No matter how popular the Caridina Japonica, Red Crystal and Taiwan Bee shrimp are, there will always be aesthetes in the world who can tell, show and surprise fellow hobbyists with the presence of fresh and interesting species.

In this article we will talk about domestic shrimps that live and breed in Russia. No matter how strange it may sound and no matter how northern and snowy Russia may seem, yes, indeed, shrimp live here.

But which ones exactly, the story about them is below.

Name: Freshwater Khanka shrimp
Scientific name:
Habitat: Far East(Island Khanka), r. Amur
Description: Freshwater shrimp is a small, translucent crustacean. Belongs to crustaceans (ten-legged crayfish). The body is translucent. Consists of segments: the three anterior thoracic segments are fused with the head and covered with a carapace. Its front end is elongated into a long spike. The forelimbs are transformed into jaws. Five pairs of hind pectoral legs are attached to the free thoracic segments. The abdominal region consists of the abdomen, to which swimming legs - pleopods - are attached. The limbs of the last segment of the abdomen are modified into wide plates that form a tail fan. The jaws are well developed and serve for grinding food. Two pairs of mustaches, one pair very long. The claws are small, weak, but tenacious. Ten pairs of jointed legs. The shrimp's eyes are large, on short stalks. Gender can be determined when the shrimp reaches a size of 8-10 mm. Females are larger than males. In males, the first pair of abdominal legs is longer and the second pair has an additional process
Size: 3-4 cm. Males are 1-1.5 cm larger than females.
Conditions of detention: pH 6.1-7.5 KN no data GH no data t 18-28, optimal 21-24
In the aquarium, shrimp act as orderlies, removing hidden bloodworms or tubifex from the ground using their claws. Adults do not disdain detritus; they eat dead fish and rotting plant leaves. Shrimp need clean, oxygen-rich water. Active during the day. Tendencies towards cannibalism.
Breeding: Sexual maturity is reached at approximately 1 year of age. The female lays up to 200 eggs. The development time of the eggs depends on the water temperature: 2-4 weeks. The hatching larvae go through three stages of development before turning into tiny shrimp. Juvenile shrimp are fed with yeast, then with “live dust”, small worms, fish, meat, etc. Juveniles are sensitive to water quality.

Scientific name:
Habitat: from r. Tymi and O. Iturupa to Genzan and Kyushu in brackish waters and fresh water bodies located close to the sea. Common at the mouths of rivers flowing into Peter the Great Bay.
Description: By midline shell 1 spike. There are 4-6 spines along the upper edge of the beak. The tip of the beak is usually two-pronged. The beak is almost straight; its end projects approximately 1/5 of its length beyond the anterior margin of the scaphocerites. Of the three antennal whips of the 1st pair, two are fused together with 8-10 segments.
Size: 3-4 cm.
Conditions of detention: pH no data KH no data GH no data t 18-28, optimal 21-24
Behavior. Keeping in captivity: no data
Breeding: no data

Name: Eastern Japanese shrimp
Scientific name:
Habitat: Far East, Amur River
Description: The first pair of jaws of the animal ends in massive claws, somewhat disproportionate to the body of the shrimp; in mature males they are painted brick-red, in females they are bright orange. The walking legs at the bottom are painted white. Distinctive feature All freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense is a clear black transverse stroke on the back of the animal, which is framed in a white frame. The color of Macrobrachium nipponense is quite bright; as the shrimp ages, it becomes more saturated. The translucent body of shrimp of this species has a brownish tint. The eyes are clear or milky-whitish.
Size: males up to 6 cm females up to 8 cm
Conditions of detention: pH 6.5-6.8 KN no data GH 8-10 t 22-30 optimal 24-25
Behavior. Keeping in captivity: Intraspecific aggression is developed, not only between males, but also between females. Territorial. They are peaceful towards individuals of the opposite sex. Omnivorous. It is possible to attack fish at night. They are unpretentious in content. Sensitive to water quality and oxygen content.
Breeding: The female carries the eggs for 3-4 weeks. According to some sources, the larval stage is present and takes several days (about 5), from other sources this species does not have a larval stage.

