The pure species is known as European or forest beech. European beech is an impressively sized tree that is suitable for growing in large park gardens.

Tall varieties of European beech include varieties such as 'Atropunicea', which has black and red leaves that form a decorative summer canopy. "Cuprea" with beautiful copper leaves and "Laciniata" with strongly dissected pinnate leaves various shapes. Lower-growing varieties of European beech are represented by the following varieties: "Dawyck" with a columnar crown, reaching a height of 20 meters, a variety of pure beech is represented by the variety @Pendula" with an elegant weeping crown. More miniature, reaching a height of 10-15 meters, the black-red variety “Purupurea Pendula” has a mushroom-shaped crown. The variety "Asplenifolia" with fern-like, deeply dissected, dark green leaves reaches no more than 15 meters in height. “Tortuosa” has a particularly picturesque appearance with serpentine, winding branches. The most vibrant purple leaves are found on the 'Riversii' tree.

European beech should be planted in open areas where it can reveal itself in all its glory. The beech lives for a very long time and dictates conditions to later garden settlers. Tall solitaire trees look great on lawns, while maintaining decorative form crowns In small areas you can grow small weeping beeches, which are very picturesque. Beeches can be planted in small groups at the boundaries of plots. Under conditions of mutual shading, the lower branches of the trees will gradually die back, revealing smooth gray trunks. A hedge made of European beech trees provides excellent protection from wind and prying eyes. In addition, it is very interesting to watch how she changes her appearance over time and the changing seasons.

I do not recommend planting any plants under European beech with a heart-shaped root system and numerous superficial roots. In addition, it does not tolerate compaction of the surface layer of soil, so you should not make paths or create resting areas near it. A powerful and majestic single beech looks good on a well-groomed lawn. Single European beech It has an outstretched low crown, its branches almost touching the ground. If you have space in the garden, plant coniferous or deciduous trees behind the European beech - they will make a magnificent backdrop. Only a few herbs can grow in the shade of the dense beech canopy. Shade-loving plants, for example, common ivy, cover the soil with a thick carpet, feel good here.

Before planting, remove the seedling from the container and place it in a bucket of water. We dig a hole twice the size of the seedling's earthen ball. Loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole. Remove the seedling from the bucket, shake off excess soil and untangle any matted roots. We place the tree in the hole at the same depth as it grew in the container. Mix the excavated soil with compost. Fill the hole with enriched soil. Add a little beech leaf humus. We compact the surface tightly. We form a circle around the trunk. Water the seedling well. Apply a thin layer of mulch. The thin bark of young trees can be damaged by the sun. The trunk can be protected from burns by wrapping it in jute.

in autumn favorable time for landing. Fallen beech leaves decompose very slowly and should not be disposed of large quantities put into compost. They can be used as mulch. Spring is a favorable time for planting. Some trees have a beautiful natural crown and do not need pruning. In summer, we water young trees abundantly during the June and July drought. We mulch the tree trunk circles. Twice - at the end of June and at the end of August - trim the shape of the hedges.

Thanks to its beautiful foliage and decorative bark, the beech tree is beautiful at any time of the year, creating a dense canopy of leaves. To summarize, we can say that European beech has bright autumn leaf color, is an unpretentious tree, and also has decorative bark and edible nuts. The planting site should be sunny or partial shade, but the soil should be permeable and fertile. When composing compositions, we maintain a distance between seedlings of 5-20 meters, and remember that beech reaches 10-30 meters in height.

From point of view magical properties The beech tree was not noticed, but you can recharge your energy from it; the beech tree has the properties of trust and serenity. Beech has the ability to repel enemies, and the antiseptic properties of creosote - resin. If we want to become as strong as the beech tree, we need to get in touch with the source inner strength capable of solving any problems and radiating calm and confidence, but more on that in another section. Good luck to you.

The beech tree requires a significant amount of space so that viewers can feel its power and beauty. Beech is valued not only for its expressive habit, but also for the elegant color of its foliage: in variegated forms it is purple and does not fall off most winter.

