Unfortunately, the arms race to create a camouflage pattern that would work was doomed to failure. In 2012, The Daily called it the "5 billion dollar snafu" (SNAFU is an acronym that literally translates to "situation under control: everything is heading to..."). The above race, officially called the Army's Camouflage Improvement Effort, solicited camouflages from hundreds of designers from which four finalists were selected. Four years (and millions of dollars) later, the Army appears to have decided on a winner.

Four final camouflages have been createdBrookwoodCryPrecisionKryptek andA.D.S.Inc. WithGuyCramer

The delays did not stop there. By latest rumors decided to cancel the entire camouflage masquerade. However, the Army simply accepted MultiCam, a digital camouflage pattern made by Crye Precision, as a stopgap option, thereby acknowledging that universal camouflage did not work as intended.

The tale takes a long time to tell, but it doesn’t take long for the deed to be done. In December, Congress introduced a bill that would block the entire Army if it did not adopt a new camouflage design. By 2018, the same bill would block the entire Department of Defense. Politicians seem tired of wasting money on endless problems. Press secretary William Laer, in response to questions about what was happening, could only say that “the army is weighing various options and taking into account legal restrictions.”

Buried among the accusations of incompetence and bureaucratic red tape is the fact that military technology is developing extremely quickly, and no one can predict for sure what kind of camouflage will be needed tomorrow. The growing field of military science, despite all the dust in our eyes, is still very young. And billions of dollars thrown down the drain do not bring the expected effect.

History of Invisibility

Modern camouflages have relatively short story. When modern warfare began (18th century), that is, when the long-range rifle appeared, dark green or gray camouflages came into fashion. By the beginning of the First World War full height experimented with “blinding”, that is, making it difficult to catch a target, then a ship, at a distance. Soon the technology was widely used by people.

World War I soldier, 1917

At the dawn of World War II, the distinctive modern camouflages with kidney-shaped spots emerged and quickly spread throughout the world. By the end of the war, artists were even experimenting with optical models that could trick the eye, borrowing ideas from Cubism and Op Art.

In the late 1970s, the US Army introduced a new and unpopular pattern called "double texture", which marked the beginning of the "digital" camouflage of today. Dual-Tex used perfect colored squares to imitate two patterns at once: one large and one large, effective at different distances.

World War II Soldier

By 1990, the development of patterns on the computer began, and with it the revival of scientific research. American officer Timothy O'Neill, "grandfather modern camouflage", developed small colored squares on camouflage that could deceive the eye looking at a soldier or truck by blending them into the background scene.

Why do pixels work better than traditional bubbles? Because pixels are better at simulating fractal patterns, which our eyes interpret as white noise. If you look at such “digital” camouflage, your eyes simply have nothing to fixate on.

Dual-tex camouflage

However, the eye is a complex anatomical object, and it is simply impossible to recreate one optical trick for millions of soldiers in an infinite number of conditions. As a result, a cottage industry of independent contractors and engineers grew, with each submitting their own unique camouflage design, including the four finalists in the competition.

Find the people in the photo below.

Some of these companies declined to comment when Gizmodo indicated it wanted to talk to them, likely because the announcement of the winner is still a while away. However, Guy Kramer, CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp., designer of camouflage for the armies in Jordan and Afghanistan, and one of the four finalists in the competition, was kind enough to answer some questions.

Taking advantage of visual impairments

As Kramer explained, digital camouflages attempt to use advanced optical tricks to confuse the brain and release the body from the target, rather than simply "blend" it into the surrounding scenery. "You can't just throw paint on a wall and call it camouflage," he says. “We're not trying to create randomness. We want the brain to interpret the pattern as part of the background."

This kind of visual trickery is a difficult task. It includes ideas about the science of color, the anatomy of the human eye, and even the logistics of creating a pattern. And she's still not perfect. Let's look at the most interesting failure American army: UCP.


All digital camouflages consist of two layers: micropatterns (pixels) and macropatterns (shapes of combining pixels). If the scale of the macropatterns is too small - as happened with the UCP - an optical phenomenon called isolumination will occur, the coloring of a carefully constructed camouflage pattern into a mass bright color. In other words, such a suit can be easily seen from a distance. As you can see, this has become one of the UCP's biggest problems.

What about color? In 2004, when the U.S. Army introduced the UCP, it was discovered that there was not a drop of black in the entire pattern. The fact is that black does not occur in nature - this is how they explained official representatives. But Kramer completely disagrees. Black and brown are needed to simulate shadow. Kramer's final painting in the competition included a "brightness edge", a thin black line along macro and micro patterns that tricks the eye by hiding shapes.

"If you don't have at least a percentage of that in the camo, it will look flat because there's no depth effect," Kramer explained. - “It was a good lesson.”

Economies of Scale

There are now more than half a million soldiers in the US Army, and printing and sewing a uniform for each of them is in itself a challenging task. It is also important that the camouflage “breaks up” the contour of the soldier’s body in places such as the wrists, knees and ankle joints.

Like the tiger's stripes running perpendicular to their limbs, these visual "breaks" help hide the anatomy of the human target. When a roll of camouflage fabric is cut into millions of uniforms, it can be difficult to predict exactly where those splits will end up.

