Winter is already over, but memories of frost and cold are still fresh in my memory. When it's below zero, your breath takes away, your lips begin to crack, your skin dries out... Your legs and arms freeze. Every year there are reports of people who decided to take a short break in a snowdrift. And no amount of civilization, science, medicine, nanotechnology can save us from this most terrible victim of winter.

However, in most Russian cities, winter temperatures rarely drop below 30-40 degrees from zero, while this is not the limit at all. Even on our warm and cozy planet there are places with a rather frightening climate. And the lowest temperature on Earth can impress anyone.


A small village in Yakutia is considered a real pole of cold. It is the coldest populated area. About five thousand people live in it, who are accustomed to the local climate and consider it a completely worthy payment for life in native land.

And the climate here is truly more than harsh. The village is not only located far in the north, it is also quite high relative to sea level and remote from the oceans. And due to the fact that it lies in a lowland, frosty air flows here in winter. The sum of these factors results in impressively low average annual temperatures, with the absolute minimum being -64.3 degrees Kelvin. It’s not very comfortable, but people have adapted to this too.

Vostok station

No matter how paradoxical it may be, the temperature is lowest at the South Pole. Of course, “southern” in this case means “located at the bottom of the map,” and not “in the warm and pleasant south.” The coldest continent is frozen through, only in the summer does a small surface layer of soil thaw, allowing a limited amount of flora and fauna to survive.

Nice summer day

People do not live there, with the exception of particularly extreme scientists studying this inhospitable region. There are stations there from many countries, including Russia. And it was the inhabitants of the Russian “Vostok” who recorded the temperature, which for a long time was considered minimal - -89.2 degrees. This happened historical event June 21, 1983. And for almost twenty years this record seemed absolute.

Fuji Dome

Antarctica is an extremely inhospitable continent, but there are some impressive places there, for example, the Fuji Dome, also known as Mount Valkyrie. This hill is located in Queen Maud Land, one of the coldest areas. In addition, it is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, which makes the climate even more harsh. By the way, the Fuji Dome is one of the most high points continent, which contributes to obtaining unique weather conditions.

Bad day

It was in this area that the existing this moment temperature minimum - 91.2 degrees. What's interesting is not only that it minimum temperature, but also the first recorded to cross the line of 90 degrees below zero.

The method for detecting this temperature also differs. The fact is that most often the temperature is measured with ordinary alcohol or electronic thermometer. The result obtained shows the temperature of the surface layer of air. But the new temperature record was measured not in the usual way, but from a satellite. Thus, the temperature of the earth's surface was measured, and therefore many question the validity of this record.

Somewhere over Sweden

If we talk not about the surface temperature, but about the entire planet, including the atmosphere, then the lowest temperature will differ significantly from the values ​​already mentioned.

Thus, in the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 85 kilometers above Sweden in 1963, a temperature minimum that had no analogues was recorded -143 degrees below zero Celsius.

On the other hand, if you continue to rise, the temperature will decrease until it reaches -270 degrees, characteristic of outer space. True, it will no longer be considered a planet.

Somewhere in the laboratory

In 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was given to a group of scientists who were able to develop theoretical basis cooling the substance to ultra-low temperatures and testing them in practice. To do this, the gas is cooled in a magnetic trap, where it cannot come into contact with the walls and be heated by them.

Later, based on this technique, the lowest temperature on the planet and in the entire Universe was obtained - 0.0000000001 Kelvin, which is one picokelvin above absolute zero.

It is unlikely that this particular thermometer was used, but the result would be similar

IN outer space and even higher, because its space is heated due to the radiation background remaining after Big Bang. Now average temperature in interstellar space is about 3 degrees Kelvin. The Universe is gradually cooling, but very slowly, by about 1 degree every 3 billion years.

Therefore, so far the lowest temperature has been recorded on Earth, of course, if there are no other civilizations on other planets with their own scientists seeking to learn the secrets of matter and energy.

As a result of climate change, the annual temperature air. Previously, in the Iranian Dasht-Lut the most heat on the surface of the Earth - 70.7 °C. We present to your attention the top 10 hottest places in the world.

10. Kuwait City (Kuwait) - 51 °C. The climate is tropical, dry. During May-October, air temperatures range from 40 to 50 °C. Winds carry dust and sand. In December-January the thermometer shows 12-18 °C. In winter, cyclones bring sparse precipitation.

