The healer Juna was known in the country and near abroad thanks to her gift of healing, prediction and other non-standard abilities. Juna helped others find happiness, but at the same time her own happiness - only son- she was destined to lose. He died at mysterious circumstances. Why did Vakhtang Davitashvili, Juna’s son, pass away in the prime of his life? Was this loss the healer’s retribution for an unusual gift or was it just an accident? You can answer these questions by studying the biography of Vakhtang Davitashvili. There was a lot in it interesting events.

early years

After many attempts to get pregnant, Juna was born only child June 22, 1975. And here’s what’s remarkable: the birth of Vakhtang Davitashvili, Juna’s son, coincided with his mother’s birthday. At that time, according to some sources, she was already 26 years old, and according to others, 41 years old. The difference is explained by the fact that the healer underestimated her age by fifteen years. The child was long-awaited. For many years, Juna could not get pregnant, or the children who were born died in infancy. Therefore, having fulfilled her dream and given birth to a healthy baby, she did not let him go even one step.

The boy grew up talented, just like his mother. WITH early years Vakho Davitashvili painted and wrote poetry beautifully. He was attracted to sports, and it was with its help that he fought his asthma, from which he almost died in early childhood. From an early age, the healer's son was involved in karate, he even had a rank in this sport.

In order for Vakhtang Davitashvili, Juna’s son, not to be so bored, the healer adopted a boy, Misha, from an orphanage at the same age as Vakho. But a misfortune happened to him: some time later, Misha was killed under mysterious circumstances when he was returning from school.

Family circumstances

Juna gave her son Vaho a dog named Viscount (Vicky for short), a royal spitz. After the death of Vakhtang Davitashvili, Juna's son, the dog also mysteriously died. Rumor has it that they tried to replace Vicki so that the owner would not notice the death of her pet son, but the character of the new dog was very different from the calm and intelligent Spitz.

Vakhtang’s father was Juna’s first husband, Viktor Iraklievich Davitashvili. He lived and worked in Tbilisi, held a profitable position: he was Shevardnadze’s assistant. It was Vakho’s father who initiated Juna to help people. Subsequently, for this reason, the Davitashvili family moved to Moscow. But they could not stand the test of the capital and divorced. Frequent quarrels and lack of communication led to this, since the study of the Juna phenomenon took a lot of time. There is also a version that in reality Vakhtang’s father is not Victor, but someone whose name is unknown today.

Famous mom I went everywhere with my baby. Therefore, since childhood, Vakho was accustomed to being among people. He attended many events with his mother. He stayed up late at the table with the adults. Many believed that Vakhtang Davitashvili’s free upbringing harmed the young man in the future.


Vakho grew up to be an athletic and handsome young man, about two meters tall. He was different sharp mind and a desire to learn new things. Due to her age, Juna already dreamed of babysitting her grandchildren, so she decided to marry her son as soon as possible, despite his young age - Vakho was only sixteen years old at the time of the wedding. Vakhtang Davitashvili’s wife was found by her mother herself. The wedding took place in accordance with all traditions. The celebration was luxurious, people were invited to it great amount of people.

The marriage did not last long; two months later the newlyweds divorced. According to the most common version, the marriage broke up due to the fact that, due to his age, Vakho did not realize the full burden of responsibility for the family. Another version says that Vakho did not have a clear model of behavior for a man in the family, since he himself grew up without a father. But there is also a less popular version, according to it, the reason was June, who loved her son so much that she could not come to terms with the fact that he had to be shared with someone.

From his youth, Vakho knew how to drive a car. He had many friends and was a sociable young man.

One of important facts, which interested many: Juna called herself the Assyrian queen. She considered herself an Assyrian, and called Vakho a prince. Juna also called her son major general, although Vakho did not serve and was not connected with the army in any way.


Juna's son, like other children, studied at secondary school. After graduation, Vakhtang Viktorovich Davitashvili entered the Krasnodar Institute foreign languages. He studied well, but his studies did not attract him as much as he would have liked.


After completing his studies, Vakhtang did not work in his specialty. He took the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, headed by Juna. Vakhtang and his mother worked together to create devices that could treat people.

