Many people love these mushrooms for their unique taste and ease of cooking. Experienced mushroom pickers They say that pig mushrooms are quite edible, they just need to be cooked correctly. To do this, they need to be boiled and strained.

However, experts talk about their toxicity and inedibility. Mushrooms get their name from the dark spots that appear on them when touched.

They were first described in the last century. IN scientific works The name used is thin svinushka, which belongs to the svinushka family. People have several names - solokha, pig's ear, black milk mushroom.

In the photo, pigs can be confused with milk mushrooms. They have large caps - up to 17 cm in diameter, which are concave inward. The cap is rolled up at the edges. In young mushrooms it is brown, while in older mushrooms it is grayish.

The pig has a small leg - no more than 10 cm, the same color as the cap. The inside of the mushroom is dense, creamy and odorless. In summer it is often attacked by worms, so you need to be careful when collecting.

Despite the fact that in the last century it was recognized as conditionally edible, in current reference books it is indicated as poisonous and unsuitable for food.

Where can I find pigs?

Mushrooms grow from the very end of spring until the onset of cold weather. They can be seen on tree stumps, swamps, bushes and even abandoned anthills. They are almost never found alone and grow in large groups.

The pig loves damp and shady places. Very often found under birch and oak trees, sometimes it can grow on trunks. Rarely appears under coniferous trees.

Mushrooms bear fruit every year. Most often, mushroom pickers prefer to collect young pigs; they are much denser inside than old ones.

Why is the mushroom not edible?

After research, the medical community recognized pigs as poisonous.

Many gourmets, despite medical prohibitions, continue to collect and prepare pigs for food.

Their main argument is: “the grandfathers ate and nothing happened to them.” They claim that the mushroom just needs to be cooked correctly.

According to experienced mushroom pickers, the pig needs to be thoroughly boiled with the onion, and not just once, but 3 or 4 times. In this case, they explain the poisoning by the fact that other poisonous specimens were collected.

In more detailed descriptions Pig mushrooms contain a pigment that has antibiotic properties and an acid that destroys tumors.

Of course, this is not at all enough for them to be eaten, but the mushroom is used in the production of medicinal products.

Toxic properties of the mushroom

In the course of research, the characteristics of Solokha were established that do not allow them to be edible:

  • The mushroom remains poisonous even after repeated heat treatment. The reason for this is the lectins and muscarines it contains, which retain toxins even under high temperature influences.
  • After consumption, autoimmune processes begin in the body, which lead to deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, up to their failure, which threatens fatal.
  • The structure of the mushroom resembles a sponge. Due to this, the pig is able to hold inside herself radioactive isotopes, such as cesium and copper.
  • Poisoning may appear after a certain time. Toxins can accumulate in the body for a long time. Children are most susceptible to poisons.

Despite disparate opinions, it is still better to trust doctors who say that the mushroom is toxic.

There is no point in risking the health and life of your loved ones and, of course, yourself.

In the photo, pig mushrooms can be distinguished from others quite easily, but in practice this can be quite difficult.

Therefore, it is better to be careful and just pass by.

When picking mushrooms you need to use some simple rules:

  • Do not put old mushrooms in the basket;
  • It is better to look for them further in the forest. There is no need to collect mushrooms growing near highways and roads; they accumulate harmful substances.
  • Fresh mushrooms collected with your own hands must be thoroughly boiled to protect yourself from possible toxins.
  • Mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator.

Photo of a pig

The pig mushroom received this name due to its ability to grow in almost all areas unsuitable for habitation, such as ant and dung heaps, swamps, gutters, driftwood, cesspools, ravines, rotten stumps, dead wood and everywhere else. That is why this mushroom is so popular for its numerous harvests.

What pigs look like

Mushrooms have two varieties: “thick” and “thin” pig mushrooms, which differ slightly in color and shape. Mushrooms are generally considered to be poisonous and toxic mushrooms due to the fact that they provoke autoimmune effects in the human body and also contain radioactive substances, which do not split when boiled. Nevertheless, many people admit a significant reduction in tumors, a positive effect on the body that pig mushrooms have. Their description is given below.

Pig "fat"

This mushroom is also popularly called the fat one. Previous generations ate it salted. The “fat” pig loves to live on the stumps of coniferous trees or on the roots. She appears at the beginning summer season and grows until the first snow falls. Pig mushroom has the following description:

Today, the “fat” pig mushroom is considered poisonous. Its pulp, even when salted, is harsh and bitter. Such pigs were prepared and eaten only in years of famine.

