In astrology, the Sun has great value. It is its position at the moment of birth that determines psychological characteristics of people. This article will tell you what the Sun means in your horoscope.

Sun in Sagittarius

Solar Sagittarius is an adventurer and a dreamer. It is difficult for him, like the solar Gemini, to sit in one place, but, unlike Gemini, Sagittarius is aimed at distant goals and distant lands. Many Sagittarians tirelessly search for happiness somewhere far away, constantly travel, and are attracted to places where they have never been.

Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn reminds us of the planet Saturn - reserved, harsh and even ascetic. Many Capricorns are ready to endure hardships and restrictions in order to achieve their goals, which they achieve slowly and systematically, sometimes even throughout their lives. This is precisely their concept of ambition. Is it any wonder that in this way they often achieve a lot, be it an administrative post or a solid bank account?

Sun in Aquarius

Sun Banishment Sign(that is, the sign where the solar characteristics are least pronounced) - Aquarius. In Aquarius, the Sun loses its guiding significance. This does not mean at all that sunny Aquarians cannot be leaders. It’s just that, unlike solar Leos, they have a collective type of personality that predominates, where the principle of the Sun - “I am” - is not expressed, and there is no need for it. Aquarius is more inclined to cooperate with others, he leads through contact with society, he manifests himself through other people, which in some sense erases the expression of the solar ego.

Sun in Pisces

The Sun in Pisces often plunges its owners into dreams and illusions. No one loves and knows how to dream like people whose Sun is in the sign of Pisces. The problem is that the owner of such a Sun often lacks the will to achieve goals, and his dreams remain unfulfilled. If there is a creative stimulus, often characteristic of people this sign is still being realized, we see wonderful achievements in art and science, unusual ideas, brought to life.

Position of the Sun in the horoscope: additional meanings

In individual brightness solar characteristics also depends on the location of the Sun not only in the sign, but also in the house (the horoscope is divided into 12 sectors, each of which describes a certain sphere of life). The Sun is most pronounced in those born at dawn (when the Sun rises above the horizon) and at noon (when the Sun is at its zenith). Such people are more proactive and prone to leadership; they have the opportunity to express themselves in society and achieve success in their chosen field. People born at sunset are often too dependent on others and much less proactive; their success in life depends heavily on their environment and mainly on their partners (in marriage or business).

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500 rub People born at midnight, when the Sun is at its lowest point in the horoscope (called Nadir), are often too immersed in themselves and their inner world, their personal and family affairs, which interferes with their social fulfillment and popularity in society. The location of the Sun in your horoscope will show how strong your initiative, leadership abilities and individualism are, as well as how exactly you transmit your ego to the world. If you want to know your personal data, contact Astro7 experts.

Mystics and esotericists say: one of the main tasks of a person is to become conscious. Get out of the endless circle of routine and come to yourself. Become natural. At the everyday level it sounds like: finding the meaning of life. But is it possible to do this using a natal chart?

The Sun in astrology is responsible for the meaning of life, endless consciousness, and motivation. If the luminary is struck, then reality seems to slip. The universe lazily hears your desires and turns away at every opportunity. And the older you get, the faster your energy, strength, and enthusiasm decrease.

From this article You will learn how to awaken awareness, find a source of inspiration with the help of the Sun in astrology.

The main deception of esotericism

As soon as they do not interpret awareness. There is an opinion that to be aware is complete control of the mind and internal processes.

On the surface it looks very correct. Such a character is not aggressive, with a kind character and understanding eyes. But passions are boiling inside.

Instead of revealing individuality, Such people suppress their nature, not allowing it to manifest itself. Internal processes go something like this: “Oh, I felt angry. This is not good. We need to take this emotion somewhere far away.” Constantly lying to yourself. Feelings and internal processes are not experienced, but are preserved in the body and consciousness until the psyche breaks through.

The ancients said that man was created in the image of God. Absolute knowledge, all possibilities initially exist in each of us. We contain within ourselves the spark of creation and creation. Yes, it sounds a little pretentious. But we are so concentrated on the external anthill world, society, that we have completely forgotten who we really are, what we really want, what we are really capable of. Mindfulness is the art of being in harmony with yourself. But the consciousness of most people slides from the solar to the lunar.

Two types of consciousness

IN natal chart There are two types of consciousness:

  1. Lunar- body consciousness. Basic habits, attitudes, fears, animal nature. Emotions, reactions to external processes, memory.
  2. Solar- consciousness of the spirit. Our higher self. The Creator is within us. The ability to love and value yourself.

Most people are in the lunar consciousness, at the mercy of habits, society, fears, and beliefs. The moon provides energy only for survival. Therefore, such people always have a limited supply of energy, time, and health. And if they step outside the comfort zone fence for even a second, everything immediately begins to collapse. And the most important thing is to lose meaning.

If you experienced a state when you were doing something and you didn’t want to sleep, didn’t want to eat, you didn’t notice the time, and lightning was falling from your eyes - You were in solar mode.

