When does the rainy season start in Phuket? Should I buy a ticket or fly on vacation on my own at this time? Let's consider all the nuances climatic conditions from the outside personal experience visiting the country and finding out when is the best time to go to Phuket on vacation as a couple or with children.

The island is a popular destination beach holiday V winter months. Here you can visit interesting excursions, go diving, extreme sports, go shopping and shopping centers, try exotic dishes of national cuisine.

Is it worth vacationing in Phuket during the rainy season and what kind of weather is it characterized by? The island is located on the coast Andaman Sea. The climate is greatly influenced by the monsoons, which blow from Indian Ocean. That is why there are two distinct periods here: dry And wet.

It is always warm on the island; the thermometer fluctuates slightly throughout the year. In winter, the temperature stays at 27-28 degrees. In summer it rises to 34-35 degrees.

About weather conditions, water and air temperatures by season, you can find out what the weather is like in Phuket now in the material -.

When does the rainy season start?

The rainy season in Phuket is characterized by high rainfall. The peculiarity of showers on the island is that they are very strong, short-term (30-40 minutes) and frequent - sometimes every 15-20 minutes.

This period is characterized by high humidity, which sometimes reaches 85-90%. In addition, the monsoons bring with them strong winds, which form high waves in the sea, muddy bottom and underwater currents.

Judging by the reviews and the number of voucher sales, the rainy season does not scare away tourists at all and provides an opportunity to enjoy nature and be in silence from the hustle and bustle of tourist life.

When is the best time to go to Phuket?

Holiday seasons in Phuket by month

Number of rainy days


Most best month for a holiday on the island. Precipitation occurs in very small quantities once every five days. Most days are sunny with clear skies. The sea is calm, blue, warm, without waves. Humidity is low. This perfect time for swimming.

If you are planning, you should take a light one with you. summer clothes, which can be worn both day and evening: skirts, shorts, light trousers, dresses, T-shirts, tops, T-shirts.


The driest and sunniest month of the year. Don't forget to use sunscreen all the time.


In March the dry season ends and the heat begins. The air temperature begins to gradually increase and reaches 34-35 degrees. Short rains occur more frequently.


At this time it becomes even hotter, showers occur much more often, and humidity increases.

If you are going to the city, be sure to take an umbrella with you. Rains are short and infrequent. The air temperature is 34 degrees.


Temperatures are approximately the same as in April, humidity increases sharply to 85% and the amount of precipitation increases. It is worth taking light clothing with you, but long sleeves, long trousers and skirts to protect against mosquitoes.


The air temperature remains at 32-34 degrees, but the number of showers increases even more. At this time, the monsoons bring winds that slightly cool the air.


The weather is the same as in June. An undeniable advantage of holidays in the summer months is the low prices for tours.


The beginning of intense rains in the area. At this time, discounts on hotels and tickets reach 50%.


Most wet month on the island, as humidity reaches its maximum, so does the amount of precipitation. In September, winds form large waves and undercurrents.

At this time, it is better to avoid swimming in the sea.


The rainy season begins to gradually recede. The weather is becoming more and more comfortable. Hotel prices also remain low.


The air temperature gradually drops to a comfortable level of -31 degrees. The sea becomes calmer. Humidity levels decrease.


The rainy season is already over, the air temperature drops to 27 degrees. The sea is warm and calm. The amount of precipitation is significantly reduced.

Prices gradually begin to rise, especially before the New Year.

Holiday seasons in Phuket by month

The first thing I want to write here in capital letters is: rain season- this is absolutely not something to be afraid of when planning a trip to Thailand. But it can be really scary hot season in Thailand.

Sunny season, when there is no rain and not very hot: January-February and July-August. At this time it is good in Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao, Pattaya, Koh Chang and the North of Thailand (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai).

From October to May it is good in Phuket, Phi Phi, Krabi, Khao Lak.

The most rainy months in most of Thailand: October-November. In Phuket - from May to September. But the heat is worse.

Hottest months in Thailand: April-June. This may not be as noticeable in Koh Samui and Phuket, but Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang and Northern Thailand are very hot there in April and May.

