In terms of ideal weather conditions November is worth paying attention to. Actually, the holiday season begins in October, but this month is still quite humid and can rain periodically. Throughout November there are no more than 3-4 rainy days, and these are short-term rains. The humidity level in November gradually returns to normal, the average daytime temperature is +31-32 degrees, and at night drops to 22-23. The water temperature does not drop below 28-29 degrees. This weather is tolerated quite comfortably by both adults and children. There are no winds at this time, so the waves will definitely not ruin your vacation.

No matter how comfortable the temperature is, you need to follow basic safety rules in order to protect yourself from the sun. The sun in Goa is very aggressive and can cause a lot of trouble. Try to stay in the open sun as little as possible, drink plenty of fluids and use all possible creams and others. protective equipment. Better time for going to the beach it is morning and evening (after 17:00).

In November, the entire resort infrastructure begins to function, cafes, restaurants, night clubs open, and opportunities for various water activities appear. The choice of excursions and goods in markets is increasing (flea markets are starting to operate). In this regard, there will definitely be no discomfort or inconvenience. If you are interested, then surf schools begin their work in November and they do not experience a shortage of clients. There are also many interesting offers for diving enthusiasts.

The most the best excursions At this time, you can call trips to spice plantations and jeep safaris in local reserves. After the summer and partly autumn rains, everything looks very beautiful, the color and smell. Excursions through the crocodile jungle and visits to waterfalls deserve special attention. In a word, you shouldn’t go to India to lie on the beach and swim in the ocean for 10 years, otherwise when you return home there will be nothing to tell.

In November, Goa hosts numerous holidays and festivals. The most interesting holiday“Diwali”, which takes place over five days in honor of the victory of good over evil (in short). Also this month there are a number of holidays during which believers prepare a large number of dishes and present them to local gods.

But with prices it’s not so simple. Compared to the same October, the cost of a vacation increases at least twice. The only way to save money is to book your tour in advance, and if you are going to fly on your own, then you need to take care of early booking of hotels and plane tickets.

When planning a trip to India, many people ask the question: when is the best time to go on vacation to Goa? Nai best time The period for visiting the state is from the beginning of November to the end of April. At this time, he comes to the state greatest number tourists. There are a lot of visitors from Russia and Ukraine here at this time. You will definitely meet Russian-speaking tourists who have been coming to this state on vacation for many years in a row. To make your vacation more comfortable, interesting and full of positive emotions, learn from experienced travelers who have been vacationing here for several years about the peculiarities of the state, about the best attractions known only to local residents and a small number of tourists.

Beaches in Goa

To determine the season when it is best to vacation in Goa, you should learn about the peculiarities of climatic conditions and their changes depending on the specific time of year and month. During from November to March the state is very good weather. There is little rainfall here. Air humidity does not exceed 70%. Air humidity during this period is at optimal levels for comfortable well-being. Water temperature - up to +29 degrees.

In October (second half) Vacationers are already starting to come to the state. Prices for accommodation, food and air tickets at this time are still relatively low, and therefore you can save a lot on vacation at this time (before the start of the tourist season). The air temperature at this time is approximately +33 degrees. At night the temperature drops to +24 degrees. It may rain this month. But precipitation is no longer as frequent and prolonged as in the middle of the rainy season. Diving schools begin to open in the middle of this month. However, due to the fact that visibility is still quite poor at this time, diving schools open to beginners this month.

Many who have repeatedly vacationed in this state, answering the question of when is the best time to fly to Goa on vacation, It is advised to plan your trip for November. There are still relatively few tourists in the state this month. There is practically no rain. Precipitation may occur 1-2 times per month. Water temperature +29 degrees. Daylight hours last 10 hours. It's clear and sunny all the days in November. warm weather, ideal for relaxation. Air humidity is also optimal (about 67%). This month marks the beginning of the season for beach holidays in Goa.

