Membership (CIS) is important for Russia. 20 million Russians and Russian-speaking people live in the CIS countries outside the Russian Federation. This organization, having been created in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR, included most of the former Soviet republics, with the exception of the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). In 2014, the CIS includes, in addition to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Ukraine is de facto part of the CIS, but has not signed the Charter. Turkmenistan did not sign the Charter either, while declaring itself as an “associated member” of the organization. After the conflict with Russia, Georgia left the CIS in 2009. Russia serves as the external borders of the CIS in Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

Another geopolitically important organization for Russia is Customs Union EurAsEC, which includes Belarus and Kazakhstan. The organization is a form of trade and economic integration, providing for a single customs territory. Economic restrictions and customs duties do not apply within this territory.

IN Shanghai organization cooperation (SCO) includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The territory included in this regional organization countries occupies 60% of the territory of Eurasia. The main declared objectives of the SCO are strengthening security and stability, economic cooperation, energy partnership, cultural and scientific interaction, and the fight against extremism and separatism.

Organization of the Treaty on collective security(CSTO) is a military-political union, which in modern form exists since 2002. The CSTO includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Armenia. The stated purpose of the organization is to protect with common effort territorial-economic space from military aggression, terrorists and natural disasters.

Other organizations

After the USSR collapsed in 1991, Russia was legally recognized as the successor state of the USSR. So she took the place of her ex Soviet Union in the UN Security Council and a number of other organizations.

The United Nations Organization (UN) is considered perhaps the main one among those that arose after the Second World War. It was created in 1945 with the aim of maintaining peace in different regions planets. It has considerable financial resources, administrative apparatus and even armed forces. Russia was one of the countries that took part in the creation of the UN. And being the victorious power in World War II, it entered the highest executive body organization - the UN Security Council, where he remains to this day. In this regard, Russia has the right of veto, i.e. the right to impose a ban on any decision taken by the UN.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is one of those where Russia participates. The purpose of the OSCE is to maintain security and peace in Europe.

In addition to the above, the Russian Federation is a member of such organizations as the International currency board(IMF), Council of Europe, Council of States Baltic Sea(CBSS), Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC), Black Sea Organization economic cooperation(BSEC), United Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Bank Group, Universal Postal Union, World organization intellectual property(WIPO), Aviation International (FAI), Asian parliamentary assembly(APA), etc.

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Tip 2: Which international organizations does Russia belong to?

Russian Federation is the successor and continuer of the USSR membership in many international organizations. The largest of them are the UN, in which the Russian Federation is a permanent member, as well as the economic G8.

UN and G8

The United Nations is the guarantor of maintaining international peace and safety. It unites 15 member states in its work. Five of them - Great Britain, China, Russia, USA and France - are permanent, and another ten - Australia, Argentina, Luxembourg, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Lithuania, Jordan, Nigeria, Chad and Chile - are temporary. The last group of countries changes from time to time. IN different time The non-permanent members of the UN Security Council included Brazil, Japan, India, Colombia, Pakistan, Italy, Canada, Germany and other countries.

The Big Eight (G8) is a kind of international club that unites Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, USA, France and Japan. It should be noted that the G8 is not an organization, since it does not have its own charter and approved secretariat. As a rule, the countries that are part of this organization do not enter into any formal pacts, but only agree on a certain line of behavior in the international arena.

Unfortunately, due to latest events In Ukraine, the remaining members of this organization suspended Russia's membership in the G8. True, temporarily, and not permanently, until the current situation is resolved.

Other organizations of which Russia is a member

This list is quite extensive. Russia consists of many.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. This organization unites 57 countries from North America, Europe and Central Asia.

Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. This structure consists of 12 countries of the Black Sea region and the Southern Balkans.

Council of the Baltic Sea States. It was founded in 1992 in Copenhagen with the participation of not only Russia, but also Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

Council of Europe. This structure oversees cooperation between member states in the field of human rights and the development of democracy, as well as cultural interaction.

Or CIS. IN this organization, besides Russia, also includes 9 more countries.

Nowadays, information is widely disseminated in the media and the Internet that Russia has no serious trading partners and our trade turnover is very modest. But is it? According to statistics from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS), from January to August 2016, our total trade turnover amounted to $288.5 billion, and of which exports are $176 billion, and import – $112.5 billion. One way or another, we sell more than we buy.

It is worth noting that trade turnover nevertheless decreased by 18.2%. Nothing can be done, the unfavorable economic situation, sanctions, foreign policy pressure - all this harms the joint business. At the same time, exports decreased by 25%, and imports by 4.8%. So who is Russia trading with?

