The caterpillar is a larva - an interesting hairy creature that undergoes a transformation and becomes beautiful butterfly or a moth. The process of this transformation is fascinating, and its result is amazing.

What does a caterpillar look like?

A caterpillar is small long insect. The larva, depending on the species and family, grows from a few millimeters to a maximum of 12 cm. Their body is longitudinal. Consists of a head, 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal segments. Their whole body is soft - not covered with a protective, hard shell. But the caterpillar has peculiar bristles. They may vary in density and location depending on the species.

Different larvae have different patterns. There is an opinion that caterpillars are exclusively green. In fact, this is not so. In nature you can find larvae whose color is very variegated and contains almost all the colors of the rainbow. Basically, all caterpillars move smoothly, rearranging their legs one by one. However, there are also types that fold like an accordion when moving. Thanks to this way of moving, these larvae were called land surveyors.

Characteristics and structure

Each larva immediately upon hatching from the egg has 3 pairs of legs in the front part of the body. Their size immediately corresponds to the size of an adult insect, that is, these organs will not grow in the caterpillar throughout its entire life. Some species also have “false” legs. They are located in the abdominal part of the body. Mostly there are up to five such pairs. The hairs that cover the entire body of the caterpillar are not harmless. They contain toxic substances. If they come into contact with the skin, they can severely burn or cause injury.

The caterpillar's mouth is capable of biting off and chewing food, which cannot be said, for example, about butterflies, since they feed through the proboscis. The larvae are able to evaluate food using special antennae, which are located next to the mandibles. Caterpillars have a well developed digestive system. The insect has several intestinal sections. The larva also has spinning glands and nerve ganglia. There are small holes along the body - breathing holes.

caterpillar coquette photo

The newly born caterpillar experiences such intense hunger that the first thing it eats is an abandoned egg. The development of the caterpillar can continue for several years. When the larva has gone through all stages of molting and reached mature age, then it transforms into a chrysalis from which a butterfly emerges. Caterpillars Molt Newly hatched caterpillars begin to eat a lot. Soon their body seems small to them, since the skin cannot stretch. In this regard, the larva stops eating food for some time and sheds its cover. Scientists call this molting.

As soon as the caterpillar has a new skin, it begins to lead the same life as before, until this skin hardens. Thus, the larva molts more than once. Usually there are 5 such processes. By losing its covers and growing new ones, the caterpillar thereby grows and develops. In four weeks it can reach adult size.

Where do caterpillars live?

For most tracks familiar place habitat is the earth. However, there are also species that prefer an aquatic lifestyle, for example, broad-winged moths. In nature, there are also larvae that can safely live both on land and in water. Biologists divide these insects into two subgroups: secretive larvae and larvae leading an open life.

harpy caterpillar photo

The first group includes:

  • Leafworms - these insects go through all life stages in the wrapped leaves of trees.
  • Carpophagous - hiding in fruits.
  • Xylophages - live in the bark of trees and in plant trunks.
  • Miners - with the help of their growth, they break through small passages and live in dense leaves, buds or in the peel.
  • Gall formers - settle in plants and cause pathological growth in them.
  • Underground - inhabit the top layer of the earth. Aquatic - live in fresh water bodies.

The second subgroup settles openly on plants.

What do larvae eat?

The first "dish" in the life of a caterpillar is the egg from which it hatched. Most larvae are considered herbivores. However, even here, caterpillars can be divided into categories depending on their preferences:

Regardless of the species, each larva is capable of secreting silk threads. They serve to secure the tracks to surfaces and move them. While moving, a thin thread of silk trails behind the insect. This path can even save a caterpillar if it falls from a branch.

silkworm caterpillar photo

Silk thread is very strong and can hold the spinner. The caterpillar spins thread using a special organ. It is a complex apparatus consisting of a papilla-tube and a plate - sclerite. It is placed slightly below the oral cavity.

The resulting silk slowly leaves the labial glands. The substance takes on the form of a thread only after pressing. Biologists are still studying the process of hardening of the silk substance. However, they are sure that this does not happen due to air drying. Since even aquatic caterpillars form hard silk threads directly in the aquatic environment.

