Whenever we are talking about insects that bother a person, assumptions about possible benefits these creatures look out of place. But nothing in nature happens just like that. Every creature, even the most unpleasant, is on its own. certain place and is an important link in the food chain - biocenosis.

On a note!

Each locality has its own local biocenosis. Some creatures are someone's food or a source of useful elements, other participants in the chain are consumers of all the benefits created in the chain. Mosquitoes are far from the last place in importance in the formation of biocenosis.

benefits of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are small blood-sucking insects that live everywhere on all continents except Antarctica. Their development from egg to adult happens in the water. The formed insect can be found in grass thickets, parks, forests, desert areas.


Females of most species of mosquitoes feed on the blood of their victims to form offspring, while males choose nectar and plant sap as their food.

Given the wide habitat and stay of the insect in water, on land and in the air, it is possible to analyze what role it plays in the formation of biocenosis:

  1. Filtration of reservoirs. The mosquito larva, despite its microscopic size, is able to pass through itself up to one liter per day in search of microorganisms and bacteria. Purified water becomes less suitable for the growth of dangerous bacteria.
  2. Nutritious forage for inhabitants of reservoirs. Eggs, larvae and pupae of mosquitoes feed on many species of fish, amphibians, and other insects.
  3. Distribution of chemical elements. Filtering the water of lakes and swamps, insects accumulate in their body such useful elements as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, boron. Turning into an imago, the mosquito can cross long distances and die in the forest, which is so necessary for development chemical substances. In some areas, mosquitoes are the only transporter of useful elements of water bodies for forests.
  4. Mosquitoes are needed to pollinate plants. In some species, males and females feed exclusively on plant food- nectar and plant sap. Flying from one flower to another, they carry pollen particles on their legs and proboscis, thereby contributing to pollination and the development of flora.
  5. Food for birds and terrestrial inhabitants.
  6. Animal control. Being carriers of dangerous diseases, mosquitoes regulate the population size of a particular animal species. This contributes to the balance in the ecosystem and maintains an optimal ratio between species.

Harm of mosquitoes

Harm from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are definitely not the most pleasant insects for humans. Their bites provoke an allergic reaction on the skin, discomfort can be replaced by severe itching, swelling, feeling unwell. But some types of these bloodsuckers carry a real disaster - deadly diseases. The malarial mosquito is a carrier of dangerous diseases:

  • malaria;
  • encephalitis;
  • anthrax;
  • dengue;
  • intestinal infections and others.

Both animals and people can suffer from the bites of a malarial mosquito. Diseases carried malarial mosquito Anophelesoma often leads to lethal outcome. Especially often deaths occur in hot third world countries. Malaria vector control has improved sanitation in some regions. And this fact can be attributed in favor of the presence of such a threat as malaria.

On a note!

To prevent insect damage from being so destructive, mosquito repellents can always be used. Modern repellents, mosquito nets, folk remedies and other adaptations significantly reduce the risk of being bitten.

Some people find mosquito bites beneficial. This is due to the fact that during the penetration of the proboscis into the blood vessel, the mosquito injects into the blood a special substance that prevents blood clotting. This component, according to some reports, may have a positive effect on people who have blood clots in their blood vessels or thickening of the blood.

Mosquito centipede

Another type of mosquito - the weevil is a real disaster for agriculture. The adult insect itself does not exert any negative impact to the garden. Harm is caused by mosquito larvae, which appeared from eggs laid in moist soil. They are capable of devouring everything in their path. Often they come across cultivated plants having great importance for the development of agriculture in the region:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage.

What will cause the disappearance of mosquitoes

It is impossible to say exactly what the complete disappearance of all types of mosquitoes on the planet will entail. But it is possible to analyze the situations that have arisen from the previous bitter experience of people intervening in the ecosystem. When a person decides for himself that he needs to get rid of this or that type of plant or animal, he does not realize the whole picture.

Having destroyed a certain link in the food chain, nature will begin to look for a replacement for it, or rebuild the food chain in a different way. And with great confidence it can be assumed that the new version of the biocenosis is unlikely to take into account all human needs. And he will again have to solve his problems by exterminating another participant in the natural system.

