Modern encyclopedia

    - (OAS) was created in 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogota. 35 Latino members American states, USA and Canada (1994). The highest body of the OAS is the General Assembly of Foreign Ministers, the executive body of the Permanent Council of the OAS (in... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    The OAS was created in 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogota. 35 members of Latin American states, USA and Canada (1994). The highest body of the OAS is the General Assembly of Foreign Ministers, the executive body of the Permanent Council of the OAS (in... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (OAS; Organizacion de los estados americanos, Organization of American States), founded in 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogota. The OAS has 35 members: Latin American states, the USA and Canada (1994). The main goals are maintaining... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (OAS; Spanish Organización de los estados americanos, English Organization of American states, French Organization des États américains, port Organização dos Estados Americanos), created on April 30, 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogota... ... Wikipedia

    Organization of American States- (OAS; Spanish: Organización de los Estados Americanos, English: Organization of American States), regional international organization, uniting countries Latin America, Caribbean and the USA. Created on April 30, 1948 at the 9th Inter-American... ... Encyclopedic reference book"Latin America"

    - (OAS; Organización de los estados americanos) was created on April 30, 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference (See Inter-American Conference) in Bogotá (Colombia) on the basis of the Pan American Union (See Pan American Union), which existed since ... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (OAS). Created Apr 30 1948 at the 9th Interim. conference in Bogota (Colombia). Member The OAS are (1966) USA and 19 Latin America. state in (all except Cuba, Barbados, Guiana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago). The United States is using the OAS as a weapon to fight against national... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    - (OAS) a regional intergovernmental organization created in 1948 and including most countries of the Western Hemisphere. The OAS operates on the basis of its charter as amended in 1970, etc. Inter-American Mutual Defense Treaty of 1947 Members... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    Organization of American States- (OAS) (Organization of Amercan States, OAS)Organization of Amercan StatesOAS, a regional organization of 35 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Originally founded in 1890 largely for the purpose of developing economic and... Countries of the world. Dictionary


  • Modern international law on environmental protection and environmental human rights, A. M. Solntsev. The monograph examines the emergence and development of the system of environmental human rights, identifies individual species environmental human rights, international legal and...

The Organization of American States (OAS) is an international regional organization that unites more than 30 states of the Western Hemisphere of the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. In its current form, the inter-American system took shape in the first post-war years. In 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, the states of the Western Hemisphere signed the Inter-American Treaty of Mutual Assistance (“Rio Pact”), and a year later, in 1948, in Bogota, the Charter of the OAS. The American Declaration of Human Rights was also adopted there. In Bogota, the Pact for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes was signed, which, although not ratified by any of the participants, retains political weight to this day. Abdulfattah Amb. OAS and its role in coordination foreign policy Latin American states. M.: International relationships, 1999, p. 12.

By creating the organization, Latin American states sought to secure legal equality, based on the principle of “one country, one vote.” Initially, relations within the Organization were built on the principle of “USA + 20 other countries.” Today the situation has changed: all OAS subjects have equal rights and responsibilities.

Another motive for creating the organization was the expectation that allied relations with the United States would make it easier for Latin American states to enter big politics and create favorable conditions for economic growth. This was evidenced by the persistent efforts of Latin American states to fix the special status of the inter-American system in the UN Charter. The OAS should be represented in the Security Council as a permanent member, and its Secretary-General should take part in UN sessions as a representative of the inter-American system. The OAS was supposed to carry out at the regional level the tasks that the UN performs at the global level. Abdulfattah Amb. The OAS and its role in coordinating the foreign policy of Latin American states. M.: International Relations, 1999, p. 16.

Since then, the main declared principles of the OAS have been commitment to international law, respect for sovereignty and independence, democracy, social justice, respect for human rights regardless of race and political beliefs. In turn, the declared goals of the organization are strengthening peace and security, preventing complications and peaceful resolution of disputes, joint action in the event of aggression, joint efforts on economic, social and cultural development.

One of the main factors of cooperation within single organization the question remains collective security. Currently, despite the decrease in the share of military spending, the total defense budget of Latin American countries is increasing.

The highest body of the OAS is the General Assembly (the 36th session was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in June 2006). The main body is the Permanent Council, consisting of representatives (ambassadors) of the participating countries. Its structure includes standing commissions (on continental security, political, legal, administrative and budgetary issues) and working groups. The administrative body is the General Secretariat. In 2005, José Miguel Insulza, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Interior of Chile, was elected Secretary General of the OAS.

