Nowadays, more and more people are ready to go to plastic surgery and change their appearance. In most cases, people do it in order to adjust one or another part of their body. But not everyone is ready for the grand changes to their body.

However, Alexander Shpak to plastics - he is a rare example when a man went to extreme measures, for which many of him simply do not understand. It is one of the most extraordinary personalities of our time. The shpak managed to be famous not only on the Internet, but also to visit television. About who is this and what it is famous, you will be able to find out with this article.

Alexander Shpak Biography

  1. Alexander Shpak was born in 1979 in St. Petersburg. The mother of the future star of the Internet worked as the usual teacher, and his father served as an engineer. So his family was difficult to call the rich and something distinguished from the total mass.
  2. According to Alexander, he has as many as two higher education. But it was not able to consolidate on any more or less decent post. All this led to serious hobby bodybuilding. Alexander regularly visited the gym, thanks to which it was easy to gain muscle mass. His body complex allowed him to become a real athlete.
  3. His future problem, which led to plastic operations and changes in appearance, Alexander connects to children's injury. Among other things, his father very rarely appeared at home, so that his mother and grandmother were engaged in his upbringing.


After that, Alexander became a fitness coach and helped young athletes to achieve perfection. Despite sports achievements, there were also scandalous cases. In particular, he was removed from the activities for the distribution of anabolic.

He also has his own sports shop in which anyone can buy all the necessary sports accessories for itself.

Plastic operations

As you probably noticed, the ideas about the beauty of Alexander are quite specific. Initially, he was fond of tattoos. At the moment, he is scored most of the body. But this is only a small part of what he took with him over the years.

At the moment, it is known about fifteen serious plastic surgery made by bodybuilder.

And the measures Alexander clearly did not know. And now he has extremely distinguished asymmetric lips, which, moreover, caused the violation of his familiar vocabulary. Now Alexander is often "Cartvit." But a man is clearly proud of this operation and does not regret the deed.

How easy it is to guess, these are far from the only operations to which a man decided. He had not the most successful breast plastic. Also, he was repeatedly made liposuction. Then he changed his teeth to become a vampire. Each more insane ideas came to his head.

According to a man, he decided to go on a similar one only to sear the surroundings of those people for whom only appearance is important. The truthfulness of this reason can hardly believe.

Fame in the Internet

Fame came to Alexander after several photos with his alternative appearance lit up on the Internet. At these photos, the shpak was bought in a certain reservoir. As a result, these pictures blew up the Internet. They did not discuss only the lazy.

Oils in the fire were thrown into popular bloggers who were not shy to mock over the Bodybuilder, who made himself Frick. Realizing its popularity, the athlete immediately decided to take advantage of the situation and develop it.

He created his own channel on YouTube, who finally secured the status of the main Internet sensation. At the moment, Alexander continues to actively replenish the canal with new video recordings.

What is the most interesting, with my appearance, he is a big supporter of the head and actively promotes him.

Personal life

Despite such an extraordinary appearance, with a personal life of the shpak everything is in perfect order. He continued to cause interest among representatives of the opposite sex. The first wedding of Frrian took place in 2010. However, then Shpak did not pay due attention of family life and certainly did not plan to start the children.

At the moment, Alexander is married with Irina Meshchanskaya, which is a fairly popular model and a star of instagram. Together they lead their channels on YouTube and try to do everything possible to develop success.

What do you think about Alexandra Shpak? Write your comments!

In a happy era, before the emergence of social networks, the surname "Shpak" was associated only with a character from the cult Soviet film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession." Now it has become much more famous for his scandalous nameor, which does not get out of the TV and Internet media. The average person can come to the sacred horror by learning who Alexander Shpak. Therefore, people with a rapid psyche should refrain from viewing this article.

Who is Sasha Shpak?

The first word that comes to mind when looking at this character - friton. So in English-speaking countries called innocuous urban madmen who shock those around their extravagant behavior and appearance.

But such a shpak was not always. Early biography did not foreteen such a turn of events:

  • He was born in 1979 in the Puritan family of a teacher and a military personnel. Since the father had little time for the child, the latter was given to the deposit of the female half of the house, wife and the mother-in-law;
  • Under the pressure of the father Sasha began to pay a lot of time to physical exercises, which gradually turned into a hobby of life;
  • In parallel, he paid a lot of time studies. In the university he entered a couple of years before his peers. Prerequisitive and love for knowledge allowed to get two higher education in the field of economics;
  • According to the memoirs of the very hero of the Internet, the turning point in his life happened on the 25th anniversary. What exactly and how happened, the story is silent. But after that, the usual seemingly the man began the rapid transformation into an intimate creature.

