1. Trees obtain most of their nutrients from the atmosphere. They get only one tenth of their nutrition from the soil.
2. Each tree will process a ton carbon dioxide during your life.
3. Over the course of a year, a tree will absorb as much carbon as a car produces after driving several thousand kilometers.
4. One tree produces 100 cubic meters of oxygen per year, that is, 120 kilograms.
5. This amount of oxygen will provide the life of a small family of people for one year.
6. In a person staying in the forest, the pulse rate decreases by about twenty beats per minute,
breathing becomes calmer. Nervous excitement goes away, problems recede, and the person calms down.
7. During his life, a person spends approximately one hundred cubic meters wood This is the volume of a small grove.
8. Trees reduce Greenhouse effect by about 20%.
9. In one hour, a hectare of forest will absorb as much carbon dioxide as two hundred people will exhale in an hour.
10. Finland is considered the richest European country in forests. 70% of its total area is covered with them.
11. Great Britain was named the most forest-poor country in Europe. Only 6% of the kingdom's area is occupied by forest land.
12. Most long tree grows worldwide in California (USA). The trunk length of the evergreen sequoia is 112 meters.
13. Just one red tree trunk is very valuable breed(Mahogany wood) you can make several pieces of furniture at once. Such a headset will cost about one million dollars. By the way, exclusive musical instruments are made from mahogany.
14. From 13 to 21 grams of high-quality wood is needed to produce the one sheet of A-4 format that is so familiar to us. To make one middle book You will need at least 5 kilograms of wood.
15. A variety of trees grow in the forests. For example, the oldest one “lives” in the Lithuanian forest. It is about two thousand years old. That’s why the old-timer was called “Old Man.” This tree also has Polish brothers - trees of friendship. They are nine hundred years old: Lech, Rus and Czech.
16. All trees grow. But their growth rate is completely different and depends on the composition of the soil, weather, humidity and other indicators. The crown of oak trees grows just a meter in a whole year.
17. Among the trees known to us, only oak and spruce reach 500 years of age. Pine grows for about 350 years, and alder and ash - 300. Aspen is the youngest on this list - up to a hundred years old.
18. In Russian forests, the hardest tree is considered to be the Schmidt birch, which grows in the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve. Its bark cannot be pierced by a bullet, and its trunk cannot be cut down, even with an ax.
19. Forests on Earth cover an area of ​​38 million square kilometers, that is, approximately one-third of all land, although forests once made up 50 percent of the Earth's surface.
20. Production requires use huge amount wood raw materials, for example, more than 125 million trees are cut down in the world every year to produce paper.

Forests are one of nature's largest suppliers. In addition to providing water and food security, forests provide countless other benefits: they provide paper and medicine, renewable energy, and low-tech air conditioning and purification. In addition, they protect and enrich biodiversity and are one of the main tools in the fight against climate change.

But if you turn to different people and ask them what a forest is, their answers will probably differ from each other. And the reason for this is that forests are extremely complex and rich living systems. IN in a broad sense FAO defines a forest as an area of ​​land greater than 0.5 hectares containing trees greater than 5 meters in height and with a canopy density greater than 10 percent. There are many in the world different types forests growing in different climatic conditions, on different heights and on different types of soils.

Here are some interesting facts about forests and trees that you may not have heard of yet:

1. 1. Forests occupy a third of the land surface and are the habitat of more half of land plants and animals.

2. A quarter of all modern medicines , including two thirds of all anti-cancer drugs, made from forest tropical plants . By saving people's lives, these medicinal plants cost a colossal amount of money: $108 billion per year.

3. Forests are a source of huge amounts of nutritious food: nuts, fruits, seeds and even insects, which are rich in protein and valuable minerals, including calcium and iron. These natural products help maintain the health of forest residents and millions of other people.

4. Trees growing in forests are natural aqueducts, redistributing up to 95 percent of the moisture they absorb to where it is most needed. They hold water in the soil, preventing erosion, and then release it back into the atmosphere, producing a cooling effect.

5. Trees are excellent carbon sinks: the world's forests absorb about 2.1 gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere per year; just think– as much as 2.1 billion tons! This is fundamental important role in maintaining the balance of the planet's carbon cycle and helping to combat climate change.

6. Almost 900 million people, mostly in developing countries ah, they are engaged in the procurement of fuel wood and the production of charcoal. Wood fuel is used for cooking by 2.4 billion people, that is, every third inhabitant of the planet, so wood energy is one of the main factors in ensuring food security and nutrition. Woodfuel currently provides 40 percent of the world's renewable energy– as much as solar, hydroelectric and wind power plants combined – and demand for bioenergy is growing rapidly.

7. The net loss of forests worldwide is 3.3 million hectares per year- This is an area the size of Moldova. However, more than twenty developing countries have improved their food security situation by maintaining or even increasing their forest cover. This suggests that to reduce hunger there is no need to cut down forests in order to use the freed-up areas for agricultural needs - on the contrary! Use forest resources it must be rational; this is necessary to ensure that forests remain healthy and provide us with a variety of goods and services and even help produce agricultural, livestock and fisheries products.

8. Sustainable forest management is the basis for the production of raw materials for the pulp and paper industry. Paper is a renewable and one of the most widely recycled materials: currently about 55 percent, or 225 million tons, of wood fiber used to make paper worldwide comes from recycled paper.

