Experts are always asked what time of day is best to go mushroom picking. In principle, it is completely the same. And only if you don’t want to go to those places where other people have already reaped the “harvest”, you will have to get up at dawn.

Let's start with the basic rules. The most important thing for a mushroom picker is the basket. When you want to identify the type of mushroom, always consider its location. If you are not sure that you have correctly identified the species, show the mushroom to a specialist. Collect as few unknown mushrooms as possible and identify their species without rushing. Never behave like robbers in the place where you found mushrooms.


When going on a mushroom hunting trip, don’t forget that your clothes should be appropriate for the weather, and most importantly, your shoes should be comfortable and durable. In addition to this, a mushroom picker always needs: a basket, a reliable one, and a book about mushrooms. In addition, a magnifying glass can be very useful.

Not suitable for picking mushrooms at all plastic bag! In the bag, the mushrooms become wrinkled and, what is even more dangerous, they heat up due to the metabolism that occurs after collection. This leads to the decomposition of proteins and (under certain circumstances) can cause secondary poisoning. This is why you need a basket: it helps you avoid unnecessary risks.

To begin with, you shouldn’t go on long hikes. Remember: if there is a 10 kilometer mark on a forest path, then searching for mushrooms doubles this number.

How to correctly identify mushrooms. The place where the mushroom grows.

As a rule, it is beginners who underestimate the importance of the place where the mushroom grows and try to determine its type only by external signs. In fact, it is absolutely necessary to carefully examine everything around: the trees, neighboring plants, the quality of the soil, and in hilly areas or on the edges - also the location in relation to the cardinal points. Countless details are gradually put together into a mosaic, and thus your knowledge of the necessary relationships and relationships increases. We don't just pick mushrooms, we gain experience! It is even recommended to write down current observations, because our memory is not able to retain all the particulars noted during the day.

It's always difficult for beginners

If, having found a mushroom, you are not sure that you can accurately determine its type, you should not do this at all costs. After all, searching for similar illustrations in a book and comparing them takes a lot of time. And if you suddenly notice the next hat nearby, then your attention is scattered, and you willy-nilly relate to this important work superficial. Therefore, it will be much better if you bring one or two unfamiliar mushrooms from each trip, and at home, slowly, try to identify them. Of course, these mushrooms do not need to be put in a basket with others, they must be placed separately. A paper handkerchief is great for this: you wrap the mushroom and don’t think about the fact that it can be poisonous and, when crumbled, will end up next to others.

Having tried for the first time to identify the type of an unfamiliar mushroom, a beginner, after long and futile attempts, will probably throw the book in a corner and the mushrooms in the trash can and doubt himself and mycology! But you should never despair. We have to try again and again. Any person, even a future major specialist, experienced the same doubts at first, but then each successful attempt strengthened his self-confidence and love for the process. And for this work you don’t need a full basket of unknown specimens. Therefore, our advice: collect them little by little, trying to pick the same mushrooms in different stages of development.

But even when you are sure that you have correctly identified the mushroom, you should not immediately put it in the pan. Try (at least initially) to get advice from a specialist who will confirm that you have not overlooked or confused anything.

How to pick mushrooms correctly

Mushrooms grow for many years in the same places, but only if the mycelium is not destroyed during collection. Therefore, it is extremely important that when you find a mushroom, do not pull it out of the soil! The beginner must carefully twist or turn it out of the ground or tree without breaking the legs. Firstly, the mycelium will then be almost undamaged, and secondly, it is easier for the mushroom picker himself to judge the characteristic features of many species based on the base of the stem. If you cut off that part of the mushroom that is above the ground, then characteristic features it will be impossible to see. Only when you have a really good understanding of mushrooms and can confidently distinguish poisonous mushroom from edible, you can cut the fruiting body above the ground; then the mycelium will remain safe and sound.

Mushrooms growing on a tree (for example, honey mushrooms) have stems that are usually hard and tasteless, so it is customary to cut off only their caps. The legs remain on the tree trunk, and very little time will pass before a new abundant harvest can be harvested in the same place.

Old and wormy mushrooms Of course, it’s not worth collecting, just like tiny “buttons”. The latter have not yet shown the characteristic signs of the species, so it can be difficult to identify them and distinguish them from poisonous and dangerous doubles. If you accidentally pick a fruiting body that is unsuitable for food (it is eaten away by worms, rotted, etc.), then you need to plant it on old place so that fungal spores ensure the preservation of the species. It is absolute blasphemy to loosen the soil, tear or peel off the moss in order to find every last tiny mushroom in it.

Collected mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt, corroded edges or worms right on the spot, and very carefully. If the skin of the mushroom cap is very slippery and slimy (like, for example, an oil can), then you also need to remove it immediately. (Of course, if you accurately identify the species!). Cleaning mushrooms before cooking at home should only be a final check.

Caring for nature

The commandment for every mushroom lover is love for nature and the desire to observe its laws, taking care of cleanliness, trying not to damage or violate anything.