The destruction of mosquitoes everywhere will serve as a new impetus for changes in the food chain, and more habitual mosquitoes may be replaced by more dangerous species insects. Their evolution and mutation will adjust to replace the missing link. But this is unlikely to suit a person. The conclusion is obvious - intervention in nature entails unpleasant or even destructive consequences for all mankind.

Mosquitoes are not only small, squeaking insects that are designed to annoy a person and spoil the whole rest in summer time. Their purpose is much more significant and larger. There are many reasons why mosquitoes are needed. 'Cause they're playing important role in natural balance, and without them the world could not remain in the form in which it is at the moment.

The annoying midge is an important link in many food chains. Without them, the whole plant and animal world. Even a person's life would undergo major changes.

  • The benefits of mosquitoes begin long before they turn into adults. Some amphibians choose their eggs and larvae as their main food source.
  • Mosquito larvae have a high ability to filter water. In just 1 hour, one individual can pass about 1 liter of water through itself. They also help to somewhat purify water bodies, as they feed on the decomposition products of plants and algae.
  • When considering the question of what mosquitoes are for, they also talk about their role in providing nutrients. land and herbalists. Mosquitoes are useful even after their death. After turning into an adult, the pupa takes with it from the reservoir great amount trace elements, which enrich the soil after death.
  • Males are needed in nature and for the active reproduction of plants. They, unlike females, lead a herbivore lifestyle and do not use the blood of warm-blooded animals as food. Males pollinate plants, and contribute to their development.


Mosquitoes are useful even for medicinal purposes. In some countries of the East, mosquito therapy is practiced for treatment. Its essence is based on the ability of bloodsuckers to find weak and painful places on the human body.

If mosquitoes and midges begin to disappear, man, vegetable and natural world will be forced to adapt to the new conditions of existence on the planet. The benefits of mosquitoes were laid down by nature from the very beginning and you cannot interfere with this system.

FROM harmful effects after meeting with mosquitoes, many are familiar. The main and most unpleasant consequences are:

  • terrible itching;
  • irritation and swelling on the skin;
  • the appearance of blisters.

But these are only the most common situations. Sometimes a mosquito bite can cause severe allergic reaction, ingestion of worm larvae or a dangerous malaria virus into the human body if the offender was a malarial mosquito.

But sometimes even mosquito bites can benefit a person. During the attack on the victim, the bloodsucker injects a special substance under the skin. It is designed to thin the blood and prevent it from clotting until the insect is satiated. This effect cannot be compared with the reaction to the banal Aspirin, but light therapy is present.

Also, scientists have found interesting fact about mosquitoes: often insects sit on diseased areas, as they emit more heat energy. They are able to eliminate small capillary blood clots and improve blood circulation.

But even these arguments cannot be a reason to voluntarily expose your body to a whole horde of hungry bloodsuckers. After all, this therapy may not be safe for everyone. Therefore, it is better, recovering from nature, to take care of the availability of special protective equipment from mosquitoes for humans and pets.

What is the world without bloodsuckers

If we hypothetically imagine the situation that all mosquitoes have died out, then the world will cease to exist in the form in which it is at the moment.

Although mosquitoes are very small insects, which can only be examined in detail under a microscope, they are numerous and play an important vital role for many living beings and even humans.

What happens if mosquitoes disappear:

  1. Together with them, some species of fish that feed only on these insects will disappear. One of the most famous is the gambusia. It prefers to use malarial mosquito larvae as its main food source. Not all species will die, but survivors will have to look for other food.
  2. The populations of representatives of the fauna who feed on mosquitoes will die out or significantly decrease: toads, frogs and the bats. As a result, they will have to look for a new object to eat and change the number of butterflies, caterpillars and other organisms.
  3. Changes in the plant world. Many plants will simply disappear, since their pollination occurs precisely thanks to male mosquitoes, because the diet of mosquitoes is directly dependent on gender. And if the females need blood, then the males feed on nectar. The number and representatives will be reduced flora, which could fully develop thanks to fertilizers after the work of insect larvae. It won't do significant damage. agriculture, but certain representatives of the flora will die out irrevocably.
  4. Birds. The absence of mosquitoes will not cause the birds to die. But they will have to look for other options than to eat. In cities, it will be very difficult for such representatives as swifts and swallows to find food sources for themselves. Their populations will be significantly reduced. Birds will also have to leave urban areas.
  5. Reindeer migration. These animals are afraid of mosquitoes and do not live where there are a large number of bloodsuckers. The disappearance of mosquitoes will expand the ranges of deer, which will have a significant burden on other biocenoses.
  6. Solving problems with certain diseases. Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases: malaria, filaria larvae, etc. People will get sick and die less often.
  7. Increase in the development area. Some lands still remain uncultivated only because there are huge numbers of mosquitoes. If they disappear, a person will be able to develop new lands, which will certainly affect the balance of the entire living world.

