Properly starting a fire in nature has great importance For fire safety environment, fast ignition, efficient combustion with minimum cost firewood Properly putting out a fire is just as important as starting it. Inexperienced tourists rarely know all the rules for making a fire in the forest.

Exist general rules safe fire making:

  1. Fires should be lit in special areas and only if necessary. If this is a short stop, and the weather is clear and warm, there is no need to light a fire.
  2. Liquidation of a fire pit must be carried out with special care.
  3. You should not allow unextinguished cigarette butts and matches to be thoughtlessly thrown onto the grass.
  4. At the slightest sign fires, urgent measures should be taken to eliminate them.
  5. If a fire occurs, you should immediately notify the forest protection service or rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  6. It is prohibited to make a fire during the fire season and in places where prohibitory signs are installed.
  7. Lighting a fire in the forest should be carried out at a distance of at least three meters from the tent camp on the leeward side.
  8. Instead of one high and large fire, it is better to light several small ones, they will be more useful.
  9. Do not place flammable objects and liquids, as well as objects soaked in gasoline or oiled with flammable materials near fire. They should be kept in a strictly defined place.
  10. You should always keep containers of water and branches near the fire to extinguish a possible fire.

Making a fire in the forest: choosing a site

To light a fire, a careful selection of a suitable place must be made, with mandatory preparation of the site.

  • The site should be open, protected from the wind by some natural shelter, for example, big stone, rock.
  • If the weather is dry and hot, make a fire on sandy or rocky soil, on green young grass or on the shore of a pond.
  • You should not place a fireplace near trees, especially dead wood, resinous trees, on old clearings or near trees with hollows. Distance from deciduous trees to the fire should be at least 10 m, from conifers - at least 15 m.
  • You cannot light a fire on peat bogs and stone deposits in the forest, where a lot of forest debris accumulates. Once a fire occurs, it is very difficult to extinguish.
  • Moss and lichen can spread fire sparks to trees.
  • The place for the fire should not contain traces of deforestation.
  • If you find the site of an old fire pit, it is better to use it rather than build a new one.
  • You cannot light a fire on the ground from which tree roots are visible.
  • If the site does not meet the above criteria, you should remove the top layer of soil with turf one to one and a half meters in diameter, and build a fire on the ground without an organic substrate. The area around the removed turf should also be cleared of dry grass and leaves to prevent the fire from accidentally spreading across the ground. You can line the sides of the excavated area with stones, thus creating a hearth. If there is shallow snow in the forest, you need to clear it to the ground, and if it is deep, you need to trample it well, covering it with a flooring of damp logs or branches.
  • The place where the fire is made should be fenced off with a firebreak with a removed mineral layer of soil 0.5 meters wide.

Selection of kindling material

The correct selection of firewood is also very important. Dry firewood should be used as fuel: unrotten dead wood of aspen, birch, hazel, alder, oak,

Resinous firewood (from coniferous trees- pine, spruce, fir) burn with sparks, which can ignite not only nearby dead wood, but also clothing and a tent. If the firewood is damp or rotten, it will produce a lot of smoke and little heat. Branches that are too thin will quickly burn out, and dead wood is only suitable for starting a fire in a dry forest and in similar weather. In low forest conditions, shrubs are well suited for ignition. In addition, you can collect twigs and trees along the shore that were brought ashore during floods and dried in the sun.

If the weather is bad, small twigs collected from the lower parts of trees, bark, birch bark, roots, and chips from dry logs are used for kindling.

To quickly ignite a fire, you need to use the right kindling material: pieces of dry bark, birch bark, dry reeds, fern, moss, lichen. Dry twigs and twigs, bird fluff, and dried rotten wood burn well. Thin twigs need to be planed with a knife, without completely removing the shavings, but leaving them at the end of the rods. The kindling material is laid out in a pyramid, which, after ignition, is gradually covered with the main fuel. Wet firewood is laid out around the fire for quick drying.

Making a fire

How to put out a fire correctly?

When leaving a camp site with a fire, you need to fill it with water or cover it with earth, and cover it with previously removed turf. You cannot leave the camp site immediately after the fire is extinguished. You need to wait 20-30 minutes, and after you are completely sure that it has gone out, you can leave.

If the fire was extinguished overnight, you should check the fire pit the next morning for any remaining embers. You need to touch the ash and ashes - they should be cold. They need to be dug up along with the ground.

What to do in case of fire?

If it turns out that there was a fire from a fire, you need to act like this:

  1. The fire must be doused immediately and covered with sand or earth.
  2. The grass around the fire also needs to be doused with water.
  3. The side edge of the fire should be covered with a broom of branches with green leaves. At the same time, it must be turned all the time, swept obliquely towards the flame.
  4. After the fire has been extinguished, you should still report the fire to the forestry department.
  5. If the fire cannot be extinguished, you must notify the rescue service.

How often, when going out into nature, we are used to making a fire to cook barbecue or just to warm ourselves up on a cool evening. Sitting around a fire creates an atmosphere of comfort even far from civilization. But often making fires is prohibited by law in many places. Therefore, when you come to the forest or to the area where you want to make a fire, you need to remember the fire safety rules so as not to harm nature and not “run into” a fine.

