At home nose- coatimundi. The name is made up of two Indian words. Coati means "belt" and mun means "nose". The animal’s latter is long and mobile. The belt is white stripe, bending around the muzzle of the nose. The Redskins call it coati for short.

Nose animal

Description and features of the nose

The coati's closest relative is the raccoon. There is a family of raccoons, which includes the nose. This mammal was named by the Tupian Indians. Externally, the animal is different:

  1. Meter body length. This is the average. Miniature individuals are 73 centimeters in length, and large ones are 136 centimeters.
  2. Short legs. With a body length of one meter, the height of the animal at the shoulders is only 30 centimeters. The coati's paws are powerful, with movable ankles. The latter feature allows the nose to climb down from trees, either with its head or backwards. Long, sharp claws help to stay on the trunks.
  3. Long tail. It accounts for 36-60 centimeters. A long tail helps my nose send signals to relatives. They read the nature of movement and position. This is how zoologists explain, why does nose have a tail?. It is colored with black, beige, and brown rings. This color against the background of a monochromatic body makes the tail noticeable.
  4. Weighing on average from 4.5 to 6 kilograms. Large males can weigh about 11 kilos.
  5. Short, fluffy fur. The hairs are thick and rough. The fur of different individuals is colored in orange, reddish, and brown tones. Fur is not considered valuable.
  6. Sharp blade-like fangs and high molars. The chewing surface of the latter is dotted with pointed tubercles. A coati has 40 teeth in total.
  7. Long nose. It protrudes above the lower lip, pulled up. Thereby nose in the photo looks perky, cocky.
  8. Small round ears.

Behaviorally, noses are characterized by curiosity and fearlessness. Raccoons often approach settlements. Here noses climb into garbage containers and flocks of birds. In the bins, animals search for discarded goodies. In flocks, coatis grab eggs and chicks.

Types of noses

Nosuha - animal, which has subtypes. The genus includes 3 species. But there is also a fourth one, which is closely related to the coati and is also called nosuha:

1. Mountain nose. This is the same species belonging to a separate genus. It differs from others in having a shortened tail and a more laterally compressed, small head. From the name it is clear that the animal lives in the mountains. The altitude of the land is from 2 to 3.2 thousand meters above sea level.

Mountain nose

2. Common nose . Lives at altitudes up to 2 thousand meters. The animal is larger than other noses, often light brown in color.

Nosukha vulgare

3. Nelson's nose. She is the darkest, with a white spot on her neck and a semblance of gray hair on her shoulders and front legs.

Nelson's nose

4. Coati. Has white “rims” on the ears. There are also light spots above and below the eyes. That's why they look elongated vertically. Representatives of the species wear a yellowish spot on their necks. Coati's muzzles are colored brown or black.

Nosuha coati

All noses refer to rare species, are listed in the International Red Book. In some countries where the coati lives, laws have been passed to restrict the export of the animal. Take Honduras for example. There, nosuh was included in the CITES list. By violating its provisions, poachers pay a fine and risk going to jail.

Lifestyle and habitat of the nose

Nosuhs live within South and North America and the islands next to them. Although in general raccoons also live in Asia. As for noses:

  • mountain nosoha lives in the Andes, which territorially belong to Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador
  • The coati is found in South America, and is therefore otherwise called a South American species, focusing mainly in Argentina
  • Nelson's nose lives exclusively on the island of Cozumel, which is in the Caribbean Sea and belongs to the lands of Mexico
  • representatives ordinary type typical for Northern

Nosukha differently than many animals, refers to diversity climatic zones. Coatis have adapted to both the arid pampas and the tropical, wet forests. However, raccoons love temperate coniferous areas most of all. climate zone.

Features of the coati lifestyle are:

  1. A manner of movement in which the nose rests on the palms, as if pulling hind legs to the front ones. Thanks to this feature, the coati was nicknamed the plantigrade beast.
  2. Life in groups of 5-20 individuals. The majority of the family are females. Before the mating season, they separate into separate groups, reuniting with the males in March. After mating, due to their aggressive nature, males are again expelled from the pack. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of males causing injury to their offspring.
  3. Singing abilities. Coatis are musically gifted, they sing in different modes and imitate melodies.
  4. Arboreal lifestyle. Nosukhi descend to earth only to obtain food. Coati cubs are also hatched in the branches, building something like nests there. Here lies another answer to the question, why do noses have a tail?. When jumping between branches, it serves as a balancer.
  5. Daytime activity. This distinguishes Nosuh from other raccoonids, which are characterized by night image life.
  6. Territoriality. Each group of noses is assigned a territory with a diameter of about a kilometer. “Allotments” may overlap slightly.

