A huge number of names have been invented for this sea inhabitant: “sea cucumber”, and “ scallop”, and “golden pot”, and even “golden reserve of the seas”, and many, many others. Looking at this sea ​​creature, you won’t immediately decide to try it as food, it is so outwardly unpleasant and unsightly. But it’s just a storehouse of useful substances and various vitamins.


The “sea cucumber” has so many beneficial properties that it’s impossible to list them all at once.

The meat of this animal is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc. It also contains many vitamins, mainly B vitamins.

In addition, this product is low-calorie, and therefore suitable even for those people who tirelessly monitor their weight and count the calories they eat. That is, despite the abundance of vitamins and beneficial nutrients in it, this product is dietary.

The benefits of sea cucumber have been known since the times of the Ancient Chinese state. Then it was eaten not only to strengthen and heal the body, but also to prolong its youth. It has long been proven that constant consumption of sea cucumber meat contributes to a general increase in tone and rejuvenation of the body.

Iron-rich sea cucumber is very beneficial for the blood. Namely, its regular consumption:

Helps increase hemoglobin and helps cure anemia, - cleanses the blood of excess sugar and cholesterol, that is, helps in the fight against vascular plaques,

Normalizes blood pressure, that is, high blood pressure lowers, and low blood pressure increases, due to the fact that its use makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic;

Normalizes blood flow to the fundus of the eye, which helps improve vision and color perception.

Sea cucumber meat is useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

Regulates the production of gastric juice, which normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stomach,

Improves intestinal function, actively fights intestinal disorders,

It helps well with poisoning, not only helping to cleanse the body of toxins, but increasing the overall tone of the body,

Improves metabolism in the body.

Eating sea cucumbers also helps in the fight against diseases. respiratory system– bronchitis, pneumonia, and even tuberculosis.

It is useful for the prevention of “female” diseases - erosions and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, from mastopathy. It is also suitable for treatment male impotence and problems with the genitourinary organs.

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of sea cucumbers. Dishes made from them can relieve irritability, neuroses, improve mental abilities, and generally increase the tone of the body.

Its properties are even known, such as the ability to fight the proliferation of cancer cells.

No wonder those who like to eat dishes from “ scallops“They say that they go to the clinic only to exchange a medical policy, and not about illnesses.

Representatives of the fairer sex should know that sea cucumber meat is very useful for skin regeneration. Its component is even used in the manufacture of some cosmetics.

And in China, since ancient times, a recipe has been known for what is truly a “magic elixir”, which, if used frequently, can prolong a person’s stay in this world.


Sea cucumber meat contains a negligible amount of fat and no carbohydrates at all. Therefore this dietary product absolutely harmless to people watching their weight.

In the course of many studies, no carcinogens, GMOs, etc., harmful to the human body, were found in its composition.

Sea cucumber can cause harm to the human body only if it is eaten incorrectly: in unprocessed form, in large quantities(especially if you eat it for the first time), in the presence of certain diseases, after improper processing and storage.

We must not forget that sea cucumber lives on the bottom of the sea and feeds on various aquatic organisms, which are not always beneficial and are often poisonous. And all these “harmful things” settle in him.


Despite the undoubted usefulness of sea cucumber, it is still better for some categories of people to refrain from consuming it.

Since this sea animal is not widespread enough in Russia, dishes made from it are not familiar to the Russian human body and are not always safe. Therefore, you need to use it in moderation.

But for three groups of people it is generally better not to eat it in order to avoid health problems:

  1. Pregnant women. Their “loaded” body is very vulnerable to various types of poisoning. And, in addition, sea cucumber meat is quite allergenic, which can have a bad effect on both the condition of the expectant mother and the health of the fetus.
  2. Infants. It is known that children at this age should not be given exotic foods at all, which includes sea cucumber. It can cause allergies and stomach problems.
  3. People with hyperfunction thyroid gland. Sea cucumbers rich in iodine can aggravate the course of thyroid diseases.