December It's the height of the tourist season in the state. Tourists from different countries world, including from Russia. During the day the air temperature is +34 degrees, at night the thermometer shows +23 degrees. Relative air humidity - approximately 61%. If you are planning to go on holiday here in January, be sure to take warm clothes with you for evening walks. On some days, the air temperature in the evening and at night can drop to +19 degrees.

During from March to the end of April the average air temperature is +33 degrees. Water temperature +25 degrees. There is practically no precipitation. But at this time the wind increases, which can cause storms. During these two months, it is clear almost every day. It is extremely rarely cloudy.

In May the season ends. The air temperature rises to 35 degrees. Storms are becoming more frequent. Sometimes there is precipitation. Air humidity rises to 75%. There are significantly fewer tourists this month.

Exotica in Goa

Monsoon season in the state

This season in the state begins in the first month of summer. It rains almost constantly. The air temperature is +30 degrees, and at night +25 degrees. Air humidity rises to 85%. IN summer months and until the beginning of October, more than 90% of the average annual precipitation falls here. Precipitation increases in June and July. If you are planning to spend your holiday here on the beach, sunbathing and swimming, it is better not to fly here during the rainy season.

In June There are continuous rains here, which can rain for 2 hours without a break. The state is uncomfortable to be in because it becomes difficult to breathe. The reason for this is high humidity. There are sunny days at this time. But there are no more of them than cloudy ones.

In July, the state still receives more precipitation. This is the wettest month of the year. Sunny days this month is much less than in June. Air humidity rises to 86%. At night this figure can be even higher.

In August, the number of rainy days significantly exceeds the number of days with clear weather. The air temperature during the day is +29 degrees, and at night +25 degrees. Relative humidity reaches 88%.

In September, the heat in the state begins to gradually subside. The air temperature during the day does not exceed +30 degrees. But relative humidity air is still at high levels. In addition, it rains quite often this month. Therefore, September is also not suitable for a beach holiday.


Let's sum it up

In October and May, you can fly to the state for sunbathing, swimming, and diving. At all, swimming season opens here in November. For those who prefer to relax in uncrowded places, it is better to arrive earlier, for example, in the second half of October. You can also plan a vacation for the first half of May or the end of April. During this period, tourists leave the state. Accordingly, prices for food, accommodation and other services fall. Thus, by planning a trip in the off-season, you will be able to sunbathe on an almost deserted beach and save on your vacation, since it will cost much less than in tourist season.

The largest influx of tourists is observed during the New Year holidays. WITH different corners planets come here to meet New Year. It is not recommended to fly to this state for a beach holiday in early October, as it transition period in this area. At this time, the shore is dirty. The beaches are covered with algae and debris thrown up due to storms, which are observed during the rainy season in Goa. Bungalows that are rented out to tourists in high season, it will not be possible to rent at the beginning of October. They begin to be handed over towards the end of October. In addition, precipitation continues to fall at the beginning of this month. From all of the above we can conclude: the best time to vacation in Goa is from the beginning of November to the end of April.

In contact with

Goa is a state in southwest India. Since the 16th century, it was part of the Portuguese colonial possessions in Hindustan Peninsula. In terms of territorial size and population, it is the smallest and sparsely populated of the twenty-eight states of India.

The capital of Goa is Panaji or Old Goa, former capital colony, continues to maintain its European appearance since the 16th century, when it was founded by the Portuguese. Goa became part of India in 1961 and received statehood in 1987.

Goa now - popular place recreation for tourists. It became especially popular in the sixties of the 20th century, when many hippies from all over the world chose it as their place of residence.

Weather in India throughout the year

All, with the exception of the mountains in the north, are located in subequatorial climate . The formation of climate features is influenced by the following factors:

  • Himalayas and the mountain ranges of Pakistan prevent the entry of cold air from the north.
  • Thar Desert attracts moist, warm monsoons that bring most of the precipitation.

