Do you believe in omens? Some listen to ancient recommendations in order to avoid troubles and troubles or, on the contrary, because they want to catch luck by the tail; while the rest only grin skeptically at the mention of some kind of superstition. Shrouded in mystery and mysticism, they beckon us. A non-standard event is accompanied by a bunch of signs − leap year- is no exception. Named by Julius Caesar, consonant with the Latin bis sextus and the Greek "vissextus". The Earth travels around the Sun in 365 days and 6 hours. The accumulated time results in another day of February once every 4 years.

February 29 is the day of remembrance of St. Kasyan, who sinned before God and was honored to celebrate his name day only once every 4 years. Many legends are associated with his name, even to the point that he was a guard at the gates of hell; in general, in the minds of the people, this character is negative. It is clear why a leap year is considered bad. Superstitions concern the main areas of our lives and significant events, but there are beliefs about little things.

What not to do on a leap year: signs

The main signs of a leap year:

  • You can’t get married or get divorced;
  • you cannot move or build anything;
  • one must refrain from change;
  • do not change jobs;
  • you should not plan a pregnancy;
  • you cannot plan events for February 29;
  • you can’t carol;
  • you can’t pick mushrooms;
  • Pregnant women should not cut their hair;
  • remember the dangers that await you on the road;
  • you can't guess...

There are signs that sound completely absurd, for example:

  • do not sell animals and livestock from home (to poverty and loss);
  • You can’t celebrate the eruption of your baby’s first tooth (the teeth will grow weak);
  • old people shouldn't cook things in last way(otherwise the end may come soon).

Let's look at the most popular signs among people.

The expectant mother should refrain from cutting her hair, otherwise the child may be born with poor health, poor intelligence and other disorders. If you listen to popular opinion, pregnant women and normal years You can't cut your hair. Hair carries a certain energy reserve of strength; by shortening it, a pregnant woman reduces the mental capabilities and health of the child.

There are many superstitions associated with pregnancy; it is more advisable to think about practical things that affect the health and development of the future baby than to assume that growing hair will help better healthy image life and good education.

Why can't you get married on a leap year?

Such a marriage will not bring happiness; there will be no love, understanding and trust in the family. There is also an opposite sign - you cannot get a divorce, because the next marriage or relationship will be unhappy, and divorced people may get sick.

Many do not dare to refute the omen and postpone the wedding. However, as statistics show, marriages concluded this year do not break up more often than others. In addition, the church does not give recommendations regarding weddings and weddings during a leap year. She looks at omens extremely negatively.

What cannot be built in a leap year and why?

The construction of houses, bathhouses and other buildings, and repairs are prohibited. The construction will be frail, and the construction of a bathhouse promises health problems. The repair will not bring joy and will be short-lived. Of course, having tuned in to poor quality, without putting in much effort, it is easier to write off inept construction as a bad year.

Why can't you pick mushrooms in a leap year?

You can even get poisoned by edible mushrooms. Something bad might happen. Mushrooms absorb everything negative energy this year.

The belief comes from the fact that the mycelium is renewed every 4 years, and at some time they may be bad, but there is no guarantee that it degenerated in a leap year.

Why can't you buy real estate and move during a leap year?

It will not bring benefits or joy to the owner, and may lead to unforeseen consequences. The prohibitions also apply to simply changing your place of residence, which can result in failure and further rapid relocation. Again, the purchase of real estate or relocation, which was initially programmed to fail, will cost the future owner a pretty penny.

Why can't you carol during a leap year?

Now carols are not relevant. Previously, they were afraid of losing happiness at carols, and, having dressed up, exchange true face to the mummer. Of course, unbridled fun with a drunken booth in a “bad” year can end very badly.

This year, all the negative energy can be concentrated on the fortuneteller, and fortune predictions can turn into a series of failures. Also, fortune telling readings can be incorrect and confusing.

