"The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown

A popular world bestseller that was filmed. Main character detective - Robert Langdon - professor of the history of religion, receives disturbing news about the murder of the old caretaker of the Louvre. The killer left a secret message next to the victim. The professor takes up the investigation. The clues and mysteries hidden in the works of the genius Leonardo da Vinci lead him to an unexpected discovery.

"A Study in Scarlet" by Arthur Conan Doyle

Military doctor John Watson, by chance, settles in the house where Sherlock Holmes lives, a mysterious detective who can easily solve complicated crimes. In London at this time there are a number of murders following each other. The police are unable to prevent them. Then Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson take on the investigation.

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson

Journalist Mikael Blomkvist takes on the investigation of what seems to him a hopeless case. For 45 years, one elderly tycoon has been trying to uncover the mystery of a relative who disappeared at a young age and find out about her future fate. During the investigation, Mikael finds out that several murders are related to this case. As soon as the journalist gets closer to the solution, the hunt begins for him.

"The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris

A string of brutal murders, somehow connected to each other, swept across the western United States. The FBI involves Hannibal Lector, a talented psychoanalyst and a real cannibal, convicted of brutal murders, in the investigation. During an investigation, young police officer Clarice Starling becomes close to Lector in order to catch a brutal killer and maniac.

"Ten Little Indians", Agatha Christie

Ten strangers arrive on the island after receiving invitations from the Onim family. Finding themselves in an empty mansion, they try to find out why they were called here, but they find only 10 figurines of black children, as in the famous children's rhyme. Suddenly, the guests begin to die one by one, and with each death, one figurine disappears from the shelf. The survivors are trying to figure out this terrible sequence.

Historical chronicle

"Joseph Stalin. Death of the Gods", Edward Radzinsky

The diaries of Stalin's faithful comrade-in-arms highlight a whole kaleidoscope of events in which he took part. Here are the deaths of the fathers of the revolution, a football match on Red Square on the day of terror, the Munich Agreement, the fall of Poland, the fateful meeting between Stalin and Hitler. And finally, the camp hell where Koba sent his true friend and comrade.

“King Henry IV Chronicles”, William Shakespeare

The work tells about the political life of England at the beginning of the 15th century, which was full of bloody conflicts and rebellious passions. With the coming to power of the first of the Lancaster family, King Henry IV, many heroes and figures appear in history, such as Henry Percy, Prince Harry, John Falstaff. The chronicle-duology is accompanied by detailed historical and literary comments.

"Rome", Wilhelm Wegner

The book describes the birth, expansion and fall of the great Roman empire. The chronicle of the Eternal City begins from its founding in 753 BC until the decline of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. Historical facts, intertwined with myths and legends and the author's writing talent, make the book extremely fascinating.

"Richard III Chronicles" by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare's famous tragedy about the fate of King Richard and his posthumous glory. The hero is the most controversial character English history. Defamed after his death as a usurper and murderer, he still causes controversy among historians. Who is he, a criminal or a victim of posthumous slander, is the main question that faces the reader.

“Gold of the Party”, Igor Bunich

This book has gained popularity over the past 10 years. In his creation, the author for the first time presented from the point of view of money, gold, despised metal, always relevant convertible currency, all the events, starting with the October Revolution, the coming to power of Lenin and his associates, as well as the next 70 years of the history of the USSR.


"The Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov

The novel is one of the most famous Russian-language works. In it, the fantasy of the witchcraft world is intertwined with the real, ordinary and gloomy Moscow. The mystical atmosphere makes you plunge into the world of illusions and hidden hints. Behind the eternal confrontation between good and evil, the novel contains a deep moral and political meaning.

"Crime and Punishment", Fyodor Dostoevsky

A difficult work about a person’s internal struggle with his conscience. Poor student Rodion Raskolnikov commits a double murder and faces painful remorse. Having gone on the run, he finds love, but this does not save him. Unable to bear the torment, the hero surrenders to justice.

"Faust", Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The work is based on the famous German legend about the alchemist doctor Faust, who made a deal with the devil, selling him his soul for eternal youth and worldly pleasures. But Mephistopheles will receive Faust's soul only on the condition that he exalts some moment of his life. Everyone is confident that they will remain the winner in the dispute.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

The main character of the work is the orphan Oliver Twist. A boy with the appearance of an angel faces betrayal and baseness, experiences many adventures and becomes the epicenter of criminal events. What will his fate be?

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

The story of six generations of one family living in the small town of Macondo. In a mysterious manuscript, the gypsy of Melquiades predicted the death of the last of the Buendin clan at the moment the record was read. The recording was kept in the family for 100 years, but can now be deciphered...

Romance novels

Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

A cult novel that was filmed. This story is not only about the love of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara, but also a story about the difficult destinies of ordinary people and the American Civil War with all its political squabbles. The novel has it all and can rightfully be called an instruction manual for seducing men.

"The Thorn Birds" by Clean McCullough

This story is about a family of poor people who rise to the top and difficult love young girl and priest. The book is divided into seven parts, and in each of them the character of the main characters is revealed. The novel keeps you in constant suspense, because until the very end it remains open question- What will the heroes choose: love or religion?

