Buku needs a lot of space so that the audience can feel its power and beauty. Beech is valued not only for its expressive habit, but also for its elegant foliage color: in variegated forms, it is purple and does not fall off. most winters.

  • Height: 6 to 40 m
  • Width: 6 to 20 m
  • Foliage classification: deciduous tree
  • Frost resistance: quite thermophilic, tolerates a short drop in temperature to -20 ° C
  • Soil: Normal garden soil, moist, preferably loamy. Does not tolerate salinity
  • Growing method: to create powerful groups and arrays, in solitary plantings in open areas. Forms beautiful clipped hedges and walls
  • Pruning period: autumn


Prepare a planting hole (1 x 1 m) in advance. The optimal soil for planting is peat compost, sod land, peat and sand, the ratio is 2:2:1:1. When planting in a hole, add 100 g of phosphorus and 50 g of potassium. A drainage device is required. Loosen the ground at the bottom, set the support, slightly shifting it in relation to the center of the planting hole, then set the seedling strictly in the center. Fix the seedling on a support.


Formative pruning

Make sure that the tree trunk always remains level - for this it must be constantly tied to a vertical support, the mount must be adjusted. Remove any shoots that may compete with the main trunk.

Lateral branches, directed in a direction horizontal from the trunk, are removed or cut to two-thirds of the length.

Sanitary pruning

When the crown is formed, it remains to regularly remove all dead and dried branches, as well as shoots that begin to grow in an undesirable direction. Do not forget to treat large sections with garden pitch so as not to introduce a fungal infection.


Reproduction by seeds

Seeds require stratification - keep seeds in a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator before planting. Sow in February in a mini-greenhouse, keep pots of seeds at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C.

Reproduction by cuttings

Budding with a “under the bark” technique is carried out in the spring, using a shoot grown from a seed. You can graft "in the split."

Care and agricultural technology

Beech does not tolerate drought very well - provide abundant watering to the seedling, especially in the first years after transplantation. The slow growth of the tree can be accelerated if you regularly apply a complex fertilizer for ornamental deciduous trees and shrubs to the soil. Beech often suffers from fungal diseases - do not forget to treat trees with fungicides and insecticides annually for preventive purposes.

species affiliation beech
plant type Trees;
Group deciduous trees
Reproduction methods Seed and vegetative (grafting, root growth)
Landing time Sowing - in the fall; vaccination - in the spring
Landing pattern 3.0 – 15.0 m between plants
Soil Requirements Megatroph (demanding to soils)
Light requirements Sun, partial shade
Humidity Requirements Mesophyte (regular watering, high humidity air)
care requirements Pruning weak branches, shaped pruning
plant height 2 - 50 m
Color spectrum Greens;
Type of flowers, inflorescences Singles
flowering period April
seasonal decoration All season;
Usage Solitary plants; Hedges; Tree and shrub groups;
USDA zone 3; 4; 5; 6;

BEECH (FAGUS) - the genus includes 9 species of deciduous trees with a spreading crown and unusually beautiful light gray bark.

Forest beech, or European (Fagus sylvatica) reaches up to 30 m in height. decorative forms represented by trees with a pyramidal, weeping, winding crown shape.

One of the most beautiful trees with a weeping crown shape is a forest beech " Pendula". Its crown reaches huge size for a weeping plant and can take on bizarre shapes. Its height and width can be up to 25 m. In autumn, the leaves become reddish. Such a tree, in comparison with the usual habits for us, creates a feeling of a fabulous landscape. Therefore, it is not logical to use it in tree and shrub compositions. Forest beech « Pendula” will look only as an accent in a large open area.

For landscaping a small area and creating tree and shrub groups, you can use the forest beech " Purpurea Pendula" with a weeping crown, the leaves of which turn purple in autumn, and the height reaches only 3 - 5 m.
An unusual narrow-vertical crown with a dangling top and weeping branches distinguishes the forest beech variety " purple fountain”, which reaches up to 15 m in height and has purple leaves.

Dwarf form of forest beech " Cristata» In addition to its short stature, it is famous for its sprawling, winding branches, at the ends of which there are drooping small leaves.

