Scallops are an excellent source of pure protein with minimal fat. The love of devouring fresh scallops is especially common in China and France. In these countries, it is customary to eat scallops while they are alive, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice adding salt and olive oil.

But it is not at all necessary to eat this seafood raw; world cuisine knows many recipes for preparing a variety of dishes involving shellfish. Scallop dishes are perfect for dietary nutrition.

The main advantage of all seafood is the low fat content in shellfish meat - per 100 g of product there is only 2 g of fat, while it contains practically no carbohydrates, the glycogen content is within 3 g for the same volume.

It turns out that including scallop dishes in the diet will help not only maintain a decent level of protein in the body, but at the same time prevent the entry of hated fats into the human body. The low calorie content of scallop dishes allows them to be used in a low-carbohydrate diet.


Shellfish meat allows you to completely absorb this useful mineral by the human body. Without iodine, it is not possible to effectively combat the symptoms of lethargy, fatigue and stress - the lack of secretion of T3 and T4, which occurs when the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, has exactly this effect, and iodine restores and strengthens it. The presence of iodine is mandatory in foods for nursing women and children.


Without a sufficient amount of magnesium in a person's diet, an imbalance of water-salt balance occurs, which can lead to seizures. Magnesium is useful for strengthening nervous system and keeping her in good shape.


Strong and healthy blood vessels can be preserved by receiving required amount this mineral. Potassium is useful for stable heart function and will help cope with metabolic disruptions in the human body. Like magnesium, potassium controls the water-salt balance, and if it is significantly deficient, edema may occur.

Vitamin B12

Scallops contain the optimal amount of vitamin B12, without which it is impossible to carry out rehabilitation after long-term protein-free diets. After giving up meat and dairy dishes, recovery with the help of seafood is more effective and safer, and the content of vitamin B12 in the body returns to normal.

The nervous system, which does not receive enough B12, begins to malfunction, which is expressed in impaired coordination, decreased pain threshold when the body is exposed to high and low temperatures. Seafood is a source of essential amino acids, which, like vitamin B12, are easily absorbed by the human body.

In children's diet

Domestic medicine does not advise consuming foods that can cause an allergic reaction in children, and seafood can be just such an irritant for a fragile child’s body. Some experts suggest that pregnant women and children should completely avoid eating seafood, but such arguments have not yet been supported by sufficient scientific research and the harm has not been proven.

How to choose shellfish

Not many people can consider themselves experts in such a matter as how to choose delicacies caught in the sea ​​depths. Fresh gifts from the ocean have no smell other than the natural sea scent of iodine-rich algae. Scallops should be on ice on the store counter.

You should choose only fresh, live shells with tightly compressed valves, otherwise you will purchase an already dead mollusk and will not receive a quality product. If you have to purchase scallops frozen, make sure they have not been thawed. Repeated procedures for freezing marine life lead to a decrease in the quality of the product. The benefit from preparing such products will not be great.

How to cook

Fresh shells are washed using a brush in running water, removing fine debris from sand and various bottom sediments. To quickly open the doors, throw the shells into boiling water for a couple of minutes. The extracted meat is washed with plain water and the product is ready for cooking.

The taste of scallops is slightly sweet and the structure of the meat is similar to shrimp. Preparing shellfish is quick and quite simple.

Before cooking, shellfish should be defrosted; it is believed that by putting frozen scallops in boiling water, you get a tasteless dish; all famous restaurateurs insist on this.

Thawed shellfish should not be eaten raw, as the Chinese or French do (they only eat fresh shells) - send the meat for heat treatment in any way.

Scallops can be boiled, fried, stewed and marinated. To obtain dietary dish It is worth paying attention to the freshness of the oil when frying in order to avoid carcinogens in fried shellfish. It is enough to keep the meat for 2-3 minutes in a well-heated frying pan with minimum quantity olive oil and an excellent dietary dish is ready.

To cook scallops, it is enough to keep them in boiling water for 6 minutes; steaming will take up to 12 minutes; baking depends on the temperature in the oven and is calculated individually. Recipes for scallop dishes can be found in abundance on the Internet.

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Scallops- These are bivalve mollusks, revered as a delicacy in cooking. They can be found on sale both peeled and with shells. Each chef has his own recipe on how to properly cook scallops. These can be Asian-style dishes, shellfish with sauce or a “heavy” side dish. You will learn what scallops taste like and how to cook scallops at home from the material below. You can also see photos scallops and find out which wines go well with this delicacy.

Northern varieties of scallops, which are caught both in the North Sea and near Sakhalin, are most delicious from January to the end of March.