Making a fire in the forest

When you arrive in the forest, make sure that lighting even small fires in this area is legally permitted. After all, many territories belong to nature reserves, and barbecuing in such places is strictly prohibited. But, as a rule, nature reserves are fenced with a special fence or chain-link mesh, and warning signs hang along the entire perimeter. The signs say that this territory belongs to the reserve, and lighting fires, drinking alcoholic beverages, and littering on its territory is prohibited.

In addition to nature reserves, there are also places in which, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2007 No. 417 “On approval of fire safety rules in forests”, paragraph 8, chapter. 2, making fires of any size is prohibited. These include forests with young coniferous trees, burnt areas, areas of damaged forest, peat bogs, areas of freshly cut trees that have not yet been cleared of wood residues, as well as places with dry grass. Among other things, you should remember that lighting a fire under the canopy of trees is strictly prohibited, even if you are in a place where there are no fire bans.

If the forest area does not belong to a nature reserve, and you decide to start a fire, you must follow fire safety rules. Of course, it is better to fry kebabs on the grill, because then the fire will not spread to the nearest dry twigs and foliage. But if this is not possible, then you must adhere to the following rules:

  • do not litter;
  • do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts and ash into the grass;
  • Do not leave behind materials saturated with substances that are easily flammable.

In addition, there is such a thing as a “special fire regime”. This regime is introduced when the risk of fire in forests in various areas increases. For example, this happens in the summer, when due to high solar activity Peat bogs begin to burn everywhere. When a special fire safety regime is introduced, the lighting of fires may be prohibited even in places where it is usually permitted.

Fines for lighting fires in forests and outdoors in 2018-2019

In case of violation of fire safety measures in best case scenario you will be given a warning, and in the worst case, an administrative fine will be imposed. For violating the rules, ordinary citizens are subject to a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. For officials, lighting a fire without observing fire safety measures will cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. But legal entities will have a hard time: the fine for them will be from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Such prices apply only to non-compliance with fire safety rules in nature. If outright harm to the environment is caused, the amount of fines also increases. So, for lighting brushwood or dry grass in places that do not meet fire safety rules, a fine of 3,000 to 4,000 rubles is provided for civilians. In this case, officials will have to pay from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Fine for legal entities will range from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

As for making fires in the event of a special fire regime, the fine for making a fire in this case will also increase. For violating the special fire safety regime, ordinary citizens will pay from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles (it will be cheaper to stay at home). Officials will be punished for misconduct with a fine of 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. And legal entities will go bankrupt by 300,000 - 500,000 rubles. A loss of this amount would be significant for any organization.

When you intend to relax mentally in the forest, keep in mind that lighting fires is not allowed in all areas. If you neglect these rules, you can get a serious fine for a fire in the forest, according to the law banning their lighting outside the city, within the city, in a summer cottage. They also fine you well for setting fire to grass and garbage. Therefore, do not ignore the fire safety criteria (FS), try to comply with the fire safety regime (FR), and do not light a fire in prohibited places.

Various picnics, hikes, exciting outdoor activities in summer time involve cooking delicious dishes on fire. Many people enjoy this kind of pastime: the forest, good company, a fire, barbecue, barbecue, camp soup, singing songs, etc. And, in order not to spoil your wonderful vacation with potential fines, just study the rules for making a fire in the forest and find out where you can do it.

PPB in the forest

This implies a certain normative act. It contains criteria for fire safety in the forest, and also contains instructions on how to properly light a fire in this area.

Based on the rules of industrial safety (PPB) in forests (this is a government decree adopted in 2007), the following formulation appeared that in the interval from the day the snow layer melts until the autumn weather conditions with rain stabilize or until a new snow layer forms in the forest belt You can't light a fire.

Where you should not light a fire during a fire danger period specifically:

  • in young coniferous zones,
  • in burnt areas,
  • in areas of damaged trees,
  • peat places,
  • in tree felling areas where there are still remains of felled wood.
  • under the trees,
  • in areas where the grass has dried out.

Is it possible to make a fire on the river bank? In other zones, it is allowed to make fires in areas separated by a non-flammable strip. It is cleared right down to the mineral soil layer. Its minimum width is 50 cm.

If you have lit a fire, then after all the wood cutting elements have burned, the fireplace must be thoroughly covered with earth or filled with a large volume of water.

The smoldering of the coals must be completed

Also, according to the PPB, the following is prohibited in forests:

  • Throw flammable components such as matches and cigarette butts. Also, glass and other containers should not be thrown away here.
  • When hunting, use wads made of flammable materials.
  • Keep fabric and paper materials soaked in any flammable mixtures (oils, gasoline, etc.) in unauthorized places.
  • Fill the appropriate tanks with fuel while the engine is running.
  • Use vehicles with damaged power supply technology.
  • Smoking or starting uncontained flames near vehicles being refueled.
  • Have an open flame in peat areas.

Where can you make fires? Based on the code of fire safety in the forest, a conclusion is drawn - fire can be lit only in strictly designated places and in special territories that are separated by a firebreak of at least 0.5 m wide, where there is no dry grass and not under the canopy of trees.

Particular attention should be paid to the rules of PR. It is usually announced at certain weather conditions, most often during hot, dry seasons. When this mode is in effect, all flame sources cannot be used in the forest.