Kuwait City is the capital of Kuwait and the center of culture, trade and entertainment in Asia. Next to ancient mosques are five-star hotels, and small markets are neighbors of giant supermarkets. There are garden and park complexes in the city.

Capital - on south coast Kuwait Bay. On its outskirts there are salt marshes, which fill with water during the rainy season. The basis flora- shrubs and hard-leaved grasses. Among the animals near the city there are insects and rodents.

9. Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) - 52 °C. The climate is tropical, desert. Temperatures in summer range from 40-43 °C. When the air humidity is 10-13%, the heat is difficult to bear. In winter, the temperature is 20-28 °C, sometimes drops to 8-14 °C. Air humidity rises to 40-49%. During the year there is only 100-130 mm of precipitation.

Capital Saudi Arabia lies in the fertile Wadi Hanifa valley. The area of ​​the city is 1600 sq. km. Population - 5 million people. Most of the buildings in Riyadh were built at the turn of the 80-90s of the last century. There are 140 mosques in the capital.

The city is political and national center countries. Thanks to super-profits from oil production, the capital has developed hotel business, medicine, and modern airports were built.

8. Dallol (Ethiopia) - 53 °C. The climate is tropical. During 1960-1966, the average temperature in the city was 34.4 °C. Now it's about 25°C.

January is the coldest (average annual temperature is 22.4 °C) and driest month of the year (average precipitation is 0 mm). In hot April, the average temperature is 30 °C. The most precipitation is in August - 273 mm, and throughout the year the average is 874 mm.

Formed 900 million years ago, the crater of the Dallol volcano is considered the lowest in the world, located 45 m below sea level. Nearby are sources of mineral salts.

There are no quality roads to the settlement of Dallol. Only caravans transport salt collected near the city.

7. Tirat Zvi (Israel) - 53.9 °C. The religious center is located near the border with Jordan. Near the city is the saving Jordan River. From the heat local residents(759 people as of the end of 2016) are hiding under awnings and in swimming pools. The city is located 220 m below sea level. Local meat processing plant TIV sells its products domestically and internationally.

The pride of Tirat Zvi - 18,000 date trees, thanks to which the settlement bears honorary title Israel's largest producer. The technology developed by scientists at Tirat-Zvi and the Volcani Institute preserves palm leaves for several months. The city supplies tens of thousands of palm leaves for Sukkot, a Jewish holiday that lasts for 8 days, includes meals and an overnight stay in a tent, and commemorates the walk of our ancestors through the Sinai desert.

6. Kebili (Tunisia) - 55 °C. The climate is moderately warm. The average temperature is 18.7 °C. Precipitation is 605 mm. In July - 0 mm, and in December - 102 mm. Kebili is a classic oasis with palm trees and water. The city is home to 150,000 people on an area of ​​22,084 km. In the west it borders with Algeria.

The pride of the city is Lake Chott el Djerid. The pond is covered with a rough salt skin that can support the weight of a car. Speed ​​car races regularly take place here.

The road to the town of Tozeur runs along the lake. The driver feels as if he is moving through a tunnel. This optical illusion is the result of reflection sunlight from the salt surface of the lake. If the thermometer shows 30 °C, mirages appear. Visibility is reduced by winds that blow sand.

5. Timbuktu, Mali - 55 °C. The climate in the city is arid. The minimum precipitation in January is 0 mm, the maximum in August is 72 mm, the average for the year is 176 mm. The highest average temperatures are in June - 33.9 °C, the lowest in January - 20.6 °C. In the warm season, the thermometer sometimes shows over 50 °C. Salvation for city residents is the Niger River. Although it is 24 km away.

Previously, Timbuktu was the commercial, scientific and religious center of Africa. Now the settlement houses a collection of ancient manuscripts.

The city was trying to be swallowed up by the Sahara. The winds regularly brought gifts of the desert - dunes - to the city. Therefore, in 1988, Timbuktu was included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO. Thanks to the consistent actions of the world community, the advance of the Sahara was stopped. In 2005, the city was removed from the list.

4. Rub al-Khali, Arabian Peninsula - 56 °C. The desert lies in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the UAE. One of the largest in the world - 650,000 sq. km. The average temperature in summer is 47 °C. In this case, the air often warms up to 50 °C, and the sand - up to 70 °C. Precipitation is 35 mm.