Famous mom

Few people have not heard of Juna, who studied:

  • Healing people. The main technique she used was non-contact massage. Using this method, Juna determined where a person hurt.
  • Clairvoyance. It was Juna who predicted the collapse of the USSR.
  • Prediction. Juna predicted that Russia would get out of the crisis and the situation in the country would improve.

She became the founder of the first unique Academy of Alternative Sciences. It was thanks to her that Juna became a media person; she was often invited to radio and television.

In addition, she was an artist, her paintings were the embodiment of surrealism and a reflection of the mystical side of human life.

Juna’s literary talent was not spared either; she wrote poetry.

Gift of Vakhtang

Many are sure that Vakho inherited the abilities of her talented mother. Even in childhood, Vakhtang Davitashvili’s gift of healing began to manifest itself. One day Juna felt bad and fainted, but little Vaho helped his mother by hugging her, thereby bringing her out of her fainting state. During his lifetime, few people compared him with his famous mother. But talent young man allowed him to invent, under the leadership of Juna, devices that do not exist in the world to this day. They are able to cure seriously ill people.


A year before his death, Vakhtang predicted this. It was like that. One evening he turned to his mother with the words that she worked too much and devoted little time to him. He also told Juna that he would die soon, so they had little time left for each other.

That same year, as an omen, there was a car accident. While saving the pedestrian, Vakhtang sacrificed himself and crashed into a reinforced concrete ceiling so as not to hit the walking person. Then he miraculously survived. Juna spent a lot of time and effort trying to raise her son to his feet. The great healer used all her healing techniques, especially contact massage.

How did Juna's son die?

Vakhtang died on December 3, 2001 under mysterious circumstances. How did Juna's son die? Many admit different versions what happened. Since everything was hidden at the beginning, the versions differ from each other.

Let's look at the most common opinions about the causes of Vakhtang Davitashvili's death.

The first version is the consequences of a car accident. Eyewitnesses say that Vakho never recovered from his severe injuries, which is why he died.

The second version is that three months after the accident, the young man, feeling better, went to the sauna with friends, there was also brother Junes. And that same evening he died of heart failure. It is assumed that that evening Vakho could have consumed alcohol and drugs, which is why he could have developed heart problems.

The third version is also associated with the sauna. There is an opinion that Vakho was stabbed with a knife during a fight, and the healer’s son died from his injuries.

Until her last day, Juna herself believed that her son had been killed. The healer claimed that he was attacked by a group of people, including a woman. Before her death, Juna said that only two killers remained alive. She also, despite her gift and capabilities, did not want to take revenge on her son’s killers, saying that he still could not be returned.

Relatives claim that it was Juna who gave the journalists the version about the car accident.

No matter how many assumptions have been made about the death of Juna’s son, the truth is hidden from the curious. The healer herself was out of her mind with grief on the day of her son’s funeral. No matter how Vakhtang passed away, his death was real and deeply wounded his mother. Juna's gift itself was buried with his son.

On the last journey

The funeral of Vakhtang Davitashvili also raises a lot of questions. At first, the seer's son was buried on the edge Vagankovskoe cemetery in grave. But two months later, Juna demanded the exhumation and reburial of his remains in a crypt, which she had prepared for two. It seemed to the healer that the earth was pressing on her son, so it was hard for him in the grave.

The funeral of Vakhtang Davitashvili was closed. Having reburied the remains in the crypt, Juna placed her in a coffin mobile phone. The healer called her son every day until the phone died, this is how she experienced the tragedy. 14 years after Vakhtang’s death, Juna followed her son. She was buried in the same crypt, above which the monument rises: Juna hugging her son.

To date, understand the real reason the death of Juna's son is almost impossible. Most likely, it was an accidental coincidence that brought death loved one healers.

Name: Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Age: 65 years old

Activity: healer, doctor medical sciences, poetess, artist

Family status: Divorced

Juna: biography

Djuna Davitashvili is probably the most popular psychic of the USSR. The country did not know a more famous healer or astrologer than the mysterious woman in black clothes and with numerous expensive jewelry; she was called a mystery and a phenomenon, invited to the most influential and famous houses, trusted to treat pop stars, politicians and priests.

