Planet Earth is full of amazing animals. It is inhabited by small and large, short and long, tall and short. Each one is unique in its own way.

But the real amazement is caused by animals of unprecedented size. In this article we will look at the largest animals in the world. They all belong to completely different species.

The heaviest animal in the world

Of the animals living on land, the African elephant is the heaviest. It ranks second in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. And it is the largest of those currently existing. Males African elephant They grow up to 7.5 meters in length, up to 3.3 meters in height, and weigh about 6 tons. Females are slightly smaller, reaching 7 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height, and weighing less than 3 tons.

The heaviest animal is the African elephant

By the way, an adult African elephant has no natural enemies, and all because impressive size. However, cubs, particularly newborns, are very vulnerable to lions, crocodiles, hyenas and leopards.

Tallest animal in the world

Our TOP of the most gigantic animals in the world continues - the giraffe. This is the tallest land animal on the planet. African artiodactyl mammal grows up to 5-6 meters in height. The average weight of males is 1600 kilograms, females - 830 kilograms. The giraffe has an extraordinary Long neck– more than 2 meters in length. Almost half the vertical height of individuals. And this is the result of disproportionate lengthening of the cervical spine.

The largest carnivores in the world

The largest carnivore on the planet that lives to this day is the southern elephant seal, simply a seal. The size of females and males varies greatly, and this difference is greater than that of any other mammal.

Males are 5-6 times heavier than females. The average weight of males is 2200-4000 kilograms, while females are only 400-900 kilograms. Length – up to three meters.

The largest carnivorous land animals

At this point in the ranking of the largest animals in the world are the Kodiak bear (a type of brown bear) and the white polar bear. The sizes of the individuals are approximately the same and scientists still find it difficult to answer which bear is larger.

The height of the animals starts from 1.6 meters, the total length is about 3 meters. The heaviest individuals that were recorded weighed 1003 kilograms (polar bear) and 1135 kilograms (brown bear).

The largest reptile in the world

This is the saltwater crocodile. That's why he was included in the list of the largest animals in the world. You can see the reptile in suitable habitats ranging from east coast India and South-East Asia and ending with Northern Australia.

The weight of an adult male reaches 1000 kilograms, and the length ranges from 4 to 5.5 meters. Mature males can grow even larger. By the way, this species of reptile is the only one in existence whose size regularly exceeds 4.8 meters. The saltwater crocodile is a predator that attacks almost any animal in its vicinity (both in water and on land).

The largest amphibian in the world

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world. Its length is at least 180 centimeters. However, today quite often the salamander does not live to this size. The animal lives in rocky mountain lakes and flows in China.

Their numbers are declining catastrophically due to environmental pollution and over-capture (salamander meat is considered a delicacy, and the animal is also used in Chinese traditional medicine).

The largest hare (rabbit)

The Flemish giant occupies a worthy position in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. This is an old breed of domesticated rabbit that was bred in the Flemish region. They began to be propagated in the 16th century near the Belgian city of Ghent.

Giant rabbit eats up its owners' budget

Such a mutant rabbit can weigh up to 13 kilograms and is as big as a large dog.

The largest bats in the world

Giant golden-crowned flying fox. For those who are afraid of mice, this is a real flying horror. Individuals grow up to 55 cm in length, the wingspan can reach 1.8 meters. The weight of a bat is about 1.5 kilograms.

It is worth noting that the simple large flying fox loses in mass and length, but wins in wingspan.

The largest rodent in the world

Capybara or guinea pig considered the largest rodent in the world. This miracle of nature lives in temperate or tropical parts east South America and Andes. Individuals live mainly near water.

Capybara - giant guinea pig

Adult capybaras grow up to 1.5 meters in length, up to a meter in height, and weigh about 105 kilograms. A huge guinea pig, by the way, easily gets along with people.

The largest bony fish in the world

Meeting one while swimming means getting shocked. Ocean sunfish have a bony rather than cartilaginous skeleton. The biggest bony fish resembles the head of a fish with a tail, where the main part is slightly smoothed from the side.