The definition of this regime is reflected in Article 30 of the law on fire safety: when the fire threat increases, government agencies or local authorities in certain territories they can install a special PR.

During this mode, certain areas Based on the legal documentation of the Russian Federation and municipal laws relating to food security, additional criteria for food security appear. According to them:

  • the population is involved to localize fires outside populated areas,
  • citizens are prohibited from visiting forests,
  • Additional actions are being taken to limit the development of forest and other fires outside populated areas.

According to the last point, the task is to prevent fires that form in forests and other areas uninhabited by people from entering populated areas.

The designated mode can operate in certain areas. Only local authorities have the right to establish it. During its operation, administrative monetary penalties increase very seriously.

In these cases, they can develop fire-fighting distances along the boundaries of populated areas, create special non-flammable strips based on mineral components and carry out other similar operations

Penalties for outdoor fires

Such sanctions at the administrative level are imposed in the following situations.

First. When fires are lit in the forest

For ignoring food safety regulations in forests, according to a special code, the following financial penalties apply for specific illegal actions in relation to food safety regulations in the forest:

1. For lighting fires in the forest not in accordance with the PPB (Article 8.32) individuals are required to pay 1,500 - 3,000 rubles, officials are required to pay 10,000 - 20,000 rubles, legal persons - 50,000 - 200,000 rubles.

2. Burning of various forest flammable materials (branches, grass, etc.) without complying with safety rules and in those areas adjacent to forests, defensive and forest vegetation, where there is no special non-flammable strip of the required width, implies the following penalties:

  • physical persons pay amounts in the range of 3000 - 4000 rubles;
  • persons of official level - in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles;
  • legal entities – 150,000 – 250,000 rubles.

3. The following sanctions are imposed for illegal actions in forests during PR activity:

  • with physical persons charged: 4000 – 5000 rubles;
  • from officials - 20,000 – 40,000 rubles;
  • citizens of legal status - 300,000 - 500,000 rubles.

4. For ignoring the rules of fire safety, which resulted in a fire in the forest, but no serious damage was caused to human health, the following punishments are imposed:

  • with physical persons – 5000 rub.;
  • from persons of official status – 50,000 rubles;
  • from legal entities – 500,000 – 1,000,000 rubles.

Second. When bonfires are made in the forest, near a river and in other areas

Here, article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses attracts attention. On its basis, certain financial penalties are carried out:

1. When PB criteria are violated, not counting the cases reflected in Articles 8.32 and 11.16 of the current Code, reprimands are issued or the following penalties (administrative sanctions) are imposed:

  • individuals are required to pay an amount in the range of 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • persons with official status - an amount in the range of 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • citizens of the legal level pay 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

2. For similar actions, but committed during the activity of the PR, the following sanctions are formed:

  • for physical penalties for persons are in the range of 2000 - 4000 rubles;
  • for officials - in the range of 15,000 - 30,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - 400,000 -500,000 rubles.

Burning grass

Today, the main initiator of ignition of dry grass is the person himself. In many situations, at the beginning of the season, outdated dry grass is burned, along with it stubble and reed vegetation are caught in the flames. These actions are motivated by judgments about great benefit burning grass in spring.

In rare situations, the grass can catch fire natural method, for example from a lightning strike. But the likelihood of such situations is very low.

Sanctions for setting fire to grass and various garbage

It is always necessary to take into account that you can be fined not only for lighting a fire.

Sanctions may be incurred for burning leaves, grass and other plant debris in public and commercial areas. Exceptions are places designated for such activities

For the specified burning of plant residues and garbage in areas not intended for this purpose, the following administrative penalties apply:

  • individuals pay amounts in the range of 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • official status - in the range of 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • legal level – 150 – 200 thousand rubles.

It is very important that no tragic incidents occur while relaxing in the forest belt.

If a family with children goes to this area, it must thoroughly provide all levels of safety for carrying out have a nice rest. All safety standards should not be ignored either by children or their parents and other older relatives.

Grass should not be burned in the garden area and in the country house. The same applies to various types of garbage. It is recommended to export it in special packages. If you do burn garbage, be sure to monitor this process. Do not leave an active flame uncontrolled. Be sure to thoroughly extinguish items like cigarette butts and matches before discarding.

Do not keep active fires, cigarette residues, matches, glass containers. Such containers, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, act on the principle of a magnifying glass: they can ignite grass and other elements.

When walking past flaming grass, do not ignore this fact. If you are unable to handle this incident yourself, please report it to special service. You can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 112.

If any such incident occurs, seek assistance immediately.


Some, after reading the title, will think: what a miracle, if only we had matches, let’s fan the fire! What I want to answer is - in the middle of summer - of course, but let such a “craftsman” try to make a fire in the fall, winter or spring! Yes in the rain! Making fire is half the battle, or even less. At such a time, many, and quite experienced people, can burn a full box of matches in the forest, and the fire will never light up.
How can you light a fire with one match in damp weather, when everything in the forest is wet? Firstly, don’t rush to breed it.