In the morning, the noses carefully clean the fur. Without performing the ritual, the animals do not go hunting. A coati group usually splits into two halves. The first one combs the crowns, and the second one scours the ground.

Animal nutrition

Coatis obtain food for themselves with their moving nose. He moves, streams of air escaping from his flaring nostrils. The foliage in the forest canopy scatters to the sides, “exposing”:

  • termites
  • ants
  • scorpios
  • Zhukov
  • larvae
  • lizard
  • frogs
  • rodents

Noses love fruit

Sometimes coatis catch land animals. They, like other prey, raccoon nose pinches between the front paws. All that remains is to bite the victim's head. Having not obtained game, the nose is satisfied with fruits, carrion, and refuse from the human table. However, coatis themselves can end up on people’s tables. Their meat is loved by the indigenous people of America. In nature, predators hunt for noses, wild cats, boa constrictors.

Reproduction and lifespan

IN wildlife noses live 7-8 years old. Things are different at home. Nosuha It is easily tamed and, with proper care, lives for about 14 years. Coatis reach sexual maturity at two years of age. When attracting males to the flock for reproduction, females fanatically lick the fur.

Nosuha Cubs

Once pregnant, females carry their children within the group for six weeks. In the seventh week they leave the family, finding suitable tree and begin building a nest. In the ninth week, 3-5 cubs are born. They are born blind, deaf and toothless.

The length of a newborn nose does not exceed 30 centimeters. The cubs weigh about 150 grams. Mothers carefully care for their newborns. The nose begins to mature on the tenth day of life. The rumor appears in the third week.

On the fourth day, the cubs begin to climb out of the nest, learning the wisdom of their mother adult life. The brood begins to follow the female everywhere at the age of one and a half months. After another half a month, all of the baby teeth grow in the nose.

Nosuha, or coati, are representatives of a genus of small-sized mammals belonging to the raccoon family. The predator has become widespread throughout both American continents. With my Spanish, French and English name"Coati" animals are obliged to one of the Indian local languages.

Description of nose

The noses got their unusual and very original name thanks to a small and fairly mobile proboscis formed by an elongated nose and frontal part upper lip animal. The average body length of an adult animal varies between 41-67 cm, with a tail length of 32-69 cm. The maximum weight of a mature individual, as a rule, does not exceed 10-11 kg.

The anal glands of the nose are distinguished by a special structure, unique among representatives of Carnivora. A peculiar glandular area located along the upper part of the anus contains a series of so-called bursae, which open with four or even five special slits on the sides. The fatty secretion secreted by such glands is actively used by animals to mark their territory.


The most common South American nose is characterized by a narrow head with an elongated and noticeably directed upward, incredibly flexible and movable nose. The ears of a predatory mammal are small in size, round in shape, with inside white rims. The neck is a soft yellowish color. The muzzle area of ​​such an animal, as a rule, has a uniform color of brown or black. Lighter, paler spots are located above and below, slightly behind the eyes. The fangs are blade-like, and the molars have sharp cusps.

This is interesting! Russian anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky called noses “ideal candidates for intelligence,” which is due to the tree image life, as well as sociality and well-developed limbs.

The legs of the nose are short and quite powerful, with very mobile and well-developed ankles. Thanks to this feature, the predator is able to climb down from trees not only with the front, but also with the rear end of its body. The claws located on the fingers are long. The feet have bare soles.

It is the strong clawed paws that allow the noses to easily climb various trees. In addition, the limbs are quite successfully used by the predator to search for food in the soil or forest floor. As a rule, the legs of the nose are dark brown or black in color.

The animal's body area is covered with relatively short, thick and rather fluffy fur. South American noses are characterized by wide variability in color, which manifests itself not only within the habitat or distribution area, but even among cubs belonging to the same litter. Most often, the body color varies from slightly orange or reddish shades to dark brown. The tail of the nose is long and two-colored, with the presence of fairly light yellowish rings, alternating with brown or black rings. In some individuals, the rings in the tail area are faintly visible.