Rub Al Khali - flat desert. Winds move 300-meter-long red-orange sand dunes, revealing areas of gypsum and gravel.

Images from space allowed scientists to verify that 5 thousand years ago there were settlements on the territory of Rub al-Khali. For example, Ubar is the City of Thousand Pillars. Also, there used to be a network of lakes and rivers, and flora and fauna flourished. Now The groundwater hid from the hot sun at a depth of 10 meters.

In the desert, camel thorns and saltworts predominate among the plants. One hundred species of animals, including: beisa antelope, camels, snakes, jerboas and scorpions.

3. Al-Aziziya (Libya) - 57.7 °C. The city of 4,000 people holds the unofficial record for maximum indicator temperatures in the shade. But the World weather station does not recognize it, not trusting the means used to determine the temperature. In summer the thermometer shows 48.9 °C. Average annual temperature lower than in Dallol or the Dasht-Lut desert.

Humidity rarely drops below 80%, making the heat easier to bear. The winds bring healing air from Mediterranean Sea. The city is important shopping mall, and until 2001 it was also administrative. Al-Aziziya is located near the Sahel desert Jaffar. Tourists are captivated by the unique ancient Berber architecture.

Near the city is the thousand-year-old fortress of Qasr al-Hajj made of stone and plaster. IN Peaceful time acted as a kind of refrigerator for food.

2. Death Valley (USA) - 56.7 °C. The lowest section of the Mojave Desert and North America- 86 meters below sea level. With an area of ​​7800 sq. km. The park is the largest in the USA. Less than 50 mm of precipitation falls annually, which is enough for small rodents and shrubs. Most hot month- July with an average temperature of 46 °C during the day and 31 °C at night. In winter, the thermometer drops to 5-20 °C. The average annual temperature is 24.8 °C.

The peculiarity of Death Valley is the stones that move. This fact is confirmed by traces and photos from space. Both tiny stones the size of a soccer ball and 500-kilogram giants do not sit still.

Death Valley was named in mid-19th century century. Then numerous gold miners tried to shorten the route to California through the hot lowlands. Not everyone managed to get out alive, hence the names: Funeral Ridge, Last Chance Ridge and Death Valley.

1. Dasht-e Lut (Iran) - 70.7 °C. The salt desert is considered the unofficial winner of the rating, since in 2005 temperature information was obtained using a space satellite.

Characteristics Dashte-Lut - salt marshes and sands. Constant winds led to the appearance of bizarre stone images that are shaped like pillars and mushrooms.

Even in such a hot place there is a pond! Drainless salt Lake- in the south of the desert in the Nemekzar lowland. Appears on a short time only in the spring.

The length of Dashte-Lut is 550 km, width is 100-200 km. Images from space show numerous sandstorms. Temperatures above 50 °C are the norm in the desert. The hottest place in the desert is the Henda Beryan plateau with an area of ​​480 square meters. km. It is covered with brown lava.

Global warming is loudly knocking on the door of planet Earth. Perhaps we will soon witness new temperature records.

IN last years The climate has changed a lot, and not only in the direction of warming. Such changes occur especially noticeably in zones of sharply continental climate. Here the summers are impossibly hot, the winters are very frosty. Let's look for answers to the questions: where is the lowest temperature on Earth? Where is it coldest?

Climate of the Northern Hemisphere in the 19th century

It would seem that the coldest should be the North and South Poles, as they are the farthest from the equator. In reality, things are not so simple.

There are several in the Northern Hemisphere settlements, which can rightfully be called “poles of cold”. All of them are located in Russia. And this is not surprising, since it owns a huge part of the northern territories.

Long ago, in the 19th century, in one of these villages (Verkhoyansk) a critical temperature was recorded - 63.2 degrees below zero. It is located in the northeast direction from Yakutsk, 650 kilometers from it. In the same area in January 1885, an even greater minus temperature was recorded - 67.8 degrees. At that time, this was the lowest temperature on Earth.

Verkhoyansk at that time was a place of exile for political prisoners. The measurements were carried out, as expected, at an equipped weather station by one of the political exiles, I. A. Khudyakov. In this regard, in Verkhoyansk there is a monument called “Pole of Cold”. There is also an interesting local history museum called Ulus with the same name.