In fact, not everyone loves the Sun. Society does not accept him for fear of losing control. A confident, self-sufficient and conscious person no longer depends on social rules, fears.

Since childhood, anti-solar Saturian dogmas have been driven into us like nails: don’t be smart, don’t show off, you have to, you have to. And the words “ego” and “selfishness” can soon be safely written down in the dictionary of obscene language.

But it is sunny people who move society. Politicians, singers, successful writers, actors. People read about their lives and aspire to them.

In astrology, the Sun often finds itself without the attention it deserves. Probably because astrologers don't have much to say. In addition to the common hackneyed phrases that have worn holes in almost every Internet page on stellar science. Sometimes they say that the Sun in astrology is the masculine principle, the active side of your personality. That's how you want to understand it.

How much do you pay per month for this junk?

The process of awakening is both pleasant and painful. Suddenly you realize how much garbage has accumulated in your life. Useless people, connections, dead-end jobs that I should have left long ago. Fears, blocks, beliefs that suddenly turn out to be outrageously narrow, stupid, callous.

And most importantly, You suddenly realize at what cost all this rubbish has been kept in your life. How much energy does this take?

When consciousness awakens, a person changes dramatically. Confidence, brightness, and individuality appear. Those around you usually react with fear: you’ve become strange. People and old connections fall away. New ones are coming.

The main thing is not to be afraid of a period of turbulence. Everything that was built on the lunar consciousness, when solar energy is turned on, disintegrates and loses significance. Only the truly important remains.

How to turn on the solar mindfulness reactor?

There is another popular opinion. Awareness is achieved only through meditation and spiritual practices. This is of course true. But only very small, compared to the global true: Each of you has your own way of finding meaning and turning on awareness. Some will come to this through spiritual themes, some through money and business, and some through pain and crises.

In astrology, the Sun, through its sign and aspects, will show what it is main meaning life. Through which comes awareness, joy and confidence. If the person is deeply in a dormant lunar state, then solar themes may not be felt.

If the luminary is affected by quadratures and oppositions, then the person feels insecure. Desires and aspirations are postponed until an eternal tomorrow. Such people do not live, but are constantly only preparing to live. Inability to be here and now.

Awareness comes through negative experiences, pain, difficulties.

Let's analyze the Sun in astrology through signs.

In Aries

Awareness comes through struggle, competition, overcoming difficulties, the ability to defend oneself, protect or push one’s interests. It is necessary to move forward: the first goal is to earn a thousand, then two, then three. Joy comes not from possessing something, but from the very process of achieving, conquering new horizons.

Meaning of life: achieve, break through, go forward, be independent, fight, ignite and inspire others. Invent it yourself - implement it yourself.

(-) inertia, desire for freebies, I want a lot, but I don’t want to waste my energy on it.

In Taurus

Solar energy is included through material themes: increasing resources and money, health, working with the body, beauty and aesthetics. When I collect something, I expand my taste range, I approach clothing themes thoroughly, appearance- I feel confident. Often joy is brought by memorabilia that are somehow connected with the life events of the native. The more I open the possibilities of my body, my organism, there is more awareness.

Meaning of life: accumulate, possess something, earn money, make it practical, useful, healthy, beautiful, simple.

(-) claims to the universe: you owe me, you owe me. Mindless hoarding is replaced by waste. Neglect of appearance, material spheres.

In Gemini

The internal fire is ignited by travel, frequent movements, communication, information, learning. The fewer social frameworks and conventions, the simpler and open I am to the world, the more motivation and joy I have.

Meaning of life: write, speak, teach, create information. Make the complex simple and understandable, practical.

(-) I complicate what is already complicated. Abstract knowledge, information noise, useless information take up a lot of energy.

In Cancer

The more security, support, emotional warmth - the stronger the confidence. Establish a connection with your ancestors, unearth your family tree, and become a leader in the family. Cooking (not according to recipes, but according to your own vision), creating comfort and working with the interior, the ability to protect, hold, and trust are revealed by the Cancer Sun in astrology.

Meaning of life: to take care, patronize, trust (about whom and to whom - the context of the card), create warmth and comfort. Be an emotional support for others.

(-) Eternal obligations, inability to refuse and say “no”, ignoring one’s needs for the sake of the endless social “should”, “you must”, “you must”. Social patterns that deprive me of inspiration.

In Leo

Consciousness is revealed through creativity, the act of creating something within itself. in a broad sense: I’m painting a picture, opening my project. The more I show naturalness, individuality, and healthy egoism, the more joy and confidence I have.

Meaning of life: shine, become a leader, main, bright. Create and be creative.

(-) I put all my desires and aspirations for eternity later.

In Virgo

Order, stability, consistency in different aspects life fills me. Consciousness is revealed in the archetype of service: when I am useful, caring, honing professional skills, myself in the role of a subordinate or in the role of a superior over others. Themes of health and prevention light up the Virgo Sun in astrology.

