Spiders. For many, this one word is enough to make them shudder with disgust or feel a panic attack. Although most of the representatives of this detachment are completely harmless. Their poison will cause no more trouble to a person than a mosquito bite. However, the most dangerous spiders in the world cause significant trouble to others, even death.

1. Killer Soldier (Brazilian Banana Spider)

Since 2010, the recognized leader has been the Brazilian banana spider. He is also called a traveler, soldier or runner. He never stays in one place for a long time, does not weave a web. The killer with furry legs can reach 15 cm. Most often it has a sandy color, which allows it to camouflage perfectly on the ground. Only the canine-cheliceral area is bright red. Males are smaller in size and more pronounced in color. They express their readiness to mate with an original dance.

Traveling spiders do not have a permanent habitat. They move through the tropical jungles of Central and South America. They are often found in bananas, which is how it got one of its nicknames. While wandering, the soldier spider crawls into houses, where it hides in secluded corners: closets, closets. They also crawl under things thrown on the floor, into shoes or. Therefore, most bites happen due to inattention or carelessness of a person.

Banana spider venom contains a powerful neurotoxin. It causes severe pain and inflammation, paralysis. If help is not provided in time, death from suffocation is possible. Some sources note that in 85% of cases when poison gets into circulatory system leads to heart failure. Scientists have found a use for spider poison - they use it to create a medicine against male impotence.

2. From a family of black widows

(North American black widow, prairie widow, brown widow)

The genus of black widows includes 31 species. They are all united by an unhealthy passion for their soulmates. After mating, the females kill the males. Individuals are quite small, not exceeding 1.5-2 cm. The predominant color of representatives of the genus is black.

One of the most dangerous in the world is the North American species. Its distinctive mark is a mark resembling a red hourglass. Newborn spiderlings adopt the habits of their mother. While in the cocoon, they eat each other and 1-2 of the strongest are torn free. Before the advent of antivenom, about 5% of those bitten by a black widow died.

In the southern latitudes of Europe, including Russia, in northern Africa, and in Central Asia, the karakurt or steppe widow. Its disproportionately large abdomen is decorated with red spots with a white edge. Only females are dangerous to humans. They are 3-4 times larger than males. Their toxins are 15 times more dangerous than poison rattlesnake. The bite is accompanied by a burning pain that spreads throughout the body within half an hour. If help is not provided in time, death can occur within 3 days.

Another representative of the genus lives in Africa, America and other parts of the world. She is called the brown widow. Her traditional black color has been replaced by a lighter gray-brown. The venom of this has neurotoxic effects. But due to their smaller size, brown widows are not able to inject it into large quantities. Therefore, they belong to less dangerous species.

3. Australian aggressor (Sydney funnel-web spider)

Most members of the class prefer to avoid close contact with humans. They attack only in cases of immediate threat to their lives. Only the Sydney leukopaweb (funnel web) spider is known for its aggressive disposition. The average size individuals are 4-5 cm. Males are smaller, but more poisonous. This also sets them apart from other species. The glossy, perfect black shield completes the somber look.

Female Sydney funnel spiders prefer to live in underground burrows. They decorate their entrance with an unusual cone-shaped web. During the warm season, males “travel” in search of a mate. They are the ones who most often encounter people. It is noteworthy that once these spiders get into the water (pond, swimming pool), they are dangerous to humans for another day.

Before attacking, the Sydney leucopweb spider displays its impressive fangs-chelicerae, raising its front legs up. Attacks with lightning speed and can bite several times in a row. It easily bites through not only the skin, but also keratinization. If the child is not helped in time, death from suffocation is possible. In adults it causes nervous paralysis of the limbs and shortness of breath. With several bites, in critical situations the victim falls into a coma.

4. Mouse Spiders (Missulena)

A bite from a member of the Missulena genus, a mouse spider, can cause great harm to a person. Initially it was believed that they could dig deep holes. This was later refuted, but the name remained. Ten species of this genus have been found in Australia and one in Chile. The size of individuals varies between 1-3 cm. The integument of females is black, the color of males is different.

