That Russia is the birthplace of elephants has long been known to everyone. But our shaggy elephants,
unfortunately, they have long since died out. But almost as long ago and completely in vain -
we neglect the unique abundance and diversity of mushrooms in our forests
open spaces. In any case, a huge power, quite deservedly called
The country of Mammoths, alas, resting in the permafrost, with no less, or even more
with great reason can appropriate to itself the name of the Land of Living Mushrooms, and in
in particular, which certainly cannot cause anyone doubts, the Country
Fly agaric.

The choice of this particular mushroom, of course, is by no means accidental. Although the genus
fly agaric (Amanita) is rich in species and belongs to it, in addition to many
edible and tasty characters, the notorious Amanita Phalloides (which means
phalloid), or Death cap, which is almost the most
dangerous poisonous mushroom of those we meet - despite all this
the real emblem of the genus is undoubtedly Amanita Muscaria, or
The Red Fly Agaric, which we all immediately imagine as soon as we speak
comes up with fly agarics.
Not only is the Red Fly Agaric the coat of arms of the Amanita genus, it claims
and to become a visible expression of the entire division of cap mushrooms
(Basidiomycetes), and moreover, in general, everything Mushroom Kingdom(Mycota),
which, however, includes a great variety of forms (often
microscopic), which in no way remind us of the familiar shape,
familiar from childhood, a mushroom fruiting body.

So, I put forward Amanita Red as the most suitable in all
relations as a candidate to take the place of the Ultimate Mushroom Monarch.
Lovers of democracy, of course, have the right to replace the king in their minds
on the president.

Objections may be raised about the toxicity of our contender.
And in fact, over the course of many years, we - I mean here not only
Russians, but also the inhabitants of the whole Earth - were stuffed with unscrupulous and unverified
information about the properties of a particular mushroom. The authors of these lampoons are 99%
cases, they themselves never risked trying the mushrooms they wrote about. So
Thus, dozens and hundreds of times were reproduced in no way
factual information. The so-called "specialists"
(take at least one Soloukhin!) All they did was correspond with each other
friend uniform nonsense.

A doctor who respects science has been testing the effects of certain drugs for years
on experimental animals, then on volunteers, and finally on himself.
Alas, in the absence of the opportunity to carry out serious and systematic
research, he is often left with only the latter. But if the tester
repeatedly introduces into your body any substances that cause
fears, and after using them remains alive and well, doesn’t this serve
proof of his rightness in the eyes of his opponents?

However, for some reason, when it comes to mushrooms, even people called
understand these problems, become very inclined to ignore
requirement of the scientific motto “Question everything.”

According to the latest information received from a real specialist and person,
responsible for his words, since I know for certain that most
he tried at least the taste of the mushrooms he described ( we're talking about about Mikhail
Vishnevsky), in order to achieve lethal red poisoning
fly agarics, you need to eat at least 3 kg of raw fruiting bodies at a time.

Not only is it unlikely that anyone will be able to - even with great desire -
collect and eat so much (he, in any case, will vomit first), - after
rapid absorption of 3 kg of any other at once, at first glance, let where
safer product, those who decide to do so will almost inevitably have problems
any ailments; it is also possible that this meal will become
him last.

Fly agaric (Amanita Muscaria) certainly cannot be called an ordinary edible
mushroom, although it tastes good and when dried does not cause nausea, so
may well be consumed in small quantities as usual
food raw materials, especially with appropriate pre-treatment.

It is clear that this is not the main function of this mushroom. Fly agaric, first of all,
shamanic mushroom, a mushroom used to achieve an altered state
consciousness of adherents of ancient cults in the vast majority of the territory
our country.

IN last decades Carlos's books have become very popular here
Castaneda and others like him, talking about the use of psychoactive mushrooms and
plants in America. For bookish children, Don Guan became a symbol of the Shaman, just as
just as in previous years another Don Guan was the literary symbol of the Lover. AND
here again we are dealing with a phenomenon very characteristic of Russia
failure to recognize prophets in their own country.