Landscape designers pay special attention to such varieties of beech with a columnar crown shape as " Dawyck Gold" with yellow foliage and " Dawyck Purple» with purple.

According to the color scheme, the forms of the forest beech with purple leaves are known - “ Rohanii», « Atropurpurea», « Ansorgei», « Purpurea macrophylla», « Purpurea Latifolia», « Tortuosa Purpurea". Beech looks very beautiful against the background of dark coniferous plants. Aurea pendula» with a weeping crown shape and golden leaves. Also in the selection of beech, there were variegated forms. Known forms with white-mottled leaves - " Albo variegata" And " Marmorata”, golden-motley color -“ Aurea», « aureo-marginata», « Stricta», « Zlatia"and pink-bordered colors -" Roseo marginata», « Tricolor».

Beech oriental (Fagus orientalis) and from the forest beech appearance practically no different natural plantations can reach up to 50 m in height, but when grown in park compositions maximum height can be 25 - 30 m.

In landscape design, beech is used to create large compositions in parks and squares. In a solitary planting, the distance from the viewpoint to the tree should be at least 20 m. The wide spreading crown and densely spaced beech leaves form a very dense shade. Therefore, it is often used to create recreational plantings in various health facilities.

Beech lends itself very well to shaped pruning and can be used in topiary art and to create clipped hedges.

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Beech is deciduous, majestic tree belonging to the Beech family. In terms of decorativeness and its features, it occupies an important place among various hardwoods. Beech is a tree, the description of which is a fascinating process, because beech is considered a very interesting representative of the flora. The tree spreads its branches wide, thus forming a huge tent, into which even the hot summer rays of the sun cannot penetrate. Accordingly, under it and in the most intense heat, a pleasant coolness is felt.

The beech forest resembles a colonnade, within which darkness and silence reign. The tree has about 10 species and grows in the Northern Hemisphere. Grows in height up to 45 m.


Beech is a tree species with a smooth, powerful trunk covered with pale gray bark. It has leafy branches, a dense cylindrical crown rounded at the top.

The alternate leaves are arranged in two rows. The leaf is elliptical in shape, with pinnate veins and solid, slightly wavy edges. Slightly pubescent below. The dark green beautiful color of the foliage changes to bronze or straw yellow by autumn.

Flowers are collected in small inflorescences and appear along with the growth of leaves. They may be of different sexes. Staminate flowers have an average of 10 stamens. They gather in small capitate inflorescences. Pistillate flowers are collected in 3 pieces and are surrounded by a cupule that grows and becomes woody when the fruit ripens.

Beech types

A beech grove may include several types of trees. Consider the most common.

Places of growth

The Eastern beech tree is common in the Crimea, where at the level of 1000 meters it forms a belt of forests.

The forest beech grows in the Kaliningrad region, in the Crimea, in Belarus and Ukraine. Close to eastern beech.

In addition, forest beech is found in Europe, America, Japan and China. It grows mainly in gorges, along the banks of rivers, along the slopes of mountains, sometimes on the plains. Beech forests grow at an altitude of approximately 500 meters above sea level. age limit beech reaches 500 years.

A hectare of beech timber forest emits about 5 thousand tons of vapors into the atmosphere every year - hence the fog rising above the forest and cloudiness. And since deciduous trees have a higher need for water than the same resinous trees, they significantly increase atmospheric humidity, thereby exerting a deep regulating influence on the climate. And this means that massive deforestation automatically entails long-term climatic changes, in most cases unfavorable.

Used part

Beech walnut and wood refer to the part of the tree used. The nut kernel contains tannins and nitrogenous substances, fatty oils, sugars, starch, tocopherol, fiber and organic acids, including citric and malic acids. They contain the alkaloid fagin and ash. It should be noted that the alkaloid fagin is a toxic substance. If raw nuts are consumed immoderately, this will lead to gastritis and headache, as well as inflammation of the small intestine. Therefore, you should be careful with these fruits.