Only if you know absolutely exactly what kind of mushrooms are in front of you (in this case, these are porcini mushrooms), you can cut them with a knife right at the ground

A resting place in the forest after your vacation should not look the same as after the fair. You can take the paper in which the sandwiches were wrapped and empty cans with you and throw them away where they should be.

A mushroom picker does not necessarily have to leave behind such traces as mushrooms collected and then thrown away and crushed - poisonous, tasteless, old. Anyone who behaves thoughtlessly in the forest cannot hope for the gratitude of people passing along the same path after him.

When picking mushrooms, try not to move away from forest paths. But there is no need for this. In the forest, the tree crowns close together and precipitation is distributed evenly. And on the edges and near paths, the humidity is always higher and, therefore, mushrooms grow better. Protected places and it is better to avoid young plantings. If foresters see you there, you cannot avoid trouble and a high fine.

It would be good to inquire at the forestry department about the rules for collecting mushrooms in a particular area. Thus, at certain times of the year there may be restrictions on collecting mushrooms in general or on the permissible quantity. And, finally, there are places in the forest where access to mushroom pickers or tourists is not allowed at all (for the sake of the animals living there or, for example, because of the cutting of trees). At the edge of the forest, the harvest is often particularly abundant.

Mushroom hunting in the Moscow region usually begins in July and ends at the end of September. In the Moscow region there are the most different mushrooms- from ordinary moss mushrooms to milk mushrooms. It's just not so easy to find them. As mushroom pickers say, you need to know the places.

Leningrad direction

To the north and south of Pokrovka station there are porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and chanterelles. Near the Firsanovka and Frolovskoye stations, mushrooms can be found right along the railway track, from which, of course, it is better to move a little to the side for 1-2 kilometers. The same applies to the Berezki Dachnye station. From the station, move west to the Istra Reservoir or east to the village of Terehovo. There you can collect a good mushroom harvest. If you get off at a station called Golovkovo and move north to the village of Ermakovo, then the basket will definitely not remain empty. In the area of ​​Podrezkovo station, on the right bank of the Skhodnya River, there are also mushroom places.

Riga direction

The forests near the Yadroshino and Rumyantsevo stations are favored by porcini mushrooms, boletuses and honey mushrooms. The area near Opalikha station is also rich in all kinds of mushrooms. Only to these places you will have to walk 2-3 kilometers to the south. From Lesodolgorukovo station to the mushrooms you need to walk almost the same distance, but not to the south, but to the north.

Yaroslavl direction

If you move from Sofrino station to the village of Novovoronino, then after 3 kilometers you can find a lot of honey mushrooms, as well as russula and chanterelles. These same mushrooms should be hunted near the Semkhoz station, moving 2-3 kilometers away from the railway track in any direction. The same can be safely said about the Pravda and Ashukinskaya stations. There are a lot of mushrooms in the area of ​​the Yaroslavl highway. It is better to stop at the 76th kilometer station, go to the highway and move along it to the Gremyachy waterfall. The forests located near the village of Sharapovo will also delight you with porcini mushrooms.

Savelovskoe direction

Not far from the Morozki, Lugovaya and Turist stations there are porcini mushrooms, boletuses, chanterelles and boletus. From Lobnya station you will have to walk about three kilometers east to the Pyalovsky reservoir. And from Nekrasovskaya it’s a stone’s throw to the mushrooms – just a kilometer along the road to the village of Ozeretskoye. Two kilometers west of the stations Katuar, Vlasovo and Iksha there are also many mushroom places.

Paveletskaya direction

Wonderful mushroom place Paveletsky direction located near the White Pillars station. You only need to walk about 3-4 kilometers in a western direction. There are honey mushrooms, aspen boletuses, boletus mushrooms and porcini mushrooms. You can pick mushrooms near the railway tracks near the stations Velyaminovo, Zhilevo, Privalovo, Stupino and Mikhnevo.

Belarusian direction

These places are proud of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. From Sushkinskaya station to Portnovskaya station there is a forest rich in mushrooms, so you can choose any stop on this section. In the southwest near Khlyupino station you can get hold of chanterelles. And if you go to the Petelino station and, having got off at it, move towards the Petelino poultry farm, you can collect a fair amount of honey mushrooms.

Autumn is a wonderful time for picking mushrooms. Therefore, all over the world, experienced and novice mushroom pickers go hunting for boletus, honey mushrooms, porcini, chanterelles and other mushrooms.

In today's Top 10 we will talk about the most mushroom countries on the planet and specific locations selected by Forbes Life experts.

National mushroom month in the country rising sun October is considered. The truffle's main competitor, the Matsutake mushroom, grows here. The cost of a kilogram of such mushrooms in Europe reaches $4,000.

9. China

It is best to pick Chinese mushrooms with a guide. The most mushroom region is considered to be Yunnan Province, where 500 varieties of edible mushrooms grow. A surprising find for a Russian mushroom picker will be the so-called “mushroom cabbage,” which in our country is listed in the Red Book.

8. Spain

The peculiarities of the Spanish climate make it possible to collect mushrooms all year round. Moreover edible varieties About a hundred grow in the country. Of particular note are the boletus mushrooms, as well as the Caesar mushroom, which is practically never found in our forests.