Suffice it to say that the entire original population of both Americas moved
there from Asia (specifically from our part of it). According to genetic analysis of them and
there were no more than a hundred people in total. Accordingly, all cults that
professed by the first settlers of the New World, to one degree or another have
origin from our Asian cults. At least the opposite
As far as I know, there was no movement of peoples.

There is no doubt that the tribes that inhabited Siberia and Far East at the most
prehistoric times had an idea about mushrooms, and in particular about
Fly agaric, which is simply impossible not to notice because of its bright, defiant
beauty, especially standing out against the background of our rather monotonous and
often dark forests.

Exactly North Asia most likely to be
the foremother of shamanism. Most of our Asian shamans have no
Fly agarics, as you know, are not a problem. It is enough to draw a parallel from
the Ural Khanty and Mansey, who call the fly agaric punk, to
Kamchadals, for whom it is vapak. 3

If at all it is appropriate to introduce a national drug provision (before
I would like to agree on terms: what exactly is considered a drug?), then
Russian national drug along with vodka, and first of all vodka, is
fly agaric. Vodka and others alcoholic drinks(especially those obtained from, not
growing in our middle and northern latitudes, grapes) inseparably
associated with the introduction of Christianity in Rus'. In all Christian churches
they receive communion with bread and wine.

Being an Orthodox person myself, however, I cannot help but note the subtlety and
the surface of that historical layer that has been imposed on my soul
Christianity. I dare to believe that the situation is no better for most others.

So-called paganism is the root breed of our soul. And if "soul -
Christian by nature" (with which I am inclined to agree), then only in the very core, in
hard core. Under the crust, as is known, magma reigns, and at times it
breaks out. These are what psychoanalysts call outliers
unconscious. And if the fly agaric is not for us the archetype of all mushrooms, but
at the same time the most ancient and most widespread on our territory
religious cult (in the very sense as C. G. Jung understood it), then what is it
is? Just a fungus over a children's sandbox?

By the way, why is it so on playgrounds, in kindergartens, in children's books?
many images of mushrooms? And most often it is fly agarics? Isn't it strange that
we decorate the very places where our loved ones spend most of their time
beloved offspring, sculptures that could well be considered, it would seem,
an allegory of something purely harmful and dangerous?

I don’t know how things are in other countries, but I daresay that,
for example, in Great Britain, where the red fly agaric and others like it can be disgusted
called, Toatstool, such images are less common. Would you like to
Do you want to put your child in a “toad latrine”? In our country, although the Russian word is complex
fly agaric and contains in the second part the root pestilence, which clearly hints at
mass death, its first part explains everything, relating the latter only to
flies, i.e. to annoying insects, which a person can get rid of
just be happy. This combination of two roots does not cause frightening
effect, but on the contrary, smacks of a certain comedy, which is often unconsciously
used by people as a lightning rod when talking about a painful topic
of death. Those. the word fly agaric inherently has some part of black humor,
the same humor that was used, for example, by cheerful undertakers
Shakespeare, a representative of that very Great Britain.

As a child, I personally observed the use of fly agaric in a village near Moscow.
red to kill flies. To do this, a saucer with
sweetened water where the mushroom was placed. The flies either flocked to the smell
decomposing mushroom, or for sweets and drowned in viscous syrup. This
the product is, I think, approximately equal in effectiveness to those still used today
pores, sticky tapes. I don’t know, however, how much the fly agaric itself contributed to
in this case, the death of flies. Rather, it’s all about what’s attractive to these
insects smell of decomposition (fly agaric when room temperature, and especially
In the summer, in the heat, it starts to smell very unpleasant quite quickly). To the thought of 4

The fact that more sticky sugar is to blame for the death of flies than mushroom poison leads to
I have repeatedly observed active eating of the red fly agaric
fungus gnat larvae (i.e. so-called worms), which include
to the same order of Diptera as house flies.

Despite those found in old (for example, the 60s of the 20th century) books about
mushrooms require the destruction on site of red fly agaric mushrooms, along with others
"toadstools", we still have some almost
friendly and even gentle attitude. Maybe that's precisely because
that in childhood we were surrounded by fly agaric symbols and they penetrated into us
flesh and blood.

