Reports of Bigfoot sightings have been reported for more than four hundred years, and describe the creatures as hairy prosimians that come from the forest. Cases of Bigfoot sightings are known all over the world; references to the mysterious creature are also found in the tribal cultures of Native Americans (the Indians call the creature Sasquatch).

Descriptions of Bigfoot vary in height, weight and coat color. Most witnesses to Bigfoot sightings say Bigfoot is 7 to 8 feet tall. Some individuals reach 14 feet, others up to 5 feet. The color of the coat varies from black to white, brown and even red are found. According to eyewitness accounts, Bigfoot smells unpleasant and weighs about 300-800 feet.

In specific regions of the planet, reports of encounters with Bigfoot are received much more often. Such places of contact, for example, are the forests of Kentucky and West Virginia. Some hunters claim to have encountered individuals of the “Arctic” species of Bigfoot in Alaska and Canada.

Some enthusiasts estimate that at least 200 Bigfoots live in the forests of North America.

Bigfoot photo

All evidence for the existence of Bigfoot is controversial. Very often, supposed photos of Yeti turned out to be hoaxes, some showed people dressed in a monkey costume, some photos showed an ordinary bear.

However, some of them are still in question - their authenticity or falsity has not been proven.

Two frames from Patterson's famous video

This photo was taken by Officer Wild Creek in 1995 in Washington State, USA.

Photo of one of the famous Bigfoot fakes

Does Bigfoot really exist?

The vast majority of scientists believe that Bigfoot does not exist. Many believe that the Yeti is nothing more than a myth or legend, an error of perception or an attempt to deceive other people in order to gain cheap fame. From time to time, some people make loud statements that they have found evidence of the existence of Bigfoot - but then it turns out that this was another hoax or misinterpretation of what happened. But not everything is so simple...

Geri Crew shows off a cast of Bigfoot's foot

To date, there is not a single individual of Bigfoot that lives in captivity (zoo, laboratory or other places), neither skins nor skeletons of these creatures have been found. Scientists divide the evidence for the existence of Bigfoot into several groups: photographs, video and audio recordings, plaster casts of feet and hair samples. All the authenticity of the collected evidence is in doubt. For several decades, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot was a 1967 videotape taken by R. Patterson and B. Gimlin in Northern California. The short video showed a female Bigfoot. After Patterson's death in 2002, his family said the video was a complete fabrication. The tracks that were shown in the video were made by prepared plaster tracks, and the female Yeti herself was a person in a suit that was made especially for this video. Of course, all statements by his family members about falsification were never supported by physical evidence.

However, the film caused such a strong resonance in society that for a long time it remained an object close attention and study. So, in 2010, the staff of the National Geographic channel decided to determine for sure whether it was possible, given all the necessary means: make-up artists, video equipment, special effects specialists and the performance of a professional actor, to create a similar video and at the same time obtain the same level of realism as on film Patterson.

The end result of the experiment was general conclusion all the specialists who took part in the experiment, that, despite the sufficient development of the media industry, it is very difficult to create a video of this quality and level of realism, not to mention something like this in 1967.

Over time, more and more often attempts to prove the existence of Bigfoot are transferred to the scientific plane.

So, investigator Jimmy Chilcutt from the Texas State Police Department, specializing in fingerprints and footprints, analyzed more than 150 casts of Bigfoot footprints from the collection of Professor Meldrum, Idaho.

Chilcutt claims that one of the casts, which was obtained in 1987 in Walla Walla (Washington State), convinced him that Bigfoot exists. “The texture of the print was completely different from anything I had ever seen,” he said. “I am convinced that this footprint did not belong to a human or any of the primates whose species is known to science.” The texture of the tracks was approximately twice as thick as that of a human and indicated the presence of thicker skin.

Meldrum, meanwhile, argues that another 180kg block of gypsum, known as Skookum, also provides conclusive evidence of Bigfoot's existence. The cast was taken at the National Wildlife Refuge in Washington State in September 2000. Judging by the print, the large animal lay on its side to reach the fruit that grew below.

History knows of cases when scientists rejected existing facts if they went against their understanding of the world around them, they believed that these were just funny moments from people’s lives. So, in mid-19th century V. luminaries of zoology have declared a fake report that the mountain forests of the Congo River are inhabited by etti bigfoot(although it would be more correct to write “Yeti”) is a humanoid creature that has a height of up to two meters and a mass of up to 200 kilograms. However, soon the whole world recognized the existence of amazing animals, which turned out to be gorillas. They are known for their massive build, well-developed muscles, powerful strength and ability to walk on their hind legs. Scientists classify them as members of the hominid family, which includes humans.

For decades, controversy has not subsided about the existence of the “Bigfoot” (etti, yeti, bigfoot, sasquatch), which is allegedly found in a number of high mountain and forest areas of the Earth. Many famous researchers have addressed this topic. However, they operate only with eyewitness accounts (photo and film materials are practically absent). Judging by them, etti “Bigfoot” is different from modern man stronger in build, long arms, pointed or square head and short neck.

It is alleged that mountain snowmen live in caves, while forest ones build nests on tree branches.

Scientists paid special attention to the Himalayan branch of Bigfoot. This creature has left the realm of fantasy and acquired features of exciting authenticity. The legend about him was confirmed not only by the inhabitants of the Himalayas, but also by travelers from the West. What was especially striking were the huge footprints in the snow and the strange scream-whistle.

Thus, the author of the book “ In the footsteps of Bigfoot » R. Izzard describes numerous footprints of the bigfoot, Atty, found by his expedition. However, most scientists express doubts about the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot.

A journalist was involved in the search for Bigfoot D. Dong and the first conqueror of Chomolungma, a New Zealander E. Hillary. Their research and surveys were conducted almost exclusively among Sherpas living within fifty kilometers of Qomolungma.

Evidence of the existence of the Etti is usually given by a photograph of a footprint found on the Menlung Glacier in 1951. E. Shipton And Dr. M. Ward. A participant in this expedition was E. Hillary, but at that time he was working in another valley. The reflection, surprisingly clear among a long chain of less distinct traces, has become the source of much speculation. Based on its shape and size, some anthropologists have reconstructed the bigfoot, Etti, in quite some detail.


Testimonies about encounters with “Bigfoot” most often feature creatures that differ from modern humans in having a denser physique, pointed skull shape, longer arms, short neck length and massive lower jaw, relatively short hips, with thick hair all over. body - black, red, white or gray. Faces are dark in color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They climb trees well. It has been suggested that mountain populations of Bigfoot people live in caves, while forest populations build nests on tree branches. Carl Linnaeus designated it as Homo troglodytes(cave man). Very fast. He can overtake a horse, and on two legs, and in the water - a motor boat. Omnivore, but prefers plant foods, loves apples. Eyewitnesses described encounters with specimens of varying heights, from average human height to 3 m or more.

Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from the point of view of ethnography. The image of a huge scary person may reflect innate fears of darkness, the unknown, relationships with mystical forces among different peoples. It is quite possible that in some cases snow people people with unnatural hair or feral people were accepted.

origin of name

He was named Bigfoot thanks to a group of climbers who conquered Everest. They discovered the loss of food supplies, then heard a heartbreaking scream, and a chain of footprints similar to human ones appeared on one of the snow-covered slopes. The residents explained that it was the Yeti, the abominable snowman, and categorically refused to set up camp in this place. Since then, Europeans have called this creature Bigfoot.


Most modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot.

...about Bigfoot he said: “I really want to believe, but there is no reason.” The words “no basis” mean that the issue has been studied and, as a result of the study, it has been discovered that there is no reason to trust the original statements. This: is the formula of the scientific approach: “I want to believe,” but since “there is no reason,” then we must abandon this belief.
Academician A. B. Migdal From guess to truth.

The attitude of a professional biologist to the question of the possibility of the existence of “Bigfoot” was illustrated by paleontologist Kirill Eskov in a popular article:

At least, I don’t know any laws of nature that would directly prohibit existence in the mountains Central Asia relict hominoid - “ape-man”, or simply large ape. It must be assumed that, contrary to its name, it is not connected in any way with the eternal snows (except for the fact that it sometimes leaves traces there), but should live in the belt of mountain forests, where there is ample food and shelter. It is clear that any reports about North American “bigfoot” can be thrown out with a clear conscience without reading (for there are no primate species on that continent and never have been, and in order to get there from Asia through circumpolar Beringia, as people did, you must at least have fire), but in the Himalayas or the Pamirs - why not? There are even quite plausible candidates for this role, for example, Meganthropus - a very large (about two meters tall) fossil ape from South Asia, which had a number of “human” features that bring it closer to the African Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of hominids […]
So, do I admit (as a professional zoologist) the fundamental possibility of the existence of a relict hominoid? - answer: “Yes.” Do I believe in his existence? - answer: “No.” And since we are talking here not about “I know/don’t know”, but about “I believe/don’t believe”, I will allow myself to express a completely subjective judgment on this matter, based personal experience: […] where a professional has once set foot, not a single animal larger than a rat has any one chance remain “unknown to science.” Well, since by the end of the twentieth century there were almost no places left where a professional would not have set foot at all (at least on land) - draw your own conclusions...

- “Cryptukha, sir!”, article. Kirill Eskov, Computerra, 03.13.07, No. 10 (678): pp. 36-39.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. Nevertheless, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs and videos ( Bad quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot. However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any physical evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

However, it should be noted that Patterson’s film aroused genuine interest among researchers from the National Geographic Channel. In the section “Reality or Fiction” (broadcast in December 2010), an attempt was made to study and examine Patterson’s film from the point of view of the possibility of its falsification. Experienced make-up artists, a tall actor imitating a gait, special effects specialists and scientists were brought in as experts. Evaluated appearance creatures in the film, their fur adjacent to the muscles, the proportions of the limbs, the dynamics of movement, the shooting distance was taken into account, etc. As a result, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts involved, even modern level With the development of the media industry and video effects, not to mention the level of 1967, it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of realism in the plot of Bigfoot.

On the other hand, from enthusiasts of this topic one can hear accusations against “official science” that its representatives simply brush aside the available evidence. Here is a typical text of this kind:

In fact, those who say “there is no reason” simply do not even want to get acquainted with what has been “dug up” by enthusiastic researchers. “We hear countless examples of this in history.” I will give only two. When the Canadian Rene Dahinden at the end of 1971 brought us a copy of the film shot by Patterson in 1967, I personally once approached the then director of the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University V.P. Yakimov and offered to show the film to him and the staff of the institute, he literally put his hands forward, like would recoil from the proposal and say; "No! No need!" But this did not stop him from declaring that there was no reason...
And when at the international symposium, which he (Yakimov) chaired, Professor Astanin came to the podium to present materials to those present anatomical study Yeti brushes from the Pangboche monastery (Tibet), Yakimov did not allow him to speak and drove him from the podium in violation of the democratic traditions of such forums - to the protests of the participants... As a result, some of them left the symposium meeting.
And a recent example: when I came from the USA after a five-week “investigation” of the events at the Carter farm in the fall of 2004, where, according to the owner, a clan of Bigfoot lived, and I offered to speak and talk about the results in the anthropology department of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its head. S. Vasiliev declined under the pretext of being busy with other issues.
At the same time, when there was a noise in the press about the existence of a “Bigfoot” in the Shoria mountains (south of the Kemerovo region), the same Vasiliev stated without hesitation: “Alas, we do not have data on the existence of humanoids anywhere in the world"…
Igor Burtsev, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Director International Center Hominology, Moscow.

The Soviet scientist B.F. Porshnev paid much attention to the topic of Bigfoot.

Commission of the Academy of Sciences to study the issue of “Bigfoot”

Commission members J.-M. I. Kofman and Professor B.F. Porshnev and other enthusiasts continued to actively search for Bigfoot or his traces.

Society of Cryptozoologists

Mentions in history and literature

Abstract drawing of Bigfoot.

There are numerous known depictions of creatures similar to Bigfoot (on art objects from Ancient Greece, Rome, Ancient Armenia, Carthage and Etruscans and medieval Europe) and mentions, including in the Bible (in Russian translation shaggy), Ramayana ( rakshasas), in Nizami Ganjavi’s poem “Iskander-name”, folklore of different peoples ( faun, satyr And strong in Ancient Greece, yeti in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, ghoul-baths in Azerbaijan, chuchunny, chuchunaa in Yakutia, Almas in Mongolia, ezhen (野人 ), maoren(毛人) and renxiong(人熊) in China, kiik-adam And albasty In Kazakhstan , goblin, shish And shishiga from the Russians, diva in Persia (and Ancient Rus'), Chugayster in Ukraine , dev And albasty in the Pamirs, shurale And yarymtyk among the Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs, Arsuri among the Chuvash, picenus among the Siberian Tatars, abnauayu in Abkhazia , sasquatch In Canada , teryk, girkychavylin, worldygdy, Kiltanya, market, arysa, Rackem, Julia in Chukotka, trampoline, sedapa And orang pendek in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Agogwe, kakundakari And ki-lomba in Africa, etc.). In folklore they appear in the form of satyrs, demons, devils, goblin, merman, mermaids, etc.