Behind a short time her name has gained wide popularity in our country and far beyond its borders. Famous artists painted many portraits of Juna, poets dedicated enthusiastic poems to her healing gift, and authoritative scientists even coined the term “Juna phenomenon.”

Future famous healer Juna Davitashvili (born July 22, 1949 in the deep province - in the village of Urmia Krasnodar region, in the family of an emigrant from Iran, Yuvash Sardis. She is of Assyrian origin.

Juna's father Yuvash Sardis came to the Soviet Union from Iran on business in the pre-war years, but got married and settled in the village. He worked on a collective farm all his life. But he wasn't a simple person. As many of Juna's relatives claimed, she - exact copy my father. Yuvash Sardis could also predict the future and even predicted his own death. According to the healer herself, she and her mother had difficult relationships. Her daughter seemed too strange to her: many of little Juna’s antics frightened her mother, and she often punished the girl.

Juna's childhood and youth were difficult. The family lived very poorly. The girl had to start labor activity from the age of 13 on a collective farm in Kuban.

After graduating from school, Juna (Evgenia) Sardis entered the Rostov College of Cinema and Television, but left after two years. According to another version, Juna graduated from the Rostov Medical College and was assigned to Tbilisi.

Psychic and healer

The fame of a healer, which came to her in Georgia, played a fatal role in Juna’s life. Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee Nikolai Baibakov heard about it. Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili was taken to Moscow and, as she claimed, separated from her husband.

In 1990, Juna Davitashvili organized the International Academy of Alternative Sciences. In those years, fame and glory came to her.

IN different time Juna's patients were General Secretary Central Committee of the CPSU, Pope John Paul II, artist Ilya Glazunov, film actors Juliet Mazina, film directors and. Juna treated many others.

In her own words, Juna could have saved the famous director Andrei Tarkovsky from brain cancer. The director himself sent a car for the healer, but Juna could not come to him. Tarkovsky was treated in Germany, but the psychic was unable to cross the border.

Constant close contact with high-ranking officials has greatly changed daily life Junes. The healer was constantly assigned security, and she was accompanied by KGB representatives. There were rumors that the clairvoyant's phone was tapped, and there were many bugs in her apartment. No one officially confirmed this information, but Juna stopped communicating on personal topics on the phone.

Mostly Juna was engaged in non-contact massage. During the massage session, the healer diagnosed and sometimes cured serious illnesses. At the same time, she did not give any prescriptions, medications, pills or potions, nor did she cancel doctors’ orders.

Juna Davitashvili herself was “studied” more than once by scientists, not believing in her unique abilities. And they were very surprised: experiments on Juna in the laboratory of the Institute of Electronics and Radio Engineering revealed that her hands in the “working mode” heated up so much that the heat was enough to heat the body of another person, and at a distance. With this energy, Juna performed non-contact massage on patients (the so-called “laying on of hands” method), on which her treatment method was based. The fact that this is a physical effect, and not a hypnotic suggestion, has been confirmed by many experiments.

But scientists also know many cases where people were able to heat individual parts of their body as a result of self-hypnosis and auto-training, other effects, such as special radiation or magnetic field, which Juna’s fans talked about, scientists have not recorded.

Daily experiments in various Moscow research institutes exhausted her strength. It often happened like this: a car came to pick her up, and Juna was taken to another laboratory without any explanation. For the purposes of the so-called “purity of the experiment,” they took me into a dark room and ordered me to work. Once they even ordered me to strip naked - they were looking for magnets hidden on my body.

Juna has patented 13 inventions in the field of medicine. One of the works is the “Juna-1” biocorrector, a physiotherapeutic device that has no analogues in the world. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the field of cardiology, urology, gynecology, pediatrics and other areas of medicine.

Interestingly, Juna’s activities were approved Christian Church, That is a rare case. Even at a time when the unrecognized Davitashvili tried to prove that non-contact massage can be used to treat various diseases, Patriarch Pimen invited her to his place. Subsequently, he received Juna more than once and talked with her for a long time. The Lord blessed Juna for good deeds and even gave him a gold Naira watch with a gold bracelet decorated with amethysts as a souvenir.