Here, fearing to be branded a heretic, I return to the sacrament. I believe that
It's no coincidence that the colors of the communion White bread and red (wine), coincide with
fly agaric colors. It is unlikely that anyone will get angry, but will rather smile if
will see, for example, an Easter egg painted to look like a fly agaric. Many mushrooms and
fly agarics in particular are themselves born from something very similar to an egg.
The fly agaric and Christian paraphernalia have more in common than contradictions.

In Christian literature there is a dialectical opposition between flesh and blood,
snow and scarlet, white robes of angels and purple princes of this world -
is present all the time. Where else are these two colors present in such
an inevitable and harmonious visible combination, unlike in the fly agaric.

For Russia, red and white have another important meaning.
The terrible revolutions that shook our country at the beginning of the century ultimately
came down to a struggle between two groups, whose symbols were precisely these colors. Reds
fought with the whites - it was Civil War, which seems to be in some kind of
frozen like a mammoth continues to this day. Fly agaric can
become a symbol of national unity and reconciliation, the “Flower of Peace”.

As for the actual narcotic or, more precisely, psychogenic effect
Amanita muscaria, then here I prefer to be guided by my own
experience. Basic and very characteristic property fly agaric in this aspect
is its impermanence. You can never be sure what
the kind of experiences and sensations that the consumed fly agarics will cause in you
in each specific case. It is clear that fly agaric cannot be called
a strong drug, but even a piece of mushroom can affect someone
strong enough. However, this is a rare exception. Usually eaten
fly agaric (let's say, one whole mushroom) causes either slight excitement,
like a cigarette, or light relaxation, like a glass of alcohol. Almost
always, if the mushroom is raw, it provokes slight nausea, which, however,
quite easy to endure. It's very rare for people to be so sensitive
to fly agarics so that they cause them to vomit uncontrollably. Of course it's not worth it
experiment for pregnant women, but here you will almost certainly vomit. IN
physiologically, an increase in temperature may also be observed,
pressure surges, tachycardia, pulse irregularities, dizziness, sweating,
weakness or, conversely, a surge of strength, in some cases sexual.
The mood can change easily and quickly.

Fly agaric intoxication is completely unique and, having something in common with
the action of other stimulants, such as Canabis, Psilocybe, after all 5

Far from copying them. With all the variety of adventures that
experienced by consumers of the two popular drugs mentioned above, they,
smoking another joint or chewing another dose of “mushrooms”, everything
they expect a very definite habitual effect - it may be more
or less strong, have certain features depending on the quality and
quantity of product - but all experienced events can, as a rule, be reduced to
some common denominator. For example, marijuana always makes you want to eat, but
"mushrooms" - there are always some problems with the perception of space and
time. Fly agarics can cause both, and the third, or they may not cause
Nothing. The most stable effect is caused by smoking dry crushed
fly agaric - this is an excitation that increases as the dose increases, very
a state reminiscent of smoking betel (Indian roll-your-own cigarettes). Wherein
disinhibited higher nervous system does not receive any special focus.
If there is an object nearby that potentially causes aggression, aggression
may intensify if the person causing attraction is nearby, intensifies
attraction. But such phenomena are by no means guaranteed.

In general, smoking fly agaric promotes friendly and even
philosophical conversation, loosens tongues, makes voices louder and more cheerful, but
It can lead to uncontrollable abuse and idiotic laughter. If a man
is going to battle, the fly agaric will certainly help him - it will make him more
relaxed and fearless, will eliminate doubts about the guilt of the enemy,
will make the beating easy and even enjoyable. But someday someone might
vice versa will happen. The same can be said about a person heading towards
a woman - once, or even several times in a row, he will most likely be able to
thanks to fly agarics, show the wonders of sexual pressure and stamina. And in
another time - he will suddenly fall exhausted, or else he will vomit everything around him. Before
I never had hallucinations under fly agarics, but my intuition
tells me that they are quite possible, and without direct dependence
depending on the amount of mushroom consumed.