"Pride and Prejudice", Jane Austen

Despite the 200th anniversary of its publication, the novel has not lost its relevance. The love story between the poor noblewoman Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocrat Mr. Darcy is worthy of attention and thought-provoking. Events in the novel develop progressively: from an unpleasant first impression to mutual declarations of love.

“P.S. I love you, Cecelia Ahern

This is modern love lyrics. A romantic story that brings you to tears, it tells the story of strong love, over which even death has no power. After her husband's funeral, Holly does not leave the house and withdraws into herself. One day she receives a package of letters written by her lover with instructions on what she should do. Only after they are completed does the heroine begin to live on and enjoy every minute.

“Hello, sadness!”, Francoise Sagan

After the death of her mother, Cecile is forced to live at the monastery, but their strict boundaries and restrictions make the girl a rebel. Returning to a world without rules, she lives for her own pleasure and does not deny herself anything. She cannot overcome her selfishness, even when she meets love. At this time, a friend of her late mother appears in Cecile’s life, who can influence the girl’s future fate.


Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts

The book is dedicated to the adventures of a fugitive criminal in the most mysterious, contrasting and contradictory country in the world - India. The main character divorces his wife and is deprived of parental rights, then becomes a drug addict and robber. The court sentences him to 19 years in prison, but Roberts escapes from a maximum security prison...

"The Diamond Thieves", Louis Boussenard

An exciting journey across Africa by three Frenchmen who are in mortal danger in search of treasure. Against them are the poisoned arrows of the native, and local bandits, and the police. Overcoming obstacles, friends again and again fall into the traps of the hot continent.

Around the World in 80 Days, Jules Verne

The imperturbable and eccentric Englishman Mr. Fogg, taking with him his efficient servant Passport, goes on a trip around the world on a bet. The heroes are trying to get around as quickly as possible Earth, while experiencing a lot incredible adventures. The persistent detective Mr. Fix always follows on the heels of travelers.

"The Count of Monte Cristo", Alexandre Dumas

Betrayed by his friends and fiancee, young Edmond Dantes ends up in the Chateau d'If - the darkest and most terrible prison. Fate brings the main character together with an old abbot, who teaches the young man the sciences and talks about the riches of Cardinal Spada. Dantes manages to escape from prison and take possession of the treasures. Then it opens before him new world, in which he himself becomes the arbiter of destinies.

"Journey to Kon-Tiki", Tour Heyerdahl

Six brave people decided to cross the Pacific Ocean on a raft from South America to Polynesia. But there is only one real sailor on the team, he performs the duties of a navigator, determines the location of the raft based on astronomical observations and marks the course on the map. The book makes you experience real adventures with your faithful team, plunge into the ocean, amazing with its secret depths, and find yourself in the epicenter of the elements.

Modern prose

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett

The dramatic and humane novel became a bestseller and was translated into 40 languages. The plot describes the events of the 60s of the 20th century. The main characters, namely two black maids and a white young girl who dreams of becoming a writer, are united by a heightened sense of justice and a desire to somehow influence the order of things.

"The Brand" by Cecelia Ahern

A young girl, Celestina, ideal in everything, one day finds herself in an unexpected situation, where she breaks the law at the call of her heart. Punishment cannot be avoided: either prison or a stigma. In a world where the ideal is valued above all else, and the slightest deviations are unacceptable and punishable, the girl decides to resist the system.

"The Home for Peculiar Children" by Ransom Riggs

After a family tragedy, sixteen-year-old Jacob ends up in prison. Mysterious Island. He finds ruins old house, in which very strange children with incredible abilities lived, and realizes that they may still be alive and very dangerous. Imagine his surprise when Jacob finds out that he is one of them.

“Manyunya”, Narine Abgaryan

A humorous story about childhood, soaked in the sun and the smell of a southern bazaar. The author tells about girls' friends Nara and Manyuna, as well as about Manyuni's grandmother and her relatives, who every now and then find themselves in all sorts of incidental situations. Such a warm and mischievous childhood, filled with fun adventures, gives a person happiness for life.

The Thirteenth Tale, Diana Setterfield

Margaret Lee receives an offer to become a biographer famous writer Miss Winter, who became famous for never telling the truth to a single journalist in her entire life. A gothic story about twin sisters unfolds before Margaret as soon as she finds herself in the writer’s gloomy mansion. In some strange way, this story echoes her fate and gradually leads to solving the mystery of the “thirteenth tale.”

Horror, mysticism

Pet Sematary, Stephen King

The book tells the story of the exemplary Creed family, who only needed a large old house to achieve complete prosperity and idyll. After the move, the life of all household members turns into a nightmare. Since in the forest that surrounds new house, something terrible and powerful is hiding.

"The Black Cat", Edgar Allan Poe

A story on behalf of an alcoholic who, in fits of insane anger, kills his beloved cat and from that moment on, devilry begins to happen to him. His house burns down, and the silhouette of a cat appears on the surviving wall. An alcoholic picks up a similar cat in a tavern, but strange things begin to happen to the new pet. And no matter how hard the hero tries to avoid him, the cat is always nearby.