  • Height: from 6 to 40 m
  • Width: from 6 to 20 m
  • Classification by foliage type: deciduous tree
  • Frost resistance: quite thermophilic, tolerates short drops in temperature down to -20 ° C
  • Soil: Regular garden soil, moist, preferably loamy. Does not tolerate salinity
  • Cultivation method: to create powerful groups and arrays, in solitary plantings in open areas. Forms beautiful clipped hedges and walls
  • Pruning period: autumn


Prepare a planting hole in advance (1 x 1 m). The optimal soil for planting is peat compost, turf soil, peat and sand, ratio 2:2:1:1. When planting, 100 g of phosphorus and 50 g of potassium are added to the hole. A drainage system is required. Loosen the soil at the bottom, install the support, slightly shifting it relative to the center of the planting hole, then place the seedling strictly in the center. Secure the seedling to the support.


Formative pruning

Make sure that the tree trunk always remains level - for this it must be constantly tied to a vertical support, the fastening must be adjusted. Remove any shoots that may compete with the main trunk.

Remove or cut lateral branches directed horizontally from the trunk to two-thirds of their length.

Sanitary pruning

When the crown is formed, all that remains is to regularly remove all dead and dried branches, as well as shoots that begin to grow in an undesirable direction. Do not forget to treat large cuts with garden varnish to avoid fungal infection.


Propagation by seeds

Seeds require stratification - keep the seeds in a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator before planting. Sow in a mini-greenhouse in February, keep the pots with seeds at a temperature of at least 15 °C.

Propagation by cuttings

Budding using the “under the bark” technique is carried out in the spring, using a shoot grown from a seed. You can graft “into the cleft.”

Care and agricultural technology

Beech tolerates drought extremely poorly - provide the seedling with plenty of water, especially in the first years after transplantation. Slow tree growth can be accelerated if you regularly add complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous trees and shrubs to the soil. Beech often suffers from fungal diseases - do not forget to treat trees with fungicides and insecticides annually for preventive purposes.

Any living organism has its own energy and the ability to influence another living organism nearby. The connection between man and tree is one of the strongest. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors, who had to survive in symbiosis with nature itself, were firmly convinced of the power of green giants. Trees were considered sacred, they were worshiped, they were asked for help.

Just like people, tree species differ in character and properties. Some fill with strength, others protect, others calm. In order to correctly or talisman, you should know which type of wood will help solve your problems better and faster than others.

In this article we will tell you about the wonderful abilities of such a breed as beech. It is believed that what older tree, the stronger its energy and impact on humans. Beech trees are long-lived, some exceed 400 years. For such long life The beech tree is recognized as a symbol of ancient knowledge passed down from generation to generation.

Beech tree - its magical properties

Having with you a piece of jewelry, or simply any product made from this wood, you will soon feel its properties in magic, which have an impact in such areas as:

  • Obtaining and accumulating knowledge. For centuries, this tree has absorbed the wisdom and ritual spells of its ancestors. It will help you systematize your existing knowledge and set you up to acquire new ones, acting as a kind of guide from the past to the future;
  • Expanding your horizons. Beech will awaken your natural curiosity and desire for new discoveries. To satisfy your curiosity, you will expand your circle of acquaintances and make interesting connections;
  • Loyalty to others. The energy of beech wood has a beneficial effect on emotionality, muting negative reactions such as anger, rage, resentment, and irritation. Beech will help you become more tolerant of the people around you;
  • The ability to concentrate on the main thing. Many of us have been in a situation where there are a lot of different things to do and our heads are spinning - where to start, what is more important, what can wait. The beech also copes with this task - it will relieve nervous tension, calm the mind, and you will be able to properly distribute time, highlighting priority matters that no longer require delay;
  • Ability to achieve goals. The beech tree is a symbol of honor and victory. It will tirelessly promote your progress towards your goal. Feeling such powerful support, victory will definitely be yours.

Beech and its healing energy

In addition to esoteric abilities, this wood has beneficial physical effects on the body:

  • Beech fiber is a powerful antiseptic and helps with various types skin diseases, including promoting rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and cleansing purulent wounds;
  • Puts things in order respiratory system, facilitates processes in patients with bronchial asthma;
  • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle, helps with arrhythmia, reduces dizziness with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Calms and normalizes nervous system, increases the body's resistance to stress.

Beech is a tree that will get rid of chaos and everything unnecessary; it will bring balance and stability to your life.

Beech – deciduous tree, belonging to the Beech family. The distribution area of ​​the species is delineated temperate zone Europe, Asia and North America. European beech represents huge populations in the territory modern Europe, often grown for urban landscaping in park areas. The plant can be found high in the mountains; forest beech develops well at an altitude of up to 2300 m above sea level. The beech tree is not only hardy, it dominates forests over deciduous representatives of other species.