From everything described above (one could add much more in this
spirit) it follows that fly agaric is least suitable as a daily
a simulator for those who like to “escape” reality in one way or another. I'm with
I have great difficulty imagining a person who is truly used to
to the fly agarics. If such a passion can develop in anyone, it is
would rather be similar to the custom of some women wearing super high heels
or the commitment of some men to constantly wearing a noose from
tie, i.e. habit of experiencing constant inconvenience. In general, from
distance from smoking to fly agarics huge size.

Fly agaric is not a common home drug, but a shamanic mushroom,
preferring to fully manifest its action in the vastness of forests,
a lonely fire or somewhere in an exotic yurt. Perhaps it cannot be called
another psychoactive drug that would require such
preliminary setting. Hence all the shamanic rituals, dressing up, songs,
dances and spells aimed at quickly and completely entering a trance.
However, fly agaric may or may not be used here -
a change in the state of consciousness is quite achievable, for lack of anything better, and with
with the help of banal vodka. With vodka it’s even more reliable.

In short, fly agaric requires a lot of work, and we, the current representatives
consumer societies, people are lazy and impatient, we want everything at once, and
to get more, I inject myself and forget about it - or it’s better not to inject myself, but take a pill
or - even more progressive - take a sip of some sweet
satisfying drink.

No matter how much they talk about the need for sobriety, everyone
understands perfectly well that all these are just sanctimonious, beautiful-hearted
fabrications. Man is designed in such a way that he cannot from time to time
in a way not to become intoxicated - if such discharges do not occur
regularly enough, he will eventually just overexert himself, get sick and
will die. So drinking beer in the morning is not only harmful, but also beneficial.

Another question is that all those substances that enter the human body
from the outside in order to stabilize his nervous state, in one way or another
degrees are only surrogates. For some reason the source dries up
biological joy - age, illness, personal dramas, etc. - and
the need for “medicines” increases proportionally - and they are for everyone
their. The most direct alternative to drugs is sports. There is also sex, too
sports. Playing, collecting, etc., etc., etc. The most elegant
the way to solve internal problems has so far been and is
creativity (in all forms). But lack of inspiration is like a hangover,
That is why it is difficult to find teetotalers and ascetics among artists.

I haven’t noticed that the absence of fly agarics causes a hangover, but their very
use may, as already indicated above, cause certain
inconvenience. They try to get rid of inconveniences in one way or another, and not
purchase them. So, if someone goes to the forest to get a hangover for fly agarics, having
in the future there is only a presentiment of how sick he will be - this, I assure you,
a very rare, almost exceptional, phenomenon.

Of course, you shouldn't joke with fly agarics. You can't eat or smoke them too much
a lot, and it is advisable to do this in a calm and comfortable environment, otherwise
In addition to nausea, some people also have an uncontrollable desire to visit the toilet.

Returning once again to the relationship between the fly agaric and religion, we note that
that the latter is considered by some (Boris Pasternak) to be a form of human seriousness, and
others (there are countless of them!) are opium for the people. This does not mean that these people are completely
They believe in nothing and take nothing seriously. They, for example, with
they believe in the World Conspiracy with pleasure, and with amazing seriousness
relate to their asses and bellies, which they try to stuff if not
tasty and nutritious, then definitely dietary food. And what does it have to do with it here?
fly agaric?

Either is a sacred mushroom, the King of Mushrooms, which must be treated with
with due respect and which can only be used to achieve
special purposes in special cases. Or the crowd will appropriate him for themselves, making him
another popular “folk” remedy. By the way, Amanita Muscaria is
the basis of some widely used homeopathic medicines.
However, these two ways of using fly agaric are not so irreconcilable
contradict each other, and can easily get along together, just like sincere 7

Individual faith in God with an almost obligatory icon mini-triptych in
taxi driver's cab.

