We all know about the dangers that various animals can pose. This applies to everyone, because some animals we just heard about, while others live next to us. Some of them are extremely aggressive, others are deadly toxic, and others are dangerous due to their size. Below you will find a description of the most dangerous animals in the world and learn a lot of new and interesting things about them.

10. Common piranha is a daring predator

In the 10th position of the most dangerous animals in the world is everyone famous fish- this is a piranha. The common piranha is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. It is dangerous for both animals and humans. These fish are freshwater predators; they inhabit the reservoirs of Southern and Central America. Most piranhas live in the rivers of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and Central Argentina. These are relatively small fish, 30 cm long and weighing up to 3.5 kg. The main weapon of the common piranha is its very sharp teeth.

The common piranha is a schooling fish, it is very voracious and has good sense of smell. These fish instantly sense blood and immediately attack the victim with the whole flock. These predators are calculating and very fast; they can lie in wait for their prey, and then attack it and devour it with lightning speed. Pack common piranhas quite capable of defeating large animals. They can easily tear a horse or large boar to shreds.

9. The wolf is the smartest of predators

The ninth place in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world is rightfully assigned to the owner of the taiga. The wolf is a fairly large predator, a very smart and hardy animal. The wolf is the most common predator on the planet. Wolves are especially dangerous in winter time. Meeting a hungry flock, which can number up to 40 individuals, is very dangerous. But it’s even more dangerous to find yourself in the territory of the pack’s den, then it will be a battle for life and death.

Most often, people are attacked by rabid animals. But there are many cases when a completely healthy wolf committed an attack. Wolves also attack people in those regions where there is a shortage or lack of natural prey for them (deer, elk). IN summer period wolves can attack people to feed their cubs.

8. The lion is a formidable predator

The king of beasts is ranked 8th most dangerous animal in the world. A lion is a large predatory cat from the panther family. Is one of the most big cats in the world. The lion is very fast, he has strong paws, powerful jaws and large sharp fangs. The lion's size allows it to overcome even very large animals. An adult lion weighs 250 kg, with a body length of 2.5 meters and a height at the withers of 120 cm. Lions are at the top the food chain in the animal world.

Lions are the strongest animals; when hunting, they gather in groups and pursue the prey. Lions do not deliberately hunt people, but cases of cannibalism are quite often observed. Most often it is the males that attack people. Sick and wounded animals are more likely to attack people than healthy lions. According to statistics, about 70 Tanzanians die from lion attacks every year. By nature everything big cats dangerous to humans. Tiger, leopard and puma also pose considerable danger.

7. The terrible leaf frog is a poisonous little one

In 7th place of the most dangerous animals in the world is a small, but very toxic and dangerous frog. The terrible leaf frog is the most dangerous frog of the poison dart frog family. It lives in the rain forests of Central and South America and has a bright color. The size of this frog rarely exceeds 5 cm. The toxicity of all species of frogs from the dart frog family is very high. Their skin secretes a deadly poison - batrachotoxin. Previously, the Indians used the poison of this frog to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

When it enters any living organism through the blood, the poison causes arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. The skin of frogs contains so much toxic substance that it is quite enough to poison more than 10 people to death. But by its nature, the terrible leaf climber is a peaceful creature, so you simply shouldn’t touch it.

6. Jellyfish sea wasp - invisible death

The sixth place of the most dangerous animals in the world is occupied by the deadly jellyfish. Sea wasp - belongs to the class of box jellyfish and is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world. Box jellyfish are capable of causing severe burns with their tentacles, which contain a very strong and toxic poison. The sea wasp is fatal to humans. Box jellyfish burns are very painful, they can cause cardiac arrest and depress nervous system. The venom of one sea wasp can kill 60 people in 3 minutes. The largest concentration of box jellyfish is located off the northern coast of Australia at shallow depths and in places where corals accumulate. That is why the sea wasp is called “Australian”.

The sea wasp swims quite quickly and easily changes direction. The sea wasp has 60 tentacles about half a meter long and 24 eyes. The sea wasp sees well, but it is very difficult to notice. The fact is that this jellyfish is almost completely transparent. The Australian jellyfish does not attack a person first; it stings if it is accidentally touched in the water. The dome of the sea wasp ranges from 5 to 25 cm in diameter, and its tentacles tend to extend up to 3 meters. In Australia, they are installing protective nets in the water and warning signs on beaches to protect people. But unfortunately, this does not guarantee complete safety, because during a storm and high tide, these jellyfish still end up on the beach.