7. Poland

In November, the season for collecting the so-called “ Polish mushroom"- a relative of the familiar moss fly. You can collect mushrooms in Poland only in places specially designated by the administration. Tourists, as a rule, prefer to settle on eco-farms, around which there are designated areas for collection.

6. Italy

The most important mushroom for Italians is the Piedmontese truffle. If you are not lucky enough to find a wonderful, aromatic mushroom on your own, you can purchase it at the annual November truffle market, which takes place in the Piedmont region.

5. France

The main mushroom treasure of the country is the black truffle. Every year, gourmets from all over the world come to Provence to hunt truffles. Travel companies even organize special themed tours for those interested.

4. USA

Every year, the American Mushroom Institute publishes statistics on the number of mushroom pickers, picking competitions held, and record holders. For each mushroom picker in the States, a collection norm is established - no more than 13 kg per trip, of which there can be no more than ten in one year, otherwise a special license is required.

3. Canada

There are many special ones in Canada mushroom farms, where they are happy to conduct excursions for tourists and organize master classes on mushroom cooking. To collect wild mushrooms, we recommend a two-hour excursion accompanied by an instructor, followed by preparation of the harvest.

2. Finland

The mushroom season in Finland ends at the end of November. Every year over 10 thousand foreign mushroom pickers come to the country at this time. Finnish chanterelles, boletus and bitter mushrooms are especially popular.

1. Belarus

Mushrooms in Belarus, without exaggeration, - national product. The harvest season here lasts until mid-November. Mushroom pickers enjoy using the special Internet resource, where you can download the most productive routes, as well as a structured mobile catalog of mushrooms.

The Moscow region is famous for its mushroom places. August and September are the months when they stock up on mushrooms for the winter. At this time, in the Moscow region, in the forest, you can collect full baskets of boletus, saffron milk caps, aspen boletus, birch boletus, and moss mushrooms. From the second half of August, milk mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, white wave. In all directions of Moscow railway there are places where you can go for mushrooms. Let's figure out where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region, what mushrooms grow in the Moscow region and how to safely pick mushrooms. Study the map, remember the mushroom places in the Moscow region and boldly go into the forest.

Map of mushroom places in the Moscow region

Mushroom places on the map of the Moscow region - enlarged by clicking

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Kazan direction

Gzhel station. 4 - 5 km north of the railway, in the vicinity of the villages of Minino and Konyashino.

Grigoryevo station.

Ingatyevo station.

Kuzyaevo station. On both sides of the railway.

Shevlyagino station. North of the platform 2 km towards the villages of Averkovo and Shabanovo.

Platform 73rd km, Antsiferovo, station. Boletuses. 3 - 4 km from the railway.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Ryazan direction

Bronnitsy station. 5 - 6 km from the villages of Biserovo, Plaskinino.

Platform 63 km. 3 - 4 km from the railway.

Faustovo station. 3 - 4 km from the railway.

Peski station. 5 - 6 km near the villages of Berdniki and Novoselki.

Konev Boy station. In the direction of the villages of Shelukhino and Klimovka.

Shchurovo station. Located near the village of the same name coniferous forest. Chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

Chernaya station. Located among a light pine forest. This is a cult place for mushroom pickers near Moscow. Even at the entrance to the station you can see them wandering among the tall trunks. When you leave the station, you almost immediately find yourself in the forest. Among the pines you can look for boletus and chanterelles. Pig mushrooms also love coniferous forests, but it is not recommended to collect them: these mushrooms absorb very quickly harmful substances. Either take them young, or discard them altogether.

Lukhovitsy station. Not far from the station there are two forests. The one to the north attracts with porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. The locals call it that way: birch forest. After walking a couple of kilometers along a country road towards Moscow, you will come to an unusually beautiful pond. It is located on the edge of the forest, which is replete with boletus and aspen mushrooms.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Yaroslavl direction

Pravda station. 1 - 2 km from the railway on both sides. To the east - towards the village of Nazarovo. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo.

Pushkino station. This is one of the most environmentally friendly areas of the Moscow region. There are a lot of forest areas. Local grannies assure that there are mushrooms there. It all depends on your desire and perseverance. Lots of chanterelles and russula.

Sokolovskaya station. By bus number 349 from the station. From the Shchelkovskaya metro station you reach the final station (Shchelkovo-7), then you can catch a car and drive in a south-west direction. You disembark and walk through the forest in the same direction. From Yaroslavsky station by train to Fryazevo or Monino to Sokolovskaya. Next, take a bus or minibus to the village of Krasnoznamensky, then walk about 2 - 2.5 km north to the Klyazma River. It takes 40 minutes to get to Sokolovskaya by train.

Zelenogradskaya station. 2 km west of the platform in the direction of the village of Daryino.

Sofrino station. 3 - 4 km west of the platform in the direction of the villages of Mitropolye and Novovoronino.

Ashukinskaya station. Cross the rails and move into the thick of the forest. According to locals, there are a lot of boletuses here. You won't return with empty baskets. You can take a break on the banks of the Vyaz River. The water is clean, so you can swim. 4 - 5 km west of the railway in the direction of the villages of Novovoronino and Martyankovo.