Opponents of the version of the existence of Bigfoot, which includes most professional biologists and anthropologists, point to the lack of unambiguous evidence (living individuals or their remains, high quality photos and video recordings) and the possibility of arbitrary interpretation of the available evidence. There are frequent references to a well-known biological fact: the long-term existence of a population requires a minimum size of the order of hundreds of individuals, the vital activity of which, according to critics, simply cannot be invisible and not leave numerous traces. The explanations put forward for the evidence generally boil down to the following set of versions:


see also


  1. K. Eskov. “Cryptuh, sir!”
  2. Patterson's film
  3. B. F. Porshnev Current state of the issue of relict hominoids Viniti, Moscow, 1963
  4. Soviet "Bigfoot" Itogi magazine
  5. Zhanna-Marie Kofman
  6. see, for example, “Popular Biological Dictionary”, 1991, Ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, edited by Corresponding Member A. V. Yablokov
  7. V. B. Sapunov, Doctor of Biology. Sciences Bigfoot in two dimensions, or an alternative to the noosphere
  8. J. Kofman At the origins of a new science (To the 40th anniversary of the publication of the monograph by Professor B.F. Porshnev “The current state of the question of relict hominoids” VINITI 412 since 1963) magazine “Median” No. 6 2004
  10. Trakhtengerts M. S. Habitat of primates of the Alamas species, journal “Natural and Technical Sciences” ISSN 1684-2626, 2003, No. 2, pp. 71-76
  11. Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Bourtsev In The Footsteps of the Russian Snowman 240 pages “Pyramid Publications” 1996 ISBN 5-900229-18-1 ISBN 978-5-900229-18-8 (English)
  12. B. A. Shurinov 20th century paradox“International Relations” 315pp. 1990 ISBN 5-7133-0408-6
  13. A Russian biologist considers Sasquatch and other yetis to be feral oligophrenics.
  14. Beiko V.B., Berezina M.F., Bogatyreva E.L. et al. Great encyclopedia of the animal world: Pop. edition for children. - M.: ZAO ROSMEN-PRESS, 2007. - 303 p. UDC 087.5, BBK 28.6, p. 285.

Before we talk about the mysterious Bigfoot itself, let's first talk about those who are looking for him. These are cryptozoologists. Cryptozoology is the science of animals unknown to science. What a paradox: science about what science does not know...

The term “cryptozoology” was coined by the French zoologist Bernard Euvelmans. Naturally, cryptozoology cannot be called a real science, it is a typical pseudoscience, but many who are passionate about the idea of ​​​​searching for unknown animals dream of their dream becoming a reality. It must be said that among cryptozoologists there are real scientists who admit that perhaps “there is something”, but are very critical of the available information and facts.

The famous field zoologist George Schaller, in principle, without denying the possible existence of the “Bigfoot” and even participating in his search, complained that his remains or at least feces had not yet been found, without which it is impossible to draw conclusions about whether he really is and what he is.

But most cryptozoologists are enthusiasts without the appropriate education, and among them there are also, to put it mildly, inadequate people. Several times I had the opportunity to see them on the screen, and I immediately remembered my psychiatric past - as if I had been in the ward again. People who are passionate about one and only one idea, brushing aside all reasonable doubts and arguments from the other side...

Often the basis for the search is the myths and tales of the aborigines, which tell about strange creatures that live somewhere nearby and, if these creatures are large, strike terror into their hearts. However, the okapi, which the pygmies told the whites about, was a completely ordinary animal for these African people, living in their native virgin forests; the Europeans simply did not believe them - its description looked too unusual. As a result, okapi was discovered only at the very beginning of the twentieth century! The most difficult thing, listening to the stories of the natives, is to separate truth from fiction. In addition, according to cryptozoologists, animals that are considered long extinct could survive on earth. For example, who said that all dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago? Maybe they were preserved in some distant “lost worlds”, untrodden places where no one has yet set foot white man. In the end, they discovered a living coelacanth, a lobe-finned fish whose ancestors appeared on earth long before the dinosaurs, about 380 million years ago and were thought to have gone extinct 70 million years ago! Moreover, at the end of the 20th century, another modern species of coelacanth was found.

From this point of view, our closest relative, human, but wild, is an ideal and beloved object of cryptozoology. Ancient people are not dinosaurs; they appeared on earth just over two million years ago and also died out quite recently. But are they all extinct? Almost in all corners of our planet among traditional peoples There are legends about some strange people, or monkeys, covered with hair, but moving on two legs, who live in almost inaccessible wilds and are extremely rarely seen by representatives of our species. Moreover, there are even eyewitnesses who encountered these incomprehensible creatures, and there seems to be some material evidence of their existence.

For some reason, people are very concerned about the question of our closest relatives, who managed (or didn’t manage?) to survive, no matter what.

So, the elusive Yeti, Bigfoot (in different places he is called differently: Bigfoot, Metoh Kangmi (Tibetan), Sasquatch, Yeren or Chinese savage, Kaptar, Alamas or Alamasty, etc.). Either a Neandarthal, or a Pithecanthropus, or even an Australopithecus, some not-so-lucky relative of Homo Sapiens, who was forced into the harshest living conditions, where he survived against all odds. According to the descriptions of so-called eyewitnesses, this is a large hairy man or a giant upright walking monkey. Every now and then cryptozoologists go in search of him, going somewhere to the Himalayas or to the islands of the Malay Archipelago. By the way, our cryptozoologists searching for Bigfoot currently call themselves hominologists.

Bigfoot has been “seen” or traces of it have been found on almost every continent. In North America it is called sasquatch or bigfoot. Here is a description of him made at the end of the 18th century by a Spanish scientist from the words of Canadian Indians: “They imagine that he has the body of a monster, covered with hard black bristles; the head is similar to a human, but with fangs much sharper, stronger and larger than the fangs of a bear; he has extremely long arms; on his fingers and toes there are long, bent claws." Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, there were reports of a mysterious creature somewhat bear-like but walking on its hind legs; US President Theodore Roosevelt wrote about such a monster that killed a trapper in his book “Hunter of Lifeless Spaces.” Most often these meetings took place in British Columbia. In 1967, a short color film about a Sasquatch woman was even filmed in Northern California; They said about this film that if it was a hoax, it was a very clever one. From tropical forests In southern Mexico there are reports of creatures called sisimites: "In the mountains there live very large wild people, completely covered with short thick brown fur. They have no neck, small eyes, long arms and huge hands. Their tracks are twice as long as human ones." Several people have reported being chased up mountain slopes by Sisimites. Similar creatures are said to live in Guatemala, where they are said to abduct women and children. Zoologist Ivan Sandersen, who worked in Honduras, wrote in 1961:

“Dozens of people have told me that they have seen it... One junior forester described in great detail two small creatures that he unexpectedly noticed as they watched him on the edge of a forest reserve at the foot of the Maya Mountains. ...