Thus, the role of mosquitoes in human life and nature is determined natural laws since the creation of the world. A person should not confront them or try to change. It is important to maintain the existing harmony.

People who encounter blood-sucking insects want to scare them away or destroy them. Few people know about the benefits of mosquitoes. Blood-sucking pests are eaten by reptiles and other living creatures. Some blood-sucking species ingest microorganisms. To understand whether there is any benefit from mosquitoes, it is necessary to study the features of their life and existence.

What benefits do they bring to man and nature?

If they disappear blood-sucking mosquitoes, then the food chain will be broken. This will entail changes in both the animal and plant worlds. The disappearance of mosquitoes will also affect human life. To understand how a squeaking mosquito can be useful, you need to study some aspects:

  • Mosquitoes are useful not only at the adult stage, but also at the stage of larvae and pupae. After all, many amphibians feed on eggs, look for larvae in the water.
  • Another important role of mosquitoes in nature is water filtration. This function is performed by the larvae. Small individuals pass about 900-1,000 ml of water in 60 minutes. Larvae consume decomposition products that are present in containers and small ponds.
  • To the question of why blood-sucking mosquitoes are needed, scientists give an unequivocal answer. They act as nutrients for vegetation and soil. After all, pupae and larvae consume trace elements that are in the water. After the death of insects, these substances enter the soil. Therefore, the benefits of mosquitoes will be if they die.
  • Many are aware of the benefits of a male mosquito. After all, males pollinate plants, which contributes to their more active development.
  • The nature of mosquitoes is actively studied by oriental craftsmen and healers. They use these blood-sucking insects to find weak spots and painful areas.

What will happen when mosquitoes disappear is hard to imagine. After all, the flora and fauna will need to adapt to radically new living conditions.

The benefits and harms of mosquito bites

Adults and children are aware of the consequences of a mosquito bite. AT summer period people face certain difficulties:

  1. Edema and seals.
  2. Irritation.
  3. Allergic reactions.
  4. Infectious diseases that are unsafe and harmful to humans.

But a person needs to know what benefits blood-sucking insects bring. During the bite, the mosquito introduces special components under skin covering. They help thin the blood and prevent it from clotting. Mosquito saliva works on the same principle as the corresponding medications. Choosing a site for a bite, insects fly up to sore spots. Therefore, a mosquito brings a lot of usefulness to a person. For example, he determines who needs to be treated.

Although blood-sucking pests bring considerable benefits, not all people benefit from such therapy. Therefore, mosquito repellents, insecticidal preparations and natural repellents should be prepared in advance. This is especially important if parents take their babies with them.

Bloodsucker will talk about the state of health

Understanding why blood-sucking mosquitoes are needed, many people are guided by stereotypes. Some citizens believe that pests carry hepatitis. But this is not true. Pus in the wound is collected only if the damaged area is not treated with special lotions or alcohol solutions.

In order to understand what will happen if all mosquitoes die out, it is necessary to study the benefits of bites:

  • Blood-sucking insects choose to bite a damaged or diseased area. They often take blood from blood vessel in which a small thrombus has formed.
  • This therapy allows you to cleanse the blood of little useful substances and potential debris.
  • People's immunity increases if they are bitten by mosquitoes.

But people who are prone to allergies need to protect themselves from bites. After all, getting rid of their consequences is difficult. This may require medications or special ointments.

Where do flying pests most often bite?

The company, resting in the country, often notices that blood-sucking insects do not attack everyone. Bites do not affect those adults and children who eat natural products and spend a lot of time in nature. After 7–14 days, people emit an odor that is unattractive to pests. That is why mosquitoes and midges do not react to inveterate summer residents. Manufacturers of protective equipment also use this property. They use natural repellents and substances that repel pests and help reduce the likelihood of attack.