Example of isolumination

In addition, our brains are very good at recognizing patterns - if we see the same shape twice, we immediately know that something has happened. It is extremely important that the left and right parts of a single picture do not coincide. “A lot of patterns have this problem,” Kramer says. “The brain will see an abnormality on the right side of the chest, and if it sees a very similar pattern on the left side of the chest, it will immediately connect the dots and say, now I can see the upper part of the human body.”

The same brightness limit

Part of Kramer's success was due to his ability to create patterns that met all of these complex criteria. He is a pioneer in the field of algorithmic camouflage design. Instead of relying on his own brain to design patterns, he wrote a program that generates real geometric fractals. Fractals are mathematical patterns that repeat at any scale.

That's why Kramer's patterns were used on everything from rifles to helicopters (not to mention 2.5 million uniforms). Because they scale, they are capable of hiding both a person and an entire building.

All kinds of tests

The art of testing these patterns is almost always more important than the design itself—a process Kramer knows well, having spent a decade helping the Army test patterns. This includes confusing the army's best snipers with thousands of photographs.

At the US Military Academy at West Point, subjects, including top snipers with perfect or better vision, viewed slide after slide of camouflaged soldiers in different environments. A huge number of images. From deserts to swamps, any weather conditions, any distance to the target (the pattern should be equally good). Statistics showed that there were 900 subjects, 45 environments, and 120,000 data points.

An important part of the testing process was not only the speed of identifying a visual anomaly, but also the speed of determining the location where the soldier was actually lying. Milliseconds of decision making can make a difference, given that the average sniper takes 12 to 30 seconds to identify a target.

Step by step

At the end of August, a team of American special forces was suddenly sent away from Libya. The fact is that a group of terrorists stole dozens of guns and devices from trucks. How will this affect camouflage? Maximum.

Along with machine guns and lasers, the raiders stole a device that could ultimately cause as much damage as the first two types of devices: special night vision goggles that detect short-wave infrared light - in the SWIR spectrum. Costing $45,000 apiece, the glasses allow soldiers to see down to 1 micron wavelength, where colors merge into a white mass. In other words, it makes camouflage completely useless. The only pair was kept safe in the hands of the US Army. No more.

"Now the bad guys are running around with the same technology," Kramer explains.

Related questions have arisen: since the enemies have changed supply chains military equipment, the US Army can't be sure that those guys are seeing exactly what the US Army wants to see.

We've come a long way from the stone gray or field camouflage of the 19th century. We even managed to move away from the colors of the 60-70s, when with one pattern it was possible to solve many conflicts in ten years. Modern weapons changes extremely quickly, and even when the Ministry of Defense takes one model for consideration, there is no guarantee that a new one will not appear next year.

However, many interesting concepts are in development, including those using metamaterials, which we have written a lot about. Here, for example, is a project from Hyperstealth called Quantum Stealth, which we may talk about later.

And there is another project that, unfortunately, its creators cannot discuss.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Camouflage fabric is a fabric of a special color that allows you to “break” the silhouette of an object (object or person) covered with it, and make it less noticeable or distort its shape and pattern of movement.

The fabric borrowed this property from nature - many species of animals, birds and fish have a protective color, with the help of which they become less vulnerable to enemies or less noticeable to a potential victim. Also, almost all animals have color and surface structure (and sometimes body shape) that are in harmony with their environment.

Translated from French camouflage ( camouflage) means "disguise".

The use of camouflage began in ancient times. Thus, for hunting, American Indians made clothes from animal skins or attached leaves and grass to their bodies.

Camouflage fabrics began to be used as military equipment relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. British colonial troops in India began wearing khaki (meaning "khaki" in Hindi). dusty"). This is a color of earthy brown, yellow-green “dusty” shades. Since then, this color has been used in military uniforms in almost all countries of the world as a type of camouflage.

Varieties of camouflage and colors

Further for each area and depending on the season and weather conditions created its own colors. It involves not only a suitable shade, but also a certain pattern. Main in large groups are waterproof camouflage fabric “Forest”,“Jungle”, “Desert”, “Winter”, “City”, “Summer” camouflage.

First spotted camouflage The military costume (chameleon) was created and patented in 1939 by the artist Vladimir Baranov-Rossine.

In the USSR before the Second World War, the Amoeba color scheme was used - a khaki or green background with black or dark brown spots.

The modern camouflage colors of the Russian Armed Forces are “Digital Flora” or “Pixel”. It was created in 1984. Outwardly, it looks like a configuration of pixels from a monitor screen, enlarged many times, applied to fabric. Tone from light green to dark brown. This pattern does not allow the eye to “catch” on an object and determine its shape, distance, and movement. For video surveillance systems or photographic equipment, a person in this form will be just a blurry spot.


In addition to masking properties camouflage fabrics must have characteristics that also meet the conditions in which they are used. The main ones are:

All these indicators vary depending on specific needs.

summer camouflage: “TC” fabric

What material to choose from

The basis for applying a camouflage pattern is usually synthetic or mixed fabrics. They can be of different densities.


