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Agricultural enterprises of the Russian Federation annually produce about 640 million tons of manure and droppings, which in terms of fertilizer value is equivalent to 62% of general production mineral fertilizers in the country. However, this huge potential is used by no more than 25 - 30%, which is mainly due to the lack of economical and effective technologies for the preparation of liquid and semi-liquid animal and poultry waste as organic fertilizers.

It is no secret that today modern methods for processing such waste have not yet become widespread in Russia. Bird droppings are stored in the fields. The corpses of birds and animals are placed in cattle burial grounds and Beccari pits, which do not meet modern sanitary and environmental standards; V in rare cases waste is sent for thermal neutralization.

And this despite the fact that the waste itself is classified as hazardous and harms the environment and human health. Their potential threat to humans, due to the risk of developing deadly diseases on an epidemic scale, has long occupied the minds of scientists in many countries.

At the same time, today in the world, along with the already traditional technology of thermal waste disposal, there is at least one more option for an effective solution to the problem.

Biological waste If not disposed of correctly, they can pose a great threat to the health of humans and other animals, cause an outbreak of dangerous infectious diseases and lead to an epidemic. Waste disposal is a series of activities, the correct implementation of which is a prerequisite.

Biological waste Animal corpses are considered, as well as food products of animal origin recognized as unsuitable: fish, poultry or meat that have expired or have become unusable as a result of improper storage. This should also include waste from cold storage facilities and enterprises involved in processing meat, poultry and fish.

It should be remembered that waste processing industry must be stored frozen and disposed of as they accumulate. If there are no conditions for freezing and storage, disposal must be carried out daily.

Spoiled waste becomes an excellent breeding ground for insects, a source unpleasant odor and the spread of pathogenic microbes.

Animal corpses are even more dangerous. In the event of their death, the owner of the animal must notify the veterinarian, who determines the procedure for disposal. Improperly buried remains of animals that have died from various infectious diseases can become a source of disease outbreak. Particular care should be taken in case anthrax, as well as in cases of mass mortality of animals.

1 . What is biological waste

Biological waste is

Corpses of dead animals;

Food products of biological origin recognized as unsuitable for consumption and processing: meat and semi-finished meat products that have expired or have become unusable as a result of improper storage;

Fish waste and fish production;

Waste from meat and poultry processing enterprises.

It must be remembered that all waste from such industries must be kept frozen and disposed of in accordance with the schedule. Provided that there is no freezing or storage space, biological waste must be disposed of daily.

Such waste becomes an excellent habitat for the breeding of insects, rodents and a source of unpleasant odors. This is where pathogenic microbes spread.

Much more dangerous animal corpses. In the event of their death, the livestock owner is obliged to report this to the veterinarian, who establishes the necessary procedure recycling of biological waste of this type. Improper burial of those killed from various infectious diseases usually always becomes the source of an outbreak of a wide variety of infectious diseases. Particular attention is paid to the mass mortality of animals.

2 . Rules for the disposal of biological waste

It is prohibited to dispose of animal corpses by simply burying them in the ground.

If we are talking about the usual disposal of biological waste, then for this you can use special veterinary recycling plants that process animal remains and production waste into meat and bone meal, which is subsequently used for animal feed.

Disposal can also be carried out using specially equipped biothermal pits. The combustion method is also used for this purpose in ovens specially designed for this purpose: cremators.

In special cases, during natural disasters or floods that lead to mass death of animals, their burial directly in the ground is allowed, but such a decision is made only by the chief sanitary doctor of the region or republic.

Throwing carcasses of animals or birds into garbage cans is strictly prohibited by special sanitary rules in force in our country. The population must be warned about this. Such actions can lead to a worsening of the epidemiological situation and cause an outbreak of infectious diseases.


Disposal of biological waste begins with determining its method, transporting the waste to the disposal site and carrying it out in accordance with applicable regulations.

To transport waste, special transport must be used that excludes access to it by flying insects, their overheating during the journey and possible access to them by animals. For these purposes, you can use refrigerators or thermal booths.

Biological waste disposal should be carried out by professionals

Manure disinfection methods

1)Disinfection of manure

For disinfection use:

1) burning,

2) burying in the ground

3) biothermal disinfection.

Burning manure. The most reliable measure to combat the source of infection. For a number of infections (anthrax, glanders, rabies, emphysematous carbuncle, lymphangitis, inf. encephalomyelitis, infectious anemia), manure must be burned.

Burying manure into the ground. It can only be recommended in the absence of fuel for combustion and in the case when reliable disinfection is not ensured by biothermal methods. Burying manure is only possible in a cattle burial ground with low-lying subsoil oxen.

2) Biothermal disinfection.

This method is used to disinfect manure with non-spore microflora, as well as manure obtained from animals suffering from invasive diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms and helminths are destroyed by the high temperature of self-heating manure. Manure is placed in heaps. To do this, in a designated area far from water bodies, they dig a hole in the ground 3 m wide, 0.25 m deep and of arbitrary length, which depends on the amount of manure to be disinfected. In the middle along the length of the recess, a groove is dug with a depth of 0.10-0.15 m and a width of 0.30-0.50 m. The bottom of the recess and the trench are compacted with greasy clay 0.15-0.20 m thick. The remaining recess is filled with uninfected manure, and the gutter (groove) is covered with poles, creating conditions for the free passage of air under the entire pile of manure. Manure to be disinfected is placed on a layer of uncontaminated manure in the form of a pyramid 2-2.5 m high. The inclination of the sides of this pyramid is 70°. The heap is covered on all sides and on top with a layer (at least 0.30 cm) of uninfected manure or straw and on top with earth, and in winter time layer of 0.5 m. Biothermal processes occur very quickly and with greater intensity in heaps with horse manure. The temperature in such heaps reaches 70-75°. Feces cattle due to their high moisture content, they are placed in heaps together with straw or horse manure in a ratio of 2 parts of feces and 1 part of straw or horse manure. Heavily dried manure, when placed in heaps, is moistened with water at the rate of 50 liters of water per 1 m2 of manure.

Reliable disinfection occurs when manure is kept for at least 1 month.

To carry out biothermal disinfection of manure, a special place (site) must be equipped in each isolation facility at a distance of 50-100 m from the barnyard, where manure is regularly removed from the premises. To do this, it is necessary to make a recess up to 3 m wide and 0.25 m deep on the sides with a slight slope towards the middle. The length of such a platform depends on the amount of manure received. The bottom of the site must be compacted with a layer of soft, greasy clay. The thickness of the clay layer after compaction should be 0.15-0.20 m. Manure is laid on the site prepared in this way in the usual way for biothermal disinfection.

Disposal of corpses and disinfection

1) Disposal of corpses

Disposal of corpses and their disinfection are carried out in recycling plants and recycling plants.

Recycling units are located at a distance of at least 1 km from buildings and reservoirs in the direction prevailing winds. On its territory there will be a room for opening and cutting up corpses, a cooking room with two boilers open type, as well as outbuildings for storing animal raw materials, equipment and disinfectants, a vehicle shed, a well, a cemented box for biothermal neutralization of gastrointestinal contents and other waste. Boil corpses in open cauldrons at a temperature of 100° for 6-8 hours. When the boilers are open, recycling plants are not allowed to process the corpses of animals that have died from anthrax, glanders, rabies, rinderpest, emphysematous (noisy) carbuncle, infectious anomia of horses and some other diseases. Such corpses are usually buried in cattle burial grounds, burned, or sent to a veterinary and sanitary plant.

At recycling plants, corpses are disinfected by boiling the whole body together with the skin in hermetically sealed large boilers (destructors). Boil with steam at a temperature not lower than 140° and under a pressure of 5-6 atmospheres for 4-5 hours. The product obtained after boiling can be used as animal feed, as well as for various technical purposes.

Disinfection is the destruction of the infectious principle secreted by sick animals during external environment, in order to prevent further spread of infection. There are preventive, current and final disinfection.

Preventive disinfection involves periodic disinfection of premises for animals, care items, barnyards, places where animals gather, etc. It is carried out on the farm regularly (at least twice a year - in spring and autumn) regardless of its well-being from infectious diseases.

Current disinfection destroys the infectious principle secreted by animals during illness at its location. At the same time, all those objects that are in contact with the sick animal and can be a source of further spread of the infectious disease, all the animal’s secretions, as well as the premises where the sick are located, are neutralized.