Before attacking, mosquitoes carefully choose a place to bite. When selecting insects, pay attention to certain points:

  • Those places from which the rich aroma of lactic acid emanates.
  • Blood purity. If a person eats properly, does not use harmful foods, then insects rarely attack him.
  • Muscle condition. The mosquito looks for areas with damaged muscles or damaged epithelium.

Mosquito therapy in Chinese medicine

Chinese practitioners know exactly why mosquitoes exist in this world. The blood-sucking insect consumes not only blood, but also cleans the energy channels. After all, it comes out through the holes negative energy that is present in the human body. Chinese craftsmen carry out a similar procedure, using special needles for this purpose. If the points for injections are correctly determined, then the person's condition improves.

You need to know about the importance of blood-sucking insects in nature. Because some people spend mass destruction mosquitoes. And they don't think about the harm they cause.

Evolution does not talk about benefit, about purpose, it does not have a point of view.

It is enough that there are resources, a niche to which mosquitoes have adapted.

Yes, mosquitoes suck blood to reproduce more successfully. Female mosquitoes. Obtained substances construction material for eggs.

Male mosquitoes feed on nectar, do not bite, and are an important plant pollinator, especially for the taiga.

Some types of mosquitoes do not bite at all, some can bite, and then lay more eggs.

Mosquito larvae are food for fish and other inhabitants of swamps, ponds, lakes. Have you ever heard or seen bloodworms in pet stores, markets for aquarists and fishermen? The bloodworm is also a mosquito larva, only a different one that does not bite a person. There are thousands of different kinds of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes themselves are also food for the same frogs, birds, dragonflies.

Mosquitoes are involved in the turnover of microelements and bacteria, transferring 30 kg of this good per year, which is very important in the taiga, which is poor in this regard.

Yes, some species carry infections. But these pathogenic microorganisms are equal inhabitants of the Earth. They also occupy niches, they also eat what they get. They are neither harmful nor helpful. They are our neighbours. We can say that mosquitoes (some) bring "benefit" to malarial plasmodia.

But if we talk about microorganisms in general, they play a huge role in life, and are one of the "tools" of evolution. There are stories about this on our website.

Who and why, besides themselves, need people? Well, except that the rats need us, even cockroaches, and those are no longer friends with us.

To justify one's difference from animals and to make the existence of animals dependent on their usefulness to man is possible only on the basis of some kind of religion, which is now not popularly put as the basis of practical life.

Nature still populated the Earth with mosquitoes, or people, or bacteria. Everyone exists because they exist, everyone fights everyone, someone has adapted to use everyone for himself.

By the way, I once read such a comment by one front-line soldier - a mosquito is needed so that the soldier does not sleep at the post.)

What happens if mosquitoes disappear completely?

How useful are mosquitoes?

They have no poison, no anesthesia when bitten, only one chilling squeak. But still. It's no secret that some mosquitoes bite more, while others seem to be ignored. Why would it?

Look at a mosquito looking for a place to bite - will it bite anywhere? Of course not. He searches for a long time and carefully for a place where to stick his needle. And by what parameters does he determine which place is suitable? Mosquitoes find the victim by smell, just like they are looking for the place that smells the most. And the sore spot smells the most - there is a concentration of blood.

The famous yoga devotee Yogananda said that he was surprised when his teacher Sri Yukteswar was not bitten by mosquitoes, while all the students were forced to sleep with mosquito nets. And the bard from Tambov, Igor Lyubimov, who came to Kazan, told how he was amazed that his friend was basking in the sun, and butterflies and dragonflies landed on him, and only horseflies and mosquitoes landed on Igor himself.

So, the first conclusion that can be drawn is that mosquitoes bite less good people in calm state spirit, and prefer aggressively minded. Mosquitoes serve as the pointing finger of God and Nature, drawing the attention of a person to those mental problems that can cause physical ailment (which is expressed in the statement "all diseases are from the nerves").

But there is another point: after living for some time in a certain area, you begin to notice that mosquitoes bite less and less. Grandmothers explain it this way: "They have already eaten your blood!" This, of course, is not true. The number of mosquitoes is huge, and new ones appear every two weeks, they can not eat. But we can.

