Autumn- golden and fabulous time of the year. All the trees are covered with paints different colors and shades: from yellow to brown. At this time, the rainy season usually begins, and the air begins to feel cool. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. In autumn they fly to warmer climes birds. This is the time of harvest and preparation for winter. No wonder they say: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.” People have written down many folk signs of autumn, which help to find out what winter and spring will be like, what kind of weather to expect, and whether next year will be fruitful.

Signs about the weather in autumn

  • Wet summer and Warm autumn- for a long winter.
  • Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
  • There is a lot of snow in early autumn - wait for early spring.
  • Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
  • Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.
  • If many stars fall in the fall, there will be a crop failure next year.

Autumn signs about nature

  • A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and a cold winter.
  • Cobwebs spread across plants - expect a harsh winter.
  • Mosquitoes appeared late autumn- for a mild winter.
  • Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
  • In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.
  • The geese have flown - snow will fall soon.
  • There is a harvest for nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • When there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, autumn will be rainy, and if there are few, it will be dry.
  • Rowan, viburnum, and black elderberry ripened early - expect a harsh and snowy winter.
  • The hazel gave birth abundantly - the winter will be rich in snow and frost.
  • If birch trees turn yellow from the top in the fall, the next spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.
  • A lot of cones on pines and spruces - for a cold winter.
  • Abundant cones on the spruce at the bottom - there will be early frosts, at the top - the winter will be short.
  • The viburnum is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - the autumn will be warm.

Like any other time of year, autumn also has its many. They are used and successfully used for the development of children from the very beginning. early age. After all, the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors is an invaluable wealth that should be appreciated and learned from.

Folk signs autumns for children are very diverse and with the help of them children can learn a lot of interesting and useful things for their inner world and intellectual development. But the information provided should be differentiated so that it corresponds to each age group. After all, the child must understand what we are talking about.

Signs of autumn for children 3-4 years old

They are the simplest. What we, adults, sometimes don’t even pay attention to, has a huge impact on children. educational value. You should start studying this time of year by looking at the leaves on the trees in the park, with their color changing from green to yellow, red, brown.

It would be very visual to take an excursion to the vegetable market to talk about the gifts of gardens and vegetable gardens that autumn gives us. These are very educational, because at the same time you can learn the names of vegetables and fruits.

You can consolidate your knowledge at home by reading a book on this topic, learning poems, and, of course, studying adapted signs early autumn for children:

  • warm autumn - for a long winter;
  • the leaves have fallen early - frost is coming, early winter;
  • birds land on the roof - bad weather.

Signs of autumn for children 4-5 years old

For children a year older, the information is not much different, but it still becomes more varied, and the kids themselves are already more attentive to surrounding nature, which means they can independently find the connection between the sign and its reflection in reality:

  • poultry hides its head under its wing - it will be cold;
  • squirrels make large reserves - for a long winter;
  • if there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be long and cold.

Signs of autumn for children 5-6 years old

Children who will soon graduate from kindergarten and go to first grade can already memorize signs and voice them in speech. thematic classes or the autumn festival, which is held in October-November in all gardens. Information that children kindergarten receive now, is basic and serves good help when the baby is already a first grader:

  • sparse clouds - it will be cold clear weather;
  • a lot of rowan - for a rainy autumn; little - dry;
  • a lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a warm autumn.

Usually at this age children go to first school class. Here, more stringent requirements are placed on their knowledge, which means that the information provided becomes more extensive and informative, and also reinforces what was previously received.

With the onset of autumn, take a walk with your child in a park or forest edge, observe together the signs of autumn in nature, and analyze the changes that have occurred with the arrival of the new season. All this will help the child better understand the seasons and the characteristics of each of them.

In this article we will talk about autumn signs for children, as well as ancient traditions associated with the appearance of the first signs of autumn and autumn church holidays.

Autumn traditions and holidays

Autumn is usually divided into several periods-subseasons: September – the beginning of autumn, October – deep autumn, November – pre-winter. From a scientific point of view (astronomical autumn), the change of season occurs on September 22, the day of the autumnal equinox.

Majority church holidays Autumn is somehow associated with harvesting. For example, on September 13 (Kuprianov's day) root crops were dug up, on October 7 (the day of Thekla the Zarevnitsa) they threshed bread, on October 8 (Sergius) they cut down cabbage.

