She shines on our planet reflected sunlight. Everything hidden, secret, hidden somewhere deep in the subconscious is associated with the Moon. It does not simply and not only revolve around our planet. Both on the physical and on the esoteric, and on the influence of the Moon on a person specifically and on the Earth as a whole. It affects the intuition, psyche, soul, subconscious and mood of a person, his nervous system. Karmic rhythms are also associated with it. Knowledge of lunar cycles can help in solving problems that have accumulated and hidden in the subconscious, protect yourself from unconscious actions, and show an adequate reaction to what is happening.

Orientation in those processes that occur during one lunar month will help you understand why and why in human life Various, and sometimes mysterious, events occur. The lunar calendar can explain everything. It is in it that the rhythms of the Moon are recorded. Processes that contribute to the development of the world are repeated every month. Every month, the person who is in the flow can be filled with energy, connect to sources of information and draw from them exactly what he is able to perceive.

He knows the lunar calendar, is well oriented in life and lives calmly, without struggle and tension. The influence of the Moon on a person is manifested in such a way that when a person lives in its rhythms, everything turns out the way he needs, as if by itself, he floats with the flow, and does not resist it. Each lunar day is a hint: what you can cleanse yourself of, what is best to do, and what to take a break from. Having a powerful effect on the human body, the Moon affects its organs and systems in best time, thereby helping to restore their work. After all, even food taken at a certain time serves not only as food, but also as treatment.

The lunar month consists of thirty days. Its beginning is considered to be the new moon, when the Moon begins to move away from the Sun (as seen by an observer from Earth). If this happens at night or in the morning, then the first day of the Moon will be very short, but moon month will consist of a full thirty days. If the moment of the new moon falls in the evening or day, then there will be 29 lunar days in the lunar month.

In the first and second lunar days, and also on the last two days, the Moon comes so close to the Sun that it cannot be seen due to its rays. The influence of the Moon on a person in these dark days is manifested by the emergence of inexplicable fears and self-absorption. People particularly susceptible to this impact should not be left without support. The influence of the Moon on a person in the penultimate and last days the lunar month also does not bring anything good. In the 28th lunar day or on the 29th it is easy to become dependent, and the 29th lunar day and the 30th, as a rule, bring internal contradictions and suffering due to them. The new moon often threatens loneliness and pessimism. On the second day of the Moon, manifestations of fanaticism are possible, taking any word on faith, there is a danger of suggestion.

The four phases of the lunar month depend on the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. Each of them lasts approximately a week. When the Moon and the Sun are combined, it is a new moon, and when they are opposite, it is a full moon. There are also two more forms of influence of this planet - growing and

The effect on humans has been proven by numerous experiments. So, during the new moon, the metabolic rate in the body increases, and by the full moon it noticeably decreases.

These same days, as well as “satanic” days, are marked by various mental disorders and their consequences.

Another characteristic influence of the Moon on a person is characteristic. It is known that during the full moon and new moon the water level in the world's oceans rises. It turns out that the same effect extends to a person consisting of 70% water.

Living in accordance with lunar rhythms is living in complete harmony and synchronicity with the world.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon, changing its phase, can influence people's lives. Using modern technologies Scientists have found that these theories are justified.

Scientists' research on the impact of the Moon on humans

Scientists came to these results through observations using special instruments and analysis of the data obtained. And this means that folk beliefs about the Moon were not formed out of nowhere.

Folk signs about the Full Moon

It is believed that if on a Full Moon night a person sees the Moon through a window and sleeps in its light, he may become seriously ill. That's why folk wisdom recommends closing windows as tightly as possible with curtains. The full moon is associated with illness in another sign: if you already feel unwell, then you should not look at the full moon. It is believed that otherwise the disease will last a very long time.

On the Full Moon, it is recommended to especially diligently avoid quarrels, so as not to completely separate from the person and not break off the relationship. Astrologers explain this by the maximum concentration of energy on such a day, which can force one to act impulsively.

There are both love and family signs about the Full Moon. For example, if a girl is in Full Moon washes the floor three times, this ritual will help her get married soon. Another love ritual on the Full Moon - tie a male and female sock together. Then they need to be placed under the pillow. Soon you will definitely meet your love.

The happiest, according to people's observations, are those marriages that take place during the first three days after the Full Moon. You can also attract general happiness by watching shooting stars together on the Full Moon. And if a child is born on the Full Moon, then he will be strong and healthy.