These people were from 3.6 to 4 feet in height, proportionally built, but they had very heavy shoulders and rather long arms, they were covered with thick, dense, almost brown hair, like a short-haired dog; they had very flat yellowish faces, but the hair on their heads was no longer than the hair on their bodies, with the exception of the lower part of the back of the head and neck... Neither the local resident nor any other person who reported the words of the local residents indicated that these the creatures were simple "monkeys". In all cases, they noticed that they did not have tails, they walked on two legs, and they had human features."

So, all these bigfoots and other sasquatch did not exist and could not have existed, we can put an end to them.

American apes are broad-nosed monkeys, as opposed to the narrow-nosed monkeys from which our ancestors descended, a completely different branch of primates. Well, representatives of the narrow-nosed people of our species appeared on the American continent no earlier than 15 thousand years ago. What about Patterson's 1967 movie story with the walking sasquatch? Look at “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”. Bigfoot looks no worse there. Moreover, in 2002, participants in the hoax said that the whole story was falsified; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

Of course, the most famous “Bigfoot” is the Himalayan Yeti. In the 19th century, reports of it were found in the reports of British officials working in the mountainous regions of India and Nepal. The British resident at the Nepalese court, V. Hogdson, reported that his servants were afraid of a hairy, tailless humanoid creature during their travels. Yeti appear in Nepalese and Tibetan religious images. The Sherpas believe in his existence and are very afraid of him. In the last century, when the pilgrimage of climbers began in the Himalayas, new stories about Bigfoot appeared. For example, when approaching Everest, they saw prints of his feet... Some mountain monasteries store “material evidence” of the existence of the yeti. In 1986, solo climber A. Woolridge claimed to have met a two-meter yeti in the northern part of the Himalayas and even showed a photograph that showed something very small - the photograph was taken at a great distance - and humanoid.

Serious expeditions were also sent to Nepal in search of yeti, for example, under the leadership of the famous mountaineer Ralph Izard, but they did not find anything significant. The most interesting results, but negative, were obtained by the complex expedition of Edmund Hillary (the same one who first conquered Everest) and Desmond Doyle, an expert on Nepal and local languages ​​in 1960-1961; Zoologists also took part in it. First, the mystery of the giant footprints was solved. It turns out that under the influence sun rays the snow on the surface melts, and the tracks of small animals, such as foxes, merge into giant prints. Secondly, members of the expedition obtained three “Yeti” skins - they turned out to be the skins of a local subspecies of bear. Thirdly, with great difficulty, the members of the expedition managed to temporarily borrow the “Bigfoot scalp” from the Khutjun monastery; For this, Hillary got money to donate to the monastery and also build five schools (he generally helped the local population a lot). A study in Chicago confirmed his assumption: the “scalp” turned out to be very old, but made of skin mountain goat serow.

The mummified “Yeti hand” from the same monastery was human.

In Central Asia, Bigfoot was called Alamas or Almasty. In 1427, the German traveler Hans Schiltenberger, who visited the court of Tamerlane, published a book about his adventures, in which he also mentioned wild people: “In the mountains themselves live wild people who have nothing in common with other people. The entire body of these creatures is covered with fur, only there is no hair on the arms and face. They run around the mountains like animals and feed on leaves and grass and whatever they can find." A drawing of an almasta appears in a 19th-century Mongolian medical reference book. There is evidence of a meeting with Almasty in the 20th century. It seems that in 1925, the body of a dead wild woman in the Pamirs was seen by Red Army soldiers - they found her in a cave where the Basmachi were hiding. According to traveler Ivan Ivlov, on the Mongolian slopes of Altai in 1963 he saw several “humanoid creatures” through binoculars; he also collected stories from local residents about numerous encounters with these strange creatures.

Biologist Wan Zelin in 1940, according to him, saw a corpse wild man, shot by hunters. According to his description, this is a woman covered with thick and long grayish-red hair. 10 years later, two wild people, a mother and her cub, were seen in the mountains by another scientist, a geologist. In 1976, in Hubei province, a “strange tailless creature covered with reddish fur” was encountered by six Chinese military officers. people's army. After this, a scientific expedition was sent there, which found many mysterious traces, hair and excrement, and also recorded eyewitness accounts. But the results of these studies are classified.

Reports of “wild people” also came from Malaysia and Indonesia. After all, just recently, in 2004, the remains of ancient tiny people who were nicknamed “hobbits” were found on the Indonesian island of Flores. They immediately remembered that local residents talk about “Ebo-Gogo”, dwarfs who supposedly had big eyes, hair all over the body; they spoke a strange language and stole fruits and moonshine from people. Well, maybe these are the hobbits, Homo floresiensis? But the Flores people died out not 17 thousand years ago, as previously thought, but, according to updated data, about 50 thousand, and no traces of Ebo-Gogo were found, other than in folklore.

To this day, the indigenous people of Sumatra are convinced that “orang pendeks” (“short guys” in the local dialect) live in the virgin forests of the island.

Like hobbits, the hypothetical Sumatran ape-men are small in size. On the island of Borneo (another name is Kalimantan), local residents call such creatures “tramututs”; they, according to them, were much larger. Ape-men in this region are sought out not only by amateur enthusiasts, but also by serious scientists. So, Professor Peter Chee puts special digital “traps” cameras on mysterious hominids, but so far no one has been caught in them. That is, the cameras captured a tapir, a marbled cat, the rarest Sumatran tiger, but not a hominoid. A few years ago, two cryptozoologist fans, who have no professional connection to science, but devote all their holidays to searching for mysterious creatures, found tufts of hair at a primitive site, which they were sure belonged to relict people. But, as it turned out upon careful study, this is the hair of a modern person...

Vague information about local “wild humanoids” came from Africa, but no one takes them seriously. Moreover, even in Australia their own “snow people” have appeared, which is simply ridiculous - it’s no different that kangaroos evolved into them!

In 2014, the results of a genetic study of all hair samples ever found attributed to Bigfoot were published. This work was carried out by a group of scientists led by Professor Brian Sykes from the University of Oxford. Cryptozoologists sent 57 samples, however, there were 55 left - because one sample turned out to be of plant origin, and one was actually fiberglass. DNA was isolated from 30 samples. Alas, these were the hairs of bears, wolves, tapirs, raccoons, horses, sheep, cows, and even the hair of a human sapiens and, moreover, a European. The most interesting thing is that two samples of hair belonged to bears - but not just any bears, but polar bears or their hybrids with the ancestor of the brown bear, judging by the analysis of mitochondrial DNA! This means that those researchers who believed that “Yetis” were bears of an unknown species were right! How beautiful it turned out! But, alas, everything is not so simple. The following year, two other groups of scientists doubted these results. It has been suggested that polar bear hairs got into the samples by accident; Sykes, of course, denies this. Most likely, this fur has nothing to do with Paleolithic bears, but belongs to the Himalayan (Tien Shan) subspecies of brown bear Ursus arctos isabellinus, called Ju Te in Nepal. Its range includes the northern regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Tibet, and it also lives in the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains. This is a very rare and largest animal in this region, males reach a length of 2.2 m, many researchers believe that it was he who was mistaken for the “Bigfoot”, which no one had seen up close.

