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Fire tornado- an atmospheric phenomenon formed when many fires combine into one. The air above the resulting fire heats up, its density decreases and it rises. From below, cold air masses from the periphery of the fire enter the place of heated air. The arriving air also heats up, and the resulting air suction mechanism acts like a continuously working bellows. Stable centripetal directional flows are formed, spiraling from the ground to a height of up to five kilometers. A chimney effect occurs. The pressure of hot air reaches hurricane speeds and the temperature in the center of the fire rises to 1000˚C. In this case, everything that is located near the epicenter of the fire tornado is “sucked” into the fire by the rising air flow. This continues until everything that can burn in the fire area is burned.

Cities hit by firestorm

As a result of the fire:

As a result of the bombing:

see also

  • Strategic bombing during World War II

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  • Musgrove, Gordon "Operation Gomorrah. The Hamburg firestorm Raids", London, 1981.
  • Caidin, Martin “The night Hamburg died”, London, 1966.
  • Middlebrook, Martin “The battle of Hamburg. Allied bomber forces against a german city in 1943", London, 1980.

Excerpt characterizing the Firestorm

Seeing his face and meeting his gaze, Princess Marya suddenly moderated the speed of her step and felt that her tears had suddenly dried up and her sobs had stopped. Catching the expression on his face and gaze, she suddenly became shy and felt guilty.
“What is my fault?” – she asked herself. “The fact that you live and think about living things, and I!..” answered his cold, stern gaze.
There was almost hostility in his deep, out-of-control, but inward-looking gaze as he slowly looked around at his sister and Natasha.
He kissed his sister hand in hand, as was their habit.
- Hello, Marie, how did you get there? - he said in a voice as even and alien as his gaze. If he had screamed with a desperate cry, then this cry would have terrified Princess Marya less than the sound of this voice.
- And did you bring Nikolushka? – he said also evenly and slowly and with an obvious effort of recollection.
– How is your health now? - said Princess Marya, herself surprised at what she was saying.
“This, my friend, is something you need to ask the doctor,” he said, and, apparently making another effort to be affectionate, he said with just his mouth (it was clear that he did not mean what he was saying): “Merci, chere amie.” , d'etre venue. [Thank you, dear friend, for coming.]
Princess Marya shook his hand. He winced slightly when she shook her hand. He was silent and she didn't know what to say. She understood what happened to him in two days. In his words, in his tone, especially in this look - a cold, almost hostile look - one could feel the alienation from everything worldly, terrible for a living person. He apparently now had difficulty understanding all living things; but at the same time it was felt that he did not understand the living, not because he was deprived of the power of understanding, but because he understood something else, something that the living did not and could not understand and that absorbed him completely.
- Yes, that’s how strange fate brought us together! – he said, breaking the silence and pointing at Natasha. - She keeps following me.
Princess Marya listened and did not understand what he was saying. He, the sensitive, gentle Prince Andrei, how could he say this in front of the one he loved and who loved him! If he had thought about living, he would not have said this in such a coldly insulting tone. If he didn’t know that he would die, then how could he not feel sorry for her, how could he say this in front of her! There was only one explanation for this, and that was that he didn’t care, and it didn’t matter because something else, something more important, was revealed to him.
The conversation was cold, incoherent and interrupted constantly.
“Marie passed through Ryazan,” said Natasha. Prince Andrei did not notice that she called his sister Marie. And Natasha, calling her that in front of him, noticed it herself for the first time.

Recently, photographs of an interesting, but at the same time frightening, were posted on the Internet. natural phenomenon- fire tornado. These unique photographs were taken in the USA. The fire tornado (the photo in the article demonstrates its destructive power) was formed when a farmer set fire to the grass in his field, and at that moment the wind spun the tornado.


Most of the inhabitants of our planet are already calm about ordinary air vortices, despite the enormous destruction they bring. Tornadoes are already firmly in daily life on the American continent, groups of extreme scientists have even formed there, pursuing these for their detailed study. However, a fire tornado is quite a rare event, which is much more dangerous than a regular vortex. In our article we will look at the reasons for its occurrence, discuss what danger it poses, and also remember historical facts associated with this type of tornado.