The effect of the poison causes general malaise and muscle spasms. Can lead to fatal outcome, especially when biting a child or an elderly person. The low ranking in the top of the most dangerous spiders in the world is explained by the fact that in most cases the bite is not accompanied by the injection of poison. Also, representatives of this genus prefer to stay away from human habitations.

5. Secretive six-eyed spider (six-eyed sand spider)

In the central regions of South America and the deserts of Africa there lives a small killer (body up to 1.5 cm, legs about 5 cm) - the six-eyed sand spider. Outwardly, it resembles a crab, its color is yellow or brown in different shades, allowing it to blend in with the surrounding soil. That is why it is also called sand spider or crab spider. His characteristic feature having three pairs of eyes instead of the traditional four. It can live up to 15 years; in other species this value does not exceed 3.

Six-eyed spiders almost never weave webs. Exceptions are the cocoon sacs in which the female lays her eggs. These spiders hunt by waiting for prey in ambush. They are generally secretive and prefer to avoid people. Therefore, although they are very poisonous, only 2 of their victims have been recorded. Spider Injected lethal substance destroys blood vessels, and the person slowly dies from internal bleeding. Unfortunately, there is no antidote yet.

6. Beware of necrosis

(brown recluse spider and yellow Sac spider)

Residents of northern Mexico, the southwest and southeast of the United States are neighbors with the brown recluse spider. The specific dark pattern on its back determines its second name - violin. It reaches 2 cm in length (including legs). In addition to the color that gave it its name, it can be yellow-brown or gray.

Mostly spiders lead night image life. Males easily escape from the twisted web, females do this reluctantly. During the day they hide in secluded corners. In search of a dry, dark place, they crawl into woodpiles or houses: into closets, shoes, under baseboards. Sometimes they are found in bed. It is through carelessness that most bites occur, which feel like a needle prick. Spider venom causes tissue necrosis (the diameter of the wound can reach 25 cm), nausea, fever, and weakness.

Yellow Sak spiders also have a similar effect on the human body. They are distributed throughout the Old World. They are painted in golden tones, individuals of both sexes grow no more than 5-10 mm. Some spiders like the smell of gasoline and prefer to live in cars. Their nests have a specific cylindrical shape.

7. Big, but not dangerous

(tarantula king baboon and misgir)

The film industry has instilled in many people a fear of the tarantula species. They are relatively large in size. The body is covered with hairs, the color depends on the type of spider. They are distributed almost all over the world, living mainly in deserts and steppes. However, it is only with great reserve that they can be classified as the most dangerous. The bite is quite painful, but does not require medical intervention. Often accompanied by local swelling, which disappears within 2-3 days.

The king baboon tarantula is considered one of the most aggressive. Its habitat is Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. The paw span of adult individuals can reach 20-23 cm. It is distinguished by a uniform, bright rusty-brown color. When it feels threatened, the spider moves back and rubs its legs. At the same time, a characteristic sound is heard, warning of an attack.

On the territory of Russia there lives its own tarantula - the South Russian or Mizgir. The body length (without legs) is 2.5-5 cm. The color is most often gray interspersed with black. It lives in self-dug holes up to 40 cm deep. Some sources indicate its ability to jump to a height of 10-15 cm.

Now you know a lot about the most dangerous spiders in the world! Good luck!

Spiders are truly fascinating and at the same time terrifying creatures that are found on every continent on the planet. Their habitat can be either the arid desert steppe or the hot, humid a tropical forest. Spiders are able to adapt to absolutely any climatic conditions. They developed this ability over four hundred million years.

The ancestor of all arachnids - and it is to this class that all types of spiders are usually classified - is the crab-shaped ancestor. According to scientific research, in the world today there are more than forty thousand various types spiders that differ in size, color, and, of course, toxicity. The vast majority of spiders are absolute predators that hunt mainly insects or small animals, infecting them with their venom. But sometimes a person becomes their victim. The pain from a poisonous spider bite is piercing, unbearable, and does not subside for more than a day, because first the spider venom attacks nervous system and then causes vital harm important bodies. Sometimes just one bite is enough for an adult healthy man died! To protect yourself and your health, you need to know which spider is the most dangerous on our planet, what its appearance and habitat.