Reproduction and cultivation

Beech forest grows very slowly. It is a very shade-tolerant and at the same time heat-loving tree. Beech is demanding on soil moisture and hardly tolerates drought, prefers to grow on calcareous soils.

As mentioned above, the beech belongs to the Beech family. You can safely call this family "long-livers": Beech for the most part live almost up to five hundred years! However, these trees have a low level of frost resistance. Beech needs a warm sheltered place. For distribution beech trees southern regions are preferred, otherwise they may freeze slightly.

The beech tree is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. European beech is used not only to create powerful plant masses in parks, but also in single plantings. Beech forms beautiful hedges. They can be trimmed, as well as give them different shape. This tree has long found its place in cultivated places.

Beech successfully combines with other trees - with pine, white fir, Canadian hemlock, common spruce, yew berry, juniper, mountain ash, plane tree, birch, oak, hazel and others. Beech is very often planted for decorative purposes because it lends itself well to molding: it can be easily trimmed. These trees are used to create all kinds of geometric shapes. They are great for decorating high hedges, not only in parks, but also in private residential areas.

Procurement and collection

To prepare beech wood, you need to carefully cut off a small part of it with a sharp object. This is usually done in September-October. Then the wood is cut into small pieces and put to dry in a well-ventilated place, for example, under a simple canopy.

Wood needs to be turned occasionally. This is necessary so that it does not become damp and moldy. After the raw material is completely dry, it is placed in paper bags and then put them in a ventilated, dry place for storage.

As mentioned above, the beech tree has fruits - nuts. They are harvested at the end of September when they reach maturity. Then they are laid out in a thin layer on a pallet located in a ventilated place. This place should be kept away from children. It should not be in the house in which people live, otherwise the whole family may suffer due to poisoning. Beech trees contain poisonous substance- alkaloid fagin.

Raw materials must sometimes be turned over, thus ensuring high-quality and quick drying. After the nuts have dried, they are packed in bags, which are then placed in a ventilated room.


The creosote substance present in this plant is used as an external agent, since it has a disinfecting and cauterizing effect. In addition, it is used for inhalation in chronic respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.

Creosote has a specific, very unpleasant odor and taste. This substance is irritating to the stomach and also to the kidneys. It is often replaced with guaiacol and other drugs.

The Beech family is also famous for the fact that fatty oil is obtained from its fruits. It is used in Food Industry. At the same time, flour is made from the seeds of the plant, using it for baking. Also, these seeds are subjected to a slight heat treatment in the form of roasting. In this form, they are used to create a coffee drink with excellent dietary characteristics.


The beech tree contains the toxic alkaloid fagin. This poisonous substance is also found in raw nuts, which are not recommended for consumption. The alkaloid fagin disappears only when exposed to high temperatures.

Quite severe poisoning is possible in young children who have eaten nuts raw, as well as in adults with insufficient heat treatment.

It should be noted that in case of poisoning with this product, discomfort occurs in the hypogastric region, general malaise, acute gastroenteritis, nausea, and headache.

In case of poisoning, cleansing enemas and gastric lavage should be done.


The beech tree (European) in the plantations forms a stunning colonnade in which silence, peace and twilight reign. This powerful tree, in a single arrangement, is a rather dense and sprawling tent due to its impenetrable crown and outstretched branches.

But walking in the shade of these trees, do not forget that beech nuts are very poisonous, even despite their rather appetizing appearance. Take care of yourself and your health!

Beech is not just a majestic deciduous tree with the aesthetic properties of wood. Since ancient times, it has been considered as one of the most energetically favorable breeds. Even a small beech detail can improve the physical and emotional state of a person, inspire creativity, give peace and tolerance. special tide vitality, youth and health were felt by those who, being in a beech forest, at least once leaned against the trunk of a tall and healthy tree. What's the secret amazing plant how it looks, where it grows, what properties it has and what diseases it can cure - we will talk about these and other features of the breed later in the article.


Beeches (Fagus) are representatives of the genus of the same name and develop up to forty meters in height. Outwardly, they are characterized by slender columnar trunks, neat densely shady spherical crowns and serrated leaves of an oblong-elliptical shape.