If you tune your energy correctly, you can not only attract love, but also, using the power of the Full Moon, get rich.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers believe that the Full Moon is not the best day of the month. First of all, they recommend being more attentive to your body and handling objects more carefully, especially sharp ones. Having a strong influence on all living things, on this day its effect is such that wounds heal worse than usual, and all chronic diseases tend to worsen on the Full Moon. The same thing applies to mental illness. And the beliefs about the Sabbath and witches are also not accidental: it is on this day that medicinal (and not only) herbs are filled with especially strong energy.

So, there are a lot of signs and opinions about the Full Moon, but their essence is one: energy can be used extremely effectively, even to attract wealth, which anyone can do. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and


Ecology and biology

“The influence of lunar phases on human life”

MBOU "Bykovskaya Secondary School"

Okhotin Vasily Ivanovich

9th grade student

Scientific director

Lukashenko Ivan Nikolaevich

physics and mathematics teacher

Bykovsky village 2016


Introduction………..……………………………..……………………………………………………………..... 3

1. The Moon is closest to the Earth heavenly body………………………....………………….. 4

2. Moon phases……………………………………………………………………………….. 5

3. Redistribution of energy during lunar phases………………………….…………… 7

4. The influence of the moon on physiological processes in the human body……………….. 9

5. Magnetic field of the Moon……………………………...………………………………….. 10

II. Our research………………………………………………………………………………… 11

III. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Information resources……………………………..…………………………………...14

Application……………………………………………………………………………………. 15


The influence of the phases of the Moon on nature is well known, but all information is scattered in specialized literature. According to researchers, the Moon causes a kind of “ebb and flow” in the human body, which is almost 80% water, which explains its effect on people. During the new moon and full moon, these ebbs and flows are very powerful; I wonder if the influence of the Moon on our well-being, behavior and studies increases?

The purpose of our work: Summarize and check the available information about the influence of the Moon on people, trace and record changes in the shape of the satellite and establish the impact of these changes on people.


1. collect and systematize information from various sources on the topic being studied;

2. make observations;

3. conduct a survey of all participants in the educational process about their feelings;

4. draw conclusions on the merits of the study.





I. Working with information resources

1. The Moon is the celestial body closest to Earth.

Man always strives to learn something new, unknown in the world around him. From time immemorial, his gaze was turned to the sky, in which he saw the Sun, Moon, planets, billions of stars. Man wanted to understand the basic patterns that govern the world around us and its evolution.

The ancient Greeks already knew a lot about the Moon. Democritus believed that spots on the Moon are huge mountains and valleys. Aristotle showed the spherical shape of the Moon. The Greeks understood that the Moon revolves around the Earth and at the same time rotates around its axis, and the period of orbital revolution is equal to the period of rotation of the Moon around its axis. About 1900 years before Copernicus, the Greek scientist Aristarchus proposed a multicentric model of the solar system. He calculated the distance to the Moon and determined it to be 56 times greater than the radius of the globe.

Thus, about 2000 years ago, ancient philosophers and scientists who observed the Moon only with the naked eye knew about the spherical shape of the Moon, assumed that its rocks were similar to those on Earth, that its surface consisted of large valleys and mountains, and knew the nature of its rotation around the Earth in an oval orbit and approximate orbital dimensions.

During the Middle Ages, when the church and the Inquisition dominated, many of the works of ancient astronomers were destroyed. The Renaissance reawakened scientific thought. Astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546 - 1601) significantly refined information about the movement of the Moon and collected great amount data that had great importance for further research.

The science of the Moon was significantly expanded on the basis of the works of Kepler (1571 - 1630), who formulated the laws of planetary motion, Newton (1642 - 1727), who created the foundation of modern mechanics and formulated the law of universal gravitation, Galileo (1564 - 1642), who used a telescope to study celestial bodies.

The great ideas and discoveries of science of the Renaissance determined the possibility of intensive study of the Universe and significantly changed the worldview and methods of researching scientific and technical problems. The basis of much modern knowledge about the Universe lies in the achievements of that era. Information about the characteristics of the Moon’s movement, its mass and size has been significantly improved.

2. Moon phases.

The most mysterious and interesting phenomenon for people there was a change in the appearance of the Moon in the sky over time. But this riddle was solved by the ancient Greeks. They correctly explained the sequence of changes in the phases of the Moon, caused by a change in the position of three bodies relative to each other: the Moon, the Earth and the Sun. The periodic “dying” and “rebirth” of the lunar disk served as an eternal visible “clock”. Duration full cycle the change of lunar phases initially corresponded to the month.

