Is the snow blowing, is the sun shining brightly, painting the sparkling sparks of snow in all the colors of the rainbow, and is it winter outside, despite calendar spring

In past years, when the Volga was not yet so polluted and poisoned by all kinds of chemicals, the water in the river froze to a considerable depth, withstanding not only crowds of people, but also heavy trucks. Even herds of elephants and bison released onto the ice at the same time would not break it. Every weekend people - some on skis, some on foot - moved like an avalanche towards the embankment. Some went to the other side of the river and walked in the forest, others only got to the sand spit where the willow grew.

Our ancestors believed that if you go into the deepest part of the forest, where the rays of the sun do not penetrate even on the clearest day, find a willow there and make a pipe out of it, then its sound could amuse any princess Nesmeyana.

Our ancestors also attributed their illness to the willow tree. To do this, the sufferer girded himself with a straw belt, and then late in the evening, hiding from human eyes, he went to a young willow tree and girded it with the straw belt he had taken off.

The willow consecrated in the church is kept until the next Palm Sunday as protection against evil spirits and diseases.

Many folk signs are also associated with willow. During the plowing season they looked: “If there are thick lambs at the top of the willow, then the first sowing will yield good harvest, and if there are thick lambs at the bottom of the willow, then the last sowing will be better than the first.”

But, probably, most of all, grateful people love the willow because it awakens spring in their souls and fills them with joy, despite the snow and morning frosts. After all, if the willow has blossomed, then soon the grunting old lady winter will throw her modest bundle over her shoulders and go to distant lands, and a young and beautiful Spring will come to us! And the willow is the first to tell us about this.

Willow is a common inhabitant of Russian soil and a sacred tree of Christians. It has long become a symbol of spring and the holiday of Palm Sunday. The tree means the approach of Easter.

Ancient ancestors endowed willow magical properties and pinned their hopes and prayers on her. They believed that it gave health. The willow tree was asked to pacify fire and storm, give a child and endow it with eloquence. For the first time in the year, the cattle were driven out to pasture after being blessed with willow. Willow branches protected the house from lightning and protected the crops from rodents. Bath brooms were knitted from twigs and babies were bathed in a decoction of the shoots. Willow is actively used in folk medicine.

The pussy willow (Salix) in the photo belongs to the willow family. It is also called willow, willow, weeping or goat willow, molokita, belotal. Has an extraordinary vitality and quickly takes root. Willow is not at all picky about the soil and place of growth. It is found in ravines, fields, along roads and along the banks of reservoirs. The dense crown of a tall tree (25-30 m) is formed by strong red-brown branches with little flexibility. The young plant is a shrub. The shoots are covered with rounded leaves. White willow blossoms in early spring snow-white, oblong buds with pubescence.

history of the holiday

Palm Sunday is one of the most important holidays for Christians. It is considered a symbol of the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah. Willow branches became an attribute of the holiday, which are consecrated during worship, and then decorated with icons and windows of one’s home.

The holiday is associated with the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This happened shortly after the famous resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany. The news of this event quickly spread throughout the nearby villages. Jesus appeared in the city on a donkey, as a messenger of peace, along with a retinue of apostles. The Jewish people recognized Christ as the Messiah who came to deliver them from slavery, sin and death. The entire path of Christ was strewn with palm branches and flowers, and residents laid clothes at his feet.

In memory of this event, palm branches are consecrated in Orthodox churches on Palm Sunday, which symbolize those with which Christ was greeted. For Slavic peoples they were replaced by the white willow, which grows in their climate. She is the first to bloom and give shoots. The holiday was named after the willow branches used in worship.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On Palm Sunday in Orthodox cathedrals Festive services are held with the blessing of palm branches.

The celebration begins the evening before, when believers come to church for an all-night vigil. During the service, the priest reads Psalm 50 and the Gospel. Parishioners hold candles and willow branches until the end of the service, when the willow is sprinkled with holy water. The consecration of the willow also takes place on Sunday, during the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

On the eve of the holiday you need to prepare twigs. You need white willow trees where there are no broken or withered branches, hollows or damage to the trunk. Branches are cut from young trees. It is not recommended to use trees near water bodies and cemeteries for harvesting. According to legends, there may be evil spirits on them.

Traditionally, families whip children and adults with branches with the sentence: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” Carrying out a ritual can protect against the evil eye and evil spirits. Newlyweds were also lashed with willow sprinkled for the holiday. young girls so that they give birth to more healthy children.

Blessed branches are placed in the corner near the icons and stored until the next holiday, believing that they will protect against misfortunes. Then they are burned or thrown into a pond, but in no case are they thrown out or trampled underfoot.

On this holiday, traditional healers go to harvest willow buds. It is believed that the prepared infusions help preserve male strength and conceive a child in women.
Housewives store willow buds to add to pies. Such baked goods will protect household members from various diseases.

Girls practice love spells on future betrotheds. For this purpose they use gypsy magic. You need to break several branches from the willow and tie them with red thread. At the same time, they make a wish for the groom and store the bunch under the images. It is forbidden to throw away the bundle, because this way you can ruin your life and the young man.

In some areas there is a long-standing tradition of holding fairs and bazaars on Sunday. They organize festivities with entertainment for children and adults, and unusual treats. Folk craftsmen also participate. They sell handicraft goods and cherubs, which are willow branches decorated with angel figures.

Signs and beliefs

The holiday is endowed with a mystical aura. On this day, they predicted the harvest, performed rituals for healing, attracting good luck and prosperity. Here are some of them:

Medicinal properties

Young shoots of willow and bark are endowed with medicinal properties. The bark contains tannins, pectins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and vitamins, glycosides, trace elements and salicin, which acts as an antibiotic.

Willow has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves fever and calms the nerves. Effectively stops bleeding. It is a good diuretic and choleretic agent. Disinfects wounds and accelerates their healing.

  • For colds and headaches
  • As an expectorant for coughs
  • For the treatment of gout, osteochondrosis and rheumatism
  • For diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice and malaria
  • In case of arrhythmia and inflammation in the oral cavity
  • For inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs and Bladder
  • For the treatment of varicose veins and combating sweating of the extremities
  • Used externally for ulcers and eczema

Bark is removed from trees older than 6 years in early spring. Plates 1-4 mm thick are crushed and dried in the sun until they become brittle.

Folk recipes

To treat each ailment, a different scheme and recipe for preparing a potion is used.

The use of willow in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of willow are actively used in home cosmetology.

Juice from willow bark helps relieve inflammation and redness on the skin and eliminate fine wrinkles. Fresh white willow bark is crushed, soaked in a napkin and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.
A decoction for rinsing hair is prepared from a decoction of willow bark and burdock rhizome. It helps strengthen hair, remove dandruff and itching.