Kalistovo station. 3 - 4 km west of the platform, in the forests near the village of Artemovo. To the east - towards the village of Golygino and along the banks of the Vori River.

Abramtsevo station. 4 - 5 km west of the platform near the villages of Zhuchki and Akhtyrka.

Semkhoz station. On both sides of the railway. To the south - towards the villages of Vysokovo, Morozovo, to the west - towards the village of Shapilovo.

Station 76 km. This is the longest mushroom hunting trip. We walk the first 5 km to the Yaroslavl highway at a brisk pace, admiring nature, but don’t forget to look under the Christmas trees. Red boletus caps await you here. Go out to the shore of Lake Torbeevskoye. You can swim, have lunch, ride a jet ski or rent a catamaran. There are restaurants, cafes, and kebab shops. You can spend the night in hotel complex on the shore. From the shore you move north parallel to the Yaroslavl highway. Five kilometers to the highest waterfall in the Moscow region - Gremyachey. There are a lot of mushrooms in this area.

Sharapovo village. This place local residents are called "rows". Porcini mushrooms are hiding under the moss in the swamp. If you arrive in early August, you will be greeted by a wild raspberry harvest. How to get there: from Yaroslavsky station to Sergiev Posad, then by bus to Sharapovo to the “Cemetery” stop. You go down to the lake and go around it on the left to the forest area.

The most mushroom route: from the platform 43 km to the west there are deciduous forests. You can move along the highway or forest paths to the village of Mitropole. Then you go from there along the banks of the Vyaz River, which will lead to the village of Eldigino. Next, the route will lead southeast to the village of Daryino. And from here the forest road, after about 3 km, will lead to the Zelenogradskaya platform. The length of the route is about 16 km.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Leningrad direction

Podrezkovo station. 1.5 km south of the railway line along the right bank of the Skhodnya River in the direction of the villages of Ivanovskoye and Korostovo.

Firsanovka station. There are mushrooms on both sides of the railroad. In the north - 1.5 km from the station towards the villages of Novye Rzhavki, Nazaryevo and further towards the village of Klushino. In the west - 3 km from the station across the Goretovka River towards the village of Ruzino and near Pyatnitskoye Highway.

Beryozki Dachnye station. 1 - 2 km from the railway on both sides. From the west - towards the village of Snopovo and to the banks of the Istrinsky reservoir. On the eastern side - on the territory of the former Verkhne-Klyazminsky Nature Reserve towards the village of Terehovo.

Golovkovo station. 1.5 km north of the station in the direction of the village of Ermakovo.

Pokrovka station. On both sides of the station. From the north side - towards the villages of Koskovo, Dulepovo, Shakhmatovo. On the south side - to the villages of Zamyatino and Nikulino.

Frolovskoye station. 2 - 3 km from the railway on both sides. East of the station - in the direction of the villages of Dulepovo and Golenishchevo. To the west - towards the villages of Marfino and Vvedenskoye.

The most mushroom route: northeast from Firsanovka station to the village of Nazaryevo. Further - again to the northeast. Near the village of Elino, the route will cross the Leningradskoye Highway and lead into a dense mixed forest. This is the land of boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps and honey mushrooms. The trail leads to the banks of the Klyazma to the village of Poyarkovo.

The map of mushroom places in the Moscow region increases by clicking

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Savelovskoe direction

Lobnya station. 3 km east of the railway line in the direction of the Pyalovsky reservoir.

Lugovaya station. Mushrooms can be found on both sides of the railway: in the west, 2 km towards the village of Ozeretskoye. To the east of the station - 3 km towards the villages of Sholokhovo, Fedoskino, as well as along the banks of the Pyalovsky reservoir. In these places you can collect a good harvest of chanterelles, boletus and boletus.

Lugovaya station. Mushrooms can be found on both sides of the railway: in the west, 2 km towards the village of Ozeretskoye. To the east of the station - 3 km towards the villages of Sholokhovo, Fedoskino, as well as along the banks of the Pyalovsky reservoir. In these places you can collect a good harvest of chanterelles, boletus and boletus. From Savelovsky railway station to Lugovoy station it takes 40 minutes. You can get there by any train, except the next one to Orudevo station.

Nekrasovskaya station. A kilometer west from the platform towards the village of Ozeretskoye. From Moscow to Nekrasovka it takes 42 minutes.

Catuar station. 2 km west of the station.

Trudovaya station. In a southwest direction.

Iksha station. There are mushrooms 2 km west of the station in the direction of the villages of Staro-Podgornoye, Khoroshilovo, Lupanovo. Boletus and boletus are found in these places. From Khoroshilov to the northeast to the Morozki platform. From Savelovsky station to Iksha - 54 minutes by train.

Morozki station. There are mushrooms on both sides of the railway: 1.5 km in the west - near the villages of Novlyanka, Grigorkovo, 2 km in the east - near the villages of Sboevo, Grishino, Novinki. Travel time from the station is 1 hour.

