Table of contents:
Relevance of the project 2
Goal and objectives of project 3
Expected results 4
Project implementation stages 5
Project results. Conclusion 6
Literature 8
Appendix 1 (photo report) Appendix 2 (texts of consultations)
Relevance of the project.
The main activity of preschool children is play. Creative activity the child manifests itself primarily in play. The game, which takes place in a group, provides exclusively favorable condition for language development. Play develops language, and language organizes play. While playing, a child learns, and no learning is possible without the help of the main teacher - language.
It is known that in preschool age learning new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in training sessions. The learning task set in game form, has the advantage that in a game situation the child understands the very need to acquire knowledge and methods of action. A child captivated by an attractive idea new game, as if he does not notice that he is learning, although at the same time he constantly encounters difficulties that require a restructuring of his ideas and cognitive activity.
Play is not just entertainment, it is the creative, inspired work of a child, his life. During the game, the child learns not only the world, but also himself, his place in this world, accumulates knowledge, masters the language, communicates.
Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school.
In modern conditions, the main task preschool education is preparation for schooling. Children who have not received appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school.
Preschool children enjoy listening to poems, singing songs, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations for books, admiring original works of art and very often asking questions: how?, why?, and can I do it? And it’s no secret that nowadays more and more children have speech problems. Why not combine the child’s desire to try to come up with something himself, to do something with the desires of adults - to teach the child to speak beautifully and competently. And that’s why the task is so relevant today speech development children and the development of their communication abilities.
The project presents the following types play activity How:
- didactic games,
- outdoor games,
- theatrical games,
- plot – role-playing games.
Low level of active vocabulary in children.
1. Insufficiently high level of use of various forms of work with children to expand their active vocabulary.
2.Lack of interest of parents in their children’s initiative to engage in word creation.
As a result of work, children will increase lexicon, speech will be enriched, speech expressiveness will improve, children will learn to compose short poems, compose stories, and invent fairy tales.
The purpose and objectives of the project.
The goal of the project: to develop children’s speech, enrich their vocabulary through play activities; increase children's active vocabulary by stimulating and developing preschoolers' writing and speech creativity skills.
Project objectives:
- creating conditions for children’s play activities in the group and on the site;
- formation grammatical structure speeches;
- expansion of vocabulary;
- development of coherent speech;
- develop children's active vocabulary;
- develop children’s ability to invent narratives, rhyming words, word formations, select synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;
- support children’s speech initiative and creativity in communication.
Project type: creative, group.
Project duration: medium term (January – February)
Project participants: students middle group, teacher, parents.
Project resources: laptop, printer, card file of speech games, toys, paints, brushes, fairy tales, poems, illustrations for fairy tales, CDs with cartoons, CDs with recordings of children's songs. Project idea: all activities and games for the project “Fun to Play Together” are interconnected, encourage inclusion in other types of activities - both independent and collective, so that the teacher, children, and parents retain a piece of joy, emotional charge, and most importantly, the desire to continue working on the implementation of this project.
Expected results:
High level of children's active vocabulary
Various forms of working with children to expand their active vocabulary are used.
Parents will increase their level of knowledge on the development of children's speech and creative abilities.
Project implementation stages.
1. Preliminary:
- putting forward a hypothesis;
- defining the goals and objectives of the project;
- studying the necessary literature;
- selection of methodological literature;
- development thematic plan for project implementation;
- diagnostics of children.
2. Basic.
Inclusion of each child in gaming activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities.
-creating a card index of games for the development of children's vocabulary.
- consultation for parents “Carrying out home games to develop children’s speech.”
- consultation for parents “We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises."
- creating an album together with parents “Our Children Say.”
- creation of the album “ Beautiful words»
- creating the alphabet – coloring pages “Heroes of Fairy Tales”
Various didactic and outdoor games, theatrical
and plot-role-playing games:
Didactic games: “Find out by description”, “Find the same one”, “Find out by voice”, “Divide into groups”, “What time of year?”, “What’s missing”, “Who lives in the house?”, “What superfluous”, “Good, bad”, “Favorite fairy tales”, “Whose baby”. Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest”, “Traps”, “On a level path”, “My cheerful ringing ball”, “Sparrows and the cat "", "Birds in the nests", "Serso", "The sea is worried", "Geese - swans", "Toss - catch", "Blind man's buff", "Find your place", "Planes", "The little white bunny is sitting", " Shaggy Dog" and others.
Theatrical games: games - dramatizations of fairy tales “Turnip”, “Cat House”, “Spikelet”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok” Story-role-playing games: “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Builders”, “Hospital”, “Post Office” ", "Sailors", "Family", "Aibolit", "Chauffeurs", "Beauty Salon", "Toy Store" and others.3. Final.
A period of reflection on your own results. Diagnostics of children. Project presentation.
Project structure
The implementation of this project is carried out through a series of games with children, creating conditions for children’s play activities in the group and on the site.
The project implementation involves different kinds games with children: this is a series of didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, board and printed. The work system includes outdoor games. Theatrical games are also included, children listen to fairy tales and dramatize them. A significant place is devoted to role-playing games.
Project results. Conclusion.
The project method has proven to be very effective and relevant today. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, systematize the acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities and communication skills that will allow the child to further adapt to school education, which is one of the main objectives of federal state general education standards.
Thus we can draw conclusions:
In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers.
Learn to follow the rules of the game.
In the game, all mental processes intensively develop, the first moral feelings are formed.
New types of productive activities arise in the game.
IN the game is on intensive speech development.
New motives and needs are formed in the game.
Thus, as a result collaboration children and their parents developed core competencies:
- ability to navigate in a new non-standard situation;
- the ability to think through methods of action and find new ways to solve problems;
- ability to ask questions;
- ability to interact in “child-child” and “child-adult” systems.
- ability to receive necessary information in communication;
- ability to conduct dialogue with adults and peers;
Play occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler. Games are used in classes, in free time children enthusiastically play games they have invented.
. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Middle group. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2014.
Zhurova L.E. Preparation for teaching literacy to children 4-5 years old.
Individualization of education: the right start. Educational and methodological manual for employees of preschool educational institutions./ Ed. L.V. Svirskaya. - M.: Obruch, 2011.
Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”. Middle group./ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
Basic program “From birth to school”. Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva
Long-term planning of the educational process according to the program “From birth to school”: middle group / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
Developmental activities with children 4-5 years old./ Ed. L.A. Paramonova.
Commonwealth: program of interaction between family and kindergarten. / Ed. N.V. Miklyaeva, N.F. Lagutina. - M.: MOZAYKA - SYNEZ, 2011.