Since 1971, the institution of permanent observers has been operating at the OAS. Currently, the EU and 51 states have this status, incl. Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. Maslov A.L. Organization of American States. 04/14/2007

IN modern conditions OAS member countries are striving to find new directions and forms of activity of this organization, optimally adapted to domestic political and international realities. Progress towards these goals was facilitated, in particular, by the holding of inter-American summits in Miami (USA, 1994), Santiago (Chile, 1998), Quebec (Canada, 2001), and Mar del Plata (Argentina , November 2005), the extraordinary summit in Monterrey (Mexico, 2004), as well as the inter-American meeting at top level on Sustainable Development (Bolivia, 1996).

The Inter-American Council for Integrated Development (CIDI), created in 1996, is intended to contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the OAS activities in the socio-economic sphere.

An important area of ​​the OAS's activities is strengthening democracy and ensuring human rights. The main mechanisms in this area are OAS General Assembly Resolution 1080, which establishes the procedure for responding to violations of the constitutional order in the countries of the continent, and the Washington Protocol, which introduced the “democratic article”, which provides for the suspension of states’ participation in the OAS in the event of unconstitutional changes to the democratic order. At the 28th extraordinary session of the OAS General Assembly (Lima, 2001), the Inter-American Democratic Charter was adopted, establishing the mechanisms for applying the “democratic article”. The OAS provides practical assistance to the countries of the continent by sending observer missions to monitor the implementation of peace agreements and elections. IN Lately special attention is paid to Haiti and Venezuela.

The OAS's attention to continental security issues is increasing. The motivation for this was, on the one hand, the understanding that the Rio de Janeiro Pact (1947) legal basis ensuring security in the region does not meet modern realities, and on the other hand, the US desire to form under its leadership new model military-political cooperation between the countries of the continent. The process of rethinking the concept of continental security, its reorientation from the tasks of protecting against external threat to counter new challenges. An important step on the way to forming a new architecture regional security, taking into account modern world realities, was the Special Inter-American Security Conference (Mexico, 2003).

Changing approaches to understanding security should entail the development of new mechanisms for ensuring it. The Mexicans have taken the initiative to accelerate progress in this direction.

In 2004, Mexico withdrew from the Rio Pact. Latin American countries (Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, etc.) are not interested in revising the leading role of the OAS in the inter-American security system or in creating alternative decision-making forums on issues of military cooperation. Under the auspices of the OAS, two regional conferences on confidence- and security-building measures in the Western Hemisphere were held (Chile, 1995, El Salvador, 1998).

Among the main topics on the OAS agenda are the problems of combating drug trafficking, terrorism, illicit arms trafficking, corruption and other new challenges. Inter-American conventions have been adopted: on the fight against corruption, on the prohibition of illegal production and trafficking firearms, ammunition, explosives, and transparency in the acquisition of conventional weapons. It is planned to conclude a convention on the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters.

After the terrorist attacks in the United States, the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (ICTE) intensified its activities. At the 32nd session of the OAS General Assembly (2002), the Inter-American Convention on Combating Terrorism was adopted. The Inter-American Commission on Drug Abuse Control (CICAD) is active.

At the 31st extraordinary session of the OAS General Assembly, held in January 2006, a decision was made to increase the Organization's budget in 2007-2008. and temporary reallocation of the scale of assessments for this transition period. The Permanent Council was instructed to develop by the 37th regular session of the General Assembly (June 2007) new system quotas and principles of budget indexation. The compromise reached to increase the budget from $76.3 to $81.5 million is important as the first step towards full-scale financial reform of the OAS.

During the 32nd extraordinary session of the OAS General Assembly (March 2006), a resolution was adopted on the status of the Inter-American Defense Council (IDC), as well as its legal and institutional relationship with the OAS. It clearly states that the MCO is one of the organs of the OAS. It enjoys technical autonomy, but is obliged to implement, within its competence, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Permanent Council of the OAS, as well as consultative meetings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Member of the MCO (at this moment there are 26 of them) any OAS member country can become. Observer states under the OAS automatically receive a similar status under the MCO.