Tourist station. Mushrooms can be found on both sides of the railway: to the west - 4 km towards the villages of Dyakovo, Paramonovo, Strekovo. 2 km in the east - towards the villages of Shustino and Ulyanki. From Moscow to Tourist it takes 1 hour and 7 minutes.

Vlasovo station. A kilometer west of the station towards the villages of Bobylino and Popadyino. 1.5 km on the north side of the railway in the direction of the villages of Rastovtsy, Sorokino. It takes 2 hours to get to Vlasovo station. You can get there by train going to Taldom or Savelov.

Taldom station. 4 km southwest towards the villages of Nagovitsino and Gusenki. There are a lot of chanterelles in these places. From Savelovsky station to Taldom - 2 hours 10 minutes.

The most mushroom route: from Iksha station, go towards the village of Khoroshilovo (about 2 km). From here you need to turn northeast to the Morozki platform. The length of the route is about 15 km.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Riga direction

Opalikha station. In the north of Opalikha station in the direction of the village of Saburovo and in the forests along the banks of the Nakhabinka, Banka and Sinichka rivers, in the south towards the villages of Nikolo-Uryupino and Voronki there is a forest rich in mushrooms. To get to these places you need to walk 2 - 3 km, since there is no transport from the railway station. You can't drive a car there either. The train to Opalikha takes about 35 minutes.

Nakhabino station. According to locals, there are mushrooms 4 km north of the station towards Kozino along the banks of the Nakhabinka River. The drive to Moscow is about 45 minutes.

The village of Pavlovskaya Sloboda. The surroundings of this village are rich in mushrooms, in particular champignons. From the railway station From Nakhabino to Pavlovskaya Sloboda there is minibus No. 23, the ride to the village is about 10 minutes. There are lakes near Pavlovskaya Sloboda and the village of Valednikovo, where you can swim. Both in Nakhabino and Pavlovskaya Sloboda they sell mushrooms, mainly champignons.

Dedovsk station. 3 - 4 km from the station to the north from the railway line towards Turov and Nikolo-Cherkizovo.

Snegiri station. On both sides of the railway. In the north - 2 km from the station towards Eremeev, in the south - a kilometer towards the village of Zhevnevo and along the right bank of the Istra River.

Kholshcheviki station. A kilometer south of the station and further in the forests along the right bank of the Malaya Istra River.

Yadroshino station. On both sides of the railway. In the north - a kilometer from the station towards the village of Markovo-Kursakovo. In the south - behind the Volokolamsk highway, 3 km from the station, in the direction of the villages of Lapino and Novodarino.

Kursakovskaya station. To the east from the station towards the village of Markovo-Kursakovo.

Rumyantsevo station. 2 - 3 km from the railway line on both sides. In the eastern and northern directions - towards the villages of Rybushki, Savelyevo, Dolevo, along the banks of the Maglushi River. In a south-west direction - towards Lake Trostenskoye.

Lesodolgorukovo station. To the north of the railway line towards the villages of Nudol-Sharino, Maryino.

The most mushroom route: 2 km north of Opalikha station, behind the village of Novonikolskoye, on the banks of the Banka River. The forest here extends for several kilometers to the west and east. Go around the village of Saburovo from the west and head towards the village of Fedorovka. From the village of Yurlovo on Pyatnitskoye Highway you can take a bus back to Moscow. The length of the route is 12 km.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Belarusian direction

Zhavoronki station. 1 km south of the station, in the direction of the villages of Mitkino, Sumino, Malye Vyazemy. 2 - 3 km north of the railway line towards the village of Nazaryevo, in the vicinity of which you can now “hunt” for chanterelles and honey mushrooms, as well as in the forest along the banks of the Bolshaya and Malaya Vyazemka rivers. From Belorussky Station to Zhavoronki it takes about 50 minutes by train.

Khlyupino station (Zvenigorodskaya line from Golitsyno station). From the southwest the forest came close to the railway line. Route in the direction of the villages of Raevo and Alyaukhovo. To the north and northeast of the station you can go through the forest to the villages of Chigasovo and Goryshkino. There are mushrooms in locality Malye Vyazemy. Malye Vyazemy station is one stop on the train, before reaching Golitsyn.

In the Smolensk direction Golitsyno is the most Big City. Various mushrooms are sold at the market near the station. If you decide to spend the weekend in the Moscow region, you can spend the night in Golitsyn: there is a small hotel in former House Writers' Union (1 and 2 local numbers). The rooms are not luxurious, but there is a shower and toilet. To get to the hotel, you need to turn left from the platform and walk about 700 meters in a straight line. The low red brick building on the right is the hotel.

Skorotovo station (Zvenigorod line). To the north from the station in the direction of the village of Dunino, to the east - towards Chigasov, to the south and southwest - to the villages of Raevo and Alyaukhovo.

Zvenigorod station. In the western and eastern directions from the station in the vicinity of the villages of Maryino, Salkovo, Dunino. In the west - near the villages of Klopovo, Pestovo, as well as along the banks of the Ostrovnya River. There is a minibus going to Zvenigorod from Golitsyno station.