It is mainly used for sewing jackets, suits, and tents. Consists of polyester or nylon. It has a characteristic fabric texture - in a square - due to the interlacing of matting threads. Clothing made from Oxford is durable, does not blow out and retains heat, and is resistant to chemicals.

Rip stop

Tear-resistant fabric. Even if a cut or puncture occurs on it, it will not tear further. This property camouflage fabric has thanks to polyester threads that pass through cotton base and form a kind of reinforced lattice. At the same time, clothing made from this material remains quite light, breathes well, and does not allow water to pass through when using special impregnations. Jackets, raincoats, backpacks and tents are also made from it.


This is a mixed camouflage fabric It has gained popularity due to the fact that it is woven in such a way that the reverse side is made of cotton, and the front part consists of polyester fibers. This way the clothes remain soft and pleasant to the body inside, absorb sweat, dry quickly, and repel dirt and water.


For winter types of camouflage, polyester fiber is used, woven in such a way that air chambers remain inside it. The top of such material can be finished with water-repellent impregnation or duplicated with another material. Polar fleece provides excellent warmth, is easy to clean, and weighs little.


T-shirts, T-shirts and thin trousers in camouflage colors are made from a mixture of cotton or viscose and polyester. Such lightweight products have good hygienic properties, are practical and comfortable.


Also in civilian and military equipment they use a membrane with a camouflage pattern applied on top. Membrane clothing is easy to move and protects well from cold, wind and rain. From above it does not allow moisture to pass through, but it removes all body evaporation well, so the clothes underneath always remain dry and the person does not freeze.

After making the fabric, a background of the desired shade is applied to it, and after that the stains are applied. When determining the composition of dyes, reflection indicators are taken into account. For each area, the geometric structure of the spots, their shades and saturation are individual and are calculated by specialists.

Areas of application

  • The main areas of application of camouflage fabrics were and remain the army and the military industry. They are still used for sewing military uniform for many military units, as well as covering covers for special equipment.
  • Also, such materials are actively used for the production of protective, uniform and workwear, suits and equipment (backpacks, tents, shoes and hats) for fishermen, hunters, and tourists.
  • Thanks to its non-marking colors, it is widely used as outer work clothing for construction workers. Sometimes supplemented with reflective elements.
  • In the entertainment industry, camouflage is used to produce clothing for military sports games (paintball, airsoft, etc.).
  • In the 60s of the last century in the United States, military camouflage became fashionable among the civilian population. Initially, the goal was to attract the attention of the population and protest against wars. Interest in such clothes quickly faded away, but was revived in the 80s and since then they have regularly appeared in the fashion collections of popular designers. Jackets, raincoats, coats, sweaters and accessories (scarves, bags) in the military style are made from camouflage. For this purpose, softer and more comfortable materials are used, such as knitwear, jeans, silk, and wool. In addition to the military “protective” colors in Everyday life Other types of camouflage are also popular: leopard and zebra. A less aggressive style is the “safari” style; it also uses all shades of the first camouflage pattern - khaki.

Camouflage fabric is an indispensable material in military affairs, serving as protection for people and equipment. It has also firmly established itself in the fashion world and, together with the appropriate accessories, helps create unique looks for men’s, women’s and even children’s wardrobes.

One of the very popular methods of car tuning today is painting it in camouflage. Military style motifs are becoming more and more relevant in design solutions for various trends, apparently due to the fact that it fully reflects the modern pulse of life. If you look at it, camouflage on a car can serve two opposing purposes. On a hunter's or fisherman's car, this is a means of camouflaging vehicles in the wild. In a peaceful city, such a color is a way to stand out, attract attention, and show your style and worldview. Cars in camouflage look stern and brutal, arousing respect and admiration.

Custom car painting - camouflage

Like any other pattern, camouflage may well carry an aesthetic meaning or be a purely functional means of camouflage. Depending on the assigned tasks and types of terrain, the vehicle may be coated with different kinds camouflage - they will be discussed below.

Geometric camouflage

The geometric (or chopped) look was created in order not so much to hide the object, but to break its silhouette into sections with chopped geometric shapes different shapes and size. Being painted in this way, the car is very difficult to visual assessment in terms of actual size and shape. Typically the colors used here are white, gray and black.

Originally created for military purposes, this pattern is very popular among designers today. By adding areas with an unexpected color, for example, blue, pink or purple, you can create very aesthetically interesting car color options.

Geometric camouflage on cars

Pixel art

Pixel (or digital) camouflage is visually similar to the arrangement of pixels on a computer monitor. It is also called “destructive” - it blurs the silhouette of the car, hiding its movement on the ground. When it comes to camouflage, there are special instructions that determine the ratio of spots of different colors. The colors themselves are determined based on the area in which the object operates.

Pixel art can be used in urban areas, in mountains or deserts, as well as in some types of forests. For rocky mountains and urban areas, gray-white and black are used.

Sand-colored spots are appropriate in the desert, that's obvious. For forest areas, green with brown, black colors are chosen.