When viewed from the North Pole, the Moon, like all the planets and satellites of the Solar System, orbits the Earth in a counterclockwise direction. It takes 27.3 days to complete one revolution around the Earth. This period of time is called a sidereal or sidereal month. The time of one revolution of the Moon around the Earth is exactly equal to the time of one revolution around its axis. Therefore, the Moon is constantly turned to the Earth with the same side.

In astronomy, lunar month naturally divided into four quarters. The illuminated part of the lunar disk observed from Earth is called the phase of the Moon. New Moon - The Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun and we cannot see it. 1-2 days after the new moon, the Moon moves away from the straight line connecting the centers of the Sun and the Earth, and a narrow crescent moon is visible from the Earth. The appearance of the Moon changes; after a week we see half of its disk - this phase is called the first quarter. The growth of the Moon continues and after two weeks the Sun, Earth and Moon are along the same straight line, the full moon phase begins, when we see the full disk of the Moon. Then the illuminated part of the Moon begins to decrease and after a week we see half of the Moon’s disk. The observed phase is the last quarter. The total period of phase change is 29.53 days - a synodic month.

3. Redistribution of energy during lunar phases.

Our planet has only one natural satellite. The moon, however, unique phenomenon in the Solar System. There are no other examples where the impact of a satellite on the planet at the present time is as great as the effect of the Moon on the Earth. The most noticeable consequence of the close proximity of a large satellite is the phenomenon of ebb and flow. Even a person who has never been to the shores of the ocean still heard and read a lot about the ebb and flow of the tides. These phenomena are associated with the redistribution of energy when the lunar phases change. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon. Already in ancient times it was noticed that the timing of the onset of tides is related to the position of the Moon in the sky, and their strength is related to its phases. Tides appear not only in the waters of the seas and oceans; the tides also capture the upper solid shell of the Earth - the lithosphere, as well as its air shell - the atmosphere. At the latitude of Moscow, the Earth under our feet rises every day by exactly 40 centimeters, and we don’t even notice it. On the coasts of seas and oceans, navigation conditions are controlled by the course of the tides.

Let us answer the question: Is the force acting on solid, air and water shell Earth? Today we know that tides on Earth are caused by the force of gravity from the Moon and the Sun, which means there are two tides: lunar and solar. The Moon orbits the Earth in almost a month. During this time, the Moon, Earth and Sun are on the same line twice (full moon, new moon). In this case, we add up the tidal waves from the Moon and the Sun. At this time, the tides in all parts of the Earth are at their maximum. Twice a month, the Sun and Moon are located at right angles to the Earth; in this case, the strength of the solar tide is subtracted from the lunar tide, that is, it reduces it. And naturally in this case the tides are minimal.

Twice a day, or more precisely, every 12 hours 25 minutes, the level open seas rises about a meter, then after a quarter of a day the sea recedes. The ebb and flow of the tides is a clear manifestation of the slight distortion of the Earth’s figure under the influence of lunar gravity.

The height of the tide in the solid shell of the Earth is approximately 0.36 meters. This estimate of the height of the tide on Earth is more or less valid for the solid shell, the Earth’s crust. An ocean whose density is less than earth's crust, responds to tidal influences more strongly than land. IN open oceans, however, average height The tide is only about half a meter.

The observed tide height increases greatly near the coast. The highest tides occur in narrowing bays and in the shallow Bering and Okhotsk Seas, which absorb tidal energy Pacific Ocean. In general, sea tides are especially strong at a latitude of about 50, both northern and southern. There, tidal humps move across the Earth's surface at a speed of approximately 290 m/s. This speed turns out to be close to the speed of propagation of the longest waves in the ocean. Therefore, the tide seems to be carried by an ocean wave, intensifying along the way. The greatest difference between high and low water was recorded in the Bay of Fundy in Canada, at a latitude of 45º: there it reached 16.3 meters.

Tides on Earth are caused not only by the Moon, but also by the Sun. The height of the solar tide can be estimated at approximately 0.16 meters. This shows that the effect of the Sun on the tides is half that of the Moon. The atmosphere experiences a similar effect. Sea tides are the most noticeable to us. But we must not forget that tidal influence distorts the Earth’s atmosphere: it is also slightly elongated towards the Moon and towards the opposite side. This convexity of the atmosphere, however, causes fluctuations atmospheric pressure near the surface, negligible compared to their deviations from the average when measuring weather. From the above facts it is clear that the effect of tidal forces depends on the density of the medium.