Our unconscious desire to belittle and even vulgarize sacred things
associated with fear of them. After all, God as omnipotent and unknown
the Thunderer in the sky and His sweetish image on a cheap cardboard - this
not the same thing at all. So the fly agaric spirit that inhabited the berserker and
who helped him mercilessly chop his opponents into cabbage, now
pacified and became almost affectionate, hiding in numerous, painted
white on red, mushroom-shaped caps. For example, in the Moscow region
Zyablikovo covered the ventilation exits from the dungeons with such hats -
very symbolic. Not black holes to the underworld, but cheerful colorful ones
cones are no longer scary and even cute. We don't want to fear our gods, we
we want to be friends with them, or even look down on them, like children.
That’s why our angels turned into cute fat babies. That's why
A sacred mushroom decorates the children's playground. These are signs of truce with
vengeful and misunderstood otherworldly forces.

Let us recall another theory that has not received serious evidence,
according to which the mysterious Soma, that same notorious sacred drink
Aryans, having tasted which the most ancient gods performed their magnificent feats,
is nothing more than the juice of the red fly agaric, perhaps, however, in a mixture
with milk. Here again an inseparable pair arises: red - white.

To summarize all of the above, we confirm the superiority of Amanita and
We will finally establish for him the position of King of the Mushroom Kingdom. Of course, on
boletus also claims this place, White mushroom, but despite all of it
excellent aesthetic taste and nutritional qualities, with fly agaric
still can't compare. Fly agaric is a mushroom not only for the body, but also for the soul. Let
the white mushroom (white!) will take a worthy 2nd place. By the way, in children's
In institutions, his image is also often found, but still less often than
image of a fly agaric (red!). He, the boletus, is a great mushroom - but still
second. The rest famous mushrooms- these two, it is already clear, are not competitors.

Russia, without any irony and without trying in any way to humiliate our
let's call the long-suffering Motherland the Country of fly agarics, meaning directly and
in a figurative sense, its soil layer, the layer where the branched, almost
eternal, mycelium and the roots of our ancient beliefs, to which as
successful vaccination was attached Orthodox Christianity.

If, according to the apt observation of C. Jung, a white American has bodily
habits of a Negro and the soul of an Indian, then the white Russian also did not part in
in its depths with the soul of an ancestor, a certain Asian inhabitant of immemorial
times And this soul, if you try to imagine it in the material
incarnation has a bright red color. Most likely, she looks like a fly agaric,
a beautiful red fly agaric, as if hatching into the light from a snow-white