Mushroom pig "thin"

In Russia and Ukraine, such a pig has always been considered a bad mushroom. People collected it only during periods of poor harvests for others. The mushroom (mushroom) grows near poplars, spruces and birches. The “thin” pig is also called the cowshed or pig’s ear. The mushroom has the following description:

Scientists have found that during heat treatment, toxic substances do not evaporate at all. It is believed that the “thin” pig accumulates radioactive elements in itself.

Pig mushrooms: benefits and harms

There are people who have been collecting pigs and consuming them for years. At great desire you can always find different recipes preparing these dangerous mushrooms. Typically, the most popular processing method is marinating pre-cooked pigs. For pickling, it is ideal to prepare the pickle yourself, adding, in addition to sugar and salt, black peppercorns, cinnamon, mustard powder and cloves. Then the boiled mushrooms are poured with the prepared marinade and a vinegar solution is added at the end.

The pig mushroom is also salted using a hot processing method, where all this is complemented with spices: horseradish, bay leaf, dill and allspice.

How can this mushroom be dangerous?

This forest dweller a long period was beyond doubt and was considered a relatively edible grade 4 mushroom. But in Lately The assumption about the threat of pigs spread massively, and they began to be attributed to toxic species.

And yet, how to cook pigs (mushrooms) without consequences for life? It is possible if you adhere to certain conditions. Pig meat cannot be preserved for a long time; it needs quick heat treatment, as it can spoil. With an imperceptible slowdown in processing, the mushroom rots. Signs of intoxication appear gradually because the poison accumulates in the human body over time. This is where the main insidiousness of such a mushroom lies.

What could be the consequences?

Old grown pigs can accumulate toxic substances. Scientists have also found that the pig mushroom is capable of producing muscarine, a toxic substance similar in characteristics to the red fly agaric. Muscarine itself does not disintegrate when heated and can accumulate in the pig in quantities dangerous to humans.

Eventually laboratory research chemical composition mushrooms, they contain substances that can cause blood diseases in humans. In addition, analyzes revealed that the pig is more adapted than other mushrooms to absorb and accumulate heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury) contained in waste industrial production, as well as in car exhaust gases. This is what a seemingly harmless pig mushroom might look like. The photo is shown below.

Among other things, scientists have proven that eating pig can cause a rare type of allergy, in which there is an excessive release of immune bodies in the human body. Immunoglobulin type G is produced in the blood. As a result, anaphylactic shock can begin, sometimes leading to death. And now it makes sense to think about whether it’s worth eating pig mushrooms? The benefits and harms from them can be absolutely versatile.

Symptoms of intoxication

Signs of pig poisoning are expressed in different ways. Some complain of dizziness and abdominal pain, while others' kidneys and liver stop working, limbs go numb and speech is impaired. Intoxication with pigs (mushrooms) with fatal outcomes has already been recorded.

Pig mushroom: how to cook

Before using this forest dweller when preparing various dishes, you need to put it in cold water for 2-3 hours, then cook for 30 minutes and drain the finished broth. After this, the mushrooms are fried, salted and marinated. As a rule, they are not added to soups; they are also unsuitable for drying.

However, not every housewife knows how to prepare pigs (mushrooms) for marinade and pickling. It is believed that best capacity for salting - a wooden barrel. But not in every modern kitchen it can be detected, so it would be better to take any ceramic vessel. Well-washed and cooked pigs in advance must be laid out in layers, sprinkling them with regular salt. For flavor, you can add a few cloves of garlic, dill stalks and allspice to the mushrooms. Next, the pigs are covered with a clean rag or gauze, a heavy object is placed on top and hidden in a cool place for salting. This is a good way to prepare pig mushrooms for the winter.

You can eat salted mushrooms only after 40 days. Experienced chefs advise storing the mushrooms at a temperature of at least 5 degrees, as there is a chance that the mushrooms will freeze and their taste will noticeably deteriorate. If the temperature is higher, then the brine may turn sour, and the pigs will need to be thrown away. At the time of salting, it is also important to top up from time to time. boiled water, because the brine has the ability to evaporate, and again the pig (mushroom) may suffer from this. How to prepare it for salting? Now many people already know.