The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty

Something tries to take possession of the soul of a sweet and innocent child and turns the little girl Regan into a monster with a scary face and a wild voice. Tender soul The girls shudder with pain and horror and are no longer able to resist the too strong devil, who is ready to celebrate the victory.

"Lullaby", Chuck Palahniuk

From the syndrome sudden death 7 thousand infants die every year. The doctors shrug their shoulders, and reporter Carl Streator begins to investigate. It turns out that the children are dying after an old African lullaby is read to them, which was previously read only to the sick and hopeless in order to free them from a painful death. Streator proves that the lullaby still works today.

"It", Stephen King

One day, seven teenagers witnessed terrible events. But as they grew up, they forgot what they once saw. However, strange things begin to happen in their hometown, which the friends decide to figure out, not even expecting that they will have to fight an insane, merciless, cruel creature with no name.


"The End of Eternity" by Isaac Asimov

The Eternity organization is making adjustments human destinies, control of time and reality. The main character, Andrew Harlan, is interested in the primitive history of mankind and, like no one else, is suitable for the position of Chairman of the Council of Times. But love for a simple girl becomes the reason for the fall of Eternity.

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

The work describes a single society of the state of planet Earth, which exists for the purpose of consumption. New generations in this state are raised in factories, the institution of marriage is completely absent, and parents instill in their children a love for their caste from childhood. Disdain for the lower strata of the population and admiration for the higher caste is considered the norm.

"1984", George Orwell

Oceania is a country with ruthless totalitarian regime, whose residents are deprived of civil rights and individuality. In a state where most feelings are despised, an aversion to love and sexual relations is instilled, and marriages are concluded exclusively for reproductive purposes, there is a strict social hierarchy and all power is concentrated in the hands of a single party.

Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

The novel describes events taking place in the distant future. The work is based on two plot lines: the work of Doctor Kelvin on board the research station and the documentary narration of the history of the discovery and study of a new planet. The latter is presented in the book in the form of a library at the station.

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley

Doctor Victor von Frankenstein managed to resurrect a unique man whose body was made up of parts of dead people. Subsequently, the professor renounces his creation, which turned out to be an ugly and monstrous creature. The scientist leaves the city, but a vile monster is hot on his heels.


"The Lord of the Rings", John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

The story of the Great War for the Magic Ring. The one who receives the ring will gain power over the world and will take the side of Evil. The hobbit Frodo and his friends travel to the Fire Mountain of Doom to destroy the ring. The heroes will have interesting adventures that will change the lives of each of them forever.

A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin

The sensational multi-volume saga about amazing lands eternal cold and the edges of endless summer. The novel tells of the valor of knights, distant tribes and the confrontation between the powerful clans of the Seven Kingdoms in the Great War for the Iron Throne. But in addition to people, an unprecedented army of the living dead enters into a mortal struggle.

The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis

A series of 7 books loved by children and adults. A good story about fantasy world, where good fights evil, and animals can talk. Children find themselves in a magical land called Narnia through an old wardrobe. In the magical world, incredible adventures and amazing acquaintances await the heroes.

A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula Le Guin

A young man named Ged overcomes difficult trials and difficulties on his way from a village blacksmith to a powerful wizard of Earthsea. Here he meets true friends, learns true joy and pain. If he manages to make it to the end, he will have to face his most dangerous enemy.

The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny

The main contender for the royal crown in the Amber City - Prince Corwin - loses his memory and ends up in the abandoned shadow of Amber in the Ocean of Chaos. The local inhabitants call this shadow the Earth... From here begins the prince’s difficult magical path in a rich, vibrant and diverse world, full of difficult mysteries.

You catch your breath only after reading to the end, excited and grateful for the crazy rush of literary adrenaline. A great, exciting, and interesting detective novel! But most importantly, it is about love. World bestseller of 2012. Young successful novelist Marcus Goldman suffers from lack of inspiration and goes to his teacher for help. famous writer Harry Quebert. However, it suddenly turns out that Harry himself, accused of a murder that occurred in a quiet American town 33 years ago, needs help.
📖 A must read, you can't put it down!The book is simply imbued with the spirit of Bulgakov, Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King!Puzzle book, labyrinth book.A novel that immerses the reader in the mystical world of Barcelona and moves him to a completely different coordinate system. The reader, together with the main character, will have to meet sinister strangers, understand and fall in love with beautiful and mysterious women, wander through the dark labyrinths of the past, and most importantly - reveal the secret of the book, which in an incomprehensible way changes the lives of those who touch it.
📖 A recognized masterpiece of modern English prose, a book that opened the “neo-Gothic” genre to the general public and made Anglo-American critics talk about the return of the golden age of the British novel, covered with the names of Charlotte and Emily Bronte and Daphne Du Maurier. The debut novel of a modest teacher, the rights to which were bought for money unprecedented for a beginning author (a million dollars for an American edition), outsold the bestsellers of recent years, was instantly translated into several dozen languages ​​and received the honorary name from reviewers as the “new” Jane Eyre ".
📖 Robert Langdon arrives at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao at the invitation of a friend and former student Edmond Kirsch. A billionaire and computer guru, he is known for his amazing discoveries and predictions. And this evening Kirsch is going to “overturn all modern scientific ideas about the world,” giving an answer to two main questions that have troubled humanity throughout history: Where are we from? What awaits us? However, before Edmond can make a statement, the luxurious reception turns into chaos.