Types of caterpillars

  • Cabbage caterpillar;
  • Moth caterpillar;
  • Great Harpy Caterpillar;
  • Redtail;
  • Silkworm;
  • Wood is corrosive;
  • Lady Bear Caterpillar;
  • Swallowtail.

Poisonous caterpillars

In nature you can find a poisonous species of this insect. Touching or biting such a caterpillar causes a chemical burn and discomfort, although sometimes the consequences can be much more serious.

Caterpillar burning rose photo

Contact may also result in local itching or rash. Allergy sufferers experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, bad feeling, stomach upset. Many people are unaware that there can be danger behind bright colors.

Which insects are best not to touch:

  • Coquette caterpillar. Looks like a furry animal. Poisonous thorns are hidden under its fur.
  • "Burning Rose" The cover of this caterpillar is very bright: bright and yellow spots cover dangerous protruding tubercles.
  • Oak caterpillar. Green insect with longitudinal red stripes. It has small spikes on its sides.
  • Traveling silkworm. The black-brown insect is covered with a million small harpoons.
  • "Lazy Clown" Perhaps one of the most dangerous caterpillars. Its poison, having penetrated the human body, can lead to fatal outcome. Its thorns look like spruce thorns. The slightest touch to them causes internal bleeding.
  • Volyanka caterpillar. The bright red head immediately identifies this caterpillar. Her body is translucent with long spines.

Fighting caterpillars

On garden plots people do not rejoice at such guests as caterpillars. After all, this voracious insect can harm many plants and fruits in the garden. People have come up with many ways to combat this pest. Getting rid of larvae using caterpillar glue. This mechanical method is considered the most gentle for environment, since it does not affect the plants themselves.

Whitewashing trees or digging up the area so that insects get into the grooves and cannot reach the plants. Treating trees with chemical solutions. These include: karbofos and antio emulsion. IN last years Biological products that cause much more less harm plants than chemistry.

The most unusual and beautiful caterpillars

  • Hubbrad's Small Silkmoth. Thanks to its amazing color, the night caterpillar hides well from predators.
  • Blue Morpho. The habitat of this larva is Central America. This insect is dangerous to other insects due to the fact that it accumulates strong poison in its body. Sometimes these caterpillars engage in cannibalism.
  • Cerura Vinula. This caterpillar knows how to defend itself perfectly. Active life the butterfly leads in the dark.
  • During the first 2 months of life, the caterpillar gains weight, which exceeds its original weight by 20 thousand times.
  • If you unwrap a caterpillar cocoon, you can get a silk thread whose length is 300-900 meters.
  • The caterpillar can live up to 15 years. The larvae can withstand temperatures down to -70 degrees.

Thus, caterpillars are unusual insects. Behind their colorful appearance there may be hidden... dangerous predator. For many gardeners, this insect will always be on the list of pests.

Like butterflies, moth caterpillars have a camouflage color, the color of which depends on the type of vegetation that is the main food supply of the insect.

The thin bodies are practically naked and have no villi. ABOUT distinguished by their amazing ability to pretend to be branches, stems, cuttings and other parts of the plant, which makes them quite difficult to recognize even if you are close.

Photo different types surveyors:

Freezing in a protruding position by holding a plant branch with one pair of abdominal legs, they become invisible to their immediate enemies - sparrows, tits, nightingales And other small birds. They achieve such camouflage due to highly developed muscles.

If it falls due to a strong gust of wind or danger, the insect rises along a thread, with the help of which it is attached to leaves and branches.

It is important! Main feature This family of caterpillars has a peculiar arrangement of abdominal legs. They are located on the 6th and 10th (sometimes 5th and 6th or 4th and 5th) segments of the body, which explains their unusual method of movement, during which rear end the body is pulled towards the front, as if measuring the distance with spans. In fact, this is how they got their name.

The unusual loop-like bending of the body gave birth to another name for this family - they are also often called land surveyor caterpillars.

