Evolution is a mechanism that nature came up with. Thousands of different animal species appeared, with hundreds of differences, but similar to each other. Family of wild real bulls and wild cows also has many subspecies of wild bulls.

Bull families live in all corners globe: both in the snowy expanses of Tibet and in the desert of Africa. Why is the fate of these animals considered tragic? What are the features?

The sad fate of the horned giant

In the vastness of Europe there was a wild bull - aurochs. This beast was beautiful and weighed almost a ton. Wild bull with huge horns made everyone tremble with fear, except the man. Thanks to the latter, this species has not been preserved.

Tur was an excellent source of meat and skins, which is why it was hunted. The beast is slow, and every hunter could kill it. The memory of this species has been preserved, because it is the ancestor of all modern bulls.

Gallery: wild bulls (25 photos)

Bison - a relative of the aurochs, Belovezhskaya bull, bison of North America

The bison is the closest relative of the aurochs. A huge animal, about two meters at the withers. Its weight is just over a ton, which is why it is one of the largest representatives of their own species. The bison has a dark brown coat, which keeps him warm in any cold, even severe frosts.

Previously, this animal lived almost throughout Europe, Russia and the Caucasus. But the animal, like the aurochs, was attacked by people. Now these creatures live in reserves, under supervision and protection.

The bison is also a relative of the tur, but already overseas. This wild forest bull lives in North America and is similar in appearance to a bison. Only the fur is longer, reaching half a meter in length. Front massive body part, and the back one is much weaker. The chest, part of the back and head are often covered with felted hair.

Bison are horned, but the horns are often differently defined. In animals short tail with a brush. There are forest and steppe bison. The steppe one is smaller than the forest one, has much more hair, and the horns are hidden under the bangs.

The North American loves semi-desert plains, spacious pastures, forest glades, well lit by the sun. The male weighs more than a ton, females are slightly smaller.

This species was also hunted. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the population numbered about 60 million individuals, and a century later, the number dropped to around one thousand. Why did it happen? The reason is the migrants.

The colonialists began to kill bulls in order to feed the workers who build railway. Further buffalo hunting turned into fun, not food production.

The bison were taken under protection and are provided with conditions for population growth.

In the mountains of Tibet

The snowy mountains of Tibet have become the home of an amazing animal - the yak.

  • This is a bull with huge horns, about 80 cm in length.
  • Brown thick wool protects it from severe frost and snowfall.
  • With the help of his muscular legs, he moves from one to the second cliff without any problems.

Yak can be found in other regions Central Asia, for example, in Altai or Kyrgyzstan. But only in Tibet do animals feel at home, because contact with a person kept to a minimum.

Heat lovers: buffalo and gaur bull

The smallest one. The huge animals described above have relatives among dwarfs. These are anoa. The height of this creature does not exceed one meter, and its weight is within two hundred kilograms. Horns are the smallest part of their body. They reach no more than forty centimeters in length.

Anoas live in Indonesia, on the island of Sulawesi and are protected by animal rights organizations.

Indian bull

Zebu lives in India. This is an independent subspecies, not associated with the tour. This bull from India is used on the farm - it functions as transport and as an assistant to the landowner. In Madagascar, the zebu is also held in high esteem. There this Indian bull is considered sacred.

In some places, the wild bull of India is crossed with a domestic cow, resulting in hybrids that produce milk and great strength. Average weight animal about 800 kg, the body is smooth, there is a “hump” and a pectoral fold. Zebu is readily kept in nature reserves and zoos.

Attention, TODAY only!

Cattle have been one of the main sources of human food since ancient times, thanks to their nutritious meat and milk. Animal skins were used to make clothing and shelters. After many centuries, agriculture continues to flourish, of course, some things have changed, technology has come to help people, and farmers are breeding more and more new breeds of bulls.

Reference. IN modern world There are more than one thousand varieties, of which 300 are used everywhere for human needs, of which 70 are in the CIS.

Characteristics and types of rocks

Nowadays, the species of these animals are divided into three types:

  1. Dairy- individuals that are bred for the production of dairy products. Their thin build makes them unprofitable to use for beef production, but they are distinguished by their calm nature and balanced behavior.
  2. Beef breeds of bulls stand out for their large dimensions compared to previous representatives. Rapid increase in muscle mass provides a large number of meat and its high quality.
  3. Combined, that is, universal breeds, are characterized by the fact that they combine the qualities of both directions.