You'll waste matches, that's all. Even if you have dry paper, you still won’t be able to light a fire. Of course, you can use liquid flammable substances: gasoline, kerosene, acetone, turpentine, etc. But they are not very convenient. They have many disadvantages: They are an extra load, they can spill in a backpack and ruin things, and if an accidental spark hits them, they can burst into flames, sometimes, due to an oversight, right on a person. When a fire is not burning well (smoldering), adding flammable substances to the fire is very dangerous - it can cause a flare-up, burn, or scorch. Dry fuel (dry alcohol) does not have almost all of these disadvantages (except for excess weight). It is easy to light and is very high in calories. It allows you to conveniently and quickly prepare small amounts of food. So it takes only 60-80 g to cook a pot of soup. But more often it is used to light a fire in extreme conditions(in winter, in heavy rain) those who simply do not know how to breed it differently.

However, dry alcohol also has some disadvantages: it is hygroscopic, easily absorbs moisture from the air, and requires moisture-proof packaging, otherwise its consumption may increase significantly. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare it before going into the forest - dip it in paraffin, and then seal it in plastic bags.

Secondly, if you go on a rather sudden hike, you may simply not have it on hand, you didn’t buy it in advance, and in the end, you may simply run out of it. What to replace it with then? If you are going on a camping trip ahead of time, then to prepare kindling for the fire, you can dry the peels of citrus fruits in advance: orange, lemon, tangerine, i.e. zest. They are very convenient to light a fire. They light up easily and quickly and burn for a long time. They give enough high temperature, because it contains a lot of very flammable essential oil. However, they also have a serious drawback: the zest easily gets wet. Therefore, in order for it to always be suitable for use, it should be protected from moisture: stored in a well-tied plastic bag.

There is another simple practical way. To be sure to light a fire in rainy, damp weather, you should put oiled paper in an empty tin can, light it and place it at the base of the fire. You can successfully replace a jar of paper with a candle stub, which is lit and placed inside the fire. It’s a good idea to have with you incendiary sticks or “hedgehogs” prepared in advance from the core of a dry tree with shavings planed to curls. You can also use tarred (impregnated with resin) wood for kindling. Such kindling ignites easily and burns for a long time, igniting even damp wood.
However, you may not have all this with you. Besides, it's an extra burden. How to light a fire with helpers natural means? It is necessary to strip the birch bark, preferably from a fallen dry tree, not because it is a pity for the growing one, although this matters, but because it will be drier from below the lying trunk. The layer of bark obtained in this way is torn into narrow strips, from which they are rolled into a ball the size of a fist, or even more. In the absence of birch bark, it can be replaced with lichen, which grows with a gray-green beard on the branches of trees on the north side. After this, they look for a spruce in the planting and prepare several bunches of dry (definitely dead, never living) thin twigs, usually the thickness of a pencil, in the lower part of its crown. No matter how much rain there is, the spruce trees will always be completely dry. Then thicker dry wood is prepared - dead pine or spruce branches(as thick as a finger or more). Of course, they will be wet on the outside, but this is only on the outside, the inside of their wood is completely dry. And lastly, they cut down logs from dead wood, collect dead wood, etc., often the material is already quite wet. Then they choose a suitable place, put a lump of birch bark, thin spruce branches around it in a hut, then thicker branches (in the same hut) and finally everything else. Now you can set it on fire. They do this from below, on the side from which the wind blows, shielding the flame with their back. When the kindling - birch bark, wood and thin spruce branches - is occupied, a fire will be provided for you. And when a pile of hot coals forms, you can add anything, even very damp firewood. The wind blowing towards the fire will fan it.

Be careful with fire in the forest, it can lead to big trouble. Especially on peaty and peaty soils, even if they are damp, as well as in white moss forests. Remember, a peat fire is very difficult to extinguish. Peat smolders even when it appears wet. Cluttered clearings are also a very fire hazard. The likelihood of a fire occurring in coniferous forests with a ground cover of green shiny mosses - favorite places mushroom and berry pickers, significantly lower, but even here during the period of prolonged dry and warm weather fires may occur. Remember that 95% of forest fires are caused by people.
It is safe to make a fire on sandy or rocky banks of rivers and lakes. It is advisable, convenient and practical to lay it out on old fireplaces - there is no need to prepare the place, there are remains of dry, flammable fuel (coals, firebrands).

If there is no suitable place for a fire, make it yourself. To do this, in an area distant from housing (tents, huts) by 5-8, and from trees and bushes at a distance of at least 5 m (otherwise, even if a fire does not occur, hot smoke from the fire will damage the crown of the tree, and it will dry out). Such “burnt” trees can often be found in the forest; for some reason, illiterate tourists really like to make fires under the trees. Then a platform with a diameter of about 2 m is cleared of flammable materials, ground cover, brushwood, etc., in the center of which a fire pit is organized - the turf is removed from an area of ​​1 x 1 m and, turning the grass down, is laid around the fireplace being organized, in the center of which make a fire. Wooden flyers are installed on the sides of the latter, and a crossbar is placed on top of them. Before leaving, the fire should be carefully extinguished with water or covered with a layer of sand or clay. Please note that making fires in dry, windy weather is especially dangerous.

In winter, it is better to make a fire in a hole dug in the snow. Then the snow melting underneath will not extinguish it, and the snow walls surrounding it will serve as protection from the wind. This will allow you to prepare lunch faster, and you won’t need bagels; the crossbar can be placed directly on the snow surface. In cases where the snow is too deep, it is easier to light a fire on a wooden platform made from available material: logs, rotten dead trees, etc. You can even build a fire on a stump, sweeping away the snow from it.