Differences between different types of land surveyors

The most common types of caterpillars in our country are winter, pine, deciduous (pickled) and gooseberry moths.

Z In the process of growth, the moth goes through 5 stages of development, during which it molts 4 times. It has a characteristic transparent greenish color with a dark line along the entire back and three white stripes on the sides.

In mid-June, winter moth caterpillars descend into the ground and, burrowing 15 cm into the soil, pupate. At the end of August and beginning of September, butterflies appear that are not able to fly, so they climb up tree trunks to mate.

The location for laying is usually small cracks near the buds, into which lay up to 400 eggs.

The pine moth is also green, but it has more lateral white stripes - 5. Pupates late autumn burrowing into the forest floor.

Gooseberry moth in full white with black and yellow inserts. On deciduous trees you can find adult caterpillars of the deciduous moth, predominantly brown and yellowish in color with dark brown spots and a bright yellow stripe on the side.

What plants are affected by moths?

Caterpillars of this order pose a threat to almost all shrubs and plants growing in Russia and the CIS countries.

Activity period pine moth falls on July - September. During this time, the caterpillar manages to cause serious damage pine forests, completely eating the needles of the trees.

Gooseberry eats foliage not only of gooseberries, as its name implies, but also loves to eat currants and hazel bushes in spring and autumn.

Moth-ripped off less picky and feeds on leaves of most deciduous trees , including fruits.

Winter the moth is the boss enemy of all garden shrubs and trees, including apple trees, pears, currants and raspberries.

Ways to combat moth caterpillars

Greatest danger for gardens and orchards is a winter moth. About once every 6–8 years, females of this species demonstrate very high fertility, a reproduction outbreak occurs, the duration of which can reach up to 3 years.

One of the most effective ways to combat it is thorough autumn digging of the soil under fruit trees and bushes, during which each lump is checked for the presence of pupated larvae in it.

Attention! The fight against the winter moth does not end there and continues throughout the entire growing season of shrubs and trees.

In addition to regularly digging up the soil once every 2-3 weeks, the most effective methods are:

  • Treating crowns with solution oleocuprite And DNOCa in early spring until it's completely gone snow cover. Drug No. 30 is also effective.
  • Spraying plants before flowering with a solution karbofos.
  • Treatment with insecticides when 1st generation caterpillars appear.
  • Also, the number of winter moth individuals can be easily controlled using an adhesive hunting belt, which is attached directly to the trunks at a distance of 20–30 cm from the ground. A butterfly that climbs tree trunks to lay eggs simply cannot avoid this obstacle. In October, such a belt must be removed and burned.

It is important! One more in a good way, which also does not require almost any complex actions, is to attract birds - sparrows and starlings. Long-term observations show that the presence of birdhouses and feeders in the garden helps to avoid outbreaks of mass reproduction of caterpillars.

As for the pine moth, raking forest litter in autumn period will lead to the death of most of the pupae. Herding domestic pigs too effective method struggle, since insect larvae are their favorite delicacy.

To get rid of gooseberry moth enough to produce regular collection of caterpillars from fruit bushes and trees and their subsequent destruction by burning. The larvae, due to their color, are clearly visible, so such actions will not cause much difficulty. Spraying with arsenic solution will also help. in early spring.

Against ripped off the most effective method fight stands use of adhesive belts.

In Russia, the share of this order of insects is about 12-15% of all Lepidoptera. Due to the fact that some individual species are subject to outbreaks of mass reproduction, which are facilitated, in particular, by an increase in average winter temperatures in most of our country, these insects may represent serious danger for horticultural crops and forestry.

We bring to your attention a video about the moth caterpillar:

Today we will continue this topic and talk about the most dangerous caterpillars, which can be found in R.F.

I immediately hasten to reassure you a little, in our country there are no deadly poisonous caterpillars, such as, for example, Lonomia obliqua, and death from their poison does not threaten us. However, in our homeland there are caterpillars that should be treated with at least caution! After all, their poison-soaked hairs can cause quite a bit of trouble!