There is a saying: “If you guess, you will lose your happiness.” It doesn't matter what year. Therefore, you should not tempt fate, because if they mistakenly tell you something bad, the stress of waiting will negatively affect your health and so on. The Church opposes fortune telling.

We have described the most common signs. The desire to protect yourself and your loved ones from bad things is natural, but sometimes an unreal fear of trouble overshadows reason. Thoughts are material, and if there is no way to avoid the forbidden. A positive attitude neutralizes all the negativity surrounding beliefs.

People associate leap year with a large number of different superstitions. For example, many people know that it is impossible to get married in a leap year, and it is also undesirable to become pregnant. Such superstitions also include why people don’t pick mushrooms during a leap year. We will try to understand the reasons for this tradition of avid mushroom pickers

What do we know about leap year?

The duration of such a year is not 365 days, but one day more - 366. Every 4 years, all time processes for us shift by a day.

Among the people, any leap year was considered the most difficult and dangerous in the world. unseen circumstances. Even today, any undertaking is not recommended during a leap year. Astrologers, the scientific nature of whose conclusions can be considered obvious, oddly enough, with folk observations agree. This year marks the beginning of a 4-year cycle.

Why can't you pick and eat mushrooms in a leap year?

If we talk about why you can’t pick mushrooms during a leap year, then astrologers do not give any conclusions on this issue. Based on this, we can assume that, like any undertaking, picking mushrooms is undesirable. The superstition says: “On leap years, pick mushrooms and carry coffins to the graveyard.” In other words, if you pick mushrooms this year, there will be illnesses and big troubles in the family.

In fact, why you can’t eat mushrooms in a leap year, or pick them in the forest, may be associated not only with fears, but also with a completely rational explanation. Experienced mushroom pickers know that every four years myceliums degenerate, and where there was a “harvest” for 4 years in a row, it will be empty on the fifth. The easiest way to associate these cycles with a leap year is to remember where you shouldn’t go for mushrooms, and also to wait a year so that forest forest It became productive again.

interesting that this is a reasonable explanation folk tradition has a scientific basis. The fact is that when the mycelium degenerates, the mushrooms become poisonous. Hence the belief that in a leap year, whoever collected and ate mushrooms “carries coffins.”

If you know how to pick mushrooms and know exactly how to distinguish real mushroom from him poisonous double, then you can do what you love regardless of astrological year, and let it always be tasty and safe on your table.

Kira Stoletova

Mushrooms are such a tasty, healthy and nutritious product that it is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying these gifts of nature. And many lovers quiet hunt When going for a seasonal gathering, they see mushrooms near the roads. The temptation to collect them is, of course, great, but this cannot be done. Let's find out why.

Feature of mushrooms

Every mushroom picker must remember that mushrooms are much more active than others. forest vegetation, they absorb from environment both beneficial and harmful chemical compounds.

For example, a mushroom cap containing precipitation can easily be exposed to emissions from industrial facilities, exhaust gases from vehicles passing on the roads, chemicals sprayed over farmland, and so on. But that's not all!

The maximum amount of dangerous elements comes from the soil layer where the mycelium grows and develops.

Mushrooms on the surface of the earth are only visible part extensive fungal organism called fruiting bodies.

The fruiting bodies are formed by the mycelium located underground. It grows over long distances and secretes enzymes, and then absorbs organic matter from the soil layer over the entire surface. Therefore, all the elements in the soil end up in the mushrooms.

What substances accumulate

Hazardous accumulated substances include water-soluble salts of heavy metals - mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, etc.

Also, radioactive elements (cesium and strontium) and pesticides, which are used to treat farm fields against pests, get into mushrooms exclusively from the soil.

Of all plant inhabitants forest kingdom, it is mushrooms that, like a sponge, are capable of absorbing and accumulating dangerous compounds in quantities exceeding permissible limits safety for human life and health.

You should think a hundred times before putting a mushroom found near the roadway into your basket. This category also includes mushrooms growing along railway tracks, as well as on forest edges located next to agricultural fields, industrial zones and various waste dumps.