Olga Turkina
Project in the middle group No. 1 on “Speech development”. Topic: “Little Dreamers”

Project in the middle group No. 1« Speech development» . Subject: « Little dreamers»

Relevance project:

Preschool children enjoy listening to poems, singing songs, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations for books, admiring original works of art, and very often asking questions. questions: and how, and why, and can I? And it’s no secret that nowadays more and more children are having speech problems. Why not combine the child’s desire to try to come up with something himself, to do something with the desires of adults - to teach the child to speak beautifully and competently. And that’s why the task is so relevant today children's speech development and development his communication abilities.


Low level of active vocabulary in children.


1. Insufficiently high level of use of various forms of work with children to expand their active vocabulary.

2. Lack of interest of parents in children’s initiative to engage in word creation.


As a result of the work, children’s vocabulary will increase, their speech will be enriched, their expressiveness will improve, children will learn to compose short poems, compose stories, and invent fairy tales.

Target project:

Increase children's active vocabulary through stimulation and development preschoolers have writing skills, to speech creativity.

Tasks project:

Develop active children's dictionary.

Develop children’s ability to invent narratives, rhyming words, word formations, select synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

Support speech initiative and creativity of children in communication.

Type project: creative, group.

Duration project: medium term(January February)

Participants project: pupils middle group, teacher, parents.

Resource support project: laptop, printer, file cabinet speech games, toys, paints, brushes, Whatman paper, fairy tales, poems, illustrations for fairy tales, CDs with cartoons, CDs with recordings of children's songs.

