Partial program is an incomprehensible word for any mother who thinks about what her child is doing in kindergarten. However, there is nothing wrong with them.

The partial program is part of an integral component of personality development.

In addition to the main educational work, teaching activities also include additional, partial programs. What is it and what purpose does it serve?

Partial programs in preschool educational institutions are classes and techniques aimed at pure speech, the formation of an understanding of language and linguistic forms, and the development of associative thinking.

What is the difference between a partial program and a regular program?

These programs are an addition to the main development program. Most often, educators use entire methods created by the author or a group of authors. In the bookstore, in the methodological literature section, you can find books with detailed descriptions.

Children's may not use partial preschool programs. But then the child’s life will become boring and not filled with educational games and activities, and he will not want to attend them.

Partial programs are good because they describe methods already carried out by other educators and reflect their results. In some ways, such programs can be trusted. In any case, the choice is made by the management and kindergarten teachers.

What is the point of a partial program?

Partial education programs direct children's attention to learning tools and interesting tasks. Creative activity and dedication are encouraged. In this unique period, when young children are receptive to literally everything in the world around them, help will help them like nothing else.

The task of the kindergarten is to create an atmosphere of equality between children, to give each child the opportunity to develop without damage to the psyche and health.

That is why so much attention is paid to pedagogical activity. The more knowledge a child receives about the world in kindergarten, the more chances he has to adequately perceive the world, cope with stress at school and in later life. But a positive attitude begins to develop only from three to four years of age. Therefore, the partial program is a chance for any child.

What are partial programs?

Partial programs in preschool educational institutions are divided into several areas. Some of them involve the study of folklore, fairy tales, fables, poems and epic heroes. This not only gives children an idea of ​​history, but also develops memory: excerpts from fables, counting rhymes and simple poems are easy to learn and serve as an example for independent activity.

Mathematical programs introduce simple arithmetic operations and ingenuity problems, thus developing rational thinking.

You can also add theatrical activities aimed at studying theatrical skills to this list. Even among preschoolers, a simple club can be incredibly popular if you approach the organization of classes and the process of creating performances correctly.

In addition, activities in kindergarten are also aimed at gaining access to the spiritual world, teaching the rules of etiquette and politeness.

Partial programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Of course, the activities of kindergartens are regulated by federal standards. Partial programs under the Federal State Educational Standard assume that preschool education will be aimed at individualizing classes, supporting the initiative and activity of children in all areas, cooperation with the family and assistance from parents, the active work of teachers and other kindergarten employees to ensure a comfortable stay in kindergarten.

An individually selected partial program is important for each child. The Federal State Educational Standard allows you to organize it according to all the rules.

A preschool educational institution independently chooses educational programs, but they must comply with federal standards.

What exactly are partial programs aimed at?

The principles of partial programs are simple. There are several areas of education. They are used either individually or combined to achieve a better effect.

The child is instilled, for example, with ideas about everyday life, the culture of human habitation, about household items and the materials from which they were made, about the purpose and purpose of each item. Gradually, not only an understanding of its place in the world arises, but also a desire to contribute and take an independent active part in its study.

In the future, you can instill an understanding of measures of magnitude, mathematical entities, numbers, figures, measures and volumes. This helps to systematize knowledge about the world around us in a common system with other people.

Design in senior group teaches you to distinguish colors and geometric shapes, create something yourself and experiment. The older the children, the harder the tasks become. But also more exciting.

How does such activity affect children?

The kindergarten regime, as a rule, is chosen rationally: the child does not get tired, gets time for rest and games that do not have any specific goal. But it is important to ensure that active games and activities do not cause stress.

You cannot arrange your activities so that one immediately follows another so that there is not even time left for rest. Many parents involved in raising children sometimes show excessive zeal. They believe that kindergarten is not enough for their child, and therefore they take him to additional classes.

At this age, there is no need to forcefully impose any activities. Chronic fatigue for a child who has not yet started going to school is nonsense, but this is also possible if you overdo it with the educational process.

Can parents help?

The immediate family, mom and dad, accept various solutions regarding how much time their child spends in kindergarten. If they have enough opportunities to study independently, then it is not necessary to attend kindergarten. If you agree on this issue with the management, you can appear at classes only in the afternoon or, conversely, in the first half.

The rest of the time you can raise your child on your own. The partial program is good opportunity and for parents. It is not necessary to become an expert in this area, but it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​what classes are taught in kindergarten so that you do not lose progress at home.

This is also useful for older children. For example, construction in an older group can attract not only children, but also parents. What could be better than playing together?

But even if, due to work, there is no time to take care of the child during the day, you can devote a couple of hours to this in the evening.

What problems might a family encounter?

In addition to difficult family situations, such as the absence of one parent or neglect, several other factors can interfere with parenting.

First of all, it is important to remember that young children are very impressionable. And even when they live in an absolutely adequate, prosperous family, they may have problems. For example, among peers. Kindergarten teachers sometimes themselves become victims of seemingly malicious jokes. This does not bypass children either. Sometimes they are capable of If parents notice that their child has become withdrawn and does not want to talk about what happened in kindergarten or on a walk, this may be a sign that someone treated him rudely.

The words and actions of other children can lead to the creation of complexes that will literally interfere with life at an older age.

Evil teachers: myth or reality?

In addition, the child may experience shyness or even fear of a particular teacher. Kindergarten staff are selected with the utmost care. But each situation is individual.

A preschool educational institution should not leave a bad impression on the child.

