To the question What are male squirrels called? given by the author bravery the best answer is little squirrel!
if small.
"male squirrel" or "male squirrel" when the baby squirrel has grown up...
The squirrel animal itself is not named by gender.
But in Latin, Squirrel is a universal term that does not have a gender characteristic, a family of squirrels.
but to differentiate, American-speaking people say Squirrel-boy or Squirrel-girl

Answer from Flush[guru]

Answer from Margaritka[expert]
Male squirrel.

Answer from Elizabeth[expert]

Answer from Rhinoceros[guru]

Answer from Lena Shcherbakova[guru]
Male squirrel :)

Answer from Omelia[guru]

Answer from Bezsovisti[guru]

Answer from Galina Alexandrova[guru]
...just like flies. She's a fly, and he's a fucking fly!!!

Answer from Mickey Mouse[active]
Ratbel Scratt))) (Lidnikovy pyriol 3)

Answer from Olechka[active]
Maybe the female is a female squirrel, and the male is a squirrel?

Answer from Enik[guru]

Answer from SPIDER[newbie]
She's a squirrel in Africa too!

Answer from Sunny[guru]
Male squirrel!))

Answer from Anatoly (Dj YASU@R)[guru]
SQUIRRELS (Sciurus, Linnaes), a genus of rodents of the squirrel family; includes about 29 species living in the forests of Eurasia, North America and northern South America. IN different parts Squirrels look different across their range. The body length of adult animals is 20-30 cm, weight from 200 g to a kilogram. The tail is long, bushy, the ears are large, and in many species they are decorated with tassels. Fur coloring different squirrels V different seasons may be different shades of red and gray and even almost black. There are two main species in Russia: common squirrel, or wecksha (Sciurus vulgaris), and the Caucasian, or Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus), living in forests North Caucasus. The Polesie subspecies of vekshi, distinguished by a special reddish tint of fur, has been migrating to Russia since the late 1960s and displacing local squirrels with a reddish tint of fur coat and more valuable fur. They cross easily, and reddish shades of color predominate in the offspring. In nature, squirrels make their nests in hollow trees, sometimes on the branches of pine and spruce trees. The nest of squirrels (gayno) is spherical in shape, with a side entrance, made of small branches and bast. The animals obtain food in trees and on the ground. Their diet includes sweet berries, mushrooms, nuts, acorns, seeds coniferous trees, their buds (“pine fingers”). They do not disdain insects and bird eggs. Peak activity occurs in the morning and evening hours. They don’t go to sleep for the winter and make provisions. The male and female live separately, and the female strictly guards her territory. The rutting period for females, starting from 2-3 years of age, occurs twice a year: in February - March and June - July. Estrus lasts 2 weeks. Mating games begin with courtship and joint runs through the trees. After several days of living together in the nest, the female drives the male away. When kept in captivity, the cages of males and females are united by a common corridor. The duration of pregnancy is 35-40 days. The brood consists of 3-4 squirrels, completely helpless, naked and blind. The fur grows from 14 days, the eyes open at 30-32 days. Squirrels are devoted mothers. They are fed milk for up to 1.5 months. At 6 weeks, the cubs venture on their first trip outside the nest; by 11 months, the cubs are independent and must be separated from their mother. They reach sexual maturity at 8-12 months. In nature, squirrels, despite the fact that they themselves practically do not get sick, are carriers of dangerous infections - encephalitis, tularemia, erysipelas. In captivity, squirrels live an average of 5 years. A number of species are characterized by long-distance migrations, for which the animals unite in large groups(front length 100-300 km). When moving at a speed of 3-4 km per hour, many individuals die. When moving, the squirrels speed up water obstacles, they even go into the tundra. Veksha in Russia is an object of the fur trade. In the old days, its skin served as a monetary unit in Rus'.

Almost every person has an idea of ​​what a squirrel looks like. This animal can easily be seen while walking through the forest. However, if you ask what a male squirrel is called, most people will find it difficult to answer. And that's what it's called. Let's get to know this animal in more detail.


A small rodent of the squirrel family. Most spends its life in trees. The most notable in appearance are the long fluffy tail, big ears with tassels and a beautiful fluffy fur coat. The paws have long, sharp claws for climbing trees.

The body length varies from 20 to 30 centimeters, while the tail length is 10-17 centimeters. The weight is also small - 250-350 grams.

The color of the animal is influenced by its habitat and time of year. IN coniferous forests animals with darker fur live. Here you can find a forest squirrel with a completely black color.