The entire annual cycle of climatic conditions is usually divided into three seasons:

  1. Summer season- lasts from March to June. In March, air temperature and humidity begin to rise. Installed hot weather, average temperature 32-40 °C, often sweltering heat sets in - more than 50 °C. In the west and south of the country, the thermometer rises to a maximum temperature in , in the north - in May.
  2. Rain season begins in June and continues until September. The heavy rains and thunderstorms brought by the monsoons, which originate over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, arrive from the southwest. The rains first come to the islands in the Bay of Bengal, then move east and cover almost all of India by July. The passage of hurricanes is possible, but their nature is not as destructive as in neighboring countries.

The amount of precipitation that falls during the rainy season is equal to 80% of the annual norm. In September they gradually decrease; in November the monsoon leaves the country.

Winter season runs from October to February. At this time, northeast winds dominate, bringing some coolness and reducing humidity. Clear, dry weather sets in. Temperatures in the mountains in the north drop to 10 °C; in the south, temperatures never drop below 20-25 °C.

In addition, the retreat of the monsoon is distinguished - the days from October to December, when air masses change direction, the temperature drops, cloudless, dry weather sets in when the sun shines brightly.

The length of the seasons depends on many factors and may not be the same every year.

What is the climate in North and South Goa?

The state of Goa is divided into two districts:

  • Southern Goa;
  • Northern Goa.

The climate in both regions of Goa is typical subequatorial divided into two seasons - wet and dry. The temperature stays at approximately the same comfortable level all year round; there are no cold periods at all, with the exception of mountainous areas.

From May to October it is established hot And wet weather. Most hot month- May, average Maximum temperature- 33 °C.

Monsoon with heavy rainfall begins in June and ends in . With the arrival of the rainy season, the weather becomes cooler, with an average daytime temperature of 25 °C to 30 °C.

Dry season lasts from December 15 to the end of February. A sharp difference is established between the daytime temperature - about 31 °C and the nighttime temperature - about 20 °C. There may be isolated showers.

Holidays in Goa during the dry season allow you to return to summer and enjoy activities summer fun- swimming in the sea, walks and excursions.

The weather for the period from December to April is characterized by sunny weather , quantity sundial the average is 10. The most overcast occurs from June to August - from 4 to 5 hours of sunshine per day.

Maximum precipitation falls in June, the number of rainy days in each of these months exceeds 20.

Average wind speed from September to March it is 6-7 km/h.

You can swim in Goa all year round, average water temperature- 28-29 °C.


December comfortable temperature water and air in Goa opens the velvet season, as well as the opportunity to successfully meet new year holidays on the shore warm sea. In February, the peak season begins, and travelers from all over the world come to the resort. The weather is favorable for relaxing on the beach and visiting excursions. Proximity to the sea high humidity allow you to easily endure the heat.

  • December. Air temperature during the day is 34.4 °C, at night 22.7 °C, water temperature is 28.2 °C, no precipitation.
  • January. Air temperature during the day is 33.2 °C, at night 22.1 °C, water temperature is 27.5 °C, no precipitation.
  • . Daytime air temperature 33.6 °C, night 22.8 °C, water 27.7 °C, no precipitation.

Swimming in the sea, relaxing on the beach, partying open air in ideal weather, walks, excursions, local shops, cafes and markets - all entertainment for tourists is available.


The March weather makes it clear completion velvet season . The sun begins to get hot, it rains occasionally, the air temperature rises, but is still quite comfortable.

In April, it feels like the stronger wind is carrying approaching monsoons, air humidity is rising, clouds are increasingly covering the sky, the number of showers is increasing, the sea is a little stormy. But the holiday can still be quite pleasant; the proximity of the sea and the sea wind do not allow you to fully feel the heat, temperature changes and high humidity.

In May, the weather is impossible to predict; it can change dramatically. In some seasons, the weather is favorable until the end of May, in others - in April, vacationers are already leaving due to the approaching heat.

