Cute little fox with big ears- fennec can cause delight and tenderness in people. You want to bring a nice animal into your home, take care of it and enjoy its company. But, not knowing the conditions for home care, raising a pet will be very difficult, and even more so making friends with a fox.


Wild fox lives in deserts North Africa. It owes its name to the Arabic word fanak , which means "fox" . Eared animal has characteristics:

  • class - mammals;
  • squad - predatory;
  • family - canines;
  • genus - foxes.

The fennec is almost the same size as like a large domestic cat:

  • body length 20-22 cm;
  • height at withers 18-22;
  • weight up to 1.5 kg

The life expectancy of the animal is 10-12 years.

The fox's muzzle is short and pointed. The ears stand out due to their shape (about 15 cm), which catches the eye both in the photo and upon close contact. These are the largest ear sizes in relation to the head among the predatory group of animals. A fox needs such ears to navigate by rustling sounds about the location of its prey. They also serve to cool the body in hot weather. The fennec cat's teeth are small, the shape of the fangs is not particularly noticeable in size.

The little fox's fur is tall, thick and soft. Young animals are almost white. Older individuals have a khaki color:

  • top: red or fawn;
  • bottom: white;
  • the tail is fluffy, with a black tip at the end.

Foxes need a peculiar coloration for camouflage in a sandy landscape.

Fox behavior

Fennec Habitat- This sandy deserts, where the animal chooses places overgrown with grass and bushes. Fennecs can't stand it sunlight. Areas hidden from the sun provide shelter for the animal. They can also be used to search for food.

Chanterelles live in holes with many secret passages, which they dig out themselves. The animals lead night look life. Foxes are very sociable. They can bark, whine, squeal, and howl. The cry of fennec cats is quite loud.

Fennec foxes are social animals. They live in families of up to 10 individuals. Several families can live in one hole. The boundaries of their possessions must be marked.

Foxes are omnivores. The bulk of food is obtained from sand and earth. Fennecs hunt individually, which is typical for representatives of the fox genus. Prefer to eat:

  • small vertebrates;
  • various insects;
  • eggs;
  • roots of plants and fruits;
  • carrion.

The animal is distinguished by a long waterless period. The animal can obtain the necessary liquid from meat, berries and leaves. Fenech is practical - he stores food for future use.

The little fox, despite its modest form, is a rather active animal. Can jump a fairly large distance up to 0.7 meters forward and upward. Well-developed sense of smell, hearing, and ideal night vision.


Fennec is a monogamous animal. They reproduce once a year. During the period January-February begins mating season. Pregnancy lasts 50-53 days. The number of cubs born can reach from 2 to 6 puppies. The mother stays with the offspring until 2 weeks of age, until the newborns' holes open. The father only brings food; it is dangerous to enter the den. This behavior is associated with the aggressiveness of the female, which drives everyone away from the newborns.

At 5 weeks the cubs leave for the first time Father's house to get to know the surrounding area. Upon reaching 3 months, they can hike a considerable distance. Puberty in animals occurs at 6-9 months. It often happens that young foxes stay with their parents. They often help in caring for and raising the next generation.

Life in captivity

The smallest representatives of the canine family are the only ones who can live in apartment conditions with appropriate upbringing. Fenechs at home open, friendly animals. They love affection and communication very much. They have an easy-going character. Easily found mutual language not only with family members, but also with other pets.

For a comfortable existence in home environment, it is advisable to purchase a spacious cage. If living conditions allow, you can donate an entire room for your pet. The more space there is, the more ideal the home conditions in which the pet will live. Since the fennec is an active nocturnal animal, isolation at night will be very important.

It would be useful to note that waking foxes can turn an apartment in the field of hostilities. They will rush around the room, jump on furniture, and start digging holes wherever possible. And a very alarming fact is that the animal loves to chew everything that fits, including electrical cables. Therefore, thinking through in detail to protect yourself and your pet is of paramount importance in home care. Buy special toys for fun that will distract the animal. Since the animal is focused on living in sandy areas, a container with sand, placed in a convenient place, should undoubtedly please the fox very much.

The room where the animal will live should be warm and free from drafts. The fox is very seriously ill, the cold may end fatal Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to organize housing requirements.

The animal needs to be organized in the cage sleeping place, put a bowl of water just in case, despite the fact that fennec cats can feel comfortable without liquid for a long time.

