Dear friends, only until the end of the summer there is an action "Birthday Light" in the Museum "Labyrinatum". You can celebrate the name of your child in the company 5 children and 5 adults at a special price - 5,500 rubles! Birthday is held within two hours. An hour and a half children will participate in an exciting show program, carry out experiences in physics and chemistry and have fun from the soul. And half an hour is given to the most sweet part of the program - tea drinking. In addition, after the program you can stay on ...

Friends, in the Labyrinatum Museum on Petrograd, you can celebrate an unforgettable birthday of your child! For the smallest lovers of science, we offer you the "Wonders of Hats" program. Rabbar Fock and Mr. Po know how to make a birthday truly magic! They prepared incredible surprises and tricks: a flying festive table, a snowy bun, a miracle bag and a lot of other things that are stored in a hat of a real magician. Hurry to see this miracle show! The program is suitable for children ...

On November 21 and 22, Masterslavl takes congratulations and is waiting for guests. Holiday guests are waiting: Scientific show Museum of the Interestrial Sciences "Experimentanium", Space Master Classes Interactorium "Mars-Tefo", creating a cartoon about the professions of dreams with "Multnobuka", games and puzzles of the Darwin Museum, Construction of the Shukhov Tower with a project "Moscow eyes of an engineer" , Chinese tea drinking with the school "Okay", the most kind and cheerful photos from the "Portrait of the Citizen" and much, a lot more! FROM...

Today your holiday is our little hero you married seven years old let him know about it all the light in school you are doing successes and not scary to interference to your goal you are stubbornly and talk about it all right on your account a lot of victories Crushed, healthy grow, learn never to give up and hold on with hard! © Congratulations Happy Birthday 7 years Girl, boy Birthday - Exactly Seven Let's say about this holiday We all have become an adult for a year and you know now that ...

At the 11th anniversary of the led "ordered" a scientific birthday. The name came immediately - "Niichvo" (in Strugatsky), but the content took a little longer.

The invitations were decorated in the form of a standard booklet advertising a private firm (ready-made template). On the cover inscription: " Niichvo Everything will be nicavo, and maybe FAQ, but for sure - it will be!" Inside there is a lot of information (yet 3 sheets!).

1. Scientific
Niichvo - a cool laboratory for inquisitive people.
The basis of the activity is the question: "What will happen if? .."

2. Laboratory Nichavo invites you **. **. 2011 for open day. You will have the opportunity to spend a couple of extremely topical experiments, arrange an explosive experiment (one) and learn a lot of interesting and instructive.

3. Start at 12.00.
Clearing the dawns - 15.00
Venue: Niichvo


All arriving issued badges with the inscription "Niichvo".

He conducted a brief safety instructions (strictly follow the instructions, do not taste anything, make a maximum of effort and not destroy the apartment).

Then there was an inspection of intelligence.

Children suggested cutting a strip of paper into 3 parts, making only 1 incision.

I managed everything surprisingly easily (I myself thought longer) - everyone just folded the strip and " chick!" Here you have 3 parts.

After that, the practical part began.

I want to notice that the scientific aspect of experience (tension, density, etc.) was uninteresting for children (tension, density, etc.), they were also interested in an exceptional effect.

For 11 years, they are not learning or physics, or chemistry, the laws of the universe are weakly interested. But I liked it to mix and add so much that in a month my parents still said that children demand to provide them with the necessary ingredients at home.

Experience number 1.

Pour water to the glass to the edge itself. Blank from above with a thin cardboard (part of the box from dry breakfast is the perfect option) and, holding a paper with a palm, quickly flip the glass. Now remove the palm.

Will the water from the glass turn out? And if the water will be less?

And how much water need, so that it broke out?

Compare results and discuss.

Experience number 2.

Whole milk pour into a plate.

Carefully apply a drop of liquid food paint different colors in the middle.

Lower the cotton wand into the dishwashing liquid, and then carefully touch the milk.

Experience number 3.

Inflate and lower the balloons in advance.

At the party, pour into each ball of Coca-Cola, tie and shake the ball.

What will happen? Why?

Experience number 4.

Pour vegetable oil into a high glass on the leg.

And in a bowl a little alcohol solution (you can vodka). Take the pipette and gently close the solution into the oil. What's happening? How long can you add a solution?

Experience number 5.

In the plate pour some water (better tinted).

Put the coin and ask who can take a coin without sleeping hands.

After listening to the version, tell me that you can do it.

Put tea (heating) candle in the plate and burn it.

Cover the candle with a glass, so that he touches the bottom of the plate.

Water slips into a glass, and you will easily get a coin, without sleeping hands.

Allow the opportunity to try everything.

Experience number 6.

I wrote this experience from my scenario on Harry Potter.

At that time there were many questions, so cooking will describe more.

Take a red cabbage (and only red cabbage), cut.

Add to boiling water (ideally distilled, but you can simply filtered). A minute later, remove from the fire and let stand 30 minutes.


Boil water from different vessels. Add all that will come to mind.

Lemon juice, vinegar Make water bright red.

Try Add orange juice and spoiled milk. Add to another vessel alkali - soda, washing powder, bath cleaning liquid.

Soda presumably makes a solution blue, and ammonia - Green, but ...

Imagine, all solutions turned out differently! Inexplicable, but cool.

Experience number 7.

Take a wooden, plastic and metal spoon and straw.

Attach the bead on each spoon with a piece of oil at the same altitude. Put spoons into a measuring mug and pour about 7 cm hot water.