Svinushki are mushrooms that cause a lot of controversy. They used to be eaten and considered safe, but today mycologists are calling for mushroom pickers to stop collecting them. This mushroom is dangerous and toxic, capable of accumulating harmful chemical compounds and heavy metals that threaten health, so it should be avoided.

General characteristics of the mushroom

This lamellar mushrooms, belonging to the pig family. There are several types of these mushrooms, each of which has its own characteristics. Pigs get their name from the dark, dirt-like spots that appear on their surface when you touch them.

Externally, the pig is a small mushroom with a thick cap, the size of which can vary from 10 to 20 cm. During early development pigs are convex, but as they grow they become smooth and then funnel-shaped.

The edges of the grown mushrooms have wavy, inverted caps. The pig's leg is small: its size reaches 10 cm. The flesh is dense, creamy, and odorless.

The color of young pigs is olive, old ones are gray-brown. The mushrooms are dry and smooth to the touch. When the weather is humid, the surface of the pigs becomes covered with a sticky film.

Usually such mushrooms grow in whole groups; single specimens are rare. In summer, these mushrooms are often affected by worms, especially poisonous species of pigs.

There are currently 10 known species of pigs. Not all of them are poisonous, but all pigs contain substances harmful to the body in certain quantities.


There are such types of pigs:

  • Thick (or felt). This type of mushroom has a velvety cap with a brown, red-brown or pistachio color. The diameter of the cap varies from 15 to 20 cm. The stem of this mushroom is short, curved, and its color is brown. The mushroom has thick and tough flesh. It darkens when cut. The fat pig has no smell, the taste of this mushroom is bitter. This variety belongs to the group conditionally edible mushrooms. Scientists point to the antitumor properties of this mushroom, as well as such a feature of the pig as its action as a natural antibiotic. Fat pig is tasteless, so it makes no sense to purposefully collect it for food.
  • Thin pig . The cap of this type of mushroom varies from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. It is fleshy and convex, and may have a light olive or greenish-beige color. The cap is depressed in the center. The leg of a thin pig is cylindrical, its thickness is 1-2 cm. The pulp is thick, has a pleasant smell, and has a sour taste. The thin pig is classified as poisonous species mushrooms This variety is often affected by worms.
  • Alder. The mushroom grows on the bark of aspen and alder trees. The cap has a shallow funnel, its edges are downward, slightly wavy. The color is brown, with a yellow or reddish tint. The alder pig does not have a specific smell of mushroom. This species is poisonous.
  • Ear-shaped. This pig has a hard cap with a diameter of up to 12 cm. Its shape resembles a shell or a fan. The edges of the cap are uneven - wavy or jagged. Feature ear-shaped pig - a pleasant pine aroma emanating from it. This type The mushroom belongs to the group of conditionally edible ones.

Fat pig

Thin pig

Alder pig

Ear-shaped pig

Although some types of pigs belong to the group of conditionally edible ones, they are still not recommended to be collected for food because of the substances they contain. toxic substances. In addition, any species of this fungus has the ability to accumulate radiation.

There are two types of pigs most common in Russia: thin and thick.

Places where pigs grow

These mushrooms can be found everywhere, but the most common places for their growth are deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as forest edges, the outskirts of swamps. Very often, mushrooms can be found near areas where shrubs, birches and oaks grow.

You can also see the pigfish on the roots of uprooted trees, and some of its species can be seen on the bark. Sometimes this mushroom is found on abandoned anthills.

This fungus prefers moisture and grows well in moist soil conditions. The pigweed grows in whole groups in summer and autumn, from July to October. There are especially many of them in autumn. Pigweed brings frequent and abundant harvests.

Why is pigweed considered a poisonous mushroom?

Not so long ago, pigs were not considered dangerous mushroom and enjoyed collecting and preparing. Today, this issue is approached with caution and some species are classified as inedible and harmful to health, and some as poisonous.

The fact is that pigs contain toxic dangerous substance– muscarine, which does not disintegrate with any method of heat treatment, and is also not excreted from the body.

Scientists have also proven that these mushrooms contain antigens that stimulate the production of blood antigens. The latter attack blood cells, including red blood cells. When antigens accumulate, severe diseases develop. One of these serious pathologies is hemolytic anemia.

Pigweed can damage the glomeruli and cause the development of renal failure.

At severe poisoning These mushrooms are likely to cause death.