Name: Palemon largefingered
Scientific name:
Habitat: Found in Peter the Great Gulf, off the Korean Peninsula Description: There are 2-3 spines along the midline of the shell. The beak is almost straight; its end
extends approximately 1/4 of its length beyond the anterior margin of the scaphocerites. Of the three antennal whips of the 1st pair, two (short and one of the long ones) are fused together with 5-9 segments. Color: the body is usually transparent, sometimes with a dark green or olive tint.
Size: up to 6.5 cm
Conditions of detention: pH no data KH no data GH no data t no data
Behavior. Captivity: no data
Breeding: no data

Name: Far Eastern freshwater shrimp
Scientific name:
Habitat: lake Khanka r. Amur and in the river Suifune
Description: The beak has a straight upper edge and a slightly convex lower edge. One-toothed,
the end of the beak directed straight forward protrudes slightly beyond the anterior edge of the scaphocerites. Of the three antennal whips of the 1st pair, two are fused together with 6-7 segments. The body is translucent, so the color of the shrimp depends on the type of food eaten, as well as the color of the soil.
Size: 3-3.5 cm
Conditions of detention: pH 6.5-7 KN no data GH 10 t 15-30 optimal 21-24
Behavior. Keeping in captivity: Omnivorous. They play the role of orderlies. Tendencies towards cannibalism. In case of stress, they are capable of arbitrarily tearing off limbs in cases of danger. After molting, the limbs are regenerated. Active during the daytime. Demanding on water quality and oxygen content.
Breeding: Sexual maturity is reached at approximately 1 year of age. The female lays up to 100 eggs. The development time of the eggs depends on the water temperature: 2-4 weeks.

Most of the freshwater shrimp kept in our aquariums come from Asia. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed 6-8 cm. Almost all of them are omnivores, but prefer lower aquatic vegetation. Shrimp are usually enough hardy creatures. Shrimp are interesting mainly during the day, when they lead an active lifestyle, quickly moving along the bottom in search of food and crawling along the leaves of plants. In a moment of danger, they make jerky swimming movements in the water column using contractions of the tail fan.

Shrimp molt regularly. Throwing off the chitinous shell. During molting (two to three days before molting and one or two after), they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, the shrimp's integument is soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young individuals this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually.

Shrimp are peaceful. They do not attack their own kind or other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Although, when kept with fish, they themselves can become quite tasty food.

All types of aquarium shrimp are not picky about their living conditions.
For successful maintenance, an aquarium of 10 liters or more is suitable. In which you can place 10-15 shrimp. But you need to remember that sooner or later they will multiply and choosing a fry will not be so easy. Therefore, we advise you to start immediately with large aquarium volumes.

Aquarium shrimp Looks better on black soil. Although this is a matter of taste.
Amazingly, they live in temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. So, if the temperature in your apartment does not drop below 17 degrees, you can safely keep a shrimp tank without heating means. Although the ideal temperature for them would be 24-25 C.

Thus, you can save on heating, but aeration will not do this. It is imperative to install aeration in the shrimp tank. Krill, unlike fish, is very sensitive to oxygen saturation in water.

Very good for shrimp the presence of living plants is important in their habitat - an aquarium. It would be ideal to plant Java moss. Shrimp need it for hiding and cleaning. Of course, any plants are suitable for a start, even the same hornwort and pistia.

Shrimp water filtration is necessary, but the filter is put on with a nylon stocking, possibly in several layers. And the flow is reduced by installing nozzles (optional).

Lighting for shrimp not really necessary, except to see the food :). But the plants that will be in the shrimp tank simply need it. But you shouldn’t go too far with lighting.

And now the unpleasant moment when keeping shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very sensitive to the chemical composition of water. The water that is replaced must be clean and well settled. Once you add water containing chlorine, something irreparable can happen. You also need to monitor the environment; the use of various types of sprays and fresheners in the room where there is an aquarium with shrimp is unacceptable; surface gas exchange has not yet been canceled. Be very careful when changing water and ventilate the room. In addition, shrimp do not tolerate high concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium.

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Everyone eats shrimp! In the literal sense of the word. They are constantly searching for food. They clean up dead parts of plants, the corpses of other residents (if there are any) and the smallest particles of everything that can be eaten. These arthropods need to be fed, or rather fed, no more than once every two days. However, it is not advisable to feed them on the day when the water is changed. Hungry shrimp are better able to withstand stress or other unwanted changes.