Frosts of the 20th century, modernity

In the middle of the 20th century, temperature measurements were made in Oymyakon, a village located just south (4 degrees) of Verkhoyansk. This was done by S.V. Obruchev (son of the author of the works “Sannikov’s Land” and “Plutonium”). According to his data, it turned out that a minus mark of 71.2 degrees is possible here. And this was the lowest temperature on Earth at that time.

The Oymyakon depression is located higher in level than the Verkhoyansk depression. In addition, it is surrounded by mountains, trapping frosty and dry air in the depression. However, such a temperature has not been observed in practice. And yet, Oymyakon became famous as the frostiest place.

Oymyakon. The fight for the title of “Pole of Cold”

In fact, Obruchev’s calculations were made near another village - Tomtor, located 30 kilometers from Oymyakon. Since almost everything geographical features This region (plateaus, depressions, etc.) are called Oymyakon, which is why Oymyakon became so famous.

In Tomtor itself, already in February 1933, the weather station recorded a temperature mark of minus 67.7 degrees. That is, until the record for the lowest temperature on Earth (Verkhoyansk, 1885) is broken with a lag of 0.1 degrees. The residents of Tomtor themselves believe that the weather station was built later, when climate warming began to occur. Otherwise, most likely, they would have broken the record long ago.

Based on average temperatures over 15 years, in Verkhoyansk the minimum temperature was only minus 57, and in Tomtor it was minus 60.0 degrees. And according to the absolute minimums for the same period of time, the temperatures are as follows: Verkhoyansk - 61.1, and Tomtor - 64.6 degrees. It turns out that it is colder in Tomtor than in Verkhoyansk.

The Oymyakon weather station, due to record data, is noted in the Guinness Book. But the Yakut authorities changed everything. They decided and recognized Verkhoyansk as the “pole of cold”. Perhaps in order to attract more tourists.

Vostok station. Lowest temperature on Earth

The achievements of the above-mentioned Verkhoyansk and Tomtor pale in comparison to the temperature values ​​of the Vostok station, located in East Antarctica. This is the real “Pole of Cold”.

This station is located at an altitude of almost 3.5 kilometers above sea level, on the ice dome itself. The lowest temperature was recorded there - minus 89.2 degrees. It is amazing! Even in summer, the temperature here stays between 20-40 degrees below zero! It’s worth feeling and seeing it to understand what real cold means.

East Antarctica has the coldest temperatures on Earth.

Dashti Lut, Libyan desert

The hottest air on Earth was recorded in 2005 in Libya in the Dashti Lut desert. The thermometer showed plus 70 degrees Celsius.

At this temperature, you can cook food without using fire, since the surfaces of objects become so hot in the Sun that you can safely fry eggs on them. And it is impossible to walk barefoot on the ground. The air even in the shade warms up to 60 degrees.

There is another desert in Libya - Al Azizia. In September 1922, a positive temperature of 57.8 degrees was noticed on it.

There is Death Valley in the USA. The most hot temperature at around 56.7 degrees. And the average summer temperature here is +47 degrees.

Universe. The coldest place

The lowest temperature in the Universe is in the Boomerang Nebula. It is believed that this is the coldest place in the entire Universe. Its temperature is minus 272 °C. This despite the fact that for the most low temperature accept minus 273°C - the lowest accepted limit of all temperatures.

Where does this temperature come from? What's happening?

At the very center of this nebula is a dying star, which for the past 1500 years has been emitting gases in the form of wind, moving with unimaginable speeds. enormous speed- 500,000 kilometers per hour. The gas coming out of the nebula is cooled in the same way as the air that people exhale. The temperature of the gas itself is two degrees higher less temperature places where it then expands. Due to rapid expansion, it cooled to 272 Celsius.

This amazing nebula got its name due to its similarity in appearance with a boomerang, although it is believed that it looks more like a butterfly. This is due to the fact that Australian scientists who discovered this place in 1980 did not have such powerful telescopes as they have now, and saw only isolated fragments of the nebula. The modern Hubble telescope took the most accurate picture.

Thus, the places on Earth with the highest and lowest temperatures are, respectively, the Libyan Dashti Lut Desert and East Antarctica. And there is no limit to such natural phenomena.