Brown recluse spider/violin spider

This type of spider with three pairs of eyes instead of four is not large in size (0.6–2 cm), however, it is considered one of the most dangerous to humans. A familiar place Its habitat is the Midwest and southeastern United States. The brown recluse spider enjoys living close to humans and will happily spin its webs in a warm, dry, dark place such as an attic, closet or behind baseboards. And if it is not detected in time and not “escorted” from the home, it will definitely bite. After penetration of its poison during the first day, the victim develops necrotic damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Since blood containing poison rapidly spreads it throughout the body, delivering a person to the hospital is a matter of life and death.

Compared to the species described above, tarantula spiders are simply huge. Some varieties, such as the Blonde's Theraphosa, the goliath tarantula, have an abdomen measuring up to 9 cm, legs with a span of up to 25 cm. Tarantulas are common in southeast India. But there are so-called Chinese tarantulas that live in China and Vietnam. This type of spider is especially aggressive, which is why they are nicknamed “earth tigers.” It was experimentally established that the venom of the Chinese tarantula can kill a small experimental animal. However, the venom of the tarantula spider does not have a particularly negative effect on humans, as was previously thought. On the contrary, its poison is capable of dulling pain and has a hypnotic effect. This spider is, of course, capable of damaging human skin with its bite, but it does this as a defense and usually does not use poison.

These poisonous spiders have always had a bad reputation. At one time people were convinced that these spiders were main reason the spread of all terrible diseases and even madness among people. In the Middle Ages, the poison of tarantulas was considered the causative agent of seizures, which were treated with the help of the tarantella - a dance at a fast pace. However, the terrible legends that have been written about this spider over the centuries are highly exaggerated. Although an encounter with this rather large spider (15–30 cm) will not be pleasant, in any case it will definitely not end in death for a person. The consequence of a tarantula bite is usually a complex allergic reaction. These light brown or dark gray spiders covered with numerous hairs with a noticeable black cap are found in steppe, semi-desert and desert areas at night.

Tarantulas or Mizgiri are widespread in Russia. They can be found, for example, in Oryol and Saratov regions. Bite South Russian tarantula looks like a hornet sting. It causes swelling in the affected area, which goes away quite quickly. But this cannot be compared with the consequences of a bite from another species - the Apulian tarantula, a resident of Italy, Spain and Portugal. In addition to pain in the bite area, the person experiences a condition close to fever, which does not subside for 4 days.

"Black Widow"

This spider earned its grim name due to the extreme gluttony of females, who immediately eat smaller males after mating. Seeing a male is rare and his bites are not dangerous. This spider is black in color with a red spot that visually resembles an hourglass. These are quite aggressive spiders and can easily be provoked into attacking. Despite not very impressive size(up to 25 mm) of the black widow, its venom is tens of times stronger than that of a rattlesnake.

These spiders, as a rule, inhabit the Central Asian steppes and deserts. Also, black widows, or rather, their variety - karakurt - are also found in Russia (Caucasus and Crimea), but much less frequently. Perhaps this is for the best, since their poison is extremely dangerous for humans. If after a bite the antidote is not administered within half a minute, an attack of nervous excitement occurs, then a spasm occurs in the muscles and blood vessels. Black widow venom is especially harmful to groups such as children and the elderly. These spiders do not attack themselves, but only defend themselves. Due to their small size, a person may not notice the bite at all at first. However, after 15 minutes, a person experiences terrible pain throughout the body, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting and convulsions. Without timely assistance, a person dies a few days later.

The homeland of this spider is the desert regions of southern Africa and South America. They can rightly be called “old-timers” of planet Earth. They settled both of these continents more than 100 million ago. For living, these spiders choose driftwood, tree roots, as well as stones and dunes. In case of any danger, as well as during hunting, they instantly bury themselves in the sand. These spiders do not like to meet humans. There have been only two reported deaths worldwide from sand spider bites. It should be noted that the venom of the African individual is much stronger than poison South American. In any case, the bite of this medium-sized (from 8 to 15 cm) spider of a reddish or yellowish color will bring a lot of troubles to a person who is unlucky enough to stumble upon it: from extensive bleeding to blood thinning and destruction of the walls of blood vessels. The strength of the sand spider's venom is in no way inferior to that of the black widow.