Did you know? There has been a tradition of healing with trees for a long time. The Old Believers say that bad energy should be given to spruce, and good energy should be taken from pine, beech and oak.

A characteristic feature of the tree is the location of its root system in surface soil balls. It does not have pronounced signs of a rod, and its lateral shoots are distinguished by anchor branches.

The small endings of the roots often point upward or branch like a brush in a layer of dead litter. In old trees, basal paws grow strongly, so they are characterized by typical hollows and grooves.

Beeches are noticeable from a distance with a smooth grayish-silver bark and an even upright trunk. The tree lives up to 500 years, but the active period of its growth lasts only during the first century.

Already after eighty years, the trunk stops increasing in height and only thickens. Old specimens can grow in diameter up to one and a half meters or more. Annual growths in the crown are still noticeable up to 350 years of age.

Other crops cannot grow under the roof of these trees. Usually, under densely closed branches in pure forest plantings, only dead leaf litter is observed.

Did you know? Dendrotherapists say that to improve physical and emotional health, it is enough to have a small beech object with you. For example, beads or a bracelet. For the owner, this is not just an ornament, but a source of vitality, creativity, common sense, balance, as well as a strong antiseptic.

At the moment of blooming of leafy buds, which differ in one and a half centimeters in length and a spindle of a similar shape, inflorescences appear from the lower sinuses. They are divided into male and female.

It is noticed that the former are located along the entire length of the branches, and the latter - only at their ends. After flowering throughout the summer, the fruit ripens - a trihedral fleecy nut with sharp ribs. There are usually 2 or 4 of them in the achene.

The tree needs low temperatures in winter, as this has a positive effect on the development of female inflorescences. But at the same time, during flowering, it is afraid of excessive moisture and dryness. Indeed, in such conditions, pollen is doomed to death.

In addition, in the rainy season, the sticky secret released from the buds is washed off. And this, in turn, affects poor pollination.


Botanists distinguish about a dozen species of beeches. Consider the most popular of them.

European (Fágus sylvática)

It is also called the forest beech. This is the most common representative of the Beech family, which is often found in the western, central and eastern regions of Europe (Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, France, Spain, Portugal). In Ukraine, similar trees grow in the Carpathians, as well as in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Vinnitsa regions.

In addition, the species has been introduced to the North American continent. In these parts, beech plantations form entire forest subzones, although the plant is often cultivated in botanical gardens, parks and arboretums.

Many gardeners prefer it in landscape design, using different breeding forms of the species. A feature of the European beech is its wood, which is widely used in furniture construction, and the fruits that are used for food.

Did you know? In Soviet times, there was a state standard for the manufacture of wooden sticks for ice cream. The Ministry of Health of the SRSR strongly recommended that they be made only from beech. And all because, as scientists explain, this wood has no equal - it is completely absorbed in the human body.

Distinctive characteristics of the European beech is an ovoid or wide cylindrical shape of the crown with a rounded top and thin branches. Its maximum area often reaches 315 m2.

Large-leaved (Fagus grandifolia)

These flowering trees from the Beech family are well known in the eastern zones. North America and Western Europe. The extreme line of their prevalence stretches from Nova Scotia along the St. Marys River to the southern shore of Lake Superior, covering the states of Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, reaching the very Atlantic Ocean. Botanists distinguish separate areas of large-leaved beeches in Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, as well as on the Mexican coasts.

The species came to European lands only at the end of the 18th century as an ornamental culture for the garden and park landscape. Over time, the quality of the wood was evaluated. The plant can be found in mixed deciduous forests where there are maples, birches and lindens.

The peculiarity of the species lies in large elongated leaf plates. Each kidney extends up to 2.5 centimeters in length. The foliage is low-pubescent, broadly lanceolate. On average, the leaves are 6-12 cm long and 3-6 cm wide.

The tree looks spectacular in any season: in spring, young silky leaves attract the eye, in summer they transform into a thick dark bluish-green cover of the crown, and in autumn they are filled with reddish-burgundy hues.

Important! Harvested for medicinal purposes, beech leaves and bark should not be dried in direct sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet chemical composition raw materials, irreversible processes occur and useful components are destroyed. The best option for drying is a well-ventilated attic.