Ascent to the top of popularity

In the middle of the 2000th, a young man in the heyday decided to radically rewrite his life. But he decided not to change his inner world, but appearance. For several years, the whole body of the usual "pitch" was significantly transformed: he covered himself with tattoos from the head to the heaters, survived a series of plastic operations, began to use makeup and wear hairstyles.

And the effect was not forced to wait long. The combination of incompatible - muscular and women's appearance - has become a pledge of sustainable popularity:

  1. For the first time, the bodybuilder lit up in trends in those years when the ball in the runet of the rules of LJ ("Living Magazine, LiveJournal"). There he posted a photo of his beloved, resting on the beach. Another kind of pumped man shocked the many;
  2. The next wave of popularity was expected in 2010, when the network got photos from the marriage ceremony of the scandalous person;
  3. Feeling the tart taste of glory, the shpak opened his video Channel on YouTube. dedicated to the care of the figure and proper nutrition. Sometimes the owner of two higher education is divided with subscribers of his life philosophy, the general promise of which can be characterized by the words "Lubbies itself";
  4. Today, the Persian Shpak is one of the most recognizable in RuNet. His photo lit up in an extremely popular "friendly show", and he himself is a frequent guest on television, leads his instagram with over a million subscribers.

How did Alexander Shpak look like?

In the case of our hero, the photograph "So it was before" will look more presentable than "after". Before the unusual transformation, he looked like a rather attractive and confident man of strong physique. Probably, precisely about such women they say "as behind a stone wall."

Everything changed after Alexander decided to drastically sharpen his appearance:

  • The first hit the face hit. Plastic surgeons have adjusted the shape of the forehead and the abnormal arcs, pulled the skin on the eyelids;
  • He did not spare his nose. Sharply swelling nostrils made a profile similar to the bird;
  • Increased in the size of the cheekbones and lips, which finally led the line under the feminization of the image;
  • Against this background, silicone implants in the chest, the form and the size of which could cause the envy of any metropolitan beauty. However, after a while, a note of fashion decided to abandon the chic bust for inexplicably reasons;
  • After several unsuccessful attempts to independently reset the weight, the author of the rollers about the zoom waved his hand on diet and decided on lipoxation (removal of fat surgically).

The aesthetic effect of these transformations turned out to be very dubious.

Trade for prohibited substances

His Internet popularity of the hero "Instagram" and "YouTuba" decided to convert into real money. So in St. Petersburg there was a shop for professional bodybuilders "Sport Leader". But the self-made expert in the field of healthy nutrition significantly spoiled his reputation, deciding to engage in entrepreneurial activities:

  1. In 2012, he once again hit the TV screens - this time besides his will. The St. Petersburg police department for the fight against drug trafficking found a lot of interesting on the showcases "Sport Leader";
  2. In particular, the police discovered a number of substances for the extension of muscle mass prohibited in Russia. Almost one and a half thousand dangerous pills that were sold under the guise of sports nutrition were seized;
  3. A criminal case was initiated against the store owner. However, he never succeeded to paint into the "places not so distant". Law enforcement officers decided that for the first time enough conditional period .

Steroids were not brought to the most invalid drug trap: in 2016 it became known that he became fruitless.

Here is the video with the detention of Alexander with polishing:

Sasha and Maly Shpak: Who is it?

Oddly enough, but many of the wonderful sexes, the image of a glamorous pitch has to be very like. Otherwise, how can I explain the popularity of Alexander from the opposite sex. For his incomplete 40 years, he managed to be married over six times!

His last passion attracts no less attention than himself:

  • Irina Meshchanskaya (or Masya, how she is affectionately calls a loving husband) before meeting his fate, for several years he lived in unfortunate marriage. It made it significantly revise the views on men;
  • Meeting with the shpach forever changed her life. Just like her second husband, she became regulars at a plastic surgeon. As a result of operations, she updated the bust and buttocks to themselves, pulled the skin on his face;
  • She is not inferior to its second half and in activity in social networks. The number of its subscribers in Instagram is more than a million;
  • Lovers produce from the side of the impression of the ideal pair: they always hold together in the public, and in the videos on YouTube, they are openly divided by the secrets of happiness with numerous spectators.