Idea project:

All activities and games project« Little dreamers» are interconnected, encourage inclusion in other types of activities - both independent and collective, so that the teacher, children, and parents retain a piece of joy, an emotional charge, and most importantly, the desire to continue working on the implementation of this project.

Expected results:

Active vocabulary was 70% at a high level.

Various forms of working with children to expand their active vocabulary are used.

Parents' knowledge level has increased speech development children's creative abilities.


1. Creating a card index of games for children's vocabulary development.

2. Consultation for parents « Speech games at home» .

3. Consultation for parents .

4. Creating an album together with parents "Our children speak".

5. Album creation "Beautiful words".

6. Wall newspapers "We - dreamers» , "Compositions", "Our kindergarten".

Presentation project:

Exhibition of wall newspapers and albums on children's word creativity.

Implementation stages project:

Objectives Implementation activities

Stage 1: organizational and preparatory

Selection of software and methodological support for implementation project.

Studying experience on speech development creativity in preschoolers. Development of content for consultations with parents Compilation of an information bank of technologies for development in preschoolers speech creativity .

Development of a card index for . Development of consultation texts.

2nd stage assessment - diagnostic

Determining the level of active vocabulary of 4-5 year old children at the initial stage. Diagnostics.

Stage 3 - practical

Determining the content of the work development children's writing Making a plan for creativity development.

Active implementation developing forms of working with children Implementation of educational activities with children.

Determination of the intermediate result of the level of children's active vocabulary. Diagnostics.

Interaction with parents of students Involving parents in joint writing with children

Organizing the participation of parents in collecting interesting children's statements and word creation.

Stage 4 - generalizing

Determining the final result of children's active vocabulary. Diagnostics.

Analysis of achieving goals and results obtained Wall newspapers, albums, card index of games children's vocabulary development, consultations for parents.

Preparation information certificate on implementation project.

Task implementation plan:

implementation Contents of activities Responsible persons Dates Exit

Preparatory Selection of software and methodological support for implementation project.

teacher I week of January card index development of children's speech creativity.

Studying experience on speech development creativity in preschoolers. teacher II week of January

Determining the level of active vocabulary of 4-5 year old children at the initial stage. teacher II week of January Texts of consultations

Development of content for consultations with parents Educator III week of January Diagnostics

Practical Advice for Parents « Speech games at home» , “We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises". teacher IV week of January Text

Creation of a wall newspaper "Our kindergarten" Teacherchildren IV week of January wall newspaper

Creating an album together with parents "Our children speak". Educator


I – II week of February album

Visual activity “Journey to the Land of Imagination.” Educator

children II week of February Drawings, stories of children.

Determination of the intermediate result of the level of children's active vocabulary. Teacher II week of February Diagnostics

Creation of a wall newspaper "We - dreamers» Educator

III week of February wall newspaper

Creating an Album "Beautiful words" Educator

children III week of February album

Creation of a wall newspaper "Compositions" Educator

children IV week of February wall newspaper

Generalizing Systematization material for parents children's speech production. teacher consultation

Determining the final result of children's active vocabulary. teacher IV week of February Diagnostics

Analysis of achieving goals and results obtained Educator

parents Albums, wall newspapers, sales information project.

Outcome criteria:

1. Availability

2. Aesthetics.

3. Mobility.

Key competencies:

Ability to navigate new non-standard situations;

Ability to think through methods of action and find new ways to solve problems;

Ability to ask questions;

Ability to interact in systems"child-child", "adult child".

Ability to obtain necessary information in communication;

Ability to conduct dialogue with adults and peers;


1. Streltsova L. E. "Literature and fantasy»

2. Preschool pedagogy No. 7/2012 page 19.

3. Lombina T. N. Backpack with riddles: good book By speech development. Rostov- on-Don 2006

4. Miklyaeva N. V. Development language ability in children 3 – 7 years old M. 2012

5. Sidorchuk T. A., Khomenko N. N. Technology development coherent speech of preschool children. Ulyanovsk 2005

6. FesyukovaL. B. Education with a fairy tale M. 2000

7. Alyabyeva E. A. Poetic exercises for development speech of children 4 - 7 years old. M. 2011

8. Belousova L. E. Amazing stories. S-P "Childhood - press". 2003

9. Meremyanina O. R. Development social skills of children 4 – 7 years old Volgograd 2011

Elena Zayats
Project for the development of coherent speech for children in the middle group “Composing descriptive stories on the topic “Pets”

View project: pedagogical.