Final disinfection destroys the infectious principle; it is carried out after removing the patient from the place where he was, after his recovery or death, as well as after the end of the epizootic on the farm before lifting quarantine. With this type of disinfection, they are sometimes disinfected skin covering recovered animals.

Disinfection consists of two main aspects - mechanical cleaning of the object and disinfection itself.

Mechanical cleaning helps reduce the amount of infectious agents in the disinfected environment and at the same time makes the disinfected object more accessible to the effects of appropriate disinfectants. It involves thorough cleaning of manure, garbage, bedding, feed residues, straw, etc. Infectious materials collected in this way, depending on the nature of the infection, are either taken directly to the fields (manure), or burned, and if this is not possible, then buried in the ground . Before cleaning, areas where livestock were housed are watered with water or some kind of disinfectant liquid and only then swept, thoroughly removing manure and debris. People tasked with mechanical cleaning work must be instructed in personal prevention. They must be provided with appropriate protective clothing: a robe with a hood made of thick material, rubber gloves and boots.

2) Disposal of corpses

Methods for disinfecting corpses and other raw materials of animal origin. Three methods have been developed for the disinfection of animal corpses: processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants for the production of meat and bone meal, combustion and biothermal disinfection in special Beccari pits.

At veterinary and sanitary recycling plants for the production of meat and bone meal, animal corpses and other animal waste generated on farms, veterinary (biological) research institutes, meat control stations, etc. are disinfected. Thus, the activities of the plants are aimed at maintaining veterinary and sanitary order in the service area.

The corpses of animals and confiscated goods, delivered to the plant by special vehicles with hermetically sealed bodies, are weighed on truck scales and sent to the production building. Animal corpses are registered, indicating the type of animal, the place from which the corpse was delivered, the results of subsequent studies (postmortem examination, laboratory tests) and diagnosis. The owner is given a conclusion about the cause of death of the animal.

The corpses are sent for skinning and autopsy only after negative result laboratory testing of material for anthrax (bacteriological method and precipitation reaction), as well as in the absence of suspicion of rabies, emkar, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, malignant edema, rinderpest or other highly contagious diseases (for which the current instructions prohibit autopsy, and corpses destroyed along with the skins).

Raw materials intended for disposal or recognized as suitable for further processing are sorted and crushed;

They are loaded into vacuum-horizontal boilers and subjected to technological processing.

The veterinary and sanitary recycling plant for the production of meat and bone meal is a closed enterprise, and therefore the entry of unauthorized persons and the entry of vehicles not related to

With the maintenance of the plant, it is strictly prohibited.

The premises, equipment and inventory of the raw materials department and the territory of the unfavorable zone are disinfected for preventive purposes once a week with a 4% hot solution of sodium hydroxide, equipment and inventory of the plant's hardware department, as well as the territory of the safe zone - monthly with a 3% solution of sodium hydroxide , 2% formaldehyde solution, etc. Every 3 months. The plant requires general cleaning: the area, all production premises and technological equipment are cleaned, washed and disinfected.

Burning animal corpses is mandatory in case of infections caused by spore-forming microflora (anthrax), in case of particularly dangerous diseases (glanders, emphysematous carbuncle, rinderpest, bradzot, rabies, etc.), when skinning is prohibited to avoid dispersal of the pathogen. When burned, the pathogen is completely destroyed. It is better to use incinerators; it takes less time compared to burning in bonfires and, in addition, the stoves provide the necessary hygienic conditions.

To burn corpses in the field, a hole is dug 2.5 m long, 1.5 m wide and 0.7 m deep, with the earth placed in the form of a ridge parallel to the longitudinal edges of the hole. The pit is filled with dry firewood. 3...4 rails or raw logs are placed across the pit on an earthen embankment, and a corpse is placed on top of them. The firewood is doused with diesel fuel and set on fire. The corpse of a large animal burns completely within 6...7 hours with a consumption of 2.5...3 m3 of firewood.

A biothermal pit, or Beccari pit, is used in cases where there is no veterinary and sanitary recycling plant nearby. The pit is arranged on a specially designated plot of land with an area of ​​200 m2, which is fenced with a strong fence at least 2 m high. C inside fence, dig a ditch 1 m deep and at least 1 m wide.

In the middle of the site, they dig a round hole 9...10 m deep, 3 m in diameter, which is lined with bricks. The walls of the pit are made 20 cm above ground level. Clay is placed around the walls and on the bottom of the pit. The pit is closed from above with two tight lids with a lock. The pit is equipped with an exhaust pipe and a canopy. A small room for autopsy is being built next to the shed.

In biothermal pits, corpses decompose under the influence of thermophilic bacteria. The temperature reaches 65...70 "C, which ensures the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

Methods for disinfecting manure. In livestock complexes, farms and poultry farms, methods and technical means are provided for the disinfection of manure and droppings. One of the following methods is used: biological (biothermal treatment, composting or long-term aging); chemical (ammonia or formaldehyde); physical (heat treatment in a steam jet unit or combustion).

Litter manure and the solid fraction of liquid manure with a moisture content of up to 70% are subjected to biothermal disinfection. A special site is allocated at a distance of 200 m from the farm, away from water bodies. They dig a hole 25 cm deep, fill it with clay, compact it, put straw, peat, sawdust on the clay in a layer of 30...40 cm. Loosely lay manure on moisture-absorbing materials in piles up to 2 m high, up to 3.5 m wide and of arbitrary length. The piles are covered with peat, straw, sawdust or disinfected manure with a layer of 20 cm. The manure is placed in piles with the addition of 20% peat, straw or sawdust.

The holding time of manure in piles in the warm season is 2 months, in the cold season - 3 months. The disinfection period is counted from the day the temperature in the pile rises to 60 °C.

Manure with a moisture content of more than 70% is disinfected by composting or keeping in a pile for 6 months, of which 2...3 months should occur in the warm season.

Liquid manure is disinfected using chemical methods. First of all, it is divided into solid and liquid fractions. The simplest way to separate manure is to use a settling tank system.

The solid fraction of manure is placed in piles, where conditions for biothermy are created. After biothermal disinfection, the solid fraction is taken to the fields or used to prepare composts.

The liquid fraction is poured into aeration tanks for biological treatment due to the decomposition of substances under the influence of aerobic microflora. Liquid manure contaminated with non-spore-forming pathogenic microorganisms (except for Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is also disinfected with formaldehyde: per 1 m3 of liquid manure, take 7.5 liters of formaldehyde containing 38% formaldehyde and introduce it in such a way that, when mixing the liquid for 6 hours, ensure uniform distribution of the drug . Manure disinfection exposure 72 hours.

Slurry in a slurry container is mixed with dry bleach at the rate of 1 kg of bleach for every 20 liters of slurry for spore infections and 0.5 kg for non-spore and viral infections.

Liquid manure and litter are disinfected using physical methods. Drainage from livestock enterprises is disinfected using a steam jet unit developed at VNIIVViM. Liquid manure is treated with steam at a temperature of 130 °C, a pressure of 0.2...0.3 MPa for 10...15 minutes. Manure with a humidity of 98% enters a receiving tank, after which it enters a disinfection unit, where the manure is first heated to 60 °C in heat exchangers due to heat regeneration, and then to 130 °C in steam jet devices, from where it enters a tubular holder and, finally, into a heat exchanger in which it is cooled to 40 °C.

The droppings are disinfected by thermal drying at a temperature at the outlet of the apparatus of 100...140°C and an exposure time of 45...60 minutes.

Manure from animals suffering from anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, rinderpest, glanders, rabies is burned. Some railway decontamination stations are equipped with special furnaces for burning manure.

3. Burning in furnaces

Today, biowaste incinerators are one of the most effective disposal methods. It is especially important that with their help, enterprises can destroy waste as it accumulates. Furnaces for burning biowaste not only help prevent the spread of dangerous diseases, but also eliminate the possibility of infection developing through vectors - insects and rodents.

When using cremators, another important advantage is noted - simplicity technological process: To dispose of biowaste, you just need to load it into the combustion chamber and turn on the burner. Also, cremator users do not spend a lot of money on waste disposal, as is usually the case when using other recycling technologies (in specialized plants or in Becker pits).

The use of cremators is possible in almost any conditions at a temperature of 0-40 degrees Celsius. Working biowaste incinerators must be installed under canopies made of non-combustible materials. Additional equipment may be supplied with cremators to increase their efficiency. This is, for example, an additional burner installed in the afterburning chamber, with the help of which the cremator is cleaned of soot and gases formed during its operation.