Beauty is a terrible force. This conclusion can be involuntarily to come, learning who Alexander Shpak. A wonderful creature, half-semi-seen, he takes a worthy place in the Pantheon of Frikov of the domestic "instagram". And let the haters sprinkle with foam at the mouth from anger - he is all nipple, because so he feels happy.

Video: Alexander Shpak about his appearance

In this video, Alexander himself will tell that he pushed him to make himself such an appearance, as they include others:

Alexander Shpak - Russian Bodybuilder and Star "Instagram". He managed to become famous thanks to the rapid appearance.

The man filled almost the whole body with tattoos and piercing, and also went under the surgeon's knife, inserting implants in the chest and buttocks. In addition, he raised his fangs to become a vampire. Of course, the public refuses to accept a person similar to Frick, but its popularity is only grown from it.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on April 1, 1979 in St. Petersburg under the sign of the Zodiac Aries. Fans believe that all his acts are associated with children's injury. Bodybuilder himself argues that he did not think about the problems of his upbringing up to 25 years. From birth, he only externally was an ordinary boy, but even then thought not as peers. Alexander's parents were simple people. Mom worked as a teacher, dad was a military. Due to the profession, his father paid a little time to raising his son, so the boy grew up in the company Mom and grandmother.

Because of the dad, the family often changed the place of residence. At one time they lived for the polar circle. Alexander went to school at five years old, and already in 15 he entered the university. He received two higher education in the specialties "Financial Manager" and "Specialist in Securities". With sport, he also met in childhood. Love for physical exertion tweaked his father. He forced the guy to run, sneak and pull up. At the age of 12, Alexander has already walked into the gym and each time put new records.


Alexander tied life with sports and coaching activities. It works in the gym, where the workout and nutrition mode is developing for people who want to bring the body into shape. In addition, he has its own sports shop store, because of which the scandal broke out. Alexander Shpak found anabolic steroids, for the distribution of which he received 3 years conditionally. The arrest was held in the coach's apartment, where Alexander kept part of the anabolics for independent use.

Shpak himself, like his biography, became popular after the fans have been published on the site Live Journal photos from his holiday on an unknown reservoir. Snapshots quickly flew off the Internet and became the subject of discussion of famous bloggers who only poured oil into the fire. The more he was discussed, the more popular he became.

In 2010, he had been interested in his own Person Extravagant photos from the wedding. Feeling the taste of glory, Alexander began to support it in all possible ways. He created a channel on Youtube, where she shared with the audience with his thoughts and gave coaching tips.

In 2016, it could be found on television. The shpak appeared on the show "We speak and show," where he became a guest of release "scored on beauty."

Alexander Shpak on the project "We speak and show"

On the program, the showman spoke about the causes of passionate plastic and the use of tattoo. It turned out that the tattoo from Alexander is the only one, he decided to make it after removing the moles around the body. In the first three years, 70% of the body was covered for 150 sessions. Total needed 22 thousand hours to apply images. In an interview with Shpak denied speculation that he removed the testicles. The showman assured the public in the fact that he was all right with male health.

In 2017, a program was published with the participation of Alexander and Masi Shpak "Male and Women's", dedicated to people who are fond of tattoos. Alexander visited and on the shooting of the rating transmission "Let them talk." Among the public speeches, the shpak is also the appearance on the "Comedy Club" scene.

Personal life

Despite the original appearance, the bodybuilder is popular with women. He was in official marriage six times. The first wedding took place in 2010. About his passions little is known. Alexander argues that the family for him is far from the main thing, and children are not included in plans.

At the time of 2017, his wife is the model Irina Messenskaya. Both spouse are satisfied with personal life. According to Irina, they are perfectly complemented by each other, which confirms the co-carried out repair, during which the newlyweds never quarreled. In the apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, young created a cozy family nest, where they combined the living room and the kitchen. Distinctive features of this premises were a fireplace and a marble tabletop with inclusions of gold particles. The apartment also has a spacious dressing room and a bedroom in pink.

Spouse Bodybowder calls Masya. They together spin accounts in "Instagram" and fly to relax abroad. The girl shares her husband's views against children, Irina also does not plan in the near future becoming a mother. According to the spouse, it is confused by the fact that the love of Alexander will have to share.