Willow is also used to remove warts. The ash is used after burning several branches. The powder is mixed with vinegar until it becomes pasty and applied to the warts until they disappear.

Magic properties

The positive energy of the willow tree has a beneficial effect on the human body. Contact with willow is calming nervous system and relaxes, the headache goes away.

Our ancestors endowed tree branches with magical properties. After consecration on Palm Sunday, they were kept in the house as a talisman capable of protecting the house and family members from misfortunes and illnesses, evil spirits and unkind people.


Willow also has contraindications. It is prohibited to treat with willow children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and persons with individual intolerance.

It should not be taken if you have stomach and intestinal ulcers or high stomach acidity.
Treatment with willow is contraindicated in combination with taking aspirin, antacids, cold medications, synthetic vitamins, and laxatives.

Watch also the video

​Similar articles​ For malaria, drink tea made from willow bark. To do this, pour a sliver of crushed bark into 200 ml. water and boil until the volume is reduced by half. Take for several days on an empty stomach in the morning. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the tea.​

​willow and willow have different buds; willow’s are yellow, and willow’s are grey. Its branches, unlike ordinary willow (belotal), have a pronounced burgundy color. Since ancient times, redstone has been famous for its medicinal properties and was used in both folk and modern medicine as an antiseptic for colds. In Russia, red willow is not so rare, but in small quantities.​

Willow is a type of willow.​,​

White willow (willow), silver form The leaves are slightly wrinkled, oblong - elliptical, green. They turn yellow in autumn. The root system is superficial, sensitive to flooding.​

​willow leaf roller, flower fly.​ Goat willow is not picky about soil, so planting can be done in any substrate. Prefers light, fresh loams. High lime content should be avoided. The root system of the tree is superficial, tolerates planting near the trunk, but is sensitive to soil moisture. The tree is frost-resistant, but young individuals may suffer from the first frost. Since the plant is light-loving, it should be planted in well-lit places protected from the wind. Caring for goat willow involves timely removal of wild growth that forms under the grafting site. Ornamental trees are regularly pruned to a height of 30-60 cm.​

​Average lifespan of a tree:​​Botanical name:​

For gastritis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, enterocolitis, prepare the following decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed bark into 200 ml. water and boil for 30 minutes, strain and bring the broth to its original volume. You should take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day before meals. In most regions of Russia, willow is also known as willow. Willow belongs to the Willow family. It is a tree that reaches 25-30 meters, and at a young age it is a shrub; small dwarf willows are found in polar countries and mountainous regions. The crown of the willow is hemispherical, spreading, smooth bark has a grayish color, the branches are very flexible and thin, grow up to 2 m. The willow blooms from April to May before the young leaves begin to bloom. Inflorescences with small flowers are called catkins. The seeds are very light and small, so they are easily carried by the wind over long distances.​

Willow is the Acute Willow ((lat. Salix acutifolia), a species of deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus Willow (Salix) of the Willow family (Salicaceae). As for other species, there is, for example, goat willow, or willow (S. caprea ); brittle willow (S. fragilis); weeping white willow (Salix alba f. vitellina pendula).​

Description of the goat willow tree

​Matsudan form​

​. The tallest (up to 10-12 m) and most unpretentious of the decorative willows. It got its name due to the spectacular silver color of the leaves. Magnificent in parks - against the background of dense dark green foliage of large trees: horse chestnut, elm, linden. And planted in the background (along the hedge), these willows with their silvery foliage emphasize the beauty of red-leaved maples, plums, barberries or the dark needles of mountain pine and yew.​

Goat willow Kilmarnock is light-loving, frost-resistant, and wind-resistant. It is not picky about the soil. Grows on loamy and light substrates with low lime content, sensitive to moisture. With excessive soil moisture, the roots located in the surface layer may rot. The tree is grown in a well-lit area.


Goat willow is planted in early spring. In order for the plant to take root faster, the branches are placed in a container of water. Ready cuttings are planted in open ground. Before planting, you need to dig a shallow hole. Mix the excavated soil with compost. Place the seedling in a hole and compact the soil. Water the planting site generously with water. Watering young seedlings should be done 2-3 times a week. Adults do not need regular watering.​

​150 years.​

​Goat willow or Bredina (Selix carrea), species of the genus Willow, family Willow.​

For diarrhea, use the following decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed bark into 400 ml. water and boil for 230 minutes, strain and add boiled water to the original volume. You should take 2 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.​

Planting goat willow and caring for the tree

There are about 170 species of willows. The most common throughout Russia, Europe, Iran, and Asia Minor is the white willow. Willow can be found mainly in river valleys, on the banks of reservoirs, lakes, ponds, as well as in parks, forests, and along roads.​

​Other names are Krasnotal, Red Willow, Shelyuga.​

Goat willow on a trunk: height and pruning for shape

​White willow​

​. Golden spiral-shaped shoots with slightly curled leaves give it a special charm. Like any beauty, Matsudana willow is very capricious. A foreigner, she does not tolerate Russian frosts well: in the Moscow region and more northern areas in harsh winters freezes up to the snow level, so it needs to be covered. This willow is planted only in illuminated places well protected from the wind. But even under ideal conditions in the Moscow region, the height of the plant rarely exceeds 3-3.5 m.​

White willow, weeping form.

Goat willow bark contains tannins used in tanning. Thin leather intended for making gloves, as well as morocco, is tanned using the tanning extract of the bark of this tree. The bark is also valued in folk medicine. It is an astringent, antipyretic, wound-healing, choleretic and sedative. A decoction of the bark is used for colds and rheumatism, diseases of the spleen and gall bladder.​

​powdery mildew, black spot.​

Goat willow on a trunk consists of a smooth, bare trunk (trunk), the size of which is determined by the design decision and grafted cuttings. Willow on a trunk is used for decorative design of a garden plot. It does not take up much space and is easy to care for. In order for a standard tree to retain its shape and height for a long time, constant and correct pruning of the branches is necessary.


