raden of the Tatar beard, smiled confused, and his eyes-climb anxiously and challenged the hall, who surrounded his people. " Savchenko V. Apostate.

Finland station. The area and the streets adjacent to it, as far as it was possible to take a look, filled thousands of workers, soldiers and sailors with red banners. Kronstadtsy jogged off the attribute area and found themselves on the platform. They lined up in two ranks, forming a living corridor. Vaverov stood on the right flank. Like everyone, he was waiting for Ilyich's excitement. Imagination V.A. Vaverova painted the leader of the revolution by a man of great growth, rich in the non-lightable physical strength. "Otherwise, I can not," the sailor argued. - How then to raise him the whole of Russia and Mother? .. "
About midnight to Perron, a train approached. A low, chunky man in a cap and a demi-season coat appeared in the doorway. Vaverov did not even immediately realize that it was Lenin. And he removed the cap from his head, smiled and hailed his hand. Above the square swept the polyphony "Hurray!". People exclaimed:
- Long live Lenin!
- Lenin - URA-A,! Zhilinsky N. Soldier Revolution. Veterans of the Leninsky party. Minsk, 1987, p.16-17.

Elena Nikolaevna Kayurova recalled how in July 1917 in their apartment on the Vyborg side there was V.I. Lenin:
"Vasily Nikolayevich comes (husband) with some man of small growth and asks:
- Is there anything to have dinner with the guest?
Unfortunately, it was almost morning, and I have not prepared anything yet. But yesterday's fresh cabbage soup were:
- Do you want to say yesterday? Only with hands are mashed:
- Come on, yes as soon as
... Looking, the people sodged - the hot soup fisted. But here I have more tea with lemon and bread with butter served. They ate bread with butter. " Kayurova E. I remember Ilyich. Proletary, January 22, 1930

Lonely woman walked with evening petrograd. By 23, she needs to return with the answer. Meanwhile, in the 41st apartment on Serdobolskaya, 1/92, a chunky, a short man mercantly squinted from the wall to the wall, stopped and listened. His intense collence was extremely impatient. Sometimes he stopped, corrected the shifted wig and continued to walk. Chernov Yu.M. Fate is high "Aurora" ...

The soldiers with whom he spent together in the trenches were elected Oskina by a member of the Regimental Committee, and then a delegate from the 3rd Infantry Division at the I All-Russian Congress of the Peasant Deputies, which took place in Petrograd in May 1917, remembering the soldiers, he spoke at the congress As a Bolshevik, although in the party did not consist. Here he first saw and heard V.I. Lenin. That's how D.P. Oskin gave impressions of the speech of Vladimir Ilyich: "The leader of the Social Democratic Party of the Bolsheviks Mr. Lenin asks to provide him with the word out of turn, for he is so busy that he can speak today.
- Please! We ask! - Zashamel Hall.
On the tribune with fast cameters, Lenin rose hawided. Small growth, chunky, with bald head, high forehead, shiny eyes. The hall broke out in the thunder of applause. ... Oskin D. Notes of the ensign. C.203.

When Lenin spoke from the stands of the congress, John Reed recorded: "A low chicken figure with a big bald and convex, tightly planted head. Small eyes, a large nose, a wide noble mouth, a massive chin, shaved, but with the already awesome beard ... a shabby costume, a little not to grow long pants. Nothing that I would like idle crowd, simple, beloved and respected as it may have loved and respected only the few leaders in history. An extraordinary people's leader, the leader solely because of its intelligence ... "Reed John. 10 days that shook the world. M., 1957, p. 258.

From the moment when Chamber of Kamenev said: "Comrade Lenin will now turn to the congress," my eyes rushed to a low dense figure in a lousy costume. Holding a pack of paper in one hand, he quickly walked on the stage and lined up a huge hall with his rather small, shrill, but funny eyes. Williams A.R. Travel to the revolution.
Now we have seen it very well, and our hearts fell. Its appearance turned out to be almost the opposite of which our imagination created. We expected to see a person of a huge growth that impresses with one of their appearance. In fact, before us was a man of a small growth, a chunky, with a bald and a lured beard. Williams A.R. The first impressions of Lenin. - From the book. Williams A.R. Lenin - man and his business. - Memories of V.I. Lenin at 5 t., T.5, M, 1965, p. 122-131.

Szond the last sound of the chorus, but the congress was still standing by the fusion human mass, the magnitude of what was worried. And the eyes of many stopped at a low chorean figure of a person in the podium, with an extraordinary head, with simple features of the Skully person, changed by shaved chin, with this seeing a glance of small slightly Mongolian eyes. Trotsky ld HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION IN 2 T., T.1, KN.2, M., 1997, p. 544.

To meet the most ordinary and rarity, a modest person, easy to handle, mobile and at the same time concentrated, internally assembled, "low growth, broad-sized, in a lusher jacket, from the breast pocket of which broke" eternal "feather, fast and clear in movements , beautifully planted head with a big open forehead "... from the memories of M.S. Upperbaum, author of the first photoportist V.I. Lenin (January 31, 1918). Science and Life, 1965, №4, p.34.

Vasilyev V.E. retells the conversation heard.
- I'm him like you, the guy, I saw. It was a thing. We sent me with the team to Peter - got on the rally. Sprout he, Ilyich, small, bald, nose just right. You fuck him in a man, who walked in the worker's dress - looks like a brother, like a father look like. Only his eyes have a fire and everyone see. Who is a friend, and who is an enemy. Language that razor. Everything muses over the enemies yes mockery. And the people tell the people. And that neither the word, how would you think it yourself or said, only inxicate yours. Excess will not say - everything is about the most necessary. Vasilyev V.E. And the spirit of our young ... M., 1984, p.243.

A man came to a coat with a plight collar, bald, with a plug-in, low growth, and my thoughts pressed into the chased, cast words ... And at the podium-department, a low dense man with a small reddish beard. Lenin ... Vasilyev V.E. And the spirit of our young ... Kiev, 1978 and M., 1984, p. 7 and 9.

I confess, in a natural, in my youth, and in the original nonsense of human, illusion, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis appearance was painted in a romantic and heroic tone. Lenin appeared to me a man of high growth, "perfectly folded", with rapid movements, with clear eyes, "piercing through", - in a word, with a "strong and brilliant appearance", such an impression was inspired then first of all his articles and transcripts of his speeches ... Talking with Lenin with an eye on the eye, you see a low person who gives the impression of a wonderful fortress .... His head is smooth, as if polished, sits on a strong torso, dressed in a dark, unassuming smooth suit. Reddish, not a smooth mustache and beard, a face with sharp features and shrinking from time to time small eyes create some kind of contradiction to the rest, and the comparison is involuntarily screwed up - polished, a brilliant steel shell, stuck with an explosive of colossal power ... quickly leaves the tribune A small strong man, and, at the same time, as a hurricane of applause and screams, believed only to break it out again, he smoothes his skull with both hands, which still did not remove the wig, who wore in September 1917, I disassemble the records of the records, it's head in them, turning it there and here, "in a word, she tries to somehow hide from the inevitable, but taking the time of the sound rain, which raves on it. Osinsky N. Figure Pen. The only unofficial one. Yekaterinburg, 1924 pp. 2-3.

In a small essay of A. Kurin - "Lenin. Instant photo "There are features of Lenin's appearance.
"Also, the adhesive door was slightly shouted, and a towel serious man was dried out from her in a worn jacket on top of a black splash. He had some hard, yellow, oak species, black, round, stubborn eyes without eyelashes, small black mustache, Cold, hostile and lazy-confident calm in the figure and movements.
Such a type of impressive men could be seen as nightly powder in the most suspicious hotels on the outskirts of Kiev, Odessa and Warsaw.
"Go," he said, and missed us in turn, leaving among himself and the door such a narrow slot that I missed him towards him. It seems to me that I have a revolver with me at me, he himself, obeying the magnetic strength of these black eyes, would jump out of his pocket.
- This door left.
Spacious and the same gloomy and empty as the front, in the dark wallpaper Cabinet. Three black leather chairs and a huge writing desk, which is essential for emergency order. Because Lenin rises from the table and makes towards several steps. He has a strange gait: it is so long with her side on the side, as if lameling on both legs: so go crivo ones, inborn riders. At the same time, in all his movements there is something "boundary", something crab. But this external clumsiness is not unpleasant: the same agreed, deft clumsiness is felt in the movements of some animals, such as bears and elephants. It is small growth, broadcaster and dried. It is a modest dark blue suit, very tidy, but not shchegolskaya: white postponed soft collar, dark, narrow, long tie. And all he immediately gives the impression of bodily cleanliness, freshness and, apparently, a wonderful balance in a dream and appetite.
He points to the chair, asks to sit down, asks what is the matter. The conversation is our very brief. I say that I know how it is expensive to him, and therefore I will not bother him with reading the prospectus of the future newspaper, he himself will run him at his leisure and tell his opinion. But he still rises a manuscript leaflets, sloping her head low. Asks - what kind of fraction I am. No, I start the case for personal coin.
- So! - He says and moves the leaves. - I will see with Kamenev and talk to him.
All this takes the minutes three or four. But here the poet comes, which has long been impatiently moving his legs under the chair. I am very pleased with what remained as an observer, and look at, not letting it feel.
Neither repulsive, nor majestic nor the deep offender in the outerness of Lenin. There is a heavenly and eye cut up, but these dashes are not too Mongolian, there are a lot of such people among the "Russian Americans", ramorette immigrants from the Lyubovsky County of the Yaroslavl province. The skull dome is extensive and high, but not so exaggerated, as it comes out in photographic angles. However, only English ministers, leafy divisions and horses succeed in photographs.
Lenin is completely Lys. But the remnants of the hair on the temples, as well as the beard and mustache still testify that in his youth he was desperately, the fire red-red. This is also said to the purple moles on his cheeks, solid, very young and such ruddy, as if they just wash out cold water and fastenly stuffed. What a great health!
Talking, he makes close to the face of short, pumping gestures. His hands are big and very unpleasant: they never managed to catch their spiritual expression. But I looked at his eyes. I saw other eyes just once, much later.
From nature, they are narrow, in addition, Lenin has the habit of pure, must be due to hidden myopia, and this, together with quick glances, improving, gives them the expression of a minute delaying and, perhaps, tricks. But not this feature struck me in them, but the color of their heavens. Finding out a comparison to this thick and bright orange color, I used to stay on a mature berry of rosehip. But this comparison does not satisfy me. Only last summer in the Paris Zoological Garden, seeing the gold-red eyes of Monkey-Lemur, I told myself satisfaction: "That's finally I found the color of Lenin eye!" The difference was only that Lemur pupils are big, restless, and Lenin, they are exactly the punctuations made by a thin needle, and from them exactly popping the blue sparks.
He has a pleasant voice, too courageous for small growth and with the restrained stock of the force that is invaluable for the stands. Replicas in conversation are always irony, indulgent, dismissive shade - a long-standing habit acquired in countless wondering battles. "All you say, I know in advance and easily refute, as the building erected from the sand of the child." But this is only a manner, he is utter calm, indifference to any personality.
Here, it seems, and that's it. The most important thing, of course, you can not say: it is always difficult to describe the words landscape, melody, smell. I was afraid that my poet would never finish talking, and therefore got up and spoke. The poet had to follow my example. Gloomy kids again released us into a slit. Here I noticed that he had through his entire forehead, up to the end of the right cheekbone, there is an oblique crimson scar, which is why the lower eyelid of the right eye seems intimidated. I thought: "This one sign can, like a wolfhound, rush to a man on the chest and teeth to blame the throat."
At night, already in bed, without fire, I again turned my memory to Lenin, with an extraordinary clarity caused his image and ... scared. It seemed to me that for a moment I seemed to be entered into him, felt herself.
"In essence, I thought," this man, such a simple, polite and healthy, is much worse than Nero, Tiberius, John Grozny. Those, with all their mental deformations, were still people, accessible to the whims of the day and vibrations of character. The same is something like a stone, like a rock that broke away from a mountain ridge and rapidly roll down, destroying everything in his path. And at Tom - think! - Stone, because of some kind of magic - thinking. " He has no feeling, no desires, no instincts. One is sharp, dry, unbeatable thought: Falling - I delerate. "(" General ", February 21, 1921).

The color of Lenin's eye is also remembered in different ways.

His face, his whole figure, his gestures, his cold, blue, like steel, piercing through the view - all this can not be called a pretty, in the usual sense of the word. In particular, when he smiles his sarcastic mocking smile, his face expression produces an almost uncompatible impression: it has something demonic, devilish. When people gifted by a rich fantasy, they talk about almost the Mongolian type of Lenin's face, then there is a proportion of truth. Crabih Karl. First anniversary. 1924 - January 21 - 1925. Lenin, Lenin, about Leninism. M., 1925, p. 238.

American Besti Betty described a visit to Lenin's rally before the first army of revolutionary volunteers went to the front: "Finally, Lenin entered. He was met by a powerful greeting wave. Karie Lenin's eyes glittered from frost, red spots were burned on the cheeks. It was a black fur hat and a black coat. Lenin impressed the living friendly person ... I stood next to the tribune, he shook my hand before climbing the podium. " Betty B. Red Heart of Russia, P., 1918.

It is low growth, dense, looks like Favna, his face is dressed in freckles, the forehead is wide, the nose is issued forward, the chin hook a liquid beard, the eyes will be pursuing and continuously on the bow. His view is always straight and clear; It is felt that it is animated by intelligence, irony, the funny life of the fighter. His face with defined, mathematically accurate contours, his huge skull expresses all the power, all the energy, the vitality embodied in it. Takov Vladimir Ilyich, who in a huge laboratory, called Russia, made experience with scientific socialism, tried to hold a public system, in which every possibility of exploitation and violence was excluded, which is the largest enemy of capitalism, imperialism and colonialism. Guilbo A. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Description of his life. L., 1926. P. 7-8.

The first gustyly entered a dense, low person with a huge, enlarged LBO, very greedy and alive eyes and a brown-reddish beard and mustache. Modest, hardly non-worried, jacket, tie into white polka dots, then made a famous many millions of people, worn shoes, very lively hands, the fingers of which were lying to climb under the vests, - all this immediately helped me learn in Vladimir Ilyich Lenin . So more than once described me the organizer of the Bolshevik party, brother, I remembered him for a few photographs that were kept by Vladimir. Bonch-Broyevich M. All power to the Council.

A few minutes later we were Lenin. I saw a firmly folded person, a small height, bald, with a rare dark red beard and the same mustache. The most carefully peering in the photo of Lenin, who appeared after 1917, would hardly believe that this is the very person who first saw on January 5, 1904. The overwhelming part of these photos is simply idle. Especially fake one common, canonized, on which Lenin is presented in the form of some proud, beautiful Brunette ... I had to hear many times later and read about the pronounced Mongolian-Tatar Lenin's Tatar. It is indisputable, however, at the first meeting, and everyone follows, I did not pay Lenin on the "anthropology" and did not pay any attention ... His face seemed completely the same as in many other Russians, especially in the region of Middle and Lower Volga. Perhaps a little shattered eyes, and it is not both, but rather right only. The eyes were dark, small, very ugly. But the mind was sharp in the eyes, and the face was very mobile, often changing the expression: wary care, meditation, mockery, prickly contempt, impermeable cold, deepest anger. In this case, Lenin's eyes were made like eyes - a rude comparison - an evil boar. Valentines V. Meetings with Lenin. Leader. Collection of memories. - Saratov, 1992, p.20. Valentines V. Meetings with Lenin. New York, 1953, p.35.

When I talked to Lenin, I was much more interested in the conversation itself than the interlocutor. I forgot, big we are people or small, old or young. I was only struck by a slight increase in Lenin, as well as his exceptional liveliness and simplicity. Wells Herbert. A truly great man. Memories of V. and Lenin in 5 tons. T. 5. M., 1985, pp. 296-297.