Duration project: long-term.

Participants project: children middle group No. 3, educators, parents of students.

Relevance of the topic.

Speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is being considered in modern preschool education How a common problem education. At present there is no need to prove that speech development in the closest possible way associated with the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, development of the personality as a whole.

Language and speech traditionally considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as "knot", in which various lines of the psychic converge development - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means human communication, knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition education and training. Development of coherent speech in preschool childhood lays the foundations for successful schooling.

Preschool age is a period of active learning by a child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education children during the most sensitive period development.

Main goals speech development- upbringing sound culture speeches, enrichment and activation of vocabulary, formation of grammatical structure speeches, education coherent speech- are resolved throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage The content of speech work is gradually becoming more complex, and teaching methods are also changing. Each of listed tasks there is a whole range of problems that need to be solved in parallel and in a timely manner.

In preschool childhood, the child masters, first of all, dialogic speech, which has its own specific features, manifested in the use of language funds acceptable in colloquial speeches, but unacceptable in the construction of a monologue, which was built according to the laws literary language. Only special speech education leads a child to mastery coherent speech, which represents extended statement, consisting from several or many sentences, divided according to functional and semantic type into description, narration, reasoning. Formation speech coherence, development The ability to construct a meaningful and logical statement is one of the main tasks of speech education of a preschooler.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is determined by the unique role played by native language in the development of the personality of a preschool child. Every child should learn in kindergarten content, grammatically correct, coherently and express your thoughts consistently. At the same time speech children must be alive, direct, expressive. Messenger speech is inseparable from the world thoughts: coherence of speech is coherence of thoughts. IN coherent speech reflects the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend what he perceives and express it in a correct, clear, logical way speeches. By the way a child knows how to construct his statement, one can judge the level of his speech development.

Target project: education writing descriptive stories with and without the use of a mnemonic table.

Tasks project:

Learn children make up small descriptive story based on mnemonic tables, reference diagrams, using your knowledge of appearance and life animals.

Develop the ability to select for story Interesting Facts and events.

Learn to select the most accurate definitions when description appearance animal based on the diagram.

Learn to start and finish on your own story.

Learn children make up a story, comparing objects, accurately denoting characteristic features with words.

Teach your child accurately, concisely and figuratively describe animals.

Learn children select words for the animal - epithets characterizing him and reflecting the child’s subjective attitude towards him.

Learn to invent story according to the proposed scheme, without deviating from the topic, without repeating the stories of his comrades.

Learn compose a story - a description based on the subject


Expected result: carrying out intermediate diagnostics, improving the diagnostic indicator in development of coherent speech in children.

Participant information:

The project is calculated for older preschool age. Encourages active parental involvement children and teachers in working on project.

Stages of implementation project:


1. Conversation » .

3. Consideration subject pictures depicting pets.

4. Pronunciation of a pure tongue:

“Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us.

Su-su-su - the cat drove away the wasp"

5. Reading a fairy tale by V. Suteev "Three kittens".

6. P/n. "Horses".

1. Conversation « Pets and me» .

2. D/i. "Confusion" ("Who lives where?").

3. Onomatopoeia games.

4. Reading a fairy tale by V. Suteev "About the little goat who could count".

5. P/n. "Rabbits".

6. Watching the cartoon “A kitten named "Woof".


1. Conversation "Service Dogs".

2. D/i. "Who lost young.

3. Games. sieve "Lost Kitten"

5. Memorizing an excerpt from a poem by S. Marshak "Cat house".

6. P/n. "Cat and Mice".

1. Conversation “What do they eat? Pets» .

3. R.O.S. “How to behave correctly with strays animals»

4. Reading a fairy tale by S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

5. P/n. "Shaggy Dog".

6. Watching a cartoon "Cat house".

1. Conversation "My pet"

2. D/i. "Call me kindly".

3. Writing a descriptive story on a topic»

4. Reading a fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "Three piglets".

5. P/n. "Shepherd and Flock".

Working with parents:

