The state is different from primitive organization According to the following features: 1. If the primitive blessing organization of the authorities was based on the blood of all members of the birthlogging association, then the state is on the territorial community of its citizens or subjects. The territory predetermines spatial limits, borders separating one state from the other, the procedure for the formation and structure of state bodies, their tasks and functions. It should be emphasized that the sign of the state is the neurorritory itself, and the division of the population at their place of residence, establishing the affiliation of citizens to a certain state. 2. State is special organization public powerwhich misses the entire population, is of a state. Its specificity in the following: - if public power Primitive system expressed the interests of the whole society and in its formation was attended by all the adult population, the political power is primarily a corporate interest-defined part, social Group, class; - the implementation of state power is carried out by special apparath-state employees who are separated from society and, being not engaged in publicly permanently in public production perform management functions, receiving money remuneration for this; - ensuring state-owned solutions is carried out with the help of a special punitive violence; 3. For the content of the numerous apparatus of civil servants representing state power, taxes, fees, partitions are needed.

1. State - this is a political territorial organization societies.The state territory is the territory that is under the sovereignty of a certain state is established and enshrined in accordance with historical realities, international agreements. The state territory is not only a territory announced in some state education, but an internationally recognized territory

redone state. We are talking On the political understanding of the concept of "territory", and not national (Azerbaijanis, for example, in Iran are more than in the Republic of Azerbaijan) or administrative territory. The state territory unites the population into a certain political community. This territory has a formally recognized border, which is indicated and is protected. In this area, they live in the main citizens of this state, which is not typical in determining the administrative territory.

Political and territorial organization of society (people) should be distinguished from national Organization states. In the context of the imperial, colonial system of education national states Acquires special relevance. In principle, ethnic community may be based on the organization of the state in monofasonic countries. But where nationality is mixed, attempts to create an ethnocratic state are objectively leading to interethnic contradictions and to the instability of the state. Yes, and in mononational countries, the state should be organized on political and legal, and not on national basis. The protagonation of the national sign leads to segregation (separation, extinction on national, racial and D.R. signs), and the ethnocratic state will always be difficult to find its place in the international community. In addition, when humanity has already found a more optimal, perfect form of state - the legal state, the desire for the organization of the state on a national basis not only does not contribute to progress, but also discards the society back, in the past.

2. The state is different from other organizations of the Company by what it is public powerconsistent on taxes and fees from the population. The state as a public authority: firstly, is established (unlike social authorities in the gloor period) of the authorities; Secondly, public power is separated from civil society, people are concentrated in only government affairs; Thirdly, public authority represents all society, and not part of it (as say, religious institutions, which represent believers, trade union members, etc.), fourth, public power,

he serves as a special government to society, consists of special institutions. Although public authorities are characterized by the entire set of state structures, but the main function of public authorities in the state is carried out by its highest authorities. In my opinion, representative, state authorities are most optimally performed.

3. The state is distinguished by availability special coercion apparatus.Only the state has the right to contain an army, security agencies and public order bodies, courts, prosecutors, prisons, places of detention, etc. This is a purely state attributes, and not one other organization in the State Society does not have the right to form and contain such a special coercion apparatus.

4. The state, only it can entertain its venue in a common form. Law, law- These are the attributes of the state. Only the state has the right to issue laws, mandatory for all. At the same time, the state itself is different from other organizations by the presence of law, that is, the systems of pre-established rules of conduct, mandatory for all members of society. Without public adopted laws The state as an organization will not differ from the hammer of thieves or robbers. Therefore, where there is a state, there must be right, laws, officially communicated to the attention of the entire population.

5. The state, in contrast to all other organizations in society, has sovereignty.The sovereignty of the state is the political and legal properties of state power, expressing its independence from any other power inside and outside the country's borders and consisting in the right of the state independently, to freely solve their affairs. The two identical authorities in one country does not happen. State power is the supreme and indivisible with anyone. In historical terms, the idea of \u200b\u200bstate sovereignty, just originated when the church tried to interfere in the affairs of the state, dictate to state power. In the struggle for the liberation of state power from the influence of the Church and there was an idea of \u200b\u200bstate sovereignty and in the classical sense, it means the independence of state power in society. In this regard, the problem of state sovereignty was relevant in our

society, when it was necessary to free themselves from the party leadership by the state. However, in the subsequent word "sovereignty" we had to be used in various senses and in different reasons and reasons. But, despite all this, there is a classic, universal concept of sovereignty, which means the independence of the state in sending their functions and tasks from any other power in society. Another interpretation of the concept of state sovereignty or the use of this term to denote other concepts, it seems incorrect. Therefore, we cannot agree with the statement of full or incomplete sovereignty, about the French or Russian approach to the concept of sovereignty.