Leukopaweb spider/Sydney funnel web spider

This inhabitant of Australia is no more than 5 cm in size. Its appearance inspires horror. With his long and incredibly sharp fangs, he is able to bite through not only skin, but even the nail plate. Males usually attack. They are more aggressive and merciless, they bite with lightning speed and often several times in a row. Females rarely emerge from their burrows in the ground or in the bark of fallen trees, covered with a lake-like web. This spider is interesting because during an attack it raises its front legs and shows off its fangs, which are huge for its size. While the victim freezes in horror at his terrifying appearance, this “giant” strikes. Once in the blood of the victim, the atracotoxin contained in the spider venom provokes numbness of the hands, feet, lips and tongue. Then convulsions and shortness of breath appear, and the intensity of salivation and lacrimation increases. Without immediate help, the person falls into a coma.

Brazilian runner spider or wandering spider

This is the most dangerous and poisonous spider in the world. Fortunately, it cannot be found in Russia. He is always on the move and does not weave nets to catch prey. He is used to finding his own food. This ten-centimeter nomad lives in areas of Central and South America. He doesn't mind eating plant foods(bananas, for example). But still, he likes insects, small animals, even small spiders and large lizards. With one bite, this spider can kill more than 200 mice. Seeing an enemy or victim, he rises to his feet. hind legs and begins to swing from side to side, fearlessly attacking both larger animals and humans.

He leads a lifestyle hidden from prying eyes, hunting, as a rule, at night, and during the day he tries to hide in decrepit stumps, in the crown of trees, in houses, and even in shoes and clothes. A person needs to be extremely careful, since the neurotoxin in the runner's venom has a paralytic effect and also causes difficulty breathing, which can lead to in some cases leads to fatal outcome. Fortunately for humanity, in 2004 scientists found an antidote, and there are statistics that confirm the absence of deaths from the bite of the Brazilian wandering spider since the invention of the antidote. Now the most dangerous spiders do not cause such fear as before.

One way or another, you shouldn’t tempt fate and go in search of new sensations in distant hot countries. But if the thirst for knowledge of the new unknown cannot be quenched by anything, then you need to at least know how to protect your home from uninvited guests, and yourself from the need to see a doctor. A mosquito net will serve as good protection from spiders and other insects in your home. A person can protect himself by avoiding contact with unfamiliar plants and living creatures. Even if you are 100% sure, it is human nature to make mistakes. Only a mistake can be fatal.

Spiders and scorpions are representatives of the most mysterious and little-studied world of arachnids. Almost all types of spiders are poisonous, even brownies. Only those that can bite through the skin cause harm to humans and warm-blooded animals. Their number accounts for less than 1%.

In scorpions, on the last segment of the abdomen there is a pear-shaped telson segment curved onto the back. The telson ends with a sharp sting, inside of which there is an excretory channel for the poisonous glands.

In hot, arid areas live arachnids - phalanges. They do not have poison glands. However, the phalanges can bite painfully and cause infection in the wound.

The order of spiders is the most significant of all arachnids - it unites, according to various sources, from 20 to 50 thousand species.

Spiders have mixed external-internal digestion. They pierce the chitinous cover of the insect with their powerful chelicerae and, together with digestive juice, inject poison into the body of the prey. The spider can only suck up the partially digested food.

Numerous hordes of spiders is divided into three suborders:

  • arthropod spiders;
  • tarantula or migalomorph spiders;
  • araneomorphic spiders (orb-weaving spiders, web spiders, wolf spiders, scone spiders).

The most dangerous for humans and animals are representatives of the second and third suborders.

Types of spiders

Spiders-tarantulas. The suborder includes about 2 thousand species - the largest and most dangerous. They live in Africa, Australia, South America. Rarely found in southern Europe. They are characterized by big sizes- sometimes the leg span exceeds 20 cm. Habitats: rock crevices, tree hollows, soil cracks. They eat insects, small rodents, reptiles and birds, hence the name of the suborder - tarantulas. Neurotoxic poison.