More often the month marks end of the tourist season. The intensified wind brings downpours and thunderstorms, sweeps up sand on the beach, and drives groups of clouds. The hot weather is coming, and you can only dream of the coolness of the evening. The temperature of the sea water remains at 30 °C, which does not provide the opportunity to cool down sufficiently.

The most sultry hours It is better for tourists to stay in a hotel room with air conditioning, as humidity increases the effect of heat. It becomes relatively deserted.

  • . Air temperature during the day is 34.5 °C and at night 24 °C, water temperature is 28.7 °C, no precipitation.
  • April. Air temperature in the daytime 35 °C, in the dark 24.7 °C, water 29.5 °C, no precipitation.
  • May. Air temperature during the day is 34.7 °C, at night 26 °C, water temperature is 29.6 °C, no precipitation.

By hiring a taxi, you can go to the beaches that have not yet been washed away by the stormy sea. Coastal cafes are closed, but you can visit local markets and cafes, try fish dishes, prices are much reduced- both for food and accommodation.

The sea is already often stormy, but on some beaches there are calm periods swimming possible. If the monsoon is not yet strong, then it is possible to swim in the sea early in the morning when the wind subsides.

It is possible to take yoga lessons, conduct Ayurvedic massage. There are souvenir and jewelry shops.


Holiday season is closed. The rainy season has begun. The sea is stormy and dirty. It rains almost constantly, the humidity is high, you need to rent accommodation with air conditioning.

During this time there are almost no foreign tourists, but there are local Indian tourists who come for the weekend.

Housing can be rented very cheap, food and groceries fall in price by about half. The infrastructure works, not all cafes are open, but they are open.

  • . Air temperature during the day is 30.9 °C and at night 26.5 °C, water temperature is 28.9 °C, the number of days (amount of precipitation) is 22 days (581.2 mm).
  • July. Air temperature during the day is 29.1 °C and at night 25.8 °C, water temperature is 27.9 °C, the number of rainy days is 29 days (827.4 mm).
  • . Air temperature during the day is 29.4 °C and at night 25.3 °C, water temperature is 26.9 °C, the number of days (amount of precipitation) is 28 days (629.1 mm).

Can be done lonely walks on a scooter, explore numerous Portuguese churches. In a series of rainy days, fine days sometimes come, and lovers of secluded relaxation can enjoy deserted beaches. Nature is beautiful, everything is blooming and fragrant. This time of relaxation is suitable for lovers of nostalgic solitude.


Approaching end of the rainy season, the sea is still dirty, stormy, but gradually begins to calm down. Partly cloudy, on some days it is possible to swim. The weather is impossible to predict, they may go frequent rains, and clear weather is possible.

Saved high humidity. From the end of October, the rain becomes short-lived and falls mainly at night. Nature is in full bloom. In November the weather is comfortable and sunny.

  • September. Air temperature during the day is 30.9 °C and at night 24.3 °C, water temperature is 27.5 °C, the number of days (amount of precipitation) is 15 days (308.7 mm).
  • October. Air temperature during the day is 33.9 °C and at night 24.1 °C, water temperature is 28.8 °C, the number of days (amount of precipitation) is 4 days (65.0 mm).
  • . Air temperature during the day is 34.8 °C and at night 23.4 °C, water temperature is 29.0 °C, the number of days (amount of precipitation) is 2 days (28.4 mm).

Almost all tourist attractions and activities are available. In good weather, you can take excursions to historical places, walks along coastline. All beach infrastructure is available.

Preparations for the new begin holiday season, beaches are being cleaned, cafes are opening. Cheapness of products and big choice rental housing attracts early tourists. There is a large selection at the fish market. Almost all infrastructure is functioning. Charters are resuming from all over the world, tourists are arriving.

It is possible to visit local markets, restaurants, shops, and excursions.

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Basic tourist flow arrives from mid to mid April. The weather during this period is varied, but comfortable for tourist recreation. Weather changes depend on the nature of the prevailing winds - monsoons.