The video version of the article can be seen here (the text is continued below):


Pine silkworm (Thaumetopoea pinivora)- earned its name thanks to its love for collective travel, and it also loves pine needles, which it feeds on! In June, the silkworm moves mainly along pine branches and needles, huddling in groups when it gets colder, but towards the end of July - beginning of August it goes on a journey. Lined up with their relatives in long rows, literally marching along the earth, asphalt and other surfaces to get to a suitable, sandy place. After which they pupate by burying themselves in the sand.

Looking at the lifestyle of the traveling pine silkworm, it becomes clear that it can most likely be found among young pines, with less sandy soil. As the caterpillars grow older, they become more dangerous, and the caterpillars' outfit also changes. The hairs from the small fluff develop into a lush outfit, which, however, a completely mature caterpillar grinds, as it were, into special depressions in the body. As a result, dust from hairs is formed, causing itching and burning when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person! It’s not like touching here, it’s not recommended to be near such caterpillars!!! An allergic reaction from flying hairs invisible to the eye, different people can manifest itself in different ways! Usually on the attacked areas of the skin there are inflammatory processes, it becomes covered with red blisters that itch irresistibly! When it comes into contact with the face, the picture is most often accompanied by swelling, and the eyes may become swollen and closed. The inflammatory processes themselves can last for several weeks! If you are unlucky enough to develop an allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor immediately!

Pine silkworm caterpillar


Oak silkworm (T. processionea)- a relative of the comrade described above, just as dangerous, somewhat different appearance and lifestyle (feeds on oak leaves)!

Oak silkworm caterpillar


Caterpillar Goldentail (Euproctis chrysorrhoea)(gilded or golden silkworm) also has poisonous hairs! Distributed throughout almost all of Europe, including Russia. Loves orchards and parks, where it is most often found! It is dangerous because, if touched, it can cause various inflammatory processes, rashes or scars on the skin. Breathing problems are also possible, and if hairs get into the eyes, conjunctivitis can occur.

Goldentail caterpillar


Redtail (Calliteara pudibunda) or whatever they call itShy paw, may have different colour“fur” (lemon, pink, brown, gray) but it always has a constant reddish tail in the back. The caterpillar is not capable of causing any serious damage, however, you still shouldn’t touch it with your hands, unless, of course, you want to get it. allergic reaction in the form of a rash! Prefers oak forests, found throughout Eurasia, except the far north.

Redtail caterpillar


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Life cycle for some insect species it can last 15 years. As for extreme temperatures, there are individuals in the world that feel quite comfortable at temperatures of 70 degrees below zero.

Every child knows that a caterpillar is nothing more than a butterfly larva. Almost all caterpillars feed on plants, that is, leaves, flowers, and sometimes fruits. But there are other varieties of these insects that do not eat leaves with flowers at all, but, for example, wool, wax, horny substances, and so on. Predatory caterpillars are also found in nature; they feed mainly on insects such as aphids, ant larvae and pupae. They do not hesitate to feast on their fellow creatures. It is known that immediately after birth, the caterpillar eats the shell of its egg, and then all the eggs it encounters along the way.

The eyes of this insect are located on the sides of the head. In addition, the organs of vision are located in close proximity to the caterpillar’s ​​mouth, and they are located in the form of an arc consisting of 5 simple eyes with one in the middle of the arc. Did you know that an ordinary caterpillar can easily compete with the strongest athlete, because its body has about 4000 muscles, while humans, as we know, have only 629 of them. Unlike human ones, the muscles of caterpillars make up the skeletal structure of their body. They are like small balls of air through which blood circulates through the intertwining muscles.

From the moment it is born, the caterpillar does nothing but gain weight, eating everything in a row. Thus, after 56 days it can grow tens of times. And the caterpillar, like a spider, can make a silk web. Only the paired silk gland is located in her area lower lip. This peculiar saliva, released and in contact with oxygen, turns into a silk thread. Then the caterpillar can use it to glue leaves together to create a cocoon or protection. For many centuries, people have been collecting cocoons of the silkworm caterpillar to produce silk. Just imagine that the shell of such a cocoon consists of an unbroken silk thread reaching 900 m in length, and sometimes its length can reach 1500 m.