Brown recluse spider. Araneomorph. A striking distinctive feature is that on the dorsal side of the cephalothorax there is a pattern in the form of a violin. Lives next to humans - in garages, sheds, basements and attics. Doesn't attack people. Strikes in defense. Lives in the eastern USA.

Voronkovy spider. Found everywhere in Australia. Considered the most dangerous spider in the world. Feeds large insects. When the poison enters the body, it causes tachycardia and increased blood pressure.

Phoneutria black-bellied. The South American spider is also one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. Neurotoxic poison. Causes suffocation, paralysis, cardiac arrest. Antidote effective action helps reduce the number of deaths.

Karakurt. Belongs to the family of shadow packs. Found in Central Asia, southern Europe, and Crimea. Only females have poisonous glands. The bite is accompanied by severe pain, which is distributed throughout the body. Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and headache are observed. The abdominal muscles become very tense. For treatment, novocaine, calcium chloride and serum obtained from karakurt poison are used.

South Russian tarantula. Belongs to the wolf spider family. Covered with hairs that can be reddish or almost black. Large - up to 3.5 cm. Habitats - forest-steppe, steppe and desert. The bite causes local pain, drowsiness, chills, or excessive sweating.

Common cross. From the family of orb-weaving spiders. Distributed throughout Europe and in certain regions of the USA, and even in the Far North. Prefers coniferous forests, upper reaches of swamps, edges. Often penetrates into houses and barns. The species got its name because distinctive feature- a pattern of white spots in the form of a cross on the dorsal side of the abdomen. A burning pain occurs at the site of the bite. The person experiences general weakness, headache, aching joints.

Eresus. Habitat - middle Asia, South of Eastern Europe. Males have an orange belly with four black spots. Females have a black abdomen. When biting, the spider digs deep into the chelicerae and releases large drops of venom. The person experiences sharp pain at the site of the bite, numbness, and difficulty moving. The components of the poison have not been sufficiently studied.

Pogrebnoy spider. The abdomen is colored grey colour with a brown or purple tint. Found in the Caucasus, Crimea, and the Azov region. Hides under stones and in trees.

Arachnids to people not enemies. We are of no interest to them until we interfere in their lives. They bite for one purpose - to defend themselves. IN hot weather their activity intensifies, and the danger of being bitten increases. Spiders are able to measure the size of the intended victim.

Large, larger insects and animals frighten them. To produce a portion of poison, you need to spend a lot of effort. Therefore, spiders consume it in doses. An attacking spider releases just enough venom to kill its victim. When defending, having assessed the threat, he can take a dry bite without releasing poison.

Sometimes dangerous arachnids enter people's homes, hiding in shoes or underwear. It was noticed that most often people were bitten while they were going to bed, getting dressed, sitting on the floor or in a chair, or rubbing themselves with a towel after a shower. At the time of the bite, the spider was between the human body and the fabric.

In some species, only females bite; males do not cause significant harm.

Spider bites cause pain varying degrees heaviness, anaphylactic shock, secondary wound infection and even death.

Poison is divided into two categories:

  1. Neurotoxic - affects the nervous system, central and peripheral. Pain sensations are weak. Chills, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, and hallucinations are common. Severe pain throughout the body is felt after some time.
  2. Necrotic - affects tissues, organs and body systems at the site of the bite, accompanied by severe pain. Large areas of skin are affected, anemia, intravascular coagulation, and renal failure are observed.

The number of bites is influenced by factors such as high population density in places where spiders are distributed and the ability to sneak into homes.

As an emergency measure necessary:

  • administer antidote serum;
  • provide the victim with complete rest and plenty of hot drinks;
  • apply ice to the bite site;
  • treat the wound with an antiseptic;
  • seek medical help.

To prevent bites, you need to check your clothes and shoes before putting them on, treat the premises with insecticidal preparations, wear gloves and clothes with long sleeves, destroy the web.

One of the oldest orders of terrestrial arthropods. Live in hot and temperate climates warm belts Earth. Zones suitable for them include: humid climate, so sandy deserts and treeless rocky plateaus. They hunt mainly at night. Activity increases in hot and windy weather. The food source is arachnids, insects and their larvae. Scorpions use their venom to immobilize large prey.