Oriental (Fagus orientalis)

The species is very common in coastal zones Black Sea and the Caucasus. Differs in very slow growth and increased shade tolerance. That is why young oriental beeches produce abundant growth under forest cover, but when they grow to adulthood, the branches close tightly, not even giving grass a chance to grow.

Characteristically, these plants occupy more than a quarter of all forests in the Caucasus. They develop best at altitudes up to a thousand meters above sea level.

Vivid signs of this species are wavy, entire foliage, as well as hanging, fleecy young shoots. The wood has a white-yellow color and high physical and mechanical properties. The only drawback of a beech board is its poor resistance to decay, which is not in the best way affects the durability of the material.

Experts advise that before use, be sure to treat lumber with special solutions, which improve its endurance.

Japanese (Fagus japonica)

This type of beech tree is common on the Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, as well as on the Korean Peninsula. They prefer mountainous areas and can rise up to 2 thousand meters above sea level. Cultivated specimens can also be seen in European gardens, but not often.

Important! With insufficient heat treatment, beech fruits can cause poisoning, which is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, general malaise, nausea, headaches, and acute gastroenteritis. In case of intoxication, it is recommended to flush the gastrointestinal tract.

A characteristic difference of the Japanese beech is its moderate growth. Compared to other brethren, representatives of this species do not grow above 20 meters and are often multi-stemmed. Their foliage reaches 6-8 centimeters in length and is distinguished by a slightly heart-shaped base, as well as a fleecy central vein. The fruits of the Japanese beech always stand out with a more pointed end.

Taiwanese (Fagus hayatae)

It is a tree with a twenty-meter trunk and a neat dense crown. The distribution of the species is limited to Taiwan. But even at home, the culture is rare in deciduous forests, as it is gradually being replaced by an actively growing alpine beech. In addition, the Taiwanese variety practically does not give young shoots.

Crenate (Fagus crenata)

This type of beeches is characterized by slender trunks that stretch up to 35 meters. Also, the species is characterized by a spherical dense crown, which consists of thin tightly closed branches and leaves, which reach a length of 10 centimeters.

City beeches are popular in Japan. Because they dominate in local deciduous forests. Due to the prevalence of this plant, local cooks often practice adding young leaves to food, and the Japanese traditionally make coffee from beech nuts.

Did you know? Beeches attract lightning. This conclusion was reached by a group of researchers who studied the stripes left after heavy thunderstorms on trees without bark. According to statistics, every hundredth tree suffered from a lightning strike. The top five most dangerous species are linden, spruce, poplar and oak.

Englera (Fagus engleriana)

The species is characterized by a 20-meter trunk height and a very voluminous crown that develops in the shape of an oval. This is due to strong branching. The plant differs from other beeches in the elongated-oval shape of the leaves.

The breed is considered rare. It is found only in some areas of the People's Republic of China. Cultivated varieties can be seen in the garden landscape of other countries.

Long-leaved (Fagus longipetiolata)

This variety of beeches in everyday life is often called South Chinese, which is due to the place where the tree is distributed. Most often, their wild forest thickets are found in tropical forests Vietnam, as well as in the southeast of China. The smooth grayish trunk of a long-leaved beech does not grow above 25 meters. The rounded crown is slightly flattened at the top.

Radiant (Fagus lucida)

This variety, like the previous one, is better known to the inhabitants of China. It also develops upwards no higher than 25 meters and is characterized by a neat rounded crown with edible small nuts. hallmark species is a specific reflection on the bark.

Where does it grow

Beech plantings have long inhabited our planet. It has been scientifically proven that 85 million years BC, these plants occupied a vast territory on most continents. In those days, the extreme line of their range passed from Canada through Alaska, Greenland, Kamchatka and the Urals. But already after 62 million years, beeches occupied the southern territories of Eurasia and North America, displacing typical subtropical vegetation.

After the onset of the ice age, beech trees were pushed back conifers in northern Europe. This can be judged by fossil wood remains found in Scotland.