Main trading partners of Russia by region, January-August 2016

Russia's main trading partners, despite sanctions, are still EU countries - $124.9 billion. Trade turnover with countries Eurasian Union(EAEU) is still $9.4 billion, but that’s it for now. However, if we consider in country equivalent, the main trading partner is China - almost $40.2 billion. In second place is Germany with $24.9 billion, and in third place is the Netherlands with $20.5 billion. So, trading with Russia is profitable and many countries not only did not reduce the volume of trade with us, but, on the contrary, increased it. For example, China, France and the Netherlands. The import of their goods and services to Russia has only increased.

Main trading partners of Russia by country, January-August 2016

Today, psychological testing has become fashionable in many companies. The results of such studies should not be taken into account, but they should not be neglected either. The MBTI test will help identify behavioral stereotypes and conditionally unite people into four main groups (type).

Representatives of the first type(SP) are guided by the “here and now” principle, have a short planning horizon (1–2 months), and immediately explode the situation from the inside as soon as it becomes predictable. They often run ahead of the locomotive. As owners of the enterprise, they can entrust affairs to experienced employees, but from time to time they will try to steer the business themselves. The most risky areas are sought as employees: crisis management, security Service.
It is not possible to motivate such people by relying on a sense of duty and responsibility. It is better to manage them, focusing on one or another end result, with minimal control as the task progresses. An employee of this type can stop performing a task at any time if he considers that its solution is not the closest path to the goal.

Representatives of the second type(SJ) feel comfortable only in systematic activities focused on achieving results. Their principle is “planned result - within the established time frame.” To be effective, they need to know the rules of the game. Planning horizon: 1–2 years. They are rarely owners (they avoid risk); they usually remain hired employees at high management levels. A representative of this type is a gift for a manager, since a sense of duty is his leading motivation. Responsibility, effectiveness and caution are always in demand in the labor market, so representatives of this type realize themselves in almost any profession.
A weak feature of people of the SJ type is the desire to take on all the work, hence problems with delegation of authority, constant overload (most of the heart attacks at work are caused by SJs).

People of the third type(NF) try first of all to establish relationships. They can only work fruitfully with those they like. The word “team” is not an empty phrase for them. Sometimes this is detrimental to business, since it is difficult for them to separate personal from production. The planning horizon is blurred, since the timing of achieving goals is influenced by the social climate, surrounding people type NF.
As hired employees, they are good in areas associated with constant communication: salespeople, PR people, advertisers, secretaries, client managers of all types. NF people react very sharply to how they are treated: they thrive on praise, but criticism can significantly reduce their productivity. They are often exposed to stress, work with very uneven productivity and - as a result - are the first to be laid off.

Fourth type(NT) is characterized by intellectual snobbery. Their principle is “perfection”. As a rule, they become owners big business. Subordinates are not trusted, therefore, declaring a desire to “retire from business,” they never do this. They prefer to occupy positions of advisors, experts and others gray cardinals. Managing people of this type is effective when they are given an interesting, complex task and the field of results is not limited. This type of people is completely unsubordinate, and optimal view relationship with them is a partnership.

It is assumed that depending on the company profile the ratio of representatives should be varied different types among employees: trading companies will carry out their activities more successfully if there are 20–30% of people of the NF type, SJ – 30–40%, SP – 10–20%, NT – up to 5%.
Rapid response units (Alpha type) will most likely attract up to 60% SP type, 30-40% SJ type and 5-10% NT type into their ranks. Banks prefer a predominance of SJs (70–80%) as core employees, 10% NTs in top management positions, and 10% SPs in the security system.

The microfinance organization Your Money is one of the leaders in small payday lending in the country. MFOs have thousands of satisfied clients, but among them there are also those who have regretted more than once that they applied for a loan here. This is primarily due to the actions of debt collectors who use illegal methods of debt collection. How do Your Money collectors work? Which CAs does the organization cooperate with? Does it sell borrowers' debts or simply give them away under an agency agreement? How to protect yourself from annoying debt collectors and who to turn to for help?

Who does MFO Your Money cooperate with?

KA Logg is one of the small “specialized” companies providing services for the collection of overdue debts. It has been operating on the market since 2015, but is not a member of NAPCA.

The representative office is located in Moscow, but KA claims to cover the entire country from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Collectors from Logg work exclusively under an agency agreement; they do not redeem debts under an assignment agreement. Logg has its own website, but there is no information about the exact location of the office.

Another collection agency with which MFO Your Money works is ACF (Agency Credit Finance), former Credit Collection Group (CCG). KA is a major player in the collection services market and has a wide range of clients. Mainly works under an agency agreement.

How do Your Money collectors work?

If you are interested in the question of how Your Money collectors work, then you should start looking for the answer from the actions of the security service of the MFO itself.

Like others credit institutions, has its own security service, which is engaged not only in checking potential clients, but also the collection of overdue debts.

At the first stage, which lasts about 3 months, it is this department that tries to collect the client’s overdue debt.