By the way, tree mushrooms safer than soil, because they accumulate in much smaller volumes harmful substances. If you are a fan of oyster mushrooms or honey mushrooms, then you can safely collect them even in environmentally hazardous areas.

Impact on the human body

How do mushrooms collected in inappropriate places affect the human body?

If you still decide to collect edible mushrooms along the road and on the edges of the forest next to farms and industrial zones, then it should be remembered that such forest gifts have toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the human body.

Poisoning with heavy metals and other harmful chemical compounds may take place in acute form or chronic.

In acute cases, the symptoms are violent, and in chronic cases, they are blurry and unclear, but no less dangerous to health and life.

Symptoms of poisoning can be specific to everyone chemical substance, but the overall picture includes nausea or sudden vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased/decreased blood pressure, change in pupil size, drowsiness/lethargy or unnatural excitability.

Symptoms of poisoning

In case of general symptoms of poisoning after eating mushrooms collected along the road, it is necessary to provide first aid and take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

The influence of chemical elements on the body:

  • Lead – causes central nervous system disorder, accumulates in the kidneys, liver, bone tissue, affects the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Cadmium – affects the kidneys, central nervous system, negatively affects female and male reproductive function.

The leaders among mushrooms in terms of concentration of heavy metals are milk mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, pig mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and champignons. They are capable of accumulating enormous amounts of mercury and cadmium. Moreover, measurements show that the concentration of cadmium and mercury can be tens and even hundreds of times higher than the content of these same elements in the soil.

The ability of mushrooms to absorb heavy metal salts reaches its maximum value during the growth of the mycelium and active education fruits The concentration of metals in the fruiting body always increases from the stem to the cap, because in it all metabolic processes occur more quickly and actively. Also in young mushrooms the concentration hazardous substances significantly higher than in the old ones.


Mushroom pickers living in areas with high background radiation face another danger in the forest - radiation.

Its intensity depends on various circumstances - species biological features, growing conditions (water and soil composition, climate) and age of the mycelium.

Why are mushrooms so sensitive to radiation?

  • The main chemical element in the fruiting body is potassium. It is considered a chemical similarity to the radioactive element cesium-137, which is why it is especially actively absorbed by both the mycelium and the fruiting bodies growing in it.
  • The second radioactive element is strontium-90. It is also absorbed by fungi, but much less cesium.

Which mushrooms are not susceptible to radiation?

Despite the fact that mushrooms are considered leaders in the accumulation radioactive substances(cesium and strontium), not all types have the same absorbency.

This difference is explained by the species characteristics of mushroom growth and the location of the mycelium.

For example, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, and boletus accumulate the most radionuclides, because the concentration of harmful substances in the upper part of the soil is greatest and the mycelium located in it receives maximum amount radioactive elements.

Puffballs, champignons, umbrella mushrooms, morels and other saprophytic mushrooms growing in forest substrates are practically neutral to them.

The cleanest mushrooms in terms of radiation are arboreal ones. These include oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms.

ASPEN BOLOTS growing on a forest road | Mushrooms at the end of summer | Quiet Hunting Yaroslavl region

Honey mushrooms grow right on the road.

Where do white mushrooms grow - near fly agaric mushrooms! | Picking mushrooms in September | Tips for mushroom pickers

Precautionary measures

If you still want mushrooms, then the following precautions should be taken when collecting and subsequent processing:

  • Do not collect immediately after a dry period.
  • Carry out thorough cooking.

Attention! Boiling mushrooms for 1 hour with changing the water three times reduces the content of heavy metals and radionuclides to acceptable limits.

The coming year 2012 will be a leap year. This is a difficult year, it requires responsibility and balance in every step, since during this period the foundation for a four-year period is laid.

It is believed that a leap year is special, since an extra day distorts the usual reality...

There are many beliefs, signs and superstitions associated with leap year. It frightens and arouses curiosity, excites the imagination and is associated by many with Friday the 13th. However, some, on the contrary, believe that leap years are the happiest. So who is right? Let's look at this using the example of well-known signs.