The wedding of Alexander and Irina took place in 2015. The groom put on a bright summer suit with a short sleeve shirt. And the bride looked more traditional. At the same time, the scarlet manicure was conquered in both hands. Young people for the celebration invited only two witnesses. After the registry office, the newlyweds went to the wedding, and in the evening they rested on the ocean coast.

Love for tattoo at Alexander appeared long ago. The total value of all drawings is 5 million rubles. But after several tattoo he wanted more. So he found himself on the surgical table. If you compare the photo of the ship before and after the operation, it becomes noticeable that he used to be a pretty and statious young man. According to Bodybuilder himself, he began to change the body in order to immediately cut off people who pay attention only to appearance.

On his account 15 operations, starting with liposuction and ending with the front-factor (complete facial change). In addition, the man inserted butodic and breast implants, but over time got rid of them. He also raised his fangs. According to Alexander, he has many friends, among which surgeons, dentists and other "necessary" familiar, so some operations cost him for free.

The showman completed his image by applying the tattoo on her eyebrows and eyes, so it's not possible to see Alexander for some reason without make it possible.

Alexander Shpak now

Now the shpak lives in St. Petersburg, but often happens in Moscow and Kiev. He continues to train people, appears on the Internet and on television. The growth of bodybuilder - 176 cm, and the perfect weight for himself, Alexander considers 105 kg. But it is not always possible to hold in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cherished figure. For incineration of extra kilograms, the shpak is regularly trained for 1-2 hours, takes place at least 8 km, and also falls on the table to the masseur.

Alexander participates in the opening of the fitness centers in the cities of Russia. So, in February 2018, the spouses visited Belgorod on the launch of the project "Dream and Reality". The plane with the swords was late, but this did not prevent fans of "instagram" -Broker wait for the arrival of the idols. Bodybuilder Fans met with the slogan: "We love Sasha and Obla."


  • YouTube Channel Sasha Shpak
  • "How to pump"
  • "Body Chemistry"
  • "Soul Path"
  • Periscope Channel "Cooking with Shpak"

Alexander Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in Russia in St. Petersburg. Sasha was brought up by mom and dad. Mom Alexandra school teacher, and the father of the military. Because of the work of the Father, Alexander's family often changed the place of residence. In 1985, Alexander went to the first class. Sasha Shpak has always studied at Sasha Shpak, he paid special attention to subjects of literature, biology and chemistry. At the age of 14, Alexander began to play sports, he went to engage in the gym.

In 1997, after graduation, Sasha entered the St. Petersburg State Economic University for the specialty "Financial Manager". After the shpak received a higher education, he decided to learn further. The second higher education Sasha received in absentia, in the direction of the "Securities Specialist". During all learning, Alexander Shpak was engaged in sports. In 2002, Alexander began actively engaged in bodybuilding.

Plastic Operations and Tattoos Alexander Shpak

It is worth noting that Alexander to plastics was a very pretty young man. In one of his interviews, Shpak told that all operations and tattoos did intentionally to change himself beyond recognition. He always wanted and sought people to pay attention not to his appearance, but on his inner world.

Sasha made his first tattoo on his hand, aged 19 years. Now Alexander has all the body covered with tattoos. On the program "We speak and show" Alexander Shpak admitted that he spent more than 4.8 million rubles for all his tattoos. Plastic surgery Alexander Shpak did more than 14 times. He completely changed his face, increased the fangs and made implants in the buttocks and the chest. According to Alexander himself, there is little implants to make himself, you need to maintain their shape, with the help of physical exertion. So the shpak comes.

Alexander Shpak in Instagram

Alexander registered Instagram in 2014. In Stagram, initially, Sasha occasionally exhibited photos, but in the period from 2016-2017, Alexander pays a large amount of social network time. He daily lays out culinary notes, photos with his wife, as well as funny videos from training in the gym. Alexander and his spouse often spend online broadcasts that answer subscribers. Now Alexander Shpak has more than 1.3 million subscribers in Instagram.

Personal life

In Instagram, Shpak exposes his personal life to show. He regularly lays out small videos with his wife. Alexander and Irina call each other and Masya. Alexander said in one of his interviews that he had 5 former wives. Despite this, in every marriage, the shpak was a faithful husband. Sasha often says that for him the family is not the most important thing in life. He and Irina do not think about children in the near future.

Alexander Shpak and his spouse often take part in programs on television. In one of the programs "Let them say", Irina Messenskaya recognized the viewers that she does not want to have children because of his egoism. Irina does not want no one to share the love of her husband Alexander.

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