Calorie content

100 grams of raw, unprocessed sea cucumber contain only 34 calories, a little more in processed sea cucumber: boiled - 42, fried - 41 calories.

As you can see, sea cucumber meat has no calories at all, and therefore is harmless to people watching their figure.

The nutritional value

Although sea cucumbers are considered a low-calorie product, the nutritional value they are quite high due to their high protein content, as well as a huge number vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Let's consider what the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 grams of sea cucumber is, and how much they are able to cover the daily needs of the human body:

His nutritional value sea ​​cucumber owes only to the protein it contains.

What else does sea cucumber consist of? We see from the table:

Vitamins and minerals

It is difficult to find a product richer in vitamins and microelements. It’s not for nothing that sea cucumber is called the “golden reserve of the seas” and they say that it contains almost all chemical table Mendeleev.

The tables below will show us how many vitamins and beneficial microelements are contained in 100 grams of unprocessed sea cucumber meat and what percentage of daily norm for a person they make up.

Types and amounts of vitamins contained in sea cucumber:

Vitamin and its chemical name Contents per 100 g of product
A (carotene (retinol)) 0 0
B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg 1,3
B2 (riboflavin) 0.01 mg 0,5
B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.02 mg 0,4
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.07 mg 3,5
B9 (folic acid) 4.2 mg 1,05
B12 (cobalamins) 0 0
C (ascorbic acid) 5.4 mg 6
D (calciferol) 0 0
E (tocopherol) 4.2 mg 28
N (biotin) 0.2 mg 0,4
K (phylloquinone) 0 0
R (rutin) 0 0
PP (nicotinic acid) 1.9292 mg 9,6
L (motilmothionine) 0 0

The table shows that sea cucumber contains all B vitamins (except B12) and is especially rich in vitamins E, C and nicotinic acid.

Types and amounts of microelements contained in sea cucumber:

Type of trace element Contents per 100 g of product Percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance
Bor 44.1 mcg 2,2
Vanadium 0 0
Iron 2 mg 11,1
Iodine 0.7 mg 0,5
Potassium 72.6 mg 2,9
Calcium 48 mg 4,8
Cobalt 1.1 mg 11
Silicon 0 0
Magnesium 59 mg 14,8
Manganese 0.0507 mcg 2,5
Copper 18.7 mg 1,87
Molybdenum 0 0
Sodium 6.8 mg 0,5
Selenium 0 0
Sulfur 73 mg 7,3
Phosphorus 20.4 mg 2,55
Fluorine 6.8 mg 0,17
Chlorine 5.5 mg 0,24
Cholesterol 0 0
Kholin 0 0
Chromium 0.4 mg 0,8
Zinc 0.1872 mg 1,56

So, sea cucumber contains almost all the essential minerals and trace elements necessary for human life. Most occupy iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

The outwardly ugly and even somewhat unpleasant sea animal with the nickname “sea cucumber” has captivated many with its high content of nutrients and vitamins.

Now we will know exactly which delicacy is worth trying. Yes, so that you don’t have to worry about your figure, make your appearance more beautiful, and also increase your vitality.

Invertebrates of the class holothurians (Holothuroidea ) belong to the phylum Echinodermata. There are about 900 hundred species of these creatures, also known as sea cucumbers, as well as sea egg capsules, among which you can find not only bottom inhabitants, but also planktonic organisms. Holothurians live in all oceans and seas, even in the cold north.

Sea cucumbers: appearance

Representatives of the class of holothurians have an elongated, worm-shaped body, similar to a thick caterpillar. They can reach quite large sizes. The largest of them are up to 5 m long.

At one end of the animal’s body there is a mouth opening, at the other there is a powder. The front side of its body is called the oral pole, and the back side is called the aboral pole.

The holothurian's mouth is surrounded by many tentacles that help catch and absorb food. Their length is different. They can be small in size, but in some species they grow very long and branched, forming a whole bush around the mouth.