Pixel art on a car

Forest view

The most common pattern among those who camouflage a car for functional purposes is forest. The dominant color here is green and its different shades. Brown and black colors are added to it. The forest pattern uses flowing lines and soft transitions to blend seamlessly with the forest foliage.

Those who use this design for purely aesthetic purposes can make it in any colors: acidic, purple, pink, etc. It all depends on taste and flight of fancy.

Car camouflage painting - forest look

Winter drawing

It is quite natural that there are types of camouflage for a car in snowy winter conditions. It prevails here White color, to which gray-blue stains are added. The winter version can be made both in the form of smooth lines and transitions, and in a “chopped” design.

Sometimes black can be added to a winter pattern - smooth dark spots and lines dilute the white and mask well if the snow cover is not solid.

As a rule, this variety has a purely practical value - few people choose it for the aesthetics of the car and self-expression. Most often it is in demand among hunters living in northern regions countries. Sometimes white camouflage used by those who like to hunt in winter time, and who is not too lazy to change for this appearance your car.

Winter camouflage

Hunting civilian camouflage

Varieties of patterns have been developed for hunters that have nothing to do with the military style. This is a solid foliage background of green or gray-yellow color. This option looks very stylish on jeeps - it seems like it was created just for them. There are pattern options that imitate jungle, coniferous and deciduous forests, grass cover of steppes and savannas.

This color looks very stylish and is both an excellent means of camouflage and a stylish design solution for car styling.

Car painting - “hunting” camouflage

Desert Storm

One of the very common varieties is the desert pattern. It prevails here yellow and various variations on its theme. Simulates a sandy surface. These can be smooth transitions, lines and a digital pixel version.

This pattern is quite often used in regions where there are sandy deserts. You can decorate your car in such a style that it feels harmonious in the context of the surrounding landscape.

Desert Storm car camouflage

Type of varnish

Two types of varnish can be used to varnish camouflage vehicles:

  • with a glossy effect;
  • with a matte effect.

If camouflage color interests you in a practical sense, then glossy varnish is definitely not suitable. The shine of the body in no way contributes to effective camouflage. Therefore, if you are a hunter, fisherman or military man, do not hesitate to use only a matte finish for your car.

If you are interested in a design effect, rely on your taste. It all depends on your preferences and tastes. Both glossy shine and matte restraint are allowed. But if you want to create the image of a brutal adventurer, then you should still give up glossy varnish.


Camouflaging a car can pursue different, sometimes completely opposite, goals. This may be the desire to camouflage a car while hunting a wild animal, for example. Or, conversely, the desire to stand out from the crowd, to look cool and stylish.

There are many varieties and variations of camouflage patterns. They are created for different conditions, landscapes and produce different visual representations.

When choosing the type of pattern for styling your car, first of all, decide what goals you are pursuing. And only after that decide to choose one or another pattern.

Camouflage is camouflage. Camouflage allows you to hide an object or person in natural conditions due to visual changes in color and shape. That is why they strive to make clothing for the military, as well as for hunters, from materials that imitate the color of natural objects.

The camouflage effect of camouflage is achieved due to the fact that with correctly selected colors and patterns, an object with clearly defined contours is broken down into a chaotic accumulation of spots, some of which will be a natural color for the area, while others will simply be lost among the general background.

The right camouflage shade is one that matches the shades prevailing in a particular area. That is, each of the colors of spotted camouflage used must correspond to the prevailing colors of the territory where it will be used (taking into account their seasonal changes) - then the desired effect will be achieved, and the person or object will not be visible.

Using the wisdom of nature

Observing the behavior of animals, how they appear and disappear seemingly from nowhere, the man realized that the best option passive protection becomes precisely correct selection clothes and their colors. This is how the development of special camouflage for military purposes and hunting began.

Just like animal skins, it may have different colors and shades. It all depends on the terrain in which it will be used. Thus, it is reasonable for security, riot police and any units working in urban conditions to be disguised in shades of asphalt and concrete, and therefore the urban uniform has predominantly gray tones.

It is better to use in forests and fields green camouflage, in deserts - yellowish and so on. If a unit is planning to be sent to fight in any specific conditions, and the terrain is known in advance, they usually try to issue camouflage in the appropriate shades so that its use is appropriate. In many cases, this form is used together with special paints for the face, which help blur its contours - as a rule, it is the head that unmasks a person, since its outlines are too recognizable.

Some camouflage patterns:

Sometimes, in addition to camouflage, local plants are also used to make the camouflage more realistic - they can be attached directly to clothing. This practice is often used by snipers who occupy a static position - the person even camouflages the weapon so that the shine does not give it away. And as a result, it completely merges with the terrain, turns out to be a natural part of it, is perceived as a small bump, or remains completely invisible. Camouflage nets and other auxiliary camouflage elements also perfectly help hide both people and objects on the ground.

Natural camouflage

Nature itself taught this method of passive defense. Many animals do not run away at the sight of a predator, but simply hide and successfully avoid the threat:

Moth can spend daytime on a tree trunk and literally disappear against the background of the bark, invisible to birds and insectivorous animals. Deer and other animals can also successfully camouflage themselves in grass or leaf litter that hides them.