In 1991, in Chinese Tibet on the border with Nepal, a Chinese-Russian scientific expedition worked, officially a glaciological expedition, but everyone knew that its main goal was to find Bigfoot.

My classmate Arkady Tishkov, now a Doctor of Geographical Sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, took part in this expedition. He actually met some kind of “humanoid” creature at an altitude of more than 5000 meters and even photographed it on film, albeit from a long distance, and the camera was without a zoom - the last century, after all. Tishkov is convinced that the yeti really exists, but this creature has nothing to do with primates; most likely, it is a bear. Well, the yeti remained a mysterious person, but the Russian researcher brought from this expedition 80 kilograms of herbariums alone, described several new species of plants, one of which, with lovely blue flowers, bears his name! The Japanese gave a grant to search for Bigfoot, but who would give money to study the Alpine - in this case, Tibetan - flora?

“Bigfoot” was also encountered in the Caucasus Mountains - if, of course, the testimony of “eyewitnesses” can be believed. However, I absolutely believe one witness - this is Professor Yason Badridze. He conducted research for many years in the Lagodinsky Nature Reserve, located in the Southern Caucasus ridge, on the border of Georgia with Dagestan. There have long been stories in this area of ​​giant wild men covered in fur who live high in the forest. In the 70s of the last century, many old people in mountain villages claimed that they saw these people with their own eyes. They were even given a name - Lagodekhi. One day a small company, including Yason Badridze, gathered at the weather station in the evening. The head of the weather station left the room, and suddenly his cry was heard. People running out of the house found him on the ground, he said that someone had hit him from behind and complained of severe pain. When he was taken to the station and undressed, the imprint of a human hand was clearly visible on his back - only it was three times larger than from the hand of an ordinary man. Yason Konstantinovich still wonders what it was.

Alas, all the materials and facts that supposedly speak in favor of the existence of relict humanoids : plaster prints of footprints, pieces of wool, photographs - raise very reasonable doubts among scientists, as well as the testimony of people who allegedly saw them with their own eyes. Plaster casts are easy to fake. And we’ve already figured out the wool thing.

The famous Zana, a “wild woman” from Abkhazia, found in the forest in the 19th century - the trump card of many Yeti seekers, from Professor Porshnev to Igor Burtsev - turned out to be a sapiens, albeit a Negroid, and not a Neanderthal. Since not everyone is familiar with her story, I will tell it briefly. Zana was caught by Prince Achba's hunters in the forest. She was a muscular woman of enormous height, over two meters tall, completely naked, completely covered with dark hair, with gray, almost black skin. Her face was wide, high cheekbones, with large features, a sloping low forehead, a wide mouth, a flat nose with large nostrils, and a protruding lower jaw. Prince Achba gave it to his friend, also a prince, and it passed from hand to hand until it found a permanent home in a log corral in the village of Tkhin. At first, Zana was kept in chains because she was violent, but gradually she got used to it, “tamed” her, walked freely around the village, still without clothes, and even did some work that required great physical strength. She spent the night in a hole she dug herself in winter and summer. She never learned to speak, but she knew her name. She loved to swim and was addicted to alcohol. She also gave birth to numerous children from local exotic lovers. She accidentally drowned her first child, and the next four were taken away from her immediately after birth. Zana died in the 80s of the last century, when exactly - no one knows, but she younger son Khvit, who remained to live in Tkhin, died in 1954. Her distant descendants, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still alive today, among their own.

In 1962, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.A. learned about Zan from local residents. Mashkovtsev, he told Professor B.F. about it. Porshnev, who together with his colleagues came to Tkhin, began to look for and question old people who personally knew Zana (remember that at least seven decades have passed since her death, most likely more). In the 70s of the last century, his research was continued by the historian Igor Burtsev, who met Khvit’s daughter Raisa, who, according to his description, had Negroid facial features and curly hair.

After much searching, he managed to find Zana's grave, and was eventually able to obtain the skulls of Hvit and - presumably - Zana herself.

According to the scientific editor of the portal Stanislav Drobyshevsky, who examined them, the skull attributed to Zana has pronounced equatorial (Negroid) features, and the skull of her son, despite its massiveness and powerful brow ridges, belongs, alas, not to a Neanderthal at all, but clearly sapiens.

And now about how sensations are born. A year ago, loud headlines like “Zana really was a Yeti!” appeared in many popular publications. (in April 2015, a similar message, for example, was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in the section - scary to say - “Science”!). The articles said that Professor Brian Sykes (the same one) examined the DNA of the skull and declared that Zana was not a person, but a Yeti! Now in the hands of Igor Burtsev there was supposedly irrefutable evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. What's the matter? It turns out that English popular publications published sensational news - supposedly, according to Professor Sykes, the “Russian” half-woman, half-ape turned out to be Bigfoot! It is unclear whether this was a joke or whether the publishers were trying to attract attention to Sykes's new book, but it greatly damaged the professor's reputation in scientific circles. In fact, Brian Sykes actually analyzed the DNA of six descendants of Zana and her late son Quit and concluded that Zana was a modern-looking human, but at the same time “one hundred percent” African, most likely from West Africa. He suggested that most likely it came from slaves brought to Abkhazia by the Ottoman Turks. Or she belonged to those people who came out of Africa about 100 thousand years ago and since then lived secretly in the Caucasus mountains (we will leave this conclusion to the conscience of the professor). In fact, before making such assumptions, he could have asked what nationalities inhabit Abkhazia - but blacks really live in Abkhazia! A small group of people ethnically belonging to the Negroid race lives in the village of Adzyubzha at the mouth of the Kodor River and surrounding villages. They consider themselves Abkhazians, like everyone else around them. Historians do not have a consensus on how and when they got there. Most agree that in the 17th century. According to one of the most likely versions, these are the descendants of black slaves brought by the ruling princes of Abkhazia Shervashidze-Chachba to work on tangerine plantations.

But, alas, one of distinctive features many cryptozoologists - to ignore everything that contradicts their concept.

And still Igor Burtsev poses for journalists with the skull of a “Neanderthal” in his hands, and the furry yeti Zana flashes on television...