5. The Snout Shark is an Aggressive Killer

Fifth place in the top most dangerous animals in the world goes to the terrifying shark. The blunt-nosed shark (other names: gray bull shark, bull shark) is the most aggressive species of shark, which is very dangerous to humans. The bull shark lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, often enters rivers and is found in shallow waters. The bull shark can reach quite large sizes. There are giants up to 4 meters long, whose weight reaches 400 kg.

These sharks are distinguished from other predatory representatives by their massive blunt snout and body. gray with a white belly. U blunt-nosed shark the most powerful bite among sharks, in addition, they do not need a reason to attack. Their considerable size, strong jaws and aggressive nature rightfully give them the status of the most dangerous shark for humans. Also the most dangerous sharks in the world after bull shark, are White shark and a tiger shark.

4. The saltwater crocodile is a giant man-eater

The fourth most dangerous animal in the world is the cannibal crocodile. Saltwater crocodile(other names: saltwater crocodile, cannibal crocodile) – the most big crocodile in the world. Males of this species normally reach 7 meters in length and weigh almost 2 tons. In addition, the saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite in the animal world. The saltwater crocodile is widespread. He dwells from east coast India, through the territory South-East Asia, to Northern Australia.

Saltwater crocodiles are very aggressive and attack people both in water and on land. This crocodile attacks even if it is full, because it does not tolerate intrusions into its territory. The strength, terrifying size and incredible speed of this crocodile make its attack deadly. They are absolutely not afraid of humans, so to protect yourself from these predators, you should avoid their territories. Usually special warning signs are installed in such places. Also the most dangerous crocodiles After the saltwater one, there are the Nile crocodile and the American alligator.

3. Black mamba - the thunderstorm of Africa

The top three among the most dangerous animals in the world is opened by the fastest snake. The black mamba is a poisonous snake of Africa. This snake lives in most areas of the continent and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. It is most often found in savannas and occasionally climbs trees. Black Mamba big snake, its length exceeds 3 meters. It is also one of the fastest snakes in the world and can reach speeds of up to 11 km/h over short distances. The black mamba is a very aggressive snake; it can lunge almost the entire length of its body.

This snake is distinguished primarily by its mouth, which is painted black. The overall color of the snake varies from olive to gray-brown with a metallic tint. The snake is extremely dangerous; its bite invariably leads to fatal outcome. The venom of the black mamba is very toxic; the bite of this snake causes paralysis and respiratory arrest. Death occurs within 45 minutes after the bite. Many of poisonous snakes extremely dangerous for humans, but not all bites of poisonous snakes are fatal to humans, although many deaths have been recorded. After the black mamba the most dangerous snakes are coastal taipan, tiger snake and king cobra.

2. The polar bear is a hunter of people

In second place as the most dangerous animal in the world is the beloved Umka. The polar bear (other names: polar bear, northern bear) is a large predatory bear. The polar bear is the only large land predator on the planet that can track and hunt humans. This bear has considerable dimensions. It can reach a body length of 3 meters, with a height at the withers of up to 150 cm and a body weight of 1 ton.

There are known cases of polar bears attacking polar travelers, especially when there was accumulated garbage near the tents, which attracts polar bear. These predators are very smart, have enormous strength and an excellent sense of smell. You won't be able to run away from a polar bear; it runs fast and is also an excellent swimmer. Bears are also very dangerous Brown bear and a grizzly bear.

1. Elephant - deceptive peacefulness

The elephant took first place as the most dangerous animal in the world. This strong and powerful animal looks very peaceful, but do not delude yourself. In the wild, it is better not to approach the African elephant, especially during mating season. These animals are huge; the normal body weight of an elephant is 7 tons, with a height of 3 meters and a body length of up to 7 meters. They can trample you without blinking an eye, and besides, you won’t be able to run away from an elephant; it can move at a speed of 40 km/h. The most dangerous are the solitary elephants, which are very aggressive and will attack anything. Every year, about 500 people die from attacks by elephants and their powerful tusks.

The elephant is the largest animal after the blue whale. Elephants are often tamed to be used as transport or for farming. An animal that is docile in normal times becomes dangerous with the onset of the mating season and can attack. And here a huge role is played by how the owner treats the elephant, because elephant aggression is a consequence ill-treatment with them. Zoologists say that aggressive behavior elephants were provoked by people's cruelty towards these intelligent animals. The elephant is unpredictable and when angry it is scary - it will trample or pierce you with its tusk.