You can feed them with any food, from dry daphnia to live and concentrated and balanced branded food.

You can feed them with Tetra shrimp food. The food should be balanced and varied. Try to alternate feeds.

Shrimp tank maintenance.

Maintaining a shrimp tank is not particularly different from maintaining an aquarium with fish.
Water changes should be done once a week ~ 1/3 of the total volume. It is advisable to do a light siphon of soil every few months. Remove dead plant parts and shells from the reels. We emphasize! Everything must be done very carefully. Shrimp much fewer fish and it is possible to inadvertently injure or even kill them. But in general there is nothing complicated or unusual.

Breeding aquarium shrimp.

There is no need to help shrimp in breeding! They do everything well themselves.
If the conditions are favorable and your shrimp are good, then the offspring will not be long in coming.
During the period when the female is ready to reproduce, she releases pheromones into the water. All males begin to frantically chase around the aquarium and look for a female. Mating lasts no more than a second. Although the process of searching for a female usually lasts for hours. Soon after mating, the female develops a so-called saddle on her back. Cherry shrimp are yellow, special shrimp are drunken gray. This is caviar at a certain stage. Subsequently, the female molts and the eggs move under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry will appear.
Juveniles do not need special care. He immediately eats what his parents eat. It hides in the thickets and swims jerkily. The above applies only to shrimp: neocardina cherry and neocardina special. Eat complex species shrimp, which a beginner will not be able to breed, because they need a special approach and a lot of knowledge and experience, for example, Amano shrimp, filter feeders.

Shrimp in an aquarium serve a purely aesthetic function. They can eat various organic debris, cleaning the bottom, as well as algae. Caring for them at home is relatively easy. However, to maintain the bright color and active behavior of animals, it is necessary to adhere to certain maintenance rules. Also, shrimp may not get along well with all types of aquarium fish.

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    In nature, the aquarium shrimp lives in almost all salt and freshwater bodies of water in the world. All individuals of this species come from different regions Asia. Shrimp are crustacean species of the arthropod type and have jaws that capture and hold food.

    Freshwater fish differ in size and color variations, but their body structure is identical. Long antennae provide good sense of smell and touch. Eyes rotating in different directions provide a wide view.

    The shrimp's head is fused with the anterior thoracic segments, which provide reliable protection in the form of a shell. Animals move along the bottom using walking legs. Shrimp have a well-developed tail, which helps them perform leaping movements when they escape from predators.

    The size of the decorative variety is 2–15 cm. On average, such aquatic inhabitants live 1.5 years.


    These animals are represented great variety species. The most unusual and popular shrimp:

    Type of shrimp Description
    The most picky species in terms of care. These crustaceans can live in water of any hardness. They are omnivores. The tail and cephalothorax are one color, and the rest of the body is another. Grow on average up to 2.5 cm
    There are about 200 subspecies, differing from each other in color. The most common shrimp are yellow, blue, and black. The peculiarity of this species is the presence of a second pair of limbs big size. It is most clearly visible in males. Average body length - 5–8 cm
    This species is capricious in terms of conditions. A special feature is the presence of front paws white. This shrimp has a very attractive shade, the main color is red of varying saturation. The shell is covered with chaotically located white dots
    This species is characterized by timidity and a long habituation to changes in surroundings. Its body can be red, white or black. This is the smallest shrimp of all. aquarium species, whose length is only 1.2 cm
    Unpretentious appearance. These crustaceans are not shy and do not hide during the day. They are excellent garbage collectors in the aquarium, clearing it of algae particles and remaining food. Their body is transparent, but can acquire different shades depending on the food consumed and the conditions of detention. Grows up to 5 cm in length

    It is easy to care for these crustaceans at home, but some species are capricious and present special requirements to its content.

    The shrimp aquarium can be of any size. To avoid mistakes, the container is purchased at the rate of one individual per liter of water. If the crustaceans are large, then you will need 2 or 4 liters.

    The optimal water temperature should be +17…+30 degrees. More is acceptable low temperature, but in this case the pets will become sedentary. During sudden temperature changes, it life cycle is greatly reduced, the crustacean may die.

    In order for the animals in the aquarium to develop normally, the water must be changed every week. You can add regular tap water, but it must be settled and room temperature. The liquid must be saturated with oxygen using compressors and aerators.