A deciduous tree can grow and develop in one place for several centuries.

Distributed on different continents beech forests from different types trees. Beech can be found on the European continent, B. macrophylla is more common in North America. Beech trees are endemic to China and Japan, the Chinese variety of the tree is B. Englera, in Japan there are two species - B. Japanese blue and B. jagged.

A beech tree often reaches a height of up to 30 m, the girth of the trunk can exceed 2 m. An adult growing beech is a giant tree, its trunks, gray in color, are covered with smooth bark. Almost to the very top with a powerful crown, beech stems have no branches. This tree has such a dense crown that the lower branches are never illuminated by the sun, and therefore the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. This is why the lower branches gradually die off, leaving the beech trunk bare.

Beech leaves have the shape of an oblong oval, the edges are often decorated with serrations or frequent teeth. The length of the leaves ranges from 5 to 15 cm, the width often reaches up to 10 cm. The leaves fall off in winter.

Beech giants bloom in spring; the color is loose catkins that emerge from the buds simultaneously with the leaves. Pollination of flowers occurs with the help of wind, and fruiting may occur late. Single strong specimens bear fruit after 20-40 years, in group plantings - by 60 years.

The beech tree is a long-liver; some individuals reach a respectable age of 400 years or more.

What does beech fruit look like?

The beech harvest is ripening in boxes.

Beech fruits are similar to a triangular acorn measuring up to 15 mm. Beech nuts are covered with a hard wooden shell; the seeds ripen in 2-4 pieces in a common nest box. Fresh beech fruits are suitable for propagation of the crop.


Beech is widely cultivated in Russia, which is planted for landscaping urban areas and is also used to form figured hedges. The culture is often included in group park plantings when creating a green landscape. Dense foliage makes this crop most suitable for planting in areas where industrial enterprises are located.

Where beech grows, the soils are protected from erosion, siltation and flooding. Branched root system Beech trees help to increase soil fertility, saturating the soil layer with organic matter and inorganic compounds.

Beech wood is valuable for the furniture industry; curved parts of Viennese chairs, curly backs of sofas and other products are made from it. Beech wood is used to make musical instruments, plywood, parquet boards, and finishing veneer. Processing of beech raw materials is used in the production of alcohol and beer.

Beech wood takes on a unique pink color over time, but is only allowed to be used indoors.

Growing beech in open ground

Planting beech tree into the garden, it is useful to remember that a plant can live in one place for centuries, requiring more and more free space around the trunk every year. Beeches can grow well in partial shade and full sun, but for favorable growth it is necessary to choose places protected from the wind for planting.

In the southern regions, the crop does not feel well in the summer heat; it is useful to frequently water the beeches and spray the crown.

The tree is undemanding to soil, but it is necessary to allocate the most humid area with fertile soil. The crop reacts negatively to soil salinity and prefers fertile loams with the addition of lime.


Spring flowering of beech tree.

Beeches are sensitive to changes in temperature; the tree feels depressed when the air temperature drops below -5C. IN northern regions This crop should not be planted for cultivation in open ground. Considering that the tree reaches a considerable height, it is unrealistic to provide shelter for the trunk for the winter, therefore middle lane Beech trees should not be grown.

After planting beech seedlings in open ground It is necessary to provide young trees with regular watering and spraying. To reduce the growth of weeds and the evaporation of moisture from the tree trunk, it is worth mulching the soil under the planted trees.

Fertilizer for trees hardwood introduced into tree trunk circles in early spring and late autumn.


Autumn beech forest.

To propagate beech, you can use basal shoots, which form in abundance near the stumps of felled trees 2-3 years after felling. The shoots are separated with part of the roots, after which the young tree is planted on permanent place in a hole with good fertile soil. The dimensions of the planting hole must correspond to the size of the roots. After planting, the tree is watered abundantly. In the first years after planting, young beeches grow very difficult, reaching greatest height by age 50.

Beech nuts ripen on mature trees that have already reached the age of 60-80 years. They can be planted in greenhouses in light fertile soil in the spring. Sometimes root growths form on nuts when stored in a damp room. It is very important to plant beech seeds in the ground in time, before the root seedlings dry out. You can speed up the germination of beech nuts by soaking them in stimulating solutions (Epin, Gumate, Zircon, aloe juice).

Young seedlings should be shaded from the burning summer sun, provide the plants with uniform, abundant watering, when grown in separate pots, strictly monitor the increase in the volume of the container as the roots grow.