The Security Service operates according to established rules - constant calls, rudeness, threats, calls to work. If the Security Service fails to return the money, the debt is transferred under an agency agreement to collectors.

They operate differently depending on the organization. If we talk about how the Your Money from Logg collectors work, then everything is more or less normal here. This agency does not contact debtors, and if they do, it is only in Moscow, since the agency has a representative office only in the capital. Debtors from other cities and regions have nothing to worry about in this regard. Although among the frequent “scares” of this CA, the threat of coming home to the borrower’s place of residence or registration constantly pops up.

Collectors from Logg often call the borrower, send SMS messages and letters. When communicating, they behave rudely, threaten to sue, come and take all the property out of the apartment together with the district police officer, etc.

They are often active in in social networks. Collectors from Logg find the debtor’s page on social networks, send a photo and detailed information about the debt to all friends and friends of friends, and post the photo on various forums and groups in the city where the borrower lives. So the collectors from Logg are quite capable of ensuring widespread publicity.

In addition, they actively call people at work and even threaten their superiors to send an audit to the organization if they do not pay them the salary of the debtor who works for them.

Calls continue to the numbers of contact persons that were left in the questionnaire. They also receive various kinds of threats.

The only advantage of this CA is that collectors do not directly threaten the life and health of the borrower.

If we talk about collectors from AKF, they like to scare debtors by selling the debt to third parties from the Caucasus, while saying that they are not responsible for their further actions. This is very frightening for many borrowers who have heard about the chaos that collectors from Chechnya, Dagestan, etc. create.

In addition, they are intimidated by the courts, the police, criminal liability for fraud, bailiffs, by the fact that they will seize all property and throw them out of the apartment, etc. A standard set of threats inherent in all collection agencies. At the same time, ACFs send SMS messages much more often than they call.

Having realized that the borrower cannot be frightened by “horror stories”, collectors from ACF offer a peaceful alternative - to pay 15-30% of the debt amount, and they will “forgive” the rest. If the client does not agree to this proposal, he is temporarily left alone, but after 3-4 months history repeats itself.

How to deal with debt collectors for your money?

If you know how the Vash Money collectors or any other microfinance organization work, you will definitely be able to resist them. The most important thing that any borrower needs to remember is not to give in to panic and fear. This is exactly what they are trying to achieve.

You should also not agree to various offers to pay only part of the debt, after which they will forgive everything. This is a scam. In fact, a letter with such calls is not an offer.

Even if the borrower pays the agreed amount, debt collectors will still ask for the balance. Your debt will not be written off, but will only be reduced by the amount of the contribution. After all, you did not sign any additional agreement, did not accept the offer, etc.

At the first threats, it is better to immediately stop any further communication with Your Money collectors. They won’t speak normally, and it’s not worth listening to empty threats and wasting your nerves in vain.

The second thing you need to do is write a detailed review-complaint here

Modern world economy characterized by rapid growth of foreign economic relations. Participation in these connections former USSR prevented by the situation of confrontation between the West and the East and the “Iron Curtain” that had created in the world.

The beginning of market reforms in Russia put an end to the existing state monopoly on foreign economic activity and restrictions on the right to enter the foreign market. Only a limited circle of specialized state foreign trade organizations had this right. The economy of the USSR, the largest industrial power in the world, was actually artificially isolated from the world market and international competition. The country's share in world trade did not exceed 4% in the second half of the eighties.

Today Russia's share in world trade turnover accounts for only 1%. As a result of the economic crisis in the country, the volume of foreign trade of the Russian Federation decreased by more than half.

However, foreign economic activity is becoming increasingly open. The country has trade relations with many countries of the world. Change foreign economic activity occurs in accordance with the adopted Constitution and the Federal Treaty. They provide for the right of the subjects of the Federation (republics, autonomies, territories, regions), as well as individual enterprises, to develop non-economic relations.

Russia’s inclusion in foreign economic relations is also facilitated by changes in the political climate in the world, the end cold war. Russia represents for developed countries The West is a kind of Eldorado: a huge, poorly developed market, rich labor resources, an exceptionally diverse huge (still) raw material base.

In 1994 between Russia and European Union A Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was signed. The agreement provides for the implementation of freedom of movement of capital, labor and services. This is important for our country, since EU countries account for up to 40% of Russian exports.

Overall in Lately In Russia's foreign trade turnover, there has been an increase in the share of countries with developed market economy.

The result of the change in the guidelines for foreign and non-economic activities was a change in the geography of Russia's foreign trade. The role of Russia's main trading partners in the past - the socialist countries - has changed the most. Their share in our country’s exports decreased by half (from 50 to 25%), and in imports from 51 to 28%.

Specific gravity developed Western countries in trade with Russia almost doubled and reached a level of 50-60%. The leading trading partners of the Russian Federation are Germany, the USA, Great Britain, and Italy. Netherlands, China, Japan. These countries account for almost half of Russia's foreign trade turnover. In total, our country has trade relations with more than 50 countries.