A little about firewood: pine and spruce logs burn well and brightly, provide a lot of heat, and crackle comfortably. But it is not recommended to make a fire from them if you are well dressed. They create a lot of sparks that can easily burn through your clothes. In addition, not everyone likes the resinous smell that food acquires if it is cooked over an open fire such as a barbecue. Their fresh branches, covered with pine needles, give off thick black smoke. Dry needles produce a large mass of sparks. If there is no other fuel, then you need to let them burn out, and only after that cook dinner on the coals.

Birch firewood burns well, evenly, with a bright flame and produces a lot of heat, even if it is freshly cut and not dry wood, and forms a large amount of coals. They don't produce much smoke. But they also have their drawback, forming a lot of soot during the combustion process. Beware if your pot or kettle was on a birch fire, it will not be easy to clean it from soot.

Perhaps the best firewood for a fire, and not only for it, having a high calorific value, is alder. They give off a small flame and burn out quickly, but form a mass of hot coals that distribute even heat for a long time, are convenient for cooking any food and have a special appetizing aroma. It is on alder wood that the best smoked products are prepared: fish, sausage, ham, etc. For piquancy and an even greater enhancement of the aroma during smoking, it is advisable to add one or two sprigs of juniper to them, but no more, firstly, because, if possible so to speak, you can “over-salt” (similar to the concept of over-salting); then the food will acquire an overly sharp, resinous pine taste. Everything is good in moderation. Secondly, juniper thickets in last decades began to noticeably disappear, and the juniper itself is listed in the Red Book, which is why there is no need to harvest the entire plant, but only the lower dying branches should be cut off for the fire.

Alder firewood is also the best fuel for fireplaces; it is also good in stoves. The alder itself comes in two types: gray alder is much more common, grows in bushes or low gnarled trees, and is a weedy, low-value forest-forming species. The only disadvantages of firewood made from it are their thinness and clumsiness, but for a fire this is not so important.

Unlike the latter, black alder, which grows in damp places with flowing moisture, is very valuable tree species, which has beautiful soft and light wood, so cutting it for fuel is less desirable, although the firewood itself is excellent and splits easily. In addition, it is much less common, and harvesting it is difficult due to the muddy soil in the warm season.

The aspen burns with a bright, high, non-carbonated flame, but the heat does not produce too much, however, quite enough to keep warm and cook food. Aspen firewood can “shoot” embers. Its most remarkable property (in terms of combustion) is that it does not produce soot at all, which is why matches are most often made from aspen. Moreover, if you heat the stove with aspen wood at least once or twice a month, then you will never have to clean it from soot, because the flame of aspen wood will burn out all the deposits of the latter.
This is perhaps worth taking note of by gardeners and all rural residents in general.

How often, when going out into nature, we are used to making a fire to cook barbecue or just to warm ourselves up on a cool evening. Sitting around a fire creates an atmosphere of comfort even far from civilization. But often making fires is prohibited by law in many places. Therefore, when you come to the forest or to the area where you want to make a fire, you need to remember the fire safety rules so as not to harm nature and not “run into” a fine.

Making a fire in the forest

When you arrive in the forest, make sure that lighting even small fires in this area is legally permitted. After all, many territories belong to nature reserves, and barbecuing in such places is strictly prohibited. But, as a rule, nature reserves are fenced with a special fence or chain-link mesh, and warning signs hang along the entire perimeter. The signs say that this territory belongs to the reserve, and lighting fires, drinking alcoholic beverages, and littering on its territory is prohibited.

In addition to nature reserves, there are also places in which, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2007 No. 417 “On approval of fire safety rules in forests”, paragraph 8, chapter. 2, making fires of any size is prohibited. These include forests with young coniferous trees, burnt areas, areas of damaged forest, peat bogs, areas of freshly cut trees that have not yet been cleared of wood residues, as well as places with dry grass. Among other things, you should remember that lighting a fire under the canopy of trees is strictly prohibited, even if you are in a place where there are no fire bans.

If the forest area does not belong to a nature reserve, and you decide to start a fire, you must follow fire safety rules. Of course, it is better to fry kebabs on the grill, because then the fire will not spread to the nearest dry twigs and foliage. But if this is not possible, then you must adhere to the following rules:

  • do not litter;
  • do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts and ash into the grass;
  • Do not leave behind materials saturated with substances that are easily flammable.
  • In addition, there is such a thing as a “special fire regime”. This regime is introduced when the risk of fire in forests in various areas increases. For example, this happens in the summer, when due to high solar activity peatlands begin to burn everywhere. When a special fire safety regime is introduced, the lighting of fires may be prohibited even in places where it is usually permitted.

    Fines for lighting fires in forests and outdoors in 2017-2018

    If fire safety measures are violated, at best you will be given a warning, and at worst, an administrative fine will be imposed. For violating the rules, ordinary citizens are subject to a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. For officials, lighting a fire without observing fire safety measures will cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. But legal entities will have a hard time: the fine for them will be from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles.