Fenech is a shy and modest animal. To tame a fox you need to show a lot of patience. Under no circumstances should you shout at your pet or make sudden movements. The animal needs time to adapt to its new home. Over time, your pet can be taken for walks on a leash. The animal easily learns to go to the litter tray.

Homemade food

At home, fennecs prefer:

It is advisable to offer your pet vitamins, especially D3, periodically. The veterinarian will advise which medications are vital for fennec cats.

Over time, the animal will develop its own favorite foods. Puppies need to be vaccinated in the same way as dogs.

Fennec fox price

In Russia 10 years ago, foxes were brought from abroad. The cost in those days was not cheap, reaching up to 200,000 rubles. In 2010, domestic nurseries began to appear, thanks to which the price dropped significantly to 100,000 rubles. In 2015, the price dropped and you could buy an animal for 60-65,000 rubles. The price for a female is always higher.

Today's value varies and depends on the breeder. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, nurseries offer to buy puppies at a price of 60,000-95,000 rubles. You can purchase a fox from a private individual for 40,000 rubles. Such a sale is, however, somewhat doubtful. Most likely, the transaction will take place without paperwork. The circumstances of such a sale can be very diverse, for example, illness of the animal, boredom of the previous owners, etc. Since foxes are social animals, it is advisable to purchase them for your home in pairs.

The eared animal can be rented for posing in photos and participating in video shootings to look more exotic. A temporary purchase costs around 1,000 rubles.

How much the animal will cost must be clarified immediately before purchasing. Price may vary significantly, due to the emergence of new nurseries.

Little fox with big ears

When talking about a species of animal such as the eared fox, it is important to understand that this breed has some individuality. A pleasant animal, affectionately called fennec, has a rather specific disposition and can even be unsafe if disturbed in natural environment a habitat. Unfortunately, the valuable fur of the animal led to the fact that the fennec was exterminated en masse by poachers, which significantly reduced the number of the species. However, today the long-eared fox, which is protected by law, is doing great.

Fox appearance

In the photo, the fennec is the most amazing and most small animal, belonging to the canine family. This is the size of the animal not more domestic cat . This cute animal got its name from the Arabic “fanak”, which means “fox”. At the withers it is no more than 22 cm, body length is up to 40 cm, and the length of the tail is about 30 cm. The weight of the animal is up to one and a half kilograms. The fox has a small, pointed muzzle with large eyes.

The muzzle is dotted with small, sharp teeth. Of particular note are the disproportionately large ears. This is the first thing that catches your eye, because their length reaches 15 cm! The fennec's ears break records among predators in terms of the ratio of ear length to head size. But without such ears, the Fenech would not be able to survive in the desert. They perform several important functions:

  • detection and determination of the exact location of prey at a considerable distance, including those located at depth (and this takes into account the tiny size of the prey itself);
  • implementation of thermoregulation, which is vital for life in the desert. This is facilitated by the saturation of the ears with blood vessels located at the very surface of the skin, which contributes to the intensive removal of excess heat from the body. ​

Gorgeous appearance and body specificity

The animal's feet, densely covered with fur, help in silently “hiding” prey and protect the skin of the paws from the hot sand. The fennec cat's fur is soft, thick, long, and has a camouflage, “desert” color. Top part reddish shades, the lower part is white. Fluffy a long tail with black tail, complements the uniqueness of the portrait of this small animal.

Young fennec cats wear white fur, which darkens with age. The fennec cat, like other canids, lacks sweat glands. Cooling occurs through breathing and huge ears provide significant assistance. Like all foxes, the fennec is the owner of a “violet” gland located in the supra-tail region. Its functions have not yet been clarified with sufficient certainty.

Distribution and lifestyle

The total number of these animals is unknown. Average life expectancy in natural conditions - from five to eight years. The main habitat of the fennec cat population is located in the central Sahara. The distribution area of ​​the fennec tree is quite wide. He meets:

  • in the north of Morocco;
  • in Egypt, in Sinai;
  • on the Arabian Peninsula;
  • in Sudan;
  • in the Republic of Chad;
  • in the south of Niger.

Fenechs “living” in desert areas choose habitats among rare thickets of bushes and grass, because the main sources of food are concentrated in them. Animals dig holes with a widespread network of galleries and holes. This makes you feel comfortable shelter from the heat of the day. Fennecs live in families. The number of “family members”, as a rule, does not exceed ten.