The state is a special form of the organization of the Company, which has certain means and methods for the use of power within a society, establishing a certain procedure for relations between members of the Company, established on a certain territory, and involving all the population in the established territory.

The main means of preserving the established procedure is the use of power. The procedure for relations between members of society and the application of power is determined by the Constitution, laws and others legal documents states that are part of the formal device of the state; As well as customers formed within society, regardless of the state, which are grounds for understanding the laws of the state and determine the informalized procedure for the application and interpretation of laws.

In any society, there is a colossal scatter of public opinion - from the absolutization of the role of the state as the only source of public well-being to the same absolute denial of any state. And both of these extremes exist in social thought and practice since Plato and Aristotle, i.e. During the entire history of the development of the state and society.

We concentrate on the essence of the state, meaning that the essence is the "independent strength" (Hegel), without which there is no phenomena as such; This is the main thing that determines the main thing in the phenomenon (subject); These are repetitive properties, contradictions and trends in the development of the phenomenon; This is a combination of the internal, necessary parties and the relationship of the phenomenon.

The state is the necessary way of the life of society, other humanity did not invent. Any society has common (public) cases, the general interest and needs of self-preservation, ensuring its livelihoods. It is no coincidence that Plato and Aristotle appeared from the word policy (city, state) Single-sized concepts: politics - common causes, "Art live together" (Plato), Police - management internal affairs Polis. At the same time, the institution of citizenship arose as a method for the legal communication of a separate person with society and power, which determines the legal state, status, mutual rights and responsibility of a citizen and the state. The word "state" (eng, state, it is. Staat, Franz. E "Tat) from the XVI century is used in the form of Stato (Machiiavelli), the number of values \u200b\u200bof which includes the situation of society.

State as the organization of the Company - prerequisite, general decision solutions background. The needs and interests of people are often contradictory, sometimes mutually exclusive and can create social tensions, confrontation. "... society will come to promote comprehensive development Personality, limiting themselves from decay by strengthening solidarity between its juicers. In this, and only this should be the task organized societyby the state "(V.M. Bekhterev scientist psychologist.). I.A. Ilyin emphasized:" The state, in his spiritual essence, is nothing more than a homeland decorated and united by public law; or otherwise: many people related to the community of spiritual destiny and who have gone into unity on the basis of spiritual culture and legal consciousness. "

The state is not just the organization of society, but higher Form Community. Generations of people passed through several stages of development. The people created the state as new form Community more high level - national and territorial and political and legal organization. Thus, the state appears as a form, the content of which is the people, and through this form every nation represents themselves in the world community as a whole. You can say: the state is we, citizens.

The state is of course political organization societies. Any society is interested in successfully managed its affairs, solve public problems, reflecting the general interest and needs, organize, organize, regulate the behavior, people's relationship, maintain public order .. The state and was created as a public authorism that embody the right and strength

The various sides (aspects) of the state can be the basis for determining the state with various authors.

Sociologist can characterize it as a certainly organized population, the form of the Company's organization.

The political scientist will emphasize that this is the most important element of the political system of society, the mechanism of public authority.

The law will not forget to celebrate regulatory order, integrating the vital activity of people, will determine the state as legal personification of the nation.

All specified characteristics have the right to exist, they focus on some of the components inherent in the state: the people (the most important component), the territory, the system of law, the system of government, the institution of citizenship.

On the Quarter, in addition to people, no state exists. State-allegorical about people (ethnos).

F. Bastia "The state is the greatest fiction, for the means of which, everyone is trying to live at the expense of others"

1. The concept of the state, its signs and essence. The essence of the state as a social phenomenon is, figuratively speaking, a multifaceted rod, which consists of a variety of interrelated internal and external parties that give it a qualitative definition of a universal control system. To reveal the essence of the state means to identify the main thing that determines that it leads it to the objective need for society, to understand why society cannot exist and develop without a state.