One day, the king of beasts Leo announced to his subjects that he had decided to check
their ability to do good deeds. He appointed a day on which all the animals would gather and tell about the good deed they had done. All the animals, worried, remembered the good deeds they had ever performed. They eagerly and fearfully awaited the judgment of the ruler.
And here it is, this day, has come. All morning, Lev's henchmen reminded the animals of the meeting at the edge of the forest. After lunch, when the heat of the day subsided, the animals began to gather in the designated place. Lev and his retinue were already there. The animals, whispering to each other, cautiously glanced towards the dozing ruler. But Leo’s doze was only a disguise: through his closed eyelids he quietly spied on his subjects. When the animals gathered and sat down in the clearing, the Lion stood up and greeted them, and at the same time. once again, reminded them of the purpose of their meeting. Leo said that the one who performed the best good deed will receive a great reward - his royal favor. The animals moved and whispered - each of those present wanted to please the ruler and receive his recognition and protection. Having finished his introductory speech, Lev moved on to the main thing:
- Which of you is ready to tell us your story? - he asked the quiet animals. Lisa came out first. She modestly folded her paws on her stomach, her slanted eyes acquired such sweetness that they completely hid under her eyelids.
It seemed that Lisa was ashamed of her own nobility:
“Oh, my lord,” the Fox began her speech, “as soon as I heard about your command, I could not sleep at night: I kept thinking about your words of wisdom. Today I left the hole with only one goal: to do something good for someone. And soon such an opportunity presented itself to me: I heard a squeak from the bushes, not far from the place where I was: “Someone needs my help,” I thought, and I was not mistaken, “two helpless chicks were floundering in the bushes, obviously they fell out.” from the nest. How much strength it took me, my lord, to put them back in the nest! And how grateful their mother was to me: she kept flying over my head, kept flying. I think that’s how she thanked me." Having finished her speech, The fox took a step back and looked down, waiting for the highest decision.
The lion roared with satisfaction:
- Well done, Lisa, I praise you! This is a very noble act!
The Fox, having bowed to the Lion, retreated to her place, looking slyly at her brothers. The Wolf took her place. He shifted his paws and for some reason covered his big belly. Looking warily at Lev, the Wolf began to say:
“I learned something strange today: I found a sheep that had strayed from the herd on the edge of the forest and took pity on it. I put the poor thing on my back, and carried her to the herd, and gave her to the shepherds. They thanked me and even fired a gun in my honor.
The lion was surprised by his story, praised the wolf's generosity and allowed him to sit down.
The Lion saw the Bear making his way towards him and motioned for him to stand next to him. The bear was flattered by the king's attention. He shifted from foot to foot for a long time, scratched his tousled head and felt embarrassed. Finally, Lev broke his silence:
- We are ready to listen to you. Tell us about your good deed.
The bear began his story:
- Well, here’s what happened, I’m going this morning, looking for a suitable raspberry tree: I wanted to eat raspberries. And suddenly, what do I see?! All the broken honeycombs lie on the old stump, and the honey from them flows straight onto the ground! And the poor bees fly over them, buzzing, complaining. Well, I think, we can’t hesitate, we need to help out the bees: “Who is that scoundrel,” I ask the bees, “who dared to ruin your hives?”
Then I took the honeycombs and put them back into the hives. And how the bees thanked me: they hovered around me and buzzed!
At the same time, the Bear mechanically rubbed his swollen cheek. Lev listened carefully to the Bear and nodded approvingly to him. The bear sighed with relief and headed to his place.
The Lion wanted to give the floor to the next storyteller, but did not have time: a frightened Hare jumped out right into the middle of the clearing. Seeing the formidable ruler in front of him, the Hare froze, covered his muzzle with his paws, and began to cry. Lev was pleased with the impression he made on the Bunny. But he was tired of waiting for courage to visit the Hare, and Leo asked him about the reason for his tears:
- Maybe you can tell us who offended you? We look forward to hearing about your good deed.

One day, the king of beasts Leo announced to his subjects that he had decided to check
their ability to do good deeds. He appointed a day on which all the animals would gather and tell about the good deed they had done. All the animals, worried, remembered the good deeds they had ever performed. They eagerly and fearfully awaited the judgment of the ruler.
And here it is, this day, has come. All morning, Lev's henchmen reminded the animals of the meeting at the edge of the forest. After lunch, when the heat of the day subsided, the animals began to gather in the designated place. Lev and his retinue were already there. The animals, whispering to each other, cautiously glanced towards the dozing ruler. But Leo’s doze was only a disguise: through his closed eyelids he quietly spied on his subjects. When the animals gathered and sat down in the clearing, the Lion stood up and greeted them, and at the same time. once again, reminded them of the purpose of their meeting. Leo said that the one who performed the best good deed will receive a great reward - his royal favor. The animals moved and whispered - each of those present wanted to please the ruler and receive his recognition and protection. Having finished his introductory speech, Lev moved on to the main thing:
- Which of you is ready to tell us your story? - he asked the quiet animals. Lisa came out first. She modestly folded her paws on her stomach, her slanted eyes acquired such sweetness that they completely hid under her eyelids.
It seemed that Lisa was ashamed of her own nobility:
“Oh, my lord,” the Fox began her speech, “as soon as I heard about your command, I could not sleep at night: I kept thinking about your wise words. Today I left the hole with only one goal: to do something good for someone. And soon such an opportunity presented itself to me: I heard a squeak from the bushes, not far from the place where I was: “Someone needs my help,” I thought, and I was not mistaken, “two helpless chicks were floundering in the bushes, obviously they fell out.” from the nest. How much strength it took me, my lord, to put them back in the nest! And how grateful their mother was to me: she kept flying over my head, kept flying. I think that’s how she thanked me." Having finished her speech, The fox took a step back and looked down, waiting for the highest decision.
The lion roared with satisfaction:
- Well done