Lifestyle, behavior

Nosukhi are animals that are active only during daylight hours. For sleeping and resting, the predator chooses the largest branches of trees, where coatis feel safe.

A rather cautious animal descends to the ground in the early morning hours, even before dawn. During the morning toilet, the fur and muzzle are thoroughly cleaned, after which the nose goes hunting.

This is interesting! An interesting fact is that noses are animals that, to communicate with each other, use a rich set of all kinds of sounds, developed facial expressions and special signaling poses.

Females and their offspring prefer to stay in groups, the total number of which is two dozen individuals. Adult males most often lead single image life, but the bravest of them often try to join a group of females and are met with rebuff. At the same time, females warn their group about any approaching danger with fairly loud, characteristic barking sounds.

How long do noses live?

The average lifespan of a predatory mammal is no more than twelve years, but there are also individuals that live up to the age of seventeen years.

Sexual dimorphism

Females become sexually mature by the age of two years, and males begin breeding after reaching the age of three years. Adult males are almost twice as large as mature females.

Types of nose

The genus Nosuchus includes three main species and one that is found exclusively in the Andean valleys in the northwestern part of South America. This view of this moment assigned to a separate genus Nasuella. The mountain nose belongs to a separate genus, the representatives of which are distinguished by a very characteristic shortened tail, as well as the presence of a small head, which is more compressed from the sides. Such animals are quite easily tamed by humans, so they can be kept as exotic pets.

This is interesting! Behind each of the groups of noses in natural environment habitat is assigned a certain territory, the diameter of which is about one kilometer, but such “plots” often overlap slightly.

The common nosoha (Nasua nasua) is represented by thirteen subspecies. This predatory mammal lives at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level and is larger in size. The adult common nose is characterized by a light brown color.

Nelson's nose is the representative of the genus with the darkest color and the presence white spot in the neck area. The coloration of an adult animal is characterized by a similarity of noticeable gray hair on the shoulders and forelimbs. The Coati species is characterized by the presence of white “rims” on its ears. Light color there are also spots in the area around the eyes, due to which they have a vertical elongation appearance. There is a yellowish spot on the neck of representatives of the species.

Range, habitats

Nosefish live in North and South America, as well as on nearby islands. Mountain nosoha inhabits the Andes, which in their own way territorial affiliation refer to Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia.

Representatives are quite numerous types Coatis are found in South America and are therefore known as a South American species. The main populations of such a predatory mammal are concentrated mainly in Argentina.

This is interesting! As observational practice shows, most of all representatives of raccoons like to settle in coniferous trees forest areas belonging to the temperate climate zone.

Nelson's nose is an inhabitant exclusively of the island of Cozumel, located in the Caribbean Sea and belonging to the territory of Mexico. Representatives of a common species are common animals North America. According to scientists, noses have a different attitude than many other animals to the rich diversity of climatic zones. For example, coatis have perfectly adapted to even the driest pampas, as well as to humid tropical forest areas.

Diet of nose

Small-sized mammals belonging to the raccoon family obtain food using extremely mobile and long nose, which is moving. In the process of such movement, through noticeably flared nostrils, air currents, due to which the foliage scatters and various insects become visible.

In the standard diet of medium-sized carnivorous mammals includes:

  • termites;
  • ants;
  • spiders;
  • scorpions;
  • all kinds of beetles;
  • insect larvae;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • rodents that are not too large in size.

This is interesting! Nose bats usually search for food in whole groups, always notifying all participants in the search about the discovery of food with a fairly high vertical tail and a very characteristic vocal whistle.

Sometimes adult coatis hunt land crabs. The noses habitually and very deftly clamp any of their prey between their front paws, after which the victim has enough sharp teeth the neck or head is bitten. In the absence of food of animal origin, noses are quite capable of satisfying the need for food with fruits, carrion, as well as various refuse from garbage dumps and the human table.

Nosukhi, also known as coati, are very active animals. In nature, they are found in the forests of America.

These animals are close relatives of raccoons. They differ from them with a long nose and a yellow-brown tail, which serves for balance, and is almost always raised up so that relatives can come from afar and not lose sight of them.

The nose family is an active animal that lives an interesting and eventful life. It's a pleasure to watch them. Moreover, they can live both in the wild and at home, in an enclosure. But in order for these pets to live with you, you need to know everything about them.