Eating what has grown in the area, we are saturated with it. chemical composition, merge with the background and become invisible to mosquitoes, unless, of course, we have persistent mental and physical disorders. Mosquitoes protect the earth from the invasion of strangers and evil - oh, what good fellows! And a person who is fond of foreign food and generally irrational nutrition is pointed out to emerging sores before he himself feels them.

But also because mosquitoes stop biting, that a person, having completed a course of mosquito therapy, simply recovers. Mosquitoes cleanse clogged skin pores, and also improve blood supply to those parts of the body that do not receive enough nutrition due to spasm or muscle contraction (like we rub a bitten place - red hot - this is a massage!).

And if in the language of Chinese medicine - they clear the finest energy channels. And if we have already recognized the importance of Chinese medical practices and introduced the positions of acupuncturists in polyclinics, then we must also recognize their greatest professionalism for mosquitoes. No matter how thorough the diagnosis is carried out by the health worker, this is a book, mental knowledge- he calculates where to stick the needle, and the mosquito directly feels it.

But the energy channels have a thickness of a fraction of a millimeter and a very small slip can not stimulate the work of the heart, but rather depress the stomach. Moreover, in the channel that has already been cleaned, the mosquito will not bite a second time, while the acupuncturist, not having full information, will stick the needle into a properly functioning channel, and ruin everything.

Therefore, the next time a mosquito lands on you, do not rush to slam it - this is an ambulance of Divine help. Just take a breath and relax the place where it hurts, you can send the energy of Love towards it - it will pass through the diseased area and promote healing. And thank the mosquito for a free absolutely professional and effective acupuncture course.

If your illnesses are so neglected that it is simply unbearable from a hail of bites - help the mosquitoes: take a steam bath, bathe, bathe in dew, eat right, move more and more varied, eliminating the stagnation of energy. Your body will exude pleasant ethers, and mosquitoes will recognize you as the king of nature and will fly around, squeaking respectfully.

P.S. It is known that vaccinations against various diseases are made with the blood serum of people and animals who have recovered from illnesses, which contain weakened or even dead pathogens so that the body can develop antibodies to them and not get sick with a real infection. But this is exactly what mosquitoes do, transferring blood (in case of an unsuccessful bite) from one person to another. And they do it precisely in microscopic doses, carrying out universal preventive vaccination.

True, some pathogens, such as those that cause malaria, have adapted this mechanism to their own purposes - this is an exception that proves the rule. After all, someone is allergic to mother's milk, but it is exactly what a child needs for life. In addition, no diseases transmitted by mosquitoes have been found in our climatic zone.

Mosquitoes do not cure the flu itself, but give information to weakened organs, which atmospheric phenomenon will have a greater effect and in what quantity this season, and the body makes adjustments and increases the supply of substances to the necessary organs, if the body is strong, then there is no need for mosquitoes to inform you.
Elena Salnikova,

What are mosquitoes for?

long awaited summer rest only annoying midges, spiders, mosquitoes and other insects dangerous to human health can spoil. Positive emotions from a fun pastime in nature and beaches are noticeably spoiled by the piercing squeak of a bloodsucker. In our latitudes there are no mosquitoes that carry viral diseases, but puffiness of the skin, itching and burning after a bite of a mosquito-piskun are guaranteed. Seeing a bloodsucker on the body, the question arises in the head of any person: why do nature need mosquitoes?

Inhabiting the planet since the time of dinosaurs, mosquitoes are an integral part of the food chain for all living beings.

And if the hated insects begin to disappear catastrophically quickly, the ecological balance will be disturbed. Cold-blooded, fish and birds will be left without their usual food.

life cycle of an insect

Mosquito eggs survive even in ice

Everyone knows that harmful insects live in warm and damp places. Breeding in the basement high-rise building, under a leaky roof or nestled comfortably on the walls of a ventilation shaft, mosquitoes will bother you throughout the year. natural conditions dictate their own rules, but even here the bloodsuckers were able to adapt. At what temperature does the squeaker mosquito die?

The answer may surprise you, but a sharp change in air temperature does not kill an adult (adult), but only puts it into a state of suspended animation. The eggs laid by the female are able to survive the most severe winter, freezing in ice near water bodies.