​Homeland of goat willow:​

For varicose veins, it is recommended to take baths from a decoction of white willow bark. You need to pour boiling water over a glass of dry crushed bark, leave for half an hour, add to a basin with hot water and lower your feet there, do the procedure while the water is warm. The use of such baths is effective for excessive sweating of the feet, various diseases skin, including fungal, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, erysipelas.​

Willow is often used as a frame and structural material. Various crafts are made from soft and light wood: furniture, dishes, baskets, bark is used for tanning leather. The branches of the tree are used as food for animals, especially goats and sheep. Willow is a good honey plant and is also used as an ornamental plant. In Russia, the willow is a symbol of the Palm Sunday holiday, which precedes Easter. In addition to all this, it is currently widely used in folk medicine.​

​This is a tree up to 10-12 m high or a tree-like shrub. The branches are thin, long, twig-like, flexible, red-brown, less often bright red with a coating or egg-yellow without a coating.​ ​The most numerous genus of trees in northern latitudes is willow (Salix) from the willow family. Representatives of this genus are extremely diverse in biology and ecology. However, all willows have common features: The buds have one cap-shaped bud scale. All of them are pollinated by insects, mainly Hymenoptera and Diptera. The plants are dioecious, the flowers are unisexual, collected in catkins. The fruit is a single-locular capsule that opens with two doors. Willows reproduce well vegetatively.​

​Willow tortuous, Ural tortuous.​​The tree is 5-7 m high, with a very beautiful crown, cascading down, and long (up to 2-3 m) branches descending almost to the ground. It is undemanding to the soil, winter-hardy, and moisture-loving. Tolerates shade, but in the absence of sun the crown is not so dense and not so decorative. Weeping willow is good both on its own and in a small group of trees, especially along the banks of reservoirs. Ideally combined with flowering and decorative deciduous shrubs and low conifers: thuja, juniper, cypress.​

Goat willow Pendula

​In addition, goat willow bark contains biologically active compounds: flavones, tannins, glycosides, vitamins, minerals. Fresh willow leaves are applied to calluses to soften them. For tuberculosis of the joints, take baths with an infusion of willow leaves. Male inflorescences in the form of an alcohol infusion or a water decoction help with neuroses and disorders of the cardiovascular system.​

Goat willow Pendula is a deciduous tree. The crown shape is weeping, tent-shaped, 2-3 m wide, 2-3 m high. Average life expectancy is up to 30 years. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, dark green, 8-10 cm long. Yellow in autumn. The flowers are golden yellow, flat earrings. Goat willow Pendula blooms from April to May. Flowering lasts up to 15 days. The fruits are capsules. The tree is light-loving and shade-tolerant. Grows in any soil moisture.​

​The most common variety of goat willow used for the trunk is “Pendula”. The result is a beautiful small tree with vertically hanging branches.​

​seeds, grafting, cuttings.​


Weeping goat willow

For sweaty hands, baths made from willow bark are also used. You need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed dry bark into 2 glasses cold water and leave for 8 hours. Use the infusion to make hand baths lasting 5-15 minutes.​

Goat's globular willow: photo and description

Willow bark and young twigs have the most medicinal properties due to their pharmacological composition. The bark contains great amount alkaloid - salicin, so it has an antibiotic effect. It also contains tannins, glycosides, flavones, pectins, mineral elements, ascorbic acid and many other vitamins.​


The most common types of willows in landscaping are moisture-loving willows and willows. Willow, or white willow (S.alba), – large tree. The girth of the base of the trunk sometimes reaches 4 m (usually about 1 m) with a tree height of 20–30 m. The willow lives up to 200–250 years.​

Goat willow Kilmarnock

​No less attractive than Matsudana, but better adapted to the Russian climate. The tree is not tall (up to 3.5 m), but very decorative, and at any time of the year. Its spiral-shaped greenish-gray shoots appear glossy brown in the sun. Regardless of the season, it tolerates pruning and trimming well, so it is suitable for hedges. Thanks to its twisted shoots and twisted “curly” leaves, this willow is pleasing to the eye both on its own and surrounded by other willow trees.​

Brittle willow (broom)

For stomatitis and gum disease, a decoction of the bark is used to rinse the mouth. Goat willow is also effective means with increased sweating. To normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, a decoction of the bark is taken orally.​

Uses of goat willow

Goat willow Pendula is used in single plantings and decorative groups. It is not picky about the soil, but needs plenty of watering and care. In order to prevent root rotting, a thick layer of drainage is laid in the soil when planting. Despite the high frost resistance of the tree, it is necessary to cover the trunk during the winter.

To obtain an oval spherical crown, use the goat willow variety “Mas”.

Goat willow is a small deciduous tree, the height of which reaches up to 10 m. The trunk diameter is up to 75 cm.


To heal wounds, they are sprinkled with powder from dry willow bark. At the same time, you can take the powder 1 g orally with water, 3 times a day after meals.​

​Bark should be harvested in early spring from trees at least 6 years old. This needs to be done wisely; if you remove the bark from all the trees in a row, they will die. You need to choose bark that is 1-4 mm thick, then cut it, dry it in the sun and dry it in dryers until it begins to break. Finished raw materials can be stored for up to 4 years in cardboard boxes.​

​By the color of the bark you can easily distinguish it from other types of Willow.​

Brittle willow, or willow (S.fragilis), is very similar to willow. This is also a large tree with drooping branches, but the young shoots of the willow are not pubescent, and the buds are not pubescent, and the leaves, similar to willow leaves, are bare, bluish below, with the tip pulled to the side.​

​Iwa Hakuro Nishiki​

Photo gallery: goat willow (click on the image to enlarge):

Varieties and forms of willow

​Willow preparations are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as along with aspirin, laxatives and vitamins.​

​The most difficult thing in caring for the Pendula willow is its pruning. If the plant is not formed correctly in the first years, its branches will very quickly fall to the ground. All shoots are cut off from young seedlings, leaving 15 cm with one bud at the end, looking up or to the side, but not inside the crown. Thus, a crown is formed that looks like an umbrella of short branches.​ Serves as a rootstock:

The branches are thick, spreading, young ones are grayish, pubescent, in older trees they are yellow-brown and gray-green, in older trees they are gray or dark, brittle. Light-loving, shade-tolerant.

​Young willow branches will help with headaches. They need to be slightly soaked and applied to the forehead, secured with a scarf or handkerchief.​​Since ancient times, willow has been popularly used to treat various diseases.​ ​In Rus' it was customary to keep the consecrated willow at home, in the front corner, behind the icons all year long.​ White willow is a good honey plant; dye for silk, wool and leather is obtained from a decoction of the bark. Both species are widely used for landscaping, where they create beautiful compositions near bodies of water.​

​. Very interesting shape with snow-white leaves at the end of the shoots and variegated in the middle and closer to the base of the branches. It grows as a low bush (up to 1.5 m) or a low tree - when grafted onto a standard. Disadvantage: low winter hardiness. IN middle lane It is better to plant non-standard seedlings and cover the plants for the winter.​ ​spherical shape ​Goat willow wood is used as a construction, ornamental and material for the manufacture of furniture and household items. It also serves as fuel. The branches are a material for creating fences. The leafy branches are used to feed livestock, especially goats and sheep. Bredina leaves are used as a tea substitute. In the Caucasus, an intoxicating drink is made from the male earrings of this tree.​