Juna often visited the alleys near Prechistenka, where many prominent church leaders, and no less often invited them to her place. In 1981, Juna hosted Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, at that time the rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary, and later the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In the Vatican, Juna met with the Pope and presented him with her painting “Mary Magdalene.” In the late 1980s and 1990s, Juna became a media personality. The psychic, known throughout the country, was often invited to television.

Davitashvili was an extremely gifted and multifaceted person. She wrote poems, stories, painted pictures, and performed on stage. A film was made about her, using footage of her joint performances with and.

At various times, Juna was awarded more than thirty medals and awards, including the Order of Friendship of Peoples, awarded in April 1994 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. She is a Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

Skeptics and ill-wishers called her “in a skirt” and a charlatan. Fans of her gift considered Juna Davitashvili an omnipotent sorceress. During the perestroika years, citizens of a dying country longed to know their fate, find new life guidelines, and find happiness quickly and painlessly. Juna, Alan Chumak, Kashpirovsky were in great demand in those years. But Juna's abilities were recognized and scientific world, and the church.

Believers were not turned away even by the defiant statement that Juna allowed herself in 2011 on the program “Let Them Talk”: the healer declared herself “the daughter of God.”

Personal life

In her early youth, while staying in Tbilisi, Juna met her future husband, Viktor Davitashvili. It was there that she lived for several happy years. Her son Vakhtang was born in Tbilisi. After moving to the capital, the marriage broke up.

In Moscow, Juna acquired not only fans, but also friends. In the 80s of the last century, Juna’s apartment was something like a music salon: stars of the music scene constantly appeared as guests of the hospitable woman, they sang, had fun, and shared their creativity in the house. In an interview, the healer mentioned more than once that she had “her own gang,” consisting of, and.

Juna sang a duet with Igor Talkov several times. The psychic turned out to have a pure soprano, and the clairvoyant’s contemporaries argued that she could well have made a career on the stage if she wanted. Juna called Talkov a knight of Russia, and considered their friendship very beautiful, but later they also had disagreements.

Much more serious conflict happened to a healer with. The prima donna also ran something similar to a salon - the lack of clubs and other entertainment venues affected it, the musicians gathered and spent evenings in apartments. Two famous, popular and influential women could not help but meet, but their very first personal meeting turned into scandal and enmity.

Alla herself invited Juna to visit, and she, despite a bad feeling, agreed. The healer arrived late, and the already tipsy company, led by Pugacheva, began to insist that Juna drink the “penal drink.” The clairvoyant, who did not drink strong alcohol, began to refuse, Alla began to insist. As a result, Juna hit the singer with an ashtray and ran away from the apartment. Later, Juna herself told the press that she did not remember and did not understand how this even happened. According to rumors, it was after this fight that Pugacheva made her first plastic surgery– removed the ugly scar on her lip left from the blow.

Juna continued to appear in the world, there were always many men around her, both patients and admirers, but for a long time the press could not get information about the clairvoyant’s romantic relationships. There were rumors that Juna took a vow of celibacy to support her gift.

In 1986, Juna was married to the composer and music producer, which at that time was not yet popular and successful. Compared to Juna's other guests, he was lost, and gossips were sure that Igor decided to marry for convenience. True, this marriage lasted only 24 hours: the healer quarreled with her stepbrother and decided to marry him out of spite, but left straight from the wedding table on New Year's Eve. After a failed romance with a healer professional career Matvienko went uphill sharply.

According to rumors, Djuna Davitashvili had many admirers and admirers. But few of them were able to win favor oriental beauty. They say that Juna refused even Robert de Niro without regret.

Tragedy with my son

In recent years, Djuna Davitashvili has not worked. Her healing gift disappeared after tragic death son Vakhtang in 2001. According to rumors, Vakhtang was injured in a car accident, Juna tried to heal her son, but her gift failed the healer - her son died.

The grief-stricken woman became a recluse after the tragedy; she did not give interviews and rarely appeared in public. Juna shared her grief with fans only in 2014 on the program “Alone with Everyone.”