What is a fire whirlwind

A fire tornado (photo given in the article) is an atmospheric phenomenon formed when disparate sources of fire combine. As a result, the air in it rapidly heats up, and its density decreases, as a result, it rises. Its place is taken by cold flows from peripheral areas. The arriving air also heats up and rises. The effect of oxygen suction occurs, and fairly stable centripetal flows are formed, which spiral in a spiral from the ground to the sky. This can be compared to the effect where the pressure of hot air reaches hurricane speed. The height of a fire tornado can be five thousand meters. The temperature rises to a thousand degrees Celsius. Such a whirlwind draws in everything that is nearby, and so continues until everything that can burn burns out, after which it subsides.

The most dangerous tornado is a fire tornado

The firestorm was a companion to the most powerful fires in the history of our planet. Thus, this natural phenomenon was recorded during the Great Fire of London. Later, one hundred and fifty years later, in 1812, a firestorm swept over Moscow when retreating Russian troops set it on fire. The next time a “red tornado” was recorded was during the Great Chicago Fire, which occurred in 1871, and in 1917 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This terrible phenomenon nature has become a companion modern wars. So, it arose quite often during the Second World War. For example, a burning tornado did a lot of things in Stalingrad in 1942. However, the largest destruction is characterized by the “red whirlwind” that swept through the Japanese city of Kobe after its bombing in 1945 by the US Army. Then, as a result of two-day airstrikes, more than 40 square kilometers of the city area were destroyed, and more than a hundred thousand people died in the resulting hellish tornado.

Creepy chronicle

The following fires affected: London (1666, the Great London Fire (1812, the Moscow Fire), Chicago (1871, the Great Chicago Fire), Thessaloniki (1917, the Thessaloniki Fire). The fire tornado that arose as a result of the bombing swept over cities: Stalingrad (August 23, 1942), Wuppertal (May 20-30, 1943), Krefeld (June 21-22, 1943), Hamburg (July 28, 1943), Dresden (February 13, 1945), Pforzheim (February 24 1945), Tokyo (March 9, 1945), Hiroshima (August 6, 1945).There was no fire whirlwind in Nagasaki.

"Red Tornado" in Hamburg

In order to appreciate the power and horror of this phenomenon, let's get acquainted with the documentary description of the fire tornado in Hamburg (1943). Between July 25 and August 3, the Royal Air Force and the United States Air Force carried out a series of "carpet bombings" of the city. human casualties were recorded on July 28. Then, as a result of the fire tornado, more than 40 thousand people died.

Detailed chronology of the Hamburg firestorm

The first incendiary bombs fell at one in the morning on Frankenstrasse and Spaldingstrasse. Fires broke out in the areas of Hammerbrock, Rothenburgsort and Hamm. These pockets served as a guide for aircraft, and in the next 15 minutes, 2,417 tons of mines, high-explosive and incendiary shells fell on these and neighboring urban areas. As a result of the bombing, all city communications were destroyed, and fire brigades simply turned out to be powerless against such a number of fires. People were gathered into bomb shelters. Several fiery whirlwinds grew over the city, rushing through the streets with a terrible howl, accelerating and gaining strength. 45 minutes after the start of the bombing, many small fires merged into two powerful fires. One huge fire tornado formed above them. More than 130 kilometers of streets and 16 thousand ended up in its crucible. A thermal cyclone emerged with a diameter of 3.5 kilometers and a height of five kilometers, all with a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius. The firestorm was localized over an area of ​​10 square kilometers. At three o'clock in the morning in the areas of the Wandsbek Highway and the Berlin Gate, a continuous sea of ​​​​fire formed, the height of which was 30-50 meters. The tornado peaked between 3:00 and 3:30. At this temperature, objects burst into flames without direct contact with fire. Aluminum and lead products became liquid, and steel products became plastic. They deformed, unable to withstand structural loads. Even the bricks melted and slowly burned, transformed under the weight of the buildings and exploded into dust... Buildings collapsed. People in bomb shelters simply suffocated as the tornado sucked out all the air. At 4.30 the wind began to subside, but the heat was still unbearable. At 6.12 am, everything that could burn burned out in the area of ​​the fire whirlwind. Everything in the area resembled giant hot coals. In order to begin dismantling the wreckage, we had to wait 10 days, since the high temperature did not allow us to get closer to the area. These are the consequences of a fire tornado.