This variety has a large supply of meat, so it is used for slaughter. It was bred in France thanks to long selection during the 18th-19th centuries. Its representatives appeared on the territory of the USSR in the middle of the last century. Now they are used for breeding new breed through selection with milkier individuals. In Russia, the number of livestock of this breed is relatively small, only 1.8% of the total livestock.

The body structure features of Limousin bulls include:

  • strong legs;
  • massive muscles;
  • small head and wide forehead;
  • wide chest and rounded massive ribs.

Appearance is distinguished by red-brown colors and light shades horns and hooves. The weight of females is about 600 kg, and bulls reach 1100 kg. Approximately 1,700 kg of milk with a fat content of 5% are produced per year. Cows are very picky about living conditions and can tolerate very coldy and easy to calve.


The Simmental cow belongs to the combined breeds of livestock. It was brought to us from Switzerland about 200 years ago. Their muscles are developed, their weight reaches 1100 kg, and the bull grows up to 145 cm at the withers. The color is usually pale yellow, sometimes with white spots. The annual milk yield of one individual is approximately 4500 kg. They are also often crossed with other dairy species to increase milk production and quality.

A Simmental cow is ready to bear offspring already at 31 months and calve every year. Calving occurs easily, which, if necessary, makes it possible to deliver a baby right in the middle of the field. Calves are also not picky about food, they can for a long time feed on milk, which allows you not to worry about their food. Representatives of this breed can gain up to a kilogram per day. In addition, they adapt very well to weather conditions.


Most common among large breeders cattle. The size of an adult bull can be compared with individuals that are raised for slaughter - 1200 kg with a height at the withers of 160 cm, and the annual milk yield exceeds most other breeds - 7500 kg. The black-and-white color is the external distinctive feature of these cows. They are characterized by a deep chest, a wedge-shaped body, and a large udder.

It was bred by North American farmers, and their ancestors came from Western European countries - Germany, Belgium, etc. The variety was brought to the United States in mid-19th century, and breeding work was immediately started to improve the productivity of animals.

The performance of cows depends on many factors, such as feed and weather. IN different parts world average annual milk yield of Gelstein cows ranges from 7.5 to 10 tons of milk. Also, the percentage of fat content varies; the highest figure is given by individuals with red-and-white coloring - almost 4%, but the amount of milk they produce is much less.

Santa Gertrude

It was named after the farm where it was bred through selective breeding. It belongs to the beef type of cattle. Cows weigh between 560 kg and 600 kg, while bulls weigh between 830 and 1000 kg. The breed was bred for farms in steppe regions, so in Russia it is most often found in the southern regions. The color of the suit is most often burgundy-red.

The selection was based on the subspecies of the wild Zebu bull and the Shorthorn breed of cows. Breeding work lasted 30 years, and in the end scientists managed to obtain 150 calves, which passed on their genotype to their descendants to this day.

Features of the Santa Gertrude breed: meat of the highest quality, while the milk produced is enough to feed the calves. Animals are perfectly adapted to hot weather, but at the same time are not susceptible to insects that live in such a climate.


It is one of the most massive rocks. It was developed by French farmers in the 18th century and brought to Russia relatively recently. Its color is most often white without spots. He has a strong and harmonious physique.

An adult bull reaches a weight of 1400 kg, and a cow - 1100 kg. The head is small relative to the body. This breed is also characterized by a wide chest and straight back. With a large mass, the proportion of bones in it is only 20%, and taste and culinary qualities meat for top level. Refers to the meat type of livestock. The annual milk yield is quite small, but allows feeding growing calves.

Charolais cows can be used for about 15 years, but they are very picky about climate and nutrition. At low temperatures suffer from frostbite. In addition, calving is quite difficult, and caesarean sections are often resorted to.

Belgian Blue

This is an amazing breed of bull. Her brood has a very favorable meat to bone ratio. Thanks to long selection and genetic experiments, scientists were able to remove the gene that inhibits muscle gain. Unfortunately, representatives of this species are not bred in Russia.

Individuals are no different tall, on average 150 cm. The color is often white and blue color, but black individuals are also often found. The muscles of the neck, lower back, shoulders and legs are highly developed. Temperament is very quiet and calm. The average live weight of an individual reaches 1250 kg. Not a bad average annual milk yield, approximately 3000 liters.