Pig animals are capable of accumulating harmful chemical compounds and heavy metals, including copper and radioactive cesium. The concentration of these elements in the body of the fungus is quite high and can be many times higher than their concentration in the soil on which it grows. This ability to accumulate harmful substances explained by the structure of the pig: it is spongy, so it holds dangerous elements inside.

Taking into account all the dangers that pig mushroom poses, this mushroom was removed from the list of edible mushrooms in 1981. He was also included in the list poisonous products fourth category of danger.

Signs of poisoning can be detected both a few hours after eating mushrooms, if a large portion of pigs was eaten immediately, and after several years if they are systematically eaten. That is why you should not listen to those who claim that pigs are quite edible and the main thing is to cook them correctly. The consequences in this case can be unpredictable.

It should be taken into account that the following are especially vulnerable to pigs:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • persons suffering from pancreatic diseases;
  • persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract.

Before your next trip to the forest, you should review the images of the pig so as not to put it in the basket.

Symptoms of pig poisoning and first aid

The severity of symptoms of intoxication with substances contained in these mushrooms depends on the characteristics of the human immune system. If a person has increased sensitivity to the elements that make up pigs, then characteristic symptoms appear 1-3 hours after their consumption.

If the poisoning has mild degree, then you can count on a successful outcome.

For mild poisoning The following symptoms are typical:

  • abdominal pain that is not constant in nature and localization;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lower back pain;
  • coldness in hands and feet.

Poisoning is accompanied by severe dehydration of the body.

With this degree of poisoning, if measures are taken in a timely manner, the symptoms of poisoning weaken after 2-3 days.

Average degree of poisoning pigs is expressed, in addition to the above symptoms, in the development of liver and kidney failure.

At severe intoxication Cardiovascular failure also develops, and the possibility of organic brain damage from poisons cannot be ruled out.

More serious degrees of poisoning are expressed in the appearance of symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, respiratory distress, severe sweating, excessive salivation, pallor skin, hallucinations and delusions.

At the first signs of pig intoxication, you should call an ambulance as quickly as possible. Before the arrival of specialists, to quickly remove toxins from the body, the victim should drink as much as possible warm water with salt or potassium permanganate dissolved in it. After this, you need to induce vomiting several times.

Since poisoning is a toxic-allergic reaction, after washing the stomach, the poisoned person should be given an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil) to drink.

The poisoned person must be hospitalized, regardless of the severity of the poisoning.

In a medical institution, the patient is given gastric and intestinal lavage. If the symptoms of intoxication progress, the intestinal tract is washed with saline solution.

If necessary, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • blood purification;
  • hemodialysis if renal failure has been determined;
  • restoration of water-salt balance in the body;
  • taking medications to restore the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Pig mushrooms are currently defined as mushrooms harmful to the body. Some types of such mushrooms are poisonous. You should avoid collecting and eating them, as severe intoxication can cause death.

very popular and well known to experienced mushroom pickers. It appears long before other mushrooms and bears fruit abundantly before late autumn.

Did you know? Pig mushrooms external description similar to a pig's ear. This similarity is observed in the obliquely growing mushroom cap. The reason for this was the stem, which is attached not in the center of the mushroom cap, but offset.

Let's look at the varieties of the pig mushroom and see if they can be eaten.

Thin pig (lat. Paxillus involutus)

Svinushka thin is a mushroom of the Svinushka family of the order Boletaceae. Now the mushroom is considered poisonous, but until 1981 it was classified as edible. Slender pig grows in the forests various types and is similar in description to other varieties of this mushroom. The mushroom cap grows 12-15 cm in diameter and is olive-brown in color. At first it has a slightly convex shape with a curled edge, then it is flat with a funnel-shaped depression in the middle. The edge is drooping and may be wavy. The cap is fleshy and darkens at the break. Its surface is felt-fluffy, and later smooth, in damp weather it is sticky. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, soft at first, but in an adult mushroom it is loose and yellowish-brown in color. It does not have a special smell or taste and may be wormy.

On the underside of the cap there are yellow-brown pseudoplates that easily peel off from the flesh of the cap. The mushroom stem is up to 9 cm high and 2 cm in diameter. Its surface is smooth, matte, dirty yellow, slightly lighter in color than a hat. Fine brown spore powder. Many mushroom pickers argue about poisonous properties thin pig. They claim that they have always used this mushroom for food and feel good. Let's figure it out, little pig - poisonous mushroom or not. The first fatal case of eating pork was recorded in 1944. German mycologist Julius Schaeffer felt unwell, which developed into vomiting, diarrhea and fever. He died 17 days later. The cause was acute renal failure.