"Red tornado" over Irkutsk

On December 6, 1997, a plane crash occurred in an aircraft manufacturing village. In terms of scale, it is, of course, inferior to Hamburg and others, but this does not make it any less terrible. Peaceful life settlement was disrupted by the fall of the largest production aircraft in the world - the An-124 Ruslan. 130 tons of aviation fuel ignited instantly, and a firestorm hit the city block. This accident is one of the largest in the 20th century. Using the example of a German city, we can imagine what happened in this village; Now the address Grazhdanskaya Street, building 45 in Irkutsk does not exist, but there is a chapel in that place. Was subsequently withdrawn documentary"Fire tornado over Irkutsk." This is a unique chronicle of the rescue operation, which also contains amateur footage, interviews with rescuers, firefighters and eyewitnesses.

Firestorm in Australia

In September 2012 this unique phenomenon made its own adjustments to the working day of the Australian film crew. Literally 300 meters from them, a fiery whirlwind rose to a 30-meter height and raged for about 40 minutes. This happened near the city of Alice Springs, in the central part of the continent. A fire tornado in Australia is a fairly rare phenomenon, despite the frequent fires that engulf its territory during the summer drought. And even in this case, there were no prerequisites for its occurrence: there was complete calm, and the air temperature was only 25 degrees. According to experts, the danger of the phenomenon we are considering lies in its rarity and unpredictability.

Fire tornado, Budapest, Hungary, 2011

I showed you yesterday : Air. Water and fire, so, the fiery whirlpool interested me more and I decided to find out more about it.

Tornado or tornado, if we talk about the analogue of this word in Russian. One of the most destructive and beautiful natural atmospheric phenomena on Earth. But there is an even more catastrophic and incredible nice option tornado - fire tornado.

This is a very rare phenomenon that can occur both in natural forest fires, so anthropogenic factors- fires or bombings.

Incipient firestorm, California, September 13, 2006

A fire tornado is formed in those in rare cases when separate fires that have arisen merge into one. At the same time, the air above it heats up, its density decreases and it rises, forming draft. Cold masses of air, coming from the periphery of the fire, begin to flow from below. In this way, a colossal suction of oxygen is formed, and the entire system begins to act like a blacksmith’s bellows, pumping and heating the air more and more.

During a fire tornado, a column of fire can arise, heated to a thousand degrees Celsius and rising into the atmosphere at a distance of up to five kilometers! At the same time, such a tornado sucks in and burns everything around. Of course, such destructive fire tornadoes do not occur often, but one of them, in 1923 in Japan, lasted only 15 minutes and killed almost forty thousand people! In 15 minutes! That tornado arose after the Great Kanto Earthquake from massive fires, and was not only a natural phenomenon, but its destructive force was colossal.

One of the most recent fairly large-scale fire tornadoes occurred quite recently, at the beginning of September in Australia, in the famous place of Alice Springs, the capital of central Australia (not far from it is the famous mountain Uluru). The most amazing thing is that at this time, in this very place, Australian director Chris Tangey and his film crew were going to shoot a film, not expecting that they would be able to film an equally grandiose event.

Literally three hundred meters from the filming location, a pillar of fire soared into the sky, burning everything in its path. As it turned out, the film crew witnessed a rare natural phenomenon - a fire tornado.

This tornado was not as terrible and destructive as in Japan, but nevertheless lasted more than 40 minutes and rose to a height of about 30 meters.