In the territory African continent There are also some very dangerous large animals. The African buffalo is a powerful bull that is absolutely intolerant of humans and will certainly attack him. Rhinoceros - which has poor vision, therefore it indiscriminately attacks any moving target with its horns and will attack not only people, but also riding elephants. Hippopotamus - which can easily turn a boat over, while it can drown people who fall out of it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a rich and unknown animal world can be fraught with danger every second. You just need to be careful when traveling around the world and be interested in possible existing threats in the territory of the country you intend to visit. We wish you safe travels! If you liked this article, subscribe to site updates to receive interesting articles about animals first.

Do these animals seem simple and harmless to you, and some even cute and fluffy?

But in fact, they can easily kill you! The site has already talked about the funniest animals,

Now we will tell you about the most terrible and dangerous! But, don’t be alarmed, the 5 most dangerous animals live in Australia!

The most dangerous animals TOP-5:

1. Cone snail

What seems simple to you an ordinary snail with a cone-shaped shell, may actually be hiding a potentially deadly snail!

These clams have a special harpoon-shaped appendage with jagged edges that they use to neutralize their prey with paralyzing poison! And although these small cone snails sting no more painfully than a bee sting, large varieties of snails, as life has shown, can be fatal to humans. So keep that in mind the next time you're casually strolling...on Australian beaches.

2. Platypus

With a nose like a duck, a tail like a beaver, legs like an otter. And it also lays eggs! This is why many consider platypuses to be a blind experiment or some kind of mistake of nature. But this mistake of nature, especially of the male gender, can be extremely dangerous! In addition to a duck-like nose, male platypuses also have poisonous hind legs! And although this poison has not been proven to kill a person (yet), it still causes almost unbearable pain. This once again proves that platypuses could hardly be the result of simple evolution and blind choice of nature!

3. Cassowaries

The animal looks like the bold fantasy of a cartoonist, or an animal from another planet. Well, or a hybrid - emu / turkey. Outwardly, even cheerful and cute, they are extremely dangerous. What could be dangerous about them, these very large and strange chickens? It may not be immediately obvious, but they have very long 12cm middle fingers, with a very sharp claw at the end. Now combine that with their powerful legs, extremely nasty temperament and natural passion for protecting their territory, and you have a natural killer! The sharp daggers on the legs of these animals, as life has proven more than once, are deadly to humans and can sever a person’s veins and arteries!

4. Mantis Shrimp

Who would have thought that shrimp can be not only incredibly tasty, but also dangerous! Existing general rule in nature, that what seems to us the brightest and most colorful is also the most dangerous, applies not only to fly agarics, fish and women, but also to shrimp! Fortunately, due to their fairly small size, they can only really hurt people or cause fairly deep wounds in the skin. If they were at least a few centimeters larger, humanity could have serious problems with these shrimp. Nature has made the claws of these shrimp so powerful that their pressure per square centimeter can be compared to the pressure on the surface of the Sun! Imagine! As has been proven more than once, they can easily destroy any aquarium if it is not made from armored glass, and walls are not a hindrance for them at all! These shrimp also have one of the most advanced pairs of eyes in the animal kingdom and can see in almost complete darkness!

5. Sloths

Look at these adorable and cute little animals! Especially at their painfully surprised eyes! Wide open, innocent eyes invite you into their arms! And sloths seem to have nothing but love to give you! Well, of course, if you don't think Love is deadly dangerous poison. But, many species of sloths have what naturalists call a "brachial gland" on inside elbow. This gland can secrete poisonous substance, which when mixed with sloth saliva forms a powerful toxin. This poison can even be fatal. Oddly enough, many people quite seriously believe that this is what allowed sloths to so quickly become one of the most popular pets in some Asian countries!

So not everything that is beautiful, bright and fluffy, including wide-open and innocent eyes, can bring joy. Most of our married men- this has long been understood...

The most dangerous animals TOP-5!

Most likely, during your upcoming summer vacation abroad, you will not think about the dangers that may await you. We decided to tell you about the deadly dangerous representatives animal world, with which you always need to keep your eyes open.

The African elephant is the most dangerous animal in the world. The elephant is a herbivore and does not attack warm-blooded individuals in order to dine. But if, for some reason, he is in bad mood, or is in danger, then an elephant is capable of killing any animal, including humans. Animals are especially dangerous during mating season. It does not exist in nature natural enemies, even the king of the jungle is afraid of the lion African elephant and bypasses him. Despite its size, the animal can reach a speed of forty kilometers per hour.