Lenin was sitting at a huge desk, dated books and papers. I sat down to the right of the table, and a little man (when he sits on the edge of the chair, his legs barely touch the floor), turned to me, leaning on the pile of papers ... an inspiringly dressed little man from the Kremlin bypassed Balfur as thoughts and affairs. Lenin was alive to the end, while Balfur stopped at the scene. Wells Herbert. "Kremlin dreamer."

When I mentally try to fresh eye and fresh ear, as it were for the first time, see and hear Lenin on the podium, I see a strong and internally elastic figure of low growth and hear smooth, smooth, very fast, slightly straight, continuous, almost without pauses and At first, without a special intonation voice. The head itself does not seem big on this low, but strong, okay, rhythmic, rhythmic body. But they seem huge on the head and naked convex skulls. Hands are very mobile, but without a fussiness or nervousness. The brush is wide, short-tailed, "plebeian", strong. Trotsky L.B. Lenin on the podium. In the Great Grave. M., 1924. P. 480-481.

Voroshilov and the weekly crossed the threshold. To meet them there was a small growth, a chorey man. Budden's heart drown. He learned - Lenin. Petrov-Biryuk D.I. South on fire.

The resident of American intelligence in Petrograd Edgar Sisson in the book "One hundred and Red Days", which describes his visit to the revolutionary Russia, frank himself that when he and Robins saw themselves with Lenin, he "had his own channels, reaching every chairs of power, and I masked like a newspaper ... Even on this occasion I came only as the head of the American press office. " He described Lenin: "A low, with a rare beard, with reddish hair and with barenbards, with small, insightful eyes, a round face, smiling and good-natured when he wants to be so." New Haven, 1931, p.257-258.

According to the observations of another eyewitness, "he had a painful earthly face with an axes of freckles and inflamed eyes, constantly tracked - a consequence of injuries and the strongest migraines. The leader of the proletariat was low and chalk. Head, however, seemed huge because of the high forehead and Lysins. "

Last, the tenth meeting of the 9th congress was short and most memorable for Dauman. He came for half an hour before the meeting and still from the door saw the Unshlicht, talking to a low dense lycue man. Dauman thoroughly went to his comrades, it is necessary to agree on the bottom of the departure. And when approached closely, Orobell: Lenin stood in front of him. Kondratyev N. Man Dolg, p.93.

During study at the Academy (1920-1922) I saw Lenin several times at the congresses of the party and the Soviets. He in the literal sense was the mind and heart of the revolution. Low growth, chunky, he was simple without some kind of claim. Barmin A. Sokoli Trotsky, M., 1989.

"When Lenin sits at the table, it seems significantly higher than its growth. This is because he has short legs. " (Altman Nathan, sculptor).

So he sits here, in front of me, calm, silent, little growth man with a huge forehead. Lenin, the genius of the greatest revolution in the history of mankind - if he had just wanted to talk to me! But ... he hated bourgeoisie, and I was her representative. He hated Winston Churchill, and I was his niece ... Sheridan K. Non-across the truth. Memories of V.I. Lenin at 5 t., T. 5. M., 1985. P. 301.

At the funeral of Inesza, Armand, held on Red Square at the Kremlin Wall on October 12, 1920, according to Alexandra Kollondtai testimony, Lenin "was unrecognizable." He walked, walked with his eyes closed. "We thought he would fall." Another participant in the mourning ceremony, Angelica Balabanova, recalled: "I looked at Lenin. He seemed to be in desperate, his cap was thrown on his eyes. Always a little growth, he seemed to be wrinkled and became even less. He looked a pathetic and fallen spirit. I have never seen it before. " Balabanova added that Lenin's eyes "seemed to have disappeared in painfully contained tears." Cyt. on kN. Maisuryan A. Other Lenin. M., Vagribus, 2006, p. 149.

From above, the head of Lenin was clearly visible - a big, unusual, who worried at first glance. The curls of light yellow hair lay on the fur collar. The spreadsheet of the forehead, the topics and the heads were strangely dominant in the whole appearance, which and other features did not repeat anyone from familiar living images of history or modernity, and belonged only to this person - Lenin. Holding a hat behind his back, he was methodically, with little chambers moving back and forth, very focused, not disturbing the dimension of this movement and only occasionally raising his eyes. Fedin K. Live Lenin. Memories of V. I. Lenin at 5 t. T.4. M., 1984, p.231.

Here is the tomb. It lies under glass, visible from all sides, in one of the glasses the face is reflected, in reflection peculiarly animated. Lies in France. The face is dead, wax, familiar on so many photos. Somewhat only unexpectedly obviously reddish color mustache. Hands are small, and the whole miniature. Characteristic bald skull. Ustonov Nikolay. At the Wagon window.

And only lay down Lenin on his last bed, unexpectedly became growing up in memories ...

I did not have time to say hello to welcoming, helpful mistresses, as Vladimir Ilyich came out of the next room. I saw him for the first time. It was a middle-aged person, medium height, strong physique, with an energetic face, movable and at the same time concentrated eyes. Averbach M.I. Memories of V.I. Lenin. (Speech uttered at the general meeting of employees, patients and visitors to the city eye hospital. Helmholts). Memories of V.I. Lenin. In 5 tons, M., 1984. T. 4. P. 382.

In the memory of Trotsky, he also became higher. He even challenges Walls.

Lenin's appearance differed simplicity and fortress with average height or slightly lower than the average, with the Plebey features of the Slavic person, which was covered through the eyes of the victims and to which the mighty forehead, which passed into the dome of an even more mighty skull, attached out of a series of outgoing significance. Trotsky L.B. Lenin. Katorga and reference. Historical and revolutionary messenger. 1927, №4.

Lenin was a reddish blonde, - to call him dark, it is impossible. He was average, maybe even slightly below average; But that he made the impression of the "little man" and that he barely reached the feet of the floor - it could see only Mr. Wellsu, who came with the well-being of civilized Gullivier to the country of Northern Communist Liliputs. Trotsky L.B. Filiuter about revolutionary. In the Great Grave. M., 1924. P. 527.

Lenin I saw for the first time. He could give 30 years, no more and no less. A little bit below the average growth, strong addition, with confident, calm, defined movements, he impressed the finished, strong character. In his face, attractive were a sharp, insightful, but not alienating look and tricky-good, a pretty smile, which appeared often in conversation and served him with decoration. He kept with natural dignity, simply and modestly. Speech is distinct, weighted, without unnecessary words, but without laconism, usually repulsing with your boredom and dryness. Axelrod L.I. From the past. Notes of the Lenin Institute. KN.1. M, 1927, p. 99.

And all the rest ...

From the memories of the old Bolshevik A.S. Kiseleva. Hearing our conversations, a man came out of the apartment, dressed in a cheap jacket, wagged into rudely worn shoes, medium height, quite strong physique, with a friendly smile on his face and a little rissed eyes. Lenin and Metalists (articles, memories. Photos). M., 1924. P. 32.

Everyone was shaken. Along the living corridor to the center of the hall, a man was promoted - medium height, large-headed, bastard. Boldin I.V. Pages of life. July 1918

The leader of the centrifalt P.E. Dybenko also described his meeting with Illichi. "I stand, ask. From the neighboring room there is a middle-aged man, middle-aged, attentive with a grin of eyes. This is Lenin." Dybenko P.E. From the bowels of the royal fleet to the Great October.

What kind of miracles are? Real eyewitnesses until 1917 remember Little Lenin.
And the leader died and became medium height.
Moreover, pre-revolutionary archival documents correspond to the fact that it became "to remember" after death.

When there is a clear contradiction between archival documents and eyewitness testimony, it is worth thinking about the causes of inconsistency.
The answer to this riddle, in my opinion, is quite simple. All archival documents about Lenin's companions and Stalin, including gendarme dossiers, reports and references, as well as the report of the provocateur of the Bryandinsky decades were kept in one place - the archive of the October Revolution. There they could make any amendments, the necessary parties.

Grand Lenin could not be a small little man.

Haven't you grown up in documents for a couple of tops?
It is so easy to redo the number "3" in the top five ... 2 ARSHIN - 1 m 42 cm. 3.5 tops - another 15.5 cm. Total - 157 centimeters. Below the average...

He sighed, shrugged,
Bald, increasingly small.
- Lenin, - Just answers.
- Lenin! - Here and sat the old man.
Tvardovsky A. Lenin and the Lake.

Schukin's role has become a hunting, leadership: those first letters from which the word "Lenin" was evolved. And, naturally, all this has turned into its opposite. And ran according to the scenes of the Soviet Union, the busting, the hungry, all the time the cloning head is more than a small man. He somehow strangely kept his hands, putting them out somewhere in his pockets, Firth Edakim spinning all the time, some kind of a squeaky voice, something nepheless or very famous, banal, pronounced. After that, surrounding it on the stage, delightedly rolling his eyes, exclaimed: "God, how easy it is! As it is brilliant! As true! As the only possible!" Ulyanov Mikhail. Returning to myself.

And a few more passages from the memories that complement the image of the leader.
I. Bunin about Lenin
"... geek, moral idiot from birth, Lenin revealed to the world just in the midst of his activity something monstrous, awesome; he ruined the world's greatest country and killed several million people - and yet the world was already crazy that Among in broad daylight, the benefactor is he mankind or not? On her bloody throne, he was standing on all fours: when the English photographers filmed him, he fuckedly turned his tongue: nothing means arguing! Semashko himself grunted a siduru in all that in the skull of this new Nebuchadnezzar found green instead of the brain; on the mortal table, in his red coffin, he lay, as they write in newspapers, with a terrible grimace on a gray-yellow face: nothing means, argue! And his comrades, so they write straight: "Died New God, creator of the new world, Demiurg! "
... and if all this is connected to one thing - ... and the six-year-old power of a mad and cunning maniac and his torn tongue and his red coffin and the fact that the Eiffel Tower takes the radio about the funeral is not just Lenin, but a new demiurge and that The hail of St. Peter is renamed Leningrad, then covers truly biblical fear not only for Russia, but also for Europe ...
At one time will certainly fall on all of God's wrath, - it always happened ... "From the speech of the Bunin in Paris, 16 Feb. 1924

In Paris, I had to live after the Bolshevik coup for more than 20 years, but I do not remember such a scorching heat that stood above the city in early September 1911 - at all about becoming New York in July-August. Fortunately, the heat was sleeping in a few days, and the Charming Paris Autumn entered into their rights.
Russian emigration continued to be in a state of disappointment and prostration. Even restless Lenin returned to emigration, "like in a coffin." And persistent and hardened left the revolution, and someone turned into an enemy, government camp. Splits, salts, gaps of personal relationships and arbitration courts were not translated.
The familiar to the emigrant squads and their self created, Lenin, and he complained: "The emigrant is now 100 times heavier than it was before the revolution. Emigrant and squabbles are inseparable ... it turns out perfectly. My mood is sad ... so that her (Paris Sklock) 100,000 devils. " And as a positive program - "she, she, not to unite now, and it is necessary to laugh." The humorous magazine, which was then escaped in Paris, offered half a day who, over Lenin and his two Ayaksov, Zinoviev and Kamenev - will call the fourth faithful Bolshevik.
In this visit, I first saw and heard Lenin. He made an open to all the report, pointed against his yesterday's like-minded people who fell into the "foreigner" and "Godorse": Bogdanova, Lunacharsky, Gorky, etc.
Lenin spoke loudly, clearly and distinctly, a few Carts of the nobility and overlooking the speech by dry, looting the laugh. Hatering phrase, pose and artificiality, Lenin rejected and "art for art." He did not choose words and expressions, and enjoyed the first things that did not hesitate to repeat. Lenin was a speaker for non-religious listeners, - said as wrote, and wrote as he said; Freely owning the word, he was completely alien to writing and even despised this skill.
Opposed Lenin Aleksinsky and Avksentyev. As always caustic, Aleksinsky did not go further fractional disputes and bills. Avksentyev was much more than a simple - his own is not a friend. He tried to deepen the dispute - to withdraw him from the field of personal signs and accusations and raise the level of "world-coal" disagreements. It was not possible. The arguments of opponents did not cross, and went parallel, each of their own.
Lenin in the controversy was causing, often rude, always vulgar. There were also literary images that used the other. Lenin operated more often by the heroes of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Avksenthev more often referred to the words and positions of Chekhov characters. What distinguishes the literary Manner Chekhov from more primitive manner of generous, can give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the manner of the Avaxenteyev dispute differed from Lenin's manner. Vishnyak M. Tranny Past.

Grigory Klimov wrote about Lenin: "Program, a mixture of Antichrist with Satan". The only gratitude This foul language writer expressed Vladimir Ilyich (and at the same time his brothers and sisters) only for not left the offspring, in order not to produce geek ...

General M.K. Dietershs about Lenin: "Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, named Lenin, delivered by the Germans at the head of their political plan on Russia, the type is quite definite and clear:" His right eyebrow is higher than the left, right nostril is lower than the left; asymmetry in a person indicating degenerativeness , degeneracy. Such people suffer to Maniaia, they are persistent in their opinions "- this is the conclusion of a doctor about Lenin, and the activity identified by him adds - degenerate physical, degenerate mental and moral."

In the memoirs of Ts. Bobrovskaya (Zelikson) about the Swiss period of life of the Four of the Four "Illichi" (so they were called) can be subtracted how the mother of Krupskaya grumbling, accompanied the daughter always and everywhere: "Here, I buried there at the top in your books and notebooks, torments ourselves Vladimir Ilyich's work and Nadu tortured - you can't take them away. " Upstairs - it is in two rooms of the second floor of a "small dacha" in the suburb of Geneva. In each room - a table for work, shelves with books, a pair of chairs and a narrow bed, covered with a blanket. And sitting "Ilyichi" everyone behind her table, and slept in different beds and even in different rooms ...
Some referrals describe very touching details.
One of them, M. Essen, talks about the episode of a joint walk in the mountains: "We stumbled upon a whole field of daffodils. Vladimir Ilyich began to energetically collect flowers for hope of Konstantinovna." Naduzha loves flowers, "he said, and with youthful dexterity and speed Instantly assembled a whole oakha. " Just like on the hunt in Shushensky: if there was nowhere to bunners on the island during the spill of Yenisei, so "the whole boat is shooting." Maximalist in everything. And in the colors saved.

Krupskaya, subsequently becoming a leader of public education, deputy. The People's Commissar of the Education of the RSFSR, survived her husband for 15 years and died somehow very on time, in 1939, the day after his 70th anniversary. And yet, why did you stick so much heroic nickname to it? Treats contradictory associations: on the one hand, "like a fish in water", on the other, "cold like a fish." And the Midhoga is altogether just liketing the ...