    Chemicals, such as water stabilizers, should not be used in the aquarium. Many of them contain copper sulfate and other copper impurities, to which freshwater shrimp are very sensitive.

    It is important that the tank contains live ornamental plants, in which crustaceans will hide if necessary. Cladophora, pistia, hornwort, and Java moss are used for landscaping.

    The aquarium must be equipped with a special lid, because some species crawl beyond its limits. The shrimp lives in air for only a few minutes.


    Animals eat absolutely everything. Most They spend time searching for food, scouring plants and the bottom. They eat plaque on stones and leaves, food leftovers from fish, and can even eat their own shell, shed after molting.

    You can feed shrimp with dry fish flakes or catfish tablets with spirulina. Food should be varied. Residues of food are removed from the aquarium after 1–2 hours, as they contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the water.

    The favorite food of ornamental shrimp is tubifex. You can use pieces of meat (without fat). It is best to purchase special food designed specifically for aquarium shrimp, in which all substances are properly balanced. To save them from death, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

    Fish compatibility:

    Aquarium shrimp can get along well even with those fish that can attack them. To do this, they plant in the aquarium a large number of plants, make decorations from bark and tree branches, and lay out large and small stones at the bottom. Thanks to this, crustaceans find shelter where predators cannot reach.

Aquarium shrimp are currently at the peak of their popularity. Therefore, it is natural that in many pet stores you can buy both common and quite rare species. However, you should be careful when adding them to an aquarium, especially a general one.

There are often cases when reckless aquarists unknowingly buy major representatives aggressive species that displace other inhabitants of the aquarium. It happens that the old-timers of the aquarium themselves eat shrimp or their offspring. Below we will look at how to avoid such problems, and other important information. Let's start with the basics.


The structure of an aquarium shrimp.

The aquarium shrimp belongs to the order of 10-legged crustaceans. Its body consists of two parts - the cephalothorax and the abdominal part. The cephalothorax contains the eyes and most of the limbs (mandibles and antennae), and the abdominal part contains auxiliary limbs for swimming and bearing offspring.

Due to the tail part, the animal makes jerky swimming movements, which often make it difficult to catch it. The eyes easily turn in different directions, which provides a wide view. The antennae are responsible for touch, smell and the “chemical sense”.

Shrimp have basically the same body structure, while size and color vary depending on the species. The dimensions of small and medium-sized individuals range between 2-5 cm, and large ones reach 15 cm.

Types of aquarium shrimp

It is impossible to list all types of ornamental shrimp in one article. Therefore, we will focus on the most popular varieties.

Cherry shrimp

These are colorful, prolific and commercially available freshwater shrimp. The name speaks about the color. They live no more than a year, but during this time they manage to produce many offspring. Due to its small size (an adult is 2.5-3 cm), the cherry - perfect option for a small aquarium. Ease of care allows us to recommend it for purchase by beginners. Cherry easily takes root in different conditions and is distinguished by its peaceful nature.

Amano shrimp

Amano are light green aquarium shrimp with a light stripe on the back and brown spots on the sides. They are also called algae eaters and are known to experienced aquarists as "tank cleaners" who get along easily with other aquarium inhabitants. Amano does not eat only red algae, but prevents its appearance. Representatives of the species live over 3 years. But breeding them in captivity is an extremely difficult task.

Japanese river shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense)

Also known as eastern river shrimp. It is characterized by an attractive color; at first glance, it may even seem like glass. This type bred in industrial scale, due to its simplicity in maintenance, it is suitable for beginner aquarists. At the same time, these aquarium shrimp are an excellent example of why it is important to carefully approach the co-location of certain species because Macrobrachium nipponense is aggressive. They can only be kept with comparable shrimp.


The shrimp hides its future offspring under its abdomen and periodically washes it, making characteristic movements with its additional limbs.

Regardless of the type of shrimp, it is better to prepare a separate aquarium for them during the breeding season. IN community aquarium the chances of survival of the offspring are extremely low. It should be taken into account that young animals are sensitive to unfavorable conditions and often dies. If 25% survive, that’s a success.

The cause of death of the larvae can be either a lack of adequate food or rotting of the remains of uneaten food. Therefore, half an hour after feeding, the aquarium should be cleaned of residues. But if you manage to create in a shrimp tank favorable conditions, pets will reproduce regardless of whether you want it or not. At the same time, not all species reproduce in captivity. An example is the above-mentioned filters.