Meaning of life: achieve perfection in a profession, skill, idea, thought through the same type of actions. Treat, help, repair, restore. To be useful, but without self-sacrifice. For example, in business it will be like: we have a store healthy eating. We bring benefits and earn money.

(-) Impenetrable know-it-all, does not accept anything new, cynicism, looks for flaws in everything. Criticism complicates something simple and creates a problem out of nothing.

In Libra

Awareness grows through communication and partnership. The more connections, people, friends, colleagues in my life, the more I reveal my real nature. Themes of aesthetics, beauty, balance delight and motivate.

Meaning of life: to be connected to someone, to interact with others. Bring as much aesthetics and beauty into your reality as possible.

(-) I don’t want to depend on anyone or partner or negotiate with anyone. I want to do everything myself. Competition, unspoken struggle, endless confrontation with someone.

In Scorpio

My higher self opens up in crises, stressful situations, when I improvise, set super-goals, take a break, and take initiative. Work with body energy, psychosomatics, hard psychology from the series: holotrope, Jungian analysis, RPT, work with traumas, blocks.

Meaning of life: Constantly test yourself for strength through large-scale and complex goals, increase your efficiency and activity. Learn to express yourself through others or someone else’s resource: delegate, take credit (if the card does not contradict).

(-) Fear of change, senseless hoarding, fear of risks, sudden actions. I don’t want to delegate or interact with someone else’s resource; it’s easier to do everything yourself and with your own energy.

In Sagittarius

Consciousness awakens from knowledge, travel, communication with foreigners and representatives of other cultures. Become a generalist. The more I improve my standard of living, surround myself with brands, unique things - the stronger my confidence, energy, motivation. For example, I am learning to understand different varieties tea, wine. Distinguish a fake from the original.

Meaning of life: become an expert in something, constantly grow internally, improve, deepen your skills. Strive for elitism, collect respect points, become informal leader. Gain social position, status. Teach and pass on experience and information to other people. Set ambitious, large-scale goals: I want to become not just an astrologer, but famous master. I want my project to be in the top five.

(-) familiarity, excessive openness, simplicity, superficiality prevent you from awakening and opening the solar channel within yourself.

In Capricorn

The more responsibility, power, the more something or someone depends on me, the brighter my Self shines. Consciousness is revealed when I manage, make decisions and take responsibility for my actions.

Meaning of life: gain influence, power, a formal position in society, control, manage, take responsibility, learn patience, endurance, and control of emotions. Plan, stage, specific goals. Motivation kicks in when I clearly understand where I am going, what I need to do for it and how much time it will take.

(-) I avoid any pressure. I show weakness and emotions. I adhere to the principle: the quieter you drive, the further you will go. It is easier to give someone else the reins of power than to take them into your own hands.

In Aquarius

I rejoice when I contemplate, dream, make plans, analyze, calculate. Consciousness is revealed through knowledge, information, when I interact with the crowd (crowd of students, subscribers in in social networks, any public opinion).

Meaning of life: contemplate, observe, invent. Gain popularity, create your own crowd: public, community, gain a subscriber base. Be a leader in teams.

(-) Provoking others, depending on the crowd and at the same time the desire to be in this crowd. A generator of meaningless ideas that cannot be applied.

In Pisces

Contacts with foreigners, long trips abroad, and immersion in a foreign culture fill you with energy. Psychology, esotericism, mysticism, visualization inspire. The Higher Self is included through spiritual development, meditation, religiosity, esotericism, communication with subtle forces. wild nature, animals, oceans and mine fill with energy.

Meaning of life: to go towards high ideals, ideas, to cognize the deep, subtle, mystical. Reveal your unconscious, unravel mysteries, secrets. Learn to be subtle, flexible, but at the same time strong inside.

(-) Obsession with little things, lack of scale, senseless sacrifice.

Don't forget about the meaning of life!

The sun in astrology is that incredible force that gets us out of bed, ignites, motivates and guides. If the solar rule is ignored, a person usually quits at the start.

Imagine that you want to play sports. The first classes are a new experience for you. You're wondering, it's lighting up. But after some time, interest subsides and there is a risk of putting the sport on the back burner again. The reason is the wrong meaning, which quickly burned out as a Chinese counterfeit. We need to find the original.

Ask the question: why are you doing this? Why exactly do you need this? The brain will begin to produce social cliches: to be healthy, strong, etc. Drop these patterns and ask yourself this question again. Or refer to the Sun in astrology.

  • in Taurus will play sports for beauty, appearance
  • in Aries - to be strong
  • In Scorpio - to test your strength
  • In Cancer - to feel security and comfort
  • In Capricorn - exercise and physical activity as a way to train endurance and achieve goals

If the solar goal is taken into account in work, business, goals, relationships, then the universe hears you. You resonate on the same wavelength with the world.

Don’t bury yourself and your meanings in the pits of routine, everyday life and social superstitions. Remember, you are an individual. You are the Sun!