Sign one: you can’t get married on a leap year

It is believed that a marriage entered into during a leap year will not be happy - it will either quickly fall apart, or one of the spouses will become widowed early, or the newlyweds will not get along well together and therefore will begin to cheat on each other soon after the wedding.

In fact, there is no statistical confirmation of such a sign. Marriages concluded in a leap year break up no more often or less frequently than in other years. This sign can be contrasted with “lucky” numbers for marriage - 07/07/07, 08/08/08, 09/09/09. Do you remember how many couples sought to register their relationship on these dates? Meanwhile, many of these families have already broken up, as well as the marriages of those who married on other days of these years. Many of those did not pay huge attention wedding date, live happily and have no intention of getting divorced. So, if not compiled individual horoscope pairs, such “favorable” or “unfavorable” years and dates can not be taken into account. In general, we send this sign to the “superstition basket”.

From the history

If you look at history, you can see a very funny picture. Indeed, once every four years the young people did not disturb the matchmakers, and no festive chaos broke out in the house of the bride’s parents. But this does not mean at all that the lovers could not get married. What is most remarkable is that... girls went to get married. It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could choose their own groom!

Initially, the custom of female matchmaking had one condition: that “every lady who goes to matchmaking should wear an undershirt made of scarlet flannel and that its hem should be clearly visible, otherwise the man will have to pay a fine for it.” The bride could be refused matchmaking only in the most in rare cases, but no mention of them has survived.

If a leap year were somehow unfavorable for the church from the point of view of performing the Sacrament of Marriage, then this would certainly be reflected in the church canons. But there is no such rule.

This means that this superstition has nothing to do with the true state of affairs. But if this sign matters to you, but you are still going to get married in 2012, then ask the priest to say before the crown: “ I crown with a crown, not a leap end».

Sign two: leap year depresses people

Leap years are believed to have an increased number of deaths. However, this sign is not confirmed. It’s just that, as with Friday the 13th, people pay more attention to what happened during a leap year precisely because of its notoriety. There will definitely be someone who remembers that during a leap year they lost one of their friends, relatives, acquaintances or neighbors. You might think that nothing like this happens in other years...

From the history

There is such an intricate legend. One of the Christian saints beats devils with chains without a break for 4 years. IN New Year he looks up and the earth comforts him. Having been consoled, he begins with special frenzy to whip the devils, who, accordingly, harm what consoled him: grass (and fires destroy crops), animals (and pestilence begins) or people. Another legend belongs to the ancient Roman holiday called Feralia and was held on February 21 - on this day a meal was prepared for the souls of the dead and a gift of tiles with a withered wreath, bread soaked in wine, some violets, a few grains of millet, and a pinch of salt were presented. But souls do not need abundant food and gifts; the memory of the living is more important to them. Therefore, the most important thing is to pray to them with all your heart and not forget about them.

Once during the war they forgot to hold Feralia. A pestilence began in Rome, and at night souls came out of their graves in droves and filled the streets with loud cries. As soon as sacrifices were made to them, they returned to the land, and the pestilence stopped. The legend of the February deaths has survived to this day, having undergone a change in content. There is another version - in ancient times it was February last month per year. IN ancient Rome, for example, in February, we tried to cleanse ourselves of all the bad things that had accumulated over the year. Hence, its name - after the name of the rite of cult cleansing from sins, repentance in Dr. Rome - februarius (from Latin “purifying”). And it was believed that after February “extra people” died.
Sign three: during a leap year, nature “rebels”

It is believed that more happens during a leap year natural Disasters. And here again superstitions are to blame. Don’t feed people bread, just let them find a pattern in some misfortune. See for yourself - this year, 2011, is clearly not a leap year, just like the previous one, but how much natural disasters happened in the world during this time! Long-suffering Japan alone is worth it. By the way, the ancient Mayans, without suspecting it themselves, contributed to the superstitions about the leap year - the “Mayan apocalypse” falls on just such a year.