Conditions of detention

To successfully keep shrimp in an aquarium, you need to work on creating a number of conditions. Let's list the main ones:

  • sufficient space (1 liter of water per 2 shrimp when the size is no more than 2 cm and 1 liter of water per 1 individual when the size is more than 2 cm);
  • suitable water temperature (20°-28°);
  • absence of copper in the water;
  • increased water hardness;
  • the presence of a lid (crustaceans can crawl out of the aquarium).

When cleaning, do not forget to treat the soil with an aquarium siphon.

Also, we must not forget about the fight against algae. Sidex (glutaraldehyde), which, according to experts, is harmless to invertebrates, will be a good assistant in this matter.

Keeping shrimp in a fish aquarium

IN natural environment fish perceive small arthropods as food, so you need to carefully select the species that will be placed in an aquarium with shrimp. Any fish that is larger than a shrimp forces the latter to lead a hidden lifestyle. In any case, you should give preference to non-aggressive species with a small oral cavity.

Compatibility chart for shrimp and aquarium fish.

Under no circumstances should shrimp be planted in an aquarium that already contains:

  • cockerels;
  • goldfish;
  • gurs;
  • swordtails;
  • angelfish;
  • discus;
  • cichlids.

If you recklessly introduce newly acquired individuals into a common aquarium, the crustaceans will actively hide, while other fish may begin to terrorize them and try to taste them. As a result, the arthropods will die either from the mouths of fish or from stress.

Shrimp in a community aquarium need different hiding places. Aquarium plants and decor are suitable for this purpose. Good choice Java moss will become in which animals can hide, and the larvae will be unnoticeable.

Special measures need to be taken in large aquariums equipped with filters. The latter can “draw” small individuals inside, so it is better to cover such a filter with a sponge.

Keeping shrimp in a separate aquarium

Nano aquariums with shrimp and plants are very popular.

By a separate aquarium we mean a shrimp tank - a special container for the care and maintenance of crustaceans. Although different types practically do not conflict with each other, there is a danger of crossbreeding, which can subsequently lead to degeneration of the population.

A classic shrimp aquarium has a relatively small volume (20-80 l). Otherwise, observing these small arthropods will be difficult. What is superfluous in the container will be the internal relief background, which often causes the death of animals. But you can safely use coconut shells as decoration. Crustaceans love to eat its wood fibers.

What plants are suitable for a shrimp aquarium?

It is recommended to keep shrimp together with small-leaved aquarium plants that are unpretentious to environment. These plants include the aforementioned Java moss, as well as cabomba, hornwort, and stinkwort. Cladaphora, a green ball of algae, is also suitable. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Guadalupe naiad, dense thickets which can serve as a home for shrimp.


The basis for effective maintenance of aquarium shrimp is a competent selection of diet. In the case of arthropods, this is not difficult to implement. They feed on residues from plants and animals that are processed by bacteria. This could be rotten plant leaves or dead fish.

Video: Feeding shrimp

Aquatic insects, tubifex, bloodworms, and daphnia are also eaten. Shrimp prefer soft-leaved plants. However, feeding is necessary. Take care of these aquatic inhabitants Special dry food will help. In addition, boiled vegetables are suitable.

It is enough to feed no more than once a day. At the same time, one day a week should be made as a fasting day..

Shrimp are able to tolerate long breaks in feeding due to pasture.

Shrimp diseases

Shrimp diseases are caused by the most different reasons: from improper care to certain infections. Arthropods suffer from:

Shrimp suffering from “rust” or “opaline” disease.

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • necrosis of muscle tissue;
  • rusty and burnt spot syndrome;
  • porcelain, milk and cotton diseases;
  • sucking worms.

Each of these diseases has its own symptoms. For example, a viral disease known as white spot syndrome can be recognized by its white spots. Already in the early stages of this disease, animals become lethargic and stop eating normally.

Shrimp in the aquarium should be protected with preventative measures that can prevent the outbreak or spread of the disease. Much depends on the conditions of detention. In particular, water plays a huge role. The proliferation of dangerous bacteria is often facilitated by deterioration in its quality. This factor also reduces the immunity of crustaceans.