Mysterious Elizabeth. In 1905, Lenin arrives from Switzerland to Petersburg, courtcate the first Russian revolution. Living on an illegal position under a false name, he meets some young and rich special, which is mysteriously referred to as Elizabeth de K. Shortly before their acquaintance, she divorced her husband, missed and looking for sharp sensations. Ilyich offered conspirativative gatherings on her apartment, to which Elizabeth agreed. However, only "two people: the owner of the apartment and the chief underground, the owner of the apartment and the chief underground. Their relationship continued with breaks for several years, but Ilichi did not succeed in" his faith "so much." It's quite obvious that you never We will become a Social Democrat! "He once said to her once." And you will never become anyone, except for the Social Democrat, "replied to Elizabeth. What did he take them? It is appropriate to make a little retreat and ask a question: what did you get a little Vladimir Ilyich his fans?
After all, the memories of people who did not belong to the Bolshevik Party converge on the fact that it was externally, it was a continuous man with an eternally fearful collar, rather stinging and unlone. In addition, very small (2 ARSHIN 5 and a half vershkov, or 166 cm).
Probably played his role Revolutionary Fleur, who won this "irreconcilable fighter". And, perhaps, eloquence. Although with the last more question.
Maybe it acted on ladies, workers and soldiers, but the philosopher Pitirim Sorokin, expelled from Russia in 1922 and subsequently became the founder of the American sociological school in the United States, stopped at once at the Kshesin Palace, listened to Ilyich's Palace and I wrote in the memoirs "The slaughter: the revolution of 1917" that he was weak, the speech is full of repetition and consists mainly of straight slogans. The future Harvard professor then was still the uncommon that these very principles after 20 with a small years will fall into the foundation of Goebbels propaganda: a lie, repeated many times, already as if ceased to be a lie.
And the fact that the Bolshevik slogans were incremental, confirms Pitirim Alexandrovich himself: "In the shadow of the gate, right in an open place, not a well-known man and a woman behaved in the most indecent way." Ha, Ha! - the crowd had fun, - if freedom, then everything is allowed! .. "At all corners of the city, soldiers and prostitutes behaved with revolutionary ease. - Comrade! The proletarians of all countries, join! Go home with me! - Neighted the original. Original Using the revolutionary slogan. "
Flame Inessa. The fact that Ilyich did not manage to Elizabeth managed on the other - Elizabeth Feodorovna Armand, in the greatness of Steffen, who took the name of the Inessa. She did his dogmas on the very risk and was predicted by Lenin no less than Krupskaya.
An Inessa woman was outstanding: he knew several European languages, carried away the ideas of feminism, threw her husband, taking five children. And when she was already without a small 30 years (Armand was born in 1875), he committed an evolution from feminism to Bolshevism. In 1909, Inesse fled from the reference and in the same year appeared in Brussels. The next year - Paris, acquaintance with Lenin, membership in the Presidium of the Bolshevik "Paris Group of Facilitation of the Party". She accepted an active part in the work of the part-school in Lionjumo (remember, the inspired poem of the young Ascension about this sawmill, as Ilyich "saw" everything and all?). In fact, since 1910, before his death, Armand almost did not part with Lenin and Krupskaya. They traveled together, lived, spent time. And Krupskaya to Inres treated well. Straight, the perfect family - "Ilychi" was three. After the Oktyabrsky coup, Armand was for a short time for Moscow, something like the current Luzhkov - Chairman of the Moscow Gubovnarhoz. And she died from cholera during a trip to the Caucasus in 1920 her death became a serious blow to Ilyich. At the funeral, he was extremely depressed. Must be, loved truly ...

Lenin's brain.
In the book with this name, the modern German writer and historian T. Spengler talks about O. Fogh's scientist, invited to Moscow to study the brain of the deceased leader. Fogt tried to identify signs of the genius of the brain owner, although it could well answer the question more prosaic: did Lenin have a syphilis of the brain, and whether he was the cause of dementia and death? Even earlier, in 1923, a group of German professors was caused to consult about the state of the health of Ilyich (he no longer got up and for the most part was in forgetting). One of the doctors was famous for the ability to diagnose late forms of syphilis. But after moving through the Soviet border, his suitcase disappeared with reactors for the reaction of Wasserman (at that time it was the newest method of diagnosing syphilis in the absence of its external manifestations). Later, Lenin's sister categorically banned blood test. The exact answer to the question about his disease syphilis was not given, although the stories that the leader died of "bad illness", picing her in his youth somewhere abroad and not hearing to the end, in the Soviet people there were not one dozen years.

Great Stalin
Whenever I hear this expression, usually recall a note of the biograph of the Mentor of Peter the Great: "There is a great difference between the glorious and between the great husband; Nice can be an evil and vicious heart man, but can not be the great one. " Golikov I.I. Historical image of life and all cases of nice Geneva F.Ya. Lefort, M., 1800, pp. 84.

Bernard Shaw: "Stalin is a giant, and all Western figures are Pygmy."

But once again we will remind Russian and English lengths of length:
ARSHIN 0.711200 cm, cubs 4,44500 cm; Foot 0.304800 m, inch 2.54000 cm.

The father of the leader Vissarion (called him simply beo) was above the average growth and thin. His hair was black, he wore a mustache and beard. As I remember him, he did not have a single gray hair. In his youth, our leader externally looked very much on his father. From the memories of David Papitashvili. Materials of the Tbilisi Branch of ICEL.

Joseph was medium height, thin. He went to school, having tightening his bag from the Red Citz over his shoulder. The gait is confident, the look alive, all he is mobile, cheerful. Wiggidze G. Memoral Years. Sat Stories of old workers about the Great Hill, p.25-26.
Stories of old workers of Transcaucasia about Great Stalin. M., 1937. P. 85.

It is absolutely clear, "says Yenukidze," the young Soso Jugashvili in Tiflis stands in front of my eyes, where I had the first business date with him. It was in 1900 ... Very subtle, spiritualized face, thick, black, like a quantity, hair. Youthless thinness emphasized the Georgian rolling of his faces and in Georgian sad eyes. At the time, which Yenukidze tells, the young revolutionary represented himself very bright, because it is very perfect, - the alloy of the intellectual with the workers. Low growth, not too wide in shoulders. Oblong face, transparent young beard, somewhat heavy eyelids, thin and straight nose; On thick black hair - a bit shifted on the booster. Barbus A. Stalin.

In Kutais Prison, Stalin was sitting with Social Democrat Gregory Uratadze, who left his description: "In appearance, he was inappropriate, the inspected face did his appearance not particularly tidy. I must note that all portraits I saw after he became a dictator, absolutely unlike that Cobu, which I saw in prison for the first time, and on that Stalin, whom I knew in the continuation of many years later. Urantadze G. Memories of the Georgian Social Democrat. Standford, 1968, p.66.

Police Department had data on 140 participants in the IV Congress of the RSDLP. Among the delegate of Tiflis: "Journalist Ivan Ivanovich Vissarionovich was born on December 12, 1879 in Tiflis, the son of the shoemaker Ivan Vissarionovich and his wife Catherine. Under the Tiflis newspaper "Democratic Constitution", the growth below average, full, hair and beard is black, the eyes of Brown, the nose is big, the face is cored. " Garf, F.102, oo. 1906-1, d.25-10, l.102. If you drop the "Full" accept, this is an exact description of I.V. Jugashvili. At the congress, he performed under the pseudonyms Ivanovich and Vissarionovich.

Year of 1905, Yuna Farandzem Knunyantz, a member of the Social Democratic Party, came from St. Petersburg to his homeland in Baku. Mija Tshakaya sent it to his comrade Kobe, a member of the party committee, for Marxist literature.
"Cobu I saw in a small room. Little, punched and some kind of flawed, he looked like a thief waiting for the punishment. He was in a blue sphere, in close, from someone else's shoulder jacket, on his head - Turkish fezka. He met me With undisguised suspicion. Only after detailed questions, similar to the interrogation, handed me a foot book and brochures. Part of them I was already in another place, so it was limited to three of the proposed books. He spent me up to the door, continuing to leap suspicious, hostile glance.
In the same evening, at the same time, I visited the gymnasian circle, who led Stepan Shaumyan, the leader of the Baku Workers. We went home with him. I decided to ask Shaumyan about Comradist Kobe,
- Who is he? None of the Social Democrats produced such an oppressive impression on me ... he is very angry, incredulous and malicious. Does he behave like this?
"What you are our old underground, experienced and devotee," Shaumyan assured me.
I stopped at Mercuryvskaya street at a poor, large working-tinsmith. Members of the Baku Party Committee gathered there. We were thirteen, chaired in turn. Before the start of the meeting, talked lively, joked. It's time to start time, but there are no longer the bags, he was always late. Not much, but constantly. It seemed that the clock would only exist then to calculate the time it was necessary for being late. When he entered, the atmosphere immediately changed, something was thrown to us, the businesslikeness was lost. Coba came with a book, which pressed his left-shouted hand to the chest. Sitting into the angle, he listened to every protruding silence. I expressed the last, slowly, comparing views, opinions, arguments. Choosing the most promising and delusted, he made his proposal, as if swaying. From here - the impression of the special significance of each word pronounced. In this way, he reached a large theatrical effect. "
Tetushka Faro, the sister of the famous Marxist Bogdan Knunyanz, lived more than ninety years, but he always remembered the distant fifth year. To comprehend the cult of Stalin. M., 1989, p.93.

K.E. Voroshilov, at the Congress of the RSDLP in Stockholm Volodin, wrote, as with him to the room "Soon another delegate of the congress, by the name Ivanovich, were settled. It was a chunky ... man, about my years, with a dark face, on which Ryabinka barely appeared - traces, must be transferred in childhood. He had amazing radiant eyes, and all he was a bunch of energy, cheerful and cheerful. From conversations with him, I was convinced of his extensive knowledge of Marxist literature and artistic works, he could quote the passage of political text that loved him, artistic prose, knew a lot of poems and songs, loved the joke. We made friends ... "Voroshilov K.E. Stories about life (memories). Kn. 1. M., 1968, p.247.

In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dalya shows a steady turn "The chunky peasant is a squat, bony and tight."

We will remind where Trotsky's growth is known.
On August 21, 1902, L. Trotsky fled from the place of settlement. The next day, despite the attempt of Alexandra Lvovna to hide the fact of the disappearance of her husband, he learned about this local correction. The telegram flew to Irkutsk from Verkhlenska: "Labor bronchnyein / 23 years old, Arshina and a half / Half brown / chin, dual-separated / wearing glasses / wife of Wife Bronstein went to Irkutsk / Favory Ludwig. Ivanov A. Lev Bronstein in the Siberian reference. Siberian link. Vol. 1 (13). Irkutsk, 2000. p.232. Since 1 Arshin is 16 vershkov, then Trotsky had an increase in 40 vershkov (177.8 cm).
According to other search formulations, the growth of bronstein was determined in 2 ARSHIN 6 3/8. Ivanov A. Lev Bronstein in the Siberian reference. Siberian link. Vol. 1 (13). Irkutsk, 2000. C.200.

But in February 1907, a copy of the "article list" was attached to the prescription to the detainment of Trotsky, who had a reference to Berezovo, who was written in St. Petersburg before sending it to the settlement. Here a portrait of a little different: "Growth 2 ARSHINA and 6 5/6, the bodies of the weak, the eyes are blue, the hair black, beard and mustache, the ears adjacent, the forehead is low, the nose is middle, the jaws are smooth" (the same signs on February 26 Tobolsky province The prison inspector duplicated in a circular letter to the corrections of his province). Voices of history, M., 1992, p.102-103. When transferring to the metric system, 172.8 cm is obtained. Thus, by police data, Trotsky's growth was from 171 to 178 cm.

In the description of the biographer L. Kaganovich, his American nephew, Trotsky is much lower.
"Lazari managed to get ahead. On the stage stood only a wooden table. Neither chairs, no posters, no slogans, nothing - only one table. The room was filled with an excited hum of the gathered, but the noise of immediate verse as only a low growth of a person in Pensne on a huge with a huge nose appeared from the side door and climbed onto the scene. On his head he was shifted on his headache, and boots dangled on thin legs. A bunch of sloppy dressed men with persons who have appeared to Lazaria Idiot, shadow followed the man whom they called Trotsky. He turned out to be less than Lazarus imagined him. Lazarar always thought that the leader or candidate in the leaders should be high. They said that Lenin was almost two-meter growth. Is that really true? But this man was small. True, when he removed his cap, a shock of black curly hair seemed, and Trotsky began to seem higher than the growth. " Kagan Stewart. Kremlin wolf. Book about Lazar Kaganovich.

But what recalled the meeting with Trotsky in November 1917. V. Lopukhin:
"The door will decide. There is a small growth man, a distinguished, blackless, ugly in an extreme degree in eyes. Yellowish skin of the face. Tooth-shaped nose over liquid mustache with lowered by the books. Small, piercing black eyes. For a long time not condensed, untidy, cole-oiled black hair. Wide cheekbones, overly stretching heavy low chin. Long, narrow crop of a large mouth with thin lips.
And - incomprehensible strangeness! Unusually developed frontal bones over whiskeys, giving the illusion of the root of the horns. These rod-like bulbs, big ears and a small goat beard attached to a person approaching me the striking similarity with a feature created by people fantasy.
He was dressed in a shabby surtuchishko. The starch shirt collar was very excluded. Shoulders and sleeves Sultuka are filled with dandruff from the head. Murged pants who have swollen in the knees, scattered in the ends of a small fringe.
Such was the appearance of a person who stopped in front of me.
And, not responded with this appearance, a pleasant melodious voice rang out. The words pure Russian pronunciation, without the slightest accent.
Hit the surprise and form of handling:
- What is your honor with? .. Trotsky. You are not a friend of Neratov Minister? Lopukhin V. Notes of the former Director of the Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So Trotsky was by no means long.

In January 1913, at the Northern Station, the Vienna came off the train. He had a dark face, large peasant mustache and a cheap wooden suitcase. According to the documents called him Stavros Papadopoulos, and he arrived from Krakow.

Soon they met - Trotsky and Koba.
"In 1913, in Vienna, in the old Habsburg capital, I was sitting in the apartment of Skobelev for a samovar. The son of a rich Baku Melnik, Skobelaev was at that time a student and my political student ... We drank fragrant Russian tea and reasoned, of course, about the reprimion of tsarism. The door was suddenly swollen, without a warning knock on the threshold, an unfair figure of a low growth was appeared with a dark sampling of the person, at which traces of the ospill were clearly visible. Trotsky lion. Joseph Stalin. Experience characteristics. - In the book. Trotsky L. Portraits of revolutionaries. Cost. Felshta Yu. New York, 1988.

This middle growth is a young man with short mustache and a thin face covered by barely noticeable apricots, with naughty magnificent hair, combed back, with alive brown eyes, closely visiting the interlocutor from under the steep ridden eyebrows; Not making sharp movements and constantly discreet, possessed fascinating ability to attract attention and reckon with his position. Romanenko K. Fighting and victories of Joseph Stalin. M., Yauza, Eksmo, 2007, p.38.

One of the referenced so describes I.V. Stalin at the meeting at the beginning of 1917 at L.B. Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk: "He almost continuously smoked the phone, he had a face damaged by PCOS, a low forehead over which dense and disheveled hair rose, mouth closed with dirty mustache. His small dark brown, almost black eyes looked with a gloomy expression under dense eyebrows. "

Mikhail Ivanovich Potapov, Chairman of the Military and Party Committees of the Bryansky Competition and Archangete in the summer of 1918, the defeated Tsaritsyn, could not achieve permission to repair armor blinds at the factory. "I had to go for a personal report to I.V. Stalin. Showing his document in the headquarters, I go to the reception - there is neither soul. Slowly open the door, look into the office. I see, goes into deep thoughts of a small growth of a person. There is a simple Soldier Schinel and ordinary boots on it. Having accepted him for the duty, I went to the corridor and was waiting. After a while, the man in Sineli Vnakidka came out of the office and passed into the adjacent room. Returning, he looked at me and inquired who I expect. I answer that I want to meet with his comrade Stalin on an important issue. He replied: - I'm Stalin, come in. " Potapov M.I. On Bryansky. - in Sat. In battles for Tsaritsyn. Stalingrad, 1959, p.235.

From the chair put in the corner of the room, dark, thin, medium height of the person rose. He was dressed in a leather jacket, on his head - a leather cap, drowning in black hair. Black mustache, straight nose, black slightly squared eyes. Budyeny SM Traveled path, kN.1.

Curious photo reform was carried out at the famous picture "Lenin and Stalin in Gorki." Sick Lenin, next to the young, healthy Stalin in shoes, and Stalin is clearly higher than the growth of Ilyich. Only carefully looks at this photo placed in the 2nd edition of the BSE, it can be found that Lenin sits on a bench, and Stalin on a bent chair, nominated half the meter, why the optical this illusion is created. In fact, Stalin was strongly lower than Lenin.

A small row of a little man with black mustes in a semi-kitel and filled into high boots of bridges, standing above the coffin of Lenin, says an oath to continue the chief of the leader. "We swear to you, Comrade Lenin ..."

"I was often able to see Stalin, when I was in the pioneer squad at the Central Committee of the Party. He did not like his portraits to his portraits: there was a redhead, a row, a little sharp and everything else seemed to be evil. " Azbel D. before, during and after. Memories. - Time and We (Jerusalem), 1989, 104, Art. 231.

Many contemporaries of Stalin represented him with a mighty handsome brunette and were very surprised when they were able to see a low, row man with a slight hand.