High (dry) and rainy seasons

Lasts from 15 to the end of February. It rains extremely rarely. For this period of time reigns steadily good weather and this time period is called high season.

Air temperature comfortable for relaxation, during the day - from 29 °C to 31 °C, at night - from 20 °C to 22 °C. The sea is warm, clean, calm, gentle, strong waves no, you can swim for your own pleasure. Water temperature from 25 °C to 30 °C.

Holidays in Goa at this time allow you to return to summer and enjoy summer activities - swimming in the sea, walks and excursions.

Lasts from the beginning of June to the end of September rain season which they bring monsoon winds . There are almost no vacationers. Many local residents They move to other parts of India where there are no thunderstorms and showers. The infrastructure of beaches and hotels is not fully functional. But a certain number of vacationers stay at the resort due to the low cost of accommodation and food.

Time for excursions

In Goa you can have a wonderful time visiting educational, interesting excursions.

The choice of routes is very large:

  1. Excursion to Dudhsagar waterfall, swimming in the waterfall. Along the way, you can visit spice and tropical fruit plantations;
  2. Visiting the forts, built in the 16th century by the Portuguese;
  3. Trips to North Goa, visiting hippie beaches;
  4. Getting to know the most best beaches South Goa - Cola And Palolem. Lunch of excellent seafood at a restaurant on the beach;
  5. Boat trip with swimming. Visit to the ancient Fort Aguada;
  6. Excursions to Old Goa with a tour of the ancient sights of the city;
  7. Excursions to nature reserves, elephant riding;
  8. A trip to the central Hare Krishna communities of Mathura and Vrindavan;
  9. Excursion with visiting UNESCO sites(Taj Mahal and others).

Beach holiday

The length of the coastline along the Arabian Sea is 105 kilometers. In India, all coastal land is state-owned, so you can sit down for relaxation and meditation on any beach.

South Goa is a tourism destination married couples, for holidays with children. North Goa is a party place for young people.

Beaches of South Goa:

  • Beaches Cooking, Kavelosim, Utorda, Majorda, Colva have good infrastructure facilities. There are many expensive restaurants and bars here. These beaches are not crowded and are visited by world celebrities.
  • Beaches Cola, Agonda, Palolem not so developed, but very picturesque, suitable for a relaxing holiday.
  • Beach Dona Paula- one of the best. Favorite place for surfers. Many Indian films have been shot here.

Beaches of North Goa:

  • Arambol- the most beloved among young people and among lovers of Goa Trance dance music.
  • Beaches Calangute, Baga, Candolim— located on the coastline of inexpensive hotels with bars, restaurants, nightclubs, yoga and meditation centers.
  • These beaches are suitable for youth, party and budget holiday. There are no luxury hotels, bars and restaurants here, as in the south of the state.

  • Comfortable sand beach Mandrem offers tourists wonderful recreational opportunities.
  • Ashvem. Great white sand beach clean water, With good level service.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Goa hosts many festivals, Indian holidays and Christian holidays all year round. Some of them:

  1. At the end of February or beginning of March it is celebrated - Holi, festival of colors or spring festival.
  2. In January - Akara Sankranti- harvest festival.
  3. At the beginning of spring, Rama's birthday is celebrated - Ramanavami.
  4. The main event takes place in February and March goa carnival. The celebration lasts ten days. At this time, it is considered a tradition to visit your relatives. This is a very memorable holiday with carnival processions, dance competitions, various contests and competitions.
  5. August 24 is celebrated Navidades- Rice harvest festival. It features a procession, dance performances and fireworks.
  6. In autumn - Sri Krishna Janmashtami- Krishna's birthday.
  7. In September - Onam- harvest festival.

Time for weddings

IN Lately It is popular among young people to hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Indian style according to national rituals. The bride and groom dress in Indian costumes and jewelry.

The whole ceremony is carried out according to national traditions in a tent on the seashore, many colors are used to create the appropriate atmosphere. If you wish, you can order a photo session in a Hindu temple.