The most effective use of cremators can also be achieved by following basic rules fire safety. Such equipment must not be installed near explosion or fire hazardous premises or inside them. Only those persons who have undergone appropriate safety training and can work with cremators can work with the units.

Thanks to the fairly wide model range, potential users can choose a cremator of the required capacity, thus ensuring economical and efficient disposal of biowaste.

The use of cremators is widespread in various industries, where biological waste is constantly generated: agricultural enterprises, processing shops, hatcheries, veterinary clinics and many others. Their wide range application is determined by biosafety, efficiency, environmental friendliness and ease of use.

4.Disposal of poultry waste

1) Treatment of waste from poultry farms

The most promising, from the point of view of obtaining agrochemical (fertilizer production), environmental (disinfection and deodorization) and energy (fuel and electricity production) efficiency, is the technology of processing manure under anaerobic conditions in special sealed reactors - digesters, usually made of metal . Thanks to the activity of methane-forming bacteria in an oxygen-free environment at a temperature of 39.40 or 53.55°C, the process of fermentation of manure occurs in the reactor with the formation of combustible gas, the main components of which are methane (60.65%) and carbon dioxide (35 .40%).

From 1 ton of manure with a moisture content of 92%, about 20 m3 of biogas with a calorific value of 23.25 MJ/m3 can be obtained within 10.15 days. Of this amount, approximately 50% is spent on maintaining the given temperature conditions of the digester, the rest is commercial biogas, which can be used for the needs of the farm.

The mass fermented in the digester is a highly concentrated liquid organic fertilizer, easily digestible by plants and devoid of pathogens and weed seeds, containing macro- and microelements, amino acids and phytohormones that stimulate plant growth.

This fertilizer is used on all types of soils for vegetables, fruits and berries, forage crops, lawns, flower beds, ornamental shrubs, etc. The use of fermented fertilizers for root and watering feeding of vegetable and other agricultural crops is especially effective (with 3-.4-time feeding, but not more than once every ten days), while the yield increases by 2.3 times.

In the Russian Federation there are five small biogas plants operating on cattle manure and bird droppings, with digesters with a volume of 4,200 m3. Such a small number of operating installations is explained, first of all, by the lack of the necessary financing for their creation by most farms. In addition, it is generally accepted that the main component economic efficiency biogas plant is gas - methane. However, this is not always the case, and the dominant component in obtaining an economic effect, especially for small biogas plants, is organic fertilizer. The role of biogas begins to increase with an increase in the amount of processed raw materials, which is directly related to the volume of digesters. In this regard, it is advisable to install bioenergy plants for the production of biogas at livestock and poultry enterprises with a manure output of at least 50 tons per day.

However, given modern economic condition in our country, at such enterprises it is necessary to create workshops for the production of liquid and solid organic fertilizers using biogas plants.

Fundamental technology system fertilizer production workshop is shown in Fig. 1.

The technology for producing fertilizers is that liquid waste with a moisture content of at least 89% (manure, droppings, plant waste, etc.) is prepared in a collection of raw materials (2), then subjected to centrifugation (3) to remove inclusions such as fluff. , feathers, bristles, remains of roughage, straw, and stabilization of the liquid fraction in terms of particle size distribution. The solid fraction undergoes accelerated composting in a biofermenter (4) and enters the packaging room (7) for its further sale.

The liquid fraction after the centrifuge is sent for anaerobic digestion in the digester (5), after which it is also sent to the packaging room (7). The biogas released during fermentation is accumulated in a gas tank (6) and is subsequently used for personal and domestic needs.

The main equipment of the workshop for the production of organic fertilizers is a digester (Fig. 2) and an SVD type centrifuge.

Thus, the most promising technology for processing liquid organic waste (manure, litter) is technology using biogas plants.

Another way to dispose of waste from livestock farms is to produce composts - concentrated organic fertilizers. The composting method is one of the promising methods for biothermal processing of manure

Methods for recycling waste from poultry farms

Transport to the fields

In the old days, during extensive farming, cows with small milk yields were kept primarily to produce manure. The concentration of livestock per unit of land was very low. Manure was accumulated near the farm or taken to the fields, where it gradually turned into humus.

Today, a number of problems arise with this method of application. Firstly, transporting a huge amount of waste (dry matter content 2-5%) requires considerable funds, secondly, the soil, groundwater and surface waters become infected with invasive, infectious and toxic elements, thirdly, this leads to the accumulation of nitrates, copper and zinc in grains, grass and water sources. In this regard, some US states, for example, have banned the use of native bird droppings as fertilizer.


This method requires special sites, equipment and large quantities of peat, straw and other materials that reduce moisture content. If the technology is followed, vermicompost is obtained good quality, however, up to 30-40% of nutrients are lost in the form of gases.

The main methods of composting can be considered using chicken manure as an example.

Peat crumbs are poured onto the site in a layer of 30-40 cm (use loaders, tractor trailers, spreaders, dump trucks), and manure is placed on top of it (at a moisture content of 75% manure and 65% peat, the ratio is 1:1). Then everything is mixed and a pile is formed using a bulldozer. The width of the compost pile is 3-4 m, height - 2, length - at least 6-8 m. The top of the pile is covered with peat. In the cold season, compost is stored for two months, in the warm season - one month.

The SA-100 mixer for preparing composts was developed by the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Ecology. The technology involves cyclic mixing of a pile of peat with semi-liquid manure on an inclined plane, which ensures a uniform biothermal process. This method allows you to reduce composting time by 2-3 times, reliably disinfect fertilizer and minimize the activity of weed seeds

To obtain the Fermway drug using American technology, a peat manure mixture (1:1) previously prepared on a hard surface area is loaded into a brick building. After loading, the mass is specially blown, which causes rapid development thermomesophilic bacteria. The process lasts 5-7 days.

To improve the commercial qualities of the product, it is processed using a disintegrator, dispenser, sterilizer-dehydrator, and granulator. IN technological line There are devices for monitoring temperature, humidity and oxygen content in the aeration air. Fermway is used in the USA as an organic fertilizer, bedding for animals and poultry, and is also included in the diets of fattening bulls.

Strains of bacteria or fungi under the general name “effective microorganisms” speed up the processing of litter.

Dried chicken manure (powder) is in great demand on private and homestead farms. The cost of half-kilogram bags reaches 18 rubles.

The specific gravity of the litter is inversely proportional to the dry matter content. In cages, droppings are wetter.

Litter as food

Since about 40% of the nutrients in the feed are not digested and are excreted in the droppings, the idea arose of using it to feed animals and poultry. At high temperatures chicken droppings were disinfected and feathers, fluff and weed seeds were removed. The resulting product, containing 20-30% crude protein, was given to bulls mixed with feed. When replacing 33 and 50% of concentrates with powder, daily weight gain of 870-896 g was obtained. Waste disposal, disinfection

In England, poultry manure is fermented, treated with formic acid and fed to bulls with molasses additives. DeLaval has more than 30 options for biological disinfection of manure. According to one technology, manure is directed by scrapers and a conveyor into a centrifuge, where up to 95% of suspended particles are separated from moisture. The solid fraction with 36% dry matter is kept for 3 months in a special storage facility, then granulated and given to livestock along with silage.

Manure is used to prepare special silos - vestlage and manure. In the USA, for example, the following mixtures are made: 57% cow manure and 43% hay; 42% cracked corn, 12% corn silage and 40% hog manure. When fattening bulls, about 0.5 million tons of urea is used, which is partially replaced with poultry droppings, both in pure form and with sawdust. Sheep and goats readily eat a mixture of 40% cattle manure, 12% hay cuttings and 12% cracked corn. The liquid fraction of manure in aeration tanks is converted by a microbiological method into unicellular protein, which settles in the form of activated sludge.

In Moldova, pig manure with a moisture content of 80-85% was subjected to acid hydrolysis. The solid fraction (lignin) was used for fertilizer, and the liquid fraction was used to produce feed yeast. The technology for their cultivation is simple, but the culture liquid contains a large amount of chlorides and sulfates, which are difficult to get rid of. The hydrobarothermal method requires high energy costs and expensive stainless steel equipment, and this makes it unprofitable.

In Canada, to prepare for feeding, manure is first mixed with straw and then inoculated with fungal spores. The result is a high-protein feed suitable for consumption not only by ruminants, but also by monogastric animals. IN Lately To reduce the release of nitrogen and phosphorus, enzymes are used that increase the digestibility and absorption of nutrients.