The oceanic specimen is 1.8 meters long, and from fin to fin, even more so, up to 2.5 meters. The fisherman's dream weight is 1000 kilograms. By the way, there were even more impressive specimens - up to 3.3 meters in length, weighing up to 2,300 kilograms.

The biggest snake

This is green anaconda. And therefore it takes pride of place with the TOP of the largest animals on the planet.

Maximum size, which was recorded, is 7.5 meters in length and 250 kilograms in weight. However, there are rumors about larger individuals.

The largest bird in the world

The largest bird in the world cannot fly. The ostrich is an inhabitant of the plains of Arabia and Africa. Male individuals grow up to 2.8 meters and weigh from 150 kilograms. The largest animal in the world is the blue whale

The mammal's tongue alone weighs about 2.7 tons. The size can be compared to the size of an average Indian elephant. The heart of a blue whale weighs about 600 kilograms. And it is the largest in the world. For comparison, the heart is comparable to a MiniCooper car in size and weight.

But animals can differ not only in physical size, but also in mental parameters. For example, among domestic animals, the smartest, no matter how surprising it may seem, are pigs.
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Today I want to present you with 14 photos of the largest animals on the planet that will surprise you with their size.

The largest animals on the planet:


The most big snake in the world: anaconda. Maximum length her body is 7.5 meters and her maximum weight is 250 kg. However, they talk about the green anaconda, which is much larger.

The largest rodent in the world is the Capybara.. The largest representatives of the capybara can reach 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height. The weight of these animals can be up to 105.4 kg. These are social animals that live in groups of an average of 10-20 individuals.

The largest arthropod in the world Japanese spider crab. The span of the first pair of legs can reach 3.8 m, and this spider crab can weigh up to 19 kg.

The largest reptile in the world is a saltwater (combed or cellular) crocodile. Adult male weight saltwater crocodile can vary from 409 to 1000 kg, and its length, as a rule, reaches 5.5 m.

Belgian Flanders

The Belgian Flanders is the largest rabbit in the world. They were first bred in the 16th century in the vicinity of Ghent, Belgium. The Belgian Flanders can weigh up to 12.7 kg.

Golden flying fox

The most gigantic bat in the world: golden flying fox. The length of the bat can reach 55 cm, and the maximum weight is 1.5 kg. The wingspan of the golden flying fox can be about 1.8 meters.


Largest bony fish in the world: (sunfish, headfish). Adult representatives of this fish have an average length of 1.8 meters, the width from fin to swimmer reaches 2.5 meters, and average weight equals 1000 kg.


The largest land predators in the world are the Polar Bear and the Kodiak Bear. We have probably all been familiar with the white polar bear for a long time, but the Kodiak bear is less known. He is a subspecies brown bears and is found on Kodiak Island and other islands of the Kodiak archipelago near south coast Alaska. The Kodiak bear and the Polar bear have approximately the same body parameters, so it is not clear which of them is the leader in size. Both species reach a height of more than 1.6 m, and the total body length can reach 3.05 m. Weight Limit these animals can be 1135 kg.

The fattest predator in the world: Southern elephant seal. Females of this species of animals can weigh on average from 400 to 900 kilograms and be from 2.6 to 3 meters in length, males of the southern elephant seal usually five to six times heavier than females. On average, they weigh approximately 2,200 to 4,000 kg and can reach 4.5 to 5.8 meters in length.

Dalmatian pelican

The heaviest flying bird in the world: Dalmatian pelican. The average length of these birds varies from 160 to 180 cm, and they weigh 11-15 kg. The wingspan of Dalmatian pelicans is more than 3 meters.

The largest amphibian in the world: the Chinese giant salamander. The length of some Chinese individuals giant salamander can reach 180 cm, but this is extremely rare. The main condition necessary for the survival of the Chinese giant salamander is a clean and very cold water. This species is now endangered.