Speech at the 15th Congress of the WCP (b) at the end of 1927 "Stalin went forward, holding a small pack of paper in his hand, the size of no more than the eighth sheet, and began to wait for the end of the ovation, which when he appeared turned into a solid hum similar to Out of the sea. It seemed that this gul would not end. The speaker was medium height, with raised upward steep shoulders, with a pale yellow and a little rippled face, with shiny, then the business flashering black with eyes, with sagging blacks, with barely noticeable seams, with low-trimmed back black and silver rigid hair; He's dressed simply, usually, as always: it was not the light green, not the light blue military french, but without any military signs, fastened on all buttons; On it were the same color military pants, but not a halifer, and were filled into soft bright and high to the very knee boots. Now he stood smoothly, motionless. " Malashkin Sergey. The compositions of the Evlampia of the pile of the People's Commissioner and our time. M., 1928, Young Guard.

"During the All-Russian Congress of Soviets in May 1929 in Moscow, in the Bolshoi Theater, I saw Stalin went to the scene; I sat in an orchestral pit, under the ramp itself.
Stalin appeared due to the spin of the People's Commissars, members of the CEC and the Central Committee of the Party, which were lined up in two rows at the report: he was very simple, in the gray cuitel and dark pants, refilled in high boots. The low, broad-widespread, chunky, on a large head of a black hair hat, elongated eyes seemed more from the coal-black eyebrows, the face was dried off the spiny black mustache. Stalin walked slow, heavy step, knocking heels on parquet; Slightly tilted head, hands, lowered along the body, made it like a peasant, but a peasant-mountain, harsh, stubborn, patient and prudent.
When he appeared in the hall there was an enthusiastic roar, but he didn't even turn into the other direction, he leisurely walked further, took a place behind Rykov and Kalinina, looked up, looked at his huge crowd and stayed standing as impassively, touching, intently Looking in front of him a impenetrable look.
Only a person twenty deputies, representatives of the Soviet autonomous republics of Bashkiria, Buryatia, Mongolia, Dagestan and Yakutia, who were sitting in a literal bed, were dead and still: dressed in yellow with green silk bathrobes, in pointed, shoveled silver Tatar hats on long, dropping on shoulders Brilliant black hair, they watched with their small diagonal eyes on Stalin: there was a dictator, an iron fist of the revolution, a deadly enemy of the West, the enemy of civilized Europe, dyed and bourgeois.
As soon as the delight of the crowd began to subside, Stalin slowly turned his head to Tatar deputies: the view of Mongols met with a look of the dictator.
A deafening roar was ranked in the theater: this proletarian Russia welcomed the Red Asia, the peoples of the steppes, the deserts, the Great Asian rivers.
Then Stalin again drew a mighty face to the crowd again and stood all the same as the same snapped and motionless, looking closely in front of him in a impenetrable look. " Courcio Malapart. The technique of the state coup. M., 1989.

The appearance of Stalin is known, his portraits are printed in newspapers, worn on demonstrations. Only not in one portrait it is not seen that his face is insisted. The face is inexpressive, the growing average, walks in turning, always puts the phone. Different authors argue that he has one hand damaged and he owns it badly. However, the daughter Svetlana says that his right hand has moved poorly, and Bolshevik Shumyatsky wrote in the Soviet press, that Stalin could not bend the left hand. In truth, I never noticed any defect of this kind in Stalin. In any case, I sometimes saw how he did his right hand wide and squeezed gestures - he could be shy and bend it. In the end, I do not know - never did Stalin with physical work - it may be so that his left hand was not in order. But I never found a case to notice. Bazhanov Boris. Notes of the former secretary of Stalin.

Growth was small, probably no more than five feet and four or five inches (or 1 meter 63 cm). Takac Robert. Stalin. Path to power. Makes a reference to the book. Kaminsky V., Vereshchagin I. Childhood and Youth Chief, Young Guard, 1939, №6, p. 37.
152, 4 + 12.7 \u003d 165.1 cm.

"Once in the spring of 1931, when I was invited home to Sergo on some question, I suddenly met Stalin in his small office. As always, it was a superstar costume costume, the harslers were filled into soft boots of the Caucasian sample. This is familiar, all familiar appearance of Stalin in photographs and portraits of those years. But the first thing I was struck, - he turned out to be lower than I expected. He was enough to stand next to him, say, from Sergo, as it was immediately seen that he was small. Also, his handshake was also unexpected. It was thought that a powerful, hard man and a hand should be strong and large, it was soft and small. The eyes of Stalin were small, but the look is tenacious, permeating. Talking or listening, he inquisitively peered into the interlocutor, as if checking it. After a number of meetings, I had the impression that Stalin was with distrust referred to new, unfamiliar people. And in the first meeting, I repeatedly felt his looking at himself. Ginzburg S.Z. About the death of Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Questions of the CPSU history, 1991, №3, p.89.

The article "Tornado" Galina Serebryakova reports that at the funeral of N.S. Alilloeyeva "saw a baked small figure of Stalin. Pobbled face of it smoked. He seemed like that of so patients "(the newspaper" Evening Alma-Ata ").

It was about the middle of the thirties. In the Kremlin met the Congress of the Komsomol. The Kremlin in those days was tightly closed for the people. Therefore, I was delighted when I was offered a guest ticket to the last meeting of the Komsomol Congress.
Stalin at the congress has not yet opposed. The congress participants hoped that he would make at least the last meeting. But no one could say, it will happen or not. Even the chairman of the congress of Kosarev did not know this.
The participants of the congress are friendly, then the ruzyrod shouting: "We ask Stalin, Stalin, Stalin!" At times, this cry "Comrade Stalin!" Replaced with an exclamation: "Glory ingenious Stalin - our native father!" This exclamation shattered in the roar of applause and the topot of the legs. As time went. The entire presidium was waiting for Stalin's appearance.
And so - happened! From the wall at the table of the presidium, Stalin suddenly arose from the nut panel. All jumped. Applause fiercely trembled. Stalin slightly approached the table, stopped and, chaining his hands on his belly, rotating her thumbs, looked at the hall. I sat near and looked at him well. First of all, I was struck by the fact that he was little similar to many thousands of his invented portraits and front photographs. It was a low, chunky man with a heavy face, reddish, with a low forehead and thick mustes. Powesty K. Book of Wandering.

Here are the lines from the diary of the deputy editor-in-chief of the Leningrad Pravda, Alexey Kirillov, who died in the Siberian reference in 1936: July Plenum Central Committee. At the meeting of the partation of Leningrad, the plenum report makes Stalin. I, as always, in my place, i.e. at the table, next to the stenographer. For the first time I see Stalin. Almost like on portraits. Only ... for some reason lower than the growth (when I later stood next to him, it seemed that he was slightly lower than me). Cornish and strong. Speaks with a fair Georgian accent. Speaks without speech techniques, calmly, scary "outlining." He says like chop. "First, she is wrong because ..." This is his answer to the question asked after the report: "Is today's advanced" Leningrad truth "?" This article written by Peter Petrovsky (the then editor), Stalin mowed to the ground. She reflected the views of the right opposition, then no longer out. Stalin said: "In the Politburo of the Central Committee on all issues the unity ..." - you ask what is right in it? .. That's right in it, what she calls us to fight for the implementation of the decisions of the Central Committee. Well! With lousy sheep, though the fur of the block! " Our contemporary. 1988. No. 11. P. 115.

In portraits, Stalin makes the impression of a high, broadcaster, representative person. In life, it is rather small height, thinning; In the spacious room of the Kremlin, where I met him, he was somehow immeasured. Feakhtvanger L. Moscow, 1937.

A.M. Orlov writes: "The Puker came to Stalin to taste. Absolutely everything that was attributed to Stalin and his family, passed through the hands of K. Puker ... He studied Stalin's tastes and learned to guess his slightest desires. After noting that Stalin, wanting to appear higher than the growth, prefers high-heeled shoes, the Puker decided to increase him a few more centimeters. He invented a special cut boots for Stalin with unusually high heels partially hidden in the backdrop. Orlov A. The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes. St. Petersburg, 1991, p.315.

In the photos and picturesque portraits, he looked a giant, with a height of 154 centimeters. On the podium of the mausoleum, he was always substituted with a special bench. He avoided posing a photographer next to the rosy people. But nothing could hide his narrow forehead. When one of the oldest colleagues Lenin Panteleimon Lepheshinsky asked his wife, whether Ta Stalin called, he did not call any position, nor the name, but only put two slightly sovereed fingers to the forehead. In this family knew about whom we are talking. One hand in Stalin was shorter - the result of injury gained in childhood. Face - in deep Osupines, yellow, teeth curves ... Antonov-Ovseenko A. Theater Joseph Stalin.

Stalin, according to the memoirs of Trotsky, who saw him in 1913, was low, that is, was clearly lower than the very lion of Davydovich.

He was almost like that on portraits, and yet not quite like that. I imagined that it is larger, higher thanks. In a quiet voice and slow gestures, great confidence was felt, the consciousness of her strength. Kuznetsov N.G. On the eve.

Yakovlev N.N., Marshal Artillery. From June 1941 to the end of the Great Patriotic War, head of the main artillery department of the Red Army.
The meeting with Stalin in 1941 writes the following: "Until then, I never had to see I. Stalin's close to me. He seemed larger than it turned out to be in reality. Stalin was dried, medium height, with minor skewers to slightly Yellowish face. Dressed in the gray-colored color of French, the same color pants, refilled in soft boots with low-shore. " Yakovlev N.N. About artillery and a little about yourself.

V. Berezkov, Personal Translator Stalin, remembers the first meeting with the leader: "Looking at him, I experienced something close to the shock. He was absolutely not similar to that Stalin, the image of which was formed in my mind. Below the average growth, disgraced, with the earthly, tired face, exposed to PCOS. The martial cake hung on his drunken figure. One hand was shorter than the other - almost the whole brush was hiding in the sleeve. Is it really he? As if it was replaced! Our youthful imagination was given a high, slim, almost mythical creature. And he, it turns out, what, insensitive, even imperceptible person. " Berezhkov V. As I became a translator of Stalin.

He, apparently, did not want to be too high as his dumbfounded face. Marshall nippers and pants with red lamps were carefully mapped, soft Caucasian boots (he usually filled the trousers in them) sparkled brightly. Inserted into the insole under the heel laying did it higher than he was actually. And the conversation with Roosevelt he began with typical Georgian courtesy. Is everything suitable for the president in his residence? Have you missed anything? What he could be useful and so on. Roosevelt supported this game, suggested Stalin a cigarette. Berezhkov V. As I became a translator of Stalin.

Admiral V.F. The tributs recalled, as after appointing the head of the Baltic fleet headquarters in 1938, he met Stalin: "Late in the evening I went to the Kremlin with a commark. Of course, I was very worried. I was invited to the office, where I first saw I.V. Stalin. I was struck then that he was not as high at all as I imagined him in pictures and pictures. Vizh, 1970, №6, p.125.

According to G.K. Zhukova, who worked with him for more than 10 years: "Low growing and non-visible, I.V. Stalin made a strong impression. "

I thought that I. V. Stalin is high by tall, the shoulder and that the appearance of it, if it can be expressed, corresponds to the thieves of the greatness that he was surrounded by the people. It should be aware that I was surprised and a little bit even disappointed that a person had risen somewhat lower than the average height, dressed very modestly. (March 27, 1942). Bagramyan I.Kh. So we walked to victory.

According to Hugh Langa, the English translator, who attended the meetings in the tops during the 2nd World War, "Stalin, hardly exceeding 5 feet and 5 inches - was the right strong, but not a rough physique." Stalin. Face to face. - In: The Observer Weekend Review, 24 February 1963. Other eyewitnesses confirm this rating.
1 foot is 30, 48 cm, 1 inch - 2.54 cm.
152, 4 + 12.7 \u003d 165.1 cm.

Near Stalin. Meetings, let brief and rare, left a great impression from everyone who saw him. I remember it as a small growth of a person with a gray, ripple face and bent hand. Not at all, as he appeared in the film "The Fall of Berlin", on numerous paintings and portraits of artists. But still we felt like in a state of hypnosis. Chekhonin B. Journalism and intelligence. M., 2003.

No one would be able to forget the image of Stalin, as he stood, watching my departure, - harsh, rough, decisive figure in mirror shiny boots, dense baggy trousers and close francce. There were no signs of differences - neither military nor civilian. He has a squat figure that every football trainer dreams. Its growth is about 5 feet of 6 inches (about 165 cm), and the weight is about 190 pounds. He has big hands and the same solid as his mind. His voice sharp, but he holds back all the time. In everything he says, expressiveness is felt. Gopkins in KN. E. Prudnikova Joseph Jugashvili. 5 feet 6 inches 1 foot are 30, 48 cm, 1 inch - 2.54 cm. 152, 4 +15.24 \u003d 167, 6.

If we talk about his appearance, then he was a man of medium height. It is incorrectly the earliest opinion that Stalin was strongly predisposed to the completeness. Of course, as a person is not physical labor, he might have a tendency to this, but clearly tried to keep himself in the form ... Stalin's face was a little completely complete. I happened, and more than once, after the death of Stalin hearing and read that, they say, he could have seen the traces of smallpox. I do not remember this, although I looked at him from a close distance. What, if these traces were used, then probably so insignificant that I didn't notice anything like this, I didn't notice anything like that ... he was walking the marsh shape, she was immaculately stitched, and he felt that he liked her. If he did not put on a military uniform, he wore semi-walled semi-forwarded clothing. Gromyko A.A. Memorial. Memorial. M., 1988. P. 196-205.

This portrait belongs to M. Gilas, who visited him in the country as part of the delegation of Yugoslavia in 1944: "... It was not the magnificent Stalin, familiar to us by photographs and the release of newsreel, with slow wooden gestures and gait. He did not sit quietly for a second. He played his tube, drank the words with a blue pencil that the main topics of discussion were indicated, stressed them with oblique strokes, when the discussion of one or another item was completed, shields headed on a chair. I was struck by another circumstance: his little growth and insignificant appearance. The torso was short and narrow, hands and legs seemed too long, the left hand and the left shoulder were somewhat shaved in the movements. He had a fat belly. The hair was rare, but there was no real bald. The face was white, the cheeks had a reddish tint ... He had black, uneven teeth, converted several inside, even the mustache were rare and not sticking out. In it there was some kind of prison inoperativeness, something from the old peasant and father of the family, in his yellow eyes, there was some kind of a mixture of rigor and junk. "

Jilas met him after the war: "I was surprised that - he turned out to be very small growth and awkward. Torso is short and narrow, and the legs and hands are too long. His left hand and shoulder moved with difficulty. He had a pretty big belly , Hair is rare, although you can not say that it was a loss. White face with red cheeks. Later I found out that this color of the face characteristic of those who spend a lot of time in the office, in the Soviet leadership got the name "Kremlin complexion" . His teeth had dark and uneven, directed inside. Even the mustache was not thick and tough. But still there was something popular, peasant, something from the domic host - these yellow eyes and a mixture of inflexibility and sled tricks " . Gilas is pretty. Conversations with Stalin. Fragments from the book. - Change, 1990, №1, p.131-155.

Almost everything encountered with him, compatriots and foreigners, looked at him through a veil of heroic and reading or through the fog of acute enmity. This, apparently, prevented them to agree on not only the character of Stalin, but even his appearance.
For example, Jilas, who, as part of Yugoslav missions, held a lot of hours with him, argues that Stalin had a narrow short torso and disproportionately long legs. Like Lenin and most of the first generation of Soviet leaders, Stalin was very low, no more than five feet of two inches towers (about 155 cm. - Transl.). Quaroon, the former 3 years by the Italian ambassador in Moscow, just as convinced that Stalin had a dense, powerful torso and short thick legs. What is the written to believe? Charles P. Snow. Stalin. From the book Ch.P. Snow "Reniece Persons". London, 1967. Per. V. Mysyuchenko. Tomorrow, 1994, No. 30-31. 152, 4 +5.08 \u003d 157, 48 cm.