The main thing is that the symptoms of poisoning do not always appear and not immediately. Pig contains toxic substances lectins that are not destroyed by heat treatment. In the 80s of the twentieth century. Swiss doctor Rene Flammer discovered that the pig's antigen is capable of fixing on the membrane of red blood cells and provoking immune system produce antibodies and fight against their own red blood cells. As a result, a person develops hemolytic anemia and kidney failure. Since it takes some time for the body to produce antibodies, symptoms of poisoning may not appear immediately. Also, the sensitivity of each organism to fungal toxins is very different. Therefore, in 1984, by order of the Deputy Chief Sanitary Doctor of the USSR, the thin mushroom was included in the list of poisonous mushrooms.

Important! There is no antidote for pig poisoning. If you feel unwell after eating mushrooms, you should contact your medical institution for monitoring blood counts, kidney function, blood pressure, water-electrolyte balance and correction of deviations from the norm.

Alder pig (lat. Paxillus filamentosus)

Alder or aspen pigweed is a less common species. It got its name from its preferred location under aspen or alder. It has many external similarities with the thin pig, but differs in its cap, which has a scaly-cracked surface with a more yellowish-red tint. Alder pig, like thin pig, is poisonous, although some mushroom pickers still consider it conditionally edible.

Thick pig (felt) (lat. Tapinella atrotomentosa)

The most common types of pigs include both thin pigs and thick pigs. It is a mushroom of the Tapinella family of the order Boletaceae. The mushroom has a cap with a diameter of 5-15 cm, first convex, hemispherical in shape, and later tongue-shaped with a funnel-shaped depression in the center. The surface of the cap is velvety or smooth with a rusty brown color. The edges are turned up. On the underside it has a frequent lamellar layer, cream-colored in young mushrooms and brown in mature ones. The leg is about 7 cm high and up to 3.5 cm in diameter, cylindrical in shape, can be attached centrally or with a lateral offset.

Its surface is velvety, dark brown in color. It is often completely immersed in the substrate. The flesh of the mushroom is whitish-yellow in color, without any particular odor, with a bitter taste.. It has the ability to swell in the presence of moisture and darkens when broken. Mushroom spore powder is yellow-brown in color. Ammonia colors the flesh of the fat pig a bright lilac color, and potassium hydroxide (KOH) - green-black. Fat pig refers to conditionally edible mushrooms. Abroad, it is considered inedible or has unstudied toxic properties. The pulp of these mushrooms contains atromenthin (brown pigment), which acts as an antibiotic and has an antitumor effect, telephoric acid (blue pigment), used to dye wool blue.

Tapinella panuoides, or ear-shaped pig (lat. Tapinella panuoides)

Earwort is a lamellar fungus. The body of the mushroom can have a lateral attachment in the form of flat-shaped caps with a diameter of up to 16 cm, which are located singly or fused on a thickened mycelium in the form of a short stalk. The surface of the cap is felt-like, and later smooth, from yellowish-cream to brownish-purple. The edge of the mushroom is thin, tucked, and may be wavy. The bottom of the cap has narrow plates from yellowish-cream to orange.

The stalk-like base of the mushroom is dense, velvety, brown in color. The pulp is fleshy, light brown in color, and becomes spongy when dried. The mushroom grows from late summer to late autumn, singly or in groups on stumps or coniferous wood. The fungus can settle on the surface of old wooden buildings, causing their destruction. Porcini mushroom is classified as a mildly poisonous mushroom due to the presence of lectins. These toxins cause red blood cells to clump together.

Did you know? The name of the mushroom, tapinella panus, translates as carpet.

This mushroom is found both in city parks and in the forests of Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, France, England and in the countries of northern Africa. It is classified as poisonous. The mushroom cap is fleshy, dense, yellow-brown in color, up to 12 cm in diameter. The body of the mushroom itself grows short, up to 10 cm in height. It grows most massively in autumn. The spores of the fungus are large and brown in color.

Paxillus obscurisporus mushrooms are deadly poisonous and are similar in description to talking mushrooms (of the genus Clitocybe). Distinctive Features there are brown, not white plates under the cap and brown, not white spores, like those of talkers. The mushroom most often grows under linden or other broad-leaved trees or in open pastures. He has a lot of hats large sizes than other pigs. The pulp has no distinctive odor and tastes sour. The cap is golden brown, 4-13 cm in diameter, with a raised wavy edge. The stem of the mushroom is up to 8 cm tall, slightly widens from the ground to the cap and is colored gray-yellow. Fruiting period – July – September.