By the way, why is it furry? Indeed, it seems like a monkey trait. According to witnesses' descriptions, Zana was completely covered with hair. Well, you have to take their word for it, and this happens. It is worth recalling the drawings from a school biology textbook illustrating atavistic features: portraits of Andrian Evtikhiev, whose face is overgrown with thick strands of hair, and “ bearded woman" singer Julia Pastrana, who was distinguished not only by her beard and mustache, but also by her sloping forehead, like that of ancient people. But rather, there was something else here. Hypertrichosis (increased hairiness) can be not only congenital, but also acquired as a result of hormonal changes due to hunger and deprivation - “wild children”, the so-called “Mowgli”, are often hairy. Most likely, Zana was a weak-minded girl who got lost in the forest and went wild - this very plausible version is given by Fazil Iskander in the story “The Encampment of a Man.” This applies not only to Zana - a feral person with mental disabilities, characterized by increased hairiness, could well be mistaken for a “Bigfoot”. In particular, this can explain quite famous case- detention of a “wild man” in the mountains of Dagestan in December 1941. Colonel Karapetyan, whose squad caught the unfortunate man, described him as a deaf-mute and mentally damaged person, completely covered with hair. But the lice on it were not human... At one time, Carl Linnaeus, working on the taxonomy of the animal world, identified feral people (he knew of nine such individuals) into a special species “Homo ferus”, wild man.

It must be said that the USSR was almost the only country where cryptozoology was studied in state level, and largely thanks to one person - Professor Boris Fedorovich Porshnev (1905-1972).

He was a scientist of universal knowledge, a doctor of both historical and philosophical sciences; He also had a biological education, but he did not receive a diploma, which he later very much regretted. His main historical works were devoted to the late French Renaissance, but he also studied the theory of anthropogenesis. In those days, the transitional links from monkeys to humans were still poorly understood, and many were not discovered at all, and now Porshnev’s theory has purely historical significance. He postulated that only modern humans are human in the full sense of the word, this is a qualitative leap, and all other proto-humans are closer to animals than to Homo sapiens. That is why he and all his followers considered Bigfoot a Neanderthal, albeit a degraded one, although, judging by the description, he is much closer to archanthropes, erectus or even more ancient creatures. By the way, Bernard Euwelmans also considered the Yeti to be a Neanderthal. Now we know that Neanderthals were very similar to us.

Porshnev was obviously a very charismatic person, otherwise how could he have convinced the USSR Academy of Sciences to send an expedition to search for Bigfoot? In the late 1950s, a Commission was created at the Academy to study the issue of Bigfoot. Its members included famous scientists: geologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Sergei Obruchev, primatologist and anthropologist Mikhail Nesturkh, outstanding geobotanist Konstantin Stanyukovich, physicist and mountaineer Nobel laureate Academician Igor Tamm, Academician A.D. Alexandrov, as well as biologists G.P. Demenyev, S.E. Kleinenberg, N.A. Burchak-Abramovich. The most active members of the commission were physician Maria-Zhanna Kofman and professor Boris Porshnev. The working hypothesis that guided the commission: “Bigfoot” is a representative of the extinct branch of Neanderthals who has survived to this day.

In 1958, a complex and very expensive expedition took place to search for the yeti in the highlands of the Pamirs. The mission was led by the botanist Stanyukovich, who, it must be said, did not really believe in the existence of the Yeti. The expedition included zoologists, botanists, ethnographers, geologists, cartographers, as well as local residents, guides and barsol hunters. They also took with them service dogs trained to smell chimpanzees. Porshnev was dissatisfied that the expedition took place in the summer; in his opinion, it was necessary to look for traces of an unknown hominoid in the winter, in the snow, but need I say what mountains are like in winter? No signs of the existence of the Yeti were found, but scientists made many other discoveries, for example, they found a site of Neolithic man, and based on the results of the expedition, a geobotanical atlas of the highlands of the Pamirs was created.

After this, the Academy of Sciences officially closed the topic of studying Bigfoot, despite Porshnev’s objections. Since then, all searches for Yeti in our country have been carried out exclusively by enthusiasts who organized trips to the mountains Central Asia and to the Caucasus on your own.

About how B.F. Porshnev conducted research in field conditions, can be found out from the notes of one of the participants in the 1961 expedition to Tajikistan S.A. Said-Alieva: “In the vicinity of the lake. Temur-kul we saw traces of various predatory animals. The next day at 7–8 o’clock in the morning near the shore of the lake. Temur-kul measured the bear's footprint. It ranged in length from 34.5 cm to 35 cm. When Prof. was told about this. B.F. Porshnev, he said that this was the trace of this animal (that is, “Bigfoot”). Then I asked B.F. what kind of claws he had - long or humanoid. He answered: almost like a person.” How easy it is to adjust facts to suit your concept! The result of Porshnev’s research was the monograph “The Current State of the Question of Relict Hominoids,” published in 1963.

The term “relict hominoid”, by the way, was coined by Pyotr Petrovich Smolin (1897-1975), the same teaching staff, or Uncle Petya, who became godfather several generations of Soviet biologists, heading in turn the KYUBZ (the circle of young biologists of the Moscow Zoo) and the VOOP (the circle of young naturalists at the All-Union Society for Nature Conservation). As the chief curator of the Darwin Museum, he founded the Seminar on Hominology, which after his death was called “Smolinsky”; this seminar still operates, and his works are published. In 1987, Maria-Zhanna Kofman organized the Russian Association of Cryptozoologists or the Society of Cryptozoologists, uniting Bigfoot seekers. Igor Burtsev founded and headed the International Institute of Hominology (it is difficult to say whether it has employees other than the director).

Work in progress! More and more “relict hominoids” are being discovered in our country, even in the near Moscow region. Chuchuns in Yakutia, Almasts in Kabardino-Balkaria, someone else in Adygea... Burtsev admits that he has never seen them. But this does not stop hominologists. In recent years active search Bigfoot are underway in Kemerovo region, cryptozoologists from almost all over the world go there. One of the expeditions was led by boxer Nikolai Valuev, who wanted to fight Bigfoot. Cryptozoologists also visited where a certain creature was seen most often - on Mount Karatag and in the Azas cave. Alas, the “Yeti” hair found there turned out, as one would expect, to be bear hair. But this did not stop the authorities from organizing a yeti tourism boom; the Bigfoot became a kind of symbol of Mountain Shoria. The governor of the Kemerovo region announced that whoever catches him will receive a reward of one million rubles, and the opening day of the ski season will now be a holiday - Bigfoot Day. I can completely understand the Kemerovo officials - not everyone is as lucky as Chebarkul with his meteorite, but the tourist infrastructure needs to be developed!