It’s very hot - this means that you don’t want to be outside for more than 5 minutes during the day and most During daylight hours you have to sit under air conditioning at home, and go for walks to supermarkets.

Read more about the rainy season in different parts of Thailand

Thailand - big country and the rainy season here is different everywhere. Let's see where and when it rains here.

Rainy season and weather in Bangkok

In Bangkok The rainy season lasts from September to November. At this time there are floods, but as a rule they do not affect tourists. Floods are primarily scary for local residents living on the outskirts of Bangkok.

In general, you can go to Bangkok any time, except for the hot season, which lasts from April to June. At this time, walking around the city will be very difficult, and the rainy season will seem like a long-awaited miracle to you).

You can see what a good flood like this looks like in Bangkok (it happens once every few years).

Rainy season and weather in Pattaya

In Pattaya normal weather all year round. The rainy season here formally takes place in September-October, but as a rule, the sun does not appear in the sky as often as at other times of the year. But you can walk as much as you like, and during short tropical rains you can hide under the roofs of buildings.

In December-January it is cooler and more comfortable in Pattaya; in April it is too hot.

There are no serious floods in Pattaya.

Rainy season and weather in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao

The rainy season on Samui lasts from November to December (as tourists say) or August (as Thais say). It seems to me that both of them are right, but the rainy season here is not so terrible - it just rains, and it can happen at any time of the year. I once experienced a serious flood on Samui and it was in March, when there should be no rain at all.

See what the real thing looks like flood in Koh Samui Can .

And here you can see part of the “dry road” on Koh Samui when It is raining without a break for only a day (it is impossible to drive further, bikes and cars are floating and some houses in the lowlands are flooded):

The good season on Samui is in the summer, when there are almost no tourists or rain.

Seasons in Phuket, Phi Phi, Khao Lak, Krabi

In Phuket and Krabi it rains most from May to October. On the sea strong wave and wind.

See what Phuket looks like in different time years and in this moment You can go to samui.life - via online webcams or by viewing recordings from webcams in the form of time-lapses.

Rainy season and weather in Northern Thailand

In Chiang Mai good weather all year round, but in March-May the forests are usually on fire and it is very, very hot.

December-January in the North of Thailand is cool, sometimes even very cool, and you need warm clothes, and Thais are happy to take hats and jackets out of their wardrobe.

Rainfall in Thailand in numbers

The amount of precipitation in Thailand can be studied using this tablet.

Read more about the seasons and what the heat is in Thailand

In Thailand, we can roughly distinguish three seasons:

  • rainy season (June-November),
  • cool season (October-February) and
  • hot season (March-May).

IN hot season the temperature in Thailand can reach up to 40C, this is real heat, which I, for example, prefer to live in a house on the seashore (it’s cooler here, but then it’s already very stuffy).

Rain season does not at all mean continuous downpours and floods, but simply the sky is overcast, sometimes it rains, and prices become lower. During the rainy season the sun often shines and there are completely sunny days.

Cool season- this is also heat, but not as severe as in the hot season. Well, floods, as we have already seen, can happen in any season.

Look at the weather in Thailand online via Webcams

You can see what Samui, Phuket, Pattaya look like at different times of the year and at the moment on samui.life - through live webcams or by viewing recordings from webcams in the form of time-lapses.

The same beach in the hot season and the rainy season (photo)

Sea in the hot season:

This same beach during the flood on Koh Samui:

Other interesting posts on my blog:

©Olga Salii. Copying of material is prohibited.

If, nevertheless, your holiday is overshadowed by a tropical downpour, then you can move, for example, to Pattaya or Bangkok.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Aug. Sep. Oct. But I. Dec.
Bangkok 29 30 31 32 31 30 30 30 29 29 28
Krabi 29 30 30 30 28 28 27 28 28 28 28
Pattaya 29 30 30 29 28 27 27 28 28 29 29
Phi Phi 26 28 29 30 30 29 28 28 28 27 26
Phuket 29 30 30 30 29 28 28 28 28 28 28
Samui 30 31 32 32 31 31 30 30 30 29 29
Chang 31 32 32 32 31 30 29 29 30 30 30

Best months to holiday in Thailand

The best time to come to Thailand is in November, at the beginning of the holiday season. At this time, the heavy rains stop and the temperature reaches its maximum. It is not surprising that in November there is a massive influx of vacationers from all over the world.