Organization of American States (OAS)(English) Organization of American States, fr. Organization des Etats Americains, Spanish Organizacion de los Estados Americanos, port. Organizacao dos Estados Americanos)- an international organization on the American continent. The OAS was founded in 1948 to perform primarily commercial functions. The goal of the OAS was declared, in particular, to be peace and prosperity for the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Actually under current name The Organization of American States was created on the basis of the Pan American Union in the spring of 1948.
The OAS consists of 35 states. In 1971, the organization established an institute of permanent observers. As of 2009, the rights of observers are granted to the countries of the European Union, as well as 51 other states, in particular Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.
The highest body is the General Assembly, consisting of representatives of member states. The OAS General Assembly meets annually. Sessions are held alternately in the capitals of the participating states. Executive agency– Permanent Council (in some sources – General Secretariat), located in Washington (USA).
The idea of ​​cooperation in the Western Hemisphere dates back to the 19th century, to the time of the Liberator of America, Simon Bolivar. In 1826, Simon Bolivar convened the Congress of Panama with the idea of ​​​​creating an association of hemispheric states, which in particular proposed the creation of a League of American Republics, which would have common armed forces and would be united by a common treaty of defense, and supranational parliamentary assemblies. This Congress was attended by representatives of Gran Colombia (which at that time included modern Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela), Peru, the United Provinces Central America and Mexico. "Treaty of Alliance, League, and Eternal Confederacy" which was then proposed was ultimately only ratified by Grand Colombia. The idea of ​​a confederation suffered a crushing defeat with the beginning civil war in Gran Colombia itself, the collapse of other state associations in Central America, and with the reorientation public life new independent countries to internal problems.
1890 The First International Conference of American States, held in Washington (USA), founded the International Union of American Republics, its secretariat and the Trade Bureau of the American Republics - the forerunner of the OAS. In 1910, this organization renamed itself the Pan-American Union.
In 1948, in Bogota (Colombia), at the Ninth International Conference of American States, 21 congress participants signed the Treaty of the Organization of American States and adopted the world's first declaration of principles of human rights - the American Declaration of the Rights and Responsibilities of Man. Secretary General of the Pan-American Union Alberto Yeras Camargo became the first Secretary General OAS.
Key Writing OAS
OAS headquarters in Washington Algeria, Angola, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Armenia, Greece, Georgia, Ghana, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, European Union, Egypt, Yemen, Israel, India, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Cyprus, China, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Morocco, Nigeria, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Japan.

) on the base Pan American Union, existing since 1889.

Organization of American States (OAS)
Organization of American states (OAS)

Membership 35 member states
Headquarters Washington , USA
Type of organization international organization
official languages Spanish, English, French, Portuguese
Date of foundation ​ (English)
Organization of American States (OAS) at Wikimedia Commons

The headquarters is located in Washington. Working languages ​​- Spanish , English , French And Portuguese.

Higher authorities- General Assembly, Permanent Council, Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers, General Secretariat.


The Organization of American States is the oldest regional organization in the world, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington from October 1889 to April 1890. At this meeting it was approved the creation International Union American republics, and the stage was set for the creation of a network of provisions and institutions that became known as the All-American System. The OAS came into being in 1948 with the signing of the OAS Charter in Bogota, Colombia, which came into force in December 1951.

Countries that gained independence after 1948 were generally admitted to the OAS upon gaining independence, with the exception of Canada, which only joined the OAS in 1990, and Guyana, adopted in 1991 (25 years after independence; like Canada, Guyana is a member Commonwealth of Nations). Guyana is currently the latest country to be admitted to the OAS.

In the 2000s, the Cuban leadership repeatedly came up with proposals to restore membership in the OAS. The decision to suspend Cuba's participation was reversed June 3 2009; Cuba welcomed the gesture, but refused to return to the OAS.

At the OAS General Assembly in April 1971 the Institute of Permanent Observers of the OAS was established; At the beginning of 2015, 70 states had this status, including Russia , Ukraine , Kazakhstan , Azerbaijan , Georgia And Armenia.

In the 21st century, the position of the OAS has been greatly shaken due to the emergence of new regional organizations, uniting purely Latin American states, without the participation of the United States - such as Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries(CELAC) and Union of South American Nations(UNASUR).

At the end of April 2017 Secretary General The OAS received a letter from the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro that Venezuela immediately leaves this organization.

Goals and directions

The Organization was created for the purpose of achieving peace among its member states, as provided for in Article 1 of the Charter:

Maintain peace and justice, promote solidarity, strengthen cooperation and defend our sovereignty, our territorial integrity, and independence.

Today the OAS unites 34 states of Northern and South America(except Cuba) and is the main political, legal and social force in the hemisphere. [ ]

The organization uses four directions to effectively implement its main goal, based on its core principles: democracy, human rights, security and development.

General Assembly

Supreme governing body The OAS has a General Assembly. Every year, the OAS convenes a scheduled session of the assembly; in special cases, with the approval of two-thirds of the organization’s members, the Permanent Council can announce the convening of an extraordinary session.

Sessions meet in participating states, one by one. Countries are represented by elected delegates, usually foreign ministers or their deputies. Each member state has one vote in the Assembly. Solutions for individual important issues, determined by the rules of the assembly, are adopted by a two-thirds majority of the member states; In most cases, a simple majority vote is sufficient.

Authority General Assembly include the determination of general policies through resolutions and declarations, approval of the budget, determination of the amounts of contributions from member states, hearing reports and reports of special bodies of the OAS for the past year and electing members to these institutions.