Blue whale

The largest animal on the planet is the blue (or blue) whale. It can reach 30 meters in length and 180 metric tons or more in weight. A blue whale's tongue can weigh about 2.7 tons, which is about the same weight as an average asian elephant. Its heart is the size of a small car, and it weighs about the same - 600 kg. And the lung capacity of this marine mammal exceeds 3 thousand liters.

Present to your attention interesting selection photographs of the largest animals in the world in various categories. Some of the presented individuals are truly giants!

1. The largest animal that has ever existed on the planet is the blue (or blue) whale. It can reach 30 meters in length and 180 metric tons or more in weight. A blue whale's tongue can weigh about 2.7 tons, which is about the same weight as an average Asian elephant. Its heart is the size of a small car, and it weighs about the same - 600 kg. And the lung volume of this marine mammal exceeds 3 thousand liters.

2. The African elephant is considered the largest land animal in the world. Male African elephants reach 6 to 7.5 meters in length, 3.3 meters in height, while female African elephants are much smaller, measuring on average 5.4 to 6.9 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height . The weight of this animal can reach 6 tons.

3. Tallest land animal in the world: giraffe. The height of this animal is on average 5-6 meters, of which approximately 2 meters are allocated to the neck. The average weight of a male giraffe is 1600 kg, and a female is 830 kg.

4. The largest predator in the world: Southern elephant seal. Females of this species can on average weigh between 400 and 900 kilograms and be between 2.6 and 3 meters in length; male southern elephant seals are typically five to six times heavier than females. On average, they weigh approximately 2,200 to 4,000 kg and can reach 4.5 to 5.8 meters in length.

5. Largest land predator in the world: Polar bear and Kodiak bear. We are probably all familiar with the white polar bear, but the Kodiak bear is less known. It is a subspecies of brown bear and is found on Kodiak Island and other islands of the Kodiak Archipelago off the southern coast of Alaska. The bear has Kodiak and polar bear approximately the same body parameters, so it is not clear which of them is the leader in size. Both species reach a height of more than 1.6 m, and the total length of the body can reach 3.05 m. The maximum weight of these animals can be 1135 kg.

6. Largest reptile in the world: Saltwater (combed or spongy) crocodile. The weight of an adult male saltwater crocodile can vary from 409 to 1000 kg, and its length usually reaches 5.5 m.

7. Largest amphibian in the world: Chinese giant salamander. The length of some Chinese individuals giant salamander can reach 180 cm, but this is extremely rare. The main condition necessary for the survival of the Chinese giant salamander is clean and very cold water. On this moment this species is endangered.

8. Largest rabbit/hare in the world: "Belgian Flanders". They were first bred in the 16th century in the vicinity of Ghent, Belgium. The Belgian Flanders can weigh up to 12.7 kg.

9. The largest bat in the world: the giant golden flying fox. The length of this giant bat can reach 55 cm, and their maximum weight is 1.5 kg. Golden wingspan flying fox can be almost 1.8 meters.

10. The largest rodent in the world: the capybara. The largest representatives of the capybara can reach 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height. The weight of these animals can be up to 105.4 kg. These are social animals that live in groups of an average of 10-20 individuals.

11. Largest bony fish in the world: common sunfish(sunfish, headfish). Adult representatives of this fish have an average length of 1.8 meters, a width from fin to fin reaches 2.5 meters, and an average weight of 1000 kg.

12. Largest lizard/snake in the world: giant green anaconda. The maximum recorded body length of the green anaconda is 7.5 meters, and the maximum recorded weight is 250 kg. However, there are rumors about green anacondas of much larger dimensions.

13. The world's largest bird: ostrich. A large male ostrich can reach 2.8 m in height and weigh more than 156 kg. The eggs of these birds can weigh up to 1.4 kg. Maximum speed developed by these birds is 97.5 km/h. This makes ostriches the fastest birds in the world, as well as the fastest bipeds on Earth.

14. The heaviest flying bird in the world: Dalmatian pelican. The average length of these birds varies from 160 to 180 cm, and they weigh 11-15 kg. The Dalmatian Pelican has a wingspan of more than 3 meters.