Leopard sea cucumber

Sea cucumbers move in the same way as most echinoderms, using ambulacral legs that are located on the underside of their body. Swimming species do not have such legs, but move by bending the body.

Usually the color of these sea inhabitants is not too bright; brown, off-white and grayish colors predominate. But sometimes there are also very beautifully colored species.

Holothurians: way of life

Most representatives of the class of holothurians are bottom dwellers. They crawl along the bottom and even burrow into the ground, looking for food: organic remains and small planktonic organisms. These animals move slowly.

Some species lead an almost immobile lifestyle. They are called tree-tentacled ( Dendrochirota), as they catch food using their highly branched tentacles.

Planktonic species swim in the water column. They do not have legs for movement, but are shaped like a disk with several outgrowths along the edges. They live up to 10 years.

Holothurian class: internal structure

The skeleton of these animals consists of separate small calcareous inclusions various shapes. A calcareous ring is formed around the pharynx, which serves as a site for muscle attachment. Their muscles are very strong, which compensates for their underdeveloped skeleton.

In the body, under the outer covering there is a continuous layer of so-called circular muscles, and then 5 longitudinal muscle bands. Under the muscles there is a body cavity - the whole, where internal organs.

The alimentary canal is a long cylindrical tube of considerable length. It expands near the posterior pole, forming a cloaca.

Special Cuvier organs are located here, which look like long sticky threads and are used to scare away enemies. At the moment of danger, they are thrown out, entwining a foreign object.

Animals that make up the class Holothuria breathe with the help of two water lungs. These voluminous branched organs have an opening directly connected to the cloaca, through which water enters and then pours out.

Sea cucumbers have a highly branched circulatory system. She's different big amount blood vessels in the intestinal area. A network of vessels densely entwines the tissues of the left lung, so oxygen from it enters the blood, in contrast to the right, which supplies oxygen to the cavity fluid.

basis nervous system is the peripharyngeal nerve ring, from which 5 radial nerves extend in different directions. They are located in special epineural canals. In sea cucumbers, the sensory organs are the tentacles. They do not have light-sensitive eyes. And some species have statocysts - organs of balance.

The excretory system of these animals is diffuse. End products of life sea ​​cucumbers accumulate in amebocytes, which then leave the body through the outer integument.

Reproduction and development

Representatives of the class of holothurians are both hermaphrodites and dioecious. They have one gonad, which looks like branched tubes. This is where eggs and sperm mature. Reproductive products are released into the surrounding water through a special genital duct.

The development of the larva takes place in three stages: dipleurula, auricularia and vdoliolaria. Holothurian larvae are swimming organisms. In the process of growth and development, they settle to the bottom and turn into adult animals. At the same time, their structure changes radically.

The class of holothurians unites marine animals that are not only very interesting, but also have significant economic importance for people. About 40 of their species are used as food. Fishing for edible sea cucumbers or sea cucumbers is carried out in the waters of Indonesia, the Philippines, and off the coast of Japan and China. In the Pacific Ocean they are mined at a rate of over 10 thousand centners per year.

And more about these interesting multicellular animals that wear interesting name“sea cucumbers”, this video will introduce you:

Extraordinary representatives of the sea underwater world- holothurians or sea cucumbers - live on the bottom of shallow coastal zones, where they usually rest on their conventional side, slightly raising the front end. The body of an invertebrate animal is radially symmetrical, so the concept of “side” is hardly applicable.

The sea cucumber is distinguished by its oblong shape, reduction of the skin skeleton, and the absence of protruding spines. Holothurians can grow up to 60 cm in length. Several rows of ambulacral legs run along the body (in some species they are scattered over the surface). The surface of the body is leathery, wrinkled and most often rough to the touch.