After lying all the cold under the snow, with a thaw and an increase in temperature to 15-20⁰С, the larva becomes a functional individual, ready for reproduction in 12-14 days. Female individuals fly in search of warm-blooded creatures, whose blood is rich in protein, necessary for breeding. Males usually feed on nectar and do not bite.

Functions of bloodsuckers in nature

What is the main function of mosquitoes? Looking through the reference book on entomology, there are several important tasks that these insidious insects perform at once.

Mosquito pupae in the water - food for fish

  • Mosquito larvae feed on the smallest microorganisms, which, in excess, can change the bacteriological composition of water.
  • Pupae that float to the surface of water bodies feed on fish and cold-blooded.
  • Imago is an excellent food for swallows, sparrows and other small birds.

Flying and dying far from lakes, ponds, rivers, mosquitoes carry various chemical elements, such as iodine, iron, cobalt, thus nourishing the soil, increasing their fertility.

If all the mosquitoes are gone

The assumptions of most scientists regarding the question of the disappearance of mosquitoes on the planet are approximately the same. Of course, if the insects suddenly disappear, the Apocalypse will not follow.

The main problem will be the gradual extinction of other species of living beings, for which bloodsuckers were the basis of the daily diet.

Such a scenario is unlikely. The brood of each female has from 80 to 200 eggs. It is impossible to purposefully get rid of mosquitoes with chemicals. Modern achievements humanity, such as repellents, fumigators, lamps, can only protect a person from the danger of a bite, malaria infection.

Bloodsucker will talk about the state of health

Is a mosquito bite harmful to humans? In the common people there are a lot of stereotypes based on unconfirmed facts. There is an opinion that mosquitoes carry HIV or hepatitis. Scientists have proven that a mosquito bite cannot infect the blood.

The wound will swell and fester if not treated alcohol solution an injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epithelium, or in cases where you begin to comb a blister that has formed.

Surprisingly, such an unpleasant contact with an insect will help you learn about possible problems with health. How will mosquitoes help, what are their bites for?

Mosquito bite as a health diagnosis

  • Bloodsuckers are natural orderlies who will help you find a sore spot. Everyone noticed that the mosquito circles for a long time, “choosing” the most appetizing place. Often the bite will fall just on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where blood stagnates.
  • Some people welcome "mosquito therapy", the main task of which is to cleanse the body of dirty blood.
  • Frequent insect bites stimulate the immune system.

People with sensitive receptors and an allergic reaction should be wary of tingling bites.

Where do flying pests most often bite?

Being in the country, over time, residents notice that mosquitoes do not bite. This is not because they decided to disappear and move to a wilder place.

Eating natural products and living in one place for several days, the body cleanses itself and merges with nature, acquiring smells already familiar to insects.

There is no specific calculation formula for the "landing" of female mosquitoes. A swarm near a swamp bites all areas of the body that are not protected by dense clothing.

How does a mosquito find a place to bite?

With the fact that fearsome insects bring not only harm, but also benefit, everything is clear. But how exactly will the mosquito find that very diseased place on the epidermis?

The insect is attracted to the smell of a certain area

  • The area of ​​the skin where the blood is slowly distilled by the body emits more of the smell of lactic acid, which the bloodsucker will fly to.
  • Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life will scare away insects. Everyone noticed that for some mosquitoes are a terrible problem, while for others they do not bite at all. People with pure blood do not saturate the air with scents that attract mosquitoes.
  • If a spasm is seized or a muscle is pulled, then the flying healer will find the damaged place like a cat, choosing the part that highlights the largest number heat.

When you are a constant victim of bloodsuckers, pay attention to your diet. Most likely, your body is oversaturated with toxins.

What is fraught with a bite for the human body

Benefiting the body, what will be the consequences?

  • There may be slight swelling, which will subside after a few hours.
  • Itching caused by mosquito saliva will not last long if you apply ice or treat the area with an antiseptic.
  • visiting exotic countries Protect yourself from infections by getting vaccinated well in advance.

"Mosquito therapy" in Chinese medicine

The benefits of the mosquito, according to Chinese spiritual practitioners, are undeniable.

Taking blood, the mosquito clears energy channels, releases energy that has stagnated.