Prices for hotels and entertainment are also rising rapidly. The beach season lasts until April – May. And then heavy tropical rains begin again.

Very often, when asked about the best time to come, they name the period from November to March. And all because In March - April the heat comes to the coast. This situation is typical for the southern sea areas of the country. Do not forget that in Thailand the mountainous areas located in the northern part are also suitable for recreation.

For example, Chiang Mai is cool from November to December. At night, the thermometer can drop to zero. Many will think that when compared with the Russian climate, this is nonsense. But rooms in Thai hotels are not equipped with systems that retain heat, so any tourist with such a temperature jump can freeze. In April, a new disaster comes to the north - the fields are burning, and that’s it settlements filled with thick smoke. Ideal option The trip will be from August to October.

Worst time to go to Thailand

The rainy season in Thailand begins in May and lasts until October. Many tourists have heard about this period and try not to come to the coast in the spring. The winds are constantly blowing, huge waves at sea, and if you get wet, you won’t be able to warm up anywhere, since air conditioning is constantly running in any cafe. The bad thing is that it is very difficult to understand when the next downpour will start. An important advantage is the virtual absence of tourists and slight coolness. In addition, during the rainy season, prices for tourism services drop sharply.

What times are not the best conditions?

As mentioned above, the rainy season begins in May. The peak of heavy rains and storms occurs from July to October. It rains here almost 24 hours a day.

As a rule, everything starts at 5 pm. If you get to Bangkok by this time, then get ready for a long traffic jam. You can’t even ride a bike during the rains. Firstly, it will not be very comfortable, and secondly, you can get into an accident.

It is better to spend the rainy season in Pattaya.

It is located in the Gulf of Thailand, so it doesn’t happen here at all big waves. You can swim at any time without fear of being caught natural disaster. Among other things, it is always warm and clear in Pattaya before lunch.

Weather in Thailand by month

So when does the rainy season start in Thailand? To give the most accurate answer, it is worth considering climatic features all Thai areas.

The southern provinces can be divided into two groups: Gulf of Thailand resorts and Andaman Sea resorts. There is nothing in common between them, since the areas are located at a great distance from each other.

For example, if in October it rains in the Gulf of Thailand, then in the Andaman Sea the sun is blazing with might and main. The best tourist places Siam includes Pattaya, Koh Larn and Koh Samui.

On the Andaman Sea, Phuket is highlighted. Taking into account the climate characteristics of these two regions, we can say that the most best time the holiday begins in January and continues until the beginning of spring.

March marks the hottest time in Thailand. The temperature reaches 49 degrees. There are very few vacationers during this period, and those who remain try not to go out into the sun. Locals It is advised to sit in a room with air conditioning in the first half of the day, and go out for a walk only in the evening, when the heat begins to subside.

When tropical rains pour in Pattaya, the velvet season is in full swing in Phuket. Swimming and diving are possible until the beginning of April. It is possible to stay longer, but April in Phuket is the monsoon season. There is no rain, but there are strong winds that will prevent a pleasant quality rest. And the water becomes very cloudy during this period. So you should come to the island from November to March, when it is warm, clear and there is no wind.

The holiday season generally ends with the onset of summer, when the rainy season begins. Almost every day the island is flooded and the sea is stormy.

Pattaya and Bangkok

At the end of the rainy season, numerous tourists from all over the world come to Pattaya. It still rains here in November, but warm, dry weather sets in in December.

The beach season here lasts exactly 6 months, until the spring thunderstorms.

In March in Pattaya the thermometer shows a maximum value of +40 degrees. It is not recommended to live in the city this month. Because of large quantity transport in Pattaya comes a period of smog. If you still come to Pattaya, then the best option There will be a hotel right on the seashore, where there are no cars or businesses. Many people recommend relaxing on Pratamnak Hill. Since this is an elevated area, there will be no smog here, and walks in the tropics are added to the beach holiday.