Predators also use similar means - among the sun-scorched grass, bushes and branches, they instantly dissolve. The hare molts twice a year to match the color of the area - for the same purposes.

How does camouflage work?

An important aspect of the advisability of using camouflage is not only the color, but also the size of the spots, as well as their relative position. It’s ideal when they allow you to not only blur, but also break, literally “break” a person’s silhouette. Completely distorted body contours do not allow the enemy’s vision to “assemble” the silhouette anew, and even the most developed imagination and intuition turn out to be useless.

Camouflage is, of course, very useful, but when using it, a person must also know in what conditions it will work especially effectively. Natural shadow helps to break the silhouette into shades and spots - the lack of light and additional spotting together create an ideal camouflage.

Also, a person who wants to remain invisible should not make sudden movements, and, if possible, try not to move at all. You should not give yourself away through sounds (talking, coughing, sneezing), smells (tobacco, perfume) or any other means. If you need to move, you should use natural shelters, not move at full height, and periodically lie behind obstacles, and then the camouflage will fully justify its purpose.

These rules are especially important to know and follow for a hunter who usually uses civilian camouflage. A person who decides to compete with animals in this regard must be extremely careful, choose clothes according to the time of year and the colors prevailing in the area.

History of modern camouflage

In military practice, modern typical multi-color camouflage began to be actively used at the beginning of the twentieth century, and during the Second World War it was used together with single-color: it was mainly issued to snipers, Luftwaffe and SS special forces soldiers, and paratroopers.

During these times, all the advantages of a multi-color military suit became clear to humanity; everyone was clearly convinced that it was not a luxury, and indeed turned out to be much more effective than a plain one. Today the troops use just such camouflage fabrics - multi-colored ones. Camouflage clothing made from them makes a person invisible on the ground with minimal effort on his part - and this has been proven in numerous local wars of the past and present centuries.

Camouflage allows you to hide your positions and even equipment from the enemy, remain invisible, and, therefore, alive. Over the past decades, it has been tested great amount shades and patterns, and currently only the most effective fabrics are used in troops around the world that can literally dissolve a person on the ground so much that he turns into a real invisible man.

Camouflage in modern fashion

If we look at military-style clothing - namely, stylized, and not real army clothing, you can see even more types and colors of camouflage. It turned out that multi-colored fabrics with blurry patterns are not only practical in war in the field, but also very beautiful. By making the colors just a little brighter, and sometimes even using “military” fabric with its typical coloring, you can create very stylish things.

And real army clothes different countries, and military-style items remain equally fashionable and relevant these days. They are practical and almost always look neat - the spots are lost among the washed-out coloring. From the point of view of hunters, camouflage items have no equal at all - they allow people to successfully engage in their favorite craft.

A summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. It is part of the all-season basic uniform kit (VKBO). A suit made of Mirage fabric (PE-65%, cotton-35%), with a high cotton content, is hygienic and comfortable for daily wear. Straight-cut jacket. The collar is a stand-up collar, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. At the top of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeve there is a patch pocket for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. The back halves of the trousers have two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden button closure. Reinforcement pad in the seat area

Fabric: "Panacea" Composition: 67% polyester, 33% viscose 155 g/m2 The suit consists of a jacket jacket View all products from the category Jackets and trousers Straight-cut jacket: -turn-down collar; -the central button closure is covered with a windproof flap; -2 patch pockets with flaps on the chest; -2 patch pockets with flaps on the sleeves with Velcro; -reinforcers on the elbows are made of the main fabric; Straight-fit trousers - central button fastening; -six belt loops on the waistband; -2 side welt pockets on the sides, 2 side patch pockets and 2 patch pockets with flaps at the back; -reinforcers on the knees made of the main fabric.

Suit for the RF Armed Forces Jacket: Worn untucked False shoulder straps can be used With buttons Reinforcing pads on the elbows Cuffs with a padded (fabric insert) on the sleeve to protect against dust and dirt Pockets: 2 pockets on the chest and 2 at the bottom of the jacket 2 internal pockets and 2 on the sleeves Trousers : The arrows are stitched Belt loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads on the knees Bottom of the trousers is adjustable in size using a cord Bottom of the trousers with a height-adjustable strap that prevents them from creeping up 2 side pockets Product material: "Rip-stop": 53% cotton ; 47% polyester Product weight (jacket): 50/182 size -713 g 54/170 size -694 g 56-58/182 size -736 g Product weight (pants): 50/182 size -528 g 54/170 solution -505 g 56-58/182 solution -557 g Attention! The suit is made according to army specifications. The size of the suit assumes a “tight” fit

Gender: male Season: summer Camouflage color: khaki Material: “Tent canvas” (100% cotton), sq. 235 g/m2, VO Lining material: Mixed, sq. 210 g/m2, Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: khaki Low temperature: 10 Fastener: buttons Country: Russia Description Jacket: loose fit; central fastener with loop and button; yoke, linings and pockets made of finishing fabric; 2 lower welt pockets with flap, loop and button; internal zip pocket with button; on the sleeves there is 1 patch slanted pocket with a flap for a loop and a button in the elbow area with reinforcing shaped overlays; bottom of sleeves with elastic; double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; waist adjustment with drawstring; Pants: loose fit; codpiece with loop and button fastening; 2 upper pockets in the side seams, in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers in the seat area - reinforcing linings; 2 side patch pockets with flap; 2 rear patch pockets with buttons; the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; Dust-proof calico skirt at the bottom of the trousers; the back halves under the knee are gathered with an elastic band; elastic waistband; elastic bottom;

Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33% The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. Stand collar. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps on textile fasteners, with belt loops with inside valves In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden fastener.