But large mass has its disadvantages, one of them is that natural calving is almost impossible. In most cases, a caesarean section is used. The female is ready to produce her first offspring at 28 months. Pregnancy proceeds quite quickly - 285 days.


One of the oldest breeds of beef cattle is the Shorthorn. It got its name because of its short horns. Just like the previous one, it is a meat type of cattle. It was bred in England in the 18th century by crossing foreign species of livestock. A century later it was brought to Russian territory.


  • suit of different shades of red, from light red to burgundy;
  • the animal has a loose physique and a delicate constitution;
  • well-developed muscles and a large, barrel-shaped body;
  • height at the withers reaches 130 cm, which is a rather modest figure;
  • whimsical to climatic conditions and feed.

The average weight of an adult bull is 800 kg, and that of a female is 600 kg. It has fairly tender meat, which is commonly called “marbled”, and the percentage of meat product in the carcass is more than 80%.

This species is bred almost all over the world, including regions of Russia, such as Orenburg, Rostov, Tyumen and others. Now the number of representatives is decreasing faster and faster, due to a small natural increase.


The most common among meat breeds. Animals of this species live in Australia, Africa, America and many other parts of the world. Originally from Great Britain, where it was developed in the 18th century.

They are very unpretentious in conditions of detention and are able to withstand long distances, which allows them to be bred in steppe conditions, and thanks to their strong constitution, they adapt perfectly to any climate.

They are distinguished by a rather rough constitution: short neck, imperceptibly flowing into the body, large head, long, low body, short legs.

Height adult exceeds 130 cm, and weighs about 1000 kg, maximum 1500 kg. Wide chest girth up to 215 cm. Produces very little milk, only 300 liters per year. Its meat is prized for its excellent taste and is ideal for preparing steaks.

They calve easily, and newborns, if well fed, grow quickly. Weight gain per day is approximately 1000 g.

Aberdeen Angus

Another breed whose taste for meat is highly prized comes from Scotland. Its ancestors were stray cattle, they were used for needs Agriculture. Through long selection, in 1775 it acquired its name. Thanks to the precocity of livestock, it quickly took root in Australia and the CIS. In addition, when crossed, the offspring were endowed with all the positive qualities of the ancestor.

The animals are distinguished by their black color and small height - 120 cm at the withers. They have:

  • large neck and small head;
  • powerful chest;
  • muscular, rounded body;
  • straight back.

For maximum precocity, it is recommended to feed well and a lot. In six months, a calf eats up to 180 kg of live weight. They can add a kilogram per day, the weight of an adult bull reaches 1000 kg. Thin bones determine a high slaughter yield - 83%. Burenka produces approximately 1,700 kg of milk per year.


This ancient breed of cattle comes from Asia. Distributed, as the name suggests, in steppe areas, including many regions of Russia. Belongs to the cattle meat category. They are perfectly adapted to constant migrations, since their ancestors served the nomadic peoples of Mongolia.

Individuals of this species:

  • have a strong constitution;
  • color ranges from burgundy to light red;
  • have a massive neck and a small head;
  • have horns white;
  • They have developed muscles and massive chests.

On average, the height of an individual is quite small - 130 cm. It has a straight, strong back and a voluminous lower back.
The weight of a live cow is 420-480 kg, and that of a bull is up to 950 kg. Milk yield per year is up to 1500 kg of milk with a fat content of up to 4.4%. The content of muscle mass in the carcass is 70%, fat - 10%.

Kalmyk cattle are unpretentious to weather and feeding, and gain weight very quickly during the pasture season. Easy reproduction. The marbled meat characteristic of this breed is valued all over the world.


The variety was developed by crossing the Hereford with local cattle, thanks to which it was possible to combine positive traits both breeds. They tolerate any weather well and are unpretentious to feed, while their meat has excellent taste.

Color: Various shades of red, but some parts of the body are white. Well-developed muscles are distinguishing feature beef type cattle. The dewlap is very prominent, the body is rounded. Bulls grow 130 cm, and their chest circumference is 190 cm.

The live weight of bulls is up to 950 kg, cows - up to 800 kg. Milk yield per year does not exceed 1500 liters of milk, the fat content of which is 3.8%. Very high fertility of the breed. The average yield of slaughtered animals is approximately 55%.