    Such prices apply only to non-compliance with fire safety rules in nature. If outright harm to the environment is caused, the amount of fines also increases. So, for lighting brushwood or dry grass in places that do not meet fire safety rules, a fine of 3,000 to 4,000 rubles is provided for civilians. In this case, officials will have to pay from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. The fine for legal entities will range from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

    As for making fires in the event of a special fire regime, the fine for making a fire in this case will also increase. For violating the special fire safety regime, ordinary citizens will pay from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles (it will be cheaper to stay at home). Officials will be punished for misconduct with a fine of 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. And legal entities will go broke by 300,000 - 500,000 rubles. A loss of this amount would be significant for any organization.

    The situation will become significantly more complicated if, as a result of your illegal actions a real fire will begin, resulting in the destruction of part of the vegetation. In this case, negligent citizens will be forced to pay an administrative fine of 5,000 rubles. In this case, the official’s wallet will be empty by 50,000 rubles. And legal entities will lose from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

    In this case, you should think not only about the fact that by violating fire safety rules, you risk causing serious damage to the environment, but also about whether you have enough money to pay for your mistake.

    Bonfires within the city

    Sometimes people don’t need or want to go out of town to make a fire. In this case, they are trying to do it right within the city limits. But such actions are also not always legal. Yes, if you have your own a private house or a dacha, then you with a clear conscience have the right to do whatever you want on your territory. After all, no one can blame you for inviting friends to spend time together and build a fire or barbecue. The same situation occurs when burning waste. The area of ​​your home is located in private property, and only the owner can decide whether to light a fire or not.

    The opposite situation arises if you suddenly decide to light a fire in the courtyard of a residential building. Of course, there can be no talk of precautions. There is probably a playground nearby, and thus a danger for small children.

    The same goes for holiday parks. Their territory can be equated to a nature reserve. Most people come there to relax and have fun, but not to sit around the fire. And besides, don’t forget about the children again.

    In any case, remember: you are responsible for the actions you take.

    Rules for making a fire in the forest

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  • Fine for a fire in the forest

    Summer picnics, hikes and outdoor recreation are often not complete without cooking over a fire or grill. I agree, it’s so cozy to sit by the fire with a friendly group, sing songs, cook delicious fish soup or barbecue over the fire. However, when going into the forest, you must remember that making fires and lighting barbecues is not always permitted and not everywhere! And I don’t really want to get a fine for a fire. What can you do to have a good rest and not get fined for having a fire in the forest? The answer is simple - follow the rules for making a fire.

    Fire safety rules in forests

    In other places, making fires is allowed in areas separated by a fire-resistant mineralized (that is, cleared to the mineral layer of soil) strip with a width of at least 0.5 meters. After combustion is completed logging residues or used for another purpose, the fire must be carefully covered with earth or filled with water until smoldering stops completely.”

    In addition, fire safety rules prohibit in forests:

  • throw burning matches, cigarette butts and hot ash from smoking pipes, glass (glass bottles, jars, etc.);
  • use wads made of flammable or smoldering materials when hunting;
  • leave oiled or soaked in gasoline, kerosene or other flammable materials (paper, fabric, tow, cotton wool, etc.) in places not specifically designated for this purpose;
  • fill the fuel tanks of internal combustion engines with fuel while the engine is running, use machines with a faulty engine power supply system, as well as smoke or use open fire near machines filled with fuel;
  • perform work with open fire on peat bogs.
  • Where can you make fires?

    Special fire regime

    The concept of a special fire regime is deciphered in article 30 federal law About fire safety:

    Article 30. Special fire regime

    “In the event of an increase in fire danger, by decision of the authorities state power or organs local government A special fire regime may be established in the relevant areas.

    For the period of validity of the special fire regime in the relevant territories, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts on fire safety establish additional fire safety requirements, including those providing for the involvement of the population to localize fires outside the borders settlements, ban on citizens visiting forests, adoption additional measures preventing the spread of forest and other fires outside the boundaries of populated areas onto the lands of populated areas (increasing fire breaks along the boundaries of populated areas, creating fire-fighting mineralized strips and similar measures).”

    Thus, the fire safety regime can be established in certain territories (in the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation), including by decisions of local government bodies. During the special fire regime administrative fines for a fire in the forest increases quite significantly. In addition, at this time the possibility of receiving a warning instead of a fine for lighting a fire disappears.

    Fines for lighting fires outdoors

    Administrative punishment in the form of fine for making fires outdoors can be imposed in two cases:

    I. When making fires in the forest.

    Violation of fire safety rules in forests

    On this moment According to the Code of Administrative Offences, the following fines are established for certain violations of fire safety rules in the forest.

    Penalty for fires in other places

    II. Fines for lighting fires in other places (Article 20.4 of the Administrative Code).

    Article 20.4. Violation of fire safety requirements

    1. Violation of fire safety requirements, with the exception of cases provided for in Articles 8.32, 11.16 of this Code, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine:

    • for citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles;
    • on officials— from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles;
    • for legal entities - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
    • 2. The same actions committed under special fire conditions will entail the imposition of an administrative fine

      • for citizens in the amount of 2,000 to 4,000 rubles;
      • for officials - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles;
      • for legal entities - from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.
      • Herbal fires

        Almost the only source of dry grass burning is humans. In most cases, last year's dry grass, stubble and reed are burned, guided by myths about the benefits of spring grass burning. It happens that grass fires also occur for natural reasons (from lightning, for example), but in the total number of grass fires their share is extremely small.