And a few years ago, Bigfoot showed up... in Moscow! In the Butovo forest, where residents of South Butovo walk their dogs. In winter, dog walkers found huge footprints of bare feet there. Women with dogs refused to go there; passed on by word of mouth horror stories about a torn cat and about people missing in the forest... They answered all the persuasion with one thing: let them first investigate, and only then... They investigated. Two men with service dogs, who were not afraid of the Yeti, met village teenagers in the forest who, over their felt boots, put on huge soles in the shape of bare feet with widely spaced toes. The boys were terribly pleased with themselves and loudly discussed the behavior of the nervous ladies, who, seeing the tracks, turned around with a loud squeal and ran back as fast as they could. People, as it turned out, did not disappear at all, and the cat’s corpse is on the conscience of local ravens, who are not averse to eating their pets. It’s good that everything became clear, otherwise the yellow press would soon have flashed headlines like “Bigfoot people are coming to Moscow!”

And some brief conclusions in conclusion:

  1. Most likely, the legendary Yeti is a brown bear of the Himalayan subspecies Ursus arctos isabellinus.
  2. There has never been and cannot be any “relict hominoid” on the American continent

There is still a lot of unknowns left in the world, but in the future scientists will be able to explain many phenomena based solely on real facts, and not on fictitious concepts and speculation.



  • Bernard Euwelmans On the trail of unknown animals
  • Igor Akimushkin Traces of unprecedented animals

Both of these books are freely available on the Internet, but the facts given in them are largely outdated; it is better to familiarize yourself with modern book Vitaly Tanasiychuk:

  • Vitaly Tanasiychuk. Incredible Zoology (zoological myths and hoaxes). M., KMK, 2011
  • Arkady Tishkov Another meeting. “Light (Nature and Man)” No. 6-7, 1992, p. 39
  • Alexander Sokolov. Myths about human evolution. M. Alpina, 2015

Bigfoot - myth or reality? Billions of people on Earth want an answer to this question.

Are you interested in the topic? bigfoot photo or Bigfoot video film? This article is exactly about that! Bigfoot or, as he is also called, bigfoot, hominoid, sasquatch- This humanoid creature, which is believed to be found in high mountain and forested areas around the world. There is an opinion that this is a mammal that belongs to the order of primates and to the genus humans, preserved from the time of human ancestors. Swedish naturalist, creator of a unified system for classifying animals and flora Carl Linnaeus identified him as Homo troglodytes or, in other words, caveman.

Descriptive Characteristics of Bigfoot

There is no exact description of Bigfoot. Some say that these are huge four-meter animals that are distinguished by their mobility. Others, on the contrary, say that his height does not exceed 1.5 meters, he is passive and swings his arms wildly when walking.

All Bigfoot researchers are inclined to conclude that the Yeti is a good creature if you don’t make him angry

According to unconfirmed data, the yeti differs from modern humans in its pointed skull shape, denser build, short neck length, longer arms, short hips and massive lower jaw. Its entire body is covered with red, gray or black hair. The hair on the head is longer than on the body, and the beard and mustache are very short. It has an unpleasant strong odor. Among other things, he is an excellent tree climber.

It is believed that the habitat of Bigfoot is the snowy edge that separates forests from glaciers. At the same time, forest populations of Bigfoot people build nests on tree branches, and mountain populations live in caves. They feed on lichens and rodents, and they butcher the caught animals before eating them. This may indicate a close relationship with a person. In case of hunger, yetis approach people and thus behave carelessly. According to villagers, in case of danger, the humanoid savage makes a loud barking sound. But Chinese peasants say that snow people weave simple baskets, and also make axes, shovels and other basic tools.

Descriptions suggest that the Yeti is a relict hominoid that lives in married couples. However, it is possible that some people with excessively developed unnatural hair are mistaken for these creatures.

Early mentions of Bigfoot

The very first historical evidence of the existence of Bigfoot is associated with the name of Plutarch. He talked about how Sulla's soldiers captured a satyr, which according to the description matches the appearance of the yeti.

In his story “The Horror,” Guy de Maupassant describes the meeting of the writer Ivan Turgenev with a female snowman. There is also documentary evidence that in the 19th century in Abkhazia there was a woman named Zana, who was the prototype of the Yeti. She had peculiar habits, but this did not prevent her from successfully giving birth to children from people who, in turn, were distinguished by their powerful strength and good health.

In the West in 1832, reports appeared of a strange creature living in the Himalayas. Hodtson B.G., an English traveler and researcher, settled in the highlands in order to study this mysterious creature. Later Hodtson B.G. in his works he talked about a tall humanoid creature, which the Nepalese called a demon. It was covered with long thick hair and was distinguished from the animal by the absence of a tail and walking upright. Local residents told Hodtson about the first mentions of Yeti. According to them, snow people were first mentioned in the fourth century BC.

Half a century later, the Briton Lawrence Waddell became interested in the savages. At an altitude of 6,000 meters in Sikkim, he found footprints. After analyzing them and talking with local residents Lawrence Waddell concluded that yellow predator bears, which very often attack yaks, are mistaken for humanoid savages.

Interest in Bigfoot grew in the 1920s and 1930s, when one reporter called the hairy savage the “terrible bigfoot.” In means mass media It was also reported that several Bigfoot people were caught and imprisoned, after which they were shot as Basmachi. In 1941, Colonel of the Medical Service of the Soviet Army Karapetyan V.S. inspected the Bigfoot caught in Dagestan. Soon after this, the mysterious creature was shot.

Theories and a film about Bigfoot

Today, scientists do not have sufficient data to make an official confirmation of the validity of one of the theories. However, scientists have voiced rather bold hypotheses about the emergence of the yeti, which have a right to exist. Their opinions are based on the study of hair and footprints, on photographs taken, audio recordings, identikit photographs of a strange creature, as well as video recordings that are not of the best quality.

For a long time, a short film made by Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson in 1967 in Northern California was the most convincing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. According to the authors, they managed to capture a female Bigfoot on film.

This happened in the fall, when Bob and Roger rode horses along a densely forested gorge in the hope of meeting a yeti, whose traces had been repeatedly seen in these places. At one point the horses got scared of something and reared up, after which Patterson noticed something large creature, which was squatting on the bank of a stream near the water. Looking at the cowboys, this mysterious creature stood up and walked away towards the steep slope of the gorge. Roger was not taken aback and, taking out a video camera, ran to the stream after the creature. He ran after the savage, shooting him in the back. However, he realized that it was necessary to fix the camera and follow the moving creature, after which he knelt. Suddenly the creature turned and began to walk towards the camera, but then, turning slightly to the left, it walked away from the stream. Roger tried to rush after him, however, thanks to his fast walking and large size, the mysterious creature quickly disappeared, and the film on the video camera ran out.

The Gimlin-Patterson film was immediately rejected by specialists from the most important US scientific center, the Smithsonian Institution, as a fake. American specialists stated that such a hybrid with a hairy chest, a gorilla's head and human legs simply cannot exist in nature. At the end of 1971, the film was brought to Moscow and shown to a number of scientific institutions. Specialists from the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics assessed it positively and were very interested in it. After a detailed study of the film, a professor at the Academy made a written conclusion physical culture D.D. Donskoy, who noted that the gait of the creature on the film is completely atypical for a person. He regarded it as a natural movement, in which there were no signs of artificiality, and which is characteristic of various deliberate imitations.