There are situations when you are going to warmer climes, but the holiday coincides with the rainy season. Don’t cancel your trip, because you can have a great time in Pattaya. Due to its good location, the sea here is always calm, so you can relax all year round. Only when you are ready to move in, choose rooms on the upper floors and with air conditioning.

If the purpose of your vacation is sightseeing, then come to Bangkok, where you can see a lot of interesting things. The wet season in the city is the best time for walking, as during this period the smog disappears. It is recommended to travel around Bangkok by underground transport, as there is a high probability that you will get stuck in a traffic jam on the road.

Low prices, variety of entertainment, wide selection of resorts and hotels - all this gives Thailand a significant advantage over others Asian countries. If we talk about the nature of the country, it is amazingly beautiful.

Thailand is primarily a tropical country, so a lot of exotic fruits grow here. Not all tourists know about the season of mangoes, rains or beach seasons. We will talk about when it is better to fly on vacation by month and season in Thailand in this article. Having familiarized yourself with it, you can better prepare for your trip to the mysterious Siam (as Thailand was previously called).

If you are going to celebrate the January holidays in Thailand, then you need to book a hotel in the fall or even summer. Many tourists come to fight the “Russian blues”, so you can easily meet your compatriots in hotels and on the beaches.

In the capital of the country it is warm and not rainy. The temperature during the day remains at +26, +27 degrees, and in the evening it falls up to +20. Therefore, this is the perfect month to explore this city.

IN northern parts country temperature is about +20. In the southeast, on Koh Samui, there may be rare rainfall.

The sea is pleasant, so you can swim or go diving.

Mango season begins in Thailand in January.

January is also the month when they start selling mangoes on the streets. Until May, you can find this fruit everywhere in Thailand.


If you are asked “When is the season for a beach holiday in Thailand?”, then you can safely answer that it is February. There are already fewer tourists, and weather- very good!

Temperature doesn't rise above +30, which means there is still no that sweltering heat from which you want to hide in a hotel, under the air conditioning.

It is good to relax in Pattaya in February.

The sun shines more, but It may rain 1-2 times a week. This time is suitable to go to the island. Ko Chang, etc.

It's also getting warm in the northern part of the country. Dry and warm weather allows you to move freely in these areas.

If we talk about when it is better to fly to relax in Phuket and the season in Thailand, on this island, then it is definitely February. On the Andaman coast (Phi Phi), weather conditions allow you to enjoy the sea and sun.


This month in Thailand not very suitable for traveling to northern regions Siam. Peasants begin to destroy last year's crops in order to plant others in their place. As a result, smoke streaks stretch across the region.

The hot season is beginning to come into its own. The temperature rises during the day up to +33, +35. At night she stays at level +25. For those who like excursions, it is better to postpone them until the morning or evening.

Starts in Bangkok heatwave , so walking the streets during the day is not recommended. It is better to replace such walks with a vacation by the sea. Travel to the west of the country. The resorts of Tao, Phangan or Samui will gladly welcome tourists.

In the east of Thailand, clouds are beginning to gather more often and discharged by rain.


Speaking about the tourist holiday season in Thailand by month, we must not forget about this month, which promises a lot for travelers.

You can participate on the 20th of the month in the local New Year, which is called Songkran. If in Russia they cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat for this holiday, then in Siam they water themselves and those around them cold water. This is part of the ritual that helps withstand the heat.

New Year In Thailand they celebrate by pouring water all over everyone.

Temperatures are rising in the North up to +40, and in Bangkok +35. It becomes almost impossible to be outside.

April is coming in order to go to Pattaya or Koh Chang. The rains alleviate the unbearable heat, but the precipitation is increasing. Koh Samui and the Gulf of Thailand - good areas for tourism.


If you are wondering when the rainy season begins in Thailand, then from May. This will also be the answer to the question “When is it cheaper to fly to Thailand?”

The country begins to be enveloped high humidity. This applies primarily to Bangkok. But Fires are dying down in the north and it becomes easier to breathe.