The most important, qualitatively permanent line of the state is that it always acts as a single organization for all its varieties. political powermanaging all society. In the scientific and practical sense, every power is management. The state authorities are a special type of management, which is characterized by the fact that it also has the right to use violent coercion for the execution of state-owned laws. The development of the state is a complex dialectic process. It is characterized by many contradictory trends, among which, ultimately, progressive is beginning to prevail.

Being the main management system of society, the state begins to increasingly turn into an organ overcoming social contradictions, accounting and coordination of the interests of various groups of the population, carrying out such decisions that were maintained by various public layers. In the activities of the state, such important communications institutions, as the separation of the authorities, the rule of law, publicity, pluralism of opinions, the high role of the court begin to speak. Significantly change the role of the state and in the international arena, its external activities requiring mutual concessions, compromises, reasonable agreements with other states.

The state is a single political organization of the Company, which extends its power to the entire territory of the country and its population, has a special management apparatus for this, issues mandatory for all the velary and has sovereignty. Signs of state are the territorial organization of the population, state sovereignty, tax collection, lawmaking. The state subjugates the entire population living on a certain territory, regardless of administrative-territorial division. State power is sovereign, that is, the Verkhovna, in relation to all organizations and persons within the country, as well as independent, independent to other states. The state is official representative All society, all of its members called citizens.

Tax charged from the population and loans received from it are sent for the maintenance of the state authority. The state is a special organization of political power, which has a special apparatus (mechanism) of society management to ensure its normal activity. Edition of laws and rules required for the entire population this state, carried out by the state legislature.

2. Theory of origin of the state. There are several theories of the origin of the state in science. Theological theory is one of the most ancient, the rationale for which is associated, for example, with the Foma Akvinsky. It is characterized by the production of the state from the will of God, therefore, in the state, everything is initially advisable and to interfere in the established order of things unacceptable.

Patriarchal theory is justified by the great ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. The state, as a scientist believed, is a social development product due to human needs for communication. The state is the result of the resulting family (family, big family, Selion, Polis (the highest form of union, which allows you to satisfy all the needs of a person). Negotiated theoretical justification in the works of T. Gobbs, J. -zh. Rousseau, A. N. Radishchev during the fight against absolutism (XVII-XVIII century). Supporters of this concept recognized that before the emergence of the state and the right, the Company was in a natural state. According to Zh. -zh. Rousseau, it was the "golden age of humanity", as people were equal, and there was no private property. Thomas Hobbs, on the contrary, believed that it was the state of the "war of all against everyone."

The theory of violence is justified by L. Gumplovich and K. Kautsky. They believed that the state appears as a result of violence applied to hold in obedience conquered territories and peoples. The psychological concept of the emergence of the state originated at the end of the 18th century in the theoretical support of N. M. Korkunova and L. I. Petrazhitsky, who argued that the psychological need of a person in authority and the leader led to the development of society and the state. The complication of relations and connections between members of the Company led to the recognition of the state as a better form of ensuring their interests.

The Marxist-Leninist concept of origin of the state was justified by K. Marx, F. Engels and V. Lenin. The main positions of this theory characteristic of ancient Greece and Ancient Romeset out in the work of F. Engels "The origin of the family, private property and the state. " The Marxist-Leninist theory comes from the fact that the main reason for the emergence of the state is related to the development of the economy, with the emergence of the need to manage the Company's affairs, therefore this theory is also called economic.

3. State functions are the main directions. state activitiesin which his social essence and appointment in society are revealed. Functions are characterized by the fact that the state is designed in certain historical conditions, which "is prescribed", asked him the peculiarities of the development of society itself and from which it should not and cannot refuse. In relation to the main areas of life of the Company, the following functions of the modern state can be distinguished.

1. Economic function. In the modern state, this feature covers: the formation of economic policy (the development of strategic directions of the country's economic development); the creation of the legal framework of the market (the formation of a system of market legislation; provision of equality of ownership of ownership; development of entrepreneurship; state-legal protection of property, rights and interests of consumers; restriction of monopolism and unscrupulous competition); Foreign economic activity of the state (activities related to the integration of the national economy in the world, state stimulation of foreign investment); Operational management of the state sector of the economy (state-owned enterprises, institutions that are object property).

2. The financial function, which covers the activities of the state on taxation; financing and lending; financial control (definition and accounting of manufacturing revenues, customs control, etc.); formation state budget and his execution. 3. Social function. Relatively the new kind State activities. 4. The protective function, whose sphere includes: protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens; law enforcement protection, control of crime and maintaining the regime of constitutional legality; Defense of the country and ensuring national security; State support for world law and order.