From the memories of Academician Yu.B. Harriton: "Once ... I was invited to Stalin. I go into the office, and Stalin I do not see - there was a lot of people ... Beria somehow drove out, then shows a finger. I look - Stalin. I first saw him. A very small person, he was surprised to grow me ... "- quote. under art. Gubareva V. Star Harriton. Science and Life, №9, 2004, p.47.

Stalin stood up. A low proven man turned his back to the hall to leave, and then I was struck by a big circle of Lysin. The famous silver-walled bobrik, who was discharged with such thoroughness and "worked out" in the photos of retauses, turned out to be a rare wedge. Stalin slowly leaving the scene, without stopping and not talking to respectful people with respectfully, pressing his left hand to the side. They said that she came down with him, was shortened, and he instinctively launched her so that it was not particularly paid attention to. Ajubey A. Those ten years. M., 1989.

One of Stalin's mistresses, the leading opera actress of the Bolshoi Theater, People's Artist of the RSFSR and the Georgian SSR, three times the winner of the Stalinist Prize V.A. Davydova told: "Stalin - Krivo-legged, short, bony, unbalanced, rough, envious-capricious - lies next to me on the same bed, and I must kiss him, hug, caress ... I considered it as follows: Growth of a small, body on The rare ugly, the bony, the clavicle is discarded, the vertebrae stand out, the body is narrow and short, and the hands and legs are excessively long. The right hand is longer than the left ... in his character: angry, multiplied by malignancy, vitality and disbelief ... »Gendlin L. Confession of Miscellaneous Stalin, Minsk, 1994, p. thirty.

Rindzuan MD, sculptor. From the memories of work on bust I.V. Stalin in 1926 (recorded in the early 50s). "I met a man of medium height, with very broad shoulders, firmly standing on two legs. It may be wildly listens, but this, for example, for me, like a sculptor, is very important. I repeat, medium height, on two legs firmly standing. And accurately poured out of one metal with a torso, a strongly developed neck head, with a calm solid face. I am expressed in our language of the artist, I saw a strong composition from the head of my head to the feet feet, giving one thought. A person who has an exceptional inner will, in a calm before the incredible pose, without the slightest movement. Strength, before the failure, striking and exciting, with a tightly sitting head that you can not imagine, so that you can turn right and left, just right and only forward. " Voices of history, M., 1992, p.115.

Finally, Stalin in a dazzling white uniform, surrounded by security - natural dwarf ... Sheer W. End of Berlin Diary.
Who is Shirer?
Shirep William Lorence (1904-1993), journalist and writer. In 1937-47 He was a commentator Si-Bi-Es, in 1941 released "Berlin Diary: notes of a foreign correspondent", in 1947 - its continuation "The End of Berlin Diary". After the war, there was a course of the Nuremberg process. In 1960 his book "Take off and fall of the Third Reich", which became a classic study of Nazism. In our country, three of his books were published.
Shirer U. take off and fall of the Third Reich. Per. from English Previous and ed. O. Rheshevsky. In 2 T. - M., Milivdat, 1991, t.1.- 653 s.; T.2.- 528 p.
Shirer U. Krach Nazi Empire. Smolensk, Rusich, 1998.
Shirer W. Berlin Diary. Europe on the eve of World War II through the eyes of an American correspondent. Diaries and letters. - M., polygraphworkurs. - 2002.

From the notes of a valid member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Professor Ya.L. Myasnikova (1899-1965), a doctor's doctor, a consultation participant in the bed of dying I. V. Stalin: "Late in the evening on March 2, 1953, an employee of the Kremlin Hospital was driving to our apartment:" I'm for you to the sick owner. " .. Stalin lay a cargo, he turned out to be short and thick, the face was shied, the right limbs lay like a whip. "Cyt. KN. Kolesnik A. Myths and the truth about Stalin's family. Kharkov, 1991, p.41.

In 2000, the light of the medical case I.V. saw Stalin, according to which he had such a defect, as thorough fingers on his left leg. In addition, he had a sick left hand, and not alone, but two moles, and above the right eyebrow and under the left eye. But its growth was not 164, and 170 cm. Ilizarov B.S. Stalin. Disease, death and "immortality". - New and newest history. 2000, №6, p.127. The nurse, who washed the body of Stalin, recalled that it was small, very white, one hand dry, smooth skin.

The first interrogation of the caroba took place on July 8. On July 30, 1902, the head of Tiflis GJA reported to the Department of Police: "On May 8, according to a separate requirement of mine in Batum, the accused Joseph Vissarion Jugashvili, who gave full denial of his guilt (250 st. Capture of punishments). Named Jugashvili by decree from 8th of July on the basis of 416 and subsequent art. mouth. angle. Court. Enclosed in custody in the Batumi prison. " On July 13, there was a new "literal b" No. 722, which came to us. Later, additional biographical information about I. V. Jugashvili was introduced to it. Tiflis GJA received "Literature B" no later than July 25, after which one copy entered the Department of Police, and here in the 7th office work in the case No. 175, Part 43 appeared, specially dedicated to I. V. Jugashvili.

On July 17, 1902, the Batumian city doctor. Eliava under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel S.P. Shabelsky amounted to the first known description for us to adopt I.V. Jugashvili. Here are some of his details: "Growth size - 2 ARSHINA 4.5 tops" (164 cm), "The face is long, dark, covered with ripples from smallpox", "on the left foot of the second and third fingers have grown", "on the right side of the lower jaw There is no front indigenous tooth, "" on the left ear of Molenia. " Giag. F. 153. OP. 1. D. 3432. L. 116.
The investigative routine was stretched in the usual way: interrogations, full-time rates, requests to other cities and institutions. Only on July 17, 1902, the gendarmes constitute a description of their prisoner: "Growth 2 ARSHINA, 4.5 tops (165-166 cm). The physique is average. Age - 23. Special Signs: 2 and 3 fingers on the left foot have grown. Opportion: ordinary. Hair: dark brown. Beard and mustache: brown. Nose: straight and long. Forehead: straight, but low. Face: Long, dark and ripple. " Semanov Sergey, Kardashov Vladislav. Joseph Stalin: Life and heritage. 142 + 20 \u003d 162.

"Demonstration on March 9, disobedience and strikes forced the police to act decisively. On April 5, 1902, Jugashvili was arrested for the first time. After six weeks after the arrest, the police started a criminal case on COBU. In it were photographs of the FAS and the profile and the next entry:" Growth Two ARSHIN one and a half (approximately 163 cm); the physique is average; age 23 years. The second and the third fingers of the left legs have grown. Hair, beard and mustache. The nose is straight and long. Lob straight and low. Face elongated, dark, with Ospines "". Gray Yang. Stalin. Arshin - 0.711200 m, camerts - 4,44500 cm.
1,422+ 0.067 \u003d 1.49 m.

On January 6, 1904, the county correction in Balagansk was informed about his escape. In the daytime of 12.10, the telegram of Pharednsky flew to the Irkutsk security department: "The NEWODINSKIY COUNTRY REND reported that administrative Joseph Jugashvili fled on January 5. Signs: 24 years old, 38 vertices, row, brown eyes, head head, beard - black, the movement of the left hand is limited. The search taken measures. Showed by the Krasnoyarsk Chief of the railway police. " The next day, the Irkutsk gendarme informed about his escape the police department. See a list of persons under the public supervision of the police, according to the highest approved on March 12, 1882. Regulations on police supervision (January 1, 1904), p.394-399; Garf. F. 1764. OP. 1, d.41, L.4. Romanenko K. Fighting and victories of Joseph Stalin. M., 2007, p.190.
Cup - 4,44500 cm. 38 vershkov \u003d 168.91 cm.
1 Arshin \u003d 16 tops \u003d 71,12cm. 38 \u003d 32 + 6 \u003d 2 3/8 \u003d 168, 9 cm.

The next day, Irkutsk, GJA, informed about the escape I.V. Jugashvili Department of Police. On March 5, the head of Irkutsksky GJC Colonel A.I. Levitsky signed a search statement, and on May 1, the name I.V. Jugashvili appeared in the search for the Police Department of the Department. In the circular reported that I.V. Jugashvili was born in 1880, and a description was given: "Signs: Growth 2 ARSHIN 4.5 Crash, the physique of mediocre, the impression of an ordinary person, the hair on the head of dark brown, on a mustache and brown beard, a straight hair, without a probor, Eyes dark brown, medium size, warehouse head ordinary, straight line, low, nose straight, long. The face is long, dark, covered with ripples from smallpox, on the right side of the lower jaw. There is no front indigenous tooth, the growth of moderate, the chin is sharp, the voice is quiet, the ears are medium, the gait is ordinary, on the left ear of the mole, on the left leg of the second and the third fingers have grown. " Garf. F. 102. OO. 1904. D. 6. Part 313. L. 15; RGASPI. F. 558. OP. 4. D. 92. L. 6-7.

It is easy to see that the basis of the circular - the protocol of the description will take a compiled after arrest I.V. Jugashvili in a Batum in 1902. But it is reproduced not quite accurately: in the protocol of the description, Molenia will take place on the right ear, in the circular - on the left.
If you compare the signs I.V. Jugashvili from the telegram of the county correction and the search circular, it turns out that two different people under the name of I.V. were fled. Jugashvili: one had a height of 171 cm, the second - 164 cm, one had black hair, with the other - brownish, one had a defect of the left hand, he was absent from the other.

Satrap in blue uniform, smoking the cigar and "spreading the smell of opposition", "unfolded his talents of the psychologist." This is what the data made in his report on the questioned: "Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich. The physique is average ... Voice is low ... on the left ear of the Mountain ... The warehouse of the head is ordinary ... the impression produced by the outerness, ordinary. " As we see, nothing eluded nothing from this insightful guard. Report on Stalin: on the left ear of Molenia. " Barbus A. Stalin.

Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich ("Koba", "Stalin"), from the peasants of the Tiflis province, Orthodox; There was one time an accountant. In 1908, he was expelled for the party work under the vowel supervision of the police in the Vologda province for 2 years, from where he was eating. Being then arrested, was again Sylaned in 1912 and disappeared again. In the same year, in the summer, again he was arrested and exiled to the Narym region for 3 years, from where it fled to the autumn.

No, this medium height, the wide-edged person does not look like a revolutionary leader. Rybas S. Stalin. M. 2010, p.6 (ZhZL).

Meanwhile, in the apologetic literature of recent years, the allegations are often found that Stalin was much higher than the average growth.
Here are two examples.
"In 1908, on the Baku gendarm administration forms, in the verbal portrait, compiled in connection with the detention of Joseph Jugashvili, its height is indicated: 1 meter 74 cm." Encyclopedia "Stalin". Fig. 6.
As A. Ostrovsky writes, on two registration cards, which were drawn up in the St. Petersburg security department, Stalin's growth was made 174 cm. And clarifies.
In the registration card filled with I.V. Jugashvili Petersburg security department in September 1911 (Ostrovsky A.V. Who stood behind Stalin's back? M., 2004, p.337), an increase of 174, see the registration card, in March 1913, decorated the same security department (there The same, p.380), a rise again 174 cm.

Naturally the question arises: did Russia use the centimeters gendarmerie?
Supporters in a single system of measures in Russia had. For example, a note placed in the magazine "Science and Life"
Metric system Mer
No need to prove the enormous value of the decimal number of the number. By its simplicity and convenience, this is a brilliant system and cannot but wish it not only for computing, but also for everyday practice. Therefore, the introduction of a metric system of measures and weights would be a huge step forward, and its distribution is not only desirable, but it is necessary. Take, for example, Russian lengths of length: versta - 500 seats, in the soot three Arsshina, in Arshina four quarters. All different factors that extremely complicates the calculations. In the metric system, as you know, the only plant is 10, the number to which and multiply can be multiplied without any computing. The benefit is huge. The weight system is still confusing, and the benefits of the metric system are even greater.
They are talking about the practical difficulty of introducing a metric measure: it does not adapt to the people. These concerns seem to us very little solid. The Russian people have already used to the decimal system, because our monetary system is decimal. In medicine, the decimal system has already received citizenship rights, and only very few doctors write recipes with a ridiculous troy weight; Most Russian doctors prescribe medications out of other, as the decimal weight system. In trade, the decimal system has also gained widespread and all intercourse with foreigners is already based on it, - everywhere kilograms, hectoliters, etc. Next, in the mass of the people, the metric system is not at all unknown: take any modist, any tailor, locksmith, joiner, - all of them the metric system is well known. Next on rules, roulettes, etc. Locked along with inches and centimeters. In short, we lack only the official recognition of the metric system, and it would be much less difficulty than they think.
At the same time, it would be too rashly accusing the government for caution, with which it belongs to this issue. Moreover, this reform is associated with large expenditures. For example, it is enough to indicate only one permutation of the vest poles. "Science and Life", 1897.
The following is said in BSE.
Genuinely international character metric measures has acquired in 1875, when 17 countries, including Russia, signed a metric convention to ensure international unity and improvement of the metric system. The metric measures system was allowed to be applied in Russia (in an optional) by law of June 4, 1899, the project of which was developed by D.I. Mendeleev.
4 (16) June 1899 Nicholas II approved the "Regulations on measures and scales", which entered into force from 1 (13) of January 1900.
According to Article 11 of the "Provisions" of international meter and kilograms, their divisions, as well as other metric measures, allowed to apply in the Empire, along with the main Russian measures, in trade and other transactions, contracts, estimates, contracts, etc., - By mutual agreement of the Contracting Parties, as well as within the activities of individual executive departments and public offices with permission or by order of the subjects subject to ministers. (A complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection of the third. Tom XIX. 1899. SPb., 1902. p.623).

In any case, in the documents of the Gendarmes of the Empire, the indication of the growth of detainees in Arshines and tops is observed until 1917 in particular,
In the registration cards of all political arrests made up from 1910 to 1914 by St. Petersburg Gendarmeria, the growth was indicated in Arches and tops.

And for Stalin Security, it turns out, made an exception.
Its growth was measured in international units.

The metric system of measures as a mandatory decree of the SNK RSFSR on September 14, 1918, and for the USSR - Decree of the USSR SCC dated July 21, 1925

However, referring to the documents of the gendarmerie, the authors of the Encyclopedia "Stalin" and their Ostrovsky associate strongly instabit.

Coco Jugashvili did not differ neither by statitium or attractiveness. In his verbal portrait made in the Police Department, it is said that he is "Hood", the hair has "black and thick", "there are no beards and a mustache", the face "ripple, with obsolete signs", shape "oval", forehead "Straight and low", eyebrows "arcuate", eyes "imaginary, brown, with yellow", the nose "straight", the growth of "Middle 2 ARSHIN 2.5", the buildings "mediocre", the chin "sharp", the voice "Silent " Among the special will take: "On the left ear of the Mountain", "left hand is dry", on the left foot "2nd and 3rd fingers have grown." Damaskin I.A. Stalin and intelligence. According to this data, Comrade Stalin was very lowered. 142 + 11, 11 \u003d 153.1 cm.

By the way, in one of the search for formulations that survived in the archives, the color of his pupils is defined as a greenish blue.

September 20, 1910 in the management of the Politzmesterist Baku to the name I.V. Jugashvili amounted to "Open List" №151, which indicated its inclusion in the Right Party: "Signs: Summer - 30, Growth - 2 ARSHIN 6 Tips (a commentator writes - 171 cm), the face is ripping (first it was written" pure ", then The word was crossed out), eyes, hair, eyebrows, mustache - black, the nose is moderate, special signs - above the right eyebrow of the mole. The left hand is dislocated and in the elbow is not extended. " RGASPI. F. 558, OP. 4, d. 628, L. 17. 142 + 26.7 \u003d 168.7 cm.

On December 16, 1911, the St. Petersburg security department sent a photo of Jugashvili to the Vologda Gubernskoye gendar government and notified that the name of the 14th of this period was dropped out in Vologda with a passing certificate for No. 23603. Appendix: photographic card. " In the passing certificate, it was included in the description of which in the case of a new escape should be guided by gendarmes: "Signs: summer - 30-32, height - middle, hair - black, eyes - brown, forehead - low, nose - big, Straight, mustache - dark blond, boil shaves. " RGASPI. F. 558. OP. 4. D. 173. L. 1.