Stations Sushkinskaya, Petelino, Chastsovskaya and Portnovskaya (the stations follow each other). 2 - 3 km from the stations, a huge forest stretches in a southern direction for many kilometers, to the Kyiv direction railway.

Petelino station. In the northern direction there is a forest rich in mushrooms (north is Right side railway tracks, if you travel from Moscow). At the station Petelino there is a sign to the Petelino poultry farm. If you follow this road, you can come to places rich in mushrooms, a lot of honey mushrooms. From Moscow to Petelin it takes about an hour.

The most mushroom route: from Petelino station you walk along the Ostrovni River to the north, passing the village of Tatarki, the village of Gar-Pokrovskoye and the village of Ivonino. Then walk about 6 kilometers along a forest path along the bank of the Ostrovni River to the village of Pestovo. From here head north-east through the forests to the village of Klopovo. 2 km east of it is the Zvenigorod station.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Kiev direction

Here in the vast deciduous and mixed forests mushrooms of all kinds grow

Pobeda station. Mushrooms on both sides of the railway (1 km). In the southeast - towards the village of Kalugino. In the west - to the villages of Sumino, Sanniki, Mamyri. It is better to get there from the Kievsky railway station on all trains, except those going to the Airport, Solnechny and Lesnoy Gorodok. It takes 48 minutes to get to Pobeda station.

Dachnaya station. 2 km south of the platform in the forest beyond the Desna River, in the vicinity of the villages of Svitino and Timonino. Travel time from Moscow is 55 minutes.

Selyatino station. Move south and southeast from the station in directions to the villages of Syryevo, Glagolevo, Ignatovo. From Kievsky railway station to Selyatino station - approximately 1 hour 3 minutes by train.

Rassudovo station. 2 - 3 km east of the railway line in the direction to the village of Glagolevo, as well as in the vicinity of the villages of Kuznetsovo, Dolgtino, Ignatovo.

Ozhigovo station. A path goes south from the platform, which after 1.5 km intersects with the Kyiv highway. Then the path goes through fields. Head south. It's easy to get lost here, so you need to take a compass. After crossing the Ladyrka River, you will find yourself in a forest - Kuznetsovskoe forestry. You can return to Moscow from the Bekasovo or Zosimova Pustyn platforms, which are located to the west. There are quite a lot of russula and nigella in these places. From Moscow to Ozhigov it takes 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Bekasovo station. Mushrooms on both sides of the railway in the area of ​​1 - 2 km. Head east and south from the station, in these places the forests are very rich in mushrooms, especially in the area of ​​the villages of Ivanovka, Afanasovka, Savelovka and Mogutovo. From Kievsky station to Bekasov it takes 1 hour 12 minutes only by train, going to Maloyaroslavets.

Bashkino station. Forests on the west side of the railway. 2 km east of the station towards the village of Pokrovka. The forests are rich in russula and other mushrooms. Bashkin can be reached in 1 hour 47 minutes.

Obninskoye station. North-west of the station, 2 - 3 km towards the villages of Samsonovo, Belkino, as well as on both banks of the Protva River.

The most mushroom route: a path goes south from the Ozhigovo platform. After 1.5 km it crosses Kievskoye Highway. Then the path goes through fields. In the west you can see the village of Sotnikovo. From here it is better to move in a southerly direction. You cross the Ladyrka River and find yourself in the Kuznetsovskoye forestry, thinned out by unusual clearings. They start at the forester's house and spread out in twenty-five rays in all directions. You can return to Moscow from the Bekasovo platform. The length of the route is 12 - 15 km.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Kursk direction

Here there is an abundance of russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, boletus, aspen, chanterelles, and boletus.

Grivno station. 2 - 3 km east of the railway in the direction of the villages of Berezhki and Kharitonovo.

Lvovskaya station. To the southeast of the station in the direction of the village of Ivino.

Kolkhoznaya station. 2 - 3 km from the railway on both sides. In the east - towards the village of Nikonovo and in the forests along the banks of the Rozhaya River. South-east of the station in the forest behind the village of Sharapovo. In the west - towards the villages of Panino and Zhokhovo.

Station Chepelevo and Chekhov. In the direction of the villages of Alachkovo, Maksimikha, Oksino.

Luch station. 4 - 5 km from the railway on the western side in the vicinity of the villages of Popovka and Milyachino.

Sharapova hunting station. To the east to the villages of Pleshkino, Voskresenki, Petrukhino.

Avangard station. 2 - 3 km east of the station, in the direction of the village of Vskhody, as well as into the forests stretching along the banks of the Rechma and Lopasnya rivers. You can get to the Lopasni River valley from Serpukhov by bus to the village of Gurovo or by boat to the Priluki pier.

The most mushroom route: start collecting 2 km east of Lvovskaya station in the forest behind the village of Lagovsky. In this forest, along the gentle slopes of ravines, in open birch forests, along the edges and old forest roads and clearings, whites grow. From the village of Meshcherskoye to Kolkhoznaya station you can walk along the picturesque banks of the Rozhaya River or straight through the forest. The length of the route is 16 - 20 km.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Gorky direction

Fryazevo station. South of the station beyond the village of Vselodovo.