Interestingly, they prefer to hunt individually. If we imagine the small size of the prey, then this behavior is the most rational (there is simply nothing to share). This little fox is capable for a long time do without water. The required amount of liquid is extracted from food. Fennec's kidneys are designed in such a way that the body retains required amount water.

Fennec foxes are also indiscriminate in their food, omnivores, and this is understandable - the desert... This animal obtains its main diet by rummaging in the sand. Production objects are:

As already mentioned, the huge size of the ears contributes to happy hunting. Fenechs have learned to put food aside for a rainy day. Fennecs need camouflage coloring (as can be seen in the photo) to hide prey rather than to hide, because natural enemies The fox doesn't. Fennec is very agile and playful. Acute night vision and an excellent sense of smell help him in hunting.

During the breeding season, which occurs once a year, males fiercely defend the boundaries of their territory. They constantly mark her and lead desperate fights with all the “violators” of boundaries. After 50 days of gestation, the female gives birth to up to 5-6 cubs, which stay with the mother for up to 3 months in a mink carefully prepared for this purpose. At birth, puppies weigh about 50 grams. The young grow quickly. At two weeks they begin to see clearly, and at three they are already interested in the world outside the hole.

When the pets are growing up, it is the male who plays the role of the main and only provider of food. At the age of about 3 months, babies become accustomed to hunting independently. At 9 months they are ready for creating own families . However, there have been cases when matured individuals stayed with their mothers and acted as “nannies.” Fenechs are extremely sociable in relation to their relatives, very “talkative”. The range of voice information transmission is quite wide. This is barking and howling, grumbling and growling, squealing and whining.

Fennec fox in your home

The fennec fox, due to its cute face, unusual appearance and small size (as confirmed by the photo), is an object close attention poachers. It is intensively caught both for its unusual fur and for sale, for the purpose of further keeping in captivity. Eared fox became fashionable and popular. Everyone wants to have her at home larger number pet lovers.

However, keeping this fox at home is not an easy task. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, fennecs accustomed to being nocturnal, which, naturally, causes understandable inconvenience to the owners. Secondly, fennecs need training from a specialist, because they have a rather bad character. Thirdly, this animal will need a separate room, with maintenance in it of a temperature familiar to a small fox.

Failure to comply with the above circumstances can lead to the animal feeling discomfort, catching colds frequently, and if not properly cared for, may die. In addition, the fennec is an animal with an unpleasant, pungent odor. One of the negative factors of keeping a fennec fox at home is that veterinarians are unfamiliar with this exotic fox and are not always able to provide qualified assistance. We should not forget that Fennec - wild animal, and therefore it is difficult to predict how the little fox will behave with children. Although, oddly enough, there is evidence that the fennec gets along well with domestic cats. They enjoy frolicking together.

Physiologically, the fox is designed in such a way that it can “perform” phenomenal tricks that other animals cannot do. Such dexterity and speed of movement are not just the virtues of an animal, but instincts that preserve life and have been developed over centuries. For fans of this type of fox, you should be aware of the following features of the animal:

This article, of course, cannot fully and comprehensively describe this wonderful animal. exotic looking, his unusual image life, behavior, but the main characteristics of the fennec fox - a small desert fox with prohibitively large ears - are presented. If you are still planning to purchase this fox for home keeping, then you will at least already know the main difficulties and possible inconveniences associated with the lifestyle of this wonderful animal.

Fennec foxes are small desert-dwelling foxes that have large ears and an attractive appearance. These foxes, like all others, are predators, although their habits are considered softer. The name "fennec" with Arabic That's how it's translated - "fox".

Habitat of foxes with big ears and their description

The habitat of these cute eared foxes is the desert areas of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In Algeria, the fenech is its national symbol and is even depicted on one of the national coins.

fennec fox does not reach large sizes . At the withers it is only eighteen to twenty-two centimeters. The weight of these babies reaches up to one and a half kilograms on average. If you compare the animal’s ears with its head, they may turn out to be gigantic in relation to it. They can be up to fifteen centimeters in length.