The addition of an enzyme with phytase for every 100 kg of dry matter provides an additional 2.85 kg of nutrients, 2.81 kg of crude protein and 14.6 kcal per 1000 kcal, correspondingly reducing their entry into the external environment.

In Europe, crystalline amino acids are used to reduce the release of ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorus and improve feed digestibility. With a more careful calculation of diets based on available and synthetic amino acids, it is possible to reduce the share of crude protein in feed from 17.6 to 14.5% during fattening pigs. By raising gilts from 25 to 55 kg, 2.2 kg of crude protein per piglet was saved and the amount of ammonia produced was reduced by 350. Increasing the quality of feed and replacing antibiotics, such as mannonoligosucrose, also increases feed digestibility and amino acid absorption.

The addition of yucca extract (de-odorase) to the feed increases the weight gain of pigs by 9.4%. Similar results were obtained in laying hens.

Bioenergydisposal methods

Such methods solve several problems at once: collection and processing of waste from poultry farms with the capture and neutralization of harmful biogases, production of environmentally friendly fertilizers, as well as methane for mini-CHP, gaseous fuel for automotive equipment, ensuring the operation of a freon-free cooler, production of “dry” ice, soda etc.

The application of the technology is hampered by a lack of investment, as well as basic structures.

Strategic raw materials

Waste and, above all, droppings must be treated as a valuable strategic raw material for restoring land fertility, increasing crop yields, and obtaining food (fish) and feed (algae, zooplankton, worms and larvae) protein.

"Efficient microorganisms" accelerate the process of biological decomposition organic matter, at which up to 50% of them turn into gases. This is the old system of composting manure, but at an accelerated pace. Biogas is convenient for obtaining vermicompost and fuel for autonomous personal farming, but it requires capital investment and refinement of technology.

Only large enterprises can use biological fishing ponds. Closed ecological system indispensable for the disposal of liquid waste: organic matter is accumulated through the food chains of living organisms by the biomass of algae, crustaceans and fish. The wastewater is completely neutralized from organic matter and pathogenic factors and is included in the repeated “whirlpool”. The solid phase of settling tanks after biothermal disinfection at special sites turns into vermicompost.

With the comprehensive recycling of solid-phase waste using larvae, the economic effect is maximum, because this process is short-term, the production is environmentally friendly and waste-free, and the products have multifaceted applications.

Disposal of bird droppings using a fungal fermentation accelerator

Disposal of bird droppings using a fermentation accelerator of fungal origin. Using a fungal enzyme to accelerate aerobic fermentation of poultry manure.

In modern conditions, the preservation and reproduction of soil fertility for many regions of Russia remains one of the main problems in agricultural production. The constant anthropogenic impact of humans when using land violates the optimal parameters of soil properties - humus reserves decrease, acidification soil environment, physical, biological and phytosanitary properties deteriorate. A decrease in fertility levels is also associated with the formation of agricultural yields in most cases without fertilizers at the expense of soil resources.

The main reason is the sharp increase in prices for mineral fertilizers, the weak economic condition of most farms, and the lack of advanced technologies for processing and using organic fertilizers.

As a result, at present, a huge amount of semi-liquid and liquid droppings has accumulated near most poultry complexes, which, instead of serving soil fertility and crop yields, causes the creation of ecological problems in the environment around poultry complexes and populated areas.

Bird droppings cannot be used directly as fertilizer due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, viable helminth eggs and a large number of weed seeds.

The introduction of such droppings without proper processing allows weeds to remove much more nutrients from the soil than is contained in the applied bird droppings.

An analysis of existing technologies for processing poultry manure in Russia and abroad shows that there are various technologies, but most of them are associated with high costs, energy intensity and the need for special equipment, which is unacceptable for most farms with a weak economy.

Taking this into account, the Tatar Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, together with the All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute, has developed a technology for processing poultry manure using a fermentation accelerator of fungal origin, which is the simplest, waste-free, cheap, low-energy and does not require special equipment. These yeasts are similar in their action to the SEE-A fermentation accelerator of the Japanese company Nissan.

The process of recycling bird droppings consists of the following technological operations:

1. Dung is dumped onto the layer of straw at a ratio of 1:1.

2. The mixture is watered with an aqueous solution of a fermentation accelerator at the rate of 10 g of fungi per ton of the mixture, the amount of water to bring the humidity in the mixture to at least 70%.

3. Similar layers of the mixture are stacked on top of each other, and then raked into piles (stacks) higher than 1 meter. The length and width of the stack is not limited.

4. Every 10 days the stack is mixed so that bottom layer ended up at the top; in the hot season, before mixing, the stack is moistened from the outside with water; at other times of the year, rain and snow are a natural humidifier.

5. During the process of manure disposal, the temperature inside the stack rises to 700C, the unpleasant odor of the manure disappears, biological hazards and weed seeds die, and moisture evaporates.

6. After 30 days in summer and approximately 50 days in winter, organic fertilizer is ready for use.

Research organic fertilizer, obtained from bird droppings using a similar technology, were carried out by setting up field experiments on gray forest medium-loamy soil with a dose of 3.6 and 9 t/ha for four years and with a dose of 10 15 and 20 t/ha for three years, comparing their effect with equivalent doses of mineral fertilizers and with equivalent nitrogen content in cattle manure.

The studied organic fertilizer from bird droppings in the first experiment contained Ntotal - 3.74%, P2O5 - 2.60 and K2O - 2.16% on a dry matter basis, humidity 43.3%, in the second experiment 3.91, 3.43, respectively. and 2.05%, humidity 49%.

Research has shown that over four years of action and aftereffects, the total increase in yield from the use of the studied organic fertilizer in doses of 3.6 and 9 t/ha was, respectively, 10.6, 18.4 and 25.9 t/ha of grain units or 10, 18 and 25%.

At the same time, a reliable increase in yield was obtained at a dose of 3 t/ha for two years, and at a dose of 6 and 9 t/ha for three years.

In general, over four years, one kg of NPK contained in the studied organic fertilizer contributed to yield increases of 7.1, 6.3 and 5.9 kg of grain units, respectively.

Determination of the fractional composition in the soil showed that in the fourth year of aftereffect, in the variants with the application of organic fertilizer at a dose of 3, 6 and 9 t/ha, the content of the mobile part of phosphorus, which is more accessible to plants, was higher than in the original soil.

Calculation of the economic and energy efficiency of using organic fertilizer from poultry manure in doses of 3, 6 and 9 t/ha shows that per one ruble of additional costs there are 1.83, 1.71 and 1.66 rubles, respectively, the energy efficiency coefficient of yield increases is within the range of 1.96 - 2.06 units, which is very high.

The results of studies of this organic fertilizer in doses of 10, 15 and 20 t/ha for three years showed that over three years of action and after-effect, the total increase in yield was 18.6, respectively. 28.8 and 32.2 c/ha of grain units or 19.28 and 34%.

In the third year of its aftereffect, the positive effect on the agrochemical properties of the soil continued. This can also be judged by the fractional composition of phosphates. The share of group I and II phosphates (Ca-PI and Ca-PII) was significantly higher (14.9-16.8% of total fractions) than in the control (10.5%), from each ton of applied organic fertilizer by the end of the third year, 75.83 and 100 kg of “prohumus” substances were formed in the soil, corresponding to doses of 75.83 and 100 kg.

An economic and energy assessment showed that per one ruble of additional costs there are 1.03-1.14 rubles of net income, and the energy efficiency coefficient of crop increases is 1.47-1.66 units.

Thus, research shows that this technology for processing poultry manure deserves attention and widespread use in agricultural production. This will improve soil fertility, increase crop yields and improve the environmental situation around poultry farms.

Alkaline hydrolysis


The principle of alkaline hydrolysis is the destruction of intermolecular bonds organic compounds at elevated temperatures in the presence of alkaline earth metal hydroxides (NaOH or preferably KOH).

As a result of sequential reactions, a sterile solution of low molecular weight organic compounds is formed.

This solution is suitable for discharge into a domestic sewer for treatment at wastewater treatment plants, without the risk of infecting people or polluting the environment.

First of all, proteins, lipids and other high-molecular molecules are subject to breakdown. organic compounds.