Not a word about special signs, for example, about traces of smallpox on the face, about the defect of the left hand. The specified description was different not only in the absence of special adoption in it, but also the inaccuracy of those that were included in the description. On the registration card applied to the photo taken on September 13, 1911, it means: Growth - 2 ARSHIN 6 cm cm (ibid., L.5 is a registration card with a triple photo), and in the description, it will take in passing certificate, it is said: " Growth is medium ", which, says A. Ostrovsky, then in law enforcement agencies meant 165 cm. Garf. F. 102. OP. 261. D. 171. L. 6.

After the arrest in April 1912, Stalin was sent to Siberia. In the accompanying letter addressed to Tomsk police department, it was said: "Petersburg provincial prison inspectorate transfers Arstanta I.V. Jugashvili staged order with an open sheet of July 2 for № 6793 at the disposal of the Tomsk provincial rule. " The registration stamp of the Province of the provincial rule on it (No. 6273 of July 12, 1912) means that he arrived in Tomsk by train.
In the "Open Sheet," signed for the assistant to the St. Petersburg provincial prison inspector M. Kuchiev, it was indicated that I. V. Jugashvili was sent by order of the St. Petersburg security department.
Signals in the "Sheet" have largely repeated description, December 14, 1911. This St. Petersburg guard: "Signs: Summer - 32, Growth 2 ARSHIN 6 Tips (171 cm), face clean, eyes - black, hair, eyebrows, mustache - black , the nose is large, special signs - docking. "
This time, also forgotten missing spots and low-alignment of the left hand, but if at the end of 1911 I.V. Jugashvili had a height of 165 cm, then in mid-1912 - 142 + 26.7 \u003d 168.7 cm. When heighting 2 ARSHIN 6, it could well be recorded in the guard.
Based on the received documents on July 24 in Tomsk district police department ("On the Secret Table"), the case No. 2884 "On the expulsion under the vice supervision of the police in the Narymsky region of Joseph Vissarionova Jugashvili for 3 years from June 8, 1912" was established.

Soon he made a new escape, and on December 15, 1912. The secret Agent of the Porozov Secretary reported: "On December 6, an illegal meeting was held on December 6 at the school alley (for the Narva Zavka), 7 people were attended from workers of various city factories and 4 An intellectual, namely: ... Coba, "he" Vasily "- medium height, thin, obsteen face, without beard (shaft), small mustache, years 30-35, Caucasian type. "Koba" is a representative of the Central Committee of the RSDLP.

Joseph Jugashvili was not a good soldier. Moreover, he was not a good soldier. Little, row, long, it stand out among young, strong Siberians with her non-Russian mucus, slowness, solid age. Uspensky V. Secret Councilor Leader.

In fact, the Military Medical Commission of Stalin did not pass. He was not taken to the army because of a dry hand.

Vasily Stalin. Low growth, slender, with a kind of young man. Beautiful, very lively face, brown with golden teeth. Hair, gray living eyes, slim nose, thin lips. The upper part of the face is similar to the Father, in general he is strongly like a mother (Allyluveu), and a lot in common with Rosenfeld. Costume - Colonel, on top of a fur opened vest (black fur). Says quietly, without increasing the voices, powerfully. Repeat does not like. During the conversation rubs the upper lip (like father), rubbing the forehead or supports it, supports the chin. During reading - frowning, smiles, in general - reacts. Svetlana Stalin.

For the first time I saw him in the sports palace "Wings of the Soviets". There was a regular training, and suddenly someone said: "Son Stalin arrived." We jumped out of the hall. According to the corridor, a low man was low in a low-shielded flying cap, in a brown leather coat, on which the general shoulder straps were.

"He was not cold and female, because he was only 19 years old. Despite its unbroken appearance (small height, thinness, reddings and caulkival) - youth, babberry, violence and wit, and the main fact - the pilot, and besides Stalin, took His ... Vasya was a good athlete, famously gone on a horse , fond of motorcycles and cars. All sorts of podkhalima and, especially, girls flas down to him like flies to honey "(Polyansky V. 10 years old with Vasily Stalin. Tver, 1995. P. 20).

Relief comrades are great

And around him the challenge of thinner leaders,
He plays the services of herues.
Who is meager, who is crying who humps ... O. Mandelstam

The leaders were low themselves and chose the environment also for growth. Apparently, he was subconsciously did not want to be next to them, the people were tall, so that comrades were lower. As a result of this selection, the party elite was similar, of course, not on the circus of Liliput, but ...

"Kamenev nervous, would not be late for the station, railway workers promised to submit a special train for the Petrograd delegation. Low, thick, with a beard of a clina, in a gray coat, a gray hat with small fields, similar to the hedgehog, he restlessly moved from the room into the room, tapping the cane. Savchenko V. Apostate.

Despite the small height and thinness, which caused the idea of \u200b\u200bpain, from the figure of Sverdlov, the impression of considerable and calm power proceeded. Trotsky L.B. Around October. I. Before October. In police cards, Sverdlov was under the nickname.

After one or two days, I was told that Dzerzhinsky will go to me - Chairman of the Emergency Commission. A low growth of a pale man in the form entered and looked at me somewhat shyly, then on my job. I did not pay special attention to him, thinking that this was one of the random visitors, and waited for he to leave. Then he said the name of his Dzerzhinsky. Sheridan K. Non-proud true. Memories of V.I. Lenin in 5 tons, T. 5. M., 1985. P. 299.

One day a thin short young man came to the room, a blond wavy strand was unselected from which blonde. A young man did a beard older. He inquisitively looked at Kuzma.
- Will you be Savchenko Kuzma Demyanovich? - And transferred the letter. Brother Miron directed a comrade to Kuzma, who was sent from the Caucasus to Revel. It was M.I. Kalinin. Allyluweva A.S. Memories. M., 1946.

In July 1929, the Leningrad Region of the CPSU (b) on the initiative was at the initiative of the formulation with the wording: "Do not object to the cleaning of the Academy of Sciences."
The ideological inspirer, Mikhail Nikolayevich Pokrovsky was becoming an ideological inspirer: "We must go to the offensive at all scientific fronts. The period of peaceful cohabitation with the science of bourgeois is to the end. " Moreover, in a letter dated November 1, 1929 in the Politburo, he proposed to radically change the structure of the Academy of Sciences, turning it into an ordinary state institution. It is possible to fully understand the conscription of Pokrovsky, only knowing what power this person had. He held all the key posts that determined the policy of the party in historical science: He was deputy addict of Enlightenment, headed the Communist Academy, who prepared, in particular, the staff of historians-Marxists, stood at the head of the Society of Historians-Marxists and Centrahves, who made the country's archival institutions, held posts of the main Editor's set of magazines: "Historian-Marxist", "Fighting classes", "under the banner of Marxism", "Red Archive", "Comacademia Bulletin". This little man with a salad beard and a squeaky voice played a sinister role in the fate of domestic historical science.

With a report on electrification at the congress, the associate of Vladimir Ilyich - Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky spoke. Alexey Tolstoy said that he was happening in the Bolshoi Theater on December 22, 1920: "There was a small man in front of the map, in a fur coat, without a cap: the hair thrown back from the big forehead. He threw a shadow on the map. In his hand, he kept a long cue and, moving with thick eyebrows, pointing from time to time the end of a one or another color circle, tagged immediately as the bright light that the dim gold in the hall began to flicker and strenuous faces with eyes were visible. 30 electrical stations with a total capacity of more than one and a half million kilowatt was introduced in the country according to the Goello plan for 10-15 years. "

Little height of A.I. Mikoyana did not interfere with his career. So far, I did not finally approved in one-chisty, Stalin was illicious about high people who had to look up. This is later, the recreation is necessary by everyone, he stopped to crack high and even loved them. Here, they say, what kind of warriors serve me faithfully, they recognize my indisputable superiority ... Uspensky V. Secret Counselor of the leader.

Kk Yurev was a low growth of a dense man in a military gymnaster ... The one that lowered the growth was Mikhail Tomsk, in the past, a typographic worker, the oldest member of the party, chairman of one of the very first tips in Revel (Tallinn), created in 1905. A.I. Hecker, "Man of low growth, with red curly hair, small beggars and raised hands." Barmin A. Falcon Trotsky.

The last minutes of the life of the Provisional Government, who had decided to solve their participation in the Malachite Hall, recorded the Minister of Justice P.N. in the diary Malyantovich: "I looked around everyone, I remember all the faces. All persons were tired and strangely calm ... noise from our door. She swung open - and flew into the room as a sliver, drove into us, a little man under the pressure of the crowd, which he joined the room and, like water, spread at once all the corners and filled out the room. (This "man" was Antonov-Ovseyenko). The little man was in the open coat, in a wide felt hat shifted on the back of the head, on reddish long hair. With glasses. With short trimmed red beef and a small beard. A short upper lip rises to the nose when he spoke. Colorless eyes, a tired face ... For some reason, his manica and collar especially attracted my attention and remembered. Starch, double, very high collar pierced him chin. Soft chest shirts together with a long tie climbed up the vest to the collar. And the collar, and shirt, and cuffs, and the hands were very dirty. The little man flew and shouted with a sharp annoying voice. Malyantovich P.N. In the Winter Palace on October 25, 1917. - Purchase. 1918. No. 12. P. 116.

"There was ahead of the crowd, trying to restrain the rows, a low ineffable man; his clothes was in disarray; Widefield hat knocked down the side. On the nose barely held Pensne. But small eyes sparkled by the victory and angry against the defeated. " These derogatory features were defeated by V.A. Antonova-Ovseenko. Trotsky L.B., History of the Russian Revolution, in 2 tons., T.2, Part 2, M., 1997, P.508.

In 1928 I met N.I. Bukharin. He was treated in Kislovodsk and spoke at the request of vacationers. Small growth, dressed very simple, with cane. Starinov Ilya. Soldier century.
In this tie, he walked with us after the club in the Big Tsaritsynskaya, in the middle of the street, without security, a low, dense, broad-sided man with a beard and fun blue eyes, "Family Party" - Lenin called this. A. Fishermen. Roman-memories.
"Bukharin, smiling and rubbing his hands, like on the porch at home, sat down on the steps leading to the Presidium. He was, like a small red poppick, with a cock lung horsepower on his head, who came out to talk in a clear merge of a walk with parishioners "... (Zzabrin V. Two Worlds, p. 249).
"I consider photographic portrait on the wall: steep, high forehead, bright, shiny eyes, outdoor, friendly and a little mocked look, good folds over lips. For some reason, Bukharin seemed to me a large, greeted, stateless, and in fact, it turns out, was a low, red-haired, movable how to mercury. After occupying high party and state posts, being, as they were expressed, one of the leaders, he remained a person affordable, alive, cheerful, fond of, very frank. " Resurrection lion. "Know, comrades!" - Moscow news, 1987, №49.

Under a wide glass dome of the Tauride Palace in this clear, frosty January day from an early morning, people were engageless. Moses Solomonovich Uritsky, low, shaved, with good eyes, correcting a pensne falling out of her nose with a long, filled with a black cord and overthrown with her side on his side, leisurely walked along the long corridors and the bright halls of the palace, having granted the last orders.
"Uritsky met me on the threshold, she recalled." It was a very decently dressed man in starch underwear, a small height with a nasty face and a vigilant, sophisticated voice.
Suddenly, someone called by Uritsky. It was a challenged, middle-aged, short-legged little man with a pens on a black shoelace, in wide trousers, from which he did not take out. Mark Vishnyak. Tribute to the past.

Indeed, all the then comrades of Joseph Vissarionovich, as he himself, were low growth: Molotov, Kirov, Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov, Andreev ... V. Wisen. Mystery leader's adviser.

Having been in the summer of 1935 in Moscow, the writer Romen Rollan talked with the Iron Commissar and recorded in the Moscow Diary: "Moshilov Little, Face Ruddy, Sugar Laughing Eyes, He is all the time in motion and looks like a guy - Balaguore for which Everything becomes a reason for fun and who has no concerns. "

Ordzhonikidze, wide and powerful in shoulders, even lower than Stalin, seems almost square. He is in a spacewater spoiled by a subtle Caucasian strap. Ajubey A. Those ten years. 1989.

About S.M. Kirov. Sergey's growth was unquestless (168 cm), the appearance on the hero of the type of oat did not pull. Anatoly Azores. Death of Kirov.

People's Berry People - a delicate man with a sleek brush of mustache - from youth was not indifferent to everything elegant. Hinstein A. Dungeon Lubyanka. M., 2005, p. 316.

Vanked dwarf, with a short-chosen gray head, Chekist Mikhail Trilisser was dangerous than beggar. Gul R. Yagoda.

Profession - locksmith. Growth - 151 cm. The people were smaller then than now, but still chalk Nikolai Ivanovich, almost dwarf. To comprehend the character, this is important. Sharply men are usually extremely ambitious. Prudnikova E. Khrushchev. Creators of terror.

It is known that the hedges not only loved to attend night interrogations and full-time bets, but also often beat the treaty. Prior to that, I saw several times from the sconium, in the presidiums of different congresses and sessions, but never saw it close. Before us is a small, delicate man, to the outforth of which the Russian word "plug" would be most suitable. Liccino is also small, with unhealthy yellowish skin. Chestnut-reddish hair sticks out the wrong bobban and hire. On the same cheek of the scar. Bad, with yellow teeth. And only the eyes remembered for a long time: gray-green, dilated in the interlocutor resensitors, smart, like Cobra. Shipilov D. Inspectant. M., Vagribus, 2001.

With its dwarf growth - 150 centimeters - and the subtitle build is unlikely to hurt the pain (this is not his six-phase deputy Ferinovsky with fists with a children's head), but it must be, it was also offensive, and insulting ... Polyansky A.I . Horses. The history of the "Iron" Stalinsky People's Commissar.

Having passed the path from the provincial parbulum to the Chairman of the Central Commission on the Cleaning Party, and then the Chairman of the Commission of Party Control, finally, the NKVD addict, Ezhov fully showed the quality of the artist, but he was still the organizer ... Big Terror. By this time, the Jobs had already experienced participation in violence and intimidation. From December 1929 to November 1930, in the midst of the delegation of hedges, he served as deputy addict of agriculture. During this period, hundreds of thousands of peasant families were evaluated from emerged places to remote areas of the country, and those who resisted were declared bandits and shot without trial. Soon, he began to call him "bloody dwarf". This experience was useful to Hedgehog in the new post.
Vanked, small growth of man (151 cm growth) when meeting the NKVD apparatus after his appointment, the addict said: "You do not see that I am a little growth. My hands are strong, Stalinist. I have enough: I have strength and energy to end with all the Trotskyists, Zinovievts, Bukharinians ... I warn you that I will plant and shoot everyone, despite the ranks and ranks, who will dare to inhibit the work of the fight against the enemies of the people. " Mlechin L. Chairmen KGB. M., 1999, p.140.

Chaired June 11 on the process of M.N. Tukhachevsky All the same Korotka V.V. Ulrich. CEREUSH N. Elite of the Red Army on Calvary. M., 2005, p. 47.

When was it? Stalin straining memory. It seems in twenty-ninth, in Rice. Before that, Nestor and Sergo repeatedly told him about the young, energetic countryman-chekist Beria. But he did not make a special impression on him. Propultuous Lavrenty reminded the Great Teenager. Pensne, a miraculous on a thin bird nose, and baggy sitting Galifa gave the caricature of his whole figure. Abin N.N. Sumurai jump.

In the reception room and in the Beria office everything was massive: doors, windows, walls are separated by some special glossy tree. Marshal himself in a civil costume, a small rostic, broadly, sitting at the table. Karpov V.V. The fate of the scout.

The legendary Civil War Civil Civil General Ivanovich Gorudovikov in that year went to the reserve and disastrously missed. After breakfast, he went to the boulevard and, accompanied by an adjutant, who was attached to the rest of his life, performed a walk. Low growth, in a long green bakery with a doodle collar and golden general purses, he walked a little register, with a cavalry chic, counting every step by ringing spur. On the head famously sitting papa. E. Khrutsky.