Foxes living in the desert are perfectly adapted to similar climatic conditions:

  • they have fur on the soles of their paws to hot sand did not burn them;
  • Their coat color is reddish-fawn, which allows them to camouflage in desert areas;
  • long ears allow you to perfectly hear any rustle of even a small insect.

The latter, it must be said, can be eaten by fennec. Although these foxes can feed on roots and fruits of plants, carrion, and eggs.

Ears, in addition to hearing, also help improve thermoregulation, because the animal lives in a very hot desert climate.

How does an animal cope with desert climate?

As mentioned above, the fennec fox, thanks to its large ears, can easily carry hot climate deserts. The thing is that the skin on the ears of foxes is quite thin and can be seen through it. blood vessels, thanks to which excess heat is removed from the body.

Even internal structure foxes allows them to live in the desert. Fenech can eat dry food and go without water for a long time. Therefore, the kidneys of this species of fox work differently than those of other representatives of this family. Thus, this allows you to save large quantity moisture in the animal's body. The fennec fox does not have sweat glands.

During the daytime, foxes do not come out often, preferring to stay in burrows. If they find themselves on the surface, they prefer to stay in the shade of bushes or thickets of grass. More time they hide from the scorching sun and emerge from their burrows as dusk approaches. At the same time they prefer to hunt.

It should be noted that this is a fairly smart animal and it is very interesting to watch them from the outside. For example, if a fennec fish has obtained an egg and the hard shell is difficult to crack, then it will roll the egg towards a stone. And what games they play among themselves!

Fennec fox breeding

The mating season for foxes begins in January. After the end of the mating season, the female is waiting for offspring. The wait lasts approximately 1.5-2 months, and cute little animals appear around March-April. That is, the duration of gestation for a fennec fox is about fifty days.

When born, the tiny foxes weigh only fifty grams. The female does not leave the cubs alone until they begin to open their eyes. During this time the male is not allowed near them, however, he continues to feed and obtain food for the entire family.

At five weeks of age, little foxes begin to gradually emerge from the hole and explore the territory. When they are three months old, they are ready to travel quite long distances. It should be noted that these animals are practically not afraid of anyone. They very fast and can easily escape from any danger.

IN Lately The domestication of wild animals became very popular. Due to their cute and rather cute appearance, it has become popular to keep fennec foxes as exotic pets at home. But like everyone else wild animals, The pet fennec tree is not that easy to care for. There's something for that whole line reasons:

  1. The long-eared fox is an animal that prefers a nocturnal lifestyle, therefore, due to this, it can cause a lot of trouble for the owner;
  2. The fennec animal can be very naughty, so it simply needs training.
  3. It is difficult for them to get used to the tray and have a rather unpleasant and specific smell that will not please the owner much.
  4. In order to keep such an exotic pet at home you will need big cage or even a separate room, the floor of which must be filled with sand to bring it closer to the original habitat. This way the pet can dig a hole for itself.

In addition to all this, care should be taken to so that the room is warm enough, and perhaps it is worth making heated floors. Since the animal is accustomed to very hot climates, it is susceptible colds which can cause the death of a pet. Sudden fluctuations in temperatures, as well as their value should not be allowed to be too low.

Not even every veterinarian can help this exotic pet, because the fennec fox is a non-standard patient. In addition, it is better not to get a fox if you have other pets or small children, because it is not known how a wild animal might react to such a neighborhood at home.

Fennec is a small fox of unusual appearance that lives in the deserts of Africa. If we talk about the description of such an animal as the fennec, then this is a separate genus of foxes. Its name comes from the word fox.

However, compared to the fox, the fennec is much smaller.

Description of the animal

The size of this animal is smaller than that of a cat. At the same time, he has pointed facial features, huge ears, and eyes. The ears are more than 15 centimeters long.

However, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of the animal, since it is the ears that help it successfully hunt for prey, and in hot weather they provide heat transfer.

This is a nocturnal animal with eyes adapted for darkness due to the presence of a special retina, which glows red in the dark.

The animal's fur is quite thick, slightly raised, red on top, snow-white below. The loose tail is quite dark in color at the end.

How does the fennec live?

Such a fox is characterized by activity and excessive jumping ability; in particular, it is excellent at jumping 70 centimeters in height and at least one meter forward. Simply put, the prey has no chance of survival.

The fennec animal hunts without its fellows at night, and during the daytime it hides in a hole. The underground housing, which the fennec digs quite quickly, is complex, has many exits, with the help of which you can reliably hide from enemies.