What happens? Why?

Experience number 8.

Take a small piece of cardboard and holding it in front of a lit candle, pouted.

What happens to the flame?

Connect the ends of the cardboard and secure the paper with the clips, without bending the middle.

Put the clips to the candle and jump again.

What is happening with the flame now?

Experience number 9.

In a big glass pour towards sweet syrup, glycerol, suffered water, vegetable oil, tinted alcohol.

Pour carefully around the edge of the glade and give fluids to settle before adding a new one.

What happened?

« Beauty!"One boy said dreamily.

Experience number 10.

It is better to spend this experience - it is very popular, takes a lot of time and requires great cleaning after conducting.

Everyone prepares their own gUU.

To do this, it is necessary to mix starch and cold water (400 grams. And a half cups, but it is better to experiment, adding water to a little bit). Then add the dye and ...

Someone begins to have fun (children), and someone in horror observes what is happening (parents). I have a hurry to calm down - everything is perfectly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (from the carpet) and a cloth (from the oilcloth).

GUU is not a liquid and not a solid body.

From it you can make balls, and if we put a ball on the palm, then the GUU turns into a liquid and flows. It was hit evening.

And then there was a cake and discussion of the results. The children were delighted.

The best compliment was the phrase " Leah, the arrival here was expensive here, but it was worth it!" The only minus - the photos are not very advantageous: well, flasks and flasks, and the moment of "transformation" is very difficult to capture.

Visiting Archimedes

(Birthday script for adheating children)

Daughter this year turned 10, and this is the age when the pirates are no longer inspired, the search for the map and treasures in the chest. Therefore, we decided to dwell on the "adult" topic - natural science experiments and experiments. The key character was Archimeda, he led us along the path of the cognition of the surrounding world.

I always admired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of Tanya Lavrene "Mystery of the Mongolfier brothers", so that our scientific research smoothly burned to the task of separation from the Earth with the help of a balloon. I have for a long time and painfully thought, how to tie the Archimedes with the aeronautics, until I discovered magic words in one encyclopedia: " Aerostat's lifting force is created by a gas (or heated air) with a density of less than the ambient air density (according to the Archimedian law)" And everything immediately fell into place.

And as a form, we used the idea of \u200b\u200bTatiana from the "Day of Mysteries and Tests" and its outstanding computer program.

So both Tatiana thank you so much for ideas and inspiration!

In total, 10 children participated in the festival, of which 8 10-pilots, one - a little older and one - for a couple of years younger. This time we were at home (and not in nature, as usual), because Constantly used all equipment, and experiments demanded "home" conditions.

Guests have handed out stylized invitations with a courageous archimedean profile on the cover.

We started a holiday from watching the cartoon "Kohl, Olya and Archimedes" - a solard of Soviet history about the journey of pioneers in the ancient world and comprehending in the practice of the law of Archimedes. In our case, it was an introduction to the topic.

With Movie Maker at the end I inserted titles:

"Attention! Urgently insert the paper into the printer! You have a letter from Archimedes. "

The letter was, of course, sent to print in advance, so as soon as the paper was inserted, the printer printed the message. I will not give it completely, but the essence of him came down to the fact that Archimedes from the depths of centuries appeals to children and invites them to the world of physical laws. It will communicate with them using a computer, for which they need to find the Archimed file on the desktop and launch it (the same program of Tatiana P.). And as an assistant, he sends his student and friend of Dr. Grigorus to them (our Pope Grisha, wrapped in a white sheet, is the most real physicist).

Children quickly found the file and launched the program (naturally, with change pre-entered in it). Greeting sounded like this:

« Today, experiments, tasks, experiments and tests are waiting for you. After each experience you will need to answer my question and enter the answer to the computer. If it is faithful, then you can get the following task. You will enter the codes in turn, starts a birthday boy. But first I have to check your intelligence and erudition.
You are ready? If yes, then press any key.

Guys press the key and get the first task:

1. Find the envelope number 1 (where? Indicate a secret place). Read approval and guess, right or not. For each correct answer ("Yes" or "No"), you will learn one letter. Guess which country and its capital are hidden in the resulting offer, and enter them with capital Russian letters across the space (first the country, then the city).

Envelope №1

It is a list of statements. The task is borrowed from Tatiana P., there you can see questions and correct answers.

For this test, I prepared a special form.

The desired offer was recorded on a large with a pencil (thin, so as not to transluce). Each letter was closed with two leaves. The number of the question number was written on the top, on the second (again, thin) - the correct answer ("yes" or "no").

That is, we read the statement, for example:

« Children can hear higher sounds than adults».

The guys discussed, the truth is or not, and issued a group decision.

We raised the first leaflets and watched that it was written on it - "yes" or "no". If their answer was correct, we raised the second leaf, under which there was a letter.

If the answer would be incorrect, but the letter remained closed.

In our case, it was not possible to open all the letters (although it should be noted that the children were given more correct answers from the first time, which I first read these questions), but they were enough to guess the remaining.

Our proposal was: " Franz and I made a bet, jacques - witness»

In it we found the country - France and the capital - Paris. It is "hooks" for the future (since the history of the airpowder begins in France).

Enter code words to the computer, go to the next task.

2. Well done, you coped perfectly!

Now find Envelope # 2 (specify the place where to look for). There you will find a description of several physical experiences. Everything you need - on the table. Carefully read the descriptions of the experiments and only then spend them.

Do not forget to invite Dr. Grigorius - it will be your faithful assistant.