There are more than 1,500 species in the world. In the territory former USSR There are about 15 species. Among them:

  • Italian scorpion (body length up to 5 cm) - lives on the Black Sea coast;
  • Mingrelian scorpion - from the shores of the Black Sea it spreads along the banks of rivers inland;
  • Crimean - found in south coast Crimean peninsula;
  • thick-tailed scorpion - the largest, up to 10 cm long;
  • The motley scorpion lives in the Volga region, Transcaucasia, and Kazakhstan.

Scorpion venom is neurotropic in nature. Toxic proteins contained in it lead to disruption of the action various systems and organs.

Bite accompanied by severe burning pain, which either fades or intensifies. Over time, the pain turns into a burning sensation. After 40 minutes, swelling forms at the sting site with a clearly visible dark dot in the center of the bite. Blisters with serous filling may form.

The time period for symptoms to appear ranges from 5 minutes to 24 hours. The headache is growing. Dizziness, convulsive muscle contractions and tremors, tachycardia appear, increased arterial pressure. The victim is agitated and may experience fear. Death from respiratory paralysis is likely within 20–30 hours.

In some cases, after the disappearance of clinical signs of poisoning, a relapse is possible. The victim should be under medical supervision for at least 12 hours after symptoms disappear.

First aid, treatment and prevention

In the first two hours after the sting, the victim inject antidote, special serum - half the dose intravenously, half subcutaneously. To avoid allergic reaction, the serum must be injected fractionally. In order to prevent adverse reactions, prednisolone is prescribed. You can also administer a serum made from the venom of the karakurt spider. Drugs such as pipolfen, calcium gluconate, glucose, prednisolone, hydrocortisone are used.

In the absence of qualified assistance, the poison is sucked out of the wound, a cooling bandage is applied, and the bite site is treated with antiseptic drugs. The victim needs complete rest.

can hide in the grass, bury shallowly in the sand. Therefore, you must always wear shoes with strong soles. In areas where scorpions live, you should inspect clothing, shoes, and living quarters. Protective nets on windows and doors, sealed cracks in walls and ceilings will protect the house from the penetration of poisonous arthropods.

Poisonous arachnids

The first spiders (lat. Araneae) appeared on our planet about 400 million years ago, and they descended from a crab-shaped ancestor. Today there are more than 40 thousand species of spiders. I would like to immediately note that spiders do not belong to insects, but form a separate class and a separate order - arachnids (lat. Arachnida).

Spiders are found almost everywhere; many species even live in water. They have eight legs and eight eyes (rarely 2 or 6), and in front there are special limbs (with poisonous claws) called chelicerae. Having caught the victim, the spiders immediately inject it with their poison, and then inject a special saliva that liquefies the internal tissues of the insect, after which they simply suck out its insides, similar to soup.

Spiders are predators, feeding primarily on insects or small animals. An exception is the jumping spider, or (lat. Bagheera kiplingi). Lives in Central America, where it feeds on formations on acacia leaves. Interestingly, all spiders are poisonous, but only some representatives of this class are truly dangerous to humans.

Brazilian spider soldier

Brazilian soldier spiders (lat. Phoneutria) is a fast, very active and, most importantly, poisonous animal. It is also called the armed or banana spider. It got its name due to the fact that it does not spin webs like most of its fellows, because it does not need it, as it prefers a nomadic lifestyle. He loves to enter human habitation, where he can hide in shoes, clothes or dishes.

He lives in South America. He hunts insects, other spiders and even birds, and loves to feast on bananas. The 10-centimeter predator has a toxic venom that can kill a child or weakened adult before help can be provided. The poison of some specimens can be so dangerous that a person can die in 20-30 minutes.

Brown recluse spider

Brown recluse spider (lat. Loxosceles reclusa) - belongs to a species of araneomorphic spiders from the family Sicariidae. Lives in the eastern USA. This arthropod has a poison that is very dangerous to human life, causing loxoscelism (necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue). Gets along well next to people.