IN deciduous forests Squirrels have a reddish-red coat. In summer, the fur has more reddish-brown shades, and in winter - gray. Moreover, regardless of the habitat, the fur on the abdomen of any squirrel is always light.


The habitat of this furry rodent is a vast area. They are found in all forest areas starting from the coast Atlantic Ocean and ending with Kamchatka. They also live on Sakhalin and the island of Hokkaido.

The squirrel is a tree dweller. It prefers to settle on coniferous trees, but is found in any forest. In general, there should be enough food in places where squirrels live. If the year is rich in cedar and spruce cones, then the animal settles in cedar and spruce forests.

When the yield of coniferous tree seeds is low, the animal can actively search for mushrooms, which pine forests always more. By the way, this furry animal often lives in city parks, as well as in the attics and attics of human houses.

Lifestyle and habits

Most of the life of these rodents is spent high in the trees, but they also have to descend to the ground. To move on the ground they use jumps, the length of which reaches 1 meter.

Living in trees, this animal can jump perfectly. One of the functions of the bushy tail is as a steering wheel when jumping from tree to tree.

In warm weather, during the day she tirelessly collects food, occasionally basking motionless in the sun. From some of the food found, it makes provisions for the future, including for the winter.

When snow makes movement difficult, the animal climbs into its nest and waits out unfavourable conditions in a half-asleep state. Leads a daily lifestyle. When nocturnal predators go hunting, she goes to sleep in a hollow or nest.

He makes the nest himself, but how squirrels make a hollow will be discussed in more detail below.

When next to a person, he can beg for something tasty, and he can do it in an impudent manner. It looks very funny, and people, as a rule, like such arrogance. He also willingly checks human-made bird feeders.

Every year, from late summer to early autumn, these animals begin to migrate in search of food, which is no longer sufficient in the old places. Travels alone, without forming large aggregations.


Most people believe that it is exclusively a herbivore. Indeed, the most favorite delicacy is the seeds of cedar, spruce, and larch cones. The forest squirrel also eats berries, mushrooms, roots and other plant foods.

However, when there is a shortage of food, as well as during reproduction, larvae, insects, small amphibians and even eggs and small chicks are added to the diet.



Spending most of their lives on trees, these animals build nests for themselves. They are built in the form of a ball from flexible twigs. The inside of such dwellings is insulated with moss and the animals’ own hair.

Will a person who is not specifically interested accidentally hear the name of a squirrel’s nest? There are few chances. Gaino is the name of not only a squirrel’s nest, but also the nests of other animals.

It can build a tree either in a hollow or in a fork of a tree between thick branches at a height of 5-17 meters. In addition to the main entrance, a small emergency entrance must be built from the side of the trunk to escape from uninvited guests.

The male squirrel does not build a nest. He occupies abandoned squirrel nests or completes abandoned bird nests.

Where do squirrels live in winter? In winter, they live in insulated nests, which are often built in hollows. During wintering, one squirrel nest can be occupied by 3-6 individuals. Having carefully plugged the entrance with moss, the animals try to warm each other. A fluffy tail also helps to stay warm during winter.

During severe frosts, the temperature inside the nest where the squirrels sleep can reach 15-20 degrees, so they are in no hurry to leave it until it warms up.


The animal prepares in advance for a warm and satisfying winter. Knows how to choose food that will not spoil all winter. Hollow trees are often used as storage areas. It can also hide food underground between tree roots.

Having made the necessary food reserves, the squirrel forgets about them. She will later discover most of them by chance when inspecting suitable places. It happens that she comes across supplies of other animals: mice or chipmunks. From reserves that are not found by either the squirrel or other animals, new trees can grow.


They reproduce 2-3 times a year. Mating season begins in late February - early March. Males begin to constantly fight among themselves. 5-6 males run after one female. As a result, she chooses the strongest one to mate.

Immediately after the squirrels mate, the female spends 4-5 days building a nest for the offspring with greater accuracy. This nest is larger than usual. The squirrel's pregnancy lasts for 40 days.

Then blind, deaf and naked cubs are born. Their number varies from 3 to 10. When squirrels have baby squirrels, the female takes all care of them.

After 14 days, the baby squirrels are covered with fur, and after a month they become sighted. After another month and a half, the young individuals become independent. After about 13 weeks, the squirrel has her next litter.

With very high fertility, only one to four individuals remain from each litter after a year. The reason is such enemies of squirrels as birds of prey and animals of the mustelid family. Moreover, hunting a squirrel that has not fully matured often turns out to be successful.