The circumstances of the death of Juna's son are still not completely clear. According to Davitashvili herself, Vakhtang did not suffer in an accident at all, he was killed in the sauna.


According to him, Juna was in a coma for two days. She felt bad right on the street, not far from the house where the woman had gone to the store to buy groceries. The ambulance took her to the hospital, where the healer underwent surgery, but they could not save her. Doctors found out that the cause of death was atherosclerosis of the carotid artery; the operation could have saved the fortuneteller if Juna had gone to the hospital much earlier.

Juna's funeral took place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, the healer rests next to the grave of her son. Fans claim that during the farewell, mystical events began to occur: Juna almost rose in the coffin, her hands became warmer, and a mystical aura was felt around the healer. Some even decided that Juna was alive and tried to call ambulance, they offered to put a mobile phone in the coffin.

Actress Laura Keosayan as Juna

After the death of the clairvoyant, many predictions remained, both intended for specific people and telling about the future of the entire country. Juna predicted economic recovery for Russia and getting rid of sanctions, and the West would soon repent for its manipulations. The healer’s legacy was not only prophecies, but also folk memory. In 2015, the series “Juna” was filmed about the biography of the famous healer, in which the actress took on the role of the healer.

Juna represents the most famous seer and psychic, given the times Soviet Union. The vast country did not know anyone who had such abilities, a great woman who always wore black clothes and jewelry that attracted the eye. They admired her, invited her to various homes, and trusted her to treat politicians, stars, and other famous personalities.

In just a short time, she was able to gain real popularity, not only within the USSR, but also abroad. Poems were dedicated to her, portraits were painted, and there was even a “Juna phenomenon.” Let's now take a closer look at what this mysterious woman was like, who could become a real unsolved mystery for all time.

Biography, personal life, Juna’s husband (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Biography, personal life, husband of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili) we will look at all this here, telling you step by step about the healer in order to understand what kind of life path she passed. She was born somewhere in the outback, in the Krasnodar region. The girl's father worked on a collective farm all his life, but there were rumors that he was far from a common person. He could see the future, even predicted own death. Many relatives claim that Juna became his copy, that the gift passed from him to her. The girl and her mother were not on very good terms a good relationship, because the mother did not understand many things about her daughter. Some antics went beyond the mother’s understanding; she did not like the fact that the girl did not play with her peers, but spent more time in thought.

Evgenia’s childhood was difficult, because the family lived very poorly and did not have enough money even for the most necessary things. Therefore, already at the age of thirteen, the future healer worked on a collective farm that was located in the Kuban. But still, after school, she was able to get an education in order to move on in life on her own. What is known is that she was assigned to Tbilisi, where she discovered her gift of clairvoyance.

From this moment her complex, interesting, and sometimes tragic path begins. After all, after the authorities found out about her gift, the woman was immediately taken to Moscow, and at the same time separated from her husband. But already in 1990, she managed to organize an academy of alternative sciences, wanting to prove that not only ordinary science is capable of working miracles. It was then that well-deserved fame and recognition came to her. She helped many famous personalities, to all those who turned to her, who needed her help. The fact that she was constantly in the circle of high-ranking officials, her life changed dramatically, she was relentlessly followed.

Life under constant surveillance exhausted Juna. Sometimes it even happened that they put her in a car, without explaining the reasons, and took her to another laboratory. There, in complete darkness, she was forced to work, once they even forced her to strip naked, citing the fact that they were looking for magnets on her body. But Juna, in spite of everything, continued to work on what was interesting to her, because in the field of medicine she was able to patent as many as thirteen inventions that she herself created. It must be said that the woman’s activities were approved by the church, which happens very rarely. Patriarch Pimen repeatedly talked with her and admitted that what she was doing was wonderful, because she could restore people’s health. He blessed her for good deeds and further, gave her a rich gift: a watch decorated with amethysts.

The healer met her future husband when she lived in Tbilisi. She married him and gave birth to his son Vakhtang. The husband’s name was Viktor Davitashvili, they were happy together. It seemed that nothing would interfere with happiness until the woman was taken to Moscow. This broke the family comfort; the spouses, apparently, could not withstand such a blow. Juna had no choice whether to go or not to go, but she often stated that her fame prevented her from becoming happy as a woman. They even said that the woman would not marry again, because in order to preserve the gift, she took an oath not to connect her life with anyone.