Discuss how it turns out, thanks to which? Enter this word, this is the code.

Despite the simplicity of all the proposed experiments, I would advise first try to spend them yourself, as there are some nuances in all.

Before each description was a warning that you first need to carefully read the description of the experience, and only then proceed to its execution.

All the necessary equipment is collected on a small table.

From there, children take what they need to carry out this experience.

Envelope №2.

Experience 1.

Equipment - Glass, Water Bottle, Tight Paper, Tazik

Take a glass, a bottle of water and a sheet of tight paper.

Pour water to the glass to the edge itself. Blank a glass of tight paper sheet and, holding a paper with a palm, quickly flip the glass upside down.

Now remove the palm. Will water fall out of the glass?

Experience is needed over the pelvis.

If water is nanite to the top, the paper is quite dense and pressed well, then the water does not pour out, and the leaf as it should be glued to the edge of the glass.

Experience 2.

Equipment - Bowl, Tinting Water, Cork, Glass

Take a tall glass and bowl. In a bowl, pour the tinted water (so that the water level is about 5-6 cm), put a plug in it and put the bottom of the glass directly on the tube. Did there be the same level of water under a glass as in a plate?

This experience is called " diving bell".

If the glass is high enough, and the water is not too much, then under the glass water does not remain at all, the cork lies at the bottom of the bowl. And outside the glass level rises slightly. Water can be slightly tinted (for example, manganese) so that the experience looks more spectacular. But you can use conventional transparent water.

Experience 3.

Equipment - Plate, Water, Candle, Lighter

In a plate, pour some water (can be squeezed). Gently put the candle in the plate ("tea", in a metal mold), burn it. Cover the candle with a glass so that it touches the bottom of the plate. What happens to water?

When the candle goes out, the water will be absorbed inside the glass. In order for the experience to look more spectacular, it is better to pour quite a bit of water. Then she all slips into the glass, and the plate outside the glass will be dry. If you do not take a plate, but a small saucer, then it will "stick" to the glass at all, and the glass can be lifted together with the saucer.

Experience 4.

Equipment - Transparent Water Bottle, Cork, Pipette

Fill the bottle with water, leaving two or three millimeters to the edge of the neck.

Take the pipette, type a little water into it and lower the bottle into the neck.

It should be at the level or slightly above the water level in the bottle. At the same time you need to achieve, so that the pipette pippet is immersed with a finger, and then herself slowly pops.

Now close the cork and squeeze the Bottle Bottle, hold a little. What happens to a pipette?

When compressing the bottle, the pipette will fall on the bottom.

For this experience it is very important to control how much water is scored in a pipette. If it is too small, it will be necessary to squeeze the bottle very much, the children's forces do not have enough. If the water in the pipette is more, the bottle is enough to squeeze quite a little bit, and the experience looks much more effectively.

After all the experiments, we are discussing, the effect of which physical strength they illustrated we. It should be noted that the children turned out to be "advanced" and in the help of Dr. Grigorus almost did not need.

We enter the code word in the computer - pressure. We get the following task:

3. Find Envelope No. 3 (place). Spend experiences.

Thanks how is this it turns out? Enter a code.

Envelope number 3.

Experience 1.

Equipment - Plate, Water, Striped Paper, Scissors, Dishwashing Liquid

Pour into the plate of clean water.

Take the scissors and, holding a narrow strip of paper over a plate, cut small squares from it, trying to do it so that the pieces falling into the water are located on the water of the ring in the middle of the plate and did not touch anyone or towards the edges of the plates.

Take the soap (or dishwashing liquid) and drip one drop into the center of the plate. What happens to pieces?

They rapidly spread to the edges of the plate.

Experience 2.

Equipment - Plate, Water, Blade, Neck, Buttons, Magnet

Can the metal swim along the water?

Take the razor blade very carefully (it is very sharp!) And put it on the surface of the water. What happened?

Try to drag the blade, carefully putting a needle on it and 1-2 buttons. Try to put on the water needle. What happens if it is pre-grogging?

If the blade put on the water neatly, it does not drown, but will swim on the surface of the water. When it is weighted (needle and buttons) you can see how it is slightly pressed into the water, but still does not sink.

If the needle is pre-magicized, the compass will turn out.

You can also try led blade or needle on the water with a magnet.

Experience 3.

Equipment - Glass, Sunflower Oil, Alcohol Mix, Pipette, Bowl

Pour into a glass of sunflower oil. Pour a little alcohol solution into the bowl. Take the pipette and gently, on the droplet, enter the solution into the oil. What happens to him? What form does liquid take? Why? Continue adding a solution for now ... until it happens what?

I took ordinary vodka, the content of alcohol was sufficient. You can take medical alcohol and breed with water.

The alcohol solution is collected in a beautiful ball that hangs at the surface.

When he becomes hard enough, it is beautiful and smoothly descended to the bottom.

For this experience, it is better to take not a glass, but a high glass on the leg.

So it will be easier to observe from the bottom to see the ball.

We are discussing how it all turns out - the papers are running out, the blade floats, the alcohol is going to the ball. Key phenomenon - surface tension.

We introduce the word tension, go to the next level.

4. It seems my friends, you are a little tired.

You need to eat a little and relax. Eat a treat and write whether it liked it to you. We make a snack (sandwiches, juice), write "yes",

go to the next level.

5. Find the Envelope No. 4 (place). Spend experiences. What is the action of the power illustrate these experiments? Enter a code.

Envelope number 4.

Experience 1.