Kazanskoe station. On both sides of the railway.

Where to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - Paveletskaya direction

Vzletnaya station. On both sides of the station: in the birch forest behind the village of Redkino or west of the villages Bityagovo and Yusupovo, as well as east of the station towards the village of Elgazin.

Vostryakovo station. 2 - 3 km from the railway, south of Zaborye.

White Pillars station. 3 - 4 km from the station in the direction of the villages of Shebantsevo, Kolychevo, Sonino, Kurganye.

Barybino station. West of the station behind the village of Rastunov, in the vicinity of Yusupov, Shishkin, Uvarov. Along the banks of the Severka River.

Velyaminovo station. 2 - 3 km from the railway on both sides. In the east towards the villages of Tatarinovo, Lenkovo, Kaverino and in the forests along the right bank of the Vostets River. In the west - in the vicinity of the village of Velyaminovo.

Privalovo station. 2 - 3 km from the railway on both sides. In the east - towards the villages of Konstantinovskoye and Kishkino. In the west - in the vicinity of Nemtsov, Sidorov.

Mikhnevo station. 3 km from the railway on both sides. To the east - towards Koshelevka, Vasilievsky, Ignatiev. To the west - to Razinkov and Usady.

Shugarovo station. 3 - 4 km west of the station, towards Torbeev, Zavorykin.

Zhilevo station. On both sides of the railway. In the east - 1 - 2 km towards the village of Petrovo, in the west - 3 - 4 km towards Pochinki, Sitna-Shchelkovo, Psarev.

Stupino station. 2 - 3 km from the railway on both sides. In the northeast - towards the village of Staraya Sitnya. In the west - to Matveikov, Saigatov.

Akri station. In the forest to the west and south of the station in the direction of Saigatov, Sokolovaya Hermitage.

The most mushroom route: start the hike from Belye Stolby station. 1 km to the west begins deciduous forest. 6 km from the station, south of the village of Shebantsevo, you need to cross the Kashirskoe highway and go deeper into the forest south of the village of Sonino. This is the kingdom of porcini mushrooms. From Shebantsev you can return along the road to the station. White pillars or take a bus to the station. Domodedovo or Mikhnevo.

Where and when to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region?

Everyone knows that mushrooms grow well in warm, humid weather, especially if it is July or August. Most mushroom pickers can be found in mixed and spruce forests, birch groves and pine forests.

Cap mushrooms, many of which are edible, usually have a developed mycelium under several tree species at once. IN Forests near Moscow mycorrhiza (“fungal root”) most often appears near pines, spruces, birches, oaks and aspens. Less common under larches, poplars, alder and rowan.

For some edible mushrooms, the organic matter of decaying wood or the forest floor of leaves and needles is more important. Many honey mushrooms are famous for this.

Eat edible mushrooms, which feel great in seemingly completely inappropriate places. For example, on burnt areas and fireplaces you can see the tall morel growing.

There are more mushrooms on the edges of the forest, along forest roads, clearings, on lawns, etc. And here dense thickets and too high grass stands are considered less suitable places for collecting mushrooms.

The first (spring) mushrooms are morels and strings. June - August is the time when the bulk of edible mushrooms appear. The growth of many edible mushrooms is inhibited or ends with the onset of autumn frosts. Although some of them can be collected even with a serious drop in air temperature late autumn. For example, winter honey fungus. Toward the end, before the beginning of winter, such little-known edible mushrooms as buttercollibia and violet rowan continue to appear.

How to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region - safety rules

The basic safety rules that should be followed when going into the forest to pick mushrooms or berries are simple, the main thing is to follow them. The forests of the Moscow region, of course, are not taiga, but you can get lost in them, so do not neglect the safety rules when picking mushrooms and enjoy quiet hunt in the Moscow region you are guaranteed:

1. You should not go into the forest alone. When going to the forest, it is necessary to warn relatives and friends about the route and time of stay in the forest.

2. Rescuers recommend refilling your cell phone balance and checking the battery charge before going mushroom hunting. Take with you a compass, matches, a knife, a small supply of water and food. Those who constantly use medications, and this primarily concerns older people, need to have medications with them.

3. Clothes should be bright. Camouflage in the forest can be invisible even from three meters. It would be good if there were reflective stickers on your clothes.

4. Enter the forest only during daylight hours. Remember your route, pay attention to fallen trees, streams, and clearings that will help you navigate the forest.

5. If you do get lost, don’t panic, stop and think about where you came from, whether you can hear screams, car noise, or barking dogs. If possible, climb on tall tree and look around.

6. Try to find a clearing or road and move along it. It should be remembered that any road will sooner or later lead you to a populated area.

7. If you couldn’t find your way and night found you in the forest, don’t worry. Find a suitable place to stay overnight. It is not recommended to move in the dark; you can get injured by tripping or falling into the water.

8. The place to spend the night is chosen high and dry, preferably near big tree. Prepare brushwood for the fire, make bedding from spruce branches. It is best to sit with your back to a tree, light a fire in front of you and keep it going all night.

9. More than once I have helped to identify the location of lost mushroom pickers cellular telephone. To ask for help, you need to dial 112 and explain your location, following the quarter post, which is a kind of forest sign. You can call rescuers from your mobile phone even without a SIM card or if you are on the territory of a “foreign operator” of cellular communications.

Previously on the topic of Mushrooms:

Mushroom picking - not only interesting hobby, but also a great opportunity to diversify your own diet. If, of course, you take the issue seriously. For mushrooms are such a thing that they do not forgive a frivolous attitude - among them there are many good and simply inedible species.

And even if you clearly know all these differences and carry out differential diagnostics on the fly, it is not a fact that your foray into nature will be successful, since you still need to know - when to pick mushrooms, as well as where and how to do it correctly. And this is exactly what our article will be about.

When to pick mushrooms?

Actually, main question. Unfortunately, the answer to this is quite approximate, since it depends on many factors, in particular - geographical location"quiet hunting" zones. So the time periods we have given will only give you a rough idea of ​​how when to pick mushrooms. And everything else will have to be learned from personal experience.

December January February

Winter is not a good time to pick mushrooms. However, if it turns out to be warm and with little snow, then mushroom pickers have a chance to find oyster mushrooms. And even though it is a mushroom, even if it tastes watery and not very nutritious, the very fact that you can find something edible in a winter partially frozen forest is quite pleasant. As spring approaches, others begin to appear. tree mushrooms-, among which you can also find edible specimens.

March April May

The number of oyster mushrooms is gradually decreasing, but the first ones are beginning to appear normal mushrooms. True, these are morels, stitches and raincoats... The third and fourth categories, but at least something. In May, meadow mushrooms already appear, if the weather is favorable for it. That is, yes, it’s still too early to look for mushrooms in the forest, but they are already starting to slowly appear in the fields. Even boletus can already be detected.


The beginning of the appearance of porcini mushrooms. As well as the active growth of boletus, boletus, chanterelle, boletus, russula and champignon. It makes sense to go into the forests and collect mushrooms there, especially in birch, oak and coniferous trees. And yes, the appearance of mushrooms of the first and second categories is exactly what every self-respecting mushroom picker expects.


Everything is the same as in June, plus milk mushrooms. Yes, July is the best time to collect lamellar mushrooms. But you need to be extremely careful, because it is lamellar mushrooms the easiest way to confuse it with something bad.


Peak mushroom picking in general. All categories are actively growing, you can find something you need in both forests and fields. There are both tubular and lamellar mushrooms, and in large quantities. Talkers, autumn honey mushrooms appear, at the peak of growth, milk mushrooms, russula, champignons, mushrooms of the first and second categories. Damn it, I myself, a couple of days ago, while walking by the lake in the park, accidentally stepped on a champignon. And if you purposefully look for them and collect mushrooms, then you certainly won’t return home with empty baskets.


Peak autumn mushrooms. Boletuses, aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, late russula, autumn honey mushrooms, fly mushrooms, last chanterelles, morels. Everything is in large quantities, except that due to the beginning of leaf fall it becomes more difficult to find them. So if even one mushroom is found, you need to carefully check the area around it.


Porcini mushrooms are still active and numerous, as are champignons, valui, talkers, and autumn honey mushrooms. Appear. In general, the number of mushrooms is declining, so they can only be found near trees and stumps, and even then not always. Most of Mushroom pickers curtail their activities in October.


The last porcini mushrooms in pine forests, oyster mushrooms are beginning to appear on old trees, and boletus mushrooms can still be found here and there. In general, this is no longer the season for picking mushrooms. Unless, of course, the end of autumn is too cold, then you can collect mushrooms a little longer.

Where to pick mushrooms?

First of all, you need to remember that mushrooms are highly hygroscopic. That is, they pull into themselves everything they can grab. And these are salts of heavy metals, and various harmful substances contained in smoke, gasoline and other technical liquids and gases. Radiation is also well accumulated. Therefore, under no circumstances should you collect mushrooms along roads or in industrially active regions. Even champignons collected in a city park can become a source of all sorts of nasty things.

You also need to remember that some mushrooms grow exclusively on a suitable substrate - wood. Of course, many of them are inedible, but they also sometimes appear. In addition, it is tree-growing mushrooms that tolerate frost much better, so they also grow in cold weather conditions, when all other species have already frozen over.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that mushroom mycelium very often enters into symbiosis with the tree root system. This is precisely what explains the fact that boletus grows in aspen groves, boletus grows in birch forests, and white boletuses, which enter into symbiosis with various types trees have a large species diversity. So before going to the forest, figure out what kind of mushrooms can theoretically grow there. We will also definitely write more specifically about this.

As for specific mushroom places... Here, alas, we cannot help you with anything. You will have to look for this yourself, walking several kilometers of rough terrain. The main thing is to remember, and even better, put on the map the place where you were lucky. And if you collect mushrooms the way you should, then there is a high chance that next year this place will pleasantly please you.