A characteristic feature of these pigs is a funnel-shaped cap with a diameter of up to 15 cm, yellowish-brown in color with a reddish tint. The pulp has a whitish-yellow color and changes to red-brown when broken. The surface of the cap is smooth and velvety. The leg is cylindrical, 8 cm high, at first yellow, and then acquires a reddish-brown color. This type of mushroom has become widespread in European countries. This mushroom mushroom prefers to grow on river banks, in light forests with moist soil and forms a symbiosis with alder.

For years, people have been collecting pigs and love them for their unique taste and ease of preparation. Experienced mushroom pickers categorically insist that these mushrooms are completely safe; before cooking, it is enough to boil and strain them. In contrast to this statement, there is an opinion about the danger and toxicity of these forest gifts. I wonder what the experts think about this? Let's try to figure out whether pigs are edible mushrooms or not?

Svinushkov family - photo and description

Popular names for pork are different: solokha, dunka, pig's ear, solopena, black milk mushroom. And in scientific literature mushroom is designated as Paxillus involutus- the pig is thin - and belongs to the family of pigs, which was first described more than a hundred years ago. For a long time, the family was considered intermediate between boletaceous and agaric mushrooms. And over time, mycologists attributed it to the order Boletaceae, which was confirmed by molecular phylogenetic analysis. But during this period, changes occurred in the pigs. Of the few genera belonging to the family, 8 Paxillus species were separated into a separate genus Tapinella. There's also a pig there.

Did you know? Pigs get their name from the dark, dirt-like spots that appear on them when touched.

The description of the pig is similar to the milk mushroom. The fleshy cap with curled edges in the center is concave, grows to 14–17 cm. In young specimens it is brown with an olive tint, in older specimens it is gray-brown. Feels dry and fluffy or smooth. In rainy, foggy weather it is sticky and unpleasant. If you press hard or cut off the edge, it will darken.

The inside of the mushroom is dense and cream-colored. The color can be different, yellow-brown spectrum. Doesn't smell. In summer, the basket often contains many wormy forest trophies.

The leg is small, within 10 cm, smooth, its color is often identical to the cap, but may differ in brownish yellowness. A characteristic feature of pigs is brownish false plates under the cap. They look like folds and are easily separated from the surface.

More than 35 years ago, the pig mushroom was recognized as conditionally edible, according to taste qualities he was classified in the fourth category. And in modern reference books there is often information about its unsuitability for food and “mortal danger”.

Where and when do pigs grow?

They can be found from the end of spring to the beginning of frost almost everywhere: they grow in colonies, rarely alone, in forests, swamps, under trees and bushes, on uprooted stumps and even in abandoned anthills and mosses. The mushroom loves moisture and shade. From one clearing you can collect a small basket full. They are even found under coniferous trees, but more often under oak and birch. Sometimes they even grow on trunks.

Pig mushroom - poisonous or edible mushroom?

Old-school mushroom pickers and representatives continue to discuss this topic today. scientific field. The former refer to the experience and knowledge of their ancestors, who ate only dunks, the latter – to the results of their research. Currently in dispute the last word the doctors said. The mushroom is dangerous. It turns out that its toxins can kill immediately, or after some time, since when pigs are regularly eaten, they accumulate in the body.

Arguments about edibility

Despite the fact that since 1984, thin and thick pork has been prohibited for collection, sale and preparation, it is collected. They motivate this with a banal argument: they say, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers ate, and nothing happened. Stubborn gourmets believe that even a poisonous mushroom can be cooked; heat treatment will destroy all toxins. To be on the safe side, you can boil the collected trophies with the onion 3 – 4 times. Other lovers of forest delicacies fatal outcome After eating, the solopens are explained by a confusion in the mushrooms. Like, something poisonous could have accidentally gotten into the basket.

Scientists have also analyzed pig mushrooms in terms of their benefits and harms. They discovered a brown pigment in the body of Dunka - atrotomentin, which has antibiotic properties, and polyporic acid, which can destroy malignant tumors. According to doctors, this is not enough to allow the use of the mushroom. It is used only for the preparation of medicines.