Recently, scientists working in Antarctica recorded a temperature record - the lowest temperature for the entire period of meteorological observations.

The new record was minus 91.2 degrees. The previous record stood for thirty years. In 1983, meteorologists recorded a temperature of minus 89.2 degrees in Antarctica. It should be noted that the 1983 record was recorded by Soviet researchers in Antarctica at the Vostok station.

The latest record set by nature was certified by Japanese polar explorers at the Fuji Dome station and was confirmed by satellite data. Antarctica fully lives up to the name “Pole of Cold” - the coldest part of the Earth.

The North Pole in this regard is significantly inferior to the South Pole; there the temperature minimum reached only about minus 70 degrees.

Fact temperature record somewhat out of theory global warming land. While there is abnormal heat in the northern hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere may suffer from abnormal cold weather. Scientists do not deny this fact.

The temperature record also thwarted the plans of one of the heirs to the British crown, Prince Harry, to reach it on foot. South Pole. Due to weather conditions, the prince and his companions were forced to cancel the event. The prince was preparing for the trip in a freezer with a temperature of minus 35 degrees, but here it was minus ninety. They didn’t take risks with someone of royal blood.

World record for rate of temperature change March 11th, 2015

I didn’t even think that a temperature record could occur in the territory of mild and warm climate(according to my ideas) USA.

IN American state There is a small town in South Dakota called Spearfish. It is home to just over ten thousand inhabitants. But Spearfish holds the world record for the rate of change in air temperature.

Let's see how it was:

On January 22, 1943 at 7:30 am the air temperature in the city was -20 degrees Celsius. Then the Spearfish rose strong wind and after 2 minutes the air temperature on the streets rose to +7 degrees. Since then, Spearfish has held the world record for the rate of temperature change: 27 degrees in two minutes.

By 9 a.m. the temperature had risen to 12 degrees above zero. As soon as the wind died down, it dropped again to -20°, and this took only 27 minutes.

Due to the sharp temperature jump, many of the windows in the city's windows cracked and the roofs became icy.

The warm, dry wind that caused such a dramatic temperature change in Spearfish is called a Chinook. The local population nicknamed him “the snow eater.” Under the influence of a strong Chinook, 30 cm of snow can completely disappear in just one day - it will simply melt and evaporate.

The Chinook wind caused another temperature record when on January 15, 1972, in Loma, Montana, the temperature rose from -48 to +9 degrees in one day (57 degrees in 24 hours).

More weather records:


  • Most heavy rain was registered on November 27, 1970 in Guadeloupe - 3.8 cm/min.
  • Colombia received the most rain during the year - the precipitation level was 13.3 meters.
  • The greatest amount of precipitation in a year on Earth fell in the period 1860-1861. in Cherrapunji, India - 26,466 mm.
  • Day s the largest number precipitation occurred in March 1952 in Kilaos (Reunion Island), where 1870 mm of precipitation fell.


  • The largest snowflake was 38 centimeters in diameter.
  • The record snowfall for the amount of snowfall was recorded on February 13 - 19, 1959 on Mount Shasta, California, USA. Then 4.8 m of snow fell.
  • The heaviest one-day snowfall was recorded in Silver Lake, PC. California, USA, April 14 - 15, 1921, when 1.93 m of snow fell in one day.
  • In one year (from February 19, 1971 to February 18, 1972), 31.1 meters of snow fell in the town of Paradise on Mount Rainier, Washington State, USA.


  • Heavy hail (weighing 1 kg) was observed by residents of Bangladesh on April 14, 1986.
  • The largest hail is considered to have fallen on June 22, 2003 in Nebraska - 17.8 cm in diameter, 47.8 cm around the perimeter.
  • May 30, 1879 in pc. Kansas, USA, during the passage of the tornado, hailstones up to 38 cm in diameter were formed. As they fell to the ground, holes measuring 17 by 20 cm were formed.
  • In April 1981, hailstones weighing 7 kg were observed in Guangdong Province, China. As a result of this hailstorm, 5 people were killed and approximately 10,500 buildings were destroyed.
  • In 1894, a hailstone fell in Bovina (USA), with a turtle 20 cm long inside.
  • Some tea-growing areas of Kenya experience an average of 132 hail days per year.