📖 June Andersen inherits the legendary Blue Bird bookstore from Aunt Ruby. She soon discovers unique letters among the books - evidence of a long friendship between Ruby and the famous writer Margaret Wise Brown. Since the store is on the verge of collapse, June decides to save it with the help of her discovery. She turns to Gavin, the owner of the restaurant next door to the Blue Bird, for help. It seems like they have a chance together, but June has a lot of secrets, and trusting Gavin is not so easy.

📖 The long-awaited novel from David Mitchell, each book of which becomes an event in world literature. On the pages of this work, Mitchell created a whole world, immersed in which the reader, trusting the imagination and will of the author, will seem to walk through a labyrinth, where a lot of interesting things await him: unexpected discoveries, unpredictable plot twists, acquaintance with the most colorful characters, many of whom Mitchell’s fans know from previous novels. The plot of the story is an everyday situation: 1984, the main character, Holly Sykes, runs away from home after quarreling with her mother. But this is where the realistic component of the story ends. Next, events will happen to Holly that cannot happen to mere mortals.
📖 Stephen King called “The Hungry House” “a rare, magnificent thing,” and Anthony Doerr called “the Dracula of the new millennium.” The Hungry House began with a story that Mitchell began posting on Twitter on Halloween eve; a story adjacent to his previous novel, “Mere Mortals.” So, welcome to Slade Lane. It is not so easy to find in the labyrinth of streets of the outskirts of London. Find a small black iron door in the wall. No handle, no keyhole; but touch the door and it will open. You'll be greeted by a sun-drenched old garden and an imposing mansion - too luxurious for the area, too big for the block. You will be invited to come and you will not be able to refuse...
📖 Wonderful, wonderful book! I read it all evening until the morning!This is such a spring book when you need to wake up from hibernation and stop living a life that is not your own. If you feel like your life is like sitting in a swamp to please others, then this book will shake you up.A love story, irresistible and unpredictable.Paul publishes his first novel and leaves San Francisco for Paris. He writes, meets with readers - and feels immensely lonely. Mia flees London, leaving her husband who betrayed her, and finds refuge with a French friend. Mia accidentally goes on a dating site and makes an appointment with Paul...

📖 Perhaps, best book not only this year, but also the decade. A must read. Superbly written! Read in one go!The novel, which Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt wrote for more than 10 years, is a huge epic canvas about the power of art and how it - sometimes not at all in the way we want it - can turn our entire lives upside down. 13-year-old Theo Decker miraculously survived the explosion that killed his mother. Abandoned by his father, without a single soul mate in the whole world, he wanders around foster homes and other people's families - from New York to Las Vegas - and his the only consolation, which, however, almost leads to his death, becomes the masterpiece of a Dutch old master he stole from the museum. This is an amazing book.
📖 Louise Clarke is ready to start new life. She comes to New York and finds herself in another world, in someone else's house, full of secrets. Rainbow dreams are shattered by cruel reality, but the girl with her characteristic sense of humor does not lose heart. She knows how many miles it is from her home in New York to London, where her new boyfriend Sam lives. She knows that her boss is good man and that his wife has secrets of her own. But what Lou doesn't know is that she's about to meet Josh, who will turn her life upside down. Just because Josh looks so much like the one who hurt her once. And whatever decision Lou makes, it will change everything. Lou knows for sure that sooner or later he will find a way to find himself. And she will definitely get an answer to the question: who does she really love?.. This novel teaches that you should always remain yourself, just as you are, be brave and move forward, despite various difficulties. This is a book about finding yourself and your place in this world.

Even insomnia can be useful if you have an interesting book at hand. ELLE talks about eight ideal companions for an overnight trip: no matter if you're on a train, waiting for a flight at the airport, or just can't sleep at home, these books will definitely not let you get bored.

"Letter from a Stranger" by Stefan Zweig

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A poignant novella by Austrian writer Stefan Zweig takes us to a tiny apartment in an ordinary residential area of ​​Vienna, where lives a man who one day receives a mysterious letter declaring his love. It was written by a woman with whom their paths had crossed one way or another over the years, but the man did not even know about her existence. In the letter, the woman describes all their fleeting meetings and leaves several riddles - they are gradually revealed by the hero. And in the end he will find out terrible secret women directly associated with him.

"Castle of Glass" by Jeannette Walls

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This book quickly became a bestseller and turned the young journalist Jeannette Walls into one of the most popular authors in America. Now the book is being made into a movie, starring Jennifer Lawrence. Essentially this is autobiographical work- in it Walls talks about his childhood and growing up in unusual family, where very shocking methods of education were practiced. The book is truly captivating and touches your heartstrings. By the way, many celebrities adore her, for example, Maria Sharapova.