With the onset of persistent cold weather, work in the garden and vegetable garden is suspended, which means there is more free time. This is partly why autumn is a traditional wedding season.

Signs of autumn for children

They call it a sign hallmark any process or phenomenon. Centuries-old folk observations allowed us to highlight the following autumn signs:

  • squirrels collect a lot of nuts - for a cold and long winter;
  • if the cranes fly high and slowly, calling to each other, the autumn will be soft and long;
  • a large harvest of rowan - to severe frosts in winter;
  • the cat hides its face - in the cold;
  • rare clouds in autumn foreshadow clear and cold weather;
  • chickens begin to molt early - the winter will be mild;
  • the leaves on the trees are yellow, but do not fall for a long time - there will be no frost for a long time;
  • birch turns yellow from below - winter will be late, and if from the top - early;
  • cobwebs spread over plants - to warm weather;
  • if mosquitoes appear in late autumn, the winter will be warm;
  • the larger the anthills, the colder the winter will be;
  • If thunder is heard in September, autumn will be mild.

Even small children can independently identify such signs of the onset of autumn: yellowed grass and leaves on trees, withered flowers, birds migrating south, weather change (less sun, frequent rains), decreasing day length.

These and other signs of autumn for children will help you make a walk with your child more interesting, exciting and educational. Don't miss the opportunity to breathe in the clear autumn air and bask in the last warm sun rays– collect a collection of leaves, pick rowan trees, go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Years later, both you and your baby will remember these walks with warmth and love.

Golden autumn is a sad time... This is what many poets call it beautiful time of the year. How many poems, sayings, proverbs and riddles have been invented on At the beginning of September it is colorful, lush, warm. There is no such sultry heat anymore. Agree that after summer you want a little coolness. In November, the sun appears less and less often, the sky darkens, frequent rains and a lot of clothes begin. However, each season has its own unique charm. Kids also learn all the delights of nature. In this article you will find new proverbs, sayings, and signs about autumn.

Autumn time - kids are having fun

The nights have become cooler, the days are no longer so hot, and the morning smells like autumn. Adults and children are tired of the heat and dream that it will become at least a little cooler. However, no one wants a period of rain or frost. After all, this makes everyday life gray and dull and lasts until spring. I just want to plunge into hibernation, like a bear in a den, and sleep through all the dull days. And if you don’t think like that, but remember that in the fall there is a great opportunity to enjoy the last warmth. Only at this time can you see multi-colored, bizarrely shaped leaves. Children in kindergartens and schools make wonderful applications with them. First, they go with their teachers to the park, where there are a lot of bright and beautiful leaves, collect bouquets from them, make herbariums, and then crafts. How kids love to jump into mountains of leaves or simply rustle them as they walk.

Some people believe that autumn is when the body relaxes after a stormy and emotional summer. As they say, to each his own.

Autumn signs

In ancient times, many different signs about autumn appeared. From here we can say whether winter will be early or late, what kind of autumn it will be, etc. There are also ones for preschoolers 4 and 5 years old. They are written in accessible and understandable language.

Here are some of them:

  • If the leaves fall early, the winter days will begin early.
  • Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for children.
  • What is the first day of December - this is how the earth will be in winter.
  • The indoor parrot is silent - the blizzard is knocking on our window.
  • The cat is curled up in a ball - the potatoes will be dear.
  • There are a lot of cones on the pine tree - the winter is three times cold.
  • Rainy days in September - the whole of January is silver.
  • In autumn there are few mushrooms, but a lot of nuts - in winter it will be no laughing matter.
  • The squirrel has a lot of reserves in the hollow - for a fierce winter.
  • Birds fly low - they want rain to come to us.
  • The cat hid her face - the cold weather arrived.

Autumn sayings

Teachers and parents tell children many sayings. This gives an idea of ​​the tricks of nature, the weather, animals, etc. Better than folk sayings, you can’t tell your baby about the seasons. Thanks to them, he understands nature and simple phrases more. Sayings about autumn for children say that there is no such thing as bad weather.

Each time of year pleases adults and children in its own way. Read the autumn and ask how they understand them.

  • Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).
  • Autumn is rich - winter is satisfying (if a lot of harvest is harvested, it means winter time food will be available).
  • In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to eat in the fields).
  • A few hours of rain mean the ground dries out for many days.
  • September - farewell to summer, welcome to cold weather.
  • The day did not work - the harvest failed.
  • November is the winter threshold (ready for winter).
  • November - frost is upon us.

It is better to tell sayings about autumn for children in a group. This way they learn the material faster.

Autumn proverbs

Proverbs tell children about natural phenomena and the habits of animals. Signs of autumn for preschoolers are found in almost every proverb.

Therefore, it is useful to tell them to kids. Exactly at short proverbs there is all the information:

  • In the fall, everyone knows that it doesn’t rain.
  • In September there are a lot of apples, in October there is cabbage as a gift.
  • Colorful autumn has arrived and brought joy to the children.
  • The autumn palette is used to the herbarium.
  • When they cut the hay, they didn’t ask for rain.
  • Plant a tree - don’t expect a harvest now.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • What you collect from the harvest is what you live on in the winter.
  • The bread that is in the field cannot be put into your mouth.
  • There is no such thing as bad land; there are owners who don’t understand anything about the harvest.
  • In November, winter and autumn argue.
  • If you dig in the fall, you won’t go hungry in the winter.
  • Those who didn’t work in the fall have nothing in the winter.
  • Autumn has come and brought rain with it.

Tell proverbs and sayings about autumn for children in an accessible language. They must understand what exactly they say. If children ask questions, then explain what the phrases or words in proverbs or sayings mean.

Poems about autumn

Many poets write short quatrains for children about this time. Why specifically about autumn? Probably because nature is very beautiful, it plays with a multi-colored palette. If everything is green in the spring, then in the fall you can see bright red, yellow, orange and other colors.

Leaves are falling, covering the roads,

It's nice to walk on them

All our worries fade away

We really want to have fun.

Leaves are flying and circling above us,

What a beauty this is

Can't put it into words

The autumn dream has arrived.

Birds fly to warmer climes,

I look at them, frozen,

How they wag their tails

Take me with you.

The birdhouses are empty,

I see birds flying past,

We didn’t even finish the songs,

With a feeling that snowstorms will begin soon.

Autumn has come,

The rains have started

We'll ask her

Don't go yet.

Riddles about autumn

After stories or poems for children, it is best to reinforce the material with riddles.

From these, you can also determine some signs of autumn for preschoolers. Here are some of them:

  1. We're walking in the yard

It's fun for our kids,

When does this happen? … (In November).

2. She brought a lot of harvest to people,

This... (autumn) has come to us.

3. There are no brushes or paints,

And it’s decorated like in a fairy tale (autumn).

4. When do we harvest potatoes? (autumn).

5. The rain is pouring down like buckets,

the whole earth was wet.

When does this happen? (autumn).

6. It flies, but not a bird, howls, but not a wolf (the wind).

7. They were afraid of the cold weather and flew away to where it was warm.

They stopped singing and having fun,

These are migratory... (birds).

What a child needs to know about autumn

Before asking the kids questions about the time of year, first tell them a little. Show the children the pictures. or riddles will be more understandable if they see with their own eyes what is meant. Tell them how cold days are, how windy, how often it rains, how leaves come in different colors and shades. Children should understand that in the fall you can make wonderful crafts not only from leaves, but also from chestnuts, acorns, etc.

Show the kids on clear example Let them run over the leaves, touch them with their hands, and collect them for crafts. From the pictures you can see how a flock of birds flies south. You can go on an excursion to the fields with children aged 5-6 years. Let them watch how people harvest, while listening to the teacher talk about what it is for and what will be done with it next. Make up some sentences with your children autumn theme. Make sure they learn the poems. At the same time, memory, attention, and thinking will develop. Ask them to come up with signs of fall for preschoolers. From their observations, they can teach adults a lot.

Autumn is a wonderful, beautiful and exciting time. Golden leaf fall, turning into a soft fluffy carpet underfoot, evokes thoughts of folk beliefs, secrets, riddles and all sorts of signs.

What are the most reliable signs of autumn?

A lot of information can be learned from falling leaves and from the trees and shrubs themselves.