Equipment - 2 eggs (boiled and raw), plate

Remove both eggs on a big plate. You see that eggs behave differently. How to understand which of them boiled?

A boiled egg is spinning, and raw - no.

Experience 2.

Equipment - Glass, Postcard, Coin

Take a glass. Put the postcard on it, and the postcard is a coin.

Click on the postcard.

What happens to the coin? (She will fall straight into the glass)

What will happen if the postcard slowly pull?

(Coin will move with a postcard)

We are discussing, we introduce the word "friction", go to the next level.

6. Find Envelope No. 5 (place). Spend experiences.

What changes in water, what is its characteristic? Enter a code.

Envelope number 5.

Experience 1.

Equipment - Three cans, alcohol, salt, water, egg, ice

Take three containers.

Pour into one alcohol solution (the fortress of the vodka was not enough, you need a little big. You can use not alcohol, but the cheapest cologne); in the second - water; Third - salt solution.

Put in the first container (with an alcohol solution) egg and a piece of ice.

Put them in the second container (with salt solution),

and then to the third (with clean water).

What happens to them? How to explain it?

In alcohol and ice, and the egg is drown, both float in salt, the egg is sinking in the water, and the ice is not.

Experience 2.

Equipment - Wax Ball with Weighting, Glass, Salt, Water, Transparent Water Bottle

Take the wax ball.

Put it into water tank (the container must be filled somewhere in half). The ball is a little bitten (he himself size with a large grape, inside him 2-3 paper clips), so it sinks. Prepare salt solution (dissolve salt in a glass of water until it stops dissolving).

Pull the saturated solution of salt into the water gradually and mix the slightly. What happens to the ball?

He pops up. Adjusting the amount of water and salt solution, one can achieve the fact that the ball will hang in the middle of the tank.

We discuss experiments, introduce the word "density". We get the last task:

7. Remember the main law that I discovered and proved? On the body, immersed in liquid or gas, the ejecting force acts! Many centuries people tried to use this power to break away from the ground and climb the sky. What was the name of the first aircraft on which a person rose into the air? Enter the name of capital letters.

We introduce the word " balloon"(I consciously did not take a" balloon ", because it is, firstly, too simple, secondly, not entirely correct from the scientific point of view) and we get a farewell message from Archimedes:

"Indeed, a balloon (or a balloon, as we used to call it) I realized the dream of a man to break away from the ground. I was not destined to see it with my own eyes, but I know for sure that it happened. Find a" Aerostat "file on the desktop computer and Listen to the history of the aeronautics and first flights of a person. And at the same time remember about France! How to know, maybe you will even succeed in building your auger!

And I, Archimed, say goodbye to you. I gave you hello from the distant past, I wish new interesting discoveries and all the best! "

In search of aerostat information, I found a stunning resource in which the history of the airpowder is preinclaved, but very meaningful, text is easy for perception and accompanied by incredibly beautiful pictures.

This is the site of the Kiev aeronautical society.

Be sure to scroll through all 9 pages!

Based on this article, I prepared a small presentation in Power Point.

The text there was a minimum (mostly pictures), I tried to tell myself and in the course of giving children all sorts of tasks so as not to borrow.

For example, when we reached the first passengers of Mongolfier, 3 volunteers had to portray their pantomime (without sounds!), And the rest - guess who is this (ram, cock and duck). Etc.

After the presentation, we took the construction of our own balloons (once again thanks to Tanya Lavrenova for the idea!). But first it was necessary to make passengers.

We did rope men.

They fit enough simply from two ropes, one is slightly shorter (this is the base - the head and legs), the second is a little longer (these are hands and body).

And it was possible, for example, draw and cut your portrait or blind passengers from plasticine.

Then we took up baskets.

Small baskets (apparently, kashpo, about 12 cm in diameter) I bought in advance (quite inexpensive, 15 rubles), we tied a strong thread of the same length.

I managed to find really huge balloons (about a meter in diameter), which we inflated helium (bought a cylinder in advance that in Moscow is not a problem).

Previously, the children were divided into pairs, and each pair made one balloon. It was associated not only with a limited amount of gas (it would simply not have been enough for 10 such balls), but also with the fact that it was not easy to cope alone.

Skotch's balls attached a thread attached to baskets.

Attention! Scotch In no case cannot be turned from the ball, because He can burst. We have lost one airport so much!

We planted our passengers in the baskets, and also put the notes in which the birthday officer was written on one side (it was announced by the authors), and on the second - his own cherished desire (left in secret).

Then we were very friendly on the street and at the expense of "Once or two or three!" They launched their anesthes. And long followed their flight in the clouds - good, the weather was clear.

It was, of course, a little sorry to produce his works of art a little, but helium from the balls would still disappear over the day, and our beautiful balls drove into the sky would turn into a ribbed cloth. And so we are all - both children, and adults, and random passersby - they got a lot of bright impressions!

And at home I was waiting for a treat - pizza and a birthday cake.

By the way, the pizza children did themselves.

Thus, we solved frequent problem - when some guests come earlier, while others are delayed. While the holiday has not yet begun, we invited everyone who came to join the manufacture of pizza.

  • In which cash payments are not involved, will not be considered so much
  • What was the humanistic ideology of the Renaissance, its main features and social origins?
  • Your faith in the spirits generates the process of inner conversation, thanks to which the insight and knowledge that you already have, can be woven into the most complex picture.
  • Is it possible in Russia the scenario of coming to power of nationalists, similar to the scenario of the 1930s in Germany of the XX century?