Every summer, with the advent of heat, city dwellers tired of dust and asphalt rush to choose nature, breathe fresh air, run barefoot on the grass and bask in the gentle rays of the sun. Everyone is in a hurry buy a thermos for soft drinks and get out to the dacha or into the forest. And every year, the very first outings are accompanied by endless irritation and indignation because of mosquitoes. It seems that there is nowhere to hide from these persistent insects, and, willy-nilly, we all think how good it would be if the mosquito genus disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.

Let's fantasize. What will happen if this collective dream really comes true? What would the world be like without mosquitoes?

Scientists have already proven that if all the flies suddenly disappear, things will soon turn around environmental catastrophe. For with all the importunity of flies, they bring tangible benefits. But what about mosquitoes? What is the use of nature from them? After all, they only do what they buzz and bite.

In nature, there are many types of mosquitoes, and some of them are very different from each other. Not all species drink human blood. Actually, main enemy of humans - the Culicidae family, which includes more than 3,500 species, including more than 400 species of malarial mosquitoes. About 20 million people die from malaria every year, and it is these mosquitoes that main reason the spread of the disease. The rest of the mosquitoes are quite harmless, and we do not even notice their existence.

And now let's imagine that scientists have found a universal, and our sworn enemies disappeared one fine day. What will happen?

  • No one will bite people and drink blood? You are wrong. Midges, horseflies, ticks, land leeches and other insects will continue their dirty work without a twinge of conscience. But in the absence of competition in the face of mosquitoes, they will instantly breed in such numbers that without protective suit and face nets it will be impossible to even get close to the reservoirs!
  • Today African jungle and Asian forests are inaccessible to people living in those parts because of mosquitoes. If there are no mosquitoes, people will begin to develop new territories, the population of the planet will increase dramatically, which can lead to a shortage of water and other resources.
  • The animal world will change. Mosquito larvae feed on some species of fish - they are threatened with extinction. Frogs will also suffer - they will have to limit their diet to flies and butterflies. Accordingly, the number of these insects will decrease.
  • Plants will also not stand aside - they will suffer water sports who received fertilizers due to the activity of mosquito larvae. The plants for which male mosquitoes were responsible for pollination will also cease to exist (yes, it turns out they do some specific work!). Will suffer the most northern regions where the vegetation is rather sparse.

As you can see, the harm from mosquitoes cannot be compared with the harm that their hypothetical destruction will bring. Already, some scientists are seriously concerned that the annual mosquito baiting may eventually greatly reduce their numbers and provoke the approach of an ecological catastrophe.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes without harming them?

The most common way to protect against mosquitoes involves their destruction. These are both home fumigators and large-scale chemical treatment. large areas(children's country camps, beaches, holiday villages). Yes, you certainly may buy from mosquitoes some ointment, but it is not very effective and harmful not only to mosquitoes, but also to people. However, there are more safe way get rid of the persistent attention of mosquitoes and at the same time not harm their population - this is one that does not kill insects, but simply does not allow them to approach you. If you think that in this case the mosquitoes will die from lack of food, you are mistaken. Insects do not need human blood for food at all - they feed on nectar. Blood is used by females for reproduction and is an excellent source of protein. Mosquitoes not getting access to human blood will be forced to content themselves with the blood of animals. This will practically not affect reproduction, the ecological balance will be preserved, and you will be able to relax in nature without every minute clapping and scratching.

- an easy way to protect yourself without affecting the environment. Using it is very simple, just insert the platinum or vial and press the button. The effect of the repellent lasts for several hours and spreads within a radius of five meters. The repeller can be used on a picnic and in the country, on fishing and hunting, even on a walk or on a hike. It has a compact size and light weight, is battery operated, does not heat up, does not make noise or unpleasant odors. This device is suitable for everyone - young children, allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people with sensitive skin - anyone who, for one reason or another, cannot use other means of mosquito control. Therefore, start the summer not with complaints about annoying insects, but with practicality. Get ready for the holiday season the right way, and nothing will stop you from having a good time. Loyal thermos arctic , cooler bag , sun protection cream and Mosquito Repeller become yours best friends for the whole summer.

- these are not only small, squeaking insects that are designed to annoy a person and spoil the whole vacation in the summer. Their purpose is much more significant and larger. There are many reasons why mosquitoes are needed. After all, they play an important role in the natural balance, and without them the world could not remain in the form in which it is at the moment.