Conversations and discussions with management will only lead to unnecessary nerves and stress. No matter how good partial programs in a preschool educational institution may be, they will only bring unpleasant sensations to the child if he sees the teacher as an enemy or an evil witch.

Consultation for teachers

Overview of partial programs

(R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva)

The program involves solving the most important social and pedagogical task - developing the child’s skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations. Developed based on the draft state standard preschool education. Contains a set of materials that provide stimulation in preschool childhood (senior preschool age) of independence and responsibility for their behavior. Its goals are to develop the child’s skills of reasonable behavior, to teach him to behave adequately in dangerous situations at home and on the street, in city transport, when communicating with strangers, interaction with fire hazardous and other objects, animals and poisonous plants; help lay the foundations ecological culture, introduction to a healthy lifestyle. The program is addressed to teachers of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Consists of an introduction and six sections, the content of which reflects changes in life modern society and thematic planning, in accordance with which educational work with children is built: “Child and other people”, “Child and nature”, “Child at home”, “Child’s health”, “Child’s emotional well-being”, “Child on the city street”. The content of the program reserves the right for each preschool institution to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the uniqueness of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and crime situation. Due to the special importance of protecting the life and health of children, the program requires mandatory compliance with its basic principles: completeness (implementation of all its sections), systematicity, taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas, seasonality, age targeting.

PROGRAM “ME, YOU, WE” (O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina)

The proposed program is relevant for all types of preschool educational institutions and can effectively complement any preschool education program. Provides the basic (federal) component of the state standard of preschool education. Developed in order to fill a significant gap in traditional domestic education related to the socio-emotional development of a preschool child. Aimed at solving such important problems as the formation emotional sphere, development of the child’s social competence. The program also helps to solve a complex of educational problems related to the development of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build relationships with children and adults, respectful attitude towards them, a worthy exit from conflict situations, as well as self-confidence and the ability to adequately assess one’s own capabilities.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


Dedicated to the most important problem of modern preschool education - the individualization of personal development of children two to six years old and the inextricably linked task of developing self-awareness in preschoolers through speech activity. The program is based on the principles of humanistic psychology and the author’s technology based on them, which allows you to personalize educational content, make it more flexible, adequate to the needs and interests of children with disabilities. different levels development of personality and abilities. Covers several leading areas of the state standard of preschool education: “Speech development”, “Development of ideas about man in history and culture”, “Development of natural science concepts”, “Development of environmental culture”. It has a block structure, a concentric layout of educational material, which allows children to selectively assimilate the educational content of the program. The main thematic blocks of the program: “This is who I am”, “The world of people”, “The world not made by hands”, “I can” - ensure the formation of ideas about significant areas of human life, allow for the correction of self-esteem, and prepare children to independently overcome difficulties. The program provides for the possibility of actively involving parents of students in the pedagogical process. Addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions such as “Primary school - kindergarten”, psychologists, tutors, parents.

PROGRAM "HARMONY" (D. I. Vorobyova)

The main idea of ​​the program is the holistic development of the personality of a child aged two to five, his intellectual, artistic and creative potential. The leading principle is the multi-stage integration of educational and educational tasks of various types of activities with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (visual, constructive, artistic speech, theatrical). The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (seeing, hearing, playing, creating) and its implementation in conditions of independent activity of children. The program contains new original technologies, which are based on the child’s search activity, providing him with a subjective position in the cognitive and creative process. An integral part The “Harmony” program is a subprogram for the development of a child’s rhythmic plasticity “Rhythmic Mosaic”, built on a single conceptual basis.

PROGRAM "UMKA" - TRIZ (L. M. Kurbatova and others)

The program contains a dialectical approach to the formation of the creative abilities of children three to six years old based on the development of active forms of thinking in unity with creative imagination. The program creates the prerequisites for a systematic vision of the world and its creative transformation. Provides for the development of children's imagination; enriching the subject-spatial environment of a children's educational institution and determines the conditions that facilitate the solution of inventive problems by preschoolers (fairy-tale, game, ethical, environmental, technical, etc.). Provides for the widespread use of interactive forms and teaching techniques. Basic principles: humanistic orientation, cross-cutting, multi-stage nature (covers junior, middle, senior preschool age, primary school age), psychological support for gifted children, variability in the use of basic and additional education. Consists of three relatively independent parts:

  • programs for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool children - “Umka” - TRIZ;
  • a program option that includes educational content for organizing work with children in intellectual and aesthetic development studios;
  • subprogram that prepares teachers of preschool educational institutions to implement the program for developing the thinking and creative abilities of preschool children “Umka” - TRIZ.

PROGRAM "SEMITCVETIK" (V. I. Ashikov, S. G. Ashikova)

This program is designed to solve the problem of cultural and environmental education of preschool children - the initial stage of the formation of a spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality. His actions and actions will depend on how a child learns to think and feel. The authors see the solution to this problem in the little person’s awareness of the sublime, refined and beautiful that the surrounding world, nature and world culture provide. Education of morality, broad outlook, development of creativity through the perception of beauty - main feature of this program. Much attention in the program is paid to the joint creative activity of children and adults. The program is designed for use in kindergarten, various art and creative children's studios, as well as in home education.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “BEAUTY - JOY - CREATIVITY” (T. S. Komarova and others)

It is a holistic integrated program of aesthetic education for preschool children, effectively promoting the spiritual and intellectual development of children in preschool childhood. It is built on the author’s concept of aesthetic education and the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, based on the principles of nationality, the integrated use of different types of arts (musical, visual, theatrical, literature and architecture), and the sensory development of the child. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growth of creative capabilities of children from two to six years old. Includes all sections of work on aesthetic education in kindergarten. Along with traditional ones, the program also widely uses non-traditional educational means for aesthetic education - leisure and entertainment.