        Fine for burning grass and garbage

        Keep in mind that getting a fine for a fire is not everything. Violators who burn leaves, grass and other remains of vegetation in public places and on the territory of business entities, with the exception of specially designated areas, are also subject to a fine.

        Setting fire to grass and burning garbage in unequipped places will result in the imposition of an administrative fine:

  1. The choice of location for the camp hearth depends on the availability of natural shelter from rain and wind. It may be a rock, but in no case the crowns of trees. It is advisable that there is a pond near the fireplace, and the fireplace itself is 15-20 m away from the edge of the forest. Ideal place- sand spit of the river.
  2. The following fire safety measures when starting a fire in the forest recommend that there are no risk factors such as dead wood and dry grass nearby, in large quantities This is the danger of falling, newly emerged young growth, accumulations of debris between stones, as well as huts, awnings, tents.
  3. Tourist accommodation points should be located no closer than 3 m from the fire, on the windward side.
  4. To avoid a peat fire (and simply spread the fire), it is better to remove the top layer of turf from an area slightly larger than the intended fire (from 30 to 40 cm in each direction). If it turns out that the chosen location has peaty, swampy soils, even dried ones, it is better to look for another place. Peat fires do not appear immediately and can continue for decades deep in the ground.
  5. When a fire is lit in the snow, a thin layer of snow is cleared, a deep layer is trampled down, and it is not forbidden to make a flooring from wet logs.
  6. A proper fire depends on properly collected fuel. The main thing you need for a fireplace in your camp is the ability to warm and cook without forcing you to hide from heavy smoke. This is exactly the heat that dry firewood from such hardwood like oak, birch.
  7. Experienced fishermen and hunters, knowing that healthy trees are not allowed to be cut down in young forests, bring fuel with them.
  8. Dry brushwood will burn quickly and will not provide enough calories for cooking. In places with sparse vegetation in the form of trees, you can use dry grass twisted into bundles, dried droppings, peat, and animal fat for hunting as fuel.
  9. If there is a river nearby, you can collect driftwood. If you are in the desert, any shrubs will do.
  10. How larger sizes fire, the more fuel will be required. And if there is not enough firewood, you should think in advance about the size of the fireplace; a fire with a height of 30-40 cm is sufficient for preparing tea and food.
  11. Fuel is collected in advance, and not when the fire has already been lit. Keep the collected firewood dry, cover it with bark, pine needles, and polyethylene.
  12. Wet, rotten pieces of trees are placed in the fire only when it is necessary to signal for help with thick, abundant smoke.

Fire safety rules when making fires

Making a fire is an art!

To ensure that the fire flares up quickly, there are special fire safety rules when lighting fires:

  • pre-prepared kindling consisting of flammable substances, preferably of origin (birch bark, rotten wood found in a hollow, the bark of coniferous trees with resin), gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products are prohibited during the fire hazardous period and are not recommended at other times, as they can cause singed faces, eyebrows;
  • a pyramid made from pieces of kindling is guaranteed to light up if a lit match is inserted into one of the holes in its base; another way to ignite a fire is to lay dry logs parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of the wind, with kindling placed between them, which may also include a newspaper , and the structure is covered with brushwood on top;
  • Wet wood can be laid out around the fire to dry; a fireman should be on duty at the hearth all the time until the fire is extinguished;
  • so that someone who has lost or wet matches does not have to maintain the fire around the clock, you should take care of this in advance;
  • the upper part of the match with the head is dipped in molten wax and then dried;
  • It is better to store the fragment of the ignition box and processed matches in a hermetically sealed tin case;
  • to light a fire using lenses, you need bright sun and collected bird fluff, dry leaf dust, moss;
  • Before leaving the parking lot, you should make sure that the fire is extinguished well; it is best to touch the fire pit with your hands, and do not leave garbage in or around it.
  • Knowing the fire safety requirements when lighting a fire outdoors, it is impossible to ignore the generally accepted conditions of behavior in the forest during a fire-hazardous period:


  • throw burning matches, cigarette butts, pieces of glass;
  • clear fields and summer cottages"burning" method;
  • make fires;
  • drive on forest roads in vehicles not equipped with a spark arrester;
  • use wads made from flammable raw materials;
  • leave used cleaning material outside special areas;
  • refuel aircraft engines in operating mode;
  • light matches, smoke near cars being refueled.
  • If a fire in the forest spreads and a fire starts

    In addition to the above prohibitions, there are also recommendations calling for active action for those who find themselves in the fire area:

  • call fire and rescue services (numbers “01”, “112”, regional mobile numbers, if you know the workers’ numbers forestry, you can call the police - “02”), be sure to inform whether you have decided to hide or put out the fire;
  • use the existing body of water to get wet (yourself + clothes for wrapping);
  • breathing through a wet cloth and moving as close to the ground as possible is required to prevent oxygen deficiency;
  • the optimal method of movement in relation to the direction of the wind is transverse, but it is worth looking around how the fire spreads;
  • It’s worth waiting in places where the grass has already burned out;
  • It is advisable to extinguish a forest fire before the arrival of fire brigades when the fire has not spread over a large area and does not threaten your life;
  • as fire-fighting objects you can use: water from a reservoir, bunches of branches, 1.5-2 m long, with a wet cloth;
  • the fire can be trampled, covered with sand, knocked down with a shovel, and abruptly sprinkled with earth.
  • The most fire-dangerous regions of Russia are considered Far East, Siberia, Ural, Volga region. Residents of these territories have to be especially conscious.