15. Largest arthropod in the world: Japanese spider crab. The span of the first pair of legs can reach 3.8 m, and this spider crab can weigh up to 19 kg.

When using the word "giant" most of people are represented either by huge diplodocus or a mammoth from " Ice Age" Another option is not excluded - eucalyptus and baobab trees. However, there are still many creatures whose size may pleasantly (and not so pleasantly) surprise you. Oddly enough, huge living organisms exist not only in fairy tales and the prehistoric past, but also share the planet with us right now! Here's a list of notable animals, from dog-sized rabbits to human-sized crabs. Feel tiny with the most large inhabitants peace!

Female hippopotamus during evening rest

Looking at these funny creatures (which, by the way, are one of the most aggressive mammals in the world: they suffer large quantity people than from crocodiles and sharks), it is difficult to believe that their closest relatives are sea ​​whales. Even though they came to land, hippos are still completely devoted aquatic environment, as evidenced by their etymology Greek name- “river horse”.

Male gorilla at rest

This gorilla species is on the verge of extinction. The humanly intelligent primate lives only in a small area of ​​Africa, where deforestation and poaching have made life a struggle for survival. Eastern gorilla is the largest representative of the great ape species.

The largest breed of rabbit is the Flanders

Domestic Flanders rabbit and collie

About the size of an average dog, this breed of game rabbit can impress foodies and furry lovers alike. The largest rabbit was first bred in the Middle Ages near the Belgian city of Ghent.

Octopus on the engraving early XIX century

Only recently has it been possible to prove the existence of giant squids, since they rarely appear on the surface. Many oceanographers are confident that legendary Kraken and there is a representative of this subspecies of cephalopods. Until the end of the 20th century, the only evidence of its existence were plate-sized sucker marks on the bodies of sperm whales. However, in 2004, Japanese researchers managed to photograph a living giant squid in his habitat.

"Flying" stingray in shallow water

This majestic stingray, nicknamed " sea ​​devil", can have a wingspan of up to eight meters. Moreover, the manta ray can easily jump several meters out of the water. Unfortunately, this beautiful sight can only be observed on the open sea and only during the breeding season.

Old White shark on the hunt

This sea ​​monster is the largest and most aggressive fish alive (good thing megalodons are extinct). Moreover, she does not have natural enemies except killer whales and people.

Capybara is a peaceful rodent animal

Rodent takes sunbaths

This cute creature feels comfortable at home and is increasingly becoming a pet. Capybara is the most large rodent. They live in families or even groups in South America.

Anaconda during the hunt

This snake is the largest in the world and even has its own horror movie franchise. Large individuals can reach eight meters in length. Some types of pythons can surpass the anaconda in size, but do not surpass it in thickness.

The head and structure of the front part of the body of the perch

As the name suggests, this perch lives in the Nile River and is the largest freshwater fish. Its length can reach the height of an adult. Its other name is “water elephant”.

The trace left by the movement of such a carcass is the best signal to turn back

This species of reptile is the largest living one. Saltwater crocodile can be found in Indian Ocean off the coast. This monster is known for its aggressiveness, so if you see two rows of teeth swimming towards you, you better run away.

Flying fox on vacation

Unfortunately, this large bat is on the verge of extinction due to the fact that its habitats in the Philippines are being deforested and polluted. Acerodon is peaceful and feeds exclusively on fruits.

Komodo dragon digests lunch

These legendary "dragons" are largest lizards in the world. They are known for their gluttony: in one meal they can eat almost as much as their own weight. However, there is also back side their appetite: the metabolism of monitor lizards is so slow that the monitor lizard only needs to eat once a month.

Cassowary comb is considered an aphrodisiac

This largest birds outside of Africa. Despite their peaceful disposition, cassowaries can attack people during the current period or if the bird feels a threat to its offspring.

Killer whale chasing a fur seal

In fact, killer whales are not whales. They are the largest representatives of the dolphin family. Possess high intelligence and live in large families.