As a rule, the tunnels are dug under plants, which hold the walls of the burrows with roots. Sometimes the underground labyrinths are so wide that they allow several families to live simultaneously.

However, as a rule, there is nothing to be afraid of - there are practically no hunters for the animal in a desert place.

The fennec is considered an omnivore and often digs food out of the sand. The diet includes insects, lizards, and eggs. Loves carrion and root vegetables.

Feels normal for a long time without water, compensating for its lack with moisture found in food. Stocks up for future use.

Where does the fennec live?

Where the fenech lives is mostly desert. Its habitats are the Sahara, Algeria, Egypt and other hot countries. For the comfort of this type of fox, vegetation is important, because it is in it that the animal hides from the heat and also takes refuge from enemies.

There is no reliable information about the number of these unique animals. They are often killed for their fur and are also captured to be placed in zoos.

How do animals grow?

Offspring are born once every twelve months. The next batch is reproduced only if the first one dies.

The beginning of love games occurs in winter, however, females are in heat for no more than a few days. Pair formation occurs over a long period of time. Each couple has a plot.

For a month, the mother does not leave the babies, and also does not let anyone near them. The male also has no right to approach the puppies; he is only allowed to deliver food, but he does not enter the burrow for fear of an aggressive female.

From the age of one month, babies begin to lick out of the hole, examining environment. However, at first they do not go far from the shelter. Only with three months they decide to move as far from home as possible. By this period, they are no longer fed with mother's milk.

Ten months later, these mature animals are ready for adventure and mating. Many leave their families to form their own clans. But some stay with their parents, helping raise generations.

In desert conditions, the fennec, a photo of which can be seen on the website, lives for about seven years. However, in a zoo, as well as in a cozy home environment, life expectancy can reach several decades.

Home content

Keeping an animal in a zoo or at home is not a problem, as it gets used to its new home in a short period of time.

Fenech will be an affectionate and intelligent pet, but if you give him proper upbringing. However, it is better not to relax, because every animal needs great care and attention.

It is necessary to purchase a spacious cage, or better yet, set aside a room for the baby. If this is an enclosure, then you need to pour a pile of sand there for digging minks.

Toilet training in one place is very problematic. It is for this reason that the room where the animal will live will serve as a resting place for it.

Without organizing a toilet, a specific smell will spread throughout the apartment.

The little fox is unpretentious at home, eats everything, rejoicing in everything that the owners offer. However, his preference is for meat products. At the same time, water has no special significance, but you shouldn’t forget about it.

Fenech rarely gets sick, but it is difficult to treat. Not many doctors are familiar with their diseases, because this is an exotic animal. Therefore, to avoid health problems, make sure your pet is warm.

Photo of Fenka

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare. This unusual appearance and its small size attract the attention of lovers of exotic animals to the fox. Recently, this big-eared fox has gained popularity as a pet, which is kept in apartments like a cat or dog.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare.

Main characteristics of the species

  • the height of this animal at the withers reaches about 20 cm;
  • chanterelle length – no more than 40 cm;
  • the tail, of course, is fox, and therefore relatively long - about 30 cm;
  • the animal weighs no more than 1.5 kg;
  • Ears with such small sizes reach 15 cm in length.

Thus, the body of the fox itself is smaller than that of a cat. However, if you take into account the ears and tail, the cat will still seem smaller.

The systematic position of this animal differs from all other foxes. Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family. Especially for it, zoologists have identified a separate genus - Fennecus, to which only one species belongs - Vulpes zerda.

Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family

Lifestyle and character

The big-eared fox attracts and surprises everyone with the size of its ears. During strong winds the ears act like a sail and the poor animal has to make great efforts not to fly away along with the desert plants.

The fennec fox lives in the deserts of North Africa. It got its name thanks to the Arabic word fanak, which is translated as fox.

The small fennec fox hunts alone, mainly at night. She is a predator like all foxes. She only chooses her prey according to size. Its diet includes small lizards, insects, worms, mice, eggs of birds and reptiles, and the birds themselves. Life in the desert does not indulge in an abundance of food, so the bat-eared fox feeds on carrion, fruits and roots. All canines do not disdain such food. She tolerates thirst well, often being content with the water contained in her food.