A sharp change in water temperature also has a negative impact. It is necessary not only to properly clean the aquarium, but also to avoid overcrowding. After all, a natural consequence of overpopulation is an excess of organic matter. Overfeeding has a similar effect. Therefore, if the food is not eaten, it is better to remove its remains..

Buying aquarium shrimp

Do not release shrimp into the aquarium immediately. Add aquarium water little by little into the transport container until the water in it is the same as in the aquarium, after which the animals can be released.

When purchasing freshwater shrimp for an aquarium, you should remember their fragility. During transportation, it is important to avoid sudden movements. It’s good if the container you use contains a plant that the animal can grab onto in case of emergency.

There should be no sharp edges inside the vessel. The temporary container must be at least 1/3 filled with air. High oxygen levels are important for arthropods. It is better to buy young individuals. It is easier for them to adapt to changes.

Compliance with the simple rules described above is the guarantee that aquarium shrimp will become your permanent pets.

More and more aquarists in Lately wants to keep shrimp: they are interesting to watch, they are unpretentious, and the abundance of colors can be the envy of any fish. The three anterior thoracic segments of shrimp are fused with the head and are securely covered with a protective shell. Characteristic feature The appearance of shrimp are mustaches, jaws and jaws. Thanks to their abdominal legs (pleopods), shrimp swim, and with their help they snatch small pieces of dry food from the water. aquatic plants. On walking legs, shrimp move along the bottom, looking for leftover food. In fact, shrimp only seem clumsy: they quickly get used to the aquarium, it is quite difficult to catch them, but it is very interesting to watch their school life.

Keeping freshwater shrimp in an aquarium

Shrimp can be called universal cleaners; they are non-conflicting and get along well with small and medium-sized fish. peaceful fish. Freshwater shrimp can be kept in special tanks - shrimp tanks, on chemical composition water they react more strongly because they have higher sensitivity than fish.

To keep freshwater shrimp you will need an aquarium with a volume of 50-80 liters. In a small tank it will be more difficult to maintain biobalance, and in a large tank the shrimp will simply get lost among the scenery. If you keep shrimp with fish, the volume of the aquarium should be larger. The aquarium should contain driftwood, plants and other shelters in which pets can hide.

Ideally, no more than one shrimp should be placed per 1-2 liters of aquarium water, here great importance their size plays a role. Often, freshwater shrimp feel great at a temperature of 20-27 degrees, but it should not rise above 30 degrees. If the water is cool, about 15 degrees, the shrimp's metabolism will slow down, they will stop reproducing, and become inert and lethargic. As for the pH of the water, it can vary from 6.5 to 7.5, if the acidity is lower, it will contribute to the destruction of the shrimp shell. Avoid sudden temperature changes: a 6-7 degree difference is fatal for these individuals. Shrimp also die if the water contains copper. Shrimp are inquisitive creatures, they love to explore various crevices and often cannot get out of them and die, which is why the filter intake pipe in the aquarium must be closed, it is advisable to use internal filters without plastic flasks, and it is not advisable to use a volumetric background. The compressor should be on 24/7 in the aquarium, as crustaceans are sensitive to oxygen levels. Siphon the soil from time to time (its thickness should be 4-5 centimeters).

It is worth remembering that shrimp grow at the moment they shed their cover, at this moment they remain defenseless and will spend some time in shelters (old plastic tubes, stones with large holes, thickets of plants). You shouldn’t throw the old chitinous cover out of the aquarium for a while - some shrimp eat it and grow a new shell faster. Food for shrimp can be different: you can purchase specialized food, you can give aquarium algae and fish food. Feed the shrimp little by little and remove any leftover food. If shrimp live in your pond, you need to change the water more often, since crustaceans eat quite a lot. Be careful before adding to the tank new fish, shrimp or even a plant, withstand quarantine. Plants should be kept in a separate container for at least a day and the water should be changed more often in order to reduce the concentration of harmful chemicals.

Types of freshwater shrimp

Snowflake (Neocaridina white)

One of decorative varieties, it is difficult to confuse it with another, since it has a snow-white color, even the caviar of this crustacean creature is pure white. The snowflake is a relative of the blue pearl shrimp, both species were bred in Germany, so its color is the result of long work by breeders. The saka and the male snowflake can be distinguished by size: the female has a bright color, is larger, and the carapace on the abdomen is somewhat wider.