Female sperm whale with calf

These huge whales are largest predators on the planet. In addition, sperm whales have the largest brain. However, this does not save them from whalers.

Crab at Tokyo Aquarium

A true champion among arthropods. This type of crab lives off the coast of Japan. It is known for its size (can weigh up to 20 kg), taste (gourmets around the world line up for its phalanges) and longevity (there are individuals that live for a century).

Female elephant scaring off intruders

It’s scary to imagine, but these mammals can weigh up to 5 tons. And given their aggressiveness and size, elephant seals can safely be called the largest carnivores on land (although they hunt sea ​​creatures, fortunately for us).

Pelican before flying for fish

This pelican species is the largest flying bird. Lives on the territory of the Eurasian continent.

Emu during mating season

The comical, but dangerous and aggressive bird is known to be the largest in the world. It can accelerate to 70 km/h, which allows ostriches to win in two categories: the fastest two-legged creature and the fastest flightless bird.

Giraffe in one of the US zoos

Everyone is well aware of these amazing and cute creatures. Despite its good nature, the giraffe can run fast and fight back even lions. This mammal is the tallest of land animals.

Huge fish at the New Mexico Aquarium

This inhabitant of the oceans is the most major representative bony fish(those who do not have cartilage, but full-fledged bones).

Salamander in Beijing Zoo

The Chinese have put the fate of this species of lizard at risk of extinction, as they value its meat for taste qualities and use internal organs in traditional medicine.

A bear is looking for food in the polar winter

Despite their apparent “plushness,” polar bears are strong and vicious predators that can tear apart a person in a matter of seconds. They say that there is no escape from him except shameful flight.

Male scaring off trespassers

The largest land creature. Representatives of this species have no enemies who could attack it with impunity (except for people who destroy elephants in industrial scale). Its weight can reach 12 tons.

Young whale playing with a school of fish

Perhaps, over time, new species of living beings will acquire monstrous proportions. And among those living today there may be unknown giants, which we will definitely learn about.


Several animals claimed the title of the tallest animal in the world, but scientists gave the first one to the giraffe. An adult male weighs about 2 tons, while females are twice as light. It is curious that 250 kg of this weight falls on the giraffe’s neck, and about 10 kg is on its heart muscle. The tallest animal in the world lives in the Central and South Africa. In appearance, these creatures look very disproportionate: the legs are thin and long, the chest is narrow, the neck is quite long and crowned with a small head with exorbitantly huge ears. A giraffe has small horns on its head. It is curious that the giraffe's neck, reaching a length of 2.5 m, has the same number of vertebrae as the neck of other mammals, i.e. seven.

It is curious that due to its long neck it has the highest blood pressure of all living creatures on Earth. Comparing the blood pressure of a giraffe and healthy person, then for the first one it will be approximately three times higher! So unique anatomical features a giraffe requires his heart muscle and certain efforts. As mentioned above, the heart of the tallest animal in the world weighs about 10 kg and is capable of pumping blood to the brain, located at a distance of 3.5 m from the heart! Besides, unique system the location of the giraffe's arteries saves it from serious problems, which could be at a watering hole at a time when the animal tilts its head down.

It is curious that the bright skin of the tallest animal in the world has been the basis for the most incredible legends and stories since time immemorial. For example, the ancient Egyptians and Romans believed that giraffes are the offspring of leopards and camels. returning to appearance giraffe, it should be noted that it is only unsightly in appearance, but in fact it is a rather graceful equid! Moreover, giraffes have perfectly adapted to life in the driest conditions. African regions. Their long front legs and unique neck allow them to feed on leaves from the tops of acacia trees during droughts.

Other advantages of the tallest animal on Earth include sensitive hearing and excellent hearing. The giraffe is able to notice potential enemies from quite a distance, and hind limbs allow the animal to rush away with lightning speed. The tallest animal in the world runs fast - at a speed of 60 km/h. By the way, the owners of the most sleep tall very little and mostly standing. It is worth noting that some individuals still try to lie on the ground. At the same time, they place their head on their hind leg, bending their long neck in an arc.