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Nabokov is a master of words, so even in such a tiny book he was able to fit a story that will not leave any reader indifferent. The novel tells the story of art critic Kretschmar: he falls in love with 16-year-old Magda with a dark past and leaves his wife and daughter for her. Later, his daughter dies of the flu, and Kretschmar decides to go on a trip with his young lover and her homosexual friend Horn. However, it later turns out that Gorn is ex-lover Magda, and the story with him gay was invented only to fool Kretschmar around his finger. In the end, all this leads to tragedy: Kretschmar finds out the truth, and then an accident happens to him. It is quite possible to find out what will happen next before dawn.

"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold

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Creepy and at the same time beautiful story about how 14-year-old Susie Salmon was raped and brutally murdered by a neighbor, whose guilt could only be established many years later. The book is interesting because the narration is told from Susie herself, even after her death - it is fantasy, but very believable and touching. The girl helps her family find the killer and a few years later a miracle happens. By the way, Peter Jackson filmed the novel in 2009; the main roles in the film of the same name were played by Saoirse Ronan and Mark Wahlberg.

"The Picture of Dorian Gray", Oscar Wilde

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"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is one of those classic books, from which it is truly impossible to tear yourself away: those who read it for the first time can be envied, but it is also a great pleasure to re-read it. The famous artist is inspired by the beauty of young Dorian Gray, and he, having seen the portrait, expresses the desire that the painting grow old, and he himself always remain young. This is what happens - now all the years, sins and vices are eating away at the portrait from the inside, and the young man himself remains just as beautiful.

"September Roses", Andre Maurois

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The main character is the aged writer Guillaume Fontaine, he has been married for 20 years, but his soul requires adventure. First he falls in love with a young artist, then with an actress and, of course, sees poetry in this. Of course, there is some drama. Guillaume evokes mixed feelings, but it is impossible to tear yourself away from the novel - Maurois so vividly describes the characters, their feelings and experiences.

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne

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The action takes place during World War II. This is a story through the eyes of a nine-year-old German boy, Bruno, who lives carefree in a beautiful five-story house in Berlin with his family and friends. One day Bruno comes home to find his maid Maria putting his things in a suitcase, as the family is forced to move due to his father's new assignment. But Bruno doesn’t like the new place, he goes in search of a friend and one day meets a Jewish boy, Shmuel, who lives on the other side of the fence. It turns out that they were born on the same day and have a lot in common. To help his new friend find his father, Bruno climbs over to Shmuel.

Perhaps all the stories of the brilliant Russian writer and journalist Sergei Dovlatov can be read in one night (even less) in one sitting. These are sketches from the lives of ordinary people: in this case, the story of Marusya Tatarovich and her entourage, representatives of the “third wave” of Russian emigration. Dovlatov knows how to portray the characters’ characters with amazing irony and speaks to the reader like a contemporary. You'll laugh until you cry all night.

Have you ever come across a book that didn't let you go until the last page? Was it read in one sitting and left a lasting impression? For sure. 10 books that can be read in one breath are those works that make you feel delighted and spend all your free time reading them. They are distinguished by a light style, a simple fast-paced plot and a special intrigue that keeps the reader in suspense until the end. These books are ideal for long road or vacation, or if you want to escape from reality for a while and immerse yourself in the world of the chosen book.

1. $
19-year-old adventurer Holly Golightly is a regular at social events. Her goal is to find successful men and meet them. One day she meets a writer whom she calls Fred (he did not want to give his real name). Over the course of a whole year (autumn 1943 - autumn 1944), Holly tells Fred during meetings various episodes from her short, but hectic life. It seems to her that the writer is very similar to her older brother, and that is why she gives him his name. The short story ends with Holly's departure to South America. Fred writes a novel based on her stories.

2. $
13-year-old Gregoire is a poor student and because of this he constantly quarrels with his parents. Conflicts with classmates are also common. The boy has great talent for manual labor, constantly inventing something. His dream is a technical lyceum, but it is also necessary to acquire knowledge there. Gregoire writes a letter to the director of the lyceum, without, however, holding much hope. However, the director agrees to take him on the condition that he passes the entrance exam. The news of his beloved grandfather's illness puts the teenager into a state of stupor, and it seems that the chance will be missed. Suddenly, at the very last moment, Gregoire was able to concentrate, and the goal was achieved. Thanks to the strong desire of his grandson, the grandfather recovered and came to see him at the lyceum.

At the age of 16, Holden Caulfield had already changed many schools due to his quarrelsome character and reluctance to study. He is ashamed to admit to his parents that last school Pansy kicked him out too. For three days he wanders around the city, having experienced many far from harmless adventures. During this time, he manages to quarrel with his girlfriend Sally, get drunk and chat with a prostitute without using her services. Having visited his younger sister at home at night, he changes his outlook on life and understands that he needs to come to his senses. He stays home and spends the summer at a sanatorium before starting school at a new school.