How many years do squirrels live in captivity when they are protected from their natural enemies? IN favorable conditions A squirrel can live 10-12 years.

In conditions wildlife, where the animal can die and from various diseases, the life expectancy of a squirrel is on average 3-4 years.

Value for hunters

For hunters, the main value is the skin of the squirrel, although its meat is also consumed as food. In order not to spoil the skin, they try to shoot the squirrel in the head. Squirrel hunting can be done with or without a dog.


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Squirrel (lat. Sciurus) is a mammal from the order of rodents, the squirrel family. This article describes this family.

Squirrel: description and photo

The common squirrel has a long body, a bushy tail and long ears. Squirrel ears are large and elongated, sometimes with tufts at the end. The paws are strong, with strong and sharp claws. Thanks to their strong paws, rodents can climb trees so easily.

An adult squirrel has a large tail, which makes up 2/3 of its entire body and serves as its “rudder” in flight. She catches air currents with it and balances. Squirrels also use their tails to cover themselves when they sleep. When choosing a partner, one of the main criteria is the tail. These animals are very attentive to this part of their body; it is the squirrel’s tail that is an indicator of its health.

The size of an average squirrel is 20-31 cm. Giant squirrels are about 50 cm in size, with the length of the tail being equal to the length of the body. The smallest squirrel, the mouse, has a body length of only 6-7.5 cm.

The squirrel's coat is different in winter and summer, since this animal sheds twice a year. In winter, the fur is fluffy and dense, and in summer it is short and sparse. The color of the squirrel is not the same; it can be dark brown, almost black, red and gray with a white belly. In summer, squirrels are mostly red, and in winter their coats turn bluish-gray.

Red squirrels have brown or olive-red fur. In summer, a black longitudinal stripe appears on their sides, separating the belly and back. The fur on the tummy and around the eyes is light.

Flying squirrels have membranes of skin on the sides of their bodies, between the wrists and ankles, which allow them to glide.

Dwarf squirrels have gray or brown fur on their backs and light fur on their bellies.

Types of squirrels, names and photos

The squirrel family includes 48 genera, which consist of 280 species. Below are some members of the family:

  • Common flying squirrel;
  • White squirrel;
  • Mouse squirrel;
  • Common squirrel or wecksha - sole representative a kind of squirrel on the territory of Russia.

The smallest is the mouse squirrel. Its length is only 6-7.5 cm, while the length of the tail reaches 5 cm.

Where does the squirrel live?

The squirrel is an animal that lives on all continents except Australia, Madagascar, the polar territories, southern South America and northwestern Africa. Squirrels live in Europe from Ireland to Scandinavia, in most of the CIS countries, in Asia Minor, partly in Syria and Iran, and in Northern China. These animals also inhabit the Northern and South America, islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
The squirrel lives in various forests: from northern to tropical. Spends most of its life in trees, excellent at climbing and jumping from branch to branch. Squirrel traces can also be found near bodies of water. These rodents also live close to humans near arable land and in parks.

What do squirrels eat?

Basically, the squirrel feeds on nuts, acorns, and seeds of coniferous trees: larch, fir. The squirrel's diet includes mushrooms and various grains. Except plant food it can feed on various beetles and bird chicks. In case of crop failure and in early spring the squirrel eats buds on trees, lichens, berries, the bark of young shoots, rhizomes and herbaceous plants.

Squirrel in winter. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

When a squirrel prepares for winter, it makes a lot of shelters for its supplies. She collects acorns, nuts and mushrooms, and can hide food in hollows, burrows or dig holes on her own. Many squirrels' winter reserves are stolen by other animals. And squirrels simply forget about some hiding places. The animal helps restore the forest after a fire and increases the number of new trees. It is because of the forgetfulness of squirrels that hidden nuts and seeds germinate and form new plantings. In winter, the squirrel does not sleep, having prepared a supply of food in the fall. During frosts, she sits in her hollow, half asleep. If the frost is mild, the squirrel is active: it can steal caches, chipmunks and nutcrackers, finding prey even under a one and a half meter layer of snow.

Squirrel in spring

Early spring is the most unfavorable time for squirrels, as during this period the animals have practically nothing to eat. The stored seeds are beginning to germinate, but new ones have not yet appeared. Therefore, squirrels can only feed on the buds on trees and gnaw on the bones of animals that died during the winter. Squirrels living near humans often visit bird feeders in the hope of finding seeds and grains there. In the spring, squirrels begin to molt, this happens in mid-late March, and molting ends at the end of May. Also in the spring, squirrels begin mating games.