  • Scenario of the entertaining evening in Chemistry "Chemical Fairverk".

    Currently, when a particular importance acquires the choice of each student on the basis of its capabilities and interests of the study subject for in-depth study, classes in extracurricular time becomes particularly significant. Among this kind of classes, a large place belongs to the chemical evenings.



      In the game form to form knowledge of students about chemicals, reagents and their transformations.

      Continue the formation of students' skill to enjoy chemical dishes and chemicals.


      Develop observation, memory (when showing entertaining experiments)

      Develop the ability to compare (on the example of comparison and analysis of various experiments)

      Develop the interest of students to chemical science (through the show of entertaining and interesting experiments)


      Continue the formation of a dialectical materialistic worldview based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of chemical science for a person's life.

    Time: 40min - 60 min.


    1 Chemist: We are chemists! And chemistry is sleepless nights

    2-chemist: These are constant talk about chemistry.

    3-chemist: These are chemical laboratories.

    4-chemist: These are parents who say: "And our child is a chemist."

    Everything: And this is life!

    1 Chemist: But you may ask: why not everyone becomes chemists? Yes, because chemistry is infant nights.

    2-chemist: This is the posh-yang talk about chemistry.

    3-chemist: These are chemical laboratories (says, clamping the nose).

    4-chemist: These are parents who say: "And our child (pah!) - Chemist."

    Everything: And this is life!

    1 Chemist: (proud) but still we are chemists because chemistry is sleepless nights!

    2-chemist: These are constant talk about chemistry!

    3-chemist: These are chemical laboratories!

    4-chemist: These are parents who say "And our child (beats himself in the chest and pronounces pronounces) - Chemist!

    Everything: And this is life!

    1 Chemist: Well, of course, without a doubt

    Need chemistry to teach

    Without painting all phenomena

    It is impossible to live today.

    2-chemist: It is necessary to keep quiet better

    Us, friends, in teaching

    And do not be sigh

    What chemistry - torment!

    3-chemist: If the chemistry would not know

    Always stamped on foot:

    Without a fuel bus

    Never go!

    4-chemist: So that we grow fine

    Strong and strong

    Vitamins release

    Also our chemistry!

    1 Chemist: So that the plants grew

    Substances invented.

    Good would we like

    Quickly grew big.

    2-chemist: Rubber in nature is rare

    Without it you will not live.

    We would go on puddles

    In boots and without Kalosh!

    3-chemist: Widely entered into our life

    Different plastics

    For a short one

    They were recognized by the masses!

    4-chemist: Polymer let, for hair,

    Stimulating growth

    Quick invent

    Then braids will grow.

    Demonstration experience: "Martian landscape." (On a poster, in advance with phenolphthalene, write "Chemistry - Magic Country", and then when showing the experience, a colorless inscription wipe with a swab, moistened with alkali. The inscription is painted into the raspberry color.)

    1 Chemist: Why is the chemistry - a magical country? Yes, because chemistry, - like no other science - can work wonders.

    2-chemist: Chemistry - allows a person to produce metals from ores and minerals, to extract from natural raw materials - a substance is one wonderful and amazing other, it gives rise to hundreds of thousands of substances that do not even occur in nature, with useful and important properties.

    3-chemist: It turns oil into rubber, gasoline; gas - to fabric; Coal - in perfume, dyes and medicinal substances.

    4-chemist: A list of good deeds that chemistry creates truly inexhausive. Chemistry feeds us and dresses, shoes. Each person (without self-suspecting, daily carries chemical reactions, even without leaving the house: Washing hands, Ignoring matches and gas, prepare food).

    1 Chemist: Today - we want to invite you to chemical fireworks and show only a small part of chemical experiments that may seem wonderful to you. But we are people - and we will create these wonders ourselves.

    Demonstration experience: "Ignition of a fire without matches." (For experience, cook Cashitz from KMPO 4 and H 2 SO 4 (conc.). This cleaner is placed on the tile and imperceptibly pour alcohol on it. The reaction occurs with the release of a large amount of heat and excess alcohol flames.)

    2-chemist: I recently read the book that you used to live before, who tried all metals to turn into gold, and they also tried to get a "elixir of life."

    3-chemist: Yes, they were called alchemists, they tried to get a "philosopher's stone".

    4-chemist: And I recently found a recipe for the "philosophical stone", you want, read (unfolding the manuscript and reads):

    To make the elixir of wise men called "philosophical stone", take my son, lead and glow it while it does not turn into a "green lion". After that, glow is stronger, and it will turn into a "red lion". Boiling it on a sandy bath in plenty of grape alcohol, evaporate the product and get a comedy substance that can be cut with a knife. Put it into the mashed clay retort and slowly distill. "Kimvarian shadows" will cover Retord with their "bedspread", and you will find inside her "True Dragon," because he devours his tail, and again distill product. Finally, my son, clean, carefully, and you will see the appearance of burning liquid and human blood. "

    1 Chemist: A You know, I myself can get this amazing elixir.

    Demonstration experience: "Chameleon". (In a glass, pour a solution of potassium chromat, acidified with several drops of sulfuric acid. Stirring a solution with a glass wand, pour a hydrogen peroxide solution: a blue color appears, which soon becomes green.)

    2-chemist: I also miracle - elixir, look, I can instantly get wine or milk from the water.

    Demonstration experience: "Getting wine and milk." (Preparation of wine is the interaction of phenolphthalein and alkali; milk production is the interaction of sulfuric acid and barium chloride.