Nosukha vulgare

Puberty occurs earlier in females than in males. You can keep a couple in the enclosure. However, it is worth noting that in nature they live, like Amazons, as a female battalion. When small males become sexually mature, they are kicked out of the pack. So if you want to have a couple, then keep this feature in mind.

Male coatis tend to lead a solitary lifestyle. They have to compete with each other, because for the whole flock they choose one male, the strongest. In that noses They are similar to lions that accept one male into a pride. The rest are walking in circles, maybe they'll get lucky next year. These animals have developed seasonal reproduction. Moreover, such synchronization occurs among them that all the nooses in one flock, and even nearby flocks, mate within one or two weeks.

Accordingly, baby noses appear almost at the same time. But that's not all. When a coati feels that she is about to give birth, about a week in advance, she leaves her pack. Leaving all the sisters and children from previous offspring and looking for a secluded place.

Nosuha coati

Homemade nose brings a lot of joy to its owners with its cheerful disposition and interesting behavior. They are excellent climbers, so it is important to put various climbing devices in the enclosure so that the pets can move around a lot.

Nostrils at home they take root perfectly. Unlike raccoons, their close relatives, they do not bite if they don’t like something.

They breed in a secluded place, away from all members of the flock. And immediately after the wedding, the females busily but persistently drive out the male. Why is this happening? They don't just kick them out. After all, males are very aggressive towards children. Therefore, if the females did not drive out the males, they would simply eat them.

When the cubs are born, they are both blind and deaf. They look like small kittens with a dark coloration, only their muzzle is elongated. The babies weigh a little more than 100 grams. The number of small cubs is 3-4.

In nature, when babies turn 2 months old, they and their mother return to the pack. Children already have baby teeth and can eat on their own. Dads get acquainted with the cubs, sniff them so that in the future they will not be killed in a fight. However, immediately after the fathers meet, the females drive them out again.

Large adult noses are very playful and active, and kids are even more so. Coatis are very intelligent and very interesting to watch.

The cubs do not develop teeth until 2 months of age. This is much later than in cats and dogs. Up to 2 months, babies are completely dependent on their mother and cannot feed themselves. After this age, the mother and cubs need to be seated to make it easier to tame them.

It will take time to tame the cubs; at first they are scared, but then, if you do not rush things, they will gradually begin to show interest out of curiosity. You need to handle them carefully. At first, a negative reaction is possible; animals may defecate on their hands out of fear. However, a tamed cub is easy to train.

We train the nose

Nooses are well trained and make excellent contact with people if you find the right approach to them. It is known that small pets are better trained. Various commands and skills are acquired more easily at this age. You cannot allow the animal to not be afraid of you at all. The animal is still wild, and must obey you.

Otherwise, this is a completely cute animal. They are walked with a harness. The animal is very dexterous and agile, so it is not recommended to let it off the leash.

The noses are very playful, if they start playing, they won’t even let them out of the enclosure, everyone will fawn over them. Not every cat or dog loves communication so much. However, coatis do not like to be photographed; they are always running somewhere and cannot sit in one place.

Buy a nose

The pack raccoon Nosuha is sold mainly in major cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Ordinary nosuha - price- from 25 thousand rubles.

So, the nose takes root well at home, so don’t be afraid to buy these funny pets. But, remember, the main thing for pets is proper maintenance. You can find out more about nutrition and content

The name coati or coatimundi is borrowed from the Tupian Indian language. The prefix "coati" means "belt" and "tim" means "nose".

Area: South American nosoha is found in the tropical regions of South America: from Colombia and Venezuela to Uruguay, northern Argentina, and it is also found in Ecuador.

Description: The head is narrow with a slightly upward, elongated and very flexible nose. The ears are small and round, with white rims on the inside. The fur is short, thick and fluffy. The tail is long and is used for balance when moving. The tail has light yellowish rings alternating with black or brown rings.
The South American nosefish has short and powerful legs. The ankles are very mobile, thanks to which animals can climb down from the tree with both the front and rear ends of the body. The claws on the toes are long, the soles are bare. Thanks to its strong clawed paws, the nosuha successfully uses them to dig out insect larvae from under rotten logs.
The canines are very sharp, and the molars and premolars have high and sharp edges.
The dental formula is i3/3, c1/1, p4/4, m2/2, 40 teeth in total.