Scout suit moss The scout suit is made in a very successful design of the demi-season "Smok" uniform in the colors of the experimental A-TACS FG camouflage. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is long, below the waist. It is equipped with a deep hood with adjustable drawstrings, has four voluminous cargo pockets, closed with flaps on a large English button, which makes it easy to open the pocket in a hurry, with hands in shooting gloves, etc. extreme conditions, when the count of time went to seconds. The elbows of the suit are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric, the sleeves are equipped with wide rubber bands. The front zipper is duplicated along the entire length with smaller English buttons, which are fastened into a secret one. The trousers of the suit are loose-fitting, all loaded parts are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric. The belt has a wide rubber-fabric tape sewn into it, a thin cord for additional tightening, and loops for attaching suspenders. The trousers have four pockets. Two slotted ones, covered with flaps on a large English button, two overhead cargo ones, in which additional ammunition can be carried. At the bottom of the legs there is a wide cuff and so-called “brakes” made of elastic fabric that prevent the legs from riding up. color moss (A-TACS FG) Main features: color drawstring at the waist elastic bands on the pants carrying case suspenders included CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: T/S Composition: 65 PE /35 viscose Density: 160 g. Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: no Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: all-season Additional: carrying case

Gender: male Season: summer Main color: khaki Camouflage color: khaki Main material: tent canvas (100% cotton) sq. 235 g/m2, VO Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: khaki Low temperature: 10 Fastener: absent Country: Russia Description The suit consists of a jacket and trousers Jacket - with an adjustable hood, - with a removable mosquito net insert with a zipper, - with patch pockets with a flap with buttons. - trap folds on the chest and sleeves - sleeves with knitted wristbands. - with elbow pads. - the bottom of the jacket has an elastic band with a fastener; the trousers are straight with an elastic band in a stitched waistband with belt loops; - upper internal pockets with buttons. - with an elastic cord with a fastener at the bottom of the trousers. - with knee pads

Classic model, straight cut Material: 100% Cotton Product weight: 50 size -166 g 54 size -203 g 58 size -217 g REVIEWS: Review on the Russel website YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

Winter jacket for ground forces, Navy and Air Force reliably protects from wind and snow. The insulation retains heat well, weighs little, does not deform, and does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Regular cut For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

The model of lightweight demi-season boots with an upper made of high-strength hydrophobic leather and a rubber sole with a textured tread is invariably very popular among employees of various law enforcement agencies, tourists and people who prefer outdoor activities. For greater comfort, the lining of the boots is made of dense PVC mesh. The toe cap and heel are reinforced with a special thermoplastic material, which allows maintaining the external shape of the boots. The blind valve prevents foreign objects from entering the boot. Demi-season boots are equipped with a lacing system consisting of eight pairs of D-shaped half rings, which significantly facilitate and speed up the process of lacing and unlacing boots without removing the laces from the loops. CITY TYPE ASSAULT BOOTS Continuation of the legendary COBRA series. Used in all special units of the Russian Federation Combination top: hydrophobic leather (1.2-1.4 mm), “DRYWALKSYSTEM” (R) (JSC “RUSSIAN LEATHER”) + elastic natural leather on the shaft. Lining: mesh. Sole: rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1. Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 40-46. The blind valve protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, water, dirt). Speed ​​lacing. Black color. Weight: 570 gr. Specifications Assault boots. Model Cobra 12011 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material hydrophobic leather (1.2-1.4 mm), “DRYWALK SYSTEM”® (JSC “RUSSIAN LEATHER”) + elastic natural leather on the ankle Lining material mesh Fastening of the sole adhesive Instep support metal Toe box and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material rubber with increased wear resistance BUTEK 1, (Italy) Available size range 40-46 Shoe color black Lacing type speed lacing Valve type blind valve

A summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. The collar is a stand-up collar, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners, with belt loops on the inside of the flaps. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps with a secret button fastening. In the seat area there is a reinforced overlay Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33%