Based on the concept of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. The main goal is to develop children's constructive skills and artistic and creative abilities, to introduce them to various modeling and design techniques. Built on integrated use all types of design and artistic work in kindergarten. Designed for the entire preschool age - from three to six years. Provides a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development, including children with weak and strong motivation, as well as gifted ones. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of preschool didactics and the age capabilities of children. Contains technologies based on the use unconventional methods and teaching methods that allow the teacher to develop in children associative thinking, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, artistic taste, and an aesthetic attitude to reality. Much attention is paid to creativity joint activities teacher and children.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


The program is aimed at developing in children four to six years old a holistic understanding of nature as a living organism. The natural world acts as a subject of close study and as a means of emotional and figurative influence on creative activity children. By means of fine art, problems of environmental and aesthetic education are solved, methods of dialogue between cultures, spiritualization of natural phenomena, fairy-tale play situations, etc. are used. Children are introduced to world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture. The program has a block-thematic planning. The main blocks “Natural World”, “Animal World”, “Human World”, “World of Art” contain a system of artistic and creative tasks that contribute to the transfer and accumulation of experience in preschoolers of an emotional and value-based attitude to the world, increasing the experience of creative activity, and developing skills and skills in fine, decorative and constructive activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children.
Approved by the Federal Expert Council for general education.


The content of the program ensures that children are exposed to diversity and richness natural world, promotes the development of initial natural science concepts and environmental concepts. Designed for the purpose of educating children of senior preschool age. Ensures continuity with training in primary school in the courses “The World Around You” and “Nature”. The main goals are to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature, and treating them with care. The peculiarity of the program is to form in the child a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it, environmentally literate and safe behavior. Elements environmental knowledge organically fit into general content, including natural and social aspects, which is determined structural features programs, educational material which includes teaching and educational components. The program provides for the widespread use of a variety of practical activities of children in matters of study and protection environment. The content of the program may be adjusted in accordance with local natural and climatic conditions.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

(N. A. Avdeeva, G. B. Stepanova)

Developed in accordance with the content of the state standard of preschool education in the section “Development of environmental culture of children.” Provides for environmental education and upbringing of children of senior preschool age, the study of the relationship between nature and nature that is understandable to them. social phenomena. The theoretical basis of the program is the concept of person-centered education, the center of which is the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s personality. Provides an opportunity for a child to master environmental information in an accessible playful way, to form an emotionally positive, caring and responsible attitude towards living nature. The program is supplemented by an approximate thematic lesson plan and organizational and methodological recommendations for its implementation.


Aimed at developing the beginnings of ecological culture in children two to six years old in a kindergarten. It has a theoretical basis and detailed methodological support. Ecological culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and the objects that surround them, to themselves and their health, to objects made from natural material. It consists of two subprograms: “Environmental education of preschool children” and “Advanced training for employees of preschool educational institutions.” The structure of the first subprogram is based on children’s sensory perception of nature, emotional interaction with it, and basic knowledge about life, growth and development of living beings. The ecological approach to introducing children to nature and the ecological content of all sections of the program are based on the main pattern of nature - the relationship of living organisms with their environment.
Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education.

PROGRAM "SPIDER WEB" (Zh. L. Vasyakina-Novikova)

The goal of the program is to develop in children the foundations of planetary thinking, to develop a reasonable attitude towards the world and towards themselves as an inhabitant of planet Earth. The program offers a new original system for the development of environmental ideas, based on the principle of centering the content of the work on the child with the widespread use of search methods of teaching and play activities. It is presented in four blocks: “Where do I live?”, “Who do I live with?”, “How do I live?”, “When do I live?” Through knowledge of his “I”, his life needs, the child comprehends the diversity of relationships between nature and people. Designed to work with all children age groups preschool educational institution.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM "HARMONY" (K. L. Tarasova, T. V. Nesterenko, T. G. Ruban / Edited by K. L. Tarasova)

The program implements a comprehensive, holistic approach to the musical development of a child in preschool childhood. The goal of the program is the general musical development of children, the formation of their musical abilities. The content of the program is determined by the logic of the development of musical abilities in preschool childhood at each stage. It includes all the main types of musical activities available to preschool children: listening to music, musical movement, singing, playing children's musical instruments, musical drama games. The central place in the program is given to the formation musical creativity in children and the improvisational nature of classes. The musical repertoire of the program, new and extensive, is selected based on a combination of highly artistic and accessible works of classical, modern and folk music for children different eras and styles; organized into blocks of topics accessible and interesting to children, fully presented in anthologies of the musical repertoire and partially in recordings on audio cassettes.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM "SYNTHESIS" (K.V. Tarasova, M.L. Petrova, T.G. Ruban, etc.)