5. Environmental function - vital activity of any state. The environmental activity of the state has a planetary value and is not limited to its own territory. In the system of the right of modern states there is a special industry - the environmental legislation, designed to regulate the activities of people and different organizations in the field of use natural environment (laws on the protection of the animal world, atmospheric air, natural resources, waters, land, forests). 6. The function of state support for science, culture, education. The protectionist policy of the state in these areas is the most specific form of state activities associated with the support and development of science, culture and education.

4. State mechanism. The concept of the state is disclosed through the combination of organs inherent in it. The state body is the autonomous part of the state intended to perform the functions and objectives of the state. He is established by B. established by law order (by election, destination, etc.); endowed with state-powerful powers (it is entitled to publish generally binding acts, use forced measures to ensure their action); performs the functions and objectives of the state and acts on his behalf and on behalf; Implements powers in specific organizational and legal forms.

Legislative bodies (legislature) are representative bodies directly by the people who carry out state power in the form of publication of laws, as well as by parliamentary control over the executive. In various countries, the highest representative (legislative) authorities have various name (in Germany - Bundestag, in the USA - Congress, in Spain - Cortesa, in England - Parliament). The generally accepted collective name of the legislative bodies is parliament. The executive bodies are formed by representative (legislative) or otherwise and implementing state power in the form, executive and administrative activities. IN Russian Federation The executive branch is entrusted to the government, consisting of the Chairman, his deputies and federal ministers. In the structure of federal bodies executive power Enter federal ministries (transport, communications, ways to communicate, atomic energy, economics, finance, education, culture, defense, justice, internal affairs, foreign affairs, etc.), federal agencies, federal Services and etc.

The judicial authorities (justice) carry out state power in the form of the proceedings of criminal and civil cases, as well as through constitutional proceedings. The judiciary form a complex system, which includes constitutional control bodies (Constitutional Court), the courts of general jurisdiction, headed by the Supreme Court, and the system of arbitration courts.

5. Forms of the state. Under the form of the state, it is customary to understand the method of organizing and implementing state power. The formulations of the state are: the form of government, the form of a state (territorial) device and the state regime. The form of government (or the type of government) is the organization of the Supreme State of the State, i.e. the device supreme Organs State power, their structure, the procedure for education and relationships with each other and with the population, as well as the degree of participation of citizens in their formation.

It is customary to distinguish between the two forms of government - monarchical (monarchy) and the Republican (republic). The monarchy (translated from Greek - unintelligence) there is such a form of government at which the supreme power is fully or partially owned by the sole chapter of the state. Monarchies are absolute and limited. Absolute monarchy is characterized by the Movie Monarch and the lack of any representative institutions; There was a slave-owned era and was abolished in the process of bourgeois revolutions (XVII-XIX centuries). Absolute monarchy B. modern conditions - an exception. This form of the Board has been preserved only in Saudi Arabia And Oman.

A dualistic monarchy performed the initial form of a limited monarchy. When preserving the legal and actual independence of the monarch, this form of government is characterized by the fact that along with the monarch, which preserves legal and actual independence, there are representative institutions of government with legislative (legislative) and control functions. The republican form of government (republic) is characterized by the selection of the head of state. The first republics are Athens V-IV centuries. BC e. , Sparta V-IV centuries. BC e. , Roman Aristocratic Republic of V-IV centuries. BC e. There are also feudal cities in the republic: Florence, Venice, Genoa; Novgorod and Pskov.

For the presidential republic, it is typical of the president of the president with the powers of the head of state and the head of executive; The election of the president at the general election, as a result of which not only legislative, but the executive branch receives the mandate of the people; The lack of responsibility of the executive power in front of Parliament for the policy pursued. The government is formed by the president, he appoints to higher positions and shifts the executive authority. A typical country with the presidential form of government is the United States.

main feature The parliamentary republic is to proclaim the principle of political responsibility of the government to parliament. TO parliamentary republics Italy, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, and about 1/15 of modern states, can be attributed to Italy. There are also the so-called mixed (hybrid), or parliamentarians, republics, combining the features of the parliamentary and presidential republics (France, Ukraine, Russia, etc.).