The way the scallop was caught has gastronomic significance. This is almost the only bivalve mollusk that can move on its own: by quickly slamming and opening the valves, it can immediately rush half a meter away from potential danger. If they are collected from shallows with nets, they collect a lot of sand as they escape. When cooking, it is, of course, not difficult to wash off this sand, but part of the taste also goes away with it. Therefore, in the USA, say, “dive” scallops (they are labeled as such), which are collected by divers, are more valued.

There is only one region in Russia where you can buy fresh scallops without risk and without breaking the bank, and this, unfortunately, is not Moscow. We have to make do with frozen or canned ones.

There are two types of frozen ones: with water and without. Scallops are often soaked in a phosphate solution, which bleaches the meat and adds up to 30% of the weight. Therefore, it is better to buy those that say “does not contain phosphates” or “dry packed”.

What do scallops taste like and how to cook them at home

The scallop is a real delicacy, valued precisely for its richness of taste, and not for its rarity. This is a quite common product in some regions, in addition, it is well cultivated. The food used is mainly the round and dense muscle with which the mollusk closes its shell, although its orange caviar is also highly valued by chefs.

Muscle meat is dense. The taste of scallops is delicate, slightly sweet, and the main task of the cook is not to overwhelm it when cooking.

Like most seafood, scallops become rubbery when cooked for long periods of time. Therefore, before cooking scallops at home, always keep in mind that the main thing is the speed of frying. It's best to simply poach the scallops in butter, fry them breaded, or serve them raw as sashimi.

Wines for scallops

The table “Wines to go with scallops” lists scallop dishes and the types of wines that go with them.

SOAKED SCALLOPS Scallops almost unnaturally need a luxurious accompaniment. What could be better than champagne? Laurent Perrier Brut Premiere
POWERED SCALLOPS WITH A “HEAVY” SIDE DISH (beans, potatoes) An Australian chardonnay is a good choice, while a less economical option is white Burgundy. The main thing is that the wine is not overloaded with oak Plantagenet Omrah Chardonnay
SCALLOPS WITH LIGHT SAUCES Nothing brings out the delicate flavor of scallops better than a good sauvignon blanc. You can choose both Sancerre and Pouilly Fume Hubert Brochard Sancerre Vieilles Vignes
SCALLOPS WITH RICH CREAMY SAUCES White Bordeaux or white Rhone will handle the cream. But you need to find a wine that does not show the nuances imparted by aging in barriques. Vignobles Brunier Chateauneuf-du-Pape Blanc
ASIAN STYLE SCALLOPS (with ginger, coriander, hot pepper or garlic) A slightly spicy pinot gris from Trentino: it has enough acidity, but it is soft and will not “pull the blanket over itself” Colterenzio Pinot Grigio

Scallops are one of the species bivalves, which live in all the depths of the sea globe. They move through the water by clapping their shells.

Almost all subspecies of scallops are eaten, and the shells are used for decorative purposes. This is a very valuable product and is considered a delicacy. Due to the demand for mollusks, they learned to grow them on special farms. France, Indonesia and some islands in Pacific Ocean. The scallop meat itself is located in the middle of the shell and is surrounded by vital important elements(leg and mantle), which provide vital functions.

Only muscle is suitable for food. Sea scallops contain many useful vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids, which makes them valuable food product, which can bring great benefits to the body. The mollusk is consumed in many cuisines around the world, but more often in French. Prepared as appetizers, salads, and can be eaten pickled or raw. The taste is sweetish, the structure is sinewy, slightly with mucus (characteristic of seafood), the meat is very tender, up to 5 cm in diameter. Scallops are a low-calorie product, perfect for ladies who are watching their figure. In terms of calorie content, they are almost the same as mussels, oysters and octopus. In all countries they are sold fresh, frozen, and sometimes pickled.

Calorie content of scallop (100 g)

Vitamin content in scallop meat (100 g)

Vitamins Content mg ​​(µg)
A 1 mcg
IN 1 0.02 mg
AT 2 0.03 mg
AT 5 0.23 mg
AT 6 0.08 mg
AT 9 17 mcg
AT 12 1.42 mcg
RR Niacin 0.8 mg
RR NE 2.5 mg
AT 4 66 mg

Availability of macro- and microelements (100 g)

Essential and non-essential amino acids (100 g)

Amino acids Content, g
Arginine 0.66 g
Valin 0.37 g
Histidine 0.18 g
Isoleucine 0.42 g
Lysine 0.75 g
Methionine 0.30 g
Threonine 0.38 g
Tryptophan 0.2 g
Phenylalanine 0.36 g
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 0.66 g
Aspartic acid 0.93 g
Alanin 0.55 g
Glycine 1.04 g
Glutamic acid 1.5 g
Proline 0.30 g
Serin 0.37 g
Tyrosine 0.4 g
Cysteine 0.13 g