4. A cat without embellishment. (Terry Pratchett, 1989)
A humorous work about mongrel cats. In an encyclopedic style, the story is told about various areas of their life, the history of their origin, behavioral characteristics, conditions of detention, upbringing and opportunities for friendly communication with them. Cats are classified by the author according to possible habitats, according to appearance, character. The narration is told on behalf of the “Movement in Defense of Real Cats” invented by the author. There are three known translations of the title of the work: \"Cat Without Fools\" (1994), \"For Genuine Catness\" and \"Cat Without Embellishment\".

5. $
For a whole 84 days, the fisherman, the old Cuban Santiago, could not catch anything. Only the boy Manolin helps the old man fish and talks to him about different things, despite his father's prohibitions. Santiago again decides to try his luck on an old sailing boat, but Manolin is not with him this time. To the old man’s surprise, a huge marlin was caught on the hook - a fish that has a “sword”. It is difficult for the fisherman to cope with such a catch, and the fish, swimming further and further into the sea, drags the boat along with it. Santiago spends several days fighting marlin and sharks. Finally, with difficulty he makes it to the shore. True, the sharks left only a skeleton from the caught fish, which the old man gives to his little friend as a souvenir. 6. Postcards from the other world. (Franco Arminio, 1960)
The work consists of several dozen unique messages describing what their author felt in last minutes life: and reluctance to die, and fear of death, and recognition of its already accomplished fact. \"Postcard\", extremely short style presentation and piercing emotionality allow the reader, with all its complexity, to get as close as possible to the experiences that the “postman” who moved to another world wants to convey to him: his last look, his last gesture, his last desire...

8 people who do not know each other are invited by some unknown person to Negro Island. There's no one there except the childless married couple servants In the bedrooms, guests discover the text of a rhyme about 10 little Indians. Gathered in the dining room, they hear a recorded murder accusation addressed to each of those present. Follows a series mysterious deaths, which occurred in exact accordance with the counting rhyme. Old Judge Wargrave tries to investigate, but dies himself. Finally, no one is left alive. The arriving police cannot solve the case of "10 Little Indians." After some time, the fishermen find a bottle with a written confession of the judge, who killed everyone, faked his own death, and was the last to shoot himself. For his plan, he chose people who committed murders for which they cannot be tried by law.

The story of a newborn boy found on a huge transatlantic liner in a lemon crate. It was discovered on the very first day of 1900 and this date was added to the name given later. The foundling never left the ship, learned to play the piano through an unknown means and became a musician in a restaurant orchestra. The boy became a real virtuoso. The whole life of the hero will pass before the readers, filled with various events, and becoming the plot for a beautiful legend. A trumpeter who played with him in the orchestra talks about his brilliant friend.

Nick Carraway is a Yale University graduate from a wealthy and respected family in the Midwest. He is 30 years old, his job is operations with securities. Nick moves in 1922, during the time of bootlegging, the heyday of jazz and free morals, to New York. Wanting to achieve a goal that he himself has not yet fully understood, he settles in a neighborhood of very rich people and gets to know his neighbors. One of them is the millionaire Gatsby, known for his eccentricity. He introduces Nick to the world of the rich with its rules and concepts, his interpretation of the meaning of life. The main character decides to describe everything that this world lives in in his book upon returning home.

A novel about the life of the inhabitants of a fishing village. The main characters are skipper Guma and his wife Livia. They are young and beautiful. But who knows how many more dangers the sea hides, how many more times will Libya accompany her husband on a voyage and then wait for hours on the shore? But they do not want another life, because the sea is their whole life, they are connected to it by some inexplicable ties. Guma knows that the mistress of the sea Yemanja (or, more simply, the abyss of the sea) will someday leave him with her forever, but will never agree to exchange her risk-filled profession for the quiet work of a merchant.

“What should I read so as not to be put down?” - literature connoisseurs often think. The choice is sometimes extremely difficult - after all, hundreds of new books are published every day in the world. Diary books, publications telling about life in different regions Russia, literature suitable for reading at certain times of the year, novels and detective stories. We will help you make a difficult choice!

"Spring" literature

Winter is over, but summer is still far away? I want to feel solar heat and the breath of spring? On help will come Ray Bradbury! "April Witchcraft" is one of the most inspiring stories by this author. The book is perfect for those who are mired in everyday problems and worries. Bradbury will draw your attention to the unusual, hidden in the most common things, inspire and make you feel delight and love.

Another one incredible story this writer - “Fahrenheit 451”. Ray Bradbury describes a rather gloomy picture of development post-industrial society. Here firefighters burn books, television has become interactive and fools people, and an electric dog comes for those who do not follow the new rules. By the way, Ray Bradbury first published “Fahrenheit 451” in Playboy magazine.

Another incredibly spring book is “The Book of Complaints”, authored by Max Fry. Igor Stepin and (namely, this couple writes under the pseudonym M. Fry) offer readers a full-fledged novel in the fantasy genre. Despite the title, there are no complaints on the pages of the work. To the delight of readers, this book is filled with love experiences, subtle humor, philosophical questions and amazing adventures.