​Mature trees are pruned after flowering. The shoots are shortened by 2/3 of their length. Thanks to this pruning, goat willow begins to branch densely. During the summer period, new shoots have time to fully form and become strong enough to flower.​

​Red willow​ The bark is smooth, has a gray-green color, becomes brown with age, and cracks appear at the bottom of the trunk. The wood is smooth, turning red in the air.​ ​Soil:​ Willow bark juice is used in home cosmetology. It helps smooth out fine wrinkles, relieves skin inflammation and removes redness. The juice is obtained from fresh crushed bark, a napkin is moistened in it and applied to the face.​

It has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, hemostatic, choleretic, diuretic and anthelmintic effects. The biologically active substances that are in its composition are used to treat gout, diarrhea, rheumatism, malaria, bleeding, jaundice, arrhythmia and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.​​Verba, as one of spring primroses, symbolizes the renewal of life and the eternity of existence. Its branches, consecrated in church on Palm Sunday, will stand like new all year long if they are simply placed in a vase without water.​

Willow is a holly willow, ​Purple willow​

​. The crown is very dense, regular spherical or dome-shaped. The tree is multi-stemmed, sometimes reaching a height of 7 m. It does not freeze even in cold winters. Magnificent in both single and group plantings, it can serve as a good background for others. ornamental plants. A small clump or string of such willows is especially picturesque on the shore of a reservoir. Rakita is also used as a hedge. Goat willow is considered an excellent honey plant, valuable for beekeeping. From the tree, bees take nectar, pollen, honeydew, and sticky bud secretions, which the bees turn into propolis.​

​In landscape design, goat willow Pendula is used in single and group compositions. Looks harmonious near ponds and in rock gardens. Combines with moisture-loving plants, perennials, ground covers, and dwarf coniferous trees. Pendula goat willow is propagated by grafting onto a standard.​Shaggy willow

what is the difference between willow and willow


The buds are bare, large, up to 5 mm long, up to 3 mm wide. Flower buds are ovoid, reddish, large, up to 15 mm long, 3-6 mm wide, not flattened.​

~ Rybka ~

​sandy, marshy, fertile, gravelly.​


A decoction of willow bark and burdock root is used for rinsing and washing hair. Thus, they get rid of dandruff, itching and prevent hair loss.​
​For colds, headaches, menopause, inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract, bladder, it is also recommended to take preparations from white willow.​

The willow cries, but the willow does not. The willow then has roots big trunk, then there are twigs, and the willow has roots and a few twigs, well... In general, the willow will grow like one big tree, and the willow can be said to be like a bush.​

​although according to tradition, we usually call any willow with reddish branches and white catkins a willow.​

- medium-sized (up to 2-2.5 m tall) shrub with a dense, almost spherical crown and glossy reddish shoots. IN last years this species is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Shade-tolerant, but not very winter-hardy. After freezing it grows back easily; it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. It is better to plant in places protected from the wind.​

Goat willow

During the flowering period, the branches of the tree serve as decoration for the room, and where there are none real willow, they are used in Easter rituals.​

​A very impressive tree with flexible, twig-like, weeping shoots, which are located at the top of a small trunk - a trunk. In good light, it forms a narrow tent-shaped crown with shoots that fall to the ground. In spring, the shoots are densely covered with fluffy flowers. Weeping goat willow almost does not grow upward. It exceeds the height of its trunk by only 30-40 cm. It looks beautiful against the background of plants with a different shade of foliage. Used in group plantings, planted at the turns of garden paths.​

​Creeping willow
Leaves are elliptical, long, up to 11-18 cm long and 5-8 cm wide, dark green above, grayish below. The edge of the leaf is unevenly jagged.


Willow helps remove warts. To do this, you need to burn several twigs and add vinegar to the resulting ash to make a paste. Apply to warts until they disappear.​

Willow is an excellent remedy for the treatment of varicose veins, sweating of the legs and hands.
Willow is the same willow, only in Ukrainian. In fact, any willow can be called a willow, there will be no trouble

how to distinguish willow from willow

Spring Melody

Willow is a low tree, reaching a height of 10–12 m, or a tall shrub. The bark of the trunk is brownish-brown. The branches are twig-shaped, long, flexible, red or brown-red with an easily erasable bluish coating or yellowish without a coating. The leaves are pointed at the apex, lanceolate, several times longer than wide, glabrous on top, shiny, bluish or greenish below.
​Caspian willow​

​weeping form

The bark is collected before the willow blossoms, during sap flow. The bark removed from the tree is dried in the sun and dried in the oven. The finished raw material should not bend, become hard and brittle. Store the dried bark in a box. Shelf life 4 years.​

​Low dwarf tree. The decorative value of the plant lies in its spherical crown with unusual shoots hanging down.

Willow whole leaf
​Earrings are thick, large, 30-40 mm in length. Men's earrings are wide, oval or oblong, up to 6 cm. Women's - cylindrical, dense, multi-flowered, up to 10 cm long.



Scots Hammer

​In ancient times, it was believed that willow had magical properties. Willow branches, consecrated in the church, were kept in the house, thus protecting and protecting their family and home from evil spirits, sorrows and troubles. The tree has positive energy. Contact with it helps to calm down, relax and eliminate headaches.​


​Thanks to its disinfectant and wound-healing properties, it is used externally for skin diseases(eczema, ulcers, open wounds).​
​willow... vetla... rakita... lozina... willow...also a willow - and all this
The willow blooms in early spring. The willow flower has either a bare sessile ovary or two stamens. The flowers sit in the axils of densely white tomentose scales - it is the scales pressed against each other that form white fluffy balls on the branches of the willow.

Nigina Ibragimova

- a spreading three-meter shrub with thin long shoots of pale yellow color and narrow hard leaves. Shade-tolerant, but not very winter-hardy. After freezing it grows back easily; it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. It is better to plant in places protected from the wind.​

Willow (willow): description, composition, properties, recipes

​. Very impressive, with weeping shoots arranged in a “tent” at the top of a small, usually one and a half meter, trunk. IN Lately it is becoming popular thanks to the foreign planting material that has appeared in our country. In good light, the tree forms a narrow tent-shaped crown with shoots hanging vertically down, sometimes right down to the ground. In spring, they are densely covered with fluffy flowers, turning the trees into large dandelions. It hardly grows upward, exceeding the height of the trunk by only 30-40 cm. It is planted in groups. But one tree is also beautiful against the background of plants with a different shade of foliage or at the turns of garden paths.​

Baskets of different shapes and purposes are woven from the twigs of this tree. A thin willow rod combines flexibility and elasticity. Craftsmen use peeled twigs to make small products convenient for picking berries, and large baskets with which you can go mushroom picking. Neither mushrooms nor berries wrinkle in them. For harvesting potatoes, special baskets made of willow twigs are used, which are called “potato” baskets. There are wicker products for storing papers, there are also flower baskets, they are used to decorate the festive table.​