4. The influence of the Moon on physiological processes in the human body.

Biologists and doctors have established rhythmic fluctuations in human well-being with different periods. The influence of the phases of the Moon on nature is well known; all information has been collected in specialized literature. According to researchers, the Moon causes a kind of “ebb and flow” in the human body, which is almost 80% water, which explains its effect on people. And therefore, whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not, our body, just like plants, obeys the elementary laws of physics. If the mighty oceans are forced to obey them, then so are we.

The entire lunar month is conventionally divided into 4 parts, characterizing the position of the Moon on the line Sun - Earth - Moon. Depending on this position, the gravitational force from the Moon is added or subtracted to the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Sun acting on a person.

New moon.

Since the pressure of fluids in the body decreases during the new moon, it can become a difficult period for hypotensive people, people whose blood pressure is already low. Emotional decline can adversely affect people prone to depression. It is unlikely that during this period one can expect high performance and inspiration from the work team, academic success from the school class, or a quick recovery of the patient.

First quarter.

Malfunctions in the body during this period are especially likely. various systems, primarily the digestive system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, various types of imbalance. We can say that physiological processes at this time seem to rush from one extreme to another; they lack stability. General tension often leads to headaches and increased nervousness.

Full moon.

During the full moon period, the principle of the Moon in nature is at its brightest and full of energy. On the full moon the theme of energy fullness, saturation, highest point process development.

Last quarter.

Everything that was said for the first quarter applies to it; some difference is due to the fact that as the sphere of application of one’s energy in last quarter people most often choose work, career, relationships with bosses and generally superiors.

5. Magnetic field of the Moon.

Today, the Moon is a well-studied cosmic body. Magnetometers installed on the Moon discovered 2 types of lunar magnetic fields: constant fields generated by the “fossil” magnetism of lunar matter, and alternating fields caused by electric currents, excited in the bowels of the Moon. These magnetic measurements provided a lot of information about the past and present of the Moon. The cause of permanent magnetism is unknown. Variable magnetism is caused by streams of charged particles emitted by the Sun. The intensity of the lunar fields is less than 1% of the intensity magnetic field Earth, Soviet spacecraft that visited the Moon earlier gave an inaccurate change in this field.

Instruments delivered to the lunar surface by Apollo showed that the structure of the lunar magnetic field is not similar to the Earth's magnetic field. This suggests that the detected fields are caused by local sources. Moreover, high field strengths indicate that the sources have become magnetized in external fields much stronger than those currently existing on the Moon. At some time in the past, the moon either itself had a strong magnetic field, or was in an area strong field. Here we are faced with a whole series of mysteries of lunar history: did the Moon have a field similar to the earth’s? Was it much closer to Earth where the Earth's magnetic field was strong enough? Did it acquire magnetization in some other region of the solar system and was later captured by the Earth? The answers to these questions may be encrypted in the fossil magnetism of lunar matter.

Variable fields change according to the change " solar wind. The properties of induced lunar fields depend on the conductivity of the interior of the lunar fields, and the latter, in turn, is closely related to the temperature of the substance. Therefore, the magnetometer can be used as an indirect "resistance thermometer" to determine the internal temperature of the Moon.

II. Our research.

From the information resources we collected, we concluded that in different time, various scientists have collected the following facts about the influence of the Moon on our planet:

Ebbs and flows in the seas and oceans

Atmosphere distortion

Distortion of the lithosphere

Volcanoes erupt more often during a full or new moon

Earthquakes occur more often during a full moon

Gas emissions from mines and mines

Effect on rotation speed, length of day

We were most interested in the effect of changing lunar phases on the Earth's biosphere. From the collected material, we identified the influence of lunar phases:

On a person's well-being

For the success of training

The purpose of our research was to observe lunar-terrestrial connections. The theory outlined above reveals the mystery of the ebb and flow of tides. Tidal forces change during lunar phases. But since everything in nature is interconnected, we can conclude that periodic changes in lunar phases affect human biorhythms. We decided to test our assumptions.


The influence of the phases of the moon on human well-being.

Purpose of the study: To verify the influence of the phases of the moon on human well-being.

Method: Questioning of employees and students, survey.

Research design: A survey was conducted at school. Students and staff were given questionnaires with questions of interest to us.


Survey results:

Of the 10 children surveyed, 8 people (80%) knew what a new moon and a full moon were, and 2 people (20%) could not answer this question. When asked whether these phases of the Moon (full moon, new moon) affect their well-being (sleep, appetite, mood, your academic performance), 8 people answered yes, 1 person answered no, 1 person didn’t know.