Color: The South American nosoha is characterized by wide variability in color not only within its range, but even among babies from the same litter.
Typically, the body color varies from orange or reddish to dark brown. The muzzle is usually a uniform brown or black color. Pale, lighter spots are located above, below and behind the eyes.
The neck is yellowish. Paws - from dark brown to black. The tail is two-colored, the rings are sometimes faintly visible.

Size: Body length - 73-136 cm (average 104.5 cm). Tail length - 32-69 cm. Height at withers 30 cm.

Weight: 3-6 kg (average 4.5 kg).

Lifespan: In nature 7-8 years. The maximum life expectancy in captivity reached 17 years and 8 months.

Voice: Females use barking vocalizations to alert their clan members to the presence of danger. They also make whimpering sounds to keep the young close to them during the weaning process.

Habitat: From scrubland to primary evergreen rain forest.
Nosuh can be found in lowland forests, wooded river areas, dense bushes and rocky areas. Thanks to human influence, they currently prefer secondary forests and forest edges. On the eastern and western slopes of the Andes mountains they are found up to 2500 meters above sea level.

Enemies: Jaguars, pumas, ocelots, jaguarundis, as well as large birds of prey, boa constrictors. Hunted by humans for meat.

Food: South American bats are primarily omnivores and typically seek out fruits and invertebrates. They eat eggs, beetle larvae and other insects, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, ants, termites, lizards, small mammals, rodents, and even carrion when it is available to them.
They can be found in landfills, where they search through human garbage and select anything edible from it. Sometimes South American roaches eat chickens from local farmers.

Behavior: Usually active during the day. Animals spend most active time for food production, and at night they sleep in trees, which also serve for arranging a den and giving birth to offspring.
When the noses are threatened on the ground, they run into the trees; when predators threaten in the tree, they easily run to the end of the branch of one tree, and then jump to the lower branch of the same or even another tree.
An analysis of the structure of the eyes of the South American nose has shown that they contain a special layer, which indicates that their daytime activity has evolved from a nocturnal ancestor. In addition, it was established that the nose has color vision. Unlike kinkajou ( Potos flavus), the South American nose demonstrates the ability to distinguish shades of colors.
Nosukhi are good climbers and swimmers. They walk slowly on the ground, although they can gallop over short distances. Their average speed movement is approximately 1 m/s.
The anal glands have a special structure, and they are unique among Carnivora. They are a glandular area located along the upper edge of the anus, containing a series of bursae that are opened by four or five incisions on the sides. The fatty secretion released from these glands is used to mark territory.

Social structure: Female South American noses live in groups of 4-20 individuals, sometimes up to 30 animals. Such a group includes several mature females, the remaining members are their immature cubs. These groups are very mobile, as noses move a lot in search of food. Males lead a solitary lifestyle and only join family groups of females during the mating season. Soon after mating they leave the group.
Each family group has its own territory, which is usually about 1 km in diameter. Home plots various groups may partially overlap. South American moths in such groups participate in social care and are more protected from enemies than solitary individuals.

Reproduction: During the mating season, one male is accepted into the group of females and young people. All mature females living in the group mate with him.
The period of raising offspring is confined to the time of fruit ripening.

Breeding season/period: October-March, young people are born in April-June.

Puberty: In females at 2 years, in males - about 3 years.

Pregnancy: 74-77 days.

Offspring: In a litter, the South American nosoha usually gives birth to 3-7 (on average 5) cubs.
The female gives birth to her offspring in a den, which she builds in isolated tree hollows, during which time she leaves her social group.
Newborn cubs are helpless: they have no fur, they are blind and weigh only 75-80 grams. The eyes open at about 10 days. At the age of 24 days, young noses can already walk and focus their eyes. At 26 days, the cubs are able to climb; they switch to dense food at the age of 4 months.
When the cubs are five to six weeks old, the female returns to her family group.

Benefit/harm for humans: South American beetles help control populations of some pest species. They (as prey) provide food for a number of predators, and are probably important in the dispersal of seeds of some plant species.
Sometimes they cause damage while harvesting fruits; they are also known to attack poultry.

Population/Conservation Status: In Uruguay, South American noses are protected by Appendix III of the CITES Convention.
The main threats to this species are invasion of its habitats (clearing of forests for mining, extraction of timber, etc.) and hunting.

There are currently ten recognized subspecies: Nasua nasua boliviensis, Nasua nasua candace, Nasua nasua dorsalis, Nasua nasua manium, Nasua nasua montana, Nasua nasua nasua, Nasua nasua quichua, Nasua nasua solitaria, Nasua nasua spadicea, Nasua nasua vittata.