Some caterpillars are famous for their endurance. They may hibernate in order to wait out the winter. The life cycle of some insect species can last 15 years. As for extreme temperatures, there are individuals in the world that feel quite comfortable at temperatures of 70 degrees below zero, and some species of caterpillars have gone even further: they have learned to deceive ants, posing as their queen. Using this trick, they calmly go through difficult times in a warm and cozy anthill, while the ants feed and protect them.

Moreover, there are caterpillars in the world that can save humans and animals from death. The damselfish caterpillar feeds on the toxic plant and becomes poisonous themselves. They love this plant so much that in some countries they are specially bred to combat this life-threatening plant.

A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly, moth or moth - insects from the order Lepidoptera.

Caterpillar - description, characteristics, structure and photo. What does a caterpillar look like?


The length of the caterpillar, according to the variety, varies from a few millimeters to 12 cm, as in individual specimens of the Saturnia butterfly (peacock eye).

The caterpillar's body consists of a clearly visible head, thoracic, abdominal sections and several pairs of limbs located on the chest and abdomen.


The caterpillar's head is represented by six fused segments, forming a hard capsule. Between the forehead and eyes the area of ​​the cheeks is conventionally distinguished; at the bottom of the head there is the occipital foramen, which looks like a heart.

A round head shape is typical for most caterpillars, although there are exceptions. For example, many have a triangle-shaped head, while other species have a rectangular head. The parietal parts can protrude strongly above the head, forming a kind of “horns”. Small antennae, consisting of 3 consecutive joints, grow on the sides of the head.

Oral apparatus.

All caterpillars are distinguished by the gnawing type oral apparatus. The upper jaws of the insect are well formed: their upper edge contains teeth designed for gnawing or tearing food. Inside there are tubercles that perform the function of chewing food. Salivary glands converted into specific spinning (silk separating) machines.


The eyes of caterpillars are a primitive visual apparatus containing a single lens. Typically, several simple ocelli are located one behind the other, in an arc, or they form 1 complex eye merged from 5 simple ones. Plus 1 eye is located inside this arc. Thus, caterpillars have 5-6 pairs of eyes in total.


The caterpillar's body consists of segments separated by grooves and is covered in a soft shell, which provides the body with maximum mobility. The anus is surrounded by special lobes that have varying degrees development.

The insect's respiratory organ, the spiracle, is a stigma located on the chest. Only in species living in water are the spiracles replaced by tracheal gills.

Most caterpillars have 3 pairs of thoracic limbs and 5 pairs of false abdominal legs. The abdominal limbs end in small hooks. On each thoracic limb there is a sole with a claw, which the caterpillar retracts or protrudes when moving.

The legs of the caterpillar were peeled off by the moth

There are no completely naked caterpillars: the body of each is covered with various formations - outgrowths, hairs or a well-grown cuticle. Cuticle growths are star-shaped, spines or granules that look like small hairs or bristles. Moreover, the bristles grow in a strictly defined way, characteristic of a particular family, genus and even species. The outgrowths consist of raised skin formations - tubercles, similar to flat, round or oval warts and spines. Caterpillar hairs are represented by thin individual threads or tufts.

Caterpillar development.

Depending on the species, the caterpillar can develop from several weeks to several years. Caterpillars northern species butterflies do not have time to complete their development cycle in one season, so they hibernate (diapause) until next summer. For example, a butterfly, living in the Arctic Circle, can remain in the caterpillar stage for up to 12-14 years.

During its development cycle, the caterpillar undergoes not only significant age-related changes size and color of the body, but also striking metamorphoses. For example, the transformation of an almost naked caterpillar into a furry one or vice versa.

Caterpillars molt.

Each caterpillar molts several times during its entire period of existence. Miner caterpillars are susceptible to the least number of molts (2 times). The standard number of molts is 4, although some species molt 5 or 7 times. Unfavourable conditions environment cause a sharp increase in the number of molts, for example, a clothes moth caterpillar can molt from 4 to 40 times. It has also been observed that females molt more often than males.