We interviewed 10 employees of different ages.

Age of employees

From 20 to 30 years

From 30 to 40 years

From 40 to 50 years

From 50 years and over

To the question whether the phases of the moon affect your well-being 1 person. (10%) answered yes; 3 people per sleep, which is 30% of the number of respondents; for blood pressure 4 people. (40%); according to your mood 5 people. (50 %); for appetite 0 people (0%).

When asked whether the phases of the moon affect the well-being of children, 3 people. (30%) answered yes; 4 people per sleep, which is (40%) of the number of respondents; for blood pressure 2 people. (20 %); for children's mood 4 people (40%); for academic performance of 3 people. (thirty %).

Based on the results of the survey, we hypothesized that there are three reasons:

1. Excessive light energy negatively affects a person; during the full moon, the usual “day-night” norm for a person is violated. During the full moon, the light energy of the Moon is redistributed, the Moon shines brighter, it is beautiful, but at night it negatively affects the psyche of people with health problems.

2. It is possible that the Earth’s magnetic field affects any living organism, since during the change of lunar phases the magnetic field of the Moon also changes. This minor change, according to scientists, significantly affects earthly life.

3. Since any living organism consists of 80% water, we believe that tidal forces affecting the seas and oceans similarly affect the aquatic environment of our body.

III. Conclusion

We consider the tasks we set before starting work to be completed.

After systematizing all the data we received, the following reasons affecting human life were identified:

Changes in the Earth's magnetic field depending on changes in the Moon's magnetic field at different lunar phases;

Magnetization aquatic environment, flora and fauna in varying degrees depending on the lunar phases;

Indirect influence of the Moon through the atmosphere (changes in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure).

The results of the work made us think about many questions:

According to our observations and research, greater performance was achieved during the new moon, but not during the full moon. We tried to explain it as follows. Students from grades 5 to 11 took part in the experiment, with more senior students.

The second thing we thought about was the importance of the psychological factor.

From the staff questionnaires it is clear that some teachers at our school react to the phases of the moon, and these are mainly people who are weather dependent and have diseases associated with blood pressure. Most people react to the full moon because there is extra light.

Thirdly, we realized that during the full moon and new moon the body different groups people, students in particular, react differently. And therefore we believe that difficult tasks should be given in the middle phase of the Moon. We think that in the middle phase, students and teachers with increased, decreased and normal pressure will be on equal terms.

Fourthly, we understand that, along with the Moon, the Earth’s biosphere is influenced by the Sun and other cosmic bodies. Sometimes a spontaneous flare on the Sun violates any pattern and does not fit into any theory.

We have not discovered anything new, but our work will help draw people’s attention to the fact that it is not advisable to allow mental, psychological and physical overload during the full moon.

Informational resources:

1. Gruzin Yu.V., Klimov A.A., Lagunova T.I., Sirotenko A.I.

2. Dubrovsky E.V. “Reason wins”: Scientists tell / Comp. – M.: Politizdat, 1979

3. Erpylev N. P. encyclopedic Dictionary young astronomer. – M.: Pedagogy, 1980

4. Kurkin E.B. Children's encyclopedia What is it. Who it. – M.:Ch-80, Astrel: AST, 2008.

5. Levitan A. A. Astronomy – M. “Enlightenment”, 1998

6. Makovetsky P.V. “Look at the root!”: A collection of interesting problems and questions. – 4th edition, rev. and additional – M.: Nauka, 1979

7. Encyclopedia for children T.8 Astronomy. Ed. M.D. Aksyonova (Aventa plus 1997)

8. http://sex-for-future.narod. ru /luna 005/ html - exploration of the Moon with probes.

9. http://www.ussr. to/Russia/kornilov/moont.htm - hypermap of the Moon received from the Clementine satellite. Contains two million images of the Moon.


Earth with Moon in solar system are a double planet representing unified system with common centers of mass and rotation. The movement of the Moon affects the Earth and causes a redistribution of gravitational forces, which leads to changes in physical factors, wave and radiation regimes. It is difficult for city residents to judge this influence purely visually, but sailors are well aware of it, because the ebb and flow of the tides is the visible gravitational influence of the Moon, which is significant for all the Earth’s shells. Moreover, the Moon affects not only the water mass, but also the soil, which is, of course, less noticeable, but has been reliably established by scientists. Since the human body consists of more than 80% water, the Moon affects us daily and hourly. That is why today we will talk about our health, the influence of the phases of the moon on health, on living organisms, and human sleep.