Everything blooms in the parks, and waterfalls gurgle in the forests. The roads are very washed out, so traveling around the country is not very convenient.

There are storms at sea, and the entire northeast and southwest are flooded with water. The western coast of the Gulf of Thailand is a more or less suitable place to relax.

You can write a whole dissertation about the fruit season in Thailand by month, in which it will take its rightful place The king of Thai fruits is durian. Its season begins in May and runs until the end of June.

Durian is called the king of fruits in Thailand.

He doesn't make the most pleasant first impression. The smell it gives off is not even close to pleasant. But when you taste its pulp, you will immediately forget about it!


The rainiest summer month! Rainfall breaks all records, and ferry service to the islands of the southwest is discontinued.

In Bangkok it will be very difficult to get to the most famous temples. Water floods the approaches to them, so tourists have to walk in the water.

There is a lot of rain in the center of the country, as this is Thailand's main agricultural land. You can rarely find them on Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao.

There are few tourists, and prices are falling. But there are a lot of fruits - rambutan, longan, lychee and many others.

Rambutan is one of the sweet fruits that can be found in June in Thailand.


The West of the Gulf of Thailand is the most suitable area of ​​the country to visit. It will be difficult to get to the islands, but national parks you can see unique landscapes - rivers and waterfalls that spill along the banks.

In July you can find from fruits - mangosteen, custard or sugar apple(it’s best to buy it chilled) or carambula.


The rainy season is in full swing. In cities, water reaches 1-2 meters. IN mountainous areas Landslides may occur. Temperature during the day +30, but because high humidity it's very difficult to breathe.

The sun only appears a couple of times a day, and the rains never stop falling day or night.

Grows from fruit pink apple, which is sold everywhere.

August is the month of rose apples in Thailand.


To the capital of the country and its center It's better not to even come. But the islands of Koh Samui and those nearby, will suit you for a wonderful holiday.

On the Andaman coast they continue to walk heavy rains with the winds. This makes it a destination for all surfers in the world.


In the north and center of the country already rain is getting less. The rainy season can significantly damage roads and some historical sites, so the Thais repair them.

Travel to Koh Chang, Pattaya or the north of the country— the weather is getting better there. The south is not suitable for this, since cyclones are still raging there.


It can be safely called the beginning tourist season . The weather contributes to this. Consider one important detail— the further from the coast, the higher the humidity. Tourist buses are beginning to actively travel between resorts and airports, transporting people to hotels.

Good weather conditions are established in Pattaya, Bangkok and Koh Chang. It is still very cold in the north, and it is raining on the Andaman coast. The worst option for choosing a holiday destination is the Siamese coast. Koh Samui, Koh Phangan- the most uncomfortable resorts for tourists in November.

November is a good month to visit Bangkok.


If you decide to visit Siam during this period, then it is best go on different excursions. In Bangkok, it is convenient to wander through the streets of the country, enjoying the city landscapes. The sun is warm, but the clouds are not gathering.

The shores of the Gulf of Thailand will be ideal, since the weather there is very good. There may be more rain along the southwest coast. They can prevent you from enjoying a full vacation.

Thai “winter” sets in in the north of the country when the temperature at night is +15. Residents of the country warm themselves with coats and scarves, and for Russian tourists traveling through these regions is a pleasure.

For many Russians, Thailand has long become one of the most popular resort destinations in Asia. The Kingdom of Siam is considered quite warm country, old-timers don’t remember the temperature here dropping below 0 degrees. Moreover, 15 degrees, above zero, is almost death for the Thais (they say that one local froze at “plus 13” degrees).
But for us, Russians, the ice on the river has melted and now we are already swimming, the sun first warmed up in April, and now we are already sunbathing! So, when is the best holiday season in Thailand?