1. Questioning parents “Speech behavior of parents with a child”.

2. Consultation " Development of speech activity in middle school children preschool age."

3. Child-parent leisure "We and our friends - Pets» .


1. Popova L. N. Children and Parents Club « Cheerful family» page 65

2. Danilina T. A. "Interaction preschool with society" page 62

3. Doronova T. N. "Together with family" page 84

4. Davydova O. I. “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” page 121

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Writing descriptive stories about toys” Summary of a lesson on speech development. Topic: Writing descriptive stories about toys. Goal: to teach children how to write descriptive stories.

Summary of educational activities for speech development (senior group). Composing creative stories “Unseen space animals” Abstract of educational activities for speech development (senior group) Topic: Compilation creative stories: “Unseen space animals” Municipal.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world and speech development “Writing descriptive stories about wild animals” Topic: “Writing descriptive stories about wild animals.” Educator: Klyuchka Larisa Ivanovna GOAL: 1. To develop coherent speech in children.

Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 79 combined type" Lesson notes on speech development for.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Who, who lives in the little house? Writing descriptive stories about vegetables" Correctional and educational goals. Consolidating children's knowledge about vegetables (color, shape, place of growth, what they taste, what they feel,...

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group. Writing descriptive stories about wild animals. Program tasks: 1. Activate children's vocabulary using the names of wild animals and their cubs. 2. Practice using the noun telnik.

Goal: -activation, consolidation, lexical (words, dictionary) material, enrichment of vocabulary; -develop the ability to differentiate.

GCD Topic: “Pets”. Compiling stories based on the painting “Goats”. Tasks. Continue to develop the ability to carefully examine a picture, highlighting in it main idea(with the help of the teacher’s questions, reason.

“A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.” Currently, problems associated with the process.

Lesson on speech development in a preparatory school group “Composing descriptive stories about a cockerel, a mouse and bread” Lesson on speech development in a pre-school group. Topic: “Composing descriptive stories about a cockerel, a mouse and bread” Purpose: To form.

Image library:

Project type: educational, creative, group.

Project participants: middle group children, teacher.

Project duration: half a year.

Objective of the project: development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age based on the use of composing descriptive stories.

Project objectives:

Analyze scientific literature;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Expanding vocabulary.

Development of coherent speech.

Project results:

1. Creation of a card index of games for the development of children's vocabulary.

2. Consultation for parents “Speech games at home.”

3. Consultation for parents “We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises."

4. Creation of a “Miracle Tree” together with parents.

5. Creation of the album “Beautiful Words”.

Relevance of the project:

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school. Preschool children enjoy listening to poems, singing songs, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations for books, admiring original works of art and very often asking questions: how, why, and can I do it? And that is why the task of children’s speech development and the development of their communicative abilities is so relevant today. By the beginning of preschool age, children begin to transition from dialogical speech To various forms monologue. This is a very long and labor-intensive process that requires special speech education.

While working on the project, children gain knowledge, expand their horizons, expand their passive and active vocabularies, and learn to communicate with adults and peers.

Monologue speech is an organized and detailed type of speech that is more arbitrary; the speaker must think about the content of the statement and choose the appropriate linguistic form (description, narration, reasoning).

The problem of the development of coherent speech has been studied by many domestic teachers, psychologists, linguists (L. S. Vygodsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. B. Elkonin, A. A. Leontiev, L. V., V. V. Vinogradsky, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. , O.I. Solovyova etc.). However, this problem is still very acute and has not been fully studied.

To teach monologue speech to preschool children, they are usually used. the following types classes:

Storytelling from a picture;

Retelling of literary works;

Writing descriptive stories about toys;

Writing narrative stories (creative storytelling);

Compiling stories from personal experience;

Narration based on a series of plot paintings;

Compiling stories using mnemonic tables, picture and graphic plans.

Research recent years(O. S. Ushakova, A. A. Zrozhevskaya) in the formation of coherent speech using toy material, they proceeded from the fact that children should be taught not types of storytelling, but the ability to construct a monologue-description


As a result of the work, children will increase their vocabulary, enrich their speech, and improve the expressiveness of monologue speech.