    3-chemist: Yes, water, really can make various miracles, and whether you heard that water can be ancestor.

    Demonstration experience: "Interaction of potassium with water."

    Demonstration experience: "Self-ignorant liquid." (In the porcelain cup, put the KMPO 4 crystals 4, and then pour 3 - 4 drops of glycerol on them. After some time, glycerin flammifies.)

    Demonstration experience: "The ignition of the fire of water." (Grind iodine in a mortar, mix 4 parts of iodine with 1 part of zinc powder. Mix well, make a slide and drop on this slide a few drops of water.)

    Demonstration experience: "Fiery cloud" (ignition of paraffin in water)

    4-chemist: Have you ever seen burning snow? Look:

    Demonstration experience: "Burning snow". (Pour snow into the bank and compact it. Then it is to make a deepening in which it is to put a piece of carbide calcium. Return to the snow a lit match - the snow begins to burn.)

    1 Chemist: Yes, it turns out, everything can burn, but, but not everything can burn.

    Demonstration experience: "Failed scarf". (Rinse the handkerchief in the water, then slightly squeeze and soak well with alcohol. The shawl capture crucible tongs and set it up. The alcohol flashes, but the scarf does not burn.)

    2-chemist:You heard the proverb "No smoke without fire," and I can prove the opposite.

    Demonstration experience: "Smoke without fire." (The interaction of concentrated hydrochloric acid and ammonia.)

    3-chemist: I look at you and I think: if we lived in an alchemical period, we would be great wizards, and could be able to fool people with these experiments. But moreover, we could easily get gold, not even using the "philosophical stone".

    Demonstration experience: "Golden knife." (Prepare, purified by sandpaper Iron knife. This knife is omitted into a concentrated solution of copper sulfate. The knife becomes "gold".)

    4-chemist: Here, if I lived in an alchemical period, I would have become a great surgeon and conducted all operations completely without pain.

    Demonstration experience: "Enhancing the wound and her healing." (Handmach out with a solution of iron chloride (III). After that, some item (knife) is moistened with a solution of rodanny potassium and easy to carry out this item in hand. A blood-red trail is formed.)

    We operate without pain, though there will be a lot of blood.

    With each operation, sterilization is needed.

    Iodine smotherily we can be absolutely so that everything is sterile.

    Do not rush, patient! Knife serve, assistant!

    Look, right tricky blood flows, not water

    But now I am writing my hand - from cutting - no trace!

    1 Chemist: And, so if I lived in the alchemical period - I would be great fakir; Since I can easily do various tricks.

    Demonstration experience: "The burning of powder." (Prepare powder in advance: a mixture of 7 parts of potassium nitrate, 1 part of the sulfur and 1 part of coal. Sharely lay out a slide and set fire.)

    Demonstration experience: "Volcano". (Ammonium Dichromate Decomposition)

    Demonstration experience: "Fire Misel." (In a round bottom flask, in advance to moisten the walls of the ammonia. In a spoon for burning, placing chromium oxide (III), heal it and reset it into flask with ammonia. A whole shoe spark is formed.)

    2-chemist: Well, on the last, we will try to surprise you with this:

    Demonstration experience: "Getting and explosion a rude gas." (Method of displacement of water in a bank to assemble 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 oxygen volume. When the bank is filled, the mixture of gases is setting to the lady.)

    3-chemist: Well, well, we have shown only some chemical miracles. And to finish our chemical fireworks, we want hymn chemists:

    We are destined to shed all what is poured.

    Wipe what you can not shed!

    Our Cabinet Chemical is called!

    We are born to love chemistry!

    All higher and higher and higher

    Flies red bromes to heaven

    And who is breathing with this brom

    That redness becomes himself!

    4-chemist: To new meetings!

    Nomination: Organization of extracurricular work

    Work completed: Peel Ekaterina Viktorovna

    COS (Regional Center for Education) "School of Cosmonautics"

    Chemistry teacher, I work according to the standard state program and textbook F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis.

    Home address: 662973 Zheleznogorsk - 3, ul. Belarusian 49a square. 42.

    Address of the KOS "School of Cosmonautics": 62990 Zheleznogorsk, ul. Krasnoyarskaya 36.

    Email address: root @ shk.. krasnoyarsk.. sU.

    Telephone: In Zheleznogorsk 8 - (297) - 9 - 45 - 65.

    Fax: 231 (20202) – 9 – 45 – 65.

    Scenario of the Chemical evening "Miracles with your own hands."

    Teacher's introductory word. Dear Guys! Today, students of the seventh, eighth, ninth grades gathered here. Each of you has its own task. The eighth graders prepared interesting experiences, will show various "wonders * and will reveal the secret of every miracle." Nine-graders, you are not just spectators, be alert, carefully follow all what is happening, be prepared to answer the questions that eight-graders will ask you. Your role, seventh graders, is to solve for yourself one question: Is the science of chemistry interesting if you want to study it? Of course, in chemistry, as in any science, besides entertaining, it will be difficult and difficult. But it is difficult, yes it is interesting - this is what a thinking person is just necessary that our mind is not at idle and laziness, but constantly worked, worked and worked. At the very end of our meeting, I will ask you a single question, and you answer it, and now proceed tomiracles. "

    Four student come out.

    1-y. student. It's hot here, I want to drink.Who 6 Water ask?

    2-y. student. I would drank a lot of hawoman without syrup.

    3rd student . Oh, and I love with syrup,only to a little bit, a little.

    4-y. student. Brothers, I need a cow -milk I want a pair!