Koh Larn Island, January

Best time to holiday in Thailand
For me, you can come here any month of the year. As they say, Thai nature has no bad weather! By the way, read more about the weather in Thailand here..
It’s good to relax at any time of the year, especially in Thailand. There are some differences in Thai holiday seasonality.
You just need to understand why you are coming here: to swim, get an even tan, eat exotic fruits, visit and photograph local attractions, get on a board (surf). Or maybe just wander through the evergreen Asian streets and breathe in the fresh Thai sea air?
Here are some conditional “best seasons for holidays in Thailand”:
High season for holidays in Thailand. Beginning of October – end of April. This basically coincides with the beginning of cold weather in European resorts. Tour operators continue to earn money, only on Asian destinations.
Winter is considered the active period for holidays in Thailand. December, January and February are especially loved by tourists from all over the world. Again, holidays: two Christmases and at least two New Years (especially for Russians). It is especially important to celebrate our New Year in Thailand,

Samet Island, December

This is a favorable time to direct your gaze to the islands of the Andaman coast of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Lanta and Phi Phi). And also don’t forget the eastern direction (Koh Chang, Ko KUD, Ko Mak).
Prices for tours and air tickets to Thailand in high season rest, of course, is more expensive. But whoever seeks will always find. We once flew together on a Krasnoyarsk-Thailand ticket for only $1,600. The tour lasted 13 nights (from December 22 to January 4). We lived in Pattaya, in the center. Breakfast was paid for.
Beach season in Thailand. You can lounge on the beach, sunbathe and swim in Thailand all year round.
You need to remember: some months are drier, others have high humidity, and there are also hot and windy months in the Thai Kingdom.
It is not recommended to visit Koh Chang and Phuket in summer due to high waves, as well as frequent precipitation.
November-February is the best time for a holiday in Thailand, especially a beach holiday. Not a bad period for viewing and visiting various unique places in Tai. Like these

Tropical hot season in Thailand. The dry, hot months in the Land of Smiles are March, April, May, and a little bit of June. The air temperature is not particularly comfortable (37-42 degrees C). The water near the shores warms up to almost 30 degrees. according to C.
Those who are very, very cold in our latitudes are welcome to warm their bones during this hot season in Thailand.
Low season in Thailand. The period from mid-April to the end of October is very often forecast in Thailand as the annual "monsoon season". The truth is pouring, for the most part, in the northern provinces of the Kingdom. Popular resorts in Thailand are getting a little water.
Feel free to visit low season such popular places as: Hua Hin, Samui, Koh Phangan, Pattaya. The rain passes quickly here, leaving behind only freshness in the scorching air.

Koh Chang Island, July

The low season in Thailand will delight you with the emptiness of the beaches. At this time, many go on vacation to other tourist destinations. And most importantly, there are months of budget prices, especially for accommodation that can be booked here.

Rainy season in Thailand. Spring ends (end of May, beginning of June), and the so-called “rainy season” begins in the Kingdom of Siam. And travel companies say, “You don’t fly there (to Thailand), there are monsoon rains, you will be completely, completely washed away! Come here (Turkey, Spain and other European resorts), only it’s good there now!”
What a rainstorm, what a “rainy season.” So small, frequent precipitation, no more!!
But what are the advantages of this time: acclimatization is minimal (from “summer to summer”), the influx of tourists is small, ideal for surfers. And you can save money; prices during the rainy season in Thailand are definitely not high.

Koh Samui island, August

Cool season in Thailand. Mid-November – end of February is the time for those who put “climate comfort” at the forefront.
Air temperature is about 30 degrees. according to C. Sea water, like “fresh milk” (near the shore 25-28 degrees). The humidity is optimal. The rains are rare and precise.
Bottom line: the cool season in Thailand is a blessing!!
Fruit season in Thailand. It is no secret that in Russia there is some shortage of natural vitamins. Of course, we eat fruit all year round, but what kind, and at what prices?

To taste exotic fruit– just for this, it’s worth going to Thailand at least once! Each Thai fruit has its own season. For mango - December-June, for durian - May-July, May-August - the pink apple ripens.
Keep in mind that the timing is approximate. The fruit season in Thailand does not apply to many fruits. For example, eat pineapples for health in any month of the year. About the fruits of Thailand
The conclusion will be short. Best season For a holiday in Thailand, everyone chooses for themselves, based on their preferences!
Dear travelers! Write comments and your impressions.
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