Today, botanists list the beech as one of the most common representatives of the flora. In any corner of the world: even in the lowlands, even in the mountains, you can find them. Moreover, these trees will be dominant in mixed or deciduous forests.

If you look closely modern map world, then beeches can safely give the entire temperate and subtropical climatic zones northern hemisphere. Trees do not climb above 2.5 thousand meters above sea level, prefer fertile loamy substrates with alkaline and slightly acidic pH, are distinguished by increased endurance, and are not demanding.

Important! Experts call the best period for harvesting beech wood the first half of autumn.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, mankind has been practicing beech herbal medicine, using the foliage, bark and oil of a majestic plant for these purposes. Healing decoctions, teas, baths, lotions, compresses are prepared from its raw materials.

The medicinal properties of the culture are very extensive. Bioenergetics interpret it as an additional source of vitality, knowledge and inner peace. It is not for nothing that beech wood furniture is highly valued to this day.

According to experts, beech has the following healing effects:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • heals wounds;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • relieves pain and relieves swelling;
  • improves appetite;
  • raises vitality;
  • normalizes the liver;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • helps with rheumatism (massages with beech oil are shown);
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • prevents the development of anemia and beriberi;
  • cleanses the body of cholesterol, free radicals and toxins;
  • helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs.

Important! Beech nuts are suitable for consumption, but they should not be eaten raw. It's connected with big amount toxic alkaloids that are neutralized by roasting.

Video: beech nuts


Beech is valued in the economy not only as an energy amulet and medicinal raw materials. Many cultivated species of this breed are widely used in landscape gardening. In this option, trees can be located in single and group plantings. Very often they personify piece green areas in forest parks, and are also an excellent material for creating hedges.

In many countries, the most important resort and aesthetic value is given to beech forests. As a rule, it is in these areas that prestigious health facilities for children and adults are located.

Environmentalists emphasize the role of beeches in air purification and soil protection from erosion and weathering. According to experts, beech plantings contribute to the ingress of surface water runoff into deep soil layers.

Due to this, a uniform replenishment of natural reservoirs is ensured. precipitation and prevent their silting. Studies have shown that large soil erosion never occurs in such forests. Meanwhile, the roots of the trees secrete substances that increase the fertility of the substrates.

Old trees are cut down for valuable timber. It is widely used in carpentry, for the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments (guitars, violins), parquet, weaving parts, measuring equipment, rifle butts, wooden containers.

Did you know? English brewers use beech even in the manufacture of the beloved Budweiser drink by adding wood chips when brewing..

Characteristic features beech wood are:
  • white or yellowish-red tone, which eventually turns into a pinkish-brown;
  • density;
  • satisfactory moisture resistance;
  • heaviness;
  • tendency to deform with increased moisture;
  • ease of processing and polishing;
  • fragility in outdoor conditions.

Beech trees have found their use in cooking. For example, their wood is used to make acetic acid, and nuts are used for desserts and pastries. Also, this raw material is the basis in the process of obtaining tar, methyl alcohol and creosote oils.

Note that based on the rich vitamin and mineral composition of beech fruits, in places where there are a lot of these trees, locals pancakes, pancakes and shortbread from walnut flour. And in the Caucasus and in the Carpathian regions, this ingredient is used for all bakery products.

The most valuable oil is obtained from beech fruits, which is widely used for food purposes (according to its palatability not much inferior to Provencal), as well as in cosmetology. It is added to various masks as a nourishing ingredient for hair, face and skin. Depending on the manufacturing technology, beech oil technical types used for feeding livestock and coffee surrogate.

The raw material for beech oil is chinariki (beech nuts)

Important! Beech therapy is strictly contraindicated for people prone to allergic reactions, as well as with individual intolerance to the constituent components. Therefore, experts advise to conduct a test before using any plant material for food or cosmetic purposes. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount medicinal product for sensitive skin.

In addition, beech raw materials are widely used in traditional medicine. For many diseases, a universal cure is ordinary tea, made from a teaspoon of dry chopped leaves and a glass of boiling water. Up to 1 liter is shown per day.