It is also believed that a leap year is marked by various kinds of disasters and tragedies. Some advanced “sociologists” specifically conduct “research”, counting how many planes crashed in a leap year, how many terrorist attacks there were, how many disasters on an international scale occurred. For example, in Russia the war with Napoleon of 1812 fell precisely on a leap year, but the Second World War, which took away much more human lives, began in the USSR in 1941, but it is not a leap year, just like 2001 - the year of the American tragedy of September 11. And how many disasters have there been this year (2011) - “Bulgaria”, plane crashes, including football team. Such comparisons can be made ad infinitum, but the conclusion is still the same - tragedies and misfortunes do not depend on the “leap” year.

Sign three: during a leap year, nature “rebels”

It is believed that more natural disasters occur during leap years. And here again superstitions are to blame. Don’t feed people bread, just let them find a pattern in some misfortune. See for yourself - this year, 2011, is clearly not a leap year, just like the previous one, but how many natural disasters have occurred in the world during this time! Long-suffering Japan alone is worth it. By the way, the ancient Mayans, without suspecting it themselves, contributed to the superstitions about the leap year - the “Mayan apocalypse” falls on just such a year.

It is also believed that a leap year is marked by various kinds of disasters and tragedies. Some advanced “sociologists” specifically conduct “research”, counting how many planes crashed in a leap year, how many terrorist attacks there were, how many disasters on an international scale occurred. For example, in Russia, the war with Napoleon in 1812 fell exactly on a leap year, but the Second World War, which claimed much more human lives, began in the USSR in 1941, and it is not a leap year, just like 2001 - the year of the American tragedy 11 September. And how many disasters there were this year (2011) - “Bulgaria”, plane crashes, including with a football team. Such comparisons can be made ad infinitum, but the conclusion is still the same - tragedies and misfortunes do not depend on the “leap” year.

Sign four: you can’t change anything during a leap year

It is believed that any changes during a leap year are disastrous and unpromising. Signs do not advise changing your job, place of residence, or even hair color. Just like, according to superstitions, you shouldn’t get a divorce or change your partner at all.

Again, there is no objective justification for this sign. But you can go the opposite way - if you are not satisfied with the salary at your old place of work, and they offer you a new, interesting and highly paid one, will you refuse? Just because this offer came to you on a leap year? Hardly. And the further development of events will depend only on you, on your professionalism and a little on luck.

Sign five: you can’t start anything in a leap year

It is believed that during a leap year you cannot start a business, build a house or a bathhouse, make large purchases or invest money in anything. From an astrological point of view, this sign is justified, since a leap year begins a four-year cycle, and if you approach your undertaking irresponsibly, then the big business you have started will simply fail, attracting other troubles: lack of money, health problems due to nervousness, conflicts with others because of your mistake and because you invested money incorrectly. And all these problems will last until the next leap year. Therefore, it is worth listening to this sign and “measuring seven times” before “cutting off”. We have to calculate everything possible risks, look for probable escape routes and create a stabilization fund that will help you get out of a mistake if you make a mistake. difficult situation with minimal losses. However, these actions should always be performed, and not just in a leap year.

Sign six: mushrooms are not collected during a leap year

This sign has been around for centuries and, perhaps, it is the only one of all the signs that has the most realistic explanation. This sign is connected with the fact that the mycelium seems to degenerate every four years, so the mushrooms become poisonous, and the mushrooms also absorb not only chemical elements, but also malice, curses, anger expelled during witchcraft rituals. However, all myceliums on earth did not originate in one year (especially a leap year), and secret rites were not carried out in all clearings and not in all forests of the world, so we send this sign to the “basket of superstitions”.

Sign seven: during a leap year, a pregnant woman does not cut her hair

To be honest, it is absolutely unclear where this common sign of expecting a baby came from, but our ancestors believed that if the one who is “heavy” in a leap year even trims her hair slightly, the child will be born weak-minded. Maybe it was all about the tools they used to cut hair back then? Or is it that the barbers, in memory of Kasyan, drank without going dry throughout the leap year? Meanwhile, it is unlikely that the mothers of all famous scientists Nobel laureates and simply smart and quick-witted people born on a leap year went uncut for all 9 months.