A variety of livestock species are found throughout the world, giving rise to such a variety of bull breeds. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should take seriously the choice of specific cattle for your farm.

The ancestor of the domesticated cow is the wild bull aurochs, which, according to scientists, existed on the planet more than 7,000 years ago. This type of livestock began to actively spread in households during the early Neolithic, following sheep, pigs and goats. Later people Other types of cattle also began to be bred. Initially, only the meat of wild cows and bulls was valued, but as agriculture developed, people began to use cattle as draft power.

Description of the first ancestor of the modern cow

The first domesticated aurochs were incredibly hardy and productive. They had very long and massive horns.

Initially, a wild bull with huge horns served as a carrier of large cargo between the countries of Europe, Africa, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. The appearance of the wild ancestor of cattle had the following data:

  • the muscular animal reached a mass of 800 kg;
  • height could range from 170 to 180 cm;
  • males had a characteristic black color with a narrow strip of white along the back;
  • calves and adult females had brown coat color with a reddish tint.

The diet of ancient aurochs consisted of shoots, leaves of bushes and trees, as well as a variety of forest grass. Animals preferred to gather in small groups or live alone, and only in winter could they gather in herds.

The last tour died in 1627.

North American bison

North America is home to the largest herbivorous species of wild cattle, the North American bison. This animal reaches a height of 2 m and a length of 3 m.

The anterior part of the body is expressed most massively, while the posterior part is characterized by poorly developed muscle mass. The head and part of the back of the animal are framed with felted wool. Bison have large horns, which are developed differently in each individual. Most often, the bison is characterized by a black color, but brown, gray or white representatives can be found.

North American bison are divided into steppe and forest bison. Wild steppe bulls are much smaller than forest bulls, have thicker hair and horns covered with bangs.

North American individuals love space, so they choose for their existence forest plains and clearings that transmit maximum light. Adult bison weigh more than a ton. Female individuals, although they have massive dimensions, do not reach such weight.

European bison

This type of cattle is difficult to distinguish from North American representatives, but if you look closely, you can see the characteristic key points their appearance. The European bison has a well-distinguished head against the background of the body and a square figure with a brownish color.

The body length of the bison reaches 3 m, height - 2 m. The animal has a dark brown coat. Males have a pronounced mane.

The European bison is endowed with excellent hearing and sense of smell, swims and jumps excellently. Its lifespan is from 30 to 40 years.

In ancient times, in the meadows and pastures one could observe the Caucasian subspecies of European cattle, which was distinguished by pronounced curly and thick hair.

Today, in European reserves, Belovezhskaya individuals are kept, which are the only descendants of the ancient European bison. In nature, this subspecies is protected International Union Nature Conservation.

Yak - a wild bull with massive horns

This subspecies of cattle is difficult to study, as it prefers to live away from people. Today, yak can only be found in highland Tibet, but even here there are very few of them left. They prefer to stay in close-knit groups or live in small families. Old individuals choose single image life.

The fierce and strong yak has long and shaggy hair that completely covers its legs. Animals may have different colors, but more often there are brown or black with a grayish tint, individuals with white markings on the head.

Main hallmark This type of cattle has a characteristic hump on its back.

Wild male bulls reach 2 m in height and 4 m in length. Females are 2.8 m long, their height does not exceed 1.6 m. The horns of both sexes are very long (up to 95 cm). From the base of growth they are directed in opposite directions, as they lengthen they smoothly bend and acquire a cup-shaped shape. The yak can live 25 years.

Tamaraw and Anoa

Tamaraw belongs to the genus of Asian buffalo. Endowed with small stature and short horns. The animal reaches a height of 106 cm, a length of 220 cm, and its weight can range from 180 to 300 kg. Color ranges from black to dark brown.

Tamaraw is an endangered buffalo species. In captivity, these animals cannot reproduce, so their numbers are noticeably reduced. They prefer a solitary lifestyle in forested areas, but cows and calves live together until the latter become independent. The Tamaraw are under the strictest security.

The smallest representative of cattle is the Anoa bull. The weight of a male individual does not exceed 300 kg, a female one – 150 kg. The body length does not exceed 160 cm, and the height is 80 cm. These are hairless animals with dark brown or black skin. Just like the tamaraw, the anoa are endangered and protected by law. From 1079 to 1994, the Anoa population declined by 90%.