Demi-season boots with an upper made of durable elastic chrome leather 1.4 mm thick and with a reliable rubber sole equipped with a large tread are the optimal shoes used by numerous employees of law enforcement and security agencies, tourists and ordinary people leading an active lifestyle. The lining is made from durable yet very soft nylon mesh. The toe cap and heel of the boot are reinforced with a special thermoplastic material. The boots use speed lacing, which allows you to quickly and securely fix your foot in the boot. The model is equipped with a blind valve that prevents foreign objects from getting inside the boot. CITY TYPE ASSAULT BOOTS Combined upper: natural chrome leather (1.2-1.4 mm) + elastic natural leather on the soft edging and flap. Lining: laminated mesh. Sole: rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1. Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Arch support: metal. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 40-46. Semi-blind valve. Soft edging. Black color. Weight: 580 gr. Technical characteristics Assault boots. Model Mongoose 24111 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.2-1.4 mm) + soft edging and flap elastic natural leather Lining material laminated mesh Sole fastening adhesive Instep support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material rubber of increased wear resistance BUTEK 1 , (Italy) Available size range 38-46 Shoe color black Valve type semi-blind valve Soft edging present

A summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket of a straight silhouette with a central side hidden fastener with 5 loops and 5 “Canada” buttons and an upper and lower through loop and button. In front of the top there are voluminous patch pockets with flaps fastened with a textile fastener. There is a stitched belt at the bottom. The backrest has no design features. There is a one-piece belt at the bottom of the back. The belt is adjustable in width along the back using a drawstring and half rings. The sleeves are set-in two-seam cuffs, with reinforced overlays with darts in the elbow area and an entrance along the lower edge, fastened with a textile fastener. If necessary, additional padding is inserted into the elbow overlays. On the sleeves there are patch pockets with a zipper with a side entrance. At the bottom of the sleeves there are figured patties, one-piece with cuffs, fastened with a loop and two “Canada” buttons. The gussets for air exchange are made of knitted fabric (mesh). Shoulder straps with false shoulder straps are sewn into the seams connecting the sleeves with the armhole in the shoulder area, fastened with a Nato button. A set-in turn-down collar with a stitched stand, with a patch at the left end of the collar, fastened with a loop and two buttons (in the working and non-working position). The upper inner part of the jacket is covered with a lining. On the left shelf of the lining there is a pocket for documents made of waterproof fabric, fastened with a button. Trousers with a stitched belt fastened with an overcast loop and button and a trouser hook, with five loops: two on the front halves and three on the back halves. The sides of the belt are tied with an elastic band. Codpiece of trousers with zipper. A holder with a half ring is sewn under the lower edge of the belt loop on the right half of the trousers. The front halves of the trousers have soft folds, with side pockets with finishing inserts. In the knee area there are reinforced linings with darts. On the side seams there are patch pockets with flaps. The pocket flaps are fastened with a textile fastener. Above the voluminous pockets on the front halves there are small voluminous pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. On the back halves of the trousers there are pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The reinforcing pad in the seat area forms burlap pockets. Pins are sewn into the hem of the bottom of the trousers along the crotch seam to secure the trousers into boots. Additionally, a keeper tape is inserted into the hem of the bottom to adjust the width. Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33%

The Gorka WINTER suit produced by the PRIVAL trademark is made of dense cotton tent fabric with insulation: lining microfleece and fiberplast (warm siliconized polyester fabric). Cotton-blend raincoat fabric is used as finishing and reinforcement for areas critical to wear and getting wet. The jacket and trousers are loose-fitting, allowing you to add additional layers of clothing. For better fit, fit and to avoid “windage” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric tape on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, under the knees and at the bottom of the trousers. The jacket has 5 pockets, the trousers 6. The pocket flaps are triangular in shape, which significantly reduces bending of the extreme corners of the flap and clinging to ammunition and equipment. The trousers are equipped with comfortable suspenders. The combination of overlays with the main khaki fabric ensures that the silhouette of a person is broken up at distant distances. The suit is designed to protect against temperature changes and strong winds in mountainous area. Can be used by outdoor enthusiasts, fishing, hunting. Composition: jacket / trousers (equipped with special suspenders) Color: khaki, khaki inserts Fabric: tent 100% cotton, inserts - cotton-blend fabric Lining: microfleece Insulation: fiber plastic (siliconized fabric)

Combined arms suit of a new type. The new general-arms suit is made taking into account the latest requirements for uniforms and can actually be used all year round. Structurally, the suit consists of a light jacket (tunic) and loose-fitting trousers. It is made from a durable 70/30 polyester/cotton blend with a weight of 220 g. per 1m2 of the statutory coloring “digital flora”. The jacket is equipped with a zipper, which, in turn, is covered with a windproof flap, securely fixed with textile fasteners, has a stand-up collar that prevents the fighter's neck from rubbing against the body armor, and five pockets. Two front ones, two patches on the sleeves and one internal, waterproof, for documents. The sleeves of the jacket are reinforced with a double layer of fabric and are securely fixed at the wrist with Velcro fasteners. The cut of the jacket itself is designed so that insulating layers can be slipped under it and worn either tucked into trousers or untucked. For quick identification in an emergency, and the insignia required by the regulations, the jacket has six reliable attachment points - three above the chest pockets, and three on the sleeves. The suit's trousers are loose enough so as not to restrict the fighter's movements, the knees and other loaded parts are reinforced with a second layer of fabric, and elastic bands are sewn into the belt for automatic volume control. This allows you to wear the insulating layer quite comfortably and, in critical cases, do without a waist belt. To accommodate the minimum required by a fighter, the trousers have six pockets. Two cargo labels on the sides, two slotted ones, and two rear ones. At the bottom of the legs there are drawstrings that allow you to securely fix the trousers over combat boots, as well as belt loops, they allow for more precise height adjustment and make wearing trousers tucked into shoes more comfortable. color pixel Main features: color green pixel durable material collar stand Velcro for stripes internal pocket CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing elastic bands: ties Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: demi-season