The famous sculptor Nikita Lavinsky also undoubtedly considered the Gimlin-Patterson film to be authentic. Based on the footage of this film, he even created sculptural portraits of a female Bigfoot.

Participants in the seminar on hominology, Alexandra Burtseva, Dmitry Bayanov and Igor Burtsev, undertook the most in-depth study of this film. Burtsev made a photographic reproduction with various exposures of frames from the film. Thanks to this work, it was proven that the head of the creature on the film was not a gorilla, as the Americans claimed, and not an ordinary person, but a paleoanthrope. It is also clear that hairline- This is not a special suit at all, since the muscles of the back, legs and arms are clearly visible through it. The difference between the yeti and humans is also the elongated upper limbs, the absence of a visible neck, the carriage of the head and the elongated barrel-shaped torso.

The arguments on which Patterson's film is based are:

  • The ankle joint of the mysterious creature, captured on film, has exceptional flexibility, which is unattainable for humans. The dorsal direction of the foot is more flexible than in humans. Dmitry Bayanov was the first to draw attention to this. Later, this fact was confirmed and described in his publications by Jeff Meldrum, an American anthropologist.
  • The Yeti's heel protrudes much more than a human's heel, which corresponds to the structure of the Neanderthal foot.
  • The then head of the department of biochemistry at the Academy of Physical Culture, Dmitry Donskoy, who studied the film in detail, concluded that the gait of the strange creature on the film is completely not inherent in Homo Sariens, which, moreover, cannot be recreated.
  • In the film, the muscles on the limbs and body are clearly visible, which in turn excludes speculation about the costume. All anatomy distinguishes this mysterious creature from a human.
  • Comparison of the frequency of hand vibrations with the speed at which the film was filmed proved the rather high growth of the hairy creature, approximately 2 meters 20 centimeters, and if we take into account the build, then its heavy weight - more than 200 kilograms.

Based on these considerations, Patterson's film was considered authentic. About this at scientific publications reported in the USA and USSR. However, if the film is recognized as authentic, therefore, the existence of living relict hominids, which are considered extinct tens of thousands of years ago, is recognized. Anthropologists cannot do this yet. Hence the endless number of refutations of the authenticity of an excellent film certificate.

Among other things, ufologist Shurinov B.A. Contrary to popular opinions, he claims that Bigfoot is of alien origin. Other researchers of the Yeti mysteries insist that the origin is associated with interspecific hybridization on anthropoids, thus putting forward the theory that Bigfoot was the result of crossing a monkey with a man in the Gulag.

Bigfoot photo is real. Bigfoot family in Tennessee (USA)

Real photo of a frozen yeti

In December 1968, two famous cryptozoologists, Bernard Euvelmans (France) and Ivan Sanderson (USA), examined the frozen corpse of a hairy hominoid found in the Caucasus. The survey results were published in a scientific collection of cryptozoologists. Euvelmans identified the frozen yeti as a "modern Neanderthal."

At the same time, active searches for Bigfoot were also carried out in the former USSR. The most significant results were obtained from the studies of Maria-Janna Kofman in the North Caucasus, and Alexandra Burtseva in Chukotka and Kamchatka. Scientific expeditions in Tajikistan and the Pamir-Altai under the leadership of Igor Tatsl and Igor Burtsev ended very fruitfully. Maya Bykova successfully conducted searches on Lovozero (Murmansk region) and in Western Siberia. Vladimir Pushkarev devoted a lot of time to searching for yeti in Komi and Yakutia.

Unfortunately, the last expedition of Vladimir Pushkarev ended tragically: due to lack of funds for a full-fledged expedition alone in September 1978, he went to Khanty-Mansiysk District in search of Bigfoot and went missing.

Janice Carter has been friends with the Bigfoot family for decades!

In recent years, interest in the Yeti has been revived, and new regions of distribution of modern Neanderthals have emerged. In 2002, Janice Carter, the owner of a farm in Tennessee, said in a television interview that an entire family of bigfoots had lived near her farm for more than fifty years. According to her, in 2002, the father of the “snowy” family was about 60 years old, and their first acquaintance took place when Janice was a seven-year-old girl. Janice Carter has met Bigfoot and his family many times in her life. This drawing was made from her words and clearly shows the proportions of the yeti and his peacefulness.

Recently, Russian hominologists (Bigfoot researchers) found information that in 1997, in France, in the small town of Bourganeff, a frozen body of a Bigfoot, allegedly found in Tibet and smuggled from China, was displayed. There are many inconsistencies in this story. The owner of the refrigerator truck in which the Yeti corpse was transported disappeared without a trace. The van itself, along with its sensational contents, also disappeared. Photos of the body were shown to Janice Carter, who confirmed that she does not rule out that this is not a falsification, but the real body of Bigfoot.

Bigfoot video. Speculations and falsifications on the topic of Yeti

In 1958, Ray Wallace, a resident of the American town of San Diego, published a sensation about Bigfoot, who is a relative of the Yeti living in the mountains of California. It all started when, in August 1958, an employee of Wallace's construction company came to work and saw huge footprints around the bulldozer that looked like human ones. The local press called the mysterious creature Bigfoot, and America thus received its own species of Bigfoot.

In 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, his family decided to reveal the secret. At Ray's request, the 40-centimeter-long footprints for marking the soil were cut out of boards, after which he and his brother put the feet on their feet and walked around the bulldozer.

He was so captivated by this prank for many years that he could not stop and periodically delighted the media and communities of mystery lovers either with a recording of him making sounds or with photographs of blurry monsters. But the most interesting thing was that the relatives of the deceased Wallace declared that the film made by Patterson and Gimlin was falsified. Many experts assumed that the footage was genuine. However, according to relatives and friends, this filming was a staged episode in which Wallace’s wife starred, dressed in a specially tailored monkey costume. This statement was a major blow to enthusiasts who are trying to find a humanoid mysterious creature.

But back in 1969, John Green, in order to determine the authenticity of the film, consulted with specialists from the Disney film studio, who created monkey costumes for the actors. They said the creature was wearing living skin and not a costume.

I would like to note that hundreds of volumes are devoted to hominoid observations scientific literature. But there is still no concrete answer to the question of its origin and existence. On the contrary, the longer the research and search last, the more pressing the questions are raised. Why can't you catch Bigfoot? Can small populations of these creatures survive in unconnected areas? And there are many more questions that have no answers yet...

I bring to your attention an excellent film about the Yeti with good video quality, dedicated to all aspects of this most interesting topic, which has been exciting the minds of people around the world for many years.