This program aims to develop the musical perception of children from four to seven years old. Has a broad educational aspect. Its content introduces the child not only to the world of musical art, but also artistic culture generally. The program is based on the principle of an integrated approach, in which musical works are considered in a single complex with works of fine art and fiction. At the same time, the core art form in the program is music. The program included works of classical art and folklore accessible to children. For the first time, along with chamber and symphonic music, synthetic genres of musical art - opera and ballet - are used in teaching.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


The goal of the program is to teach children aged three to six years old to select melodies by ear and play children's musical instruments (in an ensemble, orchestra). The program is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of teaching children to play musical instruments, based on selecting melodies by ear. Along with the development of an ear for music (timbre, sound, melodic) and a sense of musical rhythm, the program comprehensively addresses the issues of the general development of the child as an individual. The musical repertoire of the program consists of works of classical, modern and folk music, including new ones specially written for this program.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM "BADY" (V. A. Petrova)

The program provides for the development of musical abilities in children of the third year of life in all types of musical activities available to them, and contributes to their introduction to the world of musical culture. The program is based on works from the classical repertoire, the rich range of which presupposes the teacher’s freedom to choose one or another piece of music taking into account the level of preparation and development of a particular child. The program has significantly updated the repertoire music games.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


The program contains a scientifically based and methodologically constructed system for forming the foundations of musical culture for preschool children (three to seven years old), taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children and interconnected with all educational work of the kindergarten. The program is based on the use of works of high art, authentic examples of world musical classics. Fundamental Principles programs (thematic, contrasting comparison of works, concentric, principles of adaptability and syncretism) allow you to systematize the repertoire of musical classics and folk music in order to accumulate intonational experience of music perception, develop creative abilities in different types of musical activities, flexible application of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work in depending on the age and individual characteristics of children. The program provides an interconnection between children’s cognitive and creative activities in the process of forming the foundations of musical culture.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


This program defines new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children, based on their familiarization with Russian folk culture. The main goal is to contribute to the formation of a personal culture in children, to introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, to lay a solid foundation in the development of national culture by children based on familiarity with the life and way of life of the Russian people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, and material characteristics. and spiritual environment. At the same time, the program addresses issues of expanding the basic personality culture of teachers in preschool educational institutions. Theoretical basis program is a well-known position (D. Likhachev, I. Ilyin) that children, in the process of becoming acquainted with their native culture, become familiar with enduring universal human values. The program is designed to work with children three to seven years old, and includes long-term and calendar planning. Offers new organizational and methodological forms of work; contains information materials from various literary, historical, ethnographic, art and other sources.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


Dedicated to the historical and cultural aspect of child development between the ages of three and seven years. Created on the basis of the achievements of modern science and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions in the Ivanovo region. On defines the content and the necessary conditions for the formation at the early stages of the civic foundations of the individual, his patriotic, moral, ethical and aesthetic orientation, nurturing love and respect for his people, their cultural wealth and versatile talent. The peculiarity of the program is the integration of historical, environmental, aesthetic, and ethical ideas of the child based on broad familiarization with cultural heritage native land, folk traditions, the original nature of the native land. Main criterion selection of material - local history culture, art and history, facts and events as components of the general national culture of Russia. The program includes three blocks that contain a wide range of topics that provide for the introduction of children to their native land, its history, folklore, folk and fine arts, etc. in specially organized classes and outside classes. The program determines the content of joint activities of the teacher and children, and provides for the organization of free independent activities within which the creative activity of each child develops.
Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education.


Designed according to structural component state standard of preschool education “Development of ideas about man in history and culture.” Particular attention in the program is paid to the enduring values ​​of world civilization. The main goal is to form in children of senior preschool age the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards people and their work, respect for the cultural values ​​of different peoples, the development cognitive activity, creative abilities. The content of the program, at a level accessible to children, introduces them to the lives of people in different historical eras and gives them a basic understanding of technological progress.

PROGRAM “THEATRE - CREATIVITY - CHILDREN” (N. F. Sorokina, L. G. Milanovich)

The goal of the program is to develop children's creative abilities through theatrical art. It scientifically substantiates the gradual use individual species children's creative activity in the process of theatrical implementation; means and methods of theatrical and play activities are systematically presented, taking into account the age of children; Parallel solution of problems of artistic speech, stage and musical art is provided. The leading principle of the program is to involve children in productive theatrical and playful creative activities, creating stage images that evoke emotional experiences. The program is partial and can serve as a supplement to comprehensive and basic programs.
Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education.

PROGRAM “LITTLE EMO” (V. G. Razhnikov)

The goal of the program is the emotional and aesthetic development of preschoolers five to six years old, introducing the child to a full-fledged emotional and aesthetic culture: the child will be able to look at the world through the eyes of a poet, artist, musician; learn to compose and perform simple works of art. The program is based on children's mastery of artistic moods common to all aesthetic phenomena. Emotional and aesthetic culture is not forcibly mastered in the simplest forms of artistic activity, accessible to almost every child. These are rhythmic-sound improvisations, color improvisations and syllabic poetic rhythms; In artistic games, the child masters the creative positions of the author, performer and viewer (listener). The program provides for parallel training for both the child and the teacher. Intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions and art education teachers, as well as parents.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.