African elephants have excellent senses of smell and vision, and they carefully analyze their surroundings before deciding to attack. But if the bishop makes a throw, then the opponent has no chance of surviving. Despite the fact that the elephant is deadly, hunting tours are organized for it in Africa. The elephant is one of the five most desirable hunting trophies, more precisely, the trophy is the tusks of an African giant. In fairness, I would like to note that hunting is only allowed for old, lonely elephants, whose age is already approaching sunset. A hunting license will cost about fifty thousand dollars.

African lion in size it is significantly inferior to the tiger, but it is the lion that is considered the king of animals. The reason for this is the highly developed intelligence of lions, which gives them the opportunity to competently organize the hunt and conduct it collectively. The tiger, for example, is a loner, which significantly reduces its potential capabilities. During the hunt, lions are divided into groups, one group is in ambush, the other plays the role of a beater. Due to their high level of organization, during the hunt, lions are able to kill animals significantly larger than them. The adult African lion itself weighs from one hundred and fifty kilograms to two hundred and fifty kilograms. With such a considerable weight, the lion is capable of reaching speeds of up to eighty kilometers per hour, making jumps of up to thirteen meters in length and up to four meters in height. One of the residents of an African village observed a case when a lion with a cow in its teeth jumped over a four-meter fence.

The lion poses a huge danger to humans. In Africa, cases of lion attacks on people are recorded every year. There have been dramatic situations where lions have attacked people during tourist safari. Nowadays, during tourist excursions to lion habitats, guides must include sound recordings African elephants. After using this trick, lion attacks on safari jeeps with tourists stopped.

In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, an incident occurred that wrote the most bloodthirsty page in the history of existence pride of lions. For some unknown reason, lions began to hunt for residents of one of the Kenyan villages who were engaged in construction railway. A total of one hundred and thirty-five people died. Currently, the carcasses of two man-eating lions are kept in the museum natural history. The museum is located in Chicago and is open to tourists.

Australian jellyfish (Sea wasp)

Jellyfish sea wasp - the most dangerous in the world sea ​​jellyfish. The weight of the jellyfish reaches one and a half to two kilograms, the dome has a diameter of twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters, and the length of the tentacles is three meters. The jellyfish accumulates poison in its tentacles; a slight touch to a person’s skin is enough, and he dies. The poison has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. As a result of exposure, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest occur. Despite the high danger to humans, there are relatively few cases of death from jellyfish stings, since they avoid noisy beaches. In two thousand and two, there was a case of death of two scuba divers who saw a jellyfish and decided to play with it. Not realizing who they were dealing with, the scuba divers began to touch the jellyfish’s dome. As a result, each received several bites, from which both died.

The African buffalo weighs on average one ton and reaches two meters at the withers. On the head of the African monster there are two massive horns. The span of the horns reaches two meters in width. Sensing danger, the buffalo becomes irritable, aggressive and is capable of attacking both humans and animals. With its blow, a buffalo can overturn a loaded jeep. Such situations often happen during buffalo hunting.

The Central Asian cobra kills more than three thousand people every year. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous animals on planet Earth. Cobra has a deadly venom that causes death in ninety-eight percent of human bites.

We are afraid of sharks, tigers, crocodiles and other “heavyweights”. But creatures that pose a threat to humans do not necessarily have to be the largest and strongest.

Man has put a lot of effort into the senseless destruction of animals, thereby earning himself the right to be considered the most dangerous creature on the ground. However, nature is desperately resisting and there are still enough creatures left that can put the “crown of creation” in place. And the results of the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world may be somewhat unexpected.

10. Bear

The image of a “cute” Teddy bear will be destroyed before your eyes if you meet a real bear. They rarely attack themselves, but they have an extremely developed sense of territory. Fortunately, their habitat rarely overlaps with humans, which is why the number of deaths per year does not exceed 20. The most dangerous look- grizzly. Protecting the cubs, their females attack anyone who violates the boundaries of the possessions that they consider theirs.

9. Shark

If it weren't for Spielberg and Jaws, we might not view sharks any more negatively than, say, dolphins. Sure, but real threat they represent only those who are accustomed to eat. In order for this animal to perceive you as food or a threat, you need to try hard. That is why only about 100 shark attacks on humans are recorded in the world per year, and only every fifth of them becomes fatal.