    Proper lighting of a fire in nature is of great importance for fire safety of the environment, quick ignition, efficient combustion with minimal wood consumption. Properly putting out a fire is just as important as starting it. Inexperienced tourists rarely know all the rules for making a fire in the forest.

    There are general rules for making a fire safely:

  • Fires should be lit in special areas and only if necessary. If this is a short stop, and the weather is clear and warm, there is no need to light a fire.
  • You should not allow unextinguished cigarette butts and matches to be thoughtlessly thrown onto the grass.
  • It is prohibited to make a fire during the fire season and in places where prohibitory signs are installed.
  • Do not place flammable objects and liquids, as well as objects soaked in gasoline or oiled with flammable materials near fire. They should be kept in a strictly defined place.
  • Making a fire in the forest: choosing a site

    To light a fire, a careful selection of a suitable place must be made, with mandatory preparation of the site.

  • The site should be open, protected from the wind by some natural shelter, for example, a large stone or rock.
  • You should not place a fireplace near trees, especially dead wood, resinous trees, on old clearings or near trees with hollows. The distance from deciduous trees to the fire should be at least 10 m, from coniferous trees - at least 15 m.
  • You cannot light a fire on peat bogs and stone deposits in the forest, where a lot of forest debris accumulates. Once a fire occurs, it is very difficult to extinguish.
  • Moss and lichen can spread fire sparks to trees.
  • The place for the fire should not contain traces of deforestation.
  • If you find the site of an old fire pit, it is better to use it rather than build a new one.
  • If the site does not meet the above criteria, you should remove the top layer of soil with turf one to one and a half meters in diameter, and build a fire on the ground without an organic substrate. The area around the removed turf should also be cleared of dry grass and leaves to prevent the fire from accidentally spreading across the ground. You can line the sides of the excavated area with stones, thus creating a hearth. If there is shallow snow in the forest, you need to clear it to the ground, and if it is deep, you need to trample it well, covering it with a flooring of damp logs or branches.
  • The place where the fire is made should be fenced off with a firebreak with a removed mineral layer of soil 0.5 meters wide.
  • If the weather is bad, small twigs collected from the lower parts of trees, bark, birch bark, roots, and chips from dry logs are used for kindling.

    To quickly ignite a fire, you need to use the right kindling material: pieces of dry bark, birch bark, dry reeds, fern, moss, lichen. Dry twigs and twigs, bird fluff, and dried rotten wood burn well. Thin twigs need to be planed with a knife, without completely removing the shavings, but leaving them at the end of the rods. The kindling material is laid out in a pyramid, which, after ignition, is gradually covered with the main fuel. Wet firewood is laid out around the fire for quick drying.

    How to put out a fire correctly?

    If the fire was extinguished overnight, you should check the fire pit the next morning for any remaining embers. You need to touch the ash and ashes - they should be cold. They need to be dug up along with the ground.

    1. The grass around the fire also needs to be doused with water.
    2. The side edge of the fire should be covered with a broom of branches with green leaves. At the same time, it must be turned all the time, swept obliquely towards the flame.
    3. If the fire cannot be extinguished, you must notify the rescue service.
    4. Rules for making a fire in the forest

      Rules for making a fire

    5. Liquidation of a fire pit must be carried out with special care.
    6. At the slightest sign of fire, urgent measures should be taken to eliminate them.
    7. If a fire occurs, you should immediately notify the forest protection service or rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
    8. Lighting a fire in the forest should be carried out at a distance of at least three meters from the tent camp on the leeward side.
    9. Instead of one high and large fire, it is better to light several small ones, they will be more useful.
    10. You should always keep containers of water and branches near the fire to extinguish a possible fire.
    11. If the weather is dry and hot, make a fire on sandy or rocky soil, on green young grass or on the shore of a pond.
    12. You cannot light a fire on the ground from which tree roots are visible.
    13. Selection of kindling material

      The correct selection of firewood is also very important. Dry firewood should be used as fuel: unrotten dead wood of aspen, birch, hazel, alder, oak,

      Resinous firewood (from coniferous trees - pine, spruce, fir) burns with sparks, which can ignite not only nearby dead wood, but also clothing and a tent. If the firewood is damp or rotten, it will produce a lot of smoke and little heat. Branches that are too thin will quickly burn out, and dead wood is only suitable for starting a fire in a dry forest and in similar weather. In low forest conditions, shrubs are well suited for ignition. In addition, you can collect twigs and trees along the shore that were brought ashore during floods and dried in the sun.

      Making a fire

      When leaving a camp site with a fire, you need to fill it with water or cover it with earth, and cover it with previously removed turf. You cannot leave the camp site immediately after the fire is extinguished. You need to wait 20-30 minutes, and after you are completely sure that it has gone out, you can leave.

      What to do in case of fire?

      If it turns out that there was a fire from a fire, you need to act like this:

    14. The fire must be doused immediately and covered with sand or earth.
    15. After the fire has been extinguished, you should still report the fire to the forestry department.

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