The program involves solving the most important social and pedagogical task - developing the child’s skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations. Developed on the basis of the draft state standard for preschool education. Contains a set of materials that provide stimulation in preschool childhood (senior preschool age) of independence and responsibility for their behavior. Its goals are to develop the child’s skills of reasonable behavior, to teach him to behave adequately in dangerous situations at home and on the street, in city transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire hazardous and other objects, animals and poisonous plants; contribute to the formation of the foundations of environmental culture and introduction to a healthy lifestyle. The program is addressed to teachers of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. It consists of an introduction and six sections, the content of which reflects changes in the life of modern society and thematic planning, in accordance with which educational work with children is built: “Child and other people”, “Child and nature”, “Child at home”, “Child’s health” ", "Emotional well-being of a child", "Child on a city street". The content of the program reserves for each preschool institution the right to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the uniqueness of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and crime situation. Due to the special importance of protecting the life and health of children, the program requires mandatory compliance with its basic principles: completeness (implementation of all its sections), systematicity, taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas, seasonality, age targeting. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “ME, YOU, WE” (O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina)

The proposed program is relevant for all types of preschool educational institutions and can effectively complement any preschool education program. Provides the basic (federal) component of the state standard of preschool education. Developed in order to fill a significant gap in traditional domestic education related to the socio-emotional development of a preschool child. Aimed at solving such important problems as the formation of the emotional sphere and the development of the child’s social competence. The program also helps to solve a complex of educational problems related to the development of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build relationships with children and adults, respectful attitude towards them, a decent way out of conflict situations, as well as self-confidence and the ability to adequately assess one’s own capabilities. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. PROGRAM “DISCOVER YOURSELF”(E.V. Ryleeva) Dedicated to the most important problem of modern preschool education - the individualization of personal development of children two to six years old and the inextricably linked task of developing self-awareness in preschoolers through the means of speech activity. The program is based on the principles of humanistic psychology and the author’s technology based on them, which allows you to personalize educational content, make it more flexible, adequate to the needs and interests of children with different levels of personality development and abilities. Covers several leading areas of the state standard of preschool education: “Speech development”, “Development of ideas about man in history and culture”, “Development of natural science concepts”, “Development of environmental culture”. It has a block structure, a concentric layout of educational material, which allows children to selectively assimilate the educational content of the program. The main thematic blocks of the program: “This is who I am”, “The world of people”, “The world not made by hands”, “I can” - provide the formation of ideas about significant areas of human life, allow for the correction of self-esteem, and prepare children to independently overcome difficulties. The program provides for the possibility of actively involving parents of students in the pedagogical process. Addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions such as “Primary school - kindergarten”, psychologists, tutors, parents. Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education.

PROGRAM "HARMONY"(D.I. Vorobyova) The main idea of ​​the program is the holistic development of the personality of a child two to five years old, his intellectual, artistic and creative potential. The leading principle is the multi-stage integration of educational and educational tasks of various types of activities with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (visual, constructive, artistic speech, theatrical). The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (seeing, hearing, playing, creating) and its implementation in conditions of independent activity of children. The program contains new original technologies, which are based on the child’s search activity, providing him with a subjective position in the cognitive and creative process. An integral part of the “Harmony” program is the subprogram for the development of a child’s rhythmic plasticity “Rhythmic Mosaic”, built on a single conceptual basis.

PROGRAM “BEAUTY - JOY - CREATIVITY”(T. S. Komarova, etc.) It is a holistic, integrated program of aesthetic education for preschool children, effectively promoting the spiritual and intellectual development of children in preschool childhood. It is built on the author’s concept of aesthetic education and the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, based on the principles of nationality, the integrated use of different types of arts (musical, visual, theatrical, literature and architecture), and the sensory development of the child. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growth of creative capabilities of children from two to six years old. Includes all sections of work on aesthetic education in kindergarten. Along with traditional ones, the program also widely uses non-traditional educational means for aesthetic education - leisure and entertainment.

PROGRAM “CONSTRUCTION AND MANUAL LABOR IN KINDERGARTEN”(L. V. Kutsakova) Based on the concept of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. The main goal is to develop children's constructive skills and artistic and creative abilities, to introduce them to various modeling and design techniques. It is based on the integrated use of all types of design and artistic work in kindergarten. Designed for the entire preschool age - from three to six years. Provides a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development, including children with weak and strong motivation, as well as gifted ones. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of preschool didactics and the age capabilities of children. Contains technologies based on the use of non-traditional teaching methods and techniques, allowing the teacher to develop in children associative thinking, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, artistic taste, and an aesthetic attitude to reality. Much attention is paid to the creative nature of the joint activities of the teacher and children. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. PROGRAM “OUR HOME IS NATURE”(N.A. Ryzhova) The content of the program ensures that children are familiarized with the diversity and richness of the natural world, and promotes the development of initial natural scientific concepts and environmental concepts. Designed for the purpose of educating children of senior preschool age. Provides continuity with primary school education in the courses “The World Around You” and “Nature”. The main goals are to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature, and treating them with care. The peculiarity of the program is to develop in the child a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it, as well as environmentally literate and safe behavior. Elements of environmental knowledge are organically integrated into the general content, including natural and social aspects, which is determined by the structural features of the program, the educational material of which includes teaching and educational components. The program provides for the widespread use of a variety of practical activities for children in the study and protection of the environment. The content of the program may be adjusted in accordance with local natural and climatic conditions. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “LIFE AROUND US”(N. A. Avdeeva, G. B. Stepanova) Developed in accordance with the content of the state standard of preschool education in the section “Development of environmental culture of children.” Provides for environmental education and upbringing of children of senior preschool age, the study of the relationship between nature and social phenomena that is understandable to them. The theoretical basis of the program is the concept of person-centered education, the center of which is the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s personality. Provides an opportunity for a child to master environmental information in an accessible playful way, to form an emotionally positive, caring and responsible attitude towards living nature. The program is supplemented by an approximate thematic lesson plan and organizational and methodological recommendations for its implementation.