No greenhouse gas emissions

No pollutant emissions

Neutral residue to be discharged into the domestic sewer system

Reduce waste weight/volume by 95-97%

Low temperature process


The technology for processing waste by alkaline hydrolysis is as follows:

Biological waste (animal and bird carcasses, droppings, manure, skin tissue, etc.) is delivered to the site by forklift. Unloading is carried out into a waterproof metal pallet located under a canopy to prevent precipitation from entering. The waste is placed in a special reactor operating in automated mode.

Loading of waste into the reactor is carried out automatically, using a mechanized loading system. A certain amount of alkali is pumped from the alkali preparation tank into the reactor. After this, the recirculation pump is turned on, and the contents of the reactor are heated with the help of a coolant. The liquid is continuously recirculated for an automatically set time. Biological tissues quickly dissolve and hydrolyze.

When the process is completed, the hydrolysis products are cooled to the desired temperature. The unit is then emptied and the remaining inorganic material is washed. The undissolved residue (bones) is unloaded into a container; as they accumulate, they are processed into bone meal, which is subsequently used as fertilizer or for animal feeding.

After cooling the waste liquid, it is drained into an underground container, where it is naturally cooled to a temperature of 40 °C, then it is purified from impurities, part of the water is reused, and part is neutralized and pumped into the domestic sewerage system.


Cycle time (including waste loading and heating) lasts approximately 5 hours

The productivity of the installations can vary from 50 kg/hour to 700 kg/hour.

5. Preparation of meat and bone meal

Meat and bone meal - protein-mineral animal feed, widely used in livestock farming. It is obtained from animal carcasses that are not suitable for human consumption, dead animals, waste from meat and fish production. The raw materials are steamed or boiled, then dried and crushed. The feed consists of protein (50%), ash (35%), fat (8-12%), water (4-7%). Meat and bone meal is included in the diets of poultry, pigs, and young farm animals to improve the protein balance of the diet. Also included in compound feed and pet food.

In Europe, meat and bone meal is used as a natural fuel to generate energy and burn waste. Can be considered as a replacement for coal, with 1/3 less calorie content

Characteristics of meat and bone meal

Meat and bone meal is the most accessible raw material of animal origin in the production of animal feed.

With the help of good quality meat and bone meal (grade 1 and 2), a balance of essential amino acids in the feed, except for methionine and cystine, is achieved. Properly prepared and with a low content of scleroproteins, protein digestibility is 85-90%.

It is a good source of macroelements: calcium contains 6.5-11.6%, phosphorus 3.3-5.9%, sodium 1.5-1.6%, with an average of 4.2% available phosphorus (in fish flour - 2.5%). Has a number of biologically useful active substances and unidentified factors.

Meat and bone meal is a good source of vitamins B1 especially: riboflavin, choline, nicotinic acid, cobalamin.

Some compounds that play a role in meat and bone meal are transferred along with muscle tissue. important role in metabolism. These are: adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), creatine (in the form of creatine phosphate), glutamine and glutamic acid.

Free glutamic acid contained in muscle tissue is a carrier of the H2 group. If it is deficient, growth depression may occur in chickens whose diet is supplemented with synthetic amino acids.

Other substances that stimulate growth and regulate metabolic processes: bile acids, carnitine, pigments, serotonin, somatropic hormone, glucocorticoid hormones, thyroxine and some others enter meat and bone meal along with: the pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, gastric mucosa, spinal and the brain

abomasum of ruminant animals, parenchymal organs (lungs, spleen, kidneys, liver).

Daily addition of meat and bone meal to animal feed will allow:

Increase productivity,

Enrich the feed with proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and increase their nutritional value,

Normalization of metabolism,

Reduce feed costs.

The most common recycling technology is cooking in vacuum boilers, in which the yield of meat and bone meal, containing 30-60% protein, is 40-45%. To process 1 ton of meat processing waste, up to 100 kWh of electricity is required, up to 1.5 t/h saturated steam pressure of at least 0.6 MPa and up to 14 m3 of water. During cooking, greasy waste and toxic, foul-smelling emissions are formed that require cleaning and disinfection. At the time of its creation, it was the best comprehensive solution for processing meat and bone waste to produce high-protein feed, which has since become firmly established in the diets of farm animals and poultry.

After the release in 1996 of the order of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation No. 35 “On the exclusion of meat and bone meal from the diet individual species animals" its use was officially limited. The situation in the feed market is worsening due to growing complaints about the quality of fishmeal. A separate problem in Russia is the level of wear and tear on waste disposal equipment, which often makes it impossible to obtain the required quality of the final product. Therefore, some enterprises are forced to send their production waste to other enterprises for processing and pay for it. At the same time, they purchase feed flour from biowaste for their own needs, the origin of which is almost impossible to determine.

It should be noted that the meat and bone meal obtained by this method contains only about 40% protein in an easily digestible form; the rest of it, when feeding animals and poultry, goes into manure or droppings, and not to increase live weight.

6. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste

1. General Provisions

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are mandatory for animal owners, regardless of the method of farming, as well as organizations, enterprises (including further organizations) all forms of ownership involved in the production, transportation, procurement and processing of products and raw materials of animal origin.

1.2. Biological waste is:

Corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;

Aborted and stillborn fetuses;

Veterinary confiscations (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;

On the examination of low-quality products of animal origin and the procedure for their use or destruction, see order of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1997 N 36

Other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

1.3. Animal owners, within a period of no more than 24 hours from the moment of death of the animal, discovery of an aborted or stillborn fetus, are obliged to notify a veterinary specialist who, based on the results of the inspection, determines the procedure for disposal or destruction of biological waste.


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24.Disposal of biological waste at veterinary and sanitary plants

All over the world, recycling and disposal of waste, including biological waste, is becoming an increasingly pressing problem. Biological waste is:

Corpses of animals and birds, including laboratory ones;

Aborted and stillborn fetuses;

Veterinary confiscations (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;

Other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

There are also medical waste, which, in addition to biological waste, includes chemical and laboratory waste, X-ray film, disposable syringes, rubber gloves, ampoules, and all kinds of infected materials. The same waste is generated as a result of veterinary activities.

Based on the degree of epidemiological, toxicological and radiation hazard, medical waste is divided into five hazard classes. There is no such precise classification for other biological waste. But they can be roughly classified in approximately the same way. This is especially true for veterinary and animal waste.

Class A. Non-hazardous waste (food waste, except infectious waste, furniture, equipment, construction waste, etc.). This class includes a minimum of organic substances, mainly ordinary garbage - household solid waste (MSW).

Class B. Hazardous (risky) waste (potentially infected waste, materials and instruments contaminated with secretions, including blood, organic surgical and pathological waste, etc.).

Class B. Extremely hazardous waste(materials in contact with sources of particularly dangerous infections).

Class G. Waste similar in composition to industrial waste (expired medicines and disinfectants, waste from medicines and diagnostic drugs, mercury-containing items, devices and equipment, etc.).

Class D. Radioactive waste.

Waste of classes B, C, and D have the largest share in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry.

Currently, in order to safely destroy animal carcasses, eliminating the possibility of the spread of infectious diseases and environmental pollution, three methods are used: processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants, burning and neutralization in biothermal pits.

Disposal. Biological waste approved by the veterinary service for processing for feed purposes at veterinary and sanitary factories, in the workshops of technical factories of meat processing plants, and recycling shops of livestock farms is sorted and crushed. It is allowed to remove skins from fresh corpses, which are disinfected in the manner and means in accordance with the current rules. Utilization shops of livestock farms process biological waste obtained only in this farm. The import of biological waste from other farms and organizations is strictly prohibited. Biological waste is processed into meat and bone, bone, meat, feather meal and other protein feed additives, based on the following technological operations and modes: heating the crushed waste in vacuum boilers to 130 °C for 30-60 minutes. and drying the boiled mass under vacuum at a pressure of 0.05-0.06 MPa at a temperature of 70-80 °C for 3-5 hours.

Biological waste, after thorough grinding, can be boiled in open or closed boilers within 2 hours from the moment the water boils. The resulting boiled feed is used only within the farm within 12 hours from the moment of production for feeding pigs or poultry as an additive to the main diet.

Burning. The combustion of biological waste is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian in specialized ovens or earthen trenches until a non-combustible inorganic residue is formed.

Dig 2 trenches, arranged crosswise, 2.6 m long, 0.6 m wide and 0.5 m deep. A layer of straw is placed at the bottom of the trench, then firewood to the upper edge of the hole. Rubber waste or other solid combustible materials can be used instead of firewood. In the middle, at the junction of the trenches (crossbar), crossbars made of raw logs or metal beams are placed and the corpse of the animal is placed on them. The corpse is lined with firewood on the sides and top and covered with sheets of metal. The firewood in the pit is doused with kerosene or other flammable liquid and set on fire.