Golikov Filipp Ivanovich (1900-1980), a brief, an increase in no more than 155 centimeters, the Congoret and completely Lys. Since July 1940, Deputy Head of the General Staff - Head of the Main Intelligence Department. Marshal of the Soviet Union (1961). Before the brain of Bone Stalinist, he did everything, betraying and destroying friends, acquaintances to get on the service stairs.

About A.Ya. Vyshinsky. I remember: an alarmingly and sweetly stood the heart when his noble session appeared at the bottom, almost fastened with mouse-colored uniforms and the colors of the color of the grooved steel - then this strange outfit diplomat seemed to the riding taste and a sample of elegance. All Soviet jurisprudence stretched along the stairs, forming a wide passage. I saw only his standing two steps from me: low growth, tightly shot down, fragrant. Beautiful recapture. Brush of thin mustache. Glasses in elegant rim. Behind the glasses is a chain, spiny, piercing. Face-sized eyes are also steel. Vaxberg A. Queen evidence. Literary newspaper, January 27, 1988.

"Uncertainty, almost the chance and was the main, distinctive feature, - remembers G.F. Alexandrova is one of the leaders of the Yugoslav Communist Party, Gilas. - He was low, the Congoret, Lys, and his pallor and fullness showed that he did not leave the working office. In addition to common comments and kind smiles - not a word ... "The famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya Minister of Culture Aleksandrov seemed to be" an unspoken and dull little man - a poured cat in boots. " With some surprise, she peered at the minister, who "spent the dark Moscow nights in sexual orgies with young, appetizing Soviet film actresses. Do you refuse your favorite minister? Fortunately, a low-spirited, bald philosopher Lyuba was antennial female tel. Skinny, the bony balleriny figures did not cause any details of the minister. Big ballet remained in pristine innocence. "

By the end of the meeting, Stanislav Kosior came - dense, small growth, with a shaved ass, in a long sweatshirt of a protective color ... I heard my ears, as the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) from Stanislav Kosior - a short, in an excellent laid suit, with shaved, Before the brilliance, the big round head - in the summer of 1930 instructed us drove out as an authorized CC for harvesting. Arkhangelsky V. Peter Smorodin.

Still languished and keen.
Back in the Ukrainian Power
Gensen Rules Kosior.
He is slightly sprouting, Conguest
And over the tribune is a little noticeable,
But Lobast and Will laundered
And the descent will not give anyone. Slutsky B. Tribune.

Malenkov is the secretary of the Central Committee of the Party. He is small. Shipilov D. Inspectant. M., Vagribus, 2001.

I was called to the government apparatus and said that A. Zhdanov asks for now to come to him in the Central Committee. In front of me stood a man of a small growth with a noticeable stuff. Pale, without bleeding face. Rare hair. Dark, very smart, alive, with mercile delighted eyes pied in them. Black mustache. Andrei Aleksandrovich was in a military man with a colonel-general chase. Shipilov D.T. Unspoken. M., 2001.

During the years of restructuring, the corresponding member of Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov, who came from Rostov-on-Don was often dined. He served there by the rector of the university. Son of the infamous A.A. Zhdanov and the former son-in-law Stalin was surprisingly similar to the Father. Little growth, with a round, as if female, face and eyes, shrillly lit towards the interlocutor.

About acquaintance with Otto Kuusinen F.M. Bulletsky wrote: "The papers were so much that I hardly looked for them sitting in the chair of a small, proven, very elderly man, covered with a checkered blanket and somehow fur." Burlats F. Guavesti and advisers. M., 1990, p.36.

I raised my head. At the top floor site there was a young man in big horny glasses and, leaning about the railing, looked down. Fluffy dark brown hair opened a beautiful forehead, an eagle nose, funny, slightly capricious lips, and the rising small, "like a penny knife," I thought. Is it really Mikhail Koltsov? N.I. Sats. Novels of my life. Kn. one.

Leopold Averbach. I saw him in Moscow for three months before this meeting and was surprised by change, not only me. He was a little growth, in glasses, strong, bald, confident, every minute, was difficult to present him in immobility, in thought, alone. Veniamin Caveryin. Epilogue. M. 2006, p. 96.

Deanozov Vladimir G., a veteran of underground work since pre-revolutionary times, was an old and close employee of Stalin, the Soviet ambassador to Germany. I was careful with this little man. I was told that decanosis will be at the top, on mausoleum. Little short, just a month and a half tall, he stood on the front row, one, on the right side of Stalin. The unusual honor, rendered to him, was a sign of preference to the Germans. Akhmedov I. Service in Stalin's GRU and Escape.

My attention was attracted separately from the other low, a tightly cholesale man with a round bald head and scolded, whiten, swachiy eyes. It was the deputy addict of foreign deeds of decanosis. Berezhkov V. As I became a translator of Stalin.

As the investigator of the military prosecutor's office recalled, "below average growth, with small features of the face, A.N. Shelepin had the appearance of an ordinary elderly Russian man. "

High, thin, with the needy, often unshaven cheeks, Suslov was always slightly stunned, as Stalin and Khrushchev were low. Even at the mode of fashion on Franch and the gymnaster, he wore a civil suit. Not carelessness in clothing, especially on weekdays, gray face, a rare smile made him like a seminary, "lacked only bread crumbs and ashes on the lapel jacket.

In July 1956, the decision of the Central Hospital of HPT Matyash Rakoshi was removed from the post of the 1st secretary of the Central Committee of HPT and was derived from the Politburo of the Central Committee of HPT. In the autumn of 1956, he flew out of Budapest to Moscow. "A small growth, a holled, he stood surrounded by a lens crowd. The forehead in older wrinkles, painful yellow, the eyes are very sad, sad, but the mouth is meant, along the long-term habit of portraying optimism stretches in a smug smile. And this discrepancy between the upper, natural, and lower, false, good, part of the face made it pitiful. " Avdeenko A. Black bells. M., 1964, p. 40.

In November 1963, resting in Barvikhe, A. Tvardovsky met among the holidaymakers of the former secretary I.V. Stalin Alexander Nikolayevich Prskurbyyshev. In the diary he makes such a record: "Little bald is resting here on the rights of a personal pensioner, a man with a shaved old manor, on which, however ... the resemblance to the baby and the Madushka appears ... This man goes to the dining room, takes the procedure, plays dominoes , I look at bad filters in the movie, the word "resting" here, like all old people, retirees, and no matter how not that A.N. Prskurbyshev, the nearest stall man, his keysticker and adjutant, and maybe uncle, and the slave, and the guardian, and the adviser, and the forefront of his secret secret ... Judging by the camp manuscripts, it was the same in the protection - non-obvious, invisible, but evil "

In the reception, we met a middle-aged man with a tired, concerned person. It was A.N. Skrebyshev. Rothmistrov PA Steel Guard.

The World Art Museum was to settle in the Grand Complex of the Palace of Soviets, built on the ruins of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The Palace of Soviets was crowned with a 100-meter statue of Lenin work of Mercurov himself. Against this background, the Hitler's "Mission Linz" seems like a pitiful provincial venture. After the war in Moscow and Leningrad arrived a total of 15 commercial echelons and 3 transport aircraft with paintings, sculptures and drawings of famous masters, not counting individual small parties.
In March 1944, the Chairman of the All-Union Committee on Arts, Mikhail Strapchenko, sent a detailed plan for Vyacheslav Molotov. Initially, the base of the supermouse was to become a Pushkin Museum, located next to the "Building of the Century". All other artistic museums of Moscow, with the exception of the Tretyakov Gallery, abolished and merged with the Monster. Molotov plan approved.
In September 1944, academician Grabar told Stalin about creating a masterpiece list. "In total, the list is up to 2,000 works that ensure the creation of a grand museum in Moscow, which is not equal in the world and which will appear in a century historical monument of the great victories of the Red Army." Next to each of the works stood its price in dollars. The most expensive in the list was the Pergham Altar - the famous antique relief, depicting the battle of Greek gigs and giants. Grabar rated him at 7.5 million dollars.
After a year, in 1945, Khrapchenko, with delight, reported that the inclusion of paintings by the Dresden Gallery to the Pushkin Museum allows you to create a world art museum in Moscow, not inferior to Louvra. And after another year, the staff of the Pushkin Museum prepared a real prototype of the future supermouse - an exposition from "trophy" and "their" works.
In two floors from the floor to the ceiling hung masterpieces taken from Dresden, Goths and Leipzig, including the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael, "Caesar Dynarion" Titian, "Holy Agnes" Ribeira. Only the highest Soviet nomenclature was allowed here, and even then at a special order of Marshal Voroshilov, who oversees the culture in the Politburo. One Rembrandt in the exposition was numbered 15 cloths, Rubens - 8. But the main emphasis was made on old Italian masters. The main star was the "Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael. Naturally, Moscow art historians saw in her not the Virgin, but "the best representative of the peasant masses, captured by the Great Humanist." The Bolsheviks became heirs of the Giants of Renaissance.
In the GMIA storey, the Troy Gold, a huge collection of porcelain and 300 thousand sheets of graphics were supposed to be completed. And there were also the Ermitage staples with the Pergham Altar and Moscow Gokhran with jewels from the treasury of Dresden Kurfürst "Green Arch".
Professor Andrei Chegodaev recalled: "Somehow, the Chairman of the All-Union Committee on the Affairs of the Arts of Khrapchenko appears as accompanying the Assistant Stalin, whom he sent. Poskrebyshev was the most terrible person I saw in my life. He was low, chunky, the head was sitting right on the shoulders, without neck. He did not turn her. He did not greet, did not rush, did not say anything at all ... Salrapyko from time to time I called me when I could not explain to this type something ... some kind of monster. Another day was ordered to stop access to anyone, except the director, me and restorers. For some reason, Poskrebyshev so advised Stalin. What he was frightened - I do not know. " Around the world, 2005, №3.

Well, about enemies ...
Ahead of all on a horse sat a little sprout. Slepty man in a gray Cuban on his head. It was Nestor Makhno.
The legendary Batka Makhno, the ruler of the walk-field, turned out to be indecently small, a little more than 1.5 m. And externally brightened to Zabuldigu-poet Kabatskaya Moscow. Mal Komar, but evil bone. Chained on the steppe of the brave warriors of the Central Rada, Aki Wolf trepidate lan.

Stein M. Rod of the leader. // Genealogy kind of Ulyanovy. / Writer (Leningrad), 1990, No. 38; Word, II, 1991; Moscow, 1991, №2.
Valentines N. Meetings with Lenin. // New York. Chekhov, 1953 publishing house; Volga (Saratov), \u200b\u200b1990, No. 10, 11, 12. Published in reducing.
Stalin I. About Lenin, // True, 1924, No. 34; PARTIZDAT CCB / B, Lenin, Stalin. Selected works in one volume, 1935.
Chernov V. Lenin. // Will of Russia (Prague), 1924; Russia (Moscow), 1990, No. 5.
Gorky M. to democracy. // New Life (Moscow), 1917, No. 174.
Kuprin A. Lenin. Instant photo // General case (Paris), 1921, № 221; Courier for you (Moscow), 1991, No. 4 (7).
Russell B. "He is an intellectual aristocrat." // True, 1991, No. 92.
Wells G. Kremlin dreamer. C Russia in the MGL. M., Mimitizdat, 1958.

Reviews on the "Gigs of the Mountains. Lenin, Stalin and Others "(Sergey Schramko)

Sergey Ivanovich! Read carefully. Work is huge, many interesting facts. Some statements about the appearance of Lenin and Stalin were familiar to me before, some are not. But these descriptions of the appearance of the historical person speak more about the author of the description, rather than who he draws.
I shy to ask a question - in the name of what is done by such a big job? Boris Sidorov 09/19/2013 22:55.

In fact, it is mostly documents from archives and quotes from once printed in the USSR, in Russia and abroad books. In materials from abroad and published in Russia, as a rule, Stalin and Lenin are low. But if the documents come from the USSR - our leaders are necessarily average, and even high growth.
But archival case forces to ask: why leaders in the documents from the West Dwarf, and in Soviet - communist giggles!
The answer is quite simple - almost all documents about Stalin who survived in the USSR, fake. Millions of documents and books were falsified and mentioning the repressed, where their names were eliminated.
The overwhelming majority of archives were destroyed, there were gigantic, unknown archives. Small Soviet Encyclopedia, which was released in 1926-1928, was completely reprinted in a new edition three times. Most of the books too. Just as other documents were falsified in the USSR - about the death of prisoners, economic achievements, etc. There was a large lies fabrication system. The presence of this system I prove in my book. Sincerely. Sergey Schramko 09/20/2013 06:05.

Sergey, interesting! Photo of the ribbentrop next to Stalin after signing the contract to everyone knows. There Stalin is completely small. And at the ribbentrop on the face, the smile of a genuine aristocrat. It seems he said that he felt in Moscow as comfortable as among the old Nazi bons.
Of course, "all evil from people of small growth," but the thought is still not indisputable: Peter I, for example, was Although Barbarian, but still great not only in growth. I found in the living three people: one who heard Lenin, two - Trotsky. What about the "degeneracy" of Lenin is written somewhat in the passability of the riot, but the speech of the leader really was a semi-attractive, the style of the choppy, the reader.
But about Trotsky, I told me a Swiss in the Rostov restaurant (he was in the past Makhnovets, and then - Budyennowovets). I rebelled some regiment.
Trotsky arrived and started talking like this: "I apply your ear to Earth and hear the flow of history." It was the theater of one actor. The gray-rough Cossacks cried, and at this time the crowd of Latvians twisted their hands behind someone and dragged into the car.
Yet white movement because they lost that they did not have close leaders equal to the mind, the power of Will and Harizme in half with the arrogance of Lenin and Trotsky.
But if Wrangel could, hearing a cry from the crowd "Let the boots!" Remove how Trotsky, your boots and throw them screaming: - "take!" But they were not fools at the sink, servants of the guns gave explanations to allies in four languages \u200b\u200band was not lower than the captain in the rank. However, they lost, because the enemy was unusual: stood on the throat in the water and kept the wires in their hands for communication and the order had: silently who could not swim silently, without a scream.
Yes, with such an army, it seemed, you can conquer the whole world, but it did not work under Warsaw.

What growth was Stalin? It would seem, isn't it equal? The greatness or insignificance of the statesman is measured by no centimeters of its growth. However, the same can be said about ordinary citizens. Adopting a person with low growth or exterior flaws can only morally flawed people.

However, the fighters with the totalitarian past each Lyko in the string. Stalinism accusals are voluptuously secure real and fictional physical disadvantages of "Tirana":

Stalin - Sukhorukhi, low, rim, with monstrous complexes, suspicious - "Night Blowing Creature", with cast-iron girks of their words, no one forgiving anyone (especially an independent mind) - this is something completely different.

Particularly advanced "researchers", like "one of the prominent US specialists on the study of Russian culture methods of psychoanalysis" Professor of Russian literature of the University of California in Davis Daniel Rankour-Laferier, build entire theories on this:

As a result of the illness or accident in childhood, the left hand began to develop incorrectly, remaining noticeable in short, and chronically did not bended in the elbow. His face was in Schcherbiny after sheepdowed in childhood, his smallpox (he was called "Ryaby" in the commoner - 30, 107). The second and third fingers on the left foot were fascinated together. He did not grow up above 160 cm ("I noticed that when he was photographed, he climbed the step above the other ..." - 200, 25) ... having all these flaws, Stalin must have experienced permanent oppressive The sense of inferiority.

(Rankour-Lafeferier D. Psychic Stalin: Psychoanalytic Study / Per. From English. Those. Astakhova, M.E. Lake. Society. Ed. V.M. Lake. M., 1996. P.75).

The American psychoanalyst professor will be invincible and some domestic authors:

Large, high and beautiful people irritated the lowered and ripple dictator.

(Medvedev R.A. Middle Circle of Stalin. The leader's colors. 2nd ed., Extras. And Pererab. M., 2005. p.18;
Medvedev R.A. Stalin's environment. M., 2006. p.13).