From the history

It is believed that there is no worse birthday than February 29th. It seems like a person born on this day is waiting sad fate: he will be unhappy all his life, what awaits him is early death, serious illness or injury. As a consolation for those who celebrate a real birthday once every four years, all that remains is “I might not have been born at all.” There are cases when mothers who have given birth beg registry office workers not to register their child on February 29th.

There are about 4 million children on February 29th in the world - this is only 0.0686% of the world's population. The chance of a child being born on a leap year is approximately 1 in 1,500. One Norwegian family even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records: three children were born on February 29, and in different leap years. One can only guess how much effort this coincidence cost the parents. Those born on an extra day in February usually celebrate their birth every year, although every four years "more thoroughly". German professor Heinrich Hemme developed his own system of leap birthdays.

It all depends on what hour you were born.

  • from 0.00 to 6.00 - in non-leap years, mark 28.02.
  • from 6.00 to 12.00 - mark 28.02 for two years after a leap year, 1.03 for the third.
  • from 12.00 to 18.00 - in the first year after a leap year, celebrate 28.02, in the second and third - 1.03.
  • from 18.00 to 24.00 - mark 1.03.

Don’t forget that there is another sign: on this day the chosen ones and the lucky ones are born. According to some ancient sources, this day was sacred: a day of mystery, a day of mystery... the day when a window opens in “ a parallel world" It is not for nothing that this day is still called “pop-up”, “eluding”, as if appearing from nowhere and going into nowhere... It was believed that on this day the chosen ones are born. Some messengers from a parallel world.

In ancient times, these people were considered born Magicians, endowed with a prophetic gift. Carefully guarded and guarded, forced to live as hermits, the “chosen ones” truly possessed a miraculous gift, capable of not only predicting, but also healing, “cleansing” from all filth. If you were born on February 29, a leap year, thereby falling under the sign of Pisces, you will have fewer difficulties and more luck in your early years.

Children born in 2012 will be rich and will provide their parents with a decent old age. But what can it mean for “mere mortals” if you suddenly meet people born on February 29 in your life? Considering that these are human messengers, they appear in a person’s fate not by chance, but with a specific mission: to convey information to us. Perhaps it will be a lesson, or maybe some knowledge. “The information that came to you through a person born on February 29 has a secret, esoteric meaning, and I would not recommend ignoring it...”

"Kosoy Kasyan jinxed the whole year with his eye ". This is what people also say. But we think you have already understood that almost all the signs for a leap year are nothing more than superstitions, and the more you believe in these signs, the more often they come true. But they come true precisely because the negative attracts negativity Even from an astrological point of view, a leap year is special solely because of the number of days and because of the beginning of a four-year cycle, and not because 366 days a year is a fatal sign.

And, by the way, a person born on a leap year is luckier than many, and there is real evidence of this: V.V. Putin, Anatoly Wasserman, Mel Gibson, Leonid Parfenov, Sandra Bullock, Christina Aguillera, Scarlett Johansson and many, many others. There is no need to explain to anyone that a leap year brings joy and success.