Black and "disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers", the first to appear in Moscow. This is exactly how the main character of Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” appears before readers. Work on this novel began in 1928 and ended only with the death of Mikhail Afanasyevich. The reader will be captivated by two storylines. One takes place in Moscow in the 30s, the second is the protagonist’s story about Pontius Pilate. Patriarch's Ponds, the Literary Institute, the Griboyedov House, a “bad” apartment - the book “The Master and Margarita” invites readers on a journey through the special, “Bulgakov” Moscow. Mikhail Bulgakov left eight editions of the novel. The terminally ill writer dictated edits to the latter to his wife, Elena Sergeevna.

Summer under the cover

New fantasy releases take you into an extraordinary world full of incredible adventures and magic. Books from a variety of authors are ideal for summer reading.

Fifteen stories about the ancient wonders and secrets that the Time Lords pass down from generation to generation are hidden under the cover of the book Doctor Who. Tales of the Time Lord." Bleak and beautiful, with vibrant characters and twisted plotlines, Justin Richards' stories are filled not only with nightmare horrors, but also with heroic triumphs.

In 2017, Ransom Riggs' book Legends of the Strange was published. This work - a real gift for those who love new fantasy titles. Riggs' books from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series are unique story about people with supernatural powers, ymbrynes, time loops and monsters. The new edition is a collection of legends, compiled and edited by one of the pupils of the home for strange children, Millard Nullings.

By the way, the Harry Potter series of novels also tells about children with superpowers. In the books, a young wizard faces the most dangerous villain, whose name cannot be spoken out loud. The series opens with the work “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” The book was written at the end of the last century!

On its pages, a lonely eleven-year-old boy learns that he is not like others, he is a wizard. Harry enters the School of Witchcraft and makes friends. It is worth noting that the original title under which the book appeared on display was “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” This name was suggested by JK Rowling, the author of the series. The fact is that Americans do not associate the word “philosophical” with magic.

Following the incredible fairy tale "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is a book about a young wizard and a chamber of secrets. It is followed by stories about the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, the Order of the Phoenix, the Half-Blood Prince and the Deathly Hallows. The series ends with the novel Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Books for autumn weather

When autumn comes into its own, the question “what to read so as not to be put down?” becomes sharper. After all, it is at this time of year that you want to wrap yourself in a big cozy blanket, stock up on a cup of aromatic cocoa, cookies and good literature. Stories about charming Moomins will come to the rescue. The collection “All About the Moomins” contains what is extremely necessary in the autumn cold - calmness, a sense of security and warmth.

Bunin’s collection “ Dark alleys" These are stories about love. About one that could become an episode of the past, the memories of which are bitter. Or about the one that changed a person’s life. Perhaps about a feeling that has become a touching legend. Each story is a real alley under the canopy of stars and ancient trees.

“Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell is another book suitable for reading while the leaves rustle. Published over 70 years ago, it remains relevant today! Saga of Civil War in the United States of America, about the fate of the wayward Scarlett O'Hara - this is one of those rare books, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away, which you want to re-read. Unfortunately, this is the only work that came from Margaret's pen.

However, you can read the continuation of the story that takes place in the book “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell in the novel “Scarlett” by Alexandra Ripley. Indomitable and bright Scarlett suffers again, loves, fights fate and wins!

Winter mood

Winter is the most magical time of the year. This means that literature for winter reading should also be magical. And also warm, touching and full of secrets. In general, such as, for example, “The Thirteenth Tale” by Diana Setterfield. Critics awarded the debut novel of a modest teacher with the honorary name of “the new Jane Eyre.”

Events begin in a second-hand bookstore where the main character works. A girl named Margaret modern literature prefers the works of Dickens and the Bronte sisters. Suddenly the girl is invited by the most mysterious writer of our time - Vida Winter. She asks Margaret to become her biographer. This proposal surprises the girl, because Winter is a writer who has never told the truth about herself in an interview. Ghosts of the past, the gothic story of twin sisters, extremely close to Margaret’s heart, and the solution to a mystery that drove readers crazy - all this is under the cover of the book “The Thirteenth Tale” by Diana Setterfield.

Another wonderful winter story is hidden under the cover of the book by the famous German writer Hoffmann. “The Nutcracker” has the power to transport both children and adults into a world full of magic, transformations and miracles. To a world where cherished dreams come true.

There is no book more wintery than Smilla and Her Sense of Snow. The main character of the book, the author of which is Smilla Jaspersen, is half Danish, half Eskimo. Smilla was born in Greenland and lives in Copenhagen. Smilla also knows several dozen words to mean different ice. She feels snow and ice, understands its strength and structure. In addition, Smilla cannot stand untruth, and therefore steps on the thin ice of searching for truth. Behind this detective story can be observed over several winter evenings.

Book travels

For some, traveling is the main objective life, for some it’s just a dream, while others prefer to read books about travel. What to read so as not to tear yourself away from the pages of a book?