Ash and other unburnt inorganic residues are buried in the same pit where the burning took place.

However, the use of traditional methods and methods of burning biological waste has a number of disadvantages that reduce the effectiveness of the measures taken and negatively affect the environment. The combustion process occurs in the gas phase, which necessitates the need to place the fuel under the burned material; during combustion it develops comparatively low temperature– in the gas phase up to 80° - 110°C, and on the application surface (contact with combustible material) - 80° - 150°C; To ensure the fuel combustion process with the formation of mainly volatile combustion products that pollute the environment, a large amount of air is consumed; a large amount of fuel is required, a large amount of time and labor is required (constant turning over of the burned material is required) for complete combustion of the material.

When animal corpses are burned with evaporating liquid in the exhaust gas stream, as well as when the integrity of the abdominal wall is violated with the leakage or release under pressure of fluids from the abdominal and thoracic areas, pathogens of infectious diseases can be carried out, which leads to contamination of the environment.

Biometric pits (cattle burial grounds). The selection and allocation of a land plot for the construction of a cattle burial ground or a separate biothermal pit is carried out by local administration authorities upon the proposal of the organization of the state veterinary service, agreed upon with the local center for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

The placement of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) in water conservation, forest and conservation areas is strictly prohibited.

Cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) are placed on a dry, elevated plot of land with an area of ​​at least 600 m2. Standing level groundwater must be at least 2 m from the ground surface. The size of the sanitary protection zone from the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) to: – residential, public buildings, livestock farms (complexes) – 1000 m; – cattle runs and pastures – 200 m; – automobile, railways depending on their category - 50-300 m. Biothermal pits located on the territory of state veterinary organizations are part of the auxiliary structures. The distance between the pit and the production buildings of veterinary organizations located in this territory is not regulated. The territory of the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is fenced off with a solid fence at least 2 m high with an entrance gate. From the inside of the fence along the entire perimeter, a trench is dug 0.8-1.4 m deep and at least 1.5 m wide with a shaft made of curved soil. A bridge is built across the trench. When constructing a biothermal pit, a hole measuring 3.0 x 3.0 m and a depth of 10 m is dug in the center of the site. The walls of the pit are laid out of red brick or other waterproof material and raised 40 cm above ground level with a blind area. A layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pit and filled with concrete. The walls of the pit are plastered with concrete mortar. The covering of the pit is made in two layers. Insulation is laid between the layers. A hole measuring 30x30 cm is left in the center of the ceiling, tightly closed with a lid. An exhaust pipe with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of 3 m is removed from the pits. A canopy 6 m long and 3 m wide is built above the pit at a height of 2.5 m. A room is built nearby for dissecting animal corpses, storing disinfectants, equipment, special clothing and tools. Acceptance of the constructed cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is carried out with the mandatory participation of representatives of state and sanitary supervision with the drawing up of an acceptance certificate.

The natural cycle of substances, established ecosystems and food chains in nature have ensured the natural recycling of biological materials for years. This even applied to cases where animals died as a result of infections.

But intensively developing human activities related to the treatment of animals have led to the need for proper disposal and destruction of biological waste. This is important to reduce the impact on the environment and the spread of infectious diseases.

What are biological materials

Before delving into the recycling scheme, it is necessary to find out what the concept of biological waste includes.

This includes the corpses of animals and people, including stillborn fetuses, tissues and organs that are formed as a result of the activities of medical and veterinary institutions and laboratories. In addition, this category includes products from meat, poultry and fish processing plants that are unfit for consumption, including those confiscated after veterinary and sanitary inspections.

Biological waste associated with the human body and the activities of medical institutions is more often classified as medical waste. Handling them is regulated by SanPiN dated December 12, 2010.

Biological waste refers to waste of animal origin. The rules for handling them were approved by the chief state sanitary inspector of the Russian Federation.

The most important condition for the disposal of biological waste is a ban on its burial. This rule has its exceptions that allow burial:

  • mass mortality of animals resulting from natural disasters and disasters, under conditions that it is not possible to dispose of corpses in any other way;
  • difficult climatic conditions and remoteness from the benefits of civilization.
The decision to authorize burial is made at the level of the Chief Veterinary Inspector of the federal subject.

In addition to unauthorized burial, biological waste cannot be:

  • dump into reservoirs, watercourses and swamps;
  • dispose of in household waste collection areas.

The last point is very often violated, which can lead not only to a deterioration of the environmental situation, but also to the spread of infectious diseases.

According to the rules, biowaste is allowed to be disposed of in the following ways:

  • provide it to special plants that process waste of this type;
  • burn;
  • disposed of at cattle burial grounds, in biothermal pits in which not only decomposition of organic matter occurs, but also disinfection of waste material.

Let’s try to understand the biological waste disposal scheme in more detail, starting from the moment of collection and transportation of this type of pollutant and ending with its complete neutralization.

Preparatory stage

The decision on the method of disposal of biological materials is made by a veterinarian, who is called if a dead animal, a stillborn fetus or the appearance of another type of waste of this category. If livestock is infected with one of the serious pathogens specified in the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Disposal of Biowaste, a veterinarian is also called, who makes a decision on the slaughter of infected animals. Among the diseases that require the killing of livestock are, for example, rinderpest and bird plague, anthrax, and hemorrhagic disease of rabbits.

It is the responsibility of the farm or barnyard owner to transport the waste to the disposal site. As for wild or stray animals, the collection and transportation of their bodies must be carried out by the owners of the territory where the corpses were found. Cities and towns are required to do this. utility services.

Any transport is not suitable for transporting biological waste, as well as a car that will later be used to transport food for people and animals.

The procedure for collecting and transporting waste of animal origin is as follows:

  • vehicles are equipped with a waterproof box;
  • the carcass of an animal is placed in the car;
  • disinfect the place where the body lay, as well as the tools that were used to load the animal;
  • after transportation, the car and instruments are disinfected and the clothes of the employees who collected and transported the corpses are soaked in a disinfectant solution.

The main stage of waste destruction and recycling

Depending on the type of biological waste, as well as the cause of death of the animal, there are several main ways to completely destroy the biomaterial.

Incineration can be carried out on site or taken to special furnaces. Animal corpses, as well as other biological materials, are burned in case of infection with one of the dangerous infectious diseases listed in the Disposal Rules, as well as those unknown in the Russian Federation. In addition, exposure to fire is resorted to if disposal by any other method is not possible.
Large volumes of waste are burned in cremators - furnaces, inside of which the temperature reaches +800 oC. In addition to furnaces, combustion can be carried out in specially equipped pits. The volumes of the pits depend on the size of the animals.

Animal corpses and biomaterials that do not pose an infectious risk are disposed of at special plants. Many livestock breeding and processing plants are equipped with biological waste disposal facilities. But such workshops do not have the right to process products brought from other complexes.
During the recycling process, feed additives for animals are obtained, mainly in the form of meal from meat, bones, and bird feathers.

In some cases, with permission from regulatory authorities, biological material can be destroyed by burial. To do this, a reagent with a high content of active chlorine is poured into the bottom of the prepared pit, the abdominal cavity of the animal corpses is opened, and the resulting common grave is covered with earth to create a meter-long mound.
A special case of burying contaminated material is the creation of cattle burial grounds with biothermal pits.

How are cattle burial grounds organized?

To set up a cattle burial ground with biothermal pits, you need to choose the right location. The selection of a location is made by the local administration and approved by the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological supervisory authorities.

The location of the cattle burial ground must meet the following parameters:

  1. cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits should not be located in a protected area;
  2. the location of this type of burial should be dry and elevated;
  3. The area of ​​the territory for a cattle burial ground must be at least 0.6 hectares;
  4. the groundwater level should not be below the two-meter mark;
  5. from the cattle burial ground to residential buildings and livestock complexes there should be at least 1 km, to pastures - at least 0.20 km, and to roads and highways - 0.05–0.30 km;
  6. a two-meter fence with a gate should be built around the cattle burial ground;
  7. the walls of the pit must be concrete or brick;
  8. You can easily drive up to the cattle burial ground by car.

The process of waste decomposition in pits is combined with disinfection due to the activity of thermophilic bacteria, which ensures an increase in the temperature inside the pit to approximately 70 °C.