If you implement the work plan for the project, then development is possible cognitive activity in children, the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing their communication capabilities, developing activity, initiative, and independence.

Expected result: When systematically working on this project Children's vocabulary will increase significantly, speech will become the subject of children's activity, children will begin to accompany their activities with speech.

Project methods: Visual, verbal, practical, game.

Implementation stages:

I. Design stage :

Proposing a hypothesis;

Defining the goals and objectives of the project;

Target this stage: increasing competence on the topic: “Development of coherent monologue speech by means of descriptive storytelling in children of middle preschool age.”

Systematization of material (notes, memos, recommendations).

Creation of a subject-development environment.

II. Creative-productive stage (practical).

The purpose of this stage: search effective forms working with children.

Selection of material;

Analysis of methods and techniques (open classes, didactic games and exercises, problem situations, etc.);

Planning, material distribution;

Work with parents (consultations).

Speech at the teachers' meeting with a report “Modern forms and methods for speech development in kindergarten”

2.1Mastery of coherent monologue speech depends on many conditions:

Speech environment;

Social environment;

Family well-being;

Individual personality characteristics;

Cognitive activity of the child, etc.

This type of statement, such as description, is given special attention in the middle group, since it is at this age that the foundations are laid for the development of the ability to independently describe toys. This is facilitated by a properly organized process of examining toys and thoughtful formulation of questions and special exercises. Therefore, the teacher asks questions in a certain order, teaches children to think about the sequence in which they will describe the toy, and leads them to follow a clear structure when drawing up a description:

1. Naming the item (what is it? who is it? what is it called). 2. Disclosure of microthemes: signs, properties, qualities, characteristics of an object, its actions (which one? Which one? which one? which ones? what it has? how it differs from other objects? what it can do? what it can do with it). 3. Attitude to the subject or its assessment (liked? What?).

The following types of toys are used to teach monologue speech:

Didactic (matryoshka dolls, turrets, pyramids, barrels);

Subject (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport;

Ready-made sets of toys, united by one content: herd, zoo, poultry yard;

Sets compiled by the teacher or children - boy, girl, sleigh, dog; girl, house, chicken, cat, hare and dog, etc.

Making up riddles.

Teach children to focus on the signs and actions of objects. For example, round, rubber, jumping (ball); red, cunning, lives in the forest (fox), etc.

Methods and techniques for mastering coherent speech in preschoolers.

The choice of methods and techniques for each specific lesson is determined by its objectives. I consider the most effective to be the use of visual (observation, examination, display and description of objects, phenomena) and practical (dramatization games, tabletop dramatizations, didactic games, activity games) methods. I use verbal methods in working with children of middle preschool age less often because... age characteristics children require reliance on clarity, therefore, in all verbal methods I use either visual techniques (short-term demonstration, examination of an object, a toy, or demonstration of a visual object in order to relieve children (appearance of a clue-object, etc.). Among verbal methods, they are mainly distinguished those that are associated with the artistic word, although in some classes they use the teacher’s storytelling method and the conversation method.

Each method represents a set of techniques used to solve didactic problems. When working with children, in order to achieve certain goals, in each specific lesson I widely use a variety of speech development techniques:

Speech sample (I use it as a precursor to children’s speech activity, accompanied by such techniques as explanation and instructions;

Repetition (I practice repetition of material by the teacher, individual repetition by the child, or joint repetition);

Explanation, indication (I use it when clarifying the structure of descriptive stories);

Verbal exercise (preceding the compilation of descriptive stories);

Question (I use descriptions in the process of examination and in sequential presentation; I use reproductive, search, direct, prompting, leading).

2.2. Planning work with children.

Planning work with children on the development of coherent speech is based on general didactic principles:

Educational nature of training.

Any activity on speech development is based on the trinity: education, development, training. The educational aspect of speech development is very broad.

Availability of material.

All material offered to children must be accessible to their age and contain feasible difficulty.

Systematic training.

September: Looking at toys. To develop the ability to examine toys, teach children to identify the signs, qualities and properties of a toy. Develop concentration and reinforce the rules for handling toys.