Usually fire tornado observed within two to three minutes. The strange thing about this tornado in Alice Springs was that the weather that day was not hot, only about 25 degrees Celsius, and it was almost completely calm.

At the same time, the area around Alice Springs, although a fairly hot and dry place, is practically the very center of the deserted central Australia, such phenomena are practically not observed here, and as Chris Tangey, a director from Alice Springs, shares his impressions of his 23-year career and filming he had never observed anything like this in the vicinity of Uluru.

Firestorm, UK, 1986

A destructive fire tornado occurred in 2011 in a suburb of the Hungarian capital Budapest during a fire at a plastics factory. Then about 70 fire brigades were involved in its elimination.

Police headquarters burning, Kanto, Japan, September 15, 1923.

The height of the column of fire during the fire tornado in Budapest reached about 10 meters.

Fire tornado. USA, 2011

Fire tornado is special case a strong crown fire, which spreads very quickly through the treetops during severe forest fires. The same principle of thermal draft. But, as a rule, due to strong wind the spread of fire does not occur in the form of a column of fire, but in the form of a continuous stream of fire, spreading with incredible speed. A very severe firestorm was observed during the 1988 Yellowstone Fire.

Fire tornado. Alice Springs, Chris Tangey, Australia, 2012

Australian director Chris Tangey captured a rare natural phenomenon - a fire tornado 30 meters high. A burning pillar appeared near Alice Springs, Australia. A burning pillar appeared not far from the film crew - the amazed Tenji and his colleagues watched the burning tornado for about 40 minutes.

Scientists say such a vortex can occur when a column of rising air causes a fire or comes into contact with a flame.

A fire tornado is formed when scattered fires that have arisen unite into one huge fire. The air above it heats up, its density decreases and it rises. From below, cold air masses from the periphery enter in its place. The arriving air also heats up. Oxygen suction acts like a blacksmith's bellows.

Stable centripetal directional flows are formed, screwing counterclockwise from the ground to a height of up to five kilometers. There is an effect chimney. The plasma pressure reaches hurricane speeds. The temperature jumps to 600˚C. Everything burns or melts. And so on until everything that can burn is burned.

The speed of air rotation inside a fire tornado reaches incredible levels - above 400 km/h, and the temperature reaches 1000 degrees Celsius - at this temperature some metals can be melted.

The air above the fire heats up, its density decreases and it rises. From below, cold air masses from the periphery enter in its place. The arriving air also heats up. Oxygen suction acts like a blacksmith's bellows. Stable centripetal directional flows are formed, screwing counterclockwise from the ground to a height of up to five kilometers. A chimney effect occurs. The plasma pressure reaches hurricane speeds. The temperature jumps to 600?C. Everything burns or melts. And so on until everything that can burn is burned.

Many have noted that volcanic clouds cause tornadoes. Such tornadoes occurred, in particular, during the eruptions of volcanoes Parikutin, Miodzin, Hekla, etc.

Vertical vortices similar to dust whirlwinds formed over the hot fields of lava, slag, and pyroclastics. They are not always visible. The whirlwinds rise to the clouds, from where real tornadoes descended.

The strongest fire tornadoes occurred during a fire at oil storage facilities in California in April 1926.

Lightning struck a huge oil storage tank, causing it to explode and cause the oil to ignite. Then the fire spread to neighboring nephrine storage facilities. The fire burned for five days. On the second day, when the fire was strongest, the most big number fire tornadoes. Some of these tornadoes were invisible and only appeared in photographs.

Fire tornadoes spread 4-5 km from their place of origin. Sometimes they reach great strength; one of these tornadoes lifted 1.5 m wooden house and carried it 50 meters. The house was completely destroyed, the owner and his son were killed.

For a fire tornado to occur, the existence of updrafts alone is not enough - cumulus clouds are also required for their appearance. It is the vortices in these clouds that create the initial impulse necessary for the birth of a tornado.