Sun in the natal chart

The Sun is the center of the astronomical system to which we belong, the star that gives life and light, which the other planets can only reflect. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes the process of self-awareness, the formation of one’s own “I,” the integration of various character traits, habits and inclinations into a holistic personality. Its influence on the horoscope is enormous. The sun denotes the center of power of the body and it is not without reason that it is directly associated with what is called the “life force” of a person. Together with the Ascendant, the Sun describes human health and physiology. When interpreting, it must be taken into account that, unlike ASC, the Sun is not so noticeable and has a lesser effect on the human constitution, although there are exceptions here. Anatomically, the Sun is directly connected with such an important organ as the heart, and symbolically - with a special metaphysical center of a person - the spiritual heart, the container of all vital energies, responsible for the entire vitality of the human being.

The influence of the Sun on biological processes in a person is so great that in the old days the Sun was called “Hileg” (the giver of life) if it was in the I, VII, IX, X or XI houses at the birth of a person. In this case, according to its strength, location and aspects, a person’s life expectancy and the general situation with his health were judged. In the event that the Sun was not in any of these houses, then the Moon was chosen as the Hileg if it was in the 1st, 7th, 10th or 11th houses. And if there was no Moon there, then ASC was considered such a Hilegial point. All this was known in ancient times, and only emphasizes the enormous influence the Sun has on biological processes and the general physical condition of the body.

In the old days it was believed that greatest influence The Sun had the body and soul in a man’s horoscope, and the Moon in a woman’s horoscope. Many modern astrologers no longer adhere to such a strict opinion, but K. Kraft in his “Astrophysiology” proves that there is some truth in all this. However, both he and other modern astrologers confirm that the Sun, both in the horoscope of men and in the horoscopes of women, has the most strong influence on body and soul.

It is believed that by the position and aspects of the Sun in a woman’s horoscope one can judge her attitude towards a man - her life partner. In addition, by the position and aspects to the Sun they judge a person’s relationship to his father, or rather to the image and principle of the father, as a symbol of power and authority. In the old days, it was often said that the personality and fate of the father was reflected in the position and aspects of the Sun in the radix of his children, and the life and fate of the mother was associated with the Moon, Venus and the X house. Nowadays, children’s horoscopes are no longer used to judge the life and character of their parents, since it is believed that the chart reflects only a person’s subjective point of view on those around them. In the radix one can only find indications of how a person will relate to his parents, and how his parents will influence his personal life and destiny. The horoscope reflects a person’s attitude to the principles of fatherhood or motherhood, as such, describes the formation of his parental models.

The position of the Sun in the horoscope is related to some of the deepest features of the psyche of a conscious person. Traditionally, it is customary to say that it expresses the higher “I” of a person, and the opinions of most astrologers agree on this. Sometimes the interpretation of the Sun speaks of the so-called super-ego. This is a concept of modern psychoanalysis and in astrology it finds its justification in how a person realizes the principle of father, power and authority.

The position of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac greatly influences what is commonly called a person’s mentality (the relationship of the spirit, as the central point of the individual, to the world around him). This special shape human consciousness, showing the relationship of a person’s “I” to “you”. Mentality indicates the primary and most essential perception of a person and the direction of the spirit of his personality. The meaning of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac is manifested, first of all, in the process of creation, in what exactly a person does and how; and, most importantly, in human spiritual creativity.

At high level development of personality, the principle of the Sun manifests itself especially strongly and noticeably, it immediately catches the eye. In this case, the sign of the Zodiac in which the Sun is located manifests itself especially strongly; the solar principle literally permeates the entire character and behavior of a person, leaving its imprint even on appearance and demeanor. In these cases, the Sun sign and its aspects express what is called a person's suiryust in all its diversity, in contrast to the personality described by the ASC.

In the horoscopes of most people, the position of the Sun can be used to judge the general direction of the intellect and its dynamics. A strongly placed Sun in the horoscope speaks of a person’s great self-awareness of intellect, aimed at expansion, outward. This follows from the very principle of the Sun, as a fiery planet associated with power and authority. Another important principle The Sun is the highest rationality, in contrast to Mercury - the lower rationality. This highest rationality is expressed in the nature of thinking as clarity of intellect. A person's ability to express his thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly depends on the position of the Sun to a greater extent than on Mercury.

The position describes a person's ability to think objectively. The best position for the Sun is top part horoscope, closer to MS. Here the Sun most contributes to objective thinking and objective perception of events in the outside world. This position of the Sun most of all corresponds to its natural expansion, desire for power and ambition. The location of the Sun near the lower meridian - IC, and especially in the IV house, makes a person more focused on his internal problems and affairs, and the nature of thinking becomes more subjective. Problems inner world a person dominates his life. This position of the Sun is not particularly favorable for him, since the Sun is very sensitive to tense aspects in cases where the planets sending these aspects are elevated above it.