But these turned out to be just rumors, because in the second half of the eighties she married composer Igor Matvienko. Some argued that he married a popular woman out of self-interest and wanted to raise his standards at her expense. But the marriage itself, no matter how strange it may sound, lasted only a day. She got up and left the table, and it was not only her wedding, but also New year's night. True, Matvienko achieved his goal, because after he had a fleeting connection with Juna in his life, his business went uphill, as he wanted. In any case, it is useless to talk about love there on both sides.

Family, children of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

The family, the children of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili), consisted at one time, first with one husband Victor, then with another husband Matvienko and her son Vakhtang. The irony is that she could not find happiness in her personal life, because she did not have a relationship with any man. The son, to Juna’s great grief, died in a car accident, which greatly affected the healer. After all, when he ended up in the hospital, his mother tried with all her might to heal him. But her gift failed her, she was unable to save her beloved child, and her son died. After this, Juna announced that she had lost her powers and refused to work at all.

Juna's son (Evgenia Davitashvili) - Vakhtang

Juna's (Evgenia Davitashvili) son Vakhtang was born to a healer from her first marriage, when she lived happily in Tbilisi with her husband. The marriage gave birth to a son, Vakhtang, who became almost the meaning of life for her. After all, she did not have a relationship with any husband, she could not find happiness in her personal life. Unfortunately, in at a young age, Vakhtang died. He crashed in a car accident, but he died in the hospital. The woman then made every effort to heal him, but she failed. From that moment on, Juna quit her job as a healer and announced to the whole world that she had lost her gift. For her, everything lost meaning with the death of her only child.

Predictions of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Juna's (Evgenia Davitashvili) predictions caused various contradictions, because she could often tell something that ultimately came true. She spoke repeatedly about various wars, about how politicians can change lives ordinary people and so on. Perhaps what played here was that she constantly moved in the circle of those who ruled the world, so she knew what these people were like. Of course, there will always be skeptics who will question her gift, but, one way or another, Juna was recognized not only by the church, but also by the world of science. At one time she even said that she was God's daughter who was sent to earth.

Juna cause of death and funeral of the healer

At some point, the Internet began to often search for the query: Juna is the cause of death of the healer, because it became known that great woman left this world. She died at sixty-five years old, only a month and a half short of her next birthday. The seizure occurred while she was going to the store, after which she lay in a coma for two days. Doctors say that atherosclerosis of the carotid artery has arisen. And if the woman had come to the hospital earlier, she could have been saved. But did unfortunate Juna need this after she was left alone in this world? Maybe she didn’t want to save herself, she wanted to quickly go to her son.

Wikipedia Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

A lot is known about Juna; she made an invaluable contribution to saving lives and making this world a little better. She had to pay high price, losing loved ones for your gift. You can find out more about her on her personal page on Wikipedia (, where facts about her are collected for those who want to get acquainted with her life. Juna's Wikipedia (Evgenia Davitashvili) will help you do this, because there are no personal pages V in social networks the woman does not. She has already left this world, perhaps in order to help people from above. Juna was a gifted person who could do things that others could not do.

Well, skeptics and ill-wishers called her nothing more than “Rasputin in a skirt” and watched with alarm as the empire of Queen Juna grew, as more and more more people fall under her influence. Then there was Perestroika, Time of Troubles, the citizens of a dying country longed to know their fate, find new life guidelines, and find happiness quickly and painlessly.

But Juna jealously guarded her transcendental status and mercilessly dealt with any enemies. From an early age she was distinguished by her intransigence and willfulness. She fought with her brothers and sisters, ran away from home three times, defied teachers, and proved herself right until she was hoarse. Her eccentricity and temper were legendary. Lovers scandalous stories from the lives of celebrities, they still remember the quarrel between Juna and Alla Pugacheva, as a result of which the Traditional Healer bloodied the Diva’s nose. What about Pugacheva, once an enraged Evgenia Yuvashevna knocked the chair out from under Galina Brezhneva herself.