Signs of Leap Year 2012

  • In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.
  • If possible, you should not change your job or apartment.
  • You can't sell livestock.
  • The third goose out of all those slaughtered is given away for free.
  • Old people should not buy “mortal” items as a reserve. Sign: they won’t live long after this.
  • People who divorced during a leap year should buy a new towel and take it to the church, give it to the women who wash and clean there, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  • In a leap year, when leaving home for any reason or for work, they say without stepping over the threshold of their home: “I walk and ride along the leap trail, I bow to the leap trail. I left the door and will return here. Amen".
  • In the spring of a leap year, when planting in the garden, they say: “On a leap year, it’s time to die.”
  • At the first thunder in a leap year, they place their finger on their finger in a cross and whisper: “The whole family is with me (names of family members are listed). Amen".
  • When they hear a dog howling on a leap year, they say: “Go howl, but not to my home. Amen" .
  • On parent's Saturday When they come to the cemetery in a leap year, they are not remembered until three people have been commemorated.
  • Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, when they come to the forest, before picking even a blade of grass, they stand facing west and say: “Leap Father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen".
  • Knowledgeable people In a leap year, mushrooms are not collected, eaten or sold, so as not to pick up bad things from the ground. Remember, mushrooms dream of coffins.
  • You can't drown kittens during a leap year.
  • If you are in a church where a funeral service is taking place, it is better not to be nearby.
  • There is no caroling during a leap year.
  • There is a custom among the people to invite people “to have a bite”. This is not done during a leap year - the child will have bad teeth.
  • For mothers whose daughters started menstruating for the first time during a leap year, it is better not to tell anyone about it - neither a friend, nor a sister, nor a grandmother, so as not to spoil the daughter’s womanly lot.
  • If it happens that in a leap year a person has committed a crime before the law (as they say: keep yourself out of prison and keep your bag), then one of the prisoner’s relatives should go to church, light a candle to three saints and, leaving the church, say: “The leap year will leave, and the slave (name) will come home. Amen".
  • A prisoner in prison, saying goodbye to a leap year, must cross himself and say: “Free will, but not bondage for me.” There will be fewer troubles and diseases in captivity. But they do it so that no one sees.

You cannot pick mushrooms near the road - both road and railway. They absorb exhaust gases and spilled consumables from cars. Experts advise mushroom pickers to move at least half a kilometer away from the road, and even more than a kilometer away from the busy highway.

“A mushroom, it’s like a sponge. Absorbs harmful substances from the ground and air. That's why I only collect them deep in the forest. As far from the road as possible, confirms a mushroom picker with 60 years of experience. Sergey Mikhailov. “By the way, the same applies to wild berries: I never pick strawberries, thorns, or rose hips by the roadside.”

Some of the most dangerous mushrooms in this regard are considered to be the common boletus and boletus mushrooms; boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms also accumulate very much bad substances.

Near landfills and cattle burial grounds they also grow deadly dangerous mushrooms. Having absorbed poisons, they are unlikely to release them during heat treatment or canning. For the same reasons, you cannot pick mushrooms in industrial zones, near factories and factories, or near airports.

Experts do not recommend going to the forest edge that borders the field to pick mushrooms. An agricultural producer could treat his land with chemical fertilizers, poison pests, and the mushrooms would absorb it all.

House yards, city parks and lawns are also not a place for quiet hunting. In general, in the city limits you should be extremely careful when picking mushrooms, or it’s better not to do it at all.

Picking mushrooms under power lines and in a security zone is also a dangerous undertaking - an awkward movement, and the mushroom picker risks getting an electric shock.

You should not pick wormy or old mushrooms. Avid mushroom pickers It is advised to go to the forest early in the morning, before the sun has time to heat the mushroom caps. And return before lunch to process the collected spoils - cut mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time. It is best to pick mushrooms on the slopes and avoid the lowlands. Cut only known species mushrooms, and not put everything in a basket with the expectation of sorting it out at home.

Still, the main cause of poisoning is poisonous mushrooms. If the rule “if you don’t know the mushroom, don’t take it” fails, then the first signs of poisoning appear in about an hour. These include nausea, abdominal pain, fever, hands and feet become cold, etc. You should immediately consult a doctor. Before this, the poisoned person is advised to drink as much as possible clean water and induce vomiting.

Mushrooms are a difficult food for the stomach. Therefore, even collected in ideal conditions Don’t get carried away – eat in moderation and in small portions.

Not every fly agaric is poisonous. For example, Caesar mushroom - bright representative fly agaric family. Since ancient times it has been considered a delicacy. It's being prepared different ways and also eaten raw.

Natalia Kozlova