And for those who love forest walks, bioenergetics are advised to find a young and strong tree, lean back against it and mentally "merge" with it into a single whole. Such practices give a charge of strength and health.


Beeches are characterized as shade-tolerant and undemanding plants that adapt to any conditions. Therefore, they multiply easily and quickly. IN natural conditions this process is most often carried out by the seed method, as well as with the help of root shoots, which occasionally releases young shoots.

But there are other techniques for obtaining a young seedling. Let's consider them in more detail:


All types of beeches are sensitive to air pollution and soil salinity. For planting, it is better to choose loamy areas with calcareous components. If there are none, you will have to resort to liming.

In the spring, it is desirable to apply complex mineral fertilizers to the site, which will improve the development of the seedling. Moreover, the first 3 years after planting, it practically does not grow.

Trees are well tolerated by sanitary cutting and crown formation. They calmly react to the shade and the scorching sun, but they do not tolerate northern winds, drafts, a long drop in temperature and drought.

Beeches prefer warm and moderately humid air. Therefore, when grown in a household plot, young trees require periodic watering and liming of the soil. Also among important procedures care includes the annual removal of old, frozen or diseased branches.

In the first years after planting, rooted seedlings require preventive spraying from harmful insects and pathogens. Also, do not forget to loosen the soil in the trunk circle and remove weeds. To retain moisture in the soil for as long as possible, you can mulch it with mowed grass.

Did you know? Indian yogis believe that beeches, more than other trees, absorb the energy coming from space and, getting into the human abode, constantly share it with the residents.

Diseases and pests

Despite the half-century life expectancy of beeches, they are very sensitive to diseases and pests. Therefore, timely preventive measures will only benefit young seedlings.

Of all the representatives of the fauna, the most dangerous for beeches are:

  • beech shuttle;
  • red-tailed caterpillar;
  • gypsy moth butterflies;
  • skinned orange and yellow-gray;
  • shooters;
  • beech strophedra;
  • goldtails;
  • beech streptopteran moth;
  • corydalis entire;
  • forktail;
  • moth moth;
  • woodworm odorous;
  • barbel grainy;
  • oak narrow-bodied borers;
  • beetles;

Beech is a representative of deciduous trees that grows in temperate latitudes Europe, Asia and North America. Trees can reach a height of 30-40 meters. Individual specimens of beech trees have a diameter of almost two meters. The beech trunk is long and straight, without branches.

The age of the tree is almost 300 years. They are harvested for wood after the trunk diameter is at least 0.3-0.5 meters. By this time they are usually over a century old.

Young beech grows slowly, only after 100-120 years the growth rate increases by more than 2 times.

Beech is a medium-density hardwood. There are two main types - American and european beech. From the name it is clear that the division is based on territorial features, however, in terms of their characteristics, they are somewhat different from each other.

wood properties

The core of the tree is formed in late age. It has a dark red-brown color. If the wood is steamed, then the entire trunk will acquire a uniform color.

The texture of the wood is fine, the color of the heartwood is reddish brown, pale beige or rose red, depending on the place of growth. The wood is heavy, durable, and withstands bending well.

The wood of all types of beech has one significant drawback - it is very susceptible to decay. Cut beech absorbs moisture very strongly and begins to mold. Therefore, it is very important to start processing it almost immediately after harvesting. You need to dry it gradually, otherwise it will warp and crack.

Most often, beech wood is used indoors. For outdoor use, it is subjected to a special treatment that increases its resistance to moisture and other adverse factors. After steaming, the beech not only bends better, but is also easier to process.

Industrial use

Beech wood is practically odorless, so it can be used to make dishes, baskets, cutting boards. Widely used for furniture and flooring. The wood is also suitable for making musical instruments.

The ash from its burning is used in the glass business, tar and creosote are extracted from it. Wood is an excellent raw material for making paper and detergents. There is no better firewood for burning fireplaces, and branches, sawdust and small chips are considered in some regions best material for smoking.

Chemists obtain raw materials for medicines, acetone, methyl alcohol from beech wood. The sugar substitute xylitol is also a beech wood product. That's such a wide range of applications!

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