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Evolution is an amazing mechanism invented by nature. Thanks to it, thousands of species of animals were born, very similar to each other, but at the same time having hundreds of differences. Wild bull also was no exception, because its family has many subspecies.

These proud animals live in almost every corner. Representatives of wild bulls can be found both in the desert savannas of Africa and in the snowy expanses of Tibet. What do we know about these animals? What makes them special? And why is their fate considered one of the most tragic on the planet?

The sad fate of the horned giant

Once upon a time in the vastness modern Europe There was a wild bull aurochs. It was a majestic beast, weighing just under a ton. His horns made numerous enemies, except humans, tremble in fear. Indeed, it was thanks to the latter that this species of wild bulls has not survived to this day.

The wild bull aurochs was a good source of meat and skin, because of this, given the slowness of the animal, even the weakest hunter could kill it. According to historical data, the last tour died in 1627. And yet the memory of him has not disappeared, because this mighty handsome man is the ancestor of almost all known species bulls, including domestic ones.

The bison is the closest relative of the aurochs

One of the most popular species is the bison. This is a large animal, reaching almost 2 m at the withers. At the same time, the weight of the giant sometimes exceeds the limit of one ton, which makes it one of the most major representatives of its own kind. The bison has dark brown fur, which can keep it warm in severe frosts.

Previously, this wild bull lived throughout the territory of modern Europe, Russia, and also in the Caucasus. But, as in the case of people, they were often attacked. This led to a sharp decline in the number of bison, and at the beginning of the 20th century they found themselves on the verge of complete extinction.

They were saved from oblivion by environmental organizations who took up the task of restoring the bison population. They placed these animals in reserves, where they are still under close supervision and protection.

Wild bulls of North America

Another relative of the tur, but this time already overseas, is the bison. This wild forest bull lives in North America and its appearance strongly resembles a bison. True, the bison’s hair is much longer than that of its relative, and sometimes reaches 50 cm in length.

And yet, as with the bison, this wild bull was also subject to tyranny at the hands of man. So, if in early XIX century, their population numbered more than 60 million heads, but a century later this number dropped to 1 thousand. What was the reason for this? The answer is simple - immigrants.

The new colonialists began to kill animals in order to feed the workers who built railways. A little later, hunting bison began to look more like fun than getting food. There were even promotions according to which those who bought train tickets could shoot from the windows at poor animals.

Fortunately, over time people came to their senses, at least some of them. The buffaloes were taken under protection and provided with everything the necessary conditions for population growth. Now this wild bull is safe, but environmentalists continue to closely monitor their numbers.

In the cold mountains of Tibet

The snow-capped mountains of Tibet served as a haven for one of the most amazing animals - the yak. This is a wild bull with huge horns that reach 80 cm in length. Thick brown fur protects it from frost and snowfall. And muscular legs allow you to easily move from one cliff to another.

And although yak can be found in other regions of Central Asia, such as Altai and Kyrgyzstan, it is only in Tibet that these animals feel at home. After all, here their contact with people is minimized, which means nothing threatens their freedom.

Lovers of hot countries: gaur and buffalo

The gaur, a wild bull that amazes with its size, lives in India. Cases have been recorded when adult individuals reached a weight of 1.3-1.4 tons. The height of an adult animal ranges from 1.8-2.2 m at the withers. The gaur's horns are not too large, at least smaller than those of its relatives. The coat has a dark brown color, and with age it darkens and becomes almost black.

Another lover of hot climates is the buffalo. This animal lives in areas where the temperature sometimes exceeds 40 degrees in the shade. This animal has strong horns, almost fused at the bottom.

And although this wild bull has impressive size, yet he has enemies among the local inhabitants. Lions and crocodiles hunt them quite often, and, nevertheless, the population of these animals is not in danger.

The smallest wild bull

Among the wild bulls there are also dwarfs. For example, anoa. This tiny creature is 0.8-1 m tall. At the same time, its weight ranges from 150-300 kilograms. The smallest part of the body is the horns. In Anoa they reach only 30-40 cm in length.

These bulls live in Indonesia. Since these animals are found only here, they are protected World Organization for the protection of animal rights.


A large animal of the bovid family with a long soft wool; wild North American bull.

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