Reuse of biotherms is allowed after a two-year period has passed from the date of burial.

All cattle burial grounds and pits must have a veterinary and sanitary card, which indicates their individual number, address, nearest settlements, roads, pastures and distances to them, and the area of ​​the cattle burial ground.

The card indicates what material is buried and when, who is responsible person, as well as information about the inspections carried out.

The map is drawn up in three copies, which are kept by the owner of the burial, in the veterinary and sanitary services.

Who controls compliance with the rules for recycling and destruction of biowaste

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for handling biological waste lies with animal owners, processing plants, and local administrations. Employees of the state veterinary supervision monitor how correctly the disposal and destruction of biomaterials is carried out.

The same service checks biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds every two years. The inspection data is entered into the veterinary and sanitary record.

In any case, compliance with the rules not only protects against liability to sanitary and veterinary inspection services, but also ensures the protection of the environment and the population from contracting dangerous infections.

I wonder how veterinarians who go to euthanize animals at home dispose of animal corpses? If they drive out in a regular car, often their own, this results in a violation. Burned where? I heard that with ordinary garbage, is this true? I don’t think that they bury euthanized animals; there is simply nowhere to do this in a metropolis. In this case, who is responsible for disposal?

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Biological waste is the remains of tissues and organs formed during the process. medical activities, as well as the death of various species of animals and birds, processing of materials of animal origin.

This group includes:

  • corpses of all animals
  • stillborn and aborted children
  • meat products
  • waste resulting from the processing of raw materials of animal origin

Since they pose a real threat, the handling of animal residues must comply with sanitary collection rules.

Classification of biological residues

All waste is subject to a general classification. Biological residues belong to the first and second hazard classes.

Biowaste of the first hazard class includes:

  • stillborn fetuses
  • homeless animals
  • pets
  • laboratory test subjects
  • farm animals or birds

The rules allow the disposal of residues of these species only through incineration, burial, or disinfection. They cannot be reused.

The second hazard class includes:

  • body parts or skin
  • food remains from infectious diseases departments
  • microbiological laboratory materials
  • secretions from people and animals infected with the virus
  • materials that had contact with patients in infectious diseases departments

Biowaste must undergo mandatory destruction. The disposal of biological waste is controlled by veterinary and sanitary collection rules, and supervision is carried out by Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors. Today, thermal processing is used using special technologies and cremators - this is a new, successfully developing business.

Hazard Class

There is a less common classification of waste according to:

  • epidemiological danger
  • toxicological hazard
  • radiation hazard

A classification of this type includes three classes of substances: A, B and C. The last two include garbage, which is dangerous from an epidemiological point of view.

Biological waste of this class can be contaminated with dangerous viruses such as anthrax and SARS. That is, pathologies that are potentially dangerous to humans. It is precisely because of the negligent attitude towards the destruction of this type of scrap that epidemics of deadly diseases periodically arise in the world.

If waste of animal origin was found on the territory, which has a hazard class of B or C, then the sanitary collection rules prohibit independent destruction through burial or removal to household landfills. This is carried out by specialized organizations whose employees have been fully trained in handling this type of waste.

In the event of mass death of animals due to a natural disaster, in the absence of another method of disposal, the veterinary inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to authorize the burial of waste in the ground in accordance with the sanitary rules for collection and disposal. Also, all waste of biological origin is subject to disposal of biological waste through burial in cases where there are difficult climatic conditions and remoteness from civilization.

The rules establish: if rotting organic matter is found on the ground, the owner is obliged to contact the veterinary supervision within 24 hours with a request to have the waste inspected by an inspector Federal service on veterinary and phytosanitary supervision and resolve the issue of disposal. If there is no action on the part of the owner of the territory, he faces a fine for an administrative violation.

Disposal of biological residues

Veterinary and sanitary organizations have developed special sanitary collection rules regarding the disposal of biomaterials. According to them, waste of animal origin is subject to collection, transportation and disposal in veterinary and sanitary disposal facilities using cremation in cremator ovens. It is also possible to remove them to the territory of specially constructed cattle burial grounds and cemeteries.

After the death of livestock, the owner of the pasture must report this to the veterinary clinic, which determines the procedure for disposing of dead livestock. Burials that do not comply with sanitary collection rules can become an outbreak of deadly diseases. The biological waste processing plant is always ready to accept an unlimited amount of waste for subsequent destruction.

Disposal rules do not allow burial of animal and livestock corpses in the ground. To destroy the remains of livestock, veterinary disposal organizations are opened, which are engaged in this activity. A large number of Soviet enterprises for recycling biomaterials have become outdated over time; it is worth noting that these services are not very relevant among the people.

Many people don’t think about what it is proper disposal biomaterial. This measure not only reduces the likelihood of new infections - it is a way to carry out recycling, for example, to produce animal feed.

Biological waste is waste hazardous to humans, the burial of which contributes to the spread of various diseases, soil contamination and groundwater. Waste of organic and animal origin, buried in cattle burial grounds, reduces the area of ​​fertile land. Cemeteries and cattle burial grounds poison the fertile soil of a long period, secreted by cadaveric poison.

In accordance with regulatory legal acts, cattle burial grounds are located on a hillock with low groundwater levels no lower than 2.5 meters from the surface. In a vacant lot, at least 500 meters from settlements and bodies of water. Walking livestock and installing livestock runs on the territory of burial grounds is prohibited to avoid infection.

In Russia, there are no cost-effective organizational and legal conditions for handling this type of residue. The corpses of animals and birds are thrown into general garbage containers, fields and landfills intended for solid household waste. This behavior worsens the ecological condition of the country; biological waste can become a provocateur of epidemics if the disposal method is incorrect.

Sanitary rules for collection and disposal must be observed by entrepreneurs and individuals. The health of humanity and the cleanliness of its environment depend on their implementation.

Stages and methods of disposal

The first step is the preparatory stage. The biomaterial is examined by a qualified veterinarian. It is he who decides on the choice of method of disposal of biological waste in accordance with the sanitary rules of collection and destruction. In cases where livestock is infected with a deadly disease that can be transmitted to other animals or people, the doctor decides to kill the animals and send them to a landfill for disposal.

The owner must deliver livestock carcasses farm or barnyard. In cities and villages, this mission is assigned to the management company to which the territory is attached. Stray animals found in residential areas are transported by the owners. It is worth considering that transportation of biomaterial is carried out only after inspection and approval of the transport by an inspector of Rosselkhoznadzor.

To transport biowaste, it is necessary to hire specially equipped transport, inside of which there must be a waterproof box. Further transportation is carried out there. The tools used for loading the body and the place where the corpse lay are subject to mandatory processing. The driver's vehicle and clothing are also sanitized at the end of the procedure.

Incineration is carried out in specially designated areas and sometimes at the location. In this way, waste that has been contaminated with dangerous infections is destroyed. For large batches of waste, cremator ovens are used, where disposal occurs at extremely high temperatures. Cremation is also possible in equipped pits dug in a specially designated area. The choice of cremation method depends on the dimensions of the biomaterial.

Biological waste that does not have potential danger for the environment, are processed at special enterprises. This material is commonly used to make animal feed and supplements. For example, feather and bone meal. Often, processing and livestock production plants set up biological waste disposal workshops on their premises, which greatly simplifies the process and reduces costs due to the absence of the need for transportation.

In special cases, biomaterial is buried using a pit filled with active chlorine. The animals' abdominal cavity is ripped open and lowered into a pit. Next, the container is covered with earth, creating a meter-long mound. It is extremely rare that biothermal pits are created for the disposal of corpses infected with extremely dangerous infections.

Consequences and dangers of improper disposal

The land owner does not have the right to independently dispose of it without the involvement of an inspector from Rosselkhoznadzor. In case of violation of this rule, the owner is issued a fine, this is stated in Chapter 6 of Art. 6.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors conduct raid inspections to inspect areas near cities, villages and towns for unauthorized dumps and identify offenders. Inspections of cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits are also carried out annually by inspectors.

In addition to administrative penalties, you should remember about the possible harm to the environment and people. Biogas, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of organic matter, is dangerous, it can cause dizziness and nausea, and in large quantities lead to death. We should not forget about potential diseases that can be transmitted from remains to living animals.

Biowaste is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. Every person must remember that timely and correct transportation and destruction of waste biological species saves not only hundreds of living beings, but also the environment from the spread of hazardous substances released during decomposition.