The lowest, Sukhoruky and Rabbow Highlanders, rough, rough, angry, vengeful and unprecedented, naturally, did not attract women - they preferred to him the sleek and educated revolutionaries, immigrants from nobles with good manners.

(Nikonov A.P. Bay first! The main mystery of the Second World War. M.-SPb., 2008. p.259).

These clarifications are so vomit that even such an avid antistalist, like B.S. Ilizarov, expresses the exact opposite opinion:

Stalin clearly liked when marshals and guards, Soviet characters and heroines were nourged, with expressive open persons, clear-eyed and blondes.

(Ilizarov B.S. Stalin. Diseases, death and "immortality" // New and the newest story. 2000. №6. P.127).

About his [Stalin. - I.P.] The specific natural charm says that, despite the weak health and physical disadvantages, he has never had problems with women.

(Ibid. P.126).

How was the growth of the "Kremlin dictator"? Turn to documents.

As you know, being a revolutionary, Joseph Jugashvili was repeatedly arrested.

July 17, the Batumi City Doctor G.L. Eliava under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel S.P. Shabelsky amounted to the first known description for us to adopt I.V. Jugashvili. Here are some of its details: "Growth size - 2 ARSHINA 4.5 tops."

(Ostrovsky A.V. Who stood behind Stalin? M., 2004. p.191).

That is, 162 cm translated into a metric system (A.V. Ostrovsky erroneously recalculates these numbers as 164 cm).

However, at the beginning of 1904, Stalin fled from the Siberian reference, in the telegram sent to the Irkutsk security department, another growth of the future leader of the Soviet people - 38 vershkov, that is, 169 cm (A.V. Ostrovsky mistakenly recalculates this figure as 171 cm) :

NEWODINSKAYA COUNTRY DEMAND RECEIVED THAT ANNUAL IOSIF JUGASHILI on January 5 fled. Signs: 24 years old, 38 vershs, row, brown eyes, head head, beard - black, the movement of the left hand is limited. The search taken measures. Showed by the Krasnoyarsk Chief of the railway police. For correction - Kirensky.

(Ostrovsky A.V. Who stood behind Stalin? M., 2004. p.206).

The same height - 2 ARSHIN 6 of the vershkov (that is, 169 cm) - is also given in the accounting card of the Baku gendarme (ibid. P.317).

In the registration card filled with I.V. Jugashvili Petersburg security department in September 1911 (ibid. P.337), indicated 174 cm growth:

In the "Open Sheet", compiled in July 1912, when sending Stalin to the next link - 2 ARSHIN 6 vershkov (ibid. P.356), that is, 169 cm.

Finally, in the registration card, decorated by the St. Petersburg security department in March 1913 (ibid. P.380), the growth is again indicated 174 cm:

Looking at the photo, the meticulous reader may ask why the growth of the "political criminal of Joseph Vissarionova Jugashvili" is specified in centimeters? There is nothing strange. 4 (16) June 1899 Nicholas II approved the "Regulations on measures and scales", which entered into force from 1 (13) of January 1900. According to article 11 of which

International meter and kilograms, their units, as well as other metric measures, allowed to apply in the empire, along with the main Russian measures, in trade and other transactions, contracts, estimates, contracts, etc., - by mutual agreement of the Contracting Parties, as well as within the activities of individual executive departments and public offices with permission or by order of the ministers to be ministers ...

(A complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection of the third. Tom XIX. 1899. SPb., 1902. p.623)

However, physically measurement of growth was produced in the tops, and only then the results were recalculated in centimeters. 169 cm - 2 ARSHIN 6 vershkov, 174 cm - 2 ARSHIN 7 TERS. Obviously, Stalin's growth concluded within these limits, and the designations of the gendarm rounded it to a large, then in a smaller side. As for the very first figure of Stalinist growth, 162 cm, then it seems to be erroneous (as you know, the growth of the human body continues for about 25 years, but 23-year-old Jugashvili could hardly be able to grow by almost 10 centimeters).

This is quite consistent with post-revolutionary data. At the end of life, Stalin's growth was 170 cm (Ilizarov B.S. Stalin. Diseases, death and "immortality" // New and the newest story. 2000. №6. P.127), and, as you know, to the old age of human growth a little decreases.

It is also curious to look at the joint photos of Stalin and Kirov.

As we see, Stalin noticeably above Sergey Mironovich. Meanwhile, according to the medical conclusion about the death of Kirov, its growth was 168 cm (Kirilli A.A. Unknown Kirov. SPb.-M., 2001. p.223).

So, contrary to the deep-minded reasoning of psychoanalysts, stalin's growth clearly exceeded 170 cm.
Is there a lot or a little?
According to the "Report on the total military service in the empire for the first decade," in 1874-1883. Middle growth of recruits

in general, the Russian Empire was 164.1 cm,
in the Privislyan Territory (Polish province. - I.P.) - 162.4 cm,
in European Russia - 164.2 cm,
in the Asian Russia (with the Caucasus) - 165.4 cm

(Anuchin D.N. On the geographical distribution of the growth of the male population of Russia. SPb., 1889. p.80).

The highest growth was in recruits from Kurland province ( 167.0 cm),
followed by Liflyand and Estland province (by 166.7 cm),
Kuban region ( 166.6 cm)

(Ibid. P.77).

Thus, for his time, Joseph Jugashvili was not at all low. Rather, he could be considered a man above average growth. However, as I said at the very beginning, the greatness of the statesman is not measured by no centimeters.

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It became interesting - whether there is a relationship between the growth of the leader of Russia and his affairs, success.

I decided to start with the kings of the emperors of Russia. Women and other Empress did not consider.

The growth of Ivan the Terrible (1547-1584) is 178 cm.The first king of all Russia. This state distinguished himself a formidable temper, oprichina and taking Kazan. Astrakhan hiking. Livonian war. From 1578, Tsar Ivan Grozny stopped executed, in the will of 1579 died in the deed.
The growth of Peter I (Great (1682-1725) was 201 see the rules for quite a long time on the royal standards. It distinguished himself with many and positive, brought Russia the development and intergraph to Europe, successfully beat the Swedes. All subsequent sovereigns from Romanovsky were different growth.

Peter II (1727-1730) Heights is unknown, the rules for a short time, was unmarked.

Height of Peter III (1761-1762) 170 cm. Rules not long.

Ivan VI (1740-1741) Growth is unknown, Rules not long.

Height of Paul I (1796-1801) 166 cm. Rules for 5 years. Growth low, elegant, apparent. He loved to play the soldiers. Was strangled with a scarf.

Growth of Alexander I (1801-1825) - 178 cm.Growth above average. Sorry Liberal. War with Napoleon Bonopart was won in his kingdom. In addition, there were successful wars with Turkey, Persia, Sweden. During the reign of Alexander, the territory of the Russian Empire expanded significantly: Eastern and Western Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretiya, Guria, Finland, Bessarabia, were switched to Russian citizenship, Most Poland (formed Polish kingdom). He died of brain inflammation.

The growth of Nicholas I (1825-1855) - 205 cm. High growth ruler. Ascetic, did not drink and did not smoke. Soldie The defeat of the noble december inside. The policy of reactional anti-liberalism. First railways. Stabilization and strengthening of the ruble. The defeat of the Polish uprising. Participation in the defeat of the Hungarian uprising. Unsuccessful Crimean War and Loss of the Russian Fleet in Black Sea. Caucasian war. Persian war. Died from the inflammation of the lungs.

Growth of Alexander II (1855-1881) 185 cm.Abolition of serfdom. Strengthening the role of the army and the police. During this period, Central Asia, the North Caucasus, the Far East, Bessarabia, Batumi were joined in Russia. Victory in the Caucasian War. Growth of public discontent. Several attempts. He died as a result of a terrorist act organized by the Party "People's Volia".

Growth of Alexander III (1881-1894) 179 cm. The laws of the Empire on Jews, forbidden to live everywhere except special "settling places." The era of stagnation. Virtually did not lead wars. In Central Asia, after the accession of Kazakhstan, Kokand Khanate, the Bukhara Emirate, the Junction of Turkmen tribes continued. At the board of Alexander III, the territory of the Russian Empire increased by 430 thousand square meters. km. On this expansion of the borders of the Russian Empire ended. Died from kidney disease.

The growth of Nicholas II (1904-1917) 168 cm.It was indecisive and weaklyacterin, depended on the German chief and Grigory Rasputin (193 cm). Russia with a crash lost to the war of the island Japan with him, and Nikolai did not have time to finish with the imperialist war with the Germans. He was shot by the Bolsheviks along with his family.

Then autocracy ended and the authorities moved into the hands of a temporary government. The growth of Alexander Kerensky (1917-1918) is unknown, the rules very long, not a marked trail left. Is that the crown with royal orls removed. Typical temporary. From Russia ran.

In 1918, the power in Russia took the Bolsheviks, and the other, Soviet countdown began.
Growth of V.I. Lenin - the first leader of the Soviet state was - 164-165 cm.Rules for long (1818-1924), but was distinguished by tremendous energy, built the foundations of the USSR and the Policy of the Party. He died of severe illness caused by a consequence of gunshot wound when the auxiliary of the esciliation of Kaplan.

The growth of Joseph Stalin was 163-164 cm (according to some data 175 cm).Rules of the USSR since 1924 and the death itself (1953). Differed with a harsh character, blind, persistence. Continued the case of Lenin, but with some amendments. Under it, the country has become massively increasing the industrialization, a technical and industrial growth appeared. Quite quickly dealt with political opponents (Trotsky-Zinoviev block: Trotsky - 168 cm,Bukharin - 155 cm), (which could not afford Lenin) and just in case with their families and they sympathize ( growth of the Russian OGPU Gendrich Berry 146 cm). Numerous repression weakened the worker-peasant army, which gave a reason to attack the USSR of Hitler Germany ( hitler's growth 175 cm). An example of that time is indicative - Stalin refused to exchange his son Yakov on Feldmarshal Paulus. Cult of personality. He died after a long prolonged disease.

The growth of Nikita Khrushchev was 166 cm.Rules for the country from 1953 to 1966. Developed the cult of the personality of Stalin. The Soviet Army participates in the suppression of the Hungarian events of 1956. He loved to sow corn, inspired by an American example and sowed it even where she could not be at physiological reasons. The first launch of the satellite and man into space. Execution of Novocherkasska workers. Focusing "Currency Case". With Khrushchev, the country has become massively constructed by the first high-rise housing, inexpensive and very economical. He was shifted from his post a bunch of dissatisfied colleagues.

Rising Brezhnev (1966-1982) was 176 cm. The defeat of Czechoslovak rebellion. The era of stability and stagnation. Pursuit of dissidents. With Brezhnev, the Soviet Administrative and Economic Apparatus together with the party apparatus achieved the limit of corruption. I had a lot of awards, and I loved to reward them. Development of space programs. War in Afghanistan. The first pre-New Year television appeal to the Soviet people. Olympiad-80. Soviet assistance to developing countries. In case of Brezhnev, the economic growth of the country reached his peak and gradually came up. He died after a long illness (from old age).

The growth of Yuri Andropova was 182 cm (1983-1984).Chekist. He took a course on combating corruption. Mass release of records and televisions. A fighter with nationalism, opposition and other activities related to the undermining of the USSR. Strengthening party discipline. Rules not long. He died of kidney disease, developed after an unsuccessful attempt.

The growth of Konstantin Chernenko (1984-1985) was 178 cm.Rules not long. Died from old age.

Mikhail Gorbachev's growth (1985-1991) 175 cm.The first and last president of the USSR. Anti-alcohol policy. Perestroika. Folding the arms race. Democratization and publicity. The dissolution of the USSR.

The growth of Boris Yeltsin (1991-2000) 187 cm.The first president of Russia. The first high-ranking official of the USSR, who volunteered from the CPSU, leaving all senior posts. Overclocking GKCP. Development of democracy and civil liberties. 1 and 2 war in Chechnya. Overclocking the Russian parliament. Alcohol addiction. Dependence on the daughter and clan of oligarchs. He left the post of the President in old age, running the operation of the "successor".

Vladimir Putin's height (2000-2008) 168-170 cm. Second Russian President. Chekist. The defeat of the clan of the oligarchs. Closing independent media. Second war in Chechnya. Managed democracy. Enrichment of close friends and relatives. Kadyrovshchina. He left the president's post after 2 terms of the Board, having launched the operation "Tandem".

Growth of Dmitry Medvedev (2008 by S.D.) 162 cm. The third president of Russia. The smallest leader in the leader of historical Russia. Lawyer. Victorious war in Georgia. Revolutionary and non-working amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Mitigation of legislation towards bribe products. Dependent on the chairman of Putin's government. Supporter of Nano-Technologies, Lovers of all new, iPods and iPhones.

And everyone knows, the man of which growth will be the next ruler of Russia. Is not it?

A diagram of studying leaders in centimeters showed the following general civilizational trend - after the recession period comes the rise period.

So, after the province of political kids and dwarfs, some ruler of Russia will necessarily be high. And who it will be - xs, i.e. The story is so silent))))))

People who adulted in thirty-forties remember that Stalin was presented to them a giant. Huge portraits hanging in kindergartens, schools and all institutions, colossal statues, bas-reliefs and profiles laid out by pebbles on railway mounds, unobtrusively inspired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe grandeur of the world communist leader, albeit not literally, but still ...

Then the XX congress took place, and people were surprised to find out that the head of state deified by them was Sukhoruk, ripple and not at all similar to their concentrated images. Stalin's growth, as they reported, was quite small, he himself possessed an inexperial appearance, and in general ...

Human psychology is typical of the desire to unsubscribe the object of deification, especially when this occupation becomes safe. It gets all its features, both character and appearance. Until 1962, Soviet people could see the body of the former leader of the crowd, it lay in a mausoleum on Red Square. However, it was not easy to determine the growth of Stalin, the time of visits is limited, and compared with something difficult. Do not lie next and the ruler will not bring. Some people have become wondering how much affects the character of a person. Almost all the great dictators were not high. Napoleon Bonaparte even once sonused about one of his marshals: "He is longer than me, but not higher!"

Nowadays, objective sources appeared, allowing to judge what Stalin's growth in the CM (can be in top of the top). Petersburg, after one of the arrests of Joseph Jugashvili, started a registration card, in which all the features of its appearance were described in detail, including a special value - the Mountain on the ear (left). There are also photos in profile and experience. Stalin's growth is indicated - 1 m 74 cm. Not a Giant, but not dwarf,

There are other sources that allow us to judge how high the Secretary of the Central Committee was. For example, the photo on which he hugs with the legendary pilot Valery Chkalov, whom no one considered the baby. "Stalin's Falcon", of course, is a bit higher, but it does not have to talk about a huge difference.

But another testimony. After escaping from the reference to 1904, the orientation made up in the Novothian volost government described the appearance of the state criminal Joseph Jugashvili. In particular, age is 24 years old, row (yes, it's true!), Eyes color - Cary. Stalin's growth in these years - 38 vershkov, which approximately corresponds to the range from 170 to 175 cm.

If we consider that over the years, every person becomes lower, then it can be assumed that for years to seventy "Father of Peoples", too, somewhat "sat down", centimeter for two or three.

Historians, and ordinary people are intended to be interested in various household aspects of the life of famous people. Old myths are refuted, new corresponding to the political situation and the primary ideology are created. Modest gray semi-long french and chinel have become symbols of modesty. The image of Marxist-Askta created by these things did not correspond by the other personal preferences of the leader, recognizing only the "Pakcarde" and the luxurious banquets of unprecedented latitude in the most difficult and hungry years on their cottages.

The cruelty, which many famous historians define both the animal and thoughtless, also does not answer the question of what Joseph Stalin ultimately sought. In this case, in this case only illustrates the logic of the reasoning of such "psychological researchers": the angry Dwarf hates high handsome men (Yakov and Yakir, or what?), Envies and cruel to them. Apparently, Stalin's actions had more complex motivation, which would still be to understand. And the growth here is nothing to do with it.