PROGRAM “YOUNG ECOLOGIST” (S. N. Nikolaeva) Aimed at developing the beginnings of ecological culture in children two to six years old in a kindergarten. It has a theoretical basis and detailed methodological support. Ecological culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and objects that surround them, to themselves and their health, to objects made from natural materials. It consists of two subprograms: “Environmental education of preschool children” and “Advanced training for employees of preschool educational institutions.” The structure of the first subprogram is based on children’s sensory perception of nature, emotional interaction with it, and basic knowledge about life, growth and development of living beings. The ecological approach to introducing children to nature and the ecological content of all sections of the program are based on the main pattern of nature - the relationship of living organisms with their environment. Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education

PROGRAM "BADY"(V.A. Petrova) The program provides for the development of musical abilities in children of the third year of life in all types of musical activities available to them, and contributes to their introduction to the world of musical culture. The program is based on works from the classical repertoire, the rich range of which presupposes the teacher’s freedom to choose one or another piece of music, taking into account the level of preparation and development of a particular child. The program has significantly updated the repertoire of musical games. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “MUSICAL MASTERPIECES”(O. P. Radynova) The program contains a scientifically grounded and methodically structured system for forming the foundations of musical culture for preschool children (three to seven years old), taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children and interconnected with all educational work of the kindergarten. The program is based on the use of works of high art, authentic examples of world musical classics. The fundamental principles of the program (thematic, contrasting comparison of works, concentric, principles of adaptability and syncretism) make it possible to systematize the repertoire of musical classics and folk music in order to accumulate intonation experience in the perception of music, develop creative abilities in different types of musical activities, flexible application of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work depending on the age and individual characteristics of the children. The program provides an interconnection between children’s cognitive and creative activities in the process of forming the foundations of musical culture. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “INVOKING CHILDREN TO THE ORIGINS OF RUSSIAN FOLK CULTURE”(O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva) This program defines new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children, based on their familiarization with Russian folk culture. The main goal is to contribute to the formation of a personal culture in children, to introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, to lay a solid foundation in the development of national culture by children based on familiarity with the life and way of life of the Russian people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, and material characteristics. and spiritual environment. At the same time, the program addresses issues of expanding the basic personality culture of teachers in preschool educational institutions. The theoretical basis of the program is the well-known position (D. Likhachev, I. Ilyin) that children, in the process of becoming familiar with their native culture, become familiar with enduring universal human values. The program is designed to work with children three to seven years old, and includes long-term and calendar planning. Offers new organizational and methodological forms of work; contains information materials from various literary, historical, ethnographic, art and other sources. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM “ENDURING VALUES OF THE SMALL HOMELAND”(E.V. Pchelintseva) Dedicated to the historical and cultural aspect of the development of a child aged three to seven years. Created on the basis of the achievements of modern science and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions in the Ivanovo region. It defines the content and necessary conditions for the formation at the early stages of the civic foundations of the individual, its patriotic, moral, ethical and aesthetic orientation, nurturing love and respect for one’s people, their cultural wealth and versatile talent. The peculiarity of the program is the integration of the child’s historical, environmental, aesthetic, and ethical ideas based on wide familiarization with the cultural heritage of his native land, folk traditions, and the original nature of his native land. The main criterion for selecting material is local history culture, art and history, facts and events as components of the general national culture of Russia. The program includes three blocks that contain a wide range of topics that provide for the introduction of children to their native land, its history, folklore, folk and fine arts, etc. in specially organized classes and outside classes. The program determines the content of joint activities of the teacher and children, and provides for the organization of free independent activities within which the creative activity of each child develops. Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education. PROGRAM “DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN’S CONCEPT ABOUT HISTORY AND CULTURE"(L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova) Developed in accordance with the structural component of the state standard of preschool education “Development of ideas about man in history and culture.” Particular attention in the program is paid to the enduring values ​​of world civilization. The main goal is to form in children of senior preschool age the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards people and their work, respect for the cultural values ​​of different peoples, the development of cognitive activity and creative abilities. The content of the program, at a level accessible to children, introduces them to the lives of people in different historical eras and gives them a basic understanding of technological progress. PROGRAM “THEATRE - CREATIVITY - CHILDREN”(N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich) The goal of the program is to develop the creative abilities of children through the means of theatrical art. It scientifically substantiates the stage-by-stage use of certain types of children's creative activities in the process of theatrical implementation; means and methods of theatrical and play activities are systematically presented, taking into account the age of children; Parallel solution of problems of artistic speech, stage and musical art is provided. The leading principle of the program is to involve children in productive theatrical and playful creative activities, creating stage images that evoke emotional experiences. The program is partial and can serve as a supplement to comprehensive and basic programs. Approved by the Federal Expert Council on General Education.



Partial development programs(specialized, local) - include one or more areas of child development - read

The quality and effectiveness of preschool education are mediated by many factors, among which are far from last place occupied by the educational program. Because modern preschool educational institutions are represented by diversity, and parents have the opportunity to make a choice among kindergartens of various specializations and directions; the main preschool education programs are also quite diverse.

In the Law “On Education” Russian Federation It means that the preschool educational institution staff has the right to independently develop or select from existing programs those that most fully comply with the conditions and principles of operation of a given preschool institution. It cannot be said that this or that program is better or worse - they are all designed taking into account the necessary requirements, and each of them has its own advantages.

Let's briefly look at the main preschool education programs , common in kindergartens in the Russian Federation.

What are the main preschool education programs?