8. Medusa

In appearance, these jelly-like creatures seem harmless. Especially those that children love to play with on the beaches of the Black Sea. However, jellyfish are perhaps the most ancient inhabitants of the planet. Do you think they could survive 650 million years if they didn't have mechanisms to protect themselves?

The tips of the tentacles of some jellyfish contain a potent poison that causes suffocation, convulsions and cardiac arrest. Moreover, the tentacles continue to sting even some time after the death of the jellyfish. Considered the most dangerous in the world Sea Wasp. Its poison is enough to kill 60 people within minutes. In total, about 100 people die from jellyfish tentacles every year.

7. Hippopotamus

These bumpkins seem harmless and clumsy, but this image does not prevent them from taking pride of place in the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world. Hippos behave very unpredictably and aggressively; you can provoke their attack by simply passing or swimming past at a decent distance.

The hippopotamus's mouth opens 180º and can bite a boat or a person like a sliver. More than 100 people become their victims every year. On land they can accelerate to 30-35 km/h. It is worth sensibly assessing your physical fitness, before teasing the hippopotamus, hoping to run away later.

6. Elephant

Another big guy who is "terrible in anger." Attacks both in an attempt to defend itself and in a fit of causeless aggression. During the year, these dangerous animals kill from 300 to 500 people, sometimes attacking zoo workers. There are even killer elephants that purposefully hunt people. There is a known case when an elephant periodically attacked an Indian village for 5 years, destroying everything in its path. Before the maniac was caught, he managed to kill 30 people.

5. Crocodile

This patient hunter capable of lying motionless in the water for days, waiting for unwary prey. Most often, it becomes the inhabitants of African villages, who, due to the need for water, are forced to endure such dangerous neighbors. Over the course of a year, more than 600 people die in the jaws of a crocodile, and the most aggressive among them are considered to be the Nile and comb crocodile.

4. Overgrown cats

Lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars reduce the human population by about 800 each year. Their speed and innate hunting instincts leave no chance for a person who finds himself alone with these dangerous animals. It should be clarified: for an unarmed person.

3. Scorpio

Being significantly smaller in size than the previous participants in the top 10, this desert inhabitant poses a great threat to humans. Like most other animals, scorpions attack only in self-defense. The trouble is that they often crawl into the most unexpected places, including shoes, clothes and even dishes. When putting on shoes, it’s better to look inside first. It is possible that Scorpio already considers your favorite sneakers to be his home, and here you are with your foot... One injection of the deadly sting - and you will join the annual statistics of 2000 equally inattentive.

2. Snake

There are more than 450 in the world, 250 of which are considered fatal to humans. Their flexible body capable of making lightning-fast dashes, causing fatal bite anything that poses a threat. Circulatory system the human body makes it extremely vulnerable to attack, since the poison spreads almost instantly throughout the body. Snake bites kill more than 120,000 people a year.

1. Mosquito

Yes, yes, it was this small insect that by a huge margin surpassed the monstrous crocodiles and hippos and took first place in the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world. The statistics are impressive: about 3 million deaths annually occur due to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. These are mainly malaria and types of fever. Moreover, unlike the previous participants in the rating, mosquitoes are found in all latitudes, with the exception of the poles.

In a few minutes you will meet the most dangerous animals in the world.

You will see that attractive appearance, cute eyes and fluffy skin do not always indicate the good nature of the animal. And in order not to make a fatal mistake one day, it is better to know your potential enemies by sight.

Poisonous scorpions cause death among people North Africa and in the Middle East in 75% of cases. And if healthy, strong adults may experience severe pain, but survive, then children after contact with a scorpion suffer from fever, fall into a coma and in most cases die from pulmonary edema.

2. Africanized bee

They appeared as a result of an unsuccessful experiment by a Brazilian beekeeper. He tried to cross African and European bees. The result is aggressive insects that are capable of chasing their victims in swarms. They appeared in nature by escaping from their “creator”.

Rhinos are killed infrequently. They have terrible eyesight, but as soon as you get into their line of sight, there is no point in expecting mercy. Unless you can develop sprint speed.

4. Cone snail

A drop of poison from this cute creature can kill 20 people. Sometimes snails are called cigarette snails. This is because after the bite the victim will only have time for one cigarette. As soon as the last ashes are knocked down, the heart will stop. And there is no way to save the snail’s victim - there is no antidote.