October:Open lesson on speech development “Journey to a Fairy Tale”. Target: develop the ability to retell piece of art using the modeling method.


1. Educational:

teach children to answer in complete sentences, activate their vocabulary, teach them the ability to correlate iconic symbols with images, name features wild animals.


develop children's coherent speech, reasoning skills, imagination, thinking, logic, memory.

3. Educational:

cultivate love for Russians folk tales, good attitude towards books.

November: Working with the "Miracle Tree". Performance various tasks on the formation of coherent monologue speech, composing and solving riddles, learning nursery rhymes, jokes.

Working with educational games:

Games with objects

Playing with objects uses toys and real objects. With their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality.

Games with natural material(plant seeds, leaves, flowers, pebbles, shells, beans) are used in games such as “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who is most likely to make a pattern of leaves?”, “Who is most likely to make a pattern of beans?”, etc.

Board-printed games

Printed board games come in a variety of types:

subject pictures, paired pictures, lotto, dominoes.

During such games, memory develops

December Writing stories, using mnemonic tables, picture-graphic plans, etc. modern forms and methods for the formation of coherent speech.

Formation of the ability to examine objects, highlighting their signs, properties, qualities and actions. Develop the ability to write a descriptive story together with the teacher. Practice using prepositions and agreeing them with nouns. Develop memory, auditory attention, speech.

January. Open lesson on speech development."In the world of professions."


1) consolidate children’s knowledge about professions (doctor, driver, salesman, teacher, postman, etc.), about tools; develop the ability to compose a coherent story using a diagram; learn the poem “My Bear” using a mnemonic table.

2) Develop speech, observation, intelligence, and the ability to correlate a picture with a symbol.

3) Cultivate interest in various professions.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about professions with viewing of the poster “Professions”,

Game "Who needs what"

Verbal game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”

Working with mnemonic tables

Consideration of the “Professions” scheme, s/r games “Chauffeurs”, “Shop”. Continue to teach children to structure their statements according to a specific plan. Develop memory and attention. Develop the ability to listen to each other and not interrupt.

2.3. Interaction with families on issues of children's speech development.

One of the conditions for the normal development of a child and his further successful education at school is the full formation of speech in preschool age. Interaction between the kindergarten and the family on issues of the child’s full speech development is another necessary condition.

Gaming breathing exercises aimed at developing speech breathing;

Finger games and exercises;

Games aimed at enriching the vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech;

Didactic games for the development of coherent statements.

Consultations were conducted on the development of speech breathing and fine motor skills of the hands.

One of the main tasks of speech formation is the development of speech breathing, for this I recommend that parents include playful breathing exercises: “Hit the gate”, “Snowflakes”, “Falling leaves”, “Whose leaf will fly farther?”, etc. To improve speech breathing, I suggest that parents Together with the children, pronounce small “pure sayings”, riddles, proverbs, short rhymes in one exhalation.

III. The final stage.

A period of reflection on your own results. Diagnostics of children. Project presentation.

Work efficiency.

The examination of coherent speech was carried out according to a method developed in the laboratory of speech development and verbal communication of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education and correlated with the implementation of the speech development program.

Identification of the ability to describe an object (toy, write a description) was carried out according to the following criteria:

1. Describe the doll. Tell us what it is like, what you can do with it, how you play with it.

1) The child independently describes the toy;

2) talks about the teacher’s questions;

3) names individual words without linking them into a sentence.

2. Write a description of the ball: what is it, what is it for, what can you do with it?

1) The child describes the ball;

2) lists the signs;

3) names individual words.

3. Describe the dog, what it is like, or come up with a story about it.

1) The child composes a description (story);

2) lists qualities and actions;

3) names 2 words.

The responses were assessed as follows. For each match of answers under No. 1, the child receives three points; if the answers correspond to No. 2, then the child receives two points; if the answers fit No. 3, one point. Thus, the levels of speech development were identified:

9 or more points - high level;

6-8 points - average level;

3-5 points - below average level;

less than 3 points - low level.

A group of 32 children took part in the survey.