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Scientific classification
International scientific name

Nasua Storr,


The noses are so named for the small movable proboscis formed by the front part of the upper lip and the elongated nose. Body length 41-67 cm, tail 32-69 cm. Weight about 11 kg. The body is elongated, limbs medium height, the front ones are shorter than the rear ones. The tail is very long. The coat is short, soft or tall and then somewhat coarser. The color of the back is reddish-brown, reddish-brown-gray or black, the belly is blackish or dark brown. The muzzle, cheeks and throat are usually whitish, the paws are blackish. There are black spots on the face. The tail has lighter and darker rings than the color of the body.

Nosushas are distributed throughout almost all of South America, throughout Central America, almost throughout Mexico, except for the California Peninsula and central regions countries; in the USA - southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, extreme southern Texas.

Nosushi live mainly in tropical forests, but are also found on the edge of deserts. Nosukhi are omnivorous, but prefer meat food. Unlike other raccoons, which are nocturnal, noses are active around the clock and especially during the day. They usually live in groups of 5 - 6 to 40 individuals.

Females and cubs live in groups, while males stay solitary. During the mating season, males visit groups of females and, through grooming and other gestures, try to win the sympathy of females for mating, after which they leave again. After a pregnancy of about 77 days, the female gives birth to two to six cubs.


The genus Nosuh includes two species:

  • Nasua narica Linnaeus, 1766 - Coati;
  • Nasua nasua Linnaeus, 1766 - Common nose.

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  • Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals. T. 3. (cetaceans, carnivores, pinnipeds, aardvarks, proboscideans, hyraxes, sirens, artiodactyls, calloseds, odd-toed ungulates) - M: Higher. school, 1979. - P. 129.

Excerpt characterizing Nosuhi

Anatol Kuragin lived in Moscow because his father sent him away from St. Petersburg, where he lived more than twenty thousand a year in money and the same amount in debts that creditors demanded from his father.
The father announced to his son that he was last time pays half of his debts; but only so that he would go to Moscow to take up the post of adjutant to the commander-in-chief, which he procured for him, and would finally try to make it there good game. He pointed him to Princess Marya and Julie Karagina.
Anatole agreed and went to Moscow, where he stayed with Pierre. Pierre accepted Anatole reluctantly at first, but then got used to him, sometimes went with him on his carousings and, under the pretext of a loan, gave him money.
Anatole, as Shinshin rightly said about him, since he arrived in Moscow, drove all the Moscow ladies crazy, especially because he neglected them and obviously preferred gypsies and French actresses to them, with the head of which, Mademoiselle Georges, as they said, he was in intimate relations. He did not miss a single revelry with Danilov and other merry fellows of Moscow, drank all night long, outdrinking everyone, and attended all the evenings and balls high society. They talked about several of his intrigues with Moscow ladies, and at balls he courted some. But he did not get close to girls, especially rich brides, who for the most part were all bad, especially since Anatole, which no one knew except his closest friends, had been married two years ago. Two years ago, while his regiment was stationed in Poland, a poor Polish landowner forced Anatole to marry his daughter.
Anatole very soon abandoned his wife and, for the money that he agreed to send to his father-in-law, he negotiated for himself the right to be considered a single man.
Anatole was always pleased with his position, himself and others. He was instinctively convinced with his whole being that he could not live differently than the way he lived, and that he had never done anything bad in his life. He was unable to think about how his actions might affect others, nor what might come of such or such an action. He was convinced that just as a duck was created in such a way that it should always live in water, so he was created by God in such a way that he should live with an income of thirty thousand and always occupy the highest position in society. He believed in this so firmly that, looking at him, others were convinced of it and did not refuse him any highest position in the world, nor in the money, which he obviously borrowed without return from those he met and those who met him.
He was not a gambler, at least he never wanted to win. He wasn't vain. He didn't care at all what people thought about him. Still less could he be guilty of ambition. He teased his father several times, ruining his career, and laughed at all the honors. He was not stingy and did not refuse anyone who asked him. The only thing he loved was fun and women, and since, according to his concepts, there was nothing ignoble in these tastes, and he could not think about what came out of satisfying his tastes for other people, in his soul he believed considered himself an impeccable person, sincerely despised scoundrels and bad people and carried his head high with a calm conscience.