It is also possible to hold a symbolic wedding on the seashore in classic style .

Health tourism season

Numerous travelers come to Goa from all over the world to touch the sacred values Ayurveda. Ayurveda is based on the Hindu philosophical system, which defines correct principles life for longevity.

To carry out wellness procedures, you can use the services of numerous Ayurvedic, health, Spa and Pilates centers, which are located everywhere.

Almost all hotels will offer you a set of various procedures that are based on Ayurveda (Ayurvedic massage, cleansing and cosmetic procedures).

One of the areas of health tourism is - mastering yoga practices, yoga schools provide training in this.

Look video about what the weather is like in Goa during the rainy season:

This is interesting:

In contact with

A Portuguese colony in the past and a miniature seaside paradise in the present, the Indian state of Goa beckons with its fabulous snow-white beaches thousands of tourists from all over the world. However, when traveling to the west coast of India, it is worth finding out when the rainy season is in Goa.

Goa cannot please its guests with pleasant holiday weather all year round, as thanks to subtropical climate there is two seasons: dry and wet. It is these seasons that determine holidays in this state. The rainy season lasts in Goa from May to the end of October.

Travelers come to Goa who love bounty beaches, cheap shopping, freedom, bright colors and rich smells of spices. This resort is distinguished by high-quality beach holidays and infrastructure.

However, Goa is conventionally divided into the southern part, where comfortable beaches are located, and the northern part, which is an area of ​​noisy parties. Due to this conditional division, recreation in this state is diverse, so every guest will find entertainment here to their liking.

The beginning of the high season, when thousands of tourists begin to flock to Goa, occurs in the month of December. Wide beaches with white sand and the warm Arabian Sea are visited by more than 2 million guests both from other states of India and from abroad.

When the wet (rainy) season begins in the state, the flow of tourists decreases several times, the beaches become empty, and noisy parties die down. The rains begin in the month of May. At this time, suffocating heat sets in throughout the state, the air temperature warms up to 30-33 degrees Celsius with a positive sign.

  • IN spring time Daylight hours in Goa are increasing, scorching Sun rays They remain active for a longer time, so even in the evening the temperature does not drop below +26. As a result, nights in Goa are also stuffy and hot, leading to insomnia.
  • In the summer months, the entire territory is subject to monsoon winds. From the first days of June there is a lot of precipitation; it rains from the sky on 25 out of 30 days of the month. At this time, air temperatures drop slightly, but at 100% humidity it becomes difficult to even breathe. The waters of the Arabian Sea manage to warm up to +29, but they are restless, muddy and dirty. A large amount of garbage brought from the sea accumulates on the shore.

When the rainy season gets to autumn months in Goa, then the monsoons are still worrying sea ​​waters, rains continue to catch tourists at the most inopportune moments. However, night temperatures are already bringing cooler temperatures to the state.

  • In October there are fewer and fewer rainy days, only 5-6 out of 30. There is more sun. Slowly, tourist flows are beginning to gather on the coast, but the sea has not yet had time to calm down and completely return to normal for swimming. November is the start of the beach season. There may only be a couple of stormy days this month.

Winter, in addition to its cheerful long-awaited winter holidays, brings thousands of tourists to Goa who want to escape the cold into a sunny paradise warm place. High temperatures of +32 are perceived more easily, since the air humidity is no longer as high as in summer, and a light cooling breeze constantly comes from the sea.

Holidays in the wet season

Despite the fact that during the rainy season in Goa there is 100% humidity, and it rains continuously for 1.5 hours, there are still entertainments for tourists here that are not related to lying on the beach.

  • When the monsoon season comes to Goa, it is time for tourists to indulge in a wellness holiday. Ayurvedic healing procedures in India are known all over the world, as here this science is the meaning of life. There are many specialized Ayurvedic centers in Goa where you can stay and undergo full course procedures that will have a beneficial effect on the body. The wet season is the best time for this type of holiday.
  • It is also during the rainy season religious holidays, which are celebrated in India very brightly and colorfully. This is the time to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the country.