To this group atmospheric vortices Fire whirlwinds that occur during large fires can also be attributed. The whirlwind that arose during the great fire in Stockbridge (England) in 1854 broke trees and lifted them into the air.

They occur during forest fires, explosions large quantities natural gas and even large fireworks.

Strong whirlwinds arose in the United States in the last century during the compression of accumulated masses of brushwood. The whirlwind was accompanied by a roar and lifted quite large trees into the air.

They claim that when atomic bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to shock wave and the heat was destroyed less people than died from fires during the bombing of Hamburg and Dresden. What is the reason?

This question interested P. Crutzen, director of the Max Planck Institute, and J. Beers from Colorado State University. Scientists have concluded that the reason is the high-rise buildings in Germany. The narrow streets were like gorges and during fires created a strong draft, similar to that which occurs in furnaces. The developing flames caused buildings in neighboring blocks to burn; the air heated to temperatures exceeding a thousand degrees. This, in turn, caused the combustion of those materials whose ignition temperature is too high to burn in normal fires.

Tongues of flame, fiery streams, merged into one red-hot bundle of flame and black smoke. The width of the vortex at the base was up to 2000 meters, and a column of fire and smoke formed, which rose to the tropopause. Crutzen called it a fire tornado.

A fire whirlwind also appeared during the explosion atomic bomb in Hiroshima, and one that lifted the trunks of heavy trees into the air and sucked water out of ponds.

Fire whirlwinds were produced artificially. For this purpose, oil nozzles were built, which produced huge flames. The simultaneous combustion of 15 such nozzles generated a fire whirlwind 40 meters across.

When the number of nozzles was increased to 40, a giant black column generated a black cloud, which in size was not inferior to clouds observed on a number of erupting volcanoes or during fires oil wells. When the cloud tilted slightly under the influence of the wind, short small craters began to appear on its leeward side. Having reached the ground, these craters formed real tornadoes.

In conclusion, it should be said about strange phenomena, which resemble a strong thermal effect, but are observed during ordinary tornadoes. In some cases, the bark is carefully torn off from trees and branches, sometimes only from one side. But exposed areas of wood sometimes look like they have been burned by fire. Even a bird killed and completely plucked by a tornado looks like it has begun to fry.

Removal of bark may be due to an air layer that may exist between the bark and the wood. This layer explodes when the pressure drop caused by the tornado. This is why bird feathers are “shot off”.

Fire tornado. Alice Springs, Chris Tangey, Australia, 2012

Here is a video of natural tornadoes...

In the center of Australia, members of the film crew witnessed a rare natural phenomenon - a fire tornado, which is also called “Devil’s Fire.” Instead of fleeing from fire element, the filmmakers took out their cameras and began filming the tornado.

According to the film's director, Chris Tangey, there were no conditions for a tornado. The air temperature barely exceeded 25 degrees Celsius, the weather was calm and clear.

Chris Tangey: “Then someone from the crew shouted: “What the hell is this?” I turned around and saw the 30-meter flames of the tornado. The tornado sounded like it was a fighter jet. What I saw almost made my jaw drop.”

An artificially created fire tornado. USA, 2011

Here is one of the options for an artificial fire tornado

Here's the second option:

And here is the third...

The largest and most destructive firestorms were observed in Hamburg, Dresdenand duringthe atomic bombing of Hiroshima during the Second World War, as a consequence of the severe fires that resulted from the bombing.

During the Second World War, the American and British commands air force a technology was developed for organizing and conducting massive bomb attacks on large cities, which ensured maximum destruction and maximum amount casualties among civilians.

It was based on the idea of ​​​​creating a “fire tornado” over the city - an artificial atmospheric phenomenon when millions of tons of air form above the fire source large area a giant inverted funnel with enormous draft and high temperature at the epicenter.