9. Hevea tree, native to the Amazon rainforest (Hevea brasiliensis)– an excellent source of natural rubber. Having made a precise cut on its bark, latex can be collected without damaging the tree.

10. Every year March 21st is celebrated around the world. In 2017 it was held under the title "", and in 2018 the theme of the holiday will be "Forests and sustainable cities".

We know that forests play a huge role in supporting life on Earth and, as the source of many products, are something of a "nature's supermarket." But we must remember that their resources are not unlimited, so we must take care of them and use them wisely.

But what really?

About the occupied area

Forests occupy about 38 million square meters. - about a third of the land. About half of the planet's plants and animals grow and live in them.

Most of them “got to” Finland – its territory is covered with forests by 70%.

The UK has the least amount of woodland at just 6%.

Siberia is occupied by forests by about 2/3.

About temperature conditions, carbon dioxide and others

IN coniferous forest warmer than outside. This is ensured by tree crowns intertwining with each other. They retain not only moisture, but also heat.

Forests are filled with products that have great nutritional value. These include not only berries and nuts, but also insects - a source of proteins and minerals. Food nourishes forest dwellers, giving them energy, and also supports the health of millions of people.

Of many needles coniferous trees many are being made medicines. By the way, pine needles are rich in vitamin C.

About a quarter of drugs, including anti-cancer drugs, are made from what grows in tropical forests. The annual cost of such “raw materials” is approximately $108. USA.

Trees absorb approximately 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year, controlling the planet's carbon cycle. At the same time, they resist climate change.

Every tree growing in the forest is an aqueduct natural origin, sending 95% of the absorbed moisture to where it is needed. They prevent erosion processes in the soil by retaining moisture in it. At the same time, they release the evaporated water into the air, which provides a cooling effect.

About growth rate and height

All trees grow constantly, but only with at different speeds. It depends on humidity, soil composition and many other factors. Oaks grow the fastest - their crowns increase by a whole meter per year.

For those who want to see the most tall tree in the world, you should go to California. In one of its forests there is a 112-meter tall sequoia.

About a quarter of the planet's forests are taiga.

Some trees have names. For example, "The Old Man", whose age is approximately 2000 years. It grows in Lithuania and is considered sacred.

In the Kaliningrad region, trees grow that form a forest called “Drunk” or Dancing.” The area, which covers approximately a square kilometer, contains pine trees whose trunks are bent at different angles for unknown reasons.

Forest - amazing place, in which many of us love to be. Interesting Facts about forests will be discussed here.
1.total area forests on the planet - 38 million square kilometers. Largest quantity forests are located in Finland, they occupy 70% of the area of ​​this country. And in the UK there are few forests - only 10%.
2.Trees get 90% of their nutrients from the atmosphere and only 10% from the soil.
3. In a year, a tree absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide as it produces after traveling 1000 km, and over its entire life it processes up to a ton of carbon dioxide.
4. A hectare of forest will absorb as much carbon dioxide in an hour as will be exhaled in the same hour 200.
5.Each tree produces 100 cubic meters of oxygen, which is enough to support a small family for a year.
6.The tallest tree in the world grows in California. This is a sequoia whose length is 112 meters.
7. The oldest tree is about 5000 thousand years old. It is a pine tree named Methuselah and grows in California.

Forests grow in almost every climate type presented, but all of them different types. There are no forests only at the extreme points arctic belt. We present interesting facts about the forest.

Forests are a habitat for many animals, an area with unique vegetation, a “cradle” medicinal herbs. The total forest area on the planet is 38 million square kilometers. You can learn many interesting facts about forests if you dig deeper. For example, Finland is considered the most “forested” European country. Only 30% of its territory is not covered by them. In turn, Great Britain is less fortunate; as much as 94% of the country's territory is free of forest cover.

The USA is not giving way European countries in the ranking of “the very best”. Growing in California evergreen sequoia 112 m long. This tree is the longest in the whole world.

Also, the miracle of hands is growing in California human activity– “Wood Circus”, created by the Swede Erlandson in 1947. In this circus, trees grow into each other.

The oldest tree grows in Lithuania. The old-timer is about 2000 years old. Almost the same “brother trees” grow in the Polish forest, but they are younger: they are only 900 years old. The old-timer from Lithuania was given the name “Old Man”, and the brothers in Poland were named Lech, Rus, Czech.

Russia can boast of the beautiful Schmidt birch. It is the hardest of all the trees in Russian forests; you cannot pierce it with a bullet or cut it down with an ax. Bizarre plants grow in the Kaliningrad region dancing trees, and the forest itself is called “dancing” or “drunk”. The phenomenon of this phenomenon is still not clear

In Oceania there grows a coconut tree, rich in its coconut juice inside the coconut, but besides it there is also a tree whose fruit is bread. In the pulp of fruits that reach up to 12 kg, starch ripens; as it ripens, it turns into dough.

To date, more than 65% of the forests of the Eurasian continent have been destroyed by humans for their own needs. High-quality and expensive furniture is made from the trunk of a rare mahogany tree, and to produce one A4 sheet, you need 20 grams of high-quality wood.

This is all despite the fact that one tree produces from 100 to 700 kilograms of oxygen per year and binds 33 kilograms of carbon.

Forests on Earth feed us and meet our most important needs. Humanity must treat them with respect and thrift.


Other interesting facts about the forest can be found on the Internet.