Fans of oriental culture will be delighted by the work “Shantaram”. Its author is Gregory David Roberts. A stunningly accurate description of Indian slums, detailed reproductions of luxurious palaces, noisy metropolises and remote villages - the entire book is literally saturated with the writer’s love for amazing India. By the way, “Shantaram” is extremely dangerous: traveling through its pages, you can pick up love and tenderness for the eastern country!

Africa and Cuba, Scotland and Japan, India and America - Adrian Anthony Gill invites you on a trip to these countries. The collection of stories “On all four sides” is a kind of travel notes. Gill is no ordinary traveler, he is a critic and journalist. Thanks to sharp mind and with an unconventional view of the world, Gill notices what escapes the attention of overly enthusiastic or tired tourists.

Literary France

Nina George’s book “The Lavender Room” will help you travel to the very heart of Provence. The 2013 edition was translated into Russian for the first time. The novel is full of warmth and loss, mistakes and happiness. Critics recommend this book to those who suffer from chronic cynicism and everyday dullness. Caution: possible side effects. Some readers experience such side effects, like a love for lavender color and an inexplicable longing for the expanses of Provence.

Adventure books

Probably one of the most famous authors of adventure books is Alexandre Dumas. For more than 170 years, The Count of Monte Cristo has remained a favorite book of millions of literary connoisseurs. Sequels were written for this novel, it was filmed, and plays and musicals were staged based on it. By the way, this story is based on real events. The book “The Count of Monte Cristo” tells the story of a young Parisian who was jailed by his friends as a joke. Alexandre Dumas used the archives of the Parisian police for writing.

No less popular is Gulliver's Adventures. This work, which looks so much like a funny fairy tale, is actually an allegory. Its author, Jonathan Swift, is a true master of artistic expression. Good-natured humor and subtle irony, angry sarcasm and sharp ridicule - the writer uses a variety of techniques in his book. Gulliver's Adventures is both a dystopian novel and a utopia (especially its last part). By the way, this book has four parts in total. The main character makes four incredible journeys that last more than sixteen and a half years. So if you are interested in the question of what to read to keep you busy, pay attention to this book.

Those who like large-scale works should pay attention to the stories about Sherlock Holmes. The adventures of this are a collection of 56 short stories and 4 novellas! The first story about this unique detective was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. The author did not consider the work to be good literature; the enthusiasm of the readers seemed stupid and inappropriate to him. However, when the writer decided to complete the story of Sherlock, thousands of readers, among whom, according to rumors, was Queen Victoria herself, literally forced Conan Doyle to “revive” his hero and continue writing about him. So stories about Sherlock Holmes came from the writer’s pen until 1927.

for children

Young adventure lovers will surely enjoy the story of a boy who did not want to grow up. Yes, we are talking about Peter Pan! The hero of the book of the same name by James Barry once accidentally flew into the window of the house where a girl named Wendy and her two brothers lived. All together they went to a magical country, whose name is Neverland (or Netine will be). Here the guys meet mermaids and Indians, fairies and pirates. Exciting adventures await both heroes and readers!

Detective stories

If it seems to you that modern Russian detective stories are third-rate and frivolous literature, you are seriously mistaken. A mixture of writing skill, fantasy, logic and all the requirements of the genre gives rise to unique works. Fans of fascinating and mysterious stories should pay attention to Russian detective stories. Books by Boris Akunin, for example, are recognized as the most popular works in Russia in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Readers met the hero of this writer, the brilliant detective Erast Fandorin, in 1998. The first book, Azazel, was a conspiracy detective story. The second - "Turkish Gambit" - is called a spy detective. The third novel, called “State Councilor”, is already a political detective story. Akunin did not stop at three stories. “The Counselor” was followed by “Death’s Mistress,” “Pelagia and the White Bulldog,” and “Spy Romance.”

However, not only Akunin can write Russian detective stories. Anna Malysheva's books are also very popular in Russia and even in other countries. This writer has more than twenty books on her list. The most popular are psychological detective stories: “The House at the Last Lantern”, “The Night is Dangerous”, “The Taste of Murder”. By the way, a popular television series was even filmed based on the latter!

Breaking boundaries and borders: fantasy books

There are works that contain an element of the unusual, a denial of rules, conventions and boundaries. What kind of books are these? Fantastic! The origins of this genre lie in fairy tales, folklore Fantastic works have been known since ancient times, but the heyday of this genre occurred in the first half of the 20th century. One of the most popular authors is Herbert Wells. “The Time Machine”, “The Invisible Man”, “The First Men on the Moon” are examples of high-quality science fiction. Another author popular not only in this genre is Stephen King. His best fantasy story, according to both readers and critics, is “11/22/63.”

The main character is an ordinary teacher from provincial town- gains access to a time portal to prevent the most mysterious crime of the 20th century - the assassination of President Kennedy. What happens if a terrible catastrophe is prevented? The answer to this question is hidden under the cover of this book. Science fiction is a genre in which Victor Pelevin is very popular. His works “The Sacred Book of the Werewolf”, “The Lamp of Methuselah”, “The Life of Insects” and “The Love of Three Zuckerbrins” deserve special attention.