A “fire tornado” is formed when scattered fires in a city unite into one huge bonfire. The air above it heats up, its density decreases and it rises. From below, cold masses of air from the periphery enter in its place, providing the process with oxygen, heating up and also rushing upward. Stable centripetal directional flows are formed, screwing counterclockwise from the ground to a height of up to five kilometers. A draft is formed, like in a chimney. In the final stage, the plasma pressure reaches hurricane speeds and the temperature jumps to 600-1000˚C. Everything that does not burn begins to melt or deform. The process continues as long as it is provided with fuel, i.e. until everything that can burn is burned. Additional damaging factor is the lack of oxygen in the area covered by the fire tornado. Therefore, people who took refuge in basements die from suffocation.

One of the most important conditions for the occurrence of a “fire tornado” is the presence of a sufficient number of wooden buildings and structures in the affected area.

Therefore, in November 1941, a “Unison” list was compiled in England, which included 19 large German cities that were subject to destruction and ranked according to their degree of “flammability.”

The bombing technique itself was based on carpet bombing carried out various types bombs in a certain sequence, at calculated intervals:

1. The first wave of air raids dropped medium-caliber high-explosive bombs to destroy roofs and expose the wooden structures of buildings.

2. The second wave is incendiary bombs, which ensure simultaneous and uniform combustion of a large area.

3. The third wave - high-explosive bombs bigger size to destroy the roadways of streets and block passages with debris from collapsed buildings in order to impede the work of fire and rescue services.

Since this bombing technique required a clear organization in terms of accuracy, volume and timing of bombing, others the most important conditions there was no choice of targets strong system Air defense and good weather conditions.

On January 21, at a conference in Casablanca, a directive of the Allied Joint Chiefs of Staff “On strengthening the joint air offensive against Germany” was adopted.

At the beginning of June 1943, based on the Directive, a plan for the “United Bomber Offensive from the British Isles” was developed, codenamed “Pointblank”.

In accordance with the Point Blanc plan, from July 25 to August 3, 1943, Operation Gomorrah was carried out - a massive multi-day raid on the second largest city in Germany - Hamburg.

3095 British and American bombers took part in it.

8,621 tons of bombs were dropped on the city, two-thirds of which were incendiary.

After the bombing, the fire raged in the city for several more days, and the column of smoke reached 6 km.

Until August 6 it was impossible to carry out rescue work, since the rubble of the ruins has not yet cooled down.

According to the report of the British Office for the Study of the Results of Strategic Bombing, the city was destroyed by 55-60%, and 75-80% of this destruction was the result of fires, i.e. the result was considered satisfactory.

According to various sources, as a result of this raid on Hamburg, from 46 thousand to 100 thousand people died, over 200 thousand were wounded, burned and maimed.

750 thousand people were left homeless.

Dresden 1945

By February 1945, the military-political leadership of the Allies understood that the end fascist Germany predetermined.

However, in January-early February 1945, it was decided to carry out an operation under the code name “Thunderclap”.

It provided for a series of massive strikes against largest cities Germany with the aim of creating panic and chaos among the civilian population in order to force the Nazi command to announce immediate surrender.

At the beginning of 1945, cities in eastern Germany were chosen as targets, which in the future were to be in the area of ​​​​responsibility Soviet troops: Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz.

Dresden, the cultural center of Germany, did not have serious military production and was not of serious interest as a transport hub.

It had virtually no air defense system: the city was almost never bombed throughout the war (only the railway station).

At the end of the war, the city was overcrowded with refugees from the combat areas on the Western and Eastern fronts (about 200 thousand people for 640 thousand local residents)

For mid-February, weather forecasters predicted clear skies over Dresden.

From the memorandum Royal Air Force, with which the British pilots were familiarized with the night before the attack on Dresden (February 13):

“Dresden, the 7th largest city in Germany... is by far the largest area of ​​the enemy that has not yet been bombed. In the middle of winter, with streams of refugees heading west and troops needing to be stationed somewhere, housing is in short supply as not only workers, refugees and troops need to be housed, but also government offices evacuated from other areas. Once widely known for its porcelain production, Dresden has developed into a major industrial center... The aim of the attack is to strike the enemy where he will feel it most, behind the partially collapsed front... and at the same time show the Russians when they arrive in the city what the Royal Air Force is capable of ."