6. State (territorial) device. This is an element of the form of the state. It reflects how the state is arranged, what is the relationship between the central and local governmentWhat method is organized (arranged) the territory of the state. The key is the concept of "territory of the state" - space (dry, water and airspace), which covers state power. It is customary to allocate three types of forms of state (territorial) device: a unitary state; federal and confederative (Confederation).

Unitary is the state, whose components do not have political autonomy (signs of state sovereignty). Composite parts of the unitary state (region, or province, county) have the status of administrative territorial units (i.e., do not possess the signs of state sovereignty). For a unitary state, a unified citizenship is characterized (administrative and territorial units do not establish their citizenship); Single-channel tax system. The federal state is a complex state, composite parts of which have political autonomy (signs of state sovereignty).

Regardless of these features all federated States Characterized: a two-level system of government agencies (federal system of authorities and system of authorities of the constituent entity of the Federation); the presence of the federal legal system and the legal system of the subjects of the Federation; two-beddable parliament, where one of the chambers is usually the top, represents the interests of the subjects of the Federation; the absence of the subjects of the Federation right to exit its composition; the rule of federal law; non-recognition of the subject of the federation of sovereignty (although they possess some sovereign signs); financial dependence of the subjects of the Federation federal power (Subjects are deprived of real financial power, the right to minted coins, emissions of banking tickets, etc. Monetary signs). Thus, the mechanism of submission to the central authority of the subjects of the Federation is being created; principle double citizenship and etc.

A peculiar form of a state device is a Confederation - Union sovereign statescreated to achieve certain goals (political, military, economic). Confederation, having similarity with the federation, at the same time differs from it. These differences are as follows: the Confederation is a temporary interstate education that disintegrates after the achievement of those goals for which it was established; Member States of the Confederation in full preserve sovereignty, the constituent entities of the Confederation have the right of compression; nullification or refusal to recognize, but equal to the use of acts of union power; establish customs and other restrictions that prevent the movement of persons, goods, services and capital);

The confederation creates national government agencies. However, only those organs that are necessary for the implementation of tasks especially allocated in the contractual acts are formed. There are no judicial authorities, the circle of executive structures of power is limited. The Confederation Parliament is formed by representative bodies of Member States. Created on a permanent basis, the state bodies of the Confederation are deprived of authority. The acts of confederative authorities do not contain the norms of direct action and are not addressed not to citizens, but the authorities of the government of the Member States of the Confederation; The mechanism of their ensuring is similar to the mechanism of action of international legal norms.

7. State (political) regime. If the form of the board and the form of a state (territorial) device disclose the organization of the supreme power, its structure, then the concept of "state regime" allows you to understand how, with the help of the funds, state power organizes interaction with the population, what are the state-legal atmosphere, the level of democracy in society . Accordingly, the state (political) regime is a combination of methods, funds that the state uses to achieve their goals.

Historically, the first form is a despotic regime characterized by the full disorders and subordination of the despot from its subjects, the brutal suppression of any independence, discontent, indignation, and even disagreement. This mode holds on the strength of the despot and fear of subjectable. He is inherent in early stages of statehood development and met mainly in the countries of the Mediterranean, in the Middle East, in Asia countries. Africa, South America. Under certain conditions, the impediment may occur in modern states. Democratic regime is based on the principles of democracy, freedom and equality of citizens. In the context of the democratic regime, the people are recognized as the only major source of power, which he carries out both directly and through the bodies of representative power.

Authoritarian regime limits democracy and establishes the power of one person or group of persons (dictatorship). Such a regime significantly limits the powers of representative institutions, ignores the principle of separation of the authorities, infringes upon the civil and political rights of citizens, illegally assigns or captures power. Totalitarian regime arose in the XX century. It is characterized by: the domination of one official ideology, the persecution of dissent; Limit of political freedoms prohibition political parties and legalization of the activity of the party of power, the splicing of the state and party apparatus; Hard centralization government controlled, suppression of regional independence and abolition local governments; inciting social and national retail; Demugging terror in relation to own people; total control over all the spheres of life, its population; suppressing economic freedom, the sphere of private interests, unjustified state intervention in the economy; militarization; Approval of totalitarian "legality" and others.