Having examined the survey results, the following was revealed:

WITH high level speech development - no children identified (0%);

No children were identified with an average level of speech development (0%);

21 children have a level below average, which corresponds to 66%;

Low level in 11 children, accounting for 34%.

Based on the results of the survey, systematic work was begun on teaching descriptive speech to children through classes and didactic games.

Analyzing the data obtained, the following was revealed:

No children were identified with a high level of speech development;

4 children were identified with an average level, which corresponds to 12%;

20 children, accounting for 63%, have a level below average;

Low level in 8 children, i.e. 25%.

Thus, comparing the results of the survey, the conclusion follows: children gradually begin to master the skills of descriptive speech, i.e., name signs, list qualities and actions, talk about the teacher’s questions, express their attitude to the subject being described. Although some children name only individual words, without linking them into a sentence, they have difficulty identifying signs and qualities, and answer the teacher’s questions in monosyllables. It should also be noted that 25% of children are at a low level of speech development.

Nomination: short-term projects in kindergarten in the middle group, project vegetables and fruits - healthy products.

Objective of the project: expanding the knowledge of children 4-5 years old about food (description of the product, its beneficial features, method or place of its extraction, preparation of dishes from it).

Project objectives: develop oral coherent monologue and dialogic speech of children, expand and activate children’s vocabulary, exercise children in project activities, teach children to defend their projects, encourage children and their parents to create a joint family project, develop children’s creative imagination.

Relevance of the problem: insufficient development of oral coherent monologue speech of children 4-5 years old, insufficiently developed skills and abilities of children in project activities, insufficient level of knowledge about food in children 4-5 years old.

Problem situation: lack of sufficient information in the group about a variety of food products, creation of a family project " Healthy foods nutrition."

Planned result: children’s defense (presentation) of their projects.

Enrollment of pupils: subgroup, individual.

Number of participants: all children of the group.

Duration: 1 Week.

the date of the: September 2017.

Forms of joint activities:

  1. Classes in sections " Cognitive development" and "Speech development":
  • examining food products on posters and in children's encyclopedias;
  • conversations on the topic “What foods do we know?”, “Where can I find information about food?” (from books, from adults, etc.);
  • children's stories about their favorite foods and dishes;
  • guessing riddles about food;
  • reading articles about food from children's encyclopedias.
  1. Classes in the section “Socio-communicative development”:
  • Didactic games “Fruits and vegetables” (lotto), “Divide food into groups” (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bread, etc.).
  1. Classes on the section “Artistic and aesthetic development” (consultation for parents):
  • design of the family project “Healthy Food”.
  1. Children's defense (presentation) of their projects.

Project Implementation Plan

1 day.

Teacher’s activity: formulation of the question “What food products do we know?” in front of children 4-5 years old, problem statement, conversation on the topic “Where can I find the necessary information about food? (sources); examining food products on posters and in children's encyclopedias.

Children's activities: answering a question, entering a problem situation, participating in a conversation, participating in examining a poster and children's encyclopedias.

Day 2.

Activities of the teacher: didactic game (lotto) “Fruits and vegetables”.

Children's activities: participation in didactic game.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

Day 3.

Activities of the teacher: reading articles about food in the encyclopedia, conversation on the topic “My favorite foods and dishes.”

Children's activities: listening to articles, stories about their favorite foods and dishes.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

4 day.

Teacher’s activities: didactic game “Divide food into groups” (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bread, etc.), riddles about food.

Children's activities: participation in a didactic game, guessing riddles.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

5 day.

Activities of the teacher: organizing the defense (presentation) of children’s projects “Healthy Food”, helping children defend their projects.

Children's activities: defense (presentation) of their projects.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

results short term project"Healthy food"

  • Expanding knowledge about food in children of middle group No. 3;
  • Formation of skills and abilities of children of secondary group No. 3 in project activities (development of oral coherent monologue and dialogic speech, development of the ability to speak in front of peers and listen to speakers);
  • Participation of 17 children in the presentation of their family projects on the topic “Healthy food” (17 projects).

Nomination: project activities at preschool educational institution finished projects in the middle group, project vegetables and fruits in kindergarten.

Position: teacher first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 278"
Location: Perm region, Perm city