From February 13 to February 15, 1945, the British and american planes dropped about 6,000 tons of incendiary and high-explosive bombs on the city.

At the same time, American covering fighters attacked those moving along the roads. civilians escaping from the fire.

After the start of restoration and rescue work in the practically destroyed city, the American Air Force carried out two more bombings: on March 2 - about 1000 and on April 17 - 1700 tons of high-explosive and incendiary bombs.

The camp for Soviet and allied prisoners of war located in the city was almost completely destroyed. Famous American writer Kurt Vonnegut was among the seven American prisoners of war who survived that day in Dresden. His most famous novel"Slaughterhouse-Five, or Crusade children" was written under the impressions of the Dresden tragedy.

Bombs and fire partially or completely destroyed 80% of the city's buildings

The exact number of victims of the “fire tornado” in Dresden will apparently never be established.

According to official data from the Royal Air Force Historical Department, the number of victims exceeded 50 thousand people.

In the USSR, the estimated number of victims was 135 thousand people.


Hi all! This is Vladimir Raichev, I am glad to welcome you to my blog about security. Today we will not talk about any specific cataclysm that claimed a large number of lives, but we will only consider a rather rare natural disaster.

We have already looked at the strongest earthquake in Europe and the recent earthquake in Taiwan, we even talked about the Chelyabinsk meteorite, but fire tornadoes appear much less frequently and not much is known about them

Nature is very mysterious and unique, and many phenomena are still a mystery to humanity. One of these mysteries is the fire tornado. For many believers, this phenomenon is like God’s punishment.

An air column of fire that moves in a vertical vortex is a very rare natural disaster. This unusual tornado occurs when disparate fires come together. And a fire tornado begins to rise due to the fact that the air inside the fire begins to heat up, reducing its density.

The smokestack effect that can be seen during this phenomenon occurs due to the intake large quantity cold air, which subsequently also heats up, lifting the already heated air upward. The air temperature heats up to 1000 degrees, and the speed reaches over 200 km/h.

The fiery whirlwind burns everything in its path. Each time, the size of the tornado increases, sucking in everything that can burn. According to statistics, fire tornadoes occur after forest fires. Its height is usually from five to ten meters. But there were cases when a tornado reached a height of over a kilometer and caused wind speeds of over 160 km/h. For such a phenomenon there are no fears tall trees, no house, no car. In Australia, fire tornadoes occur regularly due to frequent bushfires.

What fire tornadoes are known to history?

There are many cases in history this phenomenon. For example, the fire whirlwind that resulted from fires in London, Moscow and Chicago. These incidents remained in history as great fires.

I found a video of a fire tornado in California, look, it's very impressive (there is no sound in the video, I also tried to increase the volume):

A tornado also occurred during the war in Stalingrad in 1942 and in Tokyo in 1945. Distinctive feature fire tornado is that it begins to suck out all the air, and people in this area have practically nothing to breathe.

How to create a fire whirlwind at home

This unusual natural disaster has been studied by scientists since 1960. Various experiments are still being carried out in the Sahara. People make artificial fire tornadoes. Fans of such phenomena can easily make an artificial tornado at home.

True, the size of the tornado will depend on the size of the heat-resistant glass pipe or metal mesh pipe. The flammable material can be ordinary acetone or dry alcohol. See how they created a fire tornado in the TV show “Galileo”:

Scientists have not fully studied the fire tornado, because there are no such daredevils who could conduct research or at least shoot video near the fire tornado - the temperature next to it is not at all low.

But in this video, the guys approached the issue of creating a fire whirlwind more thoroughly than Pushnoy and even did slow-motion filming - watch it, you won’t regret it:

That’s probably all I have for today, I was glad to see you again on the pages of my blog. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out interesting articles. Share this article with your friends on in social networks, I’m sure they will also be interested in reading this article. Until we meet again, bye-bye.