8. Legal state: Concept and signs. The legal state is characterized by a constitutional rule, developed by the legal system and the supremacy of the legal law in public Life, social control system over the authorities and the presence of effective mechanisms that guarantee the legal protection of the personality and ensuring it the active and unimpeded use of democratic rights and freedoms

In a special literature, the principles (signs) of the legal state include: -Voverness of the law; -Conality of the law right; divide the authorities to the legislative, executive and judicial; -Investigative responsibility of the person and the state; - Therapy and warranty of rights and freedoms. 1. B. modern meaning The rule of law is expressed in the fact that the main, key, fundamental relations in all its spheres of public life are regulated through laws. In the laws, the state establishes generally obligatory rules of conduct that must maximize the needs of social development, based on the principles of equality and justice.

2. Compliance of the law right. The law is only one of the forms of law expression, although the most important. In the legal state, not all sorts of legal laws dominate, that is, those that are consistent with the principles, the nature of law. The priority of the right above the law means the connenger of the legislator in the inalienable rights and the freedoms of the person and the values \u200b\u200bthey express. The legislator cannot disrupt the boundaries of the right, to legalize what is alien to themselves. Therefore, only that law acts as a measure of freedom and justice, which reflects the agreed interests in society. This means that the number of laws in the specified sense still does not characterize the state as a legal.

3. According to the principle of separation of the authorities in order to prevent the emergence of an authoritarian, absolute authority, not related to the right, this power must be demarcated for separate branches. The separation of the unified state power into three relatively independent, independent industries does not allow possible abuse of power and the occurrence of totalitarian management by the state not related to the right. According to the concept of separation of the authorities, each of them has its own functions and is endowed with relevant competence. There are no contradictions between them. The authorities are independent and independent in the implementation of their powers. They have the ability to mutually restrain and control a friend. None of the authorities can accept the functions of another, but also to act separately they are also unable.

4. Mutual responsibility of the individual and the state is an integral sign of the legal state. In a non-democratic state, only the responsibility of a citizen in front of the state is recognized. It seems to give him rights and freedoms and defines its status. In the legal state, on the contrary, the focus is on the responsibility of state bodies and officials before citizens for encroaching on their rights and freedoms. This responsibility acquires a real character only in the presence of legislatively enshrined procedures for bringing officials that are guilty of violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the use of harsh sanctions (Part 3, Art. 41, Art. 52, 53 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

5. The legal state not only recognizes and enshrines wide spectrum Rights and freedoms, but also actually ensures their implementation. In the standards of chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, aimed at ensuring the state-legal protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen, reflected the most important principles legal proceedings. In particular, in Art. 49 The presumption of innocence is fixed. Guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the individual are fixed in Art. 50 provisions that no one can be re-convicted in the same crime; In the implementation of justice, the use of evidence obtained in violation of the Federal Law is not allowed; Every convict for a crime has the right to revise the sentence by a higher court in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law, as well as the right to ask for pardon or mitigate the punishment.

6. Specific steps to form a legal state in modern Russia Appropriate to ensure the real action of the norms that enshrine the principles of the legal state: -dotalization (denationalization) of social life (in the totalitarian state, which is called the USSR, there was a comprehensive monitoring of the state over society, now it is necessary to form civil society); -Ability of the rule of law in all spheres of society; -Temocraticism and legal entity, continuous improvement of legislation, -curing an effective supervision system for legality; - the legal protection of all subjects of social communication from arbitrary solutions to anyone; Inspectorate legal responsibility;

-theless delimitation of the competence of the authorities, the inadmissibility of the substitution of one power of another, the creation of the mechanism of checks and balances; -Side the authority of representative bodies; -Shipping the effectiveness of the executive bodies, control over their activities; - independence of the court; -Eviation of the legal culture of the population and officials of state bodies, etc.

Ticket 1.

1. State: concept (3 definitions), signs, essence.

Concepts: The state is society at the highest level of development (Greeks). Hegel: The state is the march of God on Earth. State - This is a special organization of political power, which has a special apparatus (mechanism) of society management to ensure its normal activity. The state is the organization of political power, operating in relation to the entire population on the enshrined territory using the right and social apparatus of coercion.

Signs of state

    Territory and territorial organization of power. Internal territorial division.



    Tax system.

    The presence of a special public office of management, which has a special legal apparatus for force - the use of force and control (police, courts, army).

    Legislative system.

    The presence of state symbols, the capital, coat of arms, the state language.

The concepts of the state.

State - Organization of political power, carrying out the management of society and ensures in it procedure and stability.