The Sun manifests itself most harmoniously in the angular houses, especially in the X; it manifests itself quite fully in the I and VII houses, they most fully correspond to its expansive fiery nature. In fixed houses, the Sun is somewhat constrained in its energy and is often forced to adapt to restrictions and restrain itself, however, a harmonious Sun is highly desirable here, since it can greatly revitalize and stimulate the areas of life associated with these houses. Falling houses are not very favorable for the Sun, especially XII and VI; in them, even the slightest tense aspect to the Sun causes adverse effects, especially related to health, and at the psychological level it greatly injures the personality, infringing on its tendencies towards external expansion and aspirations for power.

The sun being on the eastern half of the horoscope, i.e. when it rises to the upper meridian more strongly than the Sun in the western half of the horoscope. In the east, the Sun has more opportunities to show its character and nature. The tendency towards extraversion is more consistent with the tendency towards expansion characteristic of the Sun. The thinking of such a person is more active and more self-centered and selfish. A person tends to be more active in the outside world; he strives to realize himself and succeed in his affairs. These tendencies of the Sun to assert its self and its influence on others are especially evident near the ASC and MC.

When the Sun is located in the western half of the horoscope, a person’s mentality and his main tendencies acquire features of introversion. Such a Sun is more conducive to self-deepening and a person can be more critical of himself, his needs and desires. More altruism appears in him and the “YOU” zone of such a person acquires greater importance in his life. It is important for such a person to assert himself not so much externally as internally. This position of the Sun promotes more serious scientific and creative work. The sun in the west makes a person more adaptable to the needs and desires of other people, it helps to look at oneself through the eyes of other people.

In order to judge the characteristics of a person’s mentality, it is important to trace the influence of two other planets: the Moon and Saturn. Any connections between the Sun and the Moon indicate how the spirit of a person, his higher "I", relates to the soul of a person - his ability to perceive, directed towards external world- to other people. Disharmonious aspects between the Moon and the Sun indicate an imbalance in the relationship between the Spirit and the soul; there is a source of internal contradictions here. At the same time, this is also a source of contradictions between the masculine - active side of a person’s life and his feminine side of the soul, which is responsible for how a person perceives other people and how others perceive him. These aspects indicate, if not some conflicts between parents, then internal conflict the person himself - to the internal contradiction between his super-ego and instinctive, subconscious impulses and motivations. In critical cases, unfavorable aspects between the Sun and Moon can lead to both mental and nervous diseases or complications, especially if the luminaries are located in unfavorable houses.

In other, less critical cases, we can assume that any aspects between the Sun and the Moon have a stimulating and exciting effect on a person, this especially contributes to a person’s activity, and, above all, affects his contacts with people and creativity. For creative work any connections between these two luminaries can be considered desirable and beneficial. But, in any case, the thinking of a person whose Sun has a tense aspect with the Moon will suffer from a lack of specificity and bear the imprint of vagueness and uncertainty. His thinking will be very figurative, visual and colored by emotions. When choosing his paths and goals in life, a person will be largely guided by his emotions, likes and dislikes; common sense and the ability to calculate options in advance and plan your actions. With harmonious aspects, this approach also has its advantages, for example, people of this type have highly developed intuition and the ability to premonition, they subtly capture the moods and feelings of others and are almost unconsciously able to act the best way. Thanks to this aspect, they are sociable and sociable, get along well with other people and are a pleasure to deal with.

The relationship between the Sun and Saturn is of a different nature. Saturn, with its ability to impose its own framework and boundaries on everything, in any case endows a person with seriousness and endurance. Here the expansive tendencies of the Sun receive the necessary rein, endow a person with the talent of an organizer, his intellect is curbed and disciplined, he knows how to correctly plan his actions and actions and weigh his possibilities. Any aspects between these two planets promote serious, in-depth work and are especially desirable in scientific or research work. In unfavorable cases, aspects between the Sun and Saturn create a special kind of interference and obstacles, which are most often generated as a result of some kind of paternal complexes of a person.

Sometimes, due to overcompensation of hidden fears, pessimism, stubbornness and inability to adapt develop. For the same reasons, he may have difficulties communicating with other people, for example, he may make too high demands on them or even find fault with little things. By inclining toward excessive pedantry, Saturn makes a person uncooperative, unsociable, and sometimes pushes him toward misanthropy and the desire to withdraw into himself and his interests. In this, Saturn and the Moon act on the Sun and the human mentality in exactly the opposite way.

A strong and harmonious Sun forms ambition, a pronounced will to power, determination, organizational talent, innate leadership skills, courage and ability to insist on one’s own, to carry out one’s line and will.

A strong and disharmonious Sun indicates excessive ambition, a thirst for power, mental overstrain, a tendency to go towards a goal, sweeping away everything in its path, a thirst for external significance. Such people burn with a painful desire to organize and manage everything, usually without choosing the means. They are characterized by reckless courage, boasting, they act first and think later. Their affairs are often accompanied by coercion and violence against people.