Lunar phases are the apparent time sequence of the Moon's orbital motion.

Lunar day 1-7 days. The initial phase is the new moon. The astrolongitudes of the Moon, Sun and Earth are equalized. The disk of the Moon is almost invisible. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun add up, resulting in maximum tides. During this period the moon is called “young”, “waxing”, “growing”.

8-15 days. The disk is half illuminated - the first quarter, the difference in astrolongitude of the Sun and Moon is 90 degrees.

16-22 days. The beginning of the phase is the full moon (the disk is fully illuminated). The gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon are counteracted, and the tides are minimal.

23-29, 30 days. The illumination of the disk gradually decreases. The moon is called “waning”, “aging”, “defective”.

U different types living organisms have clear reproduction rhythms that have a lunar-monthly or lunar-semi-monthly periodicity. These rhythms facilitate the meeting of partners strictly in accordance with the specific timing of the tide, necessary for the subsequent development of larvae or eggs. The presence of a lunar-monthly rhythm in insects has been proven.

The experiment revealed a connection between visual reception freshwater fish with the gravitational influence of the Moon, i.e. Sensitivity to light in fish has a lunar-monthly rhythm. The endogenous lunar-diurnal rhythm is characteristic of marine animals and, when transported from places of capture, their rhythm is adjusted to the local time of the Moon.

Lunar-diurnal rhythms have also been discovered in terrestrial organisms that are not associated in their life activities with sea and ocean tides. Zoologists have noted an increase in the frequency of mating among primates during the full moon.

Gravitational stimulation in animals is transformed into primary nervous excitations. In plants, the effect of gravity leads to the activation of growth hormone, which also proves the close and comprehensive connection of all types of living organisms with lunar rhythms.

The influence of the moon on humans has also been recorded. So human body, despite the created microclimatic living conditions, has exceptional sensitivity and adaptive abilities to factors environment and is subject to the same gravitational influence as the entire Earth.

The gravitational forces of the Moon act on the water masses of the human body, on the permeability of cell membranes and water balance, which affects organs and their functions. The effect of lunar gravity is perceived by the pineal gland, which affects the body with hormonal active substances(serotonin and melatonin).

The blood-forming organs, calcium metabolism, and reactions of the muscular system are evolutionarily connected with gravity. There is a clear connection between the phases and the effect of the moon on living beings. For example, it can be traced in a blood test: the maximum content of leukocytes is before and during the new moon, the minimum is on the full moon.

Transport of energy substances and metabolites, cellular metabolism also depend on the gravitational tidal force. The functioning of the female reproductive system is associated with the influence of the Moon. The peak of conception occurs during the full moon, while the new moon is celebrated large quantity menstruation Fertilization occurs much more often during the waxing Moon.

In the first phase, it is recommended to begin a healing cycle that strengthens the functions of the body. The brain, cervical vertebrae, throat, lungs and nervous system are activated. Hidden pathologies are aggravated due to increased blood circulation. During this phase, it is recommended to eat thermally unprocessed food, drink freshly squeezed juices, and nourish yourself with microelements of herbs.

In the second phase, the digestive organs, heart, thoracic spine, gallbladder. The body is easily cleansed, so it is advisable to treat the liver and gallbladder during this phase. You should limit your medication intake, because opportunity increases side effects. Dry food, cereals and vegetable stew, and you should limit yourself in fats.

In the third phase, the kidneys, lumbar region, gonads, bladder. Compresses and warming up the lower back will have the greatest effect at this time. The full moon is a traumatic period. Excessive blood loss is possible, and frequent poisoning occurs. The body can easily withstand maximum physical activity.

Sexual sensitivity intensifies. In this phase, complete assimilation is noted medicines, alcohol, which requires extreme caution when consuming. Nervous system most tense. Possible insomnia, sleep disorders, manifestations of somnambulism. Tests taken during the full moon will be most reliable.

The fourth phase is characterized by a decline vital energy. Are becoming more active skeletal system, gastrointestinal peristalsis. Tide to lower limbs leads to exacerbation of varicose veins, rheumatism, and edema. The skin is included in the cleansing process, hence the rash and acne. Metabolic rate decreases sharply. Shown moderate exercise stress, walking. The phase is suitable for preventive vaccinations - the body easily copes with the vaccine. The effect of the moon on sleep has been noticed. He is usually deep and calm in this phase.