It can weave random nets in bundles or armfuls of firewood, in barns, basements, garages, attics and other convenient places. They often penetrate into human habitation, where they hide in shoe boxes, in clothes, underwear, behind skirting boards or paintings - in short, in those places that correspond to the natural habitats of this spider - burrows, crevices, tree bark.

Sydney leucopaweb or funnel web spider

Sydney leukoweb, or funnel web spider (lat. Atrax robustus) is a spider from the family Hexathelidae, the only one of the genus Atrax. Representative of the Australian continent. The funnel web spider is one of the few species of spiders that can cause serious harm to human health, and sometimes even kill him.

One bite from this spider is enough to kill a child. Death usually occurs within 15 minutes. The poison contains toxins that primarily affect the human nervous system. It is interesting that the venom of this spider is dangerous only for humans and primates, while it has no effect on other mammals.

Mouse spider

Mouse spiders (lat. Missulena) - spiders from the family Actinopodidae. A total of 11 species are known. Ten of them are considered endemic to Australia, the 11th species (lat. Missulena tussulena) lives in Chile. Its name (English) mouse spiders) they got it in mind misconception that they supposedly dig deep holes like mice.

Mouse spiders prey on insects and other spiders. In addition, they themselves are food for wasps, scorpions, labiopods and. The venom of this spider is protein in nature and is considered dangerous to humans. Fortunately, they are rarely found near human habitation.

Six-eyed sand spider

(lat. Sicarius hahni) – considered one of the most dangerous spiders. Lives in South America and southern Africa. Sets up ambushes, hiding in the sand. It attacks the victim with lightning speed, injecting its deadly poison into it. They prefer to hide among sand dunes, under stones and snags or tree roots.

Most often, these spiders themselves avoid meeting people, but if given the chance, they will definitely bite. They are among the five most dangerous spiders on our planet. Toxin in poison six-eyed spider, causes ruptures in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to serious internal bleeding. An antidote has not yet been found, but despite this, only two cases are known in which people died from the bite of these spiders.

Black Widow

(lat. Latrodectus mactans), is a species of spider that is distributed throughout the world and is notorious. The bite of widows is very dangerous to human life. It poses a particular danger to young children, the sick and the elderly. They were called widows because after mating, the females eat the males.

Females are much more poisonous than males, which pose a danger only in mating season. Interestingly, black widow bites have been fatal. more people than other types. These spiders love to crawl into human habitation, where they find suitable places to hunt. Once in the blood, the poison spreads throughout the body, causing strong, persistent and painful muscle cramps.


Karakurt, or steppe widow (lat. Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) is another representative of the genus of black widows and is even similar to a black widow, but larger in size. Unlike its predecessor, it stays away from human habitation.

Karakurt poison is very toxic and can harm even large animals. This spider is quite peaceful and will rarely be the first to attack a person, only if he is disturbed. At the moment of the bite, a strong and burning pain is immediately felt, spreading throughout the body for 15-20 minutes, then symptoms characteristic of poisoning appear. There have been cases of death.


Tarantulas (lat. Lycosa) - a genus of poisonous and large (3.5 cm in length) araneomorphic spiders belonging to the family of wolf spiders (lat. Lycosidae). They live in almost all warm parts of the world. They are also long-lived spiders (lives more than 30 years).

Tarantulas feed on insects, small amphibians, and can attack small rodents. It has a toxic poison that is fatal to many animals. However, people never died from its bite.

Yellow sac spider

Heiracanthium, or yellow-sac spider (lat. Cheiracanthium) is a poisonous spider from the family Miturgidae. It lives almost throughout Europe, but is quite rare, as it is very shy and tries to avoid meeting people. They usually hide in leaves rolled into a tube.

Its venom is considered the most toxic among all European spiders. After being bitten by a yellow spider, you may experience nausea and headache for several days. You can only get a bite from this spider by accident - through negligence. European species these spiders are not dangerous, but after a bite southern species Non-healing abscesses remain for a long time.

Many people hate spiders. These creepy arthropods love to hide in dark corners and weave disgusting webs, which can be very difficult to get rid of.