The caterpillar secretes sweet nectar, which the ant drinks.

Types of caterpillars - photos and names.

Among the great variety of different caterpillars, the following varieties are of greatest interest:

  • Cabbage caterpillar or cabbage butterfly caterpillar(cabbage whites) (lat. Pieris brassicae) lives throughout the territory of Eastern Europe, northern Africa to Japanese islands, and also brought to South America. The caterpillar is 3.5 cm long, has 16 legs and has a light green body covered with black warts and short black hairs. Depending on the weather, the caterpillar stage lasts from 13 to 38 days. These caterpillars feed on cabbage, horseradish, radishes, turnips, turnips and shepherd's purse. They are considered the main pest of cabbage.

  • Moth caterpillar(surveyors) (lat. Geometridae) characterized by long thin body and undeveloped abdominal legs, due to which it differs in an original way movement - bends in a loop, while pulling the abdominal legs towards the pectoral legs. The family includes more than 23 thousand species of moths distributed throughout the world. All types of caterpillars of this family have well-developed muscles, and therefore are able to attach themselves vertically to plants, perfectly imitating broken branches and petioles. The color of the caterpillars is similar to the color of foliage or bark, which additionally serves as an excellent camouflage. They eat tree needles and hazel.

  • (lat. Cerura vinula = Dicranura vinula) lives throughout Europe, in Central Asia and in northern Africa. Adult caterpillars grow up to 6 cm and are distinguished by a green body with a purple diamond on the back, bordered by a white outline. In case of danger, the caterpillar inflates, takes a threatening pose and sprays out a caustic substance. The insect remains in the caterpillar stage from early summer to September, feeding on the leaves of plants from the willow and poplar families, including the common aspen.

  • Redtail caterpillar(bashful furfoot) (lat. Calliteara pudibunda) found in the forest-steppe zone throughout Eurasia, as well as in Asia Minor and Central Asia. A caterpillar up to 5 cm long is pinkish, brown or gray. The body is densely covered with individual hairs or tufts of hair, at the end there is a tail of protruding crimson-colored hairs. This is a poisonous caterpillar: upon contact with human skin, it causes a painful allergy. These caterpillars eat leaves different trees and shrubs, especially preferring hops.

  • Caterpillar silkworm (lat. Bombyx mori) or silkworm. Lives in East Asia: in northern China and Russia, in the southern regions of Primorye. The caterpillar is 6-7 cm long, its wavy body is densely covered with blue and brown hairy warts. After 4 molts, completing the 32-day development cycle, the color of the caterpillar becomes yellow. The food of the silkworm caterpillar is exclusively mulberry leaves. This insect has been actively used in sericulture since the 27th century BC. e.

  • Corrosive woodworm caterpillar(lat. Zeuzera pyrina) from the carpenter family. Found in all areas European countries, except for the Far North, as well as in South Africa, South-East Asia and in North America. It overwinters twice, during which time it changes color from yellow-pink to yellow-orange with black, glossy warts. The length of the insect is 5-6 cm. Caterpillars live inside branches and trunks various trees, feeding on their juices.

  • Swallowtail caterpillar(lat. Papilio machaon) lives throughout Europe, Asia, northern Africa and North America. One of the most colorful caterpillars: at first black, with scarlet warts, and as it grows it becomes green with black transverse stripes. Each stripe contains 6-8 red-orange spots. The disturbed caterpillar secretes an odorous orange-yellow liquid. It feeds on celery, wormwood, parsley, and sometimes alder leaves.

The smallest caterpillar in the world is a member of the moth family. For example, clothes moth caterpillars (lat. Tineola bisselliella), which have just emerged from eggs, reach a length of only 1 mm.

The most big caterpillar in the world- This is the caterpillar of the peacock eye atlas (lat. Attacus atlas). The bluish-green caterpillar, as if dusted with white dust, grows up to 12 cm in length.