Under the influence of changes in socio-economic conditions in the country and world market conditions, the commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade is changing. In Russian exports, the leading place is occupied by mineral raw materials: oil, petroleum products, gas, coal, etc. In 1996, for example, Russia supplied 92 million tons of crude oil and 33 million tons to the CIS countries to the foreign market (a total of 40% of production ), 197 billion me of natural gas and 25 million tons of coal. The share of fuel and energy resources in Russian exports amounted to 45.9%. The main consumers of Russian oil and gas are European states(Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Hungary, etc.).

The second most important group of export goods is raw materials and semi-finished products, metals ( iron ore, rolled steel, aluminum, timber, etc.).

Russia is the world's largest exporter of steel and aluminum.

Exports of mechanical engineering in Russia are very small (up to 9%). This is alarming, since, on the one hand, it reflects a deep crisis in the country’s economy, and on the other hand, it slows down the development of mechanical engineering. The development of the latter is impossible today without broad foreign economic relations, which would contribute to the improvement of the economic structure of the Russian Federation.

In the structure of Russian imports, the main part so far consists of imports from European countries, USA, Japan, Republic of Korea machinery, equipment and vehicles(about 3%). But their share, as well as the share of chemical products, has noticeably decreased. At the same time, there was an increase in the volume of industrial consumer goods. The share of food in imports is invariably high (1/3).

Russia imports meat, meat products, canned meat from Germany, Italy, France, China, the USA, and other countries: potatoes from Poland; grain from the USA, Canada, France, Germany: flour from Italy. Hungary, Germany; sugar from Cuba, France, China, Brazil; fruits from Hungary, Poland, Afghanistan, etc. Raw materials for light industry comes from Asian countries. Finished products(clothing, shoes) - mainly from China and European countries.

The commodity structure of Russia's exports and imports is much less perfect than the structure of exports of the advanced countries of the world. In the latter, manifestations of the economic revolution are noticeable: resource conservation, improvement of technologies, treatment facilities, specialization in environmentally acceptable sectors of the economy. At the same time, “dirty” production, waste and their processing are moved to countries that are lagging behind in their development. An analysis of the export-import structure suggests that Russia allows itself to be included in this group of countries. There are many examples of this. One of the most striking is the export of platinum group metals by the Norilsk Nickel concern to Japan and the USA, where they are used in the production of catalysts for cleaning automobile exhausts. The Norilsk Nickel concern is the largest air polluter in Russia and Europe. As a result, the struggle for air purity abroad increases the level of air pollution in Russia.

This crisis situation must be fully realized in society, in the ruling structures, and once realized, it must be eliminated.

Along with foreign trade industrial and food products Other forms of international economic cooperation are also developing in our country. Thus, the transition to an open economy contributes to the development of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and other countries in various fields of knowledge and production activities. Cooperation in the field of science and technology involves planning, forecasting, joint implementation scientific developments; cooperation in the field of scientific and technical information and personnel training; exchange of specialists to work in research and development training centers and so on.

A new direction for Russia, such as joint entrepreneurship, is developing. The greatest activity in creating joint ventures is shown by firms from industrialized countries: Germany, the USA, Finland, Austria, Italy, as well as countries with developing market economies - China, Hungary, Poland, etc. Most of enterprises with foreign participation arise where it is possible to use buildings, roads, enterprises, etc., created in pre-perestroika times, to the advantage of foreign partners.

In addition, the development of joint ventures with the participation of Russian capital abroad is intensifying. The export of capital from the country took place in last years years of catastrophic character.

Trade in licenses (permissions to transfer rights to use an invention, industrial design, trademark), and the sale of technologies not protected by patents (“know-how”) have also become widespread in recent years.

One of the new forms of economic relations is free economic zones (FEZ). They operate in more than 80 countries around the world. In recent years, projects have emerged to create SEZs in Russia, some of them are already being implemented.

To ensure the development of SEZs, special benefits are established on their territory (simplification of enterprise registration, preferential tax regime, special customs regime, etc.).

In the early 90s, a decision was made in Russia to form 12 SEZs. Currently, SEZs are developing relatively actively in Nakhodka, the Kaliningrad region and St. Petersburg, the remaining zones are in the process of formation.

Economic effect from the SEZ for our country is still controversial, but the benefits of foreign business are obvious

Our country is in an extremely difficult socio-economic situation, and its geopolitical position has also changed. In these conditions, Russia's foreign economic policy should be aimed at protecting the interests of domestic exporters in foreign markets, supporting domestic producers through regulating foreign competition in the domestic market; attracting foreign capital and firms, promoting the creation of joint ventures for the production of competitive machinery and equipment.