Leaves are lanceolate and leathery. The underside of the leaves is gray-tomentose, the upper side is dark green. Goat willow blooms before the leaves appear. Flowering lasts up to 20 days. The flowers are fluffy, yellow catkins. Willow of this form grows very quickly.​

Chemical composition

The standard willow looks good in a single planting, on an alpine hill, in the garden and on the shore of a pond.​

The fruit is a capsule, 7-8 cm, on a fluffy petiole. Each box contains up to 18 seeds. The seeds are equipped with fluffy flakes, so they are easily transported by the wind over long distances and quickly lose their germination capacity.​

Medicinal properties

​Maximum tree height:​

  • ​The use of willow for medicinal purposes is contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 16 years of age, and people with individual intolerance.​
  • ​To treat rheumatism and osteochondrosis, a willow broom is used in the steam room.​
  • ​still a dark or white spot
  • The willow is a tree of peace, hope and prosperity, revered in many countries. Unlike its relative willow, willow is not weeping. ITS branches defiantly stretch towards the spring sky and the sun. The time of flowering of the willow coincides with the time of mating of wood grouse and nesting of birds. In the old days they used to guess: the more bright yellow, sunny (male) willow inflorescences there are, the more warm, sunny days should be expected in summer.​
  • The willow has greenish branches, the willow has red branches. Willow is a low-growing bush, willow is a tree.​

Folk recipes

  1. ​Care for goat willow in the same way as for any standard grafted plant. First of all, it is necessary to promptly remove the wild growth that forms on the stem under the grafting site (below the base of the weeping shoots at the top of the stem), otherwise the grafted part may die. Since this type of willow is not very winter-hardy, it should be planted in well-lit areas protected from the wind. In the northern Moscow region, it is better to cover the grafted part of the seedling for the winter by wrapping it in several layers of non-woven material (lutrasil, spunbond). When planting, standard plants must be tied to three stakes to maintain verticality.
  2. ​Bread bins, candy bowls, crackers and other kitchen utensils are woven from the vine. A beautifully woven vase will decorate any table, both formal and everyday. One-year and two-year-old willow shoots, long and thin, are suitable for weaving baskets.​
  3. ​Planted in parks, squares and garden plots. Used as a hedge. Photo of goat willow
  4. Goat willow grows in deciduous, broad-leaved, mixed and coniferous forests, on the edges, along roads, around reservoirs. Distributed in Europe, the Caucasus, Western and Central Asia.​
  5. Goat willow blooms in April, before the leaves bloom. Flowering duration is 10-13 days. Fruits in May. Frost-resistant, not demanding on soil. Goat willow photo.​
  6. ​10 m.​
  7. For stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, the use of decoctions of this plant is not recommended. Treatment with willow in combination with synthetic vitamins, amino acids, aspirin, antacids, cough and cold medications and laxatives is contraindicated.
  8. For joint diseases and rheumatism, a decoction of tree bark is used. You need to pour 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed bark with 1 cup of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain the hot broth and bring to the original volume. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day before meals.​

The use of willow in cosmetology

​maybe you will contribute to the understanding​

The holly willow, or red willow, with its red-brown branches covered with a light waxy coating, is the very first to bloom, before the leaves appear, on Palm Sunday. Her plump white earrings, slightly pink inside, always point upward. It also grows near water, but it can be found near the road, at the edge of the forest, and in other places.​

Willow is just another name for willow. Willow is also called willow, willow, willow.

Magic properties

​Window willow​


​There are more than 350 species of willows in the world of various shapes and sizes - from mighty twenty-meter giants to creeping shrubs several centimeters high. More than a hundred of them are in our country (there are about 20 species in the middle zone alone).​

​Goat willow form Kilmarnock is a miniature, standard tree up to 1.5 m high. The branches are long, deeply drooping, stretching all the way to the ground. The crown shape is weeping, umbrella-shaped. Blooms in April. The flowers are silvery, numerous, yellow catkins, with a pleasant aroma.​

What is the difference between willow and willow? Few people thought about this question, since it seemed to everyone that these were just two names for the same plant. However, it's worth learning more about it than you know.

Willow family

Each one is beautiful in its own way, and the willow and willow are somewhat similar. There is still a difference between them.

Willow is foliage plant(shrub or tree). Its types differ from each other mainly in external characteristics. In general, there are about 600 species of plants of this genus in the world.

The entire willow family in Russia has more than 120 species: chernotal, weeping willow, broom, belotal, molokita, willow, shelyuga, goat willow and many others.

This plant has an unimaginable desire for life: any shoot, twig or stump stuck into the ground is quickly covered with numerous young shoots.

How to distinguish willow from willow? When talking about these two plants, many people think that we are talking about one plant, but this is not so. They belong to the same genus (family) - willows. They have differences.

Some species of plants from the willow genus are called willow. For example: holly willow, goat willow, wolf willow, etc.

Signs associated with willow. What do people believe?

People have pinned and pinned many hopes on willow:

“A branch thrown against the wind will help calm the storm, and thrown into the flames of the fire will calm the fire.”

— Willow branches attached to the gate will drive away all evil spirits.

“You can even find treasure with the help of a willow branch.”

— Previously, cattle were driven out for the very first pasture with the help of willow.

Ancient and other beliefs

  1. The ancient Slavs called the willow the perun vine.
  2. Children used to be bathed for health in a decoction of willow branches.
  3. A real ancient Slavic ritual is a wedding around a willow tree.
  4. In the old days, Lithuanian peasant women prayed to the willow tree so that it would help them - give them a child.
  5. Also in ancient times, it was believed that willow helps with eloquence. In this regard, it was called the tree of poets and singers.
  6. In China, willow is a symbol of spring and feminine beauty, suppleness and softness.
  7. And the Jews in ancient times called the willow a symbol of misfortune, sadness, sadness, death, funerals (namely weeping willow).
  8. In Japan, this plant also carries sadness and weakness. However, it brings tenderness, grace, calmness, and constancy.

Willow (krasnotal) - Palm Sunday tree. This is a Christian spring holiday commemorating the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. The Jews greeted him with fronds - branches of the Jerusalem willow - or branches of a date palm.

In the spring, when buds are just beginning to appear on the trees, there is not a single leaf yet, the willow is the first to respond to the spring rays of the sun. She pleases everyone with her tender, surprisingly soft and fluffy buds white. And the willow begins to bloom along with the rest of the plants. And unlike the willow, it has small yellowish-green buds.

They also differ in the color of their bark. In willow it is reddish-brown, and in willow it is grayish-green.