Benefits of eating scallops

  • is valuable dietary product, can facilitate the fight against overweight;
  • improves metabolism;
  • The presence of iodine, potassium and calcium in the composition of scallops are useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with soft and brittle bone tissue. Calcium in shellfish meat is completely absorbed, unlike medicinal analogues;
  • useful for lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • B vitamins will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure;
  • can overcome depression and chronic fatigue;
  • strengthens the blood vessels of the eyeball, reduces eye inflammation;
  • Iodine and phosphorus in scallops are useful for normalizing thyroid function, improving brain function, and with frequent mental stress, these elements can improve memory;
  • It contains a large amount of protein, which will help meet the body's needs (for the construction of new fibers, cells, muscle tissue) without harm to the figure. Very easily digestible and not stored as fatty tissue;
  • For men, they will be useful in cases of dysfunction of the reproductive system and reduced potency. Scallop meat has long been considered an aphrodisiac;
  • For women, this shellfish is useful as an extract of youth, strengthens nails, saturates hair with collagen, and improves skin condition. High levels of arginine will help cope with expression wrinkles, improve your general condition.

Contraindications and harm to human health

  • contraindicated if there is an excessive level of calcium in the body (with systemic consumption of scallops);
  • chronic problems with thyroid gland, before use, consult a doctor;
  • shellfish meat can accumulate harmful substances and toxins, therefore may be harmful to health. Before use, be sure to check the freshness of the product. The scallop should have a soft pink (or milky) color without any musty odors;
  • Do not forget about individual intolerance to the product.

Sea scallops are inhabitants of the depths of the ocean and because of this they are considered a delicacy in cooking. The extraction of this sea creature is carried out mainly by the French or the Chinese, for whom this ingredient is an almost integral part of many national dishes. It is for their delicate taste that many gourmets around the world love scallops.

As for the benefits of the product, it is quite difficult to overestimate it. The thing is that scallops contain a large amount of protein and not high level calorie content. It is due to this that he has the opportunity to maximally saturate the body with all the substances useful and necessary for normal life. At the same time, women who are worried about extra pounds when using this product may not even be afraid of this. We can even say that regular consumption of scallops promotes weight loss without harming the entire body.

The meat of these ocean inhabitants consists almost entirely of water. It should be noted that such meat is not just a delicacy revered in many parts of the world, but also a source of constant protein and numerous minerals.

Nutritional value of the product per 100 grams:

The protein contained in the composition is complete. Thus, it should be noted that the composition contains amino acids that a person needs so that his body can build its own protein molecules.

Initially everything beneficial features of this product are determined by its unique composition, that is, all the components it contains.

Due to its low calorie content, the product is classified as dietary. That is why many nutritionists strongly recommend consuming scallops in the diet when fighting excess weight.

Let us consider in general the main beneficial properties of scallops:

  1. Regular consumption of meat from this sea creature in the diet significantly improves the composition of blood plasma;
  2. Has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, thereby improving metabolism in the body;
  3. Eating scallop meat in the daily diet helps normalize and increase a person’s vitality;
  4. The scallop pulp itself is almost instantly absorbed by the body; it is a non-toxic product that is enriched with calcium, due to which it is often recommended for children with calcium deficiency;
  5. The meat of this sea creature in a positive way affects male potency.

In addition to all of the above, scallops significantly lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus bringing the condition of the entire body back to normal. Also content large quantity iodine allows the product to be used in nutrition in the treatment of diseases associated with iodine deficiency.

Even taking into account that such a delicacy has been known for many years, its most outcast admirers are the French. The thing is that it was in France that experienced chefs learned to make a wide variety of dishes from scallops.

But in order to prepare the dish not only correctly, but also deliciously, you must first prepare the main ingredient. That is, if you were unable to purchase fresh scallops, but still have frozen ones, you should first carry out several simple steps:

  • The product should be defrosted only at room temperature;
  • Do not use under any circumstances for heating or rapid defrosting. hot water or a microwave oven;
  • Do not open the package of scallops until they are completely defrosted.

Only after going through all these preliminary stages can you proceed directly to cooking. It should be noted that scallops must be cooked within a few minutes, because when cooked for a long time, these Marine life become tough and thereby lose all their best taste.