Harlequin (Caridina spongicola)

The natural habitat of freshwater shrimp is Indonesia. This is one of the smallest types of shrimp, they are quite shy. It lives and feeds on a freshwater sponge - with its help it eats algae and food particles. Sexual differences in shrimp are weakly expressed, since the color of males and females is the same. The color of the harlequin is variegated, mixed, white, black and red predominate. Harlequin shrimp often hide in shelters and take a long time to adapt to a new environment.

Khanka shrimp (Leander modestus)

The natural habitat of the shrimp is the Amur Estuary (Far East). Shrimp grow up to 3-5 cm, males are slightly larger than females. In some ways these arthropods resemble crayfish. Their claws are weak and small, their mustache is long, their beak is convex, their body is transparent - fawn-gray-brown. These shrimp are excellent orderlies, hardy, active, and non-conflicting.


Cardinal - very beautiful view shrimp, the color can vary from rich red to light pink with white dots. Suitable for experienced aquarists only. The shrimp's natural habitat is the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia). In the lake, the cardinal lives among the stones, where he looks for food. The color saturation can vary; sometimes the white dots on the shrimp’s body also have a blue outline. Shrimp have white front legs - with their help, representatives of this species can move quickly.

Red bee

The bee shrimp is a direct relative of the crystal red shrimp, it was first discovered by a breeder from Japan, and has since appeared in many aquariums. The bee shrimp prefers slightly acidic water; it is sensitive to pollution and changes in water parameters. Often the Bee Shrimp (black striped) is crossed with Crystal Red.

Ninja Shrimp

This peculiarly named shrimp can quickly change colors and has mastered the “art of camouflage.” Also called the honey shrimp or Christmas shrimp, this species requires salty water. Its natural habitat is the waters of Asia; let us immediately note that catching it in wildlife very problematic. Color varies depending on its habitat: a shrimp can quickly change its color from red to yellow, from blue to black or brown - this is not difficult for it. They have a high ability to imitate and easily adapt to their environment.

Japanese shrimp (Caridina japonica)

These shrimp belong to the macrobrachium family; in their homeland they prefer to live in streams and rivers with clean water. They grow up to 6-8 centimeters, their characteristic feature are orangeish claws, a black streak on the back with a white border, and on the walking legs there are white socks. The shrimp's body is brownish and translucent. This species is unpretentious, but they get along poorly with sedentary aquarium inhabitants (small ones) and often fight.

Ring shrimp (Macrobrachium assamense)

Its natural habitat is the water bodies of Nepal and Bangladesh. Males are significantly larger than smok shrimps, they grow up to 8 cm, while females only up to 6. Ring-armed shrimp have a rich marbled brown or gray pattern, and there are red-black rings on their claws - hence the name of the species. It is not advisable to keep several males together - they will conflict, and small fish or crustaceans are not suitable as neighbors.

Striped longclaw shrimp (Macrobrachium carcinus)

It lives in the rivers and streams of America, grows up to 35 cm, large specimens often conflict over territory and do not like relatives, there is a tendency to cannibalism. The abdomen and body are painted with yellow-brown longitudinal stripes, the claws are strong, blue or brown.

Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

The black shrimp is very beautiful, with bright orange or black eyes (the first type is more valuable). These shrimp are very sensitive to water parameters, bred as a result of long selection, and are not suitable for beginners, since their breeding requires considerable effort.

Amano (Caridina multidentata)

This shrimp is often found in aquariums and owes its name to the breeder Takashi Amano. In their natural environment, shrimp of this species live in Japan, in the south of the country. The color of crustaceans depends on what they eat: it can be reddish or transparent green, often they are almost transparent. Black lines and dots are scattered throughout the body, growing up to 3-6 cm, females are larger.

Thai glass shrimp (Macrobrachium lanchesteri, Glass shrimp)

This species of crustacean lives in the rivers of Asia and stays near the shore. Representatives of this species are very territorial and love to dig holes in the ground. They grow up to 8 centimeters, the color is transparent, there is a black stripe along the back. Males are larger, their claws are more elongated, with hairline, females appear stockier. They live no more than 3 years.

There are several hundred species of freshwater shrimp; we have described only the main ones.