And at the same time, her home has always been one of the most hospitable in Moscow. The door was never locked, people came, very different, but always interesting. Juna not only healed, she read her own poems and showed her paintings. She also danced, tried herself in films, wrote books (the most famous is “Listening to My Hands”).

But her personal life did not work out. Amazingly, Juna, in her own words, never attached of great importance what mere mortals call love between a man and a woman. She got married for the first time because she received this attitude in childhood. The second marriage with composer and producer Igor Matvienko can be called crazy - the young wife filed for divorce on the second day after the wedding. And I can’t count how many admirers and suitors Juna has driven away. Without regret, she even refused to Robert De Niro.

The only man she adored and idolized was her son Vakhtang. The smart young man helped his mother in everything, was her personal administrator, and took an active part in the work of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, founded by Juna. In 2001, he was involved in a freak accident on a quiet Moscow street, Spiridonovka, and died.

It was as if the strong and powerful Evgenia Davitashvili had been replaced - she fell into depression, stopped private practice, stopped appearing in public and stopped communicating with journalists who asked her the same question: why she was unable to predict death own son and didn’t save him? Now she sells biocorrectors invented by her - devices that cure all diseases. The business is neither shaky nor slow, but Juna doesn’t care much about this - she lives only with thoughts of her son, goes to his grave every day and believes that Vakhtang is alive, because there is no death.

Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili or the world famous Juna is a legend, a mystery and a phenomenon. She became the first officially registered psychic of the Soviet Union, many of whose predictions have not been deciphered to this day.

At the same time, Juna was a popular healer, astrologer, artist and even poetess. Few people treated the woman calmly; they either loved her or openly hated her, considering her a charlatan. One way or another, many of her predictions have already come true, and the second half is about to become a reality.

Biography, personal life, Juna’s husband (Evgenia Davitashvili) - all this constantly aroused genuine interest on the part of Soviet and Russian citizens. Evgenia was born in 1949, so she was sixty-five years old at the time of her death.

The girl was very lively, active and strange, because from childhood she could predict what would happen soon. Neighbors in her native Krasnodar village of Urmia called the baby the offensive nickname “shidda” or witch. Children were afraid to play with her, and adults avoided her, which greatly offended little Zhenechka.

From the age of thirteen, the girl was forced to work on the collective farm field, so she did not study very well at school. No one knows for sure where the girl studied next: at the television technical school or the medical technical school in Rostov, after which she was assigned to distant Tbilisi.

She was still studying at a medical college when it became known about her psychic abilities, which Zhenya could show even to the teachers. In 1980, she was able to help the wife of Nikolai Baibakov, for whom no one could make an accurate diagnosis for five years, after which fame about non-contact massage spread throughout the USSR.

Arkady Raikin and Leonid Brezhnev, Sergei Bondarchuk and Vladimir Vysotsky, John Paul II and Robert de Niro, Marcello Mastroianni and Andrei Tarkovsky turned to Evgenia or Juna.

No one dared to call a woman a witch anymore, since she was blessed for treatment Orthodox Church in the person of the then Patriarch Pimen. And in 1989, Juna received a diploma allowing her to teach her treatment technique, took part in the World Congress on Alternative Medicine in Havana, and also managed to organize the first International Academy of Alternative Sciences in the capital.

Among other things, Evgenia-Dzhuna was a creative person, she sang and wrote magnificent poetry, painted amazing portraits and acted in films.

Evgenia’s personal life was not stormy; she was a modest and chaste girl. Although bright girl was liked by many of her fans and patients, including Robert de Niro himself. However, she refused all politicians, singers and actors, foreign and domestic.

Zhenya’s first husband was Viktor Davitashvili, who lived and worked in Tbilisi, he believed in psychic abilities his wife and introduced her to strongmen of the world this. The fact is that the man held a high position in the Central Committee of the CPSU of Georgia, so he was able to talk about his wife’s abilities and help her get back on her feet. However, after the couple moved to Moscow, the husband and wife quarreled and separated.

In 1986, Juna became the wife of the young composer Igor Matvienko. It was a strange union that fell apart within a day.