    Leaves the 5th student. He has a large flask with liquid.

    5-y. student. Do you guys drink? In fabulous liquid, miracles to me on the shoulder, Iafter all, chemistry learns. Substit-ka cups! Experiencelet's spend exactly, all of us according to plan.

    The guys take from the table and substitute the glasses in which solutions of the required substances are placed on the bottom. The 5th student from the flask pours each thing he asked.

    5-y. student. Here is water, here is a soda, herefarmer milk, it turned out very deftly, and the secretlearn easy.

    The guys pretend that they want to drink the contents of glasses.

    5-y. student . Stop guys, wait forthere was no trouble, you, please do not drink anyropa, no water. In this strict office there are serious prohibitions. Remember everyone friends: hereneither drink nor can.

    1, 2, 3 We are familiar with miracles, we can do themselves.

    5-y. student . Miracle first happened thatin glasses were?

    1-y. student. And the answer is very simple - wasi have a glass of empty.

    2-y. Student . I have in a glass of soda.

    3rd Student . Together with her methylovan.

    4-y. student. In my - barium chloride.

    5-y. student. What does it say about? Guess,ninth grade. We hope for you! Not compositionwit you work to understand that in the flask ...

    All nine-graders: Acid!

    5-y. student . You know, probably you are onrank?

    9-y. class. Sulfur!

    Go. Leaves the 6th student.

    6-y. student. In the chemical miracles, I alreadyoster, without a fire, without matches a bonfire. On theluke Luchok-firewood and bonfire is ready. Takein the hand of the Vatka, the alcohol I wonder on the bonfirecoppoon: Gori, since I want!

    It makes everything that he says, the bonfire lights up.

    6th student. I will open my secret, Nickcoy there are no secrets. Near the fireincendiary mixture. We are familiar with miracles,you can do them yourself!

    Goes away. 1st student appears,

    7-y. student. I have a calm experience withoutfire and flame. I will ask questions. Ninethy class, attention!

    Putting experience with phenolphthalene.

    7-y. student. Not terrible acids to me, evenvery strong. But in alkali solutionslucy Malinov. Brighter juice of all Malin, who am I?

    9-y. class. Phenolphthalein!

    Next experience with methylovant.

    7-y. student. In alkalis I am very yellowand in the acids is very red. And in the neutral environmentnoah - the color is orange, beautiful. Indicatorvery important, as I call?

    9-y. class. Methyl-bean.

    Experience, with a piece of paper universal indicator.

    7 - and student. This yellow piece of paper will indicatewithout difficulty: Skins - in the flask alkali, polishnet - acid. Kohl Neutral Wednesday - notchange the color then. We are for these instructions ascall her?

    9-y. class . Universal!

    Goes away. The 8th student comes out.

    8-y. student. We are familiar with miracles - dowe can know how. The ninth grade, attention willyou task. On the usual plate pouredwater and a cup with melting snow is also placedthere.

    Leaves the 1st student.

    1-y. student. I smell in a glass salt, and youfriend, interconnected. I think up to fivebut you all wand twist.

    Slowly considers the glass to have time to face.

    8-y. student. Sample chemical glass,process...

    9-y. Class. Endothermal

    The 8th and 1st student leave. Run 9th student.

    9-y. student. All water, snow and solution,tonished conversation ... I have other plans:dogs on the grid flame. Goes on the slope of sand impregnated with alcohol.

    I still don't know how to get a snake from the sand. Scary, biting, not pay from fear? Do not afraid? Well, look. Not all at once. Wait. To see the snakes, it is necessary to warm up well, but for now I walked them, talk about another.

    Says and at the same time demonstrates experience,

    Somehow in the summer for a very long time I have a throat. We registered from the angina to rinse Furacillin. Still, angina passed, even though I had fought with her for a long time. And that furacillin two bottles remained. Now we blenel the walls, from the lime of the hand of soap. I decided to pour old medicine into this water. I was surprised terribly, even shuddered when I became reddish-red limestone water. I brought a residue to school, and now Furacillin alkali defines us, like phenolphthalene. Does not change color in water, does not change in acid, in alkaline Furacillin - bright, as if an orange.

    Moves again to experience with "black snakes".

    Alcohol burns and highlights a lot of warmth. Soda fervent decomposes to carbon dioxide. He is charred by sugar - this is where Black. Bubbles inflates sugar this carbon dioxide. Everything is clear, it is clear here, snakes, which is why they will crawl. We are familiar with miracles, we can do themselves.)

    Goes away. The 2nd and 10th students appear.

    10-y. student. Smile as quickly smilingbe fun. Today we open our phomeager.

    2-y. student. We are ready to start notsimple work. Can be used instantlyyour photo.

    Invites any of the seventh graders.

    10th student. Here on this blank sheetwatch attentively. Merry smile - it isnecessarily.

    2-y. student. Take this snapshotit is easily: a photo splash out of bulletsverizator.

    Invites the following.

    10-y. student. Again a blank sheet of paper,the way we have another, photodim we hot iron.

    He strokes the leaf Iron, everything shows a picture. " Invites more sectors.

    2-y. student. There is also the third way, it isyou yourself note that nothing to the sheet of paperwe will not touch.

    This photo is shown under the bell in the ammonia atmosphere.

    10-y. student. Look, you can see everyone? BUTthe secret is simple.

    2-y. student. Here in the work helped usfamiliar indicator.

    Shows the first shot.

    Painted acid.

    Shows the second shot.