Basic cooking methods:

  1. Cooking process. It is necessary to place the previously prepared scallops in boiling water (add a little salt before doing this) and wait about a minute and a half. After the allotted time has passed, you need to pull it out as quickly as possible finished product of water;
  2. Roasting. Initially, you need to melt a small piece in a frying pan butter. At the moment when it is well heated, you need to carefully lay out the scallops using tongs. Carefully monitor cooking and turn over when golden brown (fry on both sides);
  3. Pickling. For proper marinating, use cinnamon, black, and red pepper. Thus, the scallops need to be dipped in the prepared mixture, put in glassware and then water it olive oil. In less than half an hour, the scallops are completely ready to eat.

Thus, the product can be used as an independent dish or as an addition to various main dishes.

Naturally, in order for the final product to be tasty and very healthy, you must first choose it correctly and, of course, know everything about proper storage.

How to choose scallops

Many years ago in Greece there were absolutely no problems with the choice of these ocean inhabitants. The thing is that it was exceptionally fresh due to its wide popularity among gourmets.

But nowadays, when there are still a lot of all kinds of goodies for gourmets and scallops have moved a little to another plane, you should learn how to choose them correctly.

Let's consider the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • dimensional parameters (the Chilean species has the smallest sizes, the Scottish ones have medium sizes, but the most large species considered to be Japanese scallops);
  • color indicators (the color must be cream or with a slight pink tint, but in no case should it be white because such a color will give a signal that the product was previously soaked to extend the shelf life);
  • smell (there should be an association with the warm sea).

Storing scallops

Due to the fact that this product is perishable, scallops are washed and placed in ice almost immediately after being removed from the shell (the product should not be placed in the freezer).

During storage, low temperatures should be maintained. temperature conditions, all because seafood is too picky and sensitive to temperature changes. That is why, after purchase, these marine inhabitants should be placed in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

In addition to all this, you can extend the shelf life of scallops by freezing them. In order to do this correctly, you should put the products in Plastic container and place it in the lower part of the refrigerator (since that is where the most low temperatures). Thus, such seafood can be stored for three months.

Unfortunately, such sea ​​inhabitants Not useful for every person. First, before use, you need to check the level of calcium in the blood. If the indicators are normal, then from consuming such seafood, as this may result in allergic reactions(kind of a side effect).

In addition to all this, there are individual indicators that indicate intolerance to the product.

That is rare cases, in which the use of scallops is contraindicated, but this is rare. In general, this product is very healthy, as it is rich in nutrients.

  1. Scallop shells have uneven valves;
  2. Marine inhabitants have the ability to move in water and at the same time create a kind of jet thrust;
  3. Scallop meat is considered a delicacy and is used in preparing a variety of dishes;
  4. Scallops are found in almost every ocean;
  5. Shells are used for decorative purposes;
  6. The average life expectancy is approximately 30 years.

Thus, scallops are not just a delicacy that many gourmets love, but very useful product, which has a positive effect on the entire human body.

Scallops live in the ocean and are considered a delicacy on our table. They are mined in large quantities the Chinese and French, for whom this delicacy is a favorite ingredient in cooking. The delicate taste of the product is known to all gourmets. They are added to salads, side dishes, stewed, pickled, fried, and added to soups.

The benefits and harms of scallops lie in the content of iodine, phosphorus, calcium, copper, and iron in their meat. An interesting fact is that the calcium contained in the product is completely absorbed, unlike medicines containing this substance. Naturally, the benefits of scallops are indispensable for people with diseases bone tissue and joints, arthritis, rheumatism, gout.

The mollusk regulates cholesterol levels thanks to the sterol it contains; it is useful for heart diseases. And vitamin B12, which is part of it, prevents depression and improves mood.

The benefits of scallops are known in nutrition, and it is difficult to overestimate them. Shellfish are high in protein and at the same time low in calories. This allows you, without harm to your health, to replenish your body with a large supply of minerals, polyunsaturated acids and almost the entire multivitamin complex without fear for your figure. In just a few months of regular use, it can turn a woman into a slender beauty.

The benefits of scallops are also known for men. Shellfish help increase sexual desire, regulate reproductive function, and can relieve impotence. Seafood has long been known as an excellent aphrodisiac.

Scallops can be harmful if a person has an excess of calcium in the body. Very rare– an allergy to the product, but there are still people who cannot eat it.

Scallops can be harmful if their storage conditions are violated; they are very “capricious” and quickly deteriorate. Don't defrost too often. If they have expired, eating such food can cause serious poisoning.

You can determine whether scallops will be harmful by their appearance. They should not be stained, blue or unpleasant odor. There is some unpleasant feature of shellfish for humans - this is the ability to accumulate toxins, which, when entering our body, can cause poisoning.