Family, children of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

The family and children of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili) are the most tragic pages in her life, since they brought the girl a lot of happiness and pain. The baby was born on a distant Assyrian farm somewhere in the Kuban.

Father - Yuvash Sardis - was born in Iran, in his youth he moved to Krasnodar region. He adored his daughter, who was incredibly similar to him, and the man also had psychic abilities. He often showed the girl the starry sky, talking about billions of worlds that cannot form one Universe, and also predicted his own death before his friends died.

Mother - Anna Sardis - a hereditary Kuban Cossack woman who died early because her health was undermined by difficult childbirth and illness. Juna did not have a close relationship with her mother, since she did not accept her daughter’s gift and often used her as a nanny.

There were many children in the Sardis family, but their older sister, Zhenya, also died in infancy. Except Juna in large family Georgy and Alexey, Andrey and Emma were born, as well as the youngest step-brother Vladimir. Many of them have now gone to another world or live in the Kuban; the healer has ten nephews and nieces.

Juna herself had obvious problems with childbearing, since in her first marriage to Viktor Davitashvili she gave birth to a very premature baby girl who lived only a couple of months.

After the baby, during a difficult birth, her boy died, and only her third son survived, from whom the parents literally blew away specks of dust, but his life was short-lived.

Juna's son (Evgenia Davitashvili) - Vakhtang Davitashvili

The son of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili) - Vakhtang Davitashvili - was born in 1975, his first husband Victor Davitashvili became his father. The boy was a long-awaited one, he was very talented, because he drew beautifully and tried to write poetry.

At the same time, the boy suffered from asthma, and his mother often literally pulled him out of the other world. He did well at school and practiced martial arts.

At the age of sixteen, Vakho got married, but lived in marriage for only a couple of months, since he only adored his mother. Higher education The guy graduated from the Krasnodar Institute of Foreign Languages, he worked at his mother’s academy and invented devices for physical therapy.

Vakhtang died tragically in 2001, having predicted his death a year in advance. The guy died in a car accident while saving the lives of pedestrians. At the same time, there is another version of the death of the younger Davitashvili: he was allegedly stabbed to death in a drunken brawl in one of the capital’s saunas.

Juna was greatly affected by the death of her son, she considered his death a murder, buried him from the Vagankovsky cemetery in the family crypt and constantly replenished her son’s mobile phone in order to talk with him. She believed that if she had found out about the guy’s death earlier, she would have been able to resurrect him.

Predictions of Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Juna's (Evgenia Davitashvili) predictions were incredibly contradictory, many of them never came true. She could look into the future and tell you what she was doing special person and what awaits him in the near future. At the same time, she did not need to know absolutely anything except the name of the test subject.

In Samarkand, the healer amazed everyone by saying that Tamerlane himself was not in the mausoleum, and she turned out to be right. She said that in 2016-2018 everything will be stable in Russia, and the economic crisis will end. By the way, the strength of Russians will increase only when they understand that the spiritual must be valued more than the material.

Juna predicted that wars between the USA and Russia in soon it won't, but the tension won't go away. But in the conflict between Ukraine and Donbass, she did not take anyone’s side, however, she predicted that everything would end happily in two months. This was one of those predictions that didn't come true.

Juna cause of death of the healer

Juna, the cause of death of the healer, is a query on the Internet that is often asked by fans of the female phenomenon. It is known that in the summer of 2015, Evgenia Davitashvili went to the store and was taken to the hospital from Arbat. The fact is that she was diagnosed with a stroke, which was operated on urgently.

This operation greatly affected the circulatory system, as problems with blood circulation began. Juna lost her healing power because she no longer felt warmth in her hands.

She fell into a coma from which she was never able to recover, so she died in June 2015. Juna was buried next to her son at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Wikipedia Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Juna's Wikipedia (Evgenia Davitashvili) is the main source that contains only reliable and relevant information. From the article dedicated to the talented healer and psychic, you can learn about her childhood, family, education and path to fame, hobbies and personalities famous people, whom she treated at different times.

Special place is given to spouses, son, personal and family life Juna, as well as her predictions and rewards. There is information about legends that for a long time were made up of a female phenomenon.