It is difficult to describe the magnificence of a mature beech tree, because such power and beauty of luxurious foliage make for a spectacular foliage plant Among other inhabitants of the park area, beeches are especially beautiful in the fall, when the leaves are painted in all the colors of the fiery yellow palette.

What does a beech tree look like?

Beech (European), translated as Fagus sylvatica, the plant is a monoecious tree, the height of which varies from twenty to forty centimeters. Its crown is highly elevated and ovoid, and its trunk is columnar, covered with rather smooth gray bark.

The leaves are entire, short-petiolate, alternate, they have an ovoid or elliptical shape, ciliated along the edges, they are dark green on top, shiny, and slightly lighter below.

The flowers are unisexual, with male flowers arranged in multi-flowered capitate inflorescences, and female flowers collected in groups of two or four. The fruit is in the form of a nut, its ripening occurs in September and October. The plant blooms from late April to May.

Where does beech grow?

In our country, wild beech is found in the Kaliningrad region, as well as in Ukraine, namely in Transcarpathia and Subcarpathia. The plant forms forested areas pure or mixed character.

Part used

Parts used include wood and nuts. The purified kernel contains fatty oils, nitrogenous and tannins, starch, sugars, fiber, tocopherol, and organic acids such as malic and citric. They contain ash, an alkaloid called fagin, which is destroyed when heated.

It is worth saying that the alkaloid fagin is considered toxic substance, and if you consume raw nuts excessively, this can lead to headaches, gastritis, and inflammation of the small intestine. Therefore, you should carefully handle these fruits.

Tar contains the substance creosote, which is a mixture of phenols such as guaiacol and cresol, as well as xylenol, ethylphenols, methylcresol, and many other homologues.

Growing and Reproduction

How medicinal plant Forest beech grows quite slowly, it is very heat-loving and shade-tolerant, demanding of soil moisture, and does not tolerate dry times, prefers to grow on calcareous soils.

This powerful tree lives for a long time, up to 500 years. Its frost resistance is quite low. It requires a protected, preferably warm place, southern areas are preferred for growth, otherwise it may freeze.

This tree propagates by seeds, as well as layering and cuttings. European beech is used to create massifs and powerful groups in parks, as well as in single plantings. It makes excellent hedges that can be trimmed and shaped different shapes. This plant has been in cultivation for a very long time.

This plant combines well with other trees, for example, with white fir, pine, spruce, hemlock, juniper, yew, sycamore, rowan, oak, birch, hazel, and other representatives of the flora.

Beech is often planted for decorative purposes because it lends itself well to shaping and is easy to trim. These trees are used to create a variety of shaped shapes and are well suited for tall hedges.

Collection and preparation

In order to harvest wood, it is necessary to carefully cut off part of it with a sharp object; this process is usually carried out in September and October. Then it is cut into smaller pieces and placed to dry in a ventilated place, this can be a regular shed.

The wood must be turned over periodically, this will save it from becoming damp and prevent it from becoming moldy. When the raw materials are completely dry, they are laid out in paper bags, which are stored in a dry, ventilated area.

As for harvesting nuts, it is customary to collect them at the end of September or at the beginning of October, at which time they reach maximum maturity. They are laid out in a thin layer on a tray, which is placed in a ventilated place, preferably where children do not have access, since the fruits contain a poisonous alkaloid.

In this case, it is recommended to periodically turn the raw material over to ensure quick and high-quality drying. When the nuts are dry, they are carefully packed in bags made of natural fabric, which are placed in a room with good ventilation.


The substance creosote, which is present in this plant, is used as an external remedy, since it has a cauterizing and disinfecting effect, and is also used for inhalation for chronic diseases respiratory tract, for example, with bronchitis.

Creosote has a rather unpleasant specific odor and taste, and this substance also irritates the stomach and negatively affects the kidneys, so it is often replaced with guaiacol or its preparations.

From fruits forest beech obtain fatty oil, which is used in Food Industry. Flour is prepared from the seeds of this plant, which is used in baking.

These seeds are also subjected to minor heat treatment in the form of roasting, and are used to prepare a coffee drink that has dietary properties.


In the plantings, European beech forms a majestic colonnade, where darkness, peace and quiet reign. When placed alone, this powerful tree forms a spreading and rather dense tent, thanks to its outstretched branches and impenetrable crown, through which even the southern rays of the sun cannot penetrate.