How to distinguish willow from willow in other ways? Willow has thin and flexible branches covered with elongated, sharp leaves. And the willow has stiff and thick branches with wide and semicircular leaves.

Their habitats are also different. Willow can grow almost anywhere, and willow can grow mainly near lakes, rivers, swamps, ditches, i.e. where there is water.

Types and varieties of willow

We continue to talk about how to distinguish willow from willow. Willows have a through, transparent crown, with flexible, thin and delicate branches on which narrow, pointed, elongated leaves bloom. For the most part, these plants are up to 15 m high, but they can be higher - up to 40 m. There are also dwarf and small willows.

Some varieties of willows:

1. Brittle willow - a tree up to 15 meters in height and 8 meters in width. Sometimes it has a slightly curved shape and even has two trunks. It grows in territories from Europe to Asia.

2. Goat willow is a fairly large shrub or tree up to 12 m high and up to 6 m wide with a short trunk and a round crown. Grows mainly in Central Asia and in Europe.

3. Purple willow is a large 10-meter tree. It grows naturally in Central Asia and central Europe.

4. Creeping willow. The inflorescences of this lovely willow have pink, silver and fluffy (woolly) scales. It can be grown in the garden, in a container or in a container on the balcony.

5. White willow is a large tree up to 25 meters in height and up to 15 meters in width. Found throughout Europe. This plant not only has an unusually beautiful crown, but also an original color of the shoots: brown-red in summer, bright yellow in spring.

6. Babylonian willow is a wonderful weeping tree. One of the most beautiful decorations of gardens and parks in southern Russia. This willow is native to Northern and Central China. Height - no more than 15 meters, width - 9 meters.

Holly willow - pussy willow

This willow, like several other species of willow (named above), is called willow. Norway willow is a shrub or tree up to 8 meters high with an oval-shaped crown. Willow shoots are tender and flexible, purple-reddish in color with a pleasant bluish bloom.

Its leaves are linear-lanceolate, long and pointed. They are shiny, green at the top and bluish at the bottom.

This type of plant is one of the most unpretentious to any growing conditions. Propagated by cuttings and even twigs.

The answer to the question of how to distinguish willow from willow has been given. But this plant not only looks great in nature, but is also useful.

It is convenient to weave beautiful baskets, furniture, mats, and various decorations for home and garden design from willow branches. They used to make hoops from willow for barrels and those same magnificent arches for horses, on which silver bells rang beautifully...

Willow: planting and care, types and varieties, photos.

And you are deciduous trees or shrubs, some species of which may differ from each other in external characteristics. The genus “Willow” has approximately 600 species, some of which are found in cultivation.

Types and varieties of willow

Typically, willows are distinguished by a through, transparent crown, flexible, thin shoots and pointed, narrow, elongated leaves. Willows have small flowers. Most willows reach a height of up to 15 m, but there are also tall trees - up to 40 m in height, and also dwarf willows.

Willow brittle

The tree is about 15 m high and up to 8 m wide. Brittle willow sometimes has a curved shape with two trunks. The crown is round, openwork, asymmetrical. Brittle willow grows quickly. The leaves are elongated, long, lanceolate; green above, bluish below; V autumn period green-yellow.

Brittle willow has green-yellow flowers that bloom in May. The shoots of brittle willow are brownish or yellowish, brittle, glossy, and easy to take root. Winter-hardy. In nature, brittle willow grows from Europe to Asia.

Goat willow

A large, fast-growing shrub or small tree up to 12 m in height and up to 6 m in width with a curved short trunk and a rounded crown. Goat willow branches grow vertically, the side shoots are raised and spread out. Goat willow leaves are broadly elliptical or rounded, green, gray below, slightly pubescent.

The flowers are yellow-silver with a honey aroma. Goat willow becomes brittle after 20 years of growth. IN natural conditions The tree is found in Central Asia and Europe. Willow is propagated by seeds, and decorative forms of willow are propagated by goat grafting.

Purple willow

Large tree about 10 m tall. The shape of purple willow can be different - funnel-shaped, dome-shaped, umbrella-shaped. The shoots take root easily and are densely growing. The leaves of the purple willow are green above, bluish below, narrowly lanceolate; yellow in autumn.

Purple willow flowers have a pleasant aroma, are slightly curved, reddish, then turn yellow. The root system of purple willow is deep. Tolerates pruning well. Winter-hardy. Purple willow is found in nature in central Europe and Central Asia.

creeping willow

In nurseries you can find the weeping variety ‘Armando’ in standard form.

In early spring, the fluffy inflorescences of creeping willow ‘Armando’ have pink and silver woolly scales. This beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. Then yellow anthers appear, and the willow is already different. After flowering, the shrub needs to be heavily pruned to encourage the growth of new young weeping shoots.

The leaves of creeping willow ‘Armando’ are shiny, green, and gray-green underneath. This variety of willow can be grown in the garden and in a container on the balcony.

Creeping willow ‘Argentea’ is a prostrate bush with small, silky leaves. The rounded leaves sometimes have a blue tint. The round yellow inflorescences are small and few in number; they appear on the bush before the leaves bloom. It is possible to form creeping willow ‘Argentea’ in standard form. In this case, you get a beautiful, miniature weeping tree.

White willow

Large plant up to 25 m in height and up to 15 m in width. The trunk of the white willow is powerful, the bark is gray. At first the crown is narrow-columnar, then spreading, widely rounded. The branches “look” up, and the side shoots hang down a little. The leaves of white willow are silver-gray when blooming, then gray-green.

The flowers of this willow are yellow and fragrant, blooming in late April. White willow grows in sun and partial shade and is winter-hardy. It grows quickly and lives up to 100 years. It can be found in nature throughout Europe.

White willow has a weeping form (‘Pendula’). The weeping willow is distinguished not only by its beautiful crown, but also by the color of its shoots: in summer the bark is red-brown, and in spring it is bright yellow. The leaves of the weeping willow are also very decorative - light green, narrow, pointed.

Babylonian willow

This beautiful weeping tree is one of the most beautiful decorations in the parks of southern Russia. Originally from the regions of Northern and Central China.

The tree is no more than 15 m in height, with a large, weeping crown about 9 m in diameter, formed by thin, flexible, yellow-green, bare, shiny branches hanging to the ground.

The leaves of Babylonian willow are pointed, narrowly lanceolate, finely serrated along the edge. Young foliage is green, slightly shiny, bluish underneath. Flower catkins of Babylonian willow are thin, short-petioled. The Babylonian willow blooms after the leaves bloom.

Grows quickly. Very effective in single group plantings near ponds and on the lawn.

Holly willow or pussy willow

Shrub or tree up to 8 m in height with an oval crown. Willow shoots are flexible, purple-red, with a bluish bloom.