Biological waste is considered to be the remains of tissues and organs, as well as entire corpses of various species of animals and birds. Such waste is generated as a result of activities, deaths of birds and animals from infectious diseases, and industrial processing of animal materials.

The class of biological waste includes:

  • all carcasses of animals formed naturally and in the laboratory;
  • aborted and stillborn baby animals;
  • spoiled meat products identified by the veterinary and sanitary service at processing and trading points;
  • mass obtained as a result of processing non-food and food animal raw materials.

Such waste may be real danger for humans, they cannot be ignored. All hazardous animal waste must be destroyed or disposed of in accordance with sanitary regulations for working with livestock and poultry.

Classification of animal residues

All hazardous biological residues are classified based on the level of hazard they pose. This is how biological waste of the first and second hazard classes is isolated.

The first group includes homeless animals, pets, stillborn cubs, farm animals and poultry, and laboratory specimens. Such hazardous waste is disposed of by burial, incineration or disinfection. They are not used as raw materials.

The second hazard class includes waste in the form of infectious diseases departments, secretions of viral animals, parts of body skin, materials from microbiological laboratories, and contact infectious materials. Such waste is subject to thermal processing using cremators and special technologies.

In addition, according to the general classification of garbage, there are different forms of its danger, considered from the point of view of:

  • epidemiology;
  • toxicology;
  • radiation.

The first group includes biological waste, as it can be a source of infection.

What are the dangers of biowaste?

Biological waste can be a carrier of dangerous viruses: SARS, rabies, anthrax, plague, tetanus, tularemia, botulism, etc. These pathologies are deadly to humans. If you treat this waste negligently, you can provoke a deadly epidemic.

Biowaste cannot be disposed of independently by dumping it in garbage containers to be taken to landfills or landfills. An infected carcass will emit an unpleasant odor and become a source for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. For the same reason, it is not recommended to bury such waste in the ground.

This prohibition can be violated in the case when animals died en masse as a result of some natural disaster, and there is no other method of disposal. Such measures will slightly reduce the risk of an epidemic.

The importance of biowaste disposal rules

The Main State Veterinary Inspectorate of the Russian Federation has approved veterinary and sanitary rules that regulate the rules for the collection and subsequent disposal and destruction of biological waste.

The significance of this document is great. Compliance with the points of these rules is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • description of the algorithm of actions for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological residues that are formed on farms of different categories (large livestock complexes, personal, subsidiary, farm); also in places where animals roam, when transporting animals and products obtained from farm animals;
  • ensuring the destruction of pathogens that cause infectious and invasive diseases of animals;
  • prevention of human diseases by infections caused by zoonotic pathogens;
  • ensuring environmental protection from contamination.

These rules for the collection and further disposal and destruction of biological waste are mandatory for all animal owners and organizations that produce, store, transport and process livestock products.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to avoid undesirable consequences in case of death of animals and damage to livestock products.

Responsibility of animal owners

Animal owners are also responsible for a number of issues, for the outcome of which they are responsible. So, if an animal dies or a fetus is discovered (stillborn or aborted), they need to notify veterinary workers within 24 hours, who will then decide on the disposal or destruction of such biowaste.

Animal owners are required to independently deliver hazardous biological waste to the place of burial or processing.

If observed mass death animals, then in exceptional cases, by decision of the authorized bodies, it is possible to bury animal corpses in the ground.

Animal owners are prohibited from throwing biological waste into the environment: rivers, swamps, and other bodies of water. It is also unacceptable to send biological residues to containers with household waste or take them to landfills and landfills.

Recycling stages

Disposal of biological waste is a complex and serious process aimed at preventing environmental pollution and the spread of infectious diseases.

The actions of specialists from relevant organizations are carried out within the following stages:

  • Preparatory stage. Includes a qualified examination of the material by a veterinarian. It is the doctor who decides on the method of disposal of the dead animal. In addition, he can decide to kill livestock if it is infected with a disease dangerous to humans.
  • Delivery of animal corpses to a cattle burial ground. It rests with the owner of the animals. Stray animals are delivered by the management company to which the territory where they are found is assigned. Transportation is carried out by special transport, which is hired by the owner of the animals.
  • Disposal. It is possible by burning contaminated biowaste in cremator furnaces or specially equipped pits (depending on the size of the biowaste); burial of biomaterial in a pit with active chlorine; processing at special enterprises of those wastes that do not pose an infectious hazard.

Once the biomaterial has passed all stages, it becomes harmless to humans and other animals.

Requirements for cleaning and transportation

A specialist’s conclusion on the removal and transportation of an animal’s corpse gives the right to destroy it. A vehicle transporting hazardous biological waste must be equipped with a special container that can be disinfected. Transport feed and food products prohibited here.

The product is disinfected after each use. For this, various solutions are used, for example, a solution of formaldehyde in a 3% concentration.

After the hazardous biological material has been loaded onto the vehicle, the place where the corpse lay and the equipment and inventory used for loading are also subject to disinfection. The soil is sprinkled with dry bleach in a ratio of 5 kg: 1 sq.m., and then dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet.

The worker's overalls are also treated; they are soaked for 2 hours in a formaldehyde solution (2%).

Disposal methods

The veterinary service allows some of the biological waste to be processed for the purpose of producing feed for birds and animals. It is also allowed to remove skins from animal corpses; they are subsequently disinfected according to the rules and used for the manufacture of goods.

Disposal of approved biological waste can only be carried out on the farm itself; it cannot be imported from others.

Various flours are obtained from biological waste: meat, feather, bone, meat and bone. Other protein supplements are also made from crushed raw materials using technologies such as heating, sterilization, and drying.

For each type of raw material, depending on the disease that led to the death of the animal, its own temperature regime is used.

Feed prepared by cooking is used only on your farm and for your animals within 12 hours after preparation.

Types of destruction

Destruction presupposes the impossibility of further use of the dead animal in any of the species.

Disposal rules name several types of destruction:

  • Burial in earthen pits. Allowed in exceptional cases. The process is as follows: a trench is dug, a layer of bleach (2 kg/1 sq. m.) is poured onto the bottom (2 m from the surface of the earth), dead animals are laid out with their bellies open, the corpses are sprinkled with lime, the top is covered with earth and a mound is made in 1 m. The place is fenced.
  • Destruction of the corpses of animals infected experimentally. The process depends on the results of the study. The corpses are either burned or placed in an autoclave and then dumped in a pit. In some cases, corpses are sent for processing.
  • Burning. They are carried out in special ovens or cross-shaped trenches. Use dry firewood, rubber waste, flammable liquid, which is poured over the corpse of an animal. After the corpse is burned, the remains and ashes are buried with earth.
  • Burial in cattle burial grounds or biothermal pits.

These types of destruction of corpses will help to avoid epidemics of infectious diseases among animals and prevent infection of humans.

Consequences of improper disposal

If a private owner or enterprise is faced with the problem of disposing of biological waste, then they need to act within the framework of the state law regulating the resolution of these issues.

At independent decision problems where appropriate specialists are not involved, an individual or enterprise may be punished with a fine. This provision is confirmed by the articles of the RF Code on Administrative Offenses (Chapter 6, Article 6.3).

Territories located near cities, towns and villages are regularly inspected by specialists from inspection organizations under the jurisdiction of Rosselkhoznadzor. They identify unauthorized landfills where the carcasses of dead animals can be dumped if they are not disposed of properly.

Disposing of biological waste on your own can lead to undesirable consequences.

Dangerous is that which is released as a result of the decomposition process of organic residues. It can cause attacks of nausea and dizziness, and if it accumulates in the air, death. We also must not forget about contagious diseases that can be transmitted to humans through biowaste.

A frivolous attitude towards decomposing organic matter can become a serious problem compared to the minor issues that will have to be resolved when calling a specialist for the destruction of hazardous biological residues.

Supervisory authorities

Compliance with the rules for the disposal of biological waste in cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits is controlled by state veterinary supervision authorities.

The task of civil service specialists is to regularly visit and check the operation of cattle burial grounds and pits. Their veterinary and sanitary condition is monitored. If violations are revealed during the inspection, a report on their elimination is drawn up. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in prohibition of the operation of biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds.

All cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits are registered with the chief state inspector of the city (or district) with the obligatory assignment of an individual number. A veterinary and sanitary card is issued for each facility.

It indicates the location of the object, distance from settlement, characteristics of the area, list of livestock facilities, area and sanitary characteristics of the cattle burial ground. Such a document is drawn up in three copies.