Of course, four pairs of eyes and eight legs make these “clumsy animals” a little funny, but no matter how funny they look, few people want to see them in close proximity to themselves. And if a multi-legged creature is also poisonous, even more so...

One of the most dangerous spiders living in England. The bite of the false black widow causes severe pain, swelling, nausea, and if it is not treated in time, gangrene may begin.

2. Six-Eyed Sand Spider

He is quite “modest” and hellishly dangerous. Fortunately, the six-eyed sand spider tries not to get close to people, which is why you rarely encounter its bites. But medicine knows cases when, because of this, arthropod people lost their hands. And I must say, this is still successful outcome, because an antidote for the six-eyed “modest fellow” has not yet been invented.

His homeland is New Zealand. Only female red katipos bite, but their bites are not fatal, rather simply unpleasant. Spider venom causes fever, spasms in abdominal cavity, heavy sweating, trembling.

They live in the USA. After the bite brown recluse spider its victim experiences fever, itching, cramps, nausea, and severe muscle pain. IN in rare cases tissue necrosis may develop.

For a long time It was believed that their bites were deadly. But not so long ago, scientists found that in fact, the venom of hobo spiders just causes swelling, muscle contractions and redness. It’s not pleasant, but all these symptoms disappear within a few hours.

Despite their creepy appearance, these spiders are quite harmless. Tarantula venom is painful, and if it comes into contact with the hairs on the legs, the skin may become irritated. But if a person does not have an allergy, the symptoms will quickly go away.

This spider is also not deadly. Its poison is in many ways similar to that of aspen. As a rule, the bite does not cause complications. Only in case of allergies.

And this arthropod can even kill - if the victim is not provided with timely assistance. Antidote for Australian widow was developed in 1956 and has since been issued to about 250 people each year.

The bite of the black house spider is poisonous, but not lethal. After it, pain may appear, swelling may develop, nausea and vomiting may begin.

Their poison is 15 times more toxic than poison rattlesnakes. Only females bite. They can be distinguished by the red “watch” on the body.

The bite is accompanied by fever, muscle pain and nausea, but it doesn't kill.

It belongs to the genus of tarantulas. Tarantulas were discovered relatively recently in Sri Lanka. These spiders have a rather unpleasant appearance, but the poison in them is not enough to kill a person - only to destroy birds, mice, and small lizards.

This arthropod lives in Australia. Its poison can kill a person in 15 minutes. Fortunately, there is an antidote against it. The main thing is to take it on time.

14. Ctenizid spider

They are often confused with Sydney leucoweb spiders. But these “animals” rarely bite, and if they do attack, they cause almost no harm. The worst thing about a ctenizid spider bite is pain.

As a rule, after its bite, the state of health does not deteriorate significantly. But sometimes brown widow venom causes muscle spasms, headaches, and nausea.

Most spiders of this species - regardless of gender - have very large fangs. Almost all individuals are aggressive. Fortunately, their poison is not dangerous and only causes unpleasant symptoms.

Death as a result of a Chilean recluse spider bite is very, very rare. But here severe irritation and it can cause the death of skin cells.

Both the name and the appearance of this spider are scary, but in reality the arthropod is not that dangerous. The worst thing that can happen after being bitten is irritation. True, some victims have to go to hospitals with an allergic reaction.

This is a relative of the Sydney leucoweb spider, and it is also quite dangerous. Norway spiders live in trees in wooded areas.

Lives in Florida. After being bitten by Bishop's Widow, a person may experience spasms. Fortunately, such spiders try to avoid people and rarely attack them.

Looks like Brazilian wandering spider. Among other symptoms, a “monster” bite causes severe pain.

In rare cases, a spider bite can cause severe headaches and vomiting.

The clawfish, which lives in Africa, is very similar to a tarantula. Its bite causes vomiting, shock, and difficulty walking.

They can jump and spit poison. Although lynx spiders are not deadly, their bite can cause swelling, which can sometimes reach 25 cm in diameter.

And yes, you read that right: these arthropods can jump.

This is the most poisonous spider in the world, so it would be better to avoid meeting it. Fortunately, they live brazilian spiders only in South America.