The foliage of willow is linear-lanceolate, long, pointed; shiny, green above, bluish below. This willow is one of the most unpretentious species of willow in terms of growing conditions. Willow willow propagates by cuttings and twigs.

Willow whole leaf

In the natural flora it is found in the south of Primorye and Japan. Spreading shrub up to 3 m in height with curved stems at the base. The leaves of willow allifolia are narrowly oblong, oval at both ends, almost sessile.

Due to the soft green tone of the leaves and their arrangement, the shoots of this willow, extending obliquely and arched to the sides, are similar to the leaves of a fern, which gives the willow an unusual beautiful view. All-leaved willow blooms in May. During flowering it smells of hyacinth.

Looks beautiful near ponds in group and single plantings.

Willow allifolia ‘Hakuro-nishiki’ (Hakuro nishiki) is a beautiful spreading bush or tree with drooping branches. Young foliage has spots of white and pink. On older leaves, the pink color disappears, and only some white streaks remain.

Rosemary willow

Semi-dwarf wide shrub up to 2 m in height and width. Initially, the side shoots grow vertically, then arcuate. This willow grows slowly. The leaves are green above and white below.

It begins to bloom in April, the flowers are fragrant, yellow. Frost-resistant, wind-resistant. Under natural conditions, rosemary willow is found in Central and Central Asia and Europe.

Iwa Matsuda

Distributed in Korea and China.

Tree up to 13 m in height, with a wide pyramidal crown, smooth trunk. The shoots are straight, thin, young - pubescent, yellow-olive, then bare, brown. The leaves of the Matsuda willow are narrow-lanceolate and long-pointed.

Photophilous, grows quickly, demanding soil moisture. Matsuda willow is propagated by lignified cuttings.

It has a decorative shape - with serpentine-curved, green shoots, growing in the form of a small shrub with an openwork crown.

What is the difference between willow and willow, what is the difference?



The willow family is characterized great variety specimens grouped into three large genera. Willow belongs to only one of them. This plant is deciduous, presented in the form of a tree or shrub, and is very life-loving.

About the willow we can say that it is a type of willow. The plant has its own characteristics.

Difference between willow and willow

What is the difference between willow and willow, or rather, from other types of willow? Let's pay attention to the following signs:


Let's start with the earrings: willow's are narrow, elongated, and yellow; in willow - short, more rounded, light gray. Leaves: willow - long, pointed; willow's are wide, with rounded ends, and medium in size. Branches: Compared to willow, willow bends much more easily. Bark color: gray or greenish characteristic of willow; with a red, brown tint - for willow. If you look at each of the plants from afar, the willow will appear elongated, and the willow, with its spreading lashes, will appear spherical.

Flowering time

This is another sign that explains the difference between willow and willow. When the willow is still dormant, the willow is already awakening with might and main after winter and begins to release its earrings. In willow, this process begins after a while, simultaneously with the leaves blooming.

Place of growth

Willow is a lover of ponds. You can find the plant on a river bank, near a pond or lake. Willow also settles in marshy areas. The willow is not distinguished by its attachment to water. It can be found almost everywhere.

How to distinguish willow from willow? What are their differences?

Can you use a photo with branches as an example?

Mrs. Monika

Willow is a type of willow. Willow is either Norway willow, goat willow, or willow. It could be a tree or shrub.

A good example of willow (holly willow):

lady v

Botanists do not distinguish these two plants in any way, since in the botanical classification the tree called willow does not exist. There is a numerous genus of trees or shrubs called Willows, and this includes the most various types, to which the people, who fell in love with this plant either for its early flowering or for its emotionality, gave a variety of names - from willow, to krasnotal or broom. Therefore, when choosing a willow twig, you should focus only on your own taste, because these trees differ in the color and shape of the earrings and the shape of the leaves. Also, among the people, plants growing close to water are usually called willows, and in other areas - willows.


The second name for willow is white willow. But willow and willow are still different.

The willow blooms early and the color of its earrings is white, while that of the willow is light yellow. And can be distinguished by the flexibility of the branches. If you try to tilt a willow branch, it will begin to bend almost without resistance, but a willow almost does not bend, it bends, but with difficulty. This is how you can distinguish two similar plants.


Willow is one of the subspecies of the plant called willow. But it is quite easy to distinguish the weeping willow that is familiar to us from the willow. The willow has very thin and easily bending branches, and it grows as large as a whole tree. and willow is more like a tree-like shrub. During flowering, the willow is even easier to distinguish because of its hairy buds.


In fact, willow is the popular name for woody plants of the Willow genus. The most common trees and shrubs of this genus are wolf willow, goat willow and holly willow. These plants have good survival rates in any moist soil.


How to distinguish willow from willow. Yes, very simple. I know that willow is a huge branched tree, and willow is a shrub. Willow's "flowers" are oblong and practically not fluffy, while willow's are round and very hairy.


WILLOW (Verbene) The name of this tree indicates its sacred meaning - “sacred branches”. The etymology of its ancient Slavic name is associated with spinning, rotation (spindle), as well as Veremye (time- time,).

People explain the origin of willow in different ways. There is a legend that willow was brought from China: one day they brought some goods in wicker baskets, unloaded them, and threw the baskets away. One of the branches took hold and grew into a wonderful tree.

In the beautiful fairy tale by Oles Berdnik “The Willow is the Water King,” the origin of the willow is explained as follows. Once upon a time there lived a girl of unprecedented beauty, and she admired herself so much, she looked at everything in the mirror:

Will such a miracle ever disappear? Will my eyebrows fade, my eyes fade, my skin wrinkle, and will I become a hunched old woman?

Frolov, illustration

A lot of guys approached her, and she demanded from everyone:

Give me eternal beauty, then I will love you. Whoever finds the secret of unfading youth will become my chosen one.

One day the Water King appeared to her, began to confess his love, and promised to fulfill any desire of the beauty.

“Excellent,” she lit up, planning, however, to deceive the merman.I will be yours, but... make sure that my beautiful image is forever reflected in the mirror of your waters, so that from year to year it becomes more and more beautiful.

The king frowned and thought. He realized that the maiden had given him an insidious riddle and had deceived him. To be forever young, to be reflected in the lake and at the same time not go to it? But the word was spoken, the dignity of the ruler of the waters did not allow him to refuse his promise.

“It will be as you demanded,” the king sighed. - Forever yours magical image will be reflected in this lake, but you will become a weeping willowa beautiful and thoughtful tree. I will kiss your roots, which will bathe in my waters, your green braids will undead like wild waves...

This is how a new glorious tree appeared in Ukraine - the willow.