Echinodermata cucumaria

The mouth opening of Cucumeria is located at the anterior end of the body and is surrounded by a corolla of tentacles (up to 30), which usually have the form of finger-like outgrowths, sometimes branched. A feature of the internal structure is the presence of a spirally twisted intestine ending in the anus, an unpaired genital organ - the gonad, represented by a bunch of finger tubes. The water lungs are represented by a pair of branched sacs, connected to the intestines by a special opening, through which the process of gas exchange takes place. Fertilization of the egg is external. Some species catch eggs with their tentacles, attach them to their backs, and incubate them. IN in rare cases develop in the body cavity. Swimming larvae emerge from the eggs. Holothurians feed on organic debris and plankton, which abound on the seabed.

Many types under common name“Trepangs” are edible and are considered real delicacies. For example, cucumaria is dried, fried, and even canned.

In Japan they are often eaten raw. The sea cucumber fishery is well developed off the coast of China, Japan, and in the southern part of Pacific Ocean. In addition, eating sea cucumber has a healing and restorative effect, which is provided by a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, and microelements.

Correct use of “trepangs” improves heart function, reduces blood pressure, eliminates tachycardia and bradycardia, and normalizes metabolic processes.

Video: Holothurians, sea pods (lat. Holothuroidea)

A few more photos:

Comments on the material (128):

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I quote Ksenia:

Good afternoon Please tell me, is it possible to use sea cucumber tincture with honey for angioma in the liver?

Good afternoon.
There is no information about this in the medical literature.

To quote Aquarius:

Dear Aquarius, a doctor who knows nothing about you cannot determine in two lines whether you can use sea cucumber or not and should not do this. However, if you pin your hopes on sea cucumber and cordyceps for a cure, I’m afraid they are in vain. All means of this kind are best case scenario can only slightly strengthen the immune system. Exactly the same effect can be achieved simply by eating properly and nutritiously (it’s not for nothing that these drugs are classified as dietary supplements, i.e. food additives). For the most part, these remedies, of unknown origin, are useless or even harmful, and do not help with cancer, despite all the stories that uneducated people spread. It is not surprising that oncologists do not know them - doctors are not required to follow all the new products on the market of quack drugs.

I quote Nadezhda doctor:

To quote Aquarius:

You write that before you start taking sea cucumber, you need to consult a doctor. We have zero medicine in Bratsk, many doctors (in particular, my local therapist, oncologist) don’t even know what sea cucumber and cordyceps are. Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves; you need to think about your health yourself, and not trust the unfortunate doctors in our city. Is it possible to take sea cucumber after undergoing two oncology operations? Now there is no cancer.

Dear Aquarius, a doctor who knows nothing about you cannot determine in two lines whether you can use sea cucumber or not and should not do this. However, if you pin your hopes on sea cucumber and cordyceps for a cure, I’m afraid they are in vain. All remedies of this kind can, at best, only slightly strengthen the immune system. Exactly the same effect can be achieved simply by eating properly and nutritiously (it’s not for nothing that these drugs are classified as dietary supplements, i.e. food additives). For the most part, these remedies, of unknown origin, are useless or even harmful, and do not help with cancer, despite all the stories that uneducated people spread. It is not surprising that oncologists do not know them - doctors are not required to follow all the new products on the market of quack drugs.

I don't agree with you. Doctors must know about cordyceps, and sea cucumber, I don’t think it’s a quack remedy, otherwise there wouldn’t be articles about beneficial features both of these drugs. It’s just Chinese medicine, and our doctors don’t want to recognize it, because... , if you admit it, it means admitting your professional incompetence. Many cancer patients (I personally know about a dozen here in Bratsk) were helped to get back on their feet by Chinese drugs and people were cured at the fourth stage, although oncologists abandoned them and gave up on them, but now former cancer patients are alive and well for more than 7 years -8 years.

To quote AQUARIUS:

I don't agree with you. Doctors must know about cordyceps and sea cucumber, I don’t think it’s a quack remedy, otherwise there wouldn’t be articles about the beneficial properties of both of these drugs. It’s just Chinese medicine, and our doctors don’t want to recognize it, because... , if you admit it, it means admitting your professional incompetence. Many cancer patients (I personally know about a dozen here in Bratsk) were helped to get back on their feet by Chinese drugs and people were cured at the fourth stage, although oncologists abandoned them and gave up on them, but now former cancer patients are alive and well for more than 7 years -8 years.