With a weak and disharmonious Sun, a person is usually weak-willed, has no sense of purpose, is lacking initiative, easily falls under the influence of others, and indecision is evident in his actions. He hesitates all the time, afraid to make a choice, and is inclined to shift responsibility to others. He is fearful and lacks energy.

29.04.2016 16:00

Continuing the article about Individuality, let’s try to figure out how to work on the Sun.

First, read the article Answer the questions thoughtfully and seriously. They will help you understand how much solar principles are revealed in you, how much you understand your Sun.

Working out or correcting the qualities of the Sun is a question about our calling. This is a task associated with finding your individual purpose. This has nothing to do with the profession if the Sun is not the significator of the corresponding houses in the natal chart. You can do completely different things in the outer World, but follow the inner Path, your inner Sun. The unprocessed Sun manifests itself as the absence of its own opinion, its life position. This serious problem for so many modern people who borrow other people's beliefs and attitudes. And they live based on the authoritative opinions of respected people.

Another striking theme in the karmic potential of the Sun is the theme of selfishness and selfish love. The characteristic of the Sun is luminosity, the spread of creative energy outward. But the Light falls on everything equally, it is not selective. The sun doesn't care what happens to its rays - it just shines. If the Sun is weakened and disharmonious, a person unconsciously closes the source of his spiritual “I”, fearing that his strength will not be enough, his feelings will not be understood. It behaves not like a candle illuminating everything around, but selectively, as if pocket flashlight. There is a direct connection here with a sense of self-confidence. A strong, well-developed Sun does not need external source. Such people simply act as if they have the right to be themselves, even if the whole world is against them. This is a genuine opportunity to make decisions, and not live like a leaf in the wind.

Castaneda has an example of such a life position; he calls it “the path with the heart.” All roads in life end the same way. But alone life choice, one path “makes traveling along it pleasant, as long as you walk along it, you are one with it. The other way will make you curse your life. One path makes you strong, the other weakens you.” The sun is connected with the heart, with the heart chakra; incorrect use of solar energy leads to disorders in the functioning of this important muscle. The Sun is the central object of our Microcosmos, and its elaboration is one of the main tasks. When we get to this level, things appear in life. true meaning and real goals. We actually discover for ourselves what we have to do.

The harmonious Sun gives internal stability and spiritual independence, good vital energy, inner dignity and independence, honesty, decency, powerful creative potential and diverse talents.

A disharmonious Sun gives a strong need to be special that a person goes to great lengths to appear special. This is vanity, a tendency to tinsel and pomp, to external effects, to self-affirmation at the expense of other people.

Where and how is the Sun felt in a person’s life?

The solar influence is felt by a person when he says “I want” in the sense of “I intend to achieve”; however, the Sun concerns not only the nature of such human initiatives, but also the circumstances of his life in which they arise. The position of the Sun in the horoscope shows:

  • what external circumstances require the inclusion of his will;
  • what situations force him to show initiative and activity.

The principle of will (Sun) must be distinguished from the principle of action and manifestation of energy (Mars); the (solar) initiative itself may not result in any external or internal actions; however, the Sun is primary: if a person lives submitting to someone else’s will or initiative, he will not be able to realize his personality and fulfill his karmic program.

Working out the Sun - let it lead to freedom

The elaboration of the Sun is associated with an increase in true free will, which is illusory at the two lower levels of development of the solar principle, and at the third and fourth it gradually becomes the freedom of creative participation in the process of evolution of the Universe.

Levels of development of the Sun

Level one

At the first (lowest) level of elaboration of the Sun, a person perceives himself as a single whole and does not divide his life into separate actions. He does not distinguish conscious solar impulses from unconscious lunar impulses. For him, the two meanings of the words “want” and “intend” merge into one. At this level, a person is a puppet of karma and his own subconscious; his actions are not conscious, and his will is dictated by the egregor and subconscious.

Level two

Here a person is already able to distinguish between his needs and intentions, and if he does not yet precisely highlight, then at least emphasizes his will and initiative in the general flow of life. This allows him to meaningfully approach the problem of finding his place in the world and correct behavior in life situations, because his will is now partially controlled by him, and he can (to some extent) consciously limit his needs if they conflict with his intentions (balancing the solar and lunar principles). However, even at this level, a person remains a puppet of karma, since his will is completely controlled by the egregor.

Level three

A person realizes in himself the highest and lowest beginning, interpreting them either psychologically (that is, recognizing and feeling the presence of subconscious programs of various levels in oneself), or religiously (that is, feeling the opportunity to follow more or less spiritual path, closer to God or further from Him), and gets the opportunity (at least partially) to consciously choose the egregor he will serve. Now the will dictated to the person by the egregor does not pass his attention: having caught the corresponding impulse, he says: " But I do this according to the direct command of God“, - and is usually very proud to have received such an honor.