Demi-season boots, in which ankle boots and top part The vamps are made of nylon fabric with a density of 1000 D, and the lower part of the vamp is made of natural chrome leather with a thickness of 1.6 mm; they are perfect for both employees of law enforcement and security departments, as well as tourists or people who are fond of outdoor activities. The undoubted advantages of this model are that the front part of the boot is protected from mechanical damage and moisture by a “Matrix” leather lining and, in addition, the toe and heel are reinforced with a special thermoplastic material to maintain shape. The lining of this model is made of durable nylon mesh. The high lacing system securely fixes the model on the foot; in addition, the presence of three pairs of hooks in the upper part of the boot allows you to quickly lace up the boots. The blind valve prevents foreign objects from entering the boot. The flexible and durable rubber outsole has a large tread pattern that provides optimal traction on a wide variety of surfaces, be it sand, gravel, rocks or grass. CITY TYPE ASSAULT BOOTS This model is a classic “tactical” police boot. Has been tested in many special units of Russia. Got the most high marks according to such indicators as wear resistance and comfort, from the employees of the BULAT SOBR. Combined upper: genuine chrome leather (1.4-1.6) + high-strength fabric made from non-textured 1680D nylon thread. Lining: laminated mesh Sole: rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1. Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Arch support: metal. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 40-46. The blind valve protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, dirt). Black color. The toe part is reinforced - leather with high-strength PU coating "Matrix" (Italy). Weight: 545 gr. Technical characteristics Assault boots. Model Viper 2331 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.4-1.6) + high-strength nylon fabric 1680D Lining material laminated mesh Sole fastening adhesive Instep support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material rubber of increased wear resistance BUTEK 1, (Italy) Available size range 40-46 Shoe color black Valve type blind valve Protection with linings made of high-strength leather “Matrix” with PU coating (Italy). toe part

High-tech double-layer underwear with excellent thermoregulating and heat-saving properties. Designed to keep you warm during a wide range of outdoor physical activities. The inner layer of textured modified polyester microfiber promotes active moisture removal, while the soft brushing creates a comfortable feeling. A flat seam is used, which increases the strength of the structure and also eliminates chafing and injury to the skin when worn. The elongated back of the sweatshirt reliably covers the lower back when motor activity. Gender: male Season: winter Material: polyester Color: protective Country: Russia Size chart Men's size Chest circumference, cm Waist circumference, cm Hip circumference, cm 44/46 86-94 76-84 94-100 48/50 94-102 84 -92 100-106 52/54 102-110 92-100 106-112 56/58 110-118 100-108 112-118 60/62 118-126 108-116 118-124 Male height Height Height of a typical figure, cm Interval height of a typical figure, cm 1-2 158-164 155.0-166.9 3-4 170-176 167.0-178.9 5-6 182-188 179.0-191.9 Women's size Bust circumference, cm Waist circumference, cm Hip circumference, cm 40/42 78 -86 60-64 86-92 44/46 86-94 68-72 94-100 48/50 94-102 76-80 102-108 52/54 102-110 84-88 110-116 56/58 110-118 94-100 118-124 60/62 119-126 104-108 126-132 Women's height Height Height of a typical figure, cm Growth interval of a typical figure, cm 1-2 146-152 143.0-154.9 3-4 158-164 155.0-166.9 5-6 170-176 167.0-178.9

The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket with a central hidden (supat) button closure "Canada". Stand collar with button fastening. A shelf with voluminous patch pockets (two chest, two side) with flaps fastened with “Canada” buttons. On the left shelf there is an internal pocket made of waterproof fabric with a textile fastener. The back is one-piece along the waist line and the internal drawstring with perforated elastic and buttons for volume regulation. At the bottom of the jacket there is a drawstring with a cord and clamps to regulate the volume; the ends of the cord are brought out from the inside and covered with overlays. Set-in two-seam sleeves with elbow pads and custom cuffs with shaped patches fastened with Nato buttons. The sleeves have patch pockets with a zipper on the side; shoulder straps with false shoulder straps are sewn into the seams connecting the sleeve with the armhole in the shoulder area, fastened with a Nato button. Sleeves with ventilation holes and protective mesh in the armhole area. Trousers with a stitched belt fastened with an overcast loop and button, with five wide loops: two on the front halves and three on the back halves. The sides of the belt are tied with an elastic band. Codpiece of trousers with hidden button fastening. The front half of the trousers has soft pleats, with side pockets and patch volume pockets with flaps, with a Canada button closure in the area of ​​the side seams. In the knee area there are reinforced linings with soft folds. The back halves have flap pockets with a Canada button closure. The reinforcement pad in the seat area forms burlap pockets. There is a ribbon inserted along the bottom of the trousers to adjust the width and straps. Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33%