All main preschool education programs can be divided into two types - comprehensive (or general education) and so-called partial (specialized, basic preschool education programs with a narrower and more pronounced focus).

Basic preschool education programs complex type take into account a holistic approach to the harmonious and comprehensive development of the child. According to such programs, education, training and development occur in all directions in accordance with existing psychological and pedagogical standards.

They assume the main emphasis on any one direction in the development and upbringing of the child. In this case, a comprehensive approach to the implementation of preschool education is ensured by the competent selection of several partial programs.

Comprehensive core preschool education programs

« From birth to school" an exemplary general educational program for preschool education, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, is an innovative general education program document for preschool institutions. The Program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the formation of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher towards his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific concepts of preschool education about the recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood.

"Origins"– a program in which due attention is paid to the development of the child’s personality in accordance with his age. The authors offer 7 basic personal characteristics, which must be developed in a preschooler. The “Origins” educational program, like other basic preschool education programs, takes into account the comprehensive and harmonious development of the preschooler and makes it its priority.

"Rainbow"- in this program you will find 7 main types of activities typical for a preschooler. These include play, construction, mathematics, physical culture, fine arts and manual labor, musical and plastic art, speech development and familiarity with the outside world. Development under the program occurs in all of the above areas.

"Childhood"- the program is divided into 4 main blocks, each of which is a central element in the construction of preschool education. There are sections “Cognition”, “Healthy lifestyle”, “Creation”, “Humane attitude”.

"Development" is a special preschool education program, which is based on the principle of gradually increasing the complexity of educational, educational and educational tasks. The program provides a systematic, consistent approach to preschool education and child development.

Partial basic preschool education programs

“Cobweb”, “Young ecologist”, “Our home is nature”- these programs are designed to environmental education preschoolers. Accordingly, they instill in children love and careful attitude to nature and the world around us, form an ecological consciousness, which is very important for preschool children.

“Nature and the Artist”, “Semitsvetik”, “Integration”, “Umka - TRIZ”, “Baby”, “Harmony”, “Musical Masterpieces”, “Design and Manual Labor” - all these preschool education programs have one thing in common: they have a clear focus on creative development child and on the artistic and aesthetic perception of the world.

“I, you, we”, “Development of children’s ideas about history and culture”, “I am a person”, “Heritage”, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” - the listed main preschool education programs have a socio-cultural focus . They are designed to stimulate the development of spirituality, morality, cultural understanding and important social skills. In addition, some programs set the highest goal of instilling patriotism as a valuable personality characteristic.

“Sparkle”, “Play for health”, “Start”, “Hello!”, “Health”- in these programs the emphasis is on health improvement, physical development preschooler and his motor activity. The priorities are to instill a love of sports, an active and healthy lifestyle.

There are even more specialized core preschool programs. Eg, Safety Fundamentals program involves preparing preschoolers for possible danger situations, natural disasters and emergencies. "Preschooler and Economics"- a program designed for economic education and the formation of initial financial and economic ideas.

Some basic preschool education programs have incorporated certain achievements of pedagogy and psychology.

Eg, TRIZ program is based on the postulates of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, developed by G. T. Altshuller in 1945. It represents an original approach to the development of imagination, fantasy, creativity and ingenuity.

Program "Pedagogy of Maria Montessori" has an original position regarding the upbringing, training and education of a child, based on a solid scientific and philosophical basis. In addition, this program involves a deviation from some generally accepted pedagogical standards, for example, a rejection of the usual classroom-lesson system.





Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten"

____________ ______________


(signature) (full name)

_____________ _________________

(signature) (full name)

"____" __________________ 2013


At the pedagogical council No. ____

Protocol No._____ __________2013



Partial program

“………” (creative name)

Municipal preschool educational




I. Target section. Explanatory note……………………………….

1.1. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical feasibility of the program…………………………………………………………………………………

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the program……………………………………………………….…

1.3. Principles and approaches implemented during the implementation of the program………………………………………………………..…………..

1.4. Age of children participating in the program………

1.5. Expected results and ways to check them………………..

1.6. Forms for summing up the results of the program……………

II. Content section of the partial program………………….

2.1. Thematic planning educational relations………………………………………………………………

2.2. Long-term plan interaction with families of pupils……………………………………………………….

2.3. Long-term plan for interaction with society…………….

2.4. Contents of the partial program………………………….

III. Organizational section of the partial program…………………

3.1. Staffing of the program………………………………………………………

3.2. Logistics support for the program………….

3.3. Scientific and methodological support of the program……………….

3.4. Time and timing of implementation of partial educational program……………………………………………………………………

3.5. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment…………………………………………………………………………………….

IV. List of used literature……………………………………………………

V. Applications………………………………………………………………………………



1.1. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical feasibility of the program

Novelty of this educational program is to update / supplement / expand / enrich... (form, content, technology, integration...)

Relevance the partial program is due to such modern conditions... (relevance for the state, parents, child)

IN modern conditions... (relevance from the standpoint of interests, needs and motives of children, members of their families, society, state)

The program is implemented within the educational field (“social and communicative development”, “cognitive development”, “speech development”, “artistic and aesthetic development”, “physical development”).

The program takes into account (the specifics of the conditions for carrying out educational activities /and-or the needs and interests of children /and-or the capabilities of the teaching staff /and-or the established traditions of the preschool educational organization /and-or the established traditions of the group).