What benefits do they bring to man and nature?

The pesky midge is an important link in many food chains. Without them, the entire flora and fauna would completely change. Even a person's life would undergo major changes.

  • The benefits of mosquitoes begin long before they turn into adults. Some amphibians choose their eggs and larvae as their main food source.
  • have a high ability to filter water. In just 1 hour, one individual can pass about 1 liter of water through itself. They also help to somewhat purify water bodies, as they feed on the decomposition products of plants and algae.
  • When considering the question of what mosquitoes are for, they also talk about their role in providing nutrients to land and herbalists. Mosquitoes are useful even after their death. After turning into an adult, the pupa takes with it a huge amount of microelements from the reservoir, which enrich the soil after death.
  • Males are needed in nature and for the active reproduction of plants. They, unlike females, lead a herbivore lifestyle and do not use the blood of warm-blooded animals as food. Males pollinate plants, and contribute to their development.


Mosquitoes are useful even for medicinal purposes. In some countries of the East, mosquito therapy is practiced for treatment. Its essence is based on the ability of bloodsuckers to find weak and painful places on the human body.

If mosquitoes and midges begin to disappear, man, the plant and natural world will be forced to adapt to the new conditions of existence on the planet. The benefits of mosquitoes were laid down by nature from the very beginning and you cannot interfere with this system.

The benefits and harms of mosquito bites

Many people are familiar with the harmful effects after meeting with mosquitoes. The main and most unpleasant consequences are:

But these are only the most common situations. Sometimes a mosquito bite can cause a strong ingestion of worm larvae or a dangerous malaria virus into the human body, if the offender was.

But sometimes they can even benefit a person. During the attack on the victim, the bloodsucker injects a special substance under the skin. It is designed to thin the blood and prevent it from clotting until the insect is satiated. This effect cannot be compared with the reaction to the banal Aspirin, but light therapy is present.

Also, scientists have recorded: insects often sit on diseased areas, as they emit more thermal energy. They are able to eliminate small capillary blood clots and improve blood circulation.

But even these arguments cannot be a reason to voluntarily expose your body to a whole horde of hungry bloodsuckers. After all, this therapy may not be safe for everyone. Therefore, it is better, recovering to nature, to take care of the availability of special ones for humans and domestic animals.

What is the world without bloodsuckers

If we hypothetically imagine the situation that all mosquitoes have died out, then the world will cease to exist in the form in which it is at the moment.

Mosquitoes, although very small insects, which can only be examined in detail, are numerous and play an important vital role for many living beings and even humans.

What happens if mosquitoes disappear:
  1. Together with them, some species of fish that feed only on these insects will disappear. One of the most famous is the gambusia. It prefers to use malarial mosquito larvae as its main food source. Not all species will die, but survivors will have to look for other food.
  2. The populations of representatives of the fauna will die out or significantly decrease: toads, frogs and bats. As a result, they will have to look for a new object to eat and change the number of butterflies, caterpillars and other organisms.
  3. Changes in the plant world. Many plants will simply disappear, since their pollination occurs precisely due to mosquito males, because it is directly dependent on gender. And if, then the males feed on nectar. The number of representatives of the plant world, which could fully develop thanks to fertilizers after the work of insect larvae, will also be reduced. This will not cause significant damage to agriculture, but certain representatives of the flora will die out forever.
  4. Birds. The absence of mosquitoes will not cause the birds to die. But they will have to look for other options than to eat. In cities, it will be very difficult for such representatives as swifts and swallows to find food sources for themselves. Their populations will be significantly reduced. Birds will also have to leave urban areas.
  5. Reindeer migration. These animals are afraid of mosquitoes and do not live where there are a large number of bloodsuckers. The disappearance of mosquitoes will expand the ranges of deer, which will have a significant burden on other biocenoses.
  6. Solving problems with certain diseases. Mosquitoes are: malaria, filaria larvae, etc. People will get sick and die less often.
  7. Increase in the development area. Some lands still remain uncultivated only because there are huge numbers of mosquitoes. If they disappear, a person will be able to develop new lands, which will certainly affect the balance of the entire living world.

Thus, the role of mosquitoes in human life and nature has been determined by natural laws since the creation of the world. A person should not confront them or try to change. It is important to maintain the existing harmony.