Once you know when the monsoon season is in Goa, you can plan your visit to this beautiful place.

Goa is the smallest state of the state of India, which is located near the waters of the same Indian Ocean. Also noteworthy is that this area is home to the smallest number of citizens of a given country, but tourists are a dime a dozen. What attracts them here is not only the unique Indian culture, but also a mild climate, warm sea and bright sun. We will tell you in this article exactly when the holiday season in Goa begins, how long it lasts and how this affects the pricing policy.

Brief description of the recreation area

The resort of Goa itself, which has been famous throughout the world for many decades, is a narrow strip separating the waters of the Arabian Sea and the mountains called Sahyadri. The territory of the state itself is completely striped by semi-mountainous streams that carry their waters to the sea. It is they who give the entire resort its unique charm and mystery. It is worth noting that the state is divided into two parts - North and South. In the first, the number of hotels is not so large, the water in the sea is not transparent, and the color of the sand is too far from ideal - snow-white. However, all lovers of trance parties come here, and they spend noisy and fun nights here, dancing on the beaches. South part state - a place where the clearest sea washes white and golden sands. Concentrated here great amount hotels and spa centers, as well as other entertainment complexes.

Characteristics of the resort climate

As a rule, the high season in Goa occurs in months such as November, December, January. Why exactly at this time tourists from almost all over the world come to India - let's try to figure it out. In the southern part of the country climatic conditions divided, so to speak, into three types: winter, summer and rainy season. Winter here lasts from October to March, and during this period the air temperature in the state is approximately 25-30 degrees Celsius. It is this season in Goa that is considered the most popular for all Europeans who are accustomed to a cooler climate and not too bright sun. Summer begins in March, which means that the air temperature reaches a relatively record high in the region - 38 degrees in the shade. At this time, mainly Israelis come here to relax, but you can also meet Russians. Lasts throughout the summer rainy season to Goa. During this period, there are few vacationers here, since tropical downpours may not stop for many days.

If you are planning to visit this state...

All tourists who decide to go to the tropics of sultry India should remember a few important facts. Firstly, when beach season in Goa begins (and this happens in November and ends in early February), prices for both rental housing and food, as well as other trifles, rise several times. During these months there is a large influx of European holidaymakers, which means for Indians that people who have money will come to them. The decline in prices can be seen from February to May, when summer begins, the air temperature rises, and mainly Russian tourists and guests from the Middle East come to Goa to relax. Please note that staying in hotels located in the northern part of the state is much cheaper than staying in villas and penthouses built in the South.

Sights of South India

When the tourist season begins in Goa, local guides and historians are happy to provide their services to everyone. Therefore, taking a break from the relaxation that local hotels will provide you, you can visit the most famous and important architectural monuments, which also carry sacred meaning. The state has many Christian churches, which were built here during the period of the East India Campaign and Portuguese colonization. Among these we highlight the Church of St. Francis of Assisi with the Basilica of Jesus, as well as Cathedral Saint Catherine. Don’t forget to also visit the indescribably beautiful city of Gokarna, near which Om Beach is located - a real pearl south coast Goa.

We have a cheap and incredibly interesting holiday

Based on all of the above, you might think that the holiday season in Goa lasts only in winter time, because then the heat begins, and after it - inexhaustible rains. In fact, all these frameworks relate only to beach holiday and leisure. But the most interesting option for spending a vacation could be a trip through the river valleys of the state, along its tropical forests and endless green valleys. Among such natural attractions, let’s mention Dudhsagar, a waterfall that locals call the “milk ocean”, since the waters that fall from a huge rock into the lake really have a milky hue. The river island of Chorao is home to the most unique birds, of various sizes and colors. Well, a variety of flora and fauna awaits you in the Bondla Nature Reserve, which is located at the foot of the mountain slopes.