Level four

A person partially sees the karmic consequences of his acts of will and begins to understand the structure of karma, karmic programs and egregors associated with them, as well as his own subconscious. Here his will sharply increases and the requirements for precision and subtlety of influence on the world increase. At some point, the nature of volitional acts changes qualitatively, which increasingly become conscious acts (then the egregor through the person receives the most exact information and the possibility of the most subtle influence on the situation).

Levels of human power over the world and oneself

The solar principle of will continues with the principle of power, which should be understood in two senses: external and internal, that is, power over the world and over oneself. The levels of a person’s power over the world and over himself are interconnected and are largely determined by his level of vision, which, in turn, is closely related to the evolutionary level. We can distinguish four levels of power that a person consistently receives as he progresses through his evolutionary development and which are directly related to his elaboration of the Sun (see above).

First level

At the first level of elaboration, a person is a slave to his desires. Here the level of power over oneself is negligible and there is no vision of the subconscious motivations of one’s internal impulses and desires. Accordingly, such a person has very little power over the outside world, since he cannot think through or implement a single serious decision, being unable to resist the chaos of his subconscious, which will certainly at some point lead him astray from any chosen direction movements. Such people do not take a serious part in karmic programs (because they are unreliable) or are completely controlled by the egregor. At this level, the inner life is invisible to the person himself, and the external picture of the world is illusory.

Second level

At the second level of elaboration of the Sun, a person gains insignificant power over himself, at first, mainly through primitive suppression or repression of certain subconscious programs. Due to this, he has the opportunity to set himself life goals and carry out quite complex and time-consuming programs, during the implementation of which he has the opportunity to create, and at the end there is a feeling of increased power over the world. Often at the same time, the position in the administrative (military, political) hierarchy also increases. A characteristic feature of self-awareness at this stage is:

  • separation of egoistic programs of the subconscious from the program for achieving a certain external goal, towards which all human will is directed;
  • absolute and uncritical acceptance of this external goal as part of the deep essence this person; he treats it as fate, an imperatively expressed fate.

In fact, the egregor sets this goal for a person, but retains a certain freedom of action (and creativity) for him. life path and leaving the fight against lower subconscious programs to the person himself. At this level, there is still no power over the subtle world, with the exception of the subtle layer that directly concerns the basic activity of a person. But there is a feeling of a karmic program as a sequence of rather long and difficult actions that must be performed in order to achieve something significant in the outside world. There is still no feeling of the law of karma as a universal connectedness of events and thoughts at this level, but some individual insights and reading of information from subtle plans (spontaneous vague prediction of the future, etc.) are possible. At this level, a person can be entrusted with a separate karmic program (and given an area for its implementation), but the egregor does not ask for his conscious consent to participate in it, instead implanting the corresponding goal into the depths of the subconscious.

Third level

At the third level, a person begins to understand the nature of power; it begins to dawn on him that his entire psyche is interconnected: lower programs are necessary for the normal functioning of higher ones, and the perceived higher goals and ideals are by no means such in reality, but are only intermediate stages in his life, and, moreover, are not his personal property, but generated with the participation of the egregor and within the framework of the general evolutionary development program, as well as many more private karmic programs relating to his environment. At this level, a person receives the first hint of implementing power and, to some extent, consciously forms his ideals and higher goals. At the same time, there comes a feeling of connection between the inner and outer world and the keys to methods of influencing the outer world through internal work, which fundamentally changes the nature of human power over the world; knowledge about the magical power of thought is gradually formed.

Fourth level

At the fourth level of elaboration of the Sun, a person gains access to the depths of the subconscious and begins to understand the intricacies of the karmic programs operating around him. At this level, he already really sees the action of the principle “knowledge is power”, which allows him, with minor (energy) influences, to make very big changes both in the external and in subtle world. In other words, a person receives conscious magical power over the world and can, on his own initiative, interfere in the karma of other people, groups, influence any egregors, change subtle structures, etc. True, the return blows of karma hit him (in case of careless influences) much stronger.

Strong Sun in the horoscope

The Sun rules Leo: that is, the will controls energy and is the source of strength. A strong Sun gives a person whose direct will is very difficult to resist, even if it is not supported by any additional circumstances. Leo also gives the Sun the quality of stability, stability in the presence of both external and internal interference.

The Sun culminates in Aries: the development of the solar principle gives a person new energetic capabilities, which, however, require comprehension and mastery, that is, they need to be learned to manage again, otherwise they quickly dry up. Controlling powerful forces requires great attention, subtlety and flexibility.

The sun symbolizes the father, the paternal figure and the main, most imperative (leaving no choice), karmic programs ahead of a person in this life. These programs will give him will, courage, and perseverance, but they also require the same, otherwise a person breaks down and burns, that is, he loses his independent existence, becoming someone else’s appendage or being turned off from the flow of life.

A person whose Sun is stronger than the other planets is highly authoritarian; already in childhood, he instinctively respected authorities, sought to imitate them, and, perhaps, studied the biographies of outstanding people in order to achieve the same victories and heights. His ambition does not remain fruitless, even if he does not achieve significant positions or results: in any case, he enjoys the respect of others for a certain inner strength, which may not be expressed explicitly, but is intuitively felt by everyone; one feels that if a person has not achieved much, it is only because the tasks he set for himself turned out to be too difficult.