Based on the place it occupies in folk culture, the willow can rightfully be called the Ukrainian totem tree, from which people were believed in the old days. Probably, in ancient times, the willow symbolized the Goddess, who was engaged in childbirth. It is not for nothing that the Ukrainian people still have a belief that “children are found on willow trees.” It is a symbol of vitality, rapid growth, fertility: a willow grows from a twig, without a root, on any soil. And most importantly, it is a symbol of Ukraine: “Without willow and viburnum there is no Ukraine”

There are many legends about the willow, in which it also acts as a symbol of sadness, regret, difficult female share, which has to endure a lot, bend, but not break.

Verba's mother had a daughter, Kalina. She was working in the field and became thirsty. I saw a spring and scooped up some water. I gave the first drop to the bird and was just about to drink when I heard my mother’s distant voice: “Don’t drink, daughter.” Kalina did not listen, scooped up water again and brought it to her lips, but the bird brushed it away with its wing. The girl scooped up water again, drank and turned into a viburnum bush.

The mother ran to protect her daughter, but did not have time and, out of grief, turned into weeping tree. Since then, Mother Verba has been protecting all water sources so that people will never recognize evil spells.

Another legend. One woman had so many children that she, being proud, was ready to argue with the mother herself, the Earth, with her fertility. She got angry and turned her into a willow.

IN folk poetry two properties of the willow were noted - its special noise and the fact that it stands above the water.

The noise of the willow is a sign of news or surprise, girlish sadness.

At the moment we rowed to make noise with willows,

What did I plant...

That little Cossack boy is gone

What I loved...

We tried to grow willow near the house. They noticed that it will be accepted - the girl will get married, and the boy will get married. In popular speech, many proverbs and signs associated with the willow have been preserved: “The willow, like a German, will take you wherever you poke it,” “The willow is red - it hits in vain,” “The willow is white - it hits for the cause.” “You’ll get apples like from a willow tree.” “You even have pears growing on your willow tree.”

Its connection with water was especially noted. “Where there is a willow, there is water, where there is water, there is a willow.” “Where the willow is silver, there is healthy water.” Springs and stakes (ponds) were lined with willow so that the water “would be nice and healthy.”

They also planted it above the pits, places where they washed clothes, so that the water in them would be purified.

Many believed that a consecrated willow could stop a summer thunderstorm, and that thrown into a flame could help in a fire. "Be great i “th is like a willow, healthy is like water, and rich is like earth.” “It’s not spring without a willow.” “The willow leads to muddy roads, drives away the last ice from the river.” They believed that the spring willow conveys health and strength to people.

The willow was considered a sacred tree, a symbol of the continuity and constancy of life. It is the willow that symbolizes the ancient Slavic pagan god Yarila. To this day, in the summer in Podolia, Volyn, and other places, the beautiful custom of choosing “Kupailitsa” (Kupala tree) has been preserved.

Girls and boys chose a small but luxurious willow tree with many branches, placed it in a meadow, on the river bank and decorated it with ribbons, “rocking chairs” (ripe cherries with tails, woven on a small stick using threads), and later with candies. The girls danced around the Kupala tree, sang songs, often humorous, flirting with the boys.

In the evening, the guys approached the tree, broke the “guard” - the circle of girls - and dismantled Kupailitsa. Everyone tore off their own ribbon, the girls knew whose it was. Sometimes the guys, having plucked several willow branches, made a tie (usually a rope of twisted straw for tying sheaves) and tried to wrap it around the girl - hinting at the desire to love and have a child from the sweetheart. This is how couples were created.

The stripped Kupala tree was burned or thrown into the water. At the end of the holiday, willow branches were planted in the courtyards.

With the advent of Christianity, attitudes towards willow became ambiguous. The old willow was considered a cursed tree, since, according to legend, the nails for the cross on which Christ was crucified were made from the willow. As punishment for this, that willow became barren, rotten and with a crooked trunk. There was a belief that in the spring, evil spirits are saved from the late cold on the willow tree, and after Palm Sunday they fall straight into the water, so from Palm Sunday until Easter it was forbidden to draw water under the willow tree.

There was also such a belief: plant a willow at home and prepare a spade for yourself. It was believed that the person who planted the willow would die when a shovel could be hewn out of its branch. This belief is not so pessimistic: as long as a branch of sufficient thickness grows, a person can naturally grow old and die.

Mermaids love to swing on the willow tree (according to the legend that existed in the Kharkov region, they can run on it in the form of a squirrel). Sometimes about strange love people say: “I fell in love like the devil with a dry willow.”

On the other hand, the willow was a sacred tree for Christians. On the holiday of Palm Sunday, it is customary to consecrate the willow and keep it at home all year round in the front corner behind the icons.

Among the people, ancient traditions are closely intertwined with Christian ones. From ancient times they believed that willow gives health. Parents, coming from church with a blessed willow, began to symbolically whip their children with it, while saying: “The willow is a whip, it hits you to tears, the willow is red, it doesn’t hit in vain.” They whipped themselves with the consecrated willow to increase their health, while saying: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits.” Newlyweds or young girls were also lashed with illuminated willow so that they would have many healthy children.

The Holy Willow is highly respected among our people. “It is a sin to trample the holy willow underfoot,” and therefore even small branches, if they remained after the consecration, were burned so that, God forbid, they would not fall under the feet.

There was a belief that from a willow growing in the depths of a dense forest, in the thicket of trees where not a single ray of light penetrates, you can make a magic pipe: its music will cheer up and make the saddest person in the world laugh, and an evil person, having heard it, will laugh. confesses and repents of all his atrocities.

And in the old days they believed: if you find a green willow in a dark forest, which has never heard the sound of water or the crow of a rooster, make a pipe out of it and play it, then the dead will come to life, rise from their graves and return from the other world

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  • #1

    thanks for the article, very interesting

  • #2

    Thank you for your feedback, I’m glad that you found it interesting

  • #3

    thank you for the article, I learned a lot about myself, this is also our story

  • #4

    I agree with you, Olga. I advise you to read the article “Cherry”: at the end there is very interesting historical information.

  • #5

    I want to plant a willow near my house, but the neighbors are trying to dissuade me from crying. Thanks for the article. Now I’ll definitely plant it.

  • #6

    I'm glad that my article helped you. This is very beautiful tree, beloved by the people. But it’s better to plant it where the willow will be free: it grows very luxuriantly, and there is a bench under it.)))

  • #7

    Trees that produce fruit (provide income, benefit) should grow directly near the home.

  • #8

    Hello, Oleg. In villages and suburban areas, in addition to fruit trees, you can often find willow, weeping willow, and pine. spruce, maple and other non-fruit trees, ornamental bushes. They are simply beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

  • #9

    thank you, I made a d/z

  • #10

    Good day, Masha. I am very pleased that my article helped you.

  • #11

    Very interesting article!

  • #12

    Thank you, Guli.

  • #13
  • #14