5. Fish - stone

She disguises herself as ocean floor and can wait for a long time for its victims. As soon as the small fish swims close enough, the predator will open its mouth and swallow the prey. It will take him no more than 0.015 seconds to do everything. If suddenly a fish-stone meets a person, the latter will be in best case scenario cost your legs, or at worst, your life.

This is worldwide famous predator It is difficult to define edible and inedible prey. That's why they try everything: buoys, boats, surfboards, people. But contrary to popular belief, sharks are not man-eaters. People are too bony for predators, so as a rule, they simply bite off something for their human victims and leave them to bleed.

One of the most scary creatures in the world. Some experts even call the mamba the embodiment of death. In Africa it is difficult to talk about it great amount legends. The authority of the snake is given by its speed and aggressiveness. And also the fact that the black mamba attacks even those who do not provoke it in any way.

8. African buffalo

No one has ever managed to domesticate it. This buffalo is unpredictable and extremely dangerous, for which it is nicknamed the black death. Every year a bull dies because of a buffalo. more people than from any other large animal on the continent.

9. Tree frogs

This little one has enough poison to kill as many as 20 thousand mice. That is, two micrograms of a toxic substance can easily stop the heart of a large animal. The worst thing is that the poison is located on the surface of the frogs’ skin, so you should not touch it under any circumstances.

10. Polar bear

Unlike most others large predators, this one is not afraid of humans at all. He has no enemies in the world wildlife. If necessary, a polar bear can even eat its own brother, not to mention a person. What is true is that these predators rarely kill people - they are simply not often found in their habitat.

11. Box jellyfish

They kill more people than sharks and crocodiles combined. That is why box jellyfish are considered to be among the most poisonous in the ocean. The venom of these waterfowl is so strong that it takes one session to save their victims. indirect massage the heart will not be enough.

12. African lion

People are not its main prey. Although there is one case in history. Then - in 1898 - a man-eating lion killed 28 railway workers in Kenya over the course of 9 months.

13. Boomslang

Usually these snakes are quite peaceful and do not attack people. But sometimes their patience breaks down. After a boomslang bite, blood clotting in the victim’s body is disrupted, and the victim slowly dies from blood loss.

14. Pufferfish

Pufferfish are poisonous, but are considered a delicacy in Japan. You just need to cook this fish very carefully. Otherwise, its poison will paralyze the diaphragm, and the person will lose the ability to breathe.

During the day, predators are wary of people, but at night everything changes. People have been interested in hyenas throughout the history of their existence. But scavengers have a special “love” for human race during wars and epidemics.

They are very similar to polar bears - they are just as picky and ready to eat everything: from birds to people. Sometimes especially hungry komodo dragons They even dig up corpses from graves. They are excellent hunters who can quietly approach the victim, just as quietly grab it by the throat and leave it to bleed, so that they can then eat in peace. Like bears, lizards do not often kill people because they rarely encounter them.

17. Tsetse fly

The large blood-sucking fly is the main carrier of African sleeping sickness. These insects kill about a quarter of a million people every year.

All animals become weaker when injured. But not leopards. Their wounds only make them stronger and more dangerous. If you've watched Discovery, you know that leopards love to hide their prey. And even when wounded, they are able to drag the carcass of a caught antelope to their den on a tree.

The most “killer” snake on the planet, because it “works” in areas remote from civilization. Most victims cannot receive qualified help and simply bleed slowly.

This is the most dangerous spider, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Since this creature never stays in one place for a long time, it is often found in houses, cars, and shops.

21. Blue-ringed octopus

The size of the monster does not exceed the size of a golf ball. But the frivolous dimensions should not confuse you. Inside the “baby” there is an impressive amount of poison, which is enough to kill 26 adults. There is no antidote for it; the body must overcome the toxin on its own. But this is only possible if cardiac stimulation procedures are carried out continuously.

Although these are herbivores, in Africa they are considered very dangerous. Hippos can attack without warning, on those who did not even think of provoking them. The animals are so strong that they can easily destroy a car.

It feeds on everything from buffalo to sharks. The crocodile spins its prey to death until it first choke and then falls to pieces.

Elephants are the largest animals on earth, capable of trampling even a rhinoceros. They are considered peace-loving animals. But some of them are aggressive. Scientists do not exclude the possibility that there are elephants that take revenge.

From the largest to the smallest animal, which, despite its tiny size, can cause a lot of harm. Every year, mosquitoes infect about 700 million people, of whom 2–3 million die.