Since the Sun is a planet of external manifestation, therefore the goals and objectives towards which the will of the Sun person is directed are always of a concrete and practical nature, they are clearly visible.

The life of a person with a strong Sun can be scheduled by egregor by the hour, or maybe by the minute. In any case, he constantly takes part in very tough karmic programs, over which at a low and medium evolutionary level he has no control (he will say: circumstances are always stronger than me), and at a high evolutionary level he himself turns out to be quite tough. This is the usual situation for the so-called powerful of the world this: dictators, rulers, big bosses, in a word, leaders of communities with a tough egregor. At a low level it may be a servant, religiously observing the will of his master and pushing his dog around; at a high level of evolutionary development sunny man he can be anyone: a psychologist, a writer, a preacher, a saint, but he will still broadcast the will of his egregor, and you can either accept it and follow him, or go in a completely different direction: there is no third option here.

Weak Sun in the horoscope

The weak position of the Sun does not mean a low evolutionary level of man. A weak Sun means that a person is not expected to participate in imperative karmic programs. However, at the same time, his level of elaboration of the Sun can be as high as desired, and he can take part in as responsible and intense programs as desired, but his role in them will not be too important: the egregor does not watch him very closely. At a low evolutionary and energetic level, this means not so much weakness of will, but rather indifference to what is happening and internal irresponsibility. The person is not connected to any egregor. It is difficult for such a person to create a significant obstacle to the karmic programs going on around him and he almost never has the intention to do this; but he lives in relative safety from the return blows of karma.

At a higher evolutionary level, a weak Sun means greater freedom of life and creativity and the absence of external incentives for their constructive use; here, the tense aspects of other planets, especially the dispositor of the Sun, help to some extent, indirectly activating the will. However, it should be understood that at a sufficiently high evolutionary level, a person no longer needs to be pushed towards spiritual development and cosmic cooperation.

Sun with harmonious aspects

The harmonious Sun means that a person is the favorite of his superiors, subordinates and egregors. It is natural for him to submit to authorities (he always comes across those who are not too harsh) and to lead his subordinates rather softly, while he is often lucky in life, and obviously wrong or risky ideas practically do not touch him. The Sun (along with Mars and Saturn) is a fairly rigid planet, so the harmonious aspects of the Sun do not mean a threat to a person’s passivity: he will fulfill all his karmic obligations, but he will not have the desire to turn himself inside out and do everything possible in unbearable conditions; he will wait out the last ones calmly, knowing that they are short-lived.

At a higher evolutionary level, the harmonious Sun gives great creative abilities, which are constantly realized throughout a person’s life path; this is a person capable of anything and capable of being involved in everything that happens around him; however, not everything interests him. But he quickly understands what interests him, and talent or even a divine presence is felt in all his activities; It’s another matter that he won’t do anything unnecessary.

Sun with inharmonious aspects

The afflicted Sun means high trust of fate in a person: he was included in a simultaneously strong and disharmonious karmic program and they really hope that he:

  • will not be offended by this;
  • will understand his karmic program;
  • will fulfill its program or, at least, make it more harmonious.

In practice, this means troubles, restrictions and deprivations, starting from early childhood, a bad relationship with a father or stepfather, or the absence of a father figure, which is difficult to experience.

In such cases, there are two options:

  • bitterness towards life, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, an increase in egoism and a subsequent limitation of karmic responsibility;
  • a person tries to expand consciousness and contrast the cruelty of fate with gentleness and kindness, to pay good for evil. This path often leads to self-actualization, a person finds his place in a rather difficult life and avoids bitterness.

At a higher evolutionary level, a person, reflecting on his bitter experience, after some time begins to understand that fate requires something quite definite from him in every situation, which often does not coincide with what he wants, but is not always exactly what he wants contradicts. Further, he understands that his first volitional impulse in any situation is, as a rule, false, but contains a rational grain that should be discovered, and it is this that leads to its harmonious resolution.

What does a person with a Sun affliction need to learn?

A person with an afflicted Sun needs to learn not only to block his inappropriate and untimely initiative, but also to find a way to transform it into an acceptable and adequate one. To do this, it is necessary to take an impersonal position, that is, to objectively assess the situation and oneself in it, which is quite difficult, given the strong ambitions of the affected Sun.

In another embodiment of the program of the affected Sun, a person with sufficient energy enters the service of a hard egregor (this is called “selling the soul to the devil”) and broadcasts the disharmonious program through himself, becoming a black teacher. Then he begins to be tormented by the thirst for power, hatred and thirst for destruction, which he realizes through his students or subjects. This is a version of a despot or dictator, endowed with a certain power in the vicinity of his karmic program and almost completely deprived of free will - a puppet of his egregor.

The article uses materials from the authors:

K. Daragan

A. Underwater