  • Belated leaf fall portends a heavy, hungry and cold winter;
  • If leaves fall from trees early (especially oak and birch leaves), then the year promises to be rich in harvest and soil fertility;
  • Most of the fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be small; purl - large;
  • If during leaf fall you are greeted with a jug of milk, then you are considered an honored guest, if with a plate of honey, then you were not expected in this house;
  • On a birch tree, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below - spring is expected to be late; if the top turned yellow first, then it is early;
  • All the leaves flew off quickly - a harsh, blizzard winter is approaching;
  • The leaves are in no hurry to fall and turn yellow slowly and gradually - severe frosts is not expected, and winter will pass quickly.

Autumn signs can be read in anything. Not only golden leaf fall can open the curtain of the future, but also severe thunder, lightning, and others weather. Animals and birds too can tell the signs of autumn and tell a person what awaits him in the future.

Waiting for the cold long winter squirrels They make a particularly large supply of nuts.

Migratory birds, flying south, they immediately rise up, which means the winter will be snowy, and if they fly low above the ground, then there will be little snow.

Someone shot in the fall can tell you what kind of winter it will be like. hare. If there is a lot of fat under his skin, then he has been living in anticipation of a harsh winter.

See a quiet flight in the sky cranes, which seem to communicate with each other, you can expect a warm, good autumn.

Moles In the fall, they pull a lot of straw into their holes - they are preparing for a harsh winter.

During flax harvesting there are many mouse nests - in winter there will be a lot of snowdrifts.

Chickens molt at the very beginning of autumn - the winter is expected to be warm.

Folk signs about autumn are difficult to count; they are so diverse that you can simply get confused while understanding them. The mysteries of nature are very confusing at first glance, but if you understand them well, you can learn about everything that awaits us in the future.

Signs of inanimate nature

Autumn signs can be read by changes in inanimate nature. The strength and direction of the autumn wind that disperses the golden leaf fall, the amount of precipitation, the condition of the clouds - all this forms the basis of folk superstitions. If you look closely at the surrounding objects and phenomena, you can know a lot and unravel the mysteries of nature.

  • Rowan gave good harvest– expect severe frosts;
  • When starlings are in no hurry to fly away, and hares are in no hurry to change their gray coats to white ones, you should be prepared for a long, windy and stormy autumn;
  • When mushroom pickers come out with empty baskets in the fall, the winter is expected to be harsh;
  • During Indian summer there are cobwebs hanging everywhere - a warm autumn and a stormy winter are expected;
  • A low flight of birds on an autumn day foreshadows a cold winter, a high flight - a warm one;
  • If spiders weave webs around plants, it will soon become warm.

If you read autumn signs and proverbs very carefully, you can identify a simple pattern: everything is in suits nature in its own way, and each new event foreshadows the next one.
If we talk about proverbs, then they, just like signs, reveal to us the mysteries of the world around us. They clearly and accessiblely characterize natural phenomena, linking them with certain events. Many signs involve thunder and lightning, and this is easily explained. After all, it is thunder that frightens people, it is lightning that frightens and takes their lives. If you predict the appearance of thunder in time, you can avoid disaster. Same thing stormy weather that appears at the wrong time can also bring with it some kind of sign.

  • If there is thunder in the sky in September, then the autumn is expected to be warm;
  • When the thunder roars in October, there will be almost no snow in winter.
  • Autumn weather is unpredictable, but it can also be predicted by knowing ancient signs. Each of them hides a secret and the solution wanders next to it.
  • When dogwood produces a large harvest, you can expect a harsh winter;
  • The rowan tree bends its branches to the ground due to its heaviness - predicts a rainy autumn;
  • Mosquitoes will not calm down even at the end of autumn - which means you don’t have to be afraid of extreme cold, they will pass by;
  • Hoarfrost portends in autumn good weather;
  • Rare clouds in the autumn sky mean warmth.
  • The autumn sunset turns golden - good weather foreshadows the next day;
  • The moon in the sky, pale and blurry, predicts rain; clear and bright - promises wind;
  • If you see geese flying, it means winter will begin very soon;
  • If the first snow falls during the day, it will soon melt, if at night, it will lie for a long time;
  • Snow fell early autumn– spring will also come early.

There are a lot of autumn signs and they all have their own similarities and differences. Sometimes, the same natural phenomenon can be explained in different ways. Some people noticed the event that interested them, others did not pay attention to it, but saw something else. Folk signs have been collected for thousands of years, since time immemorial. But, strange as it may seem, these days they have not lost their relevance and are becoming more and more in demand and popular.