The state is the organization of political power, promoting the preferential implementation of specific class, universal, religious, national and other interests within a certain territory.

The state is a special organization of the political power of the Company, which has a special coercion apparatus, expressing the will and interests of the dominant class or the entire people.

Signs of state.

    The presence of public authorities

    Tax and loans

    Territorial division of the population

    Monopoly on law-conducting

    Monopoly on legal use of force, physical coercion.

    Located in sustainable legal relations with the population living in its territory

    Has certain material means to conduct their policies

    Officers the only official representative of the whole society.


    Symbols - coat of arms, flag, hymn

Essence of state.

The main thing in the essence of the state is the meaningful side, that is, whose interests this organization of political power exercises.

In this regard, it is possible to allocate class, universal, religious, national, racial approaches to the essence of the state.

    A class approach, in which the state can be defined as the organization of the political power of the economically dominant class.

    The universal approach in which the state can be defined as the organization of political power, creating conditions for a compromise of the interests of various classes and social groups.

    Within the framework of the religious approach, the state can be defined as the organization of political power that promotes mainly the interests of a certain religion.

    Within the framework of the national approach, the state can be identified as the organization of political power, promoting the preferential implementation of the interests of the title nation due to the satisfaction of the interests of other nations living in the territory of this country.

    As part of the racial approach, the state can be defined as the organization of political power, which contributes to the premises of the interests of a certain race by meeting the interests of other races living in the territory of this country.

The state has a special organization of force, there is an organization: violence to suppress any class. What class should be suppressed by the proletariat? Of course, only the exploitative class, that is. Bourgeoisie.

The workers need a state only to suppress the resistance of the exploiters, but to manage this suppression, to carry it into life only the proletariat, as the only to the end of the revolutionary class, is the only class that can combine all workers and operated in the fight against the bourgeoisie, in full displacement.

Operational classes need political domination in the interests of maintaining operation, so. In the mercenary interests of an insignificant minority, against the hurriculous majority of the people. Operated classes need political domination in the interests of complete destruction of all exploitation, t. E. In the interest of the hurriculous majority of the people against a negligible minority of modern slave owners, that is. landlords and capitalists.

Small-bourgeois democrats, these alleged socialists who have replaced the class struggle with dreaming about the grade of classes, represented themselves and socialist transformation in a dreamyly, not in the form of overthrowing the rule of the exploitation class, and in the form of peaceful. Administration of the minority to the majority of their tasks. This petty-bourgeois utopia, inextricably linked with the recognition of an assistant state, brought into practice the betrayal of the interests of workers of classes, as shown, for example, history french revolutions 1848 and 1871, as shown by the experience of "socialist" participation in bourgeois ministries in England, in France, in Italy and other countries at the end of the XIX and early XX century.

Marx fought all his life with this petty-bourgeois, socialism, now reornished in Russia by parties of Es-eras and Mensheviks. Marx held the teaching about the class struggle consistently until the teachings on political power, about the state.

The overthrow of the domination of the bourgeoisie is possible only by the part.

proletariat, as a special class, economic conditions The existence of which prepare it to such overthrow, give him the opportunity and to make it the power. B while the bourgeoisie fragments, spans the peasantry and all the fine-bourgeois layers, it splits, unites, organize the proletariat. Only proletariat, - by virtue economic Roll Its in large production is capable of being a leader of all workers and exploited masses, which bourgeoisie exploits, oppresses, presses often no less, but stronger than proletarians, but who are not capable of independent struggle for their liberation.

The doctrine of the class struggle applied by Marx to the question of the state and on the socialist revolution, it is necessary to recognize the political domination of the proletariat, its dictatorship, that is. The authorities not shared with anyone and relying directly to the armed force of the masses. The overthrow of the bourgeoisie is feasible only by the transformation of the premediation class, capable of suppressing the inevitable, desperate, resistance of the bourgeoisie and organize all the working and exploited masses for a new economy.

The proletariat needs state power, a centralized organization of force, the organization of violence and to suppress the resistance of the exploiters and for leading the enormous mass of the population, the peasantry, a small bourgeoisie, semi-voltaries in the "establishment of" socialist economy.

Rising the Working Party, Marxism brings up the avant-garde of the proletariat, capable of taking power and lead all the people to socialism, to send and organize new Stroy, Being a teacher, head, leader of all workers and operated in the device of his public life without bourgeoisie and against the bourgeoisie. On the contrary, the prevailing now opportunism brings up from the working part of representatives of representatives better than paid workers, "arranged" to capitalism, selling their birth agenicity for lential chowder, so.