    Gas ammonia.

    Shows a snapshot under the bell.

    2-y. and 10-y. students. We are familiar with Chu desami, they can do them themselves.

    Go. The 4th and 3rd students appear.

    3rd scientific and to., Here is another entertainment: whowill give a hand on the clip? Sorry hand on OXcheck, then need a patient for treatment.

    Invite a seventh grader.

    4-y. student. We operate without pain, however,there will be a lot of blood.

    3rd student. With each operation you needsterilization. Help, assistant, give iodine!

    4-y. student . One moment! (Applies "iodine").

    3rd student. "Iodine" smoother, we are plentiful,so that everything is sterile. Do not turn backcENTER, CAN SHOULD, Assistant!

    Makes a knife"incision", "Blood" flows.

    4-y. student. Look straight straightblood flows, not water. But now I am extrudedku - from cutting no trace.

    - 3rd student. This experience is explained by us yet.can't, in class, the ninth passage - explanwe will find.

    Go. Leaves the 5th student. Reads a few stuff from the fairy tale P. Ershov "Konk-Gorbok" about the heat-bird.

    5-y. student. The fairy tale remembered slightly

    about the skate, about the humpback.

    There Zapatitsyno Pen

    Vanya happiness brought.

    It's time to wake up

    how the feather of the feather-bird is burning.

    Ignore alcohol in evaporation cups, alcohol contains dissolved sodium salts, potassium, kėd, strontium, etc. Then it closes the cups with a thick sheet of cardboard.

    5-y. student. Answer the ninth grade,what fire went out? Flame without what will die? Hisneed ...

    9-y. class. Oxygen!

    The 5th student leaves. The 11th student appears, the finished model of the volcano installs on the table. Ignites the alcohol, heats the glass wand

    11-y. student. And now, friends, for youfrom the story story. At night or in the morning I sleptcitizens, suddenly the flame appeared from the crater of the volcano. Hum and roar, through the erahlo pour flowslava. So under Looy and under the ashes diedthe genus is nice. I'll show you how to be a mind, deaththe genus Pompeii.

    Touching the heated wand, the "eruption of a volcano" begins.

    11-y. student. You will remember guys, iteruption.

    Reaction type here, by the way - what?

    9-y. class . Decisions!

    All participants are published.

    1-y. student. Our time has expired.

    2-y. student. But we were not all shown,what you can do.

    3rd student . We still know how to curb stacklyanny tubes and drill rubber plugs.

    4-y. student. Talk in a chemical language.

    5-y. student. Copper coins turn into"Silver".

    6-y. student. To arrange a thunderstormin Test tube.

    7-y. student . Receive hydrogen and oxygen.

    8-y. student. Hang a rattle gas.

    9-y. student. Make a black gunmuch.

    10-y. student. This and you learn in bubulk year.

    11-y. student. If you are hobbystudy the most interesting science - chemistry.

    Teacher. That ended our entertaining hour. A year later, the seventh grade, I will all be able to be able if you want. You noticed that nine-graders often had to finish phrases, speak rhyme. It's easy if you know what to say. So, now I have the very question for you, which I promised to ask at the beginning of our meeting. Interesting secrets are hidden in this office. Waiting for you next year. What will everyone tell me? I...

    7th grade . I will come

    Teacher, so come! I'm waiting for you!

    It includes experiments with dry ice: crazy soda, shots of cork, soap foam with gas inside, super-chimneeum, indicator changes. Various physical and chemical experiments: the conversion of water into a super-gel, artificial snow, optical illusion, super-long air pipe. Also this program can be complemented by the preparation of sweet wool and the preparation of polymer worms. Worms prepare every child and picks up home with him as a gift!

    Program cost: from 9 000 rubles

    • Hour program

    It includes experiments with dry ice: drilling without boiling, crazy soda, shots of cork, soap foam with gas inside, super-smoke, indicator changes. Various Physical and Chemical Experiments: Water Transformation in Super Gel, Artificial Snow, Optical Illusion, Super Long Air Pipe, How can Water Wear Water in Seret, Bottle Ball, Music Hoses, Thunder Pipe, Rainbow Glasses, Hand Flaws, Ball Inside Bottles and other experiments. Also this program can be complemented by the preparation of sweet wool and the preparation of polymer worms.

    • Show "In the Dark"

    Includes the following experiments: We create a lightning in the room, the glow of neon, the plasma ball, draw the ultraviolet, cooking glowing worms (children take home with them!), Create glowing liquids, a glowing whirl in a bottle.

    • Show "Concert Speech"

    Suitable for a very large audience. Two leading. Large props, gigantic experiments. Ideal for large events - Days of the city, forums, opening events.

    Program cost: from 30 000 rubles

    • Show "for the smallest"

    Suitable for children from 4 to 6 years. The safest experiences for the youngest age. Experiments with dry ice, birds Nomeners, rainbow glasses, musical hoses. Also this program can be complemented by the preparation of sweet wool.

    Cost of the program: from 10 000 rubles

    • Show "School Science"

    Great for holding in the classroom. Interesting and visual experiences, all guys participate in them. Learn a lot of new on physics and chemistry. Ideal as a festive program by September 1.

    Program cost: from 12 500 rubles

    • Show "Summer Show"

    An ideal program for carrying out in the fresh air. Includes a giant fountain of soda, a huge soap foam, a multi-colored paste for an elephant (giant foam), potato gun, genie from a bottle.

    Cost of the program: from 10 000 rubles

    Do you have any questions?.