Pedagogical feasibility program consists of….. (mark why exactly you, in a specific group of your preschool educational institution, took up the development of such a program)

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the partial program

Approximate formulations based on the Federal State Educational Standard (according to the positions reflected in the characteristics of the educational field); The goal statement should end with a program-specific concept:

Target : introducing preschoolers to the fine arts using the example of the Akbulak toy (deepening the task set in the federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education within the educational field " Artistic creativity»)

Program objectives:

To form students’ ideas about..; skills...; skills...


Develop, improve

1.3. Principles and approaches implemented during the implementation of the program

The program is based on the following principles (select the principles corresponding to the program from clause 1.4 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, disclose the principles in terms of the content of the program):

The fundamental approaches to building educational activities within the framework of the program were (for example, system-activity as ... (justification); humanitarian ... (justification); cultural ... (justification))

1.4. Age of children participating in the program


1.5. Expected results and how to check them

Increased level the formation of curiosity and activity in the study of national and cultural characteristics of the Orenburg region; increased level of development of the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems that are age-appropriate; the presence of primary ideas about oneself and one’s small homeland.

Increased level of formation of emotional responsiveness to surrounding people.

- development of the articulatory apparatus in the process of memorizing and narrating folklore works; development of fine motor skills in the process of doing crafts and drawings.


Checklist for recording work in centers

Baby names

Children's activities





educational and research

perception of fiction



fine art








Self-Reflection Sheet

Child's name ________________________________________________

Age ___________________________________________________

Month ____________________________________________________












1.6. Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

Describes activities, products, procedures

Observing the process of a child’s artistic and creative activity, filling out an Observation Card (you can specify the frequency)

Study and analysis of the products of the child’s artistic and creative activity, entering information into the Observation Card.

Organization of an exhibition of children's creative products “Akbulak toy through the eyes of children” (collective exhibitions? Author’s exhibitions?)

Creation of a museum of Akbulak toys (museum workers (art historians, tour guides) - children; museum spectators - adults and children; journalists interviewing authors, guides and spectators - children).


2.1. Thematic planning of educational relations


OD volume (in min.)

Implementation methods

Types of children's activities and/or activities and/or cultural practices of activity

Module 1.





Module 2.





Module 3.





Module 4.





2.2. Long-term plan for interaction with families of pupils

Describes work with parents (pedagogical education, optimization child-parent relationships, involving parents in the implementation of the educational process)

2.3. Long-term plan for interaction with society

Describes interaction with cultural and educational institutions within the framework of the program theme ( secondary schools, children's art schools, music schools, sports sections, stations young technicians, theaters, philharmonic societies, environmental and biological centers, libraries, museums, etc.).

2.4. Contents of the partial program

Module 1. From the history of Akbulak toys

Topic 1.1. “...”

The origin of the Akbulak toy. (The content of the topic is formulated without describing the teacher’s actions, that is, there is no need to write Introduce children to history , we write Story)

Visual range: ( videos and illustrations )

Musical series:

Optional equipment:

Kind of activity: (gaming, communicative, labor, educational and research, productive, musical and artistic, reading )

Integration educational areas:



3.1. Personnel security

Necessary specialists, their roles and functions in the program(only those who take part in the implementation of the program, but do not control its implementation)

3.2. Logistics of the Program

Description of the necessary material for the implementation of the program, incl. multimedia, interactive equipment, manuals, didactic material, video-audio-library, etc.

3.3. Scientific and methodological support of the Program

An approximate basic general education program, on the basis of which the basic general education program was developed preschool educational program(imputation must be after 2009)

Basic general education program of preschool educational institution (full name, date of approval)

Books and works, this line in the program don't write

Methodical manuals

Books on which regional content is based

3.4. Time and timing of the Program implementation

During what time, in what half of the day, how many times a week, volume

3.5. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment

Description of the components of the subject-development environment (only those development centers that are necessary to implement the content of the program - representation of the centers in which children’s acquired knowledge will be transformed into experience, with which they need to be filled).


Brief presentation of the program aimed at getting parents interested

Do not rewrite sections of the explanatory note

Program opportunities for children's development;

Taking into account the needs and interests of children and parents in the program;

Features of content construction;

Participation of parents in the implementation of the program in kindergarten and at home;

Developmental subject-spatial environment of the program.


1. Akimova, T.A. Ecology. Nature-Man-Technology: textbook for universities / T.A. Akimova, A.P. Kuzmin, V.V. Haskin. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. - 343 p.

2. Delors, J. Education: a necessary utopia / J. Delors // Pedagogy. - 1998. - No. 5.- P. 32-47.

3. Tavstukha, O.G. Formation of ecological culture of students in institutions of additional education: theory and practice: monograph / O.G. Tavstukha. – Orenburg: Press, 2001. – 260 p.

Internet resources:

1. Khutorskoy, A.V. Meta-subject content of education from the standpoint of human conformity. [Electronic resource] // A.V. Khutorskoy. Personal website – Chronicle of life; 03/02/2012 – /be/2012/0302/index.htm - Retrieved 11/29/2012


Annex 1.

Summary of GCD on the topic “Dolls in Grandma’s Chest”


Appendix 2.

Consultation for parents “How to choose the right

Kids toys"


Appendix 3.

Scenario of a folklore-ecological holiday

“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”


Appendix 4.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the program implementation



Criteria for evaluation

Quality shows



Doesn't appear

Target (as reflected in explanatory note)

Description of target indicators based on program content

The layout was designed by A.A. Muratova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, IPK and PPRO OGPU, tutor at the internship site of the Orenburg region