Please disagree.
However, about cured patients with stage 4, forgive me, fairy tales, otherwise it would be a world sensation. A few days ago, all the world's leading media published a report from American doctors about the cure of the fourth stage of breast cancer using immune therapy - this is a colossal achievement that gives hope to hundreds of thousands of cancer patients. But such fables of uneducated people about healing cordyceps and sea cucumber only take up their time, and the only advantage of these miracle remedies, which, alas, outweighs common sense- it is relatively cheap.
Please advise your many friends who have been cured of cancer using Chinese medicine to document their miraculous healing at least from a local oncologist - I assure you, they will outshine the sensation from American doctors.
By the way, at the same time, ask why the Chinese do not treat their cancer with sea cucumber, cordyceps, or other means of Chinese medicine, but turn to oncologists for help in hospitals built and equipped according to the standards of advanced Western medicine.

"Sea cucumber" - unusual inhabitant underwater world. It somewhat resembles a worm, or more precisely, a large, thick caterpillar. This “vegetable” has a very specific way of protecting itself from enemies - it sprays its internal organs onto them.

These invertebrates can be found in almost all seas except the Caspian and Baltic. They live in coastal areas, and in deep-sea depressions. Coral reefs serve as their main home.

Holothurians, depending on the species, have different sizes, ranging from 0.5 centimeters to 5 meters (for example, spotted synapta). In addition to being the longest among the other species, it is also the fastest.

The length of most sea cucumbers varies from 3 centimeters to 1-2 meters. They come in incredible colors, ranging from speckled brown to bright yellow with orange and blue stripes.

Externally, “sea cucumbers” look more like large and clumsy caterpillars. Their soft body can be smooth, rough, or covered with various outgrowths.

Outgrowths on the body of holothurians

On one side of the body, they have a mouth, and on the other, an anus, which also serves as a sea ​​cucumber"for......breathing! This was the first time I heard that this was even possible. With its help, sea cucumbers draw in water saturated with oxygen. From there, the water enters the water lungs, which are located next to the anus.


Her mouth is surrounded by tentacles, with which she puts food into her mouth. During its leisurely movement, the holothurian touches the sand, silt or corals with its tentacles and captures from them the smallest particles of organic matter and grains of sand with bacteria. Because of this “sandy diet,” the sea cucumber constantly emptys its intestines. In addition to organic matter and bacteria, it feeds on plankton.

These invertebrates move slowly, contracting and stretching their bodies. Some species are able to swim using worm-like movements.

Holothuria almost always lies on one side of the body – the trivium. If you turn it over, it will definitely return to initial position.

These “algae” are also sea cucumbers

Reproduction in sea cucumbers occurs sexually. Females lay eggs directly in the water, and the male fertilizes them. Some species are caring parents. For example, the red holothurian, which lives off the coast of California, carries eggs on its back under calcareous plates. When ripe, the larvae break through the mother's skin and begin to swim freely.

The larvae go through 3 stages of development: 1 - dipleurula, 2 - auricularia and the final stage - doliolaria. During the first month of their life, they feed on single-celled algae.

Holothuria is a unique animal. She can easily say goodbye to part of her body. At severe irritation or when touched, she throws out her entrails through the anus: back intestines, water lungs and Cuvier's bundles - organs containing toxins. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called evisceration.

"Shooting" weapon

Regeneration of lost organs occurs quite quickly and is completely completed in 6-8 weeks. In addition, these animals can reproduce their body from half or even one quarter of what remains of it. True, they no longer grow to their original size.

And finally. Holothuria is a walking home for the tiny “pearl” fish Carapus affinis, which lives in its anus. Here the fish are always protected and supplied with a supply of fresh water. It must be funny to watch the fish stick its head out of this hole.