Refusing the role of revolutionary leaders of the people against the bourgeoisie.

"The state, that is, organized into the dominant class of proletariat", 4 - this theory of Marx is inextricably linked with all his teachings on the revolutionary role of the proletariat in history. Completion of this role is the proletarian dictatorship, political domination of the proletariat.

HO If the proletariat needs a state, as a special organization of violence against the bourgeoisie, then the conclusion itself suggests itself, is it conceived by the establishment of such an organization without prior destruction, without the destruction of the state vehicle, which the bourgeoisie created? K This conclusion is closely following the "Communist Manifesto", and Marx says about this, summing up the experience of the revolution of 1848 - ^ - 1851.

The main thing in the teaching Marxate class struggle. So they say and idutely. But it is not true. And from this infidelity, it turns out the opportunist distortion of Marxism, fake him in the spirit of acceptability for the bourgeoisie. For the doctrine of the class struggle Yae Marx, and the bourgeoisie to Marx was created for the bourgeoisie, generally speaking, acceptable. Who recognizes only the struggle of classes, he is not yet Marxist, he can turn out to be more unwanted from the bourgeois framework of thinking and bourgeois politics. Limit Marxism to the teaching about the struggle of classes - it means to cut marxism, distort it, to reduce it to what is acceptable for the bourgeoisie. Marxist is only the one who spreads recognition of the struggle of classes before recognizing the dictatorship of the proletariat. B This is the deepest difference between Marxist from a dozen small (and a large) bourgeois. Ha in this donkey should be experienced by the actual understanding and recognition of Marxism. And it is not surprising that when the history of Europe has led the worker The class is almost the same for this issue, then not only all the opportunists and reformists, but also all the "Cautskians" (fluralizing between reformism and Marxism people) turned out to be miserable films and small-bourgeois democrats who deny the dictatorship of the proletariat. Brochure Kautsky "Dictatorship of the proletariat", published in August 1918 r., Thus. Many after the first edition of the present book, there are arr The ardent of the mesh is distorted by Marxism and the submerged renunciation of him in fact, in case of hypocritical recognition of Ero \\ "in words (see My brochure: "Proletarian Revolution and Rengate Kautsky", Petrograd and Moscow 1918.

Modern! The opportunism in the person of his chief representative, the former Marxist K. Kautsky, falls entirely under the given characteristics of the bourgeois position at Marx, because this opportunism limits the scope of recognition of the class struggle by the area of \u200b\u200bbourgeois relations. (And within this area, as part of it, no educated liberal will refuse "fundamentally" to recognize the classroom (struggle!). Opportunism does not bring recognition of class struggle just until the most important one, before the transition period from capitalism to communism, to the period of overthrowing the bourgeoisie and Of complete destruction of it. B reality this period is inevitably a period of unprecedentedly fierce class struggle, unprecedented sharp forms of it, and therefore, the state of this period inevitably must be a state for the new democratic \\ "(for proletarians and the poor in general) and on a new dictatorial (against the bourgeoisie).

co for the proletariat, who overthrowing the bourgeoisie, but also for the whole historical period separating capitalism from the "society without classes", from communism. The forms of bourgeois states are extremely diverse, but the essence of them is alone: \u200b\u200ball these states are somehow or otherwise, but in the last account necessarily dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The transition from capitalism to communism, of course, \\ "PE may not give a huge abundance and diversity of political forms, but the essence will be inevitably alone: \u200b\u200bthe dictatorship of the proletariat.

More on the topic 1. The eve of the revolution:

  1. § 4. Revolutions of prices. - Revolution of prices in the XVI century. - Revolution of prices in 50 g. XIX V.- Revolution of prices in 1914-1922.
  2. V.I. Lenin State and Revolution The teaching of Marxism o state and the tasks of the proletariat B of revolution
  3. Political campaign in electronic media on the eve of elections and in the period between elections.
  4. C The point of view of the states, revolution and anarchy - antipodes, and from the point of view of anarchists antipodes - the revolution and power of the Communists
  5. Evolution and Revolution in World Economic History
  6. § 3. Modern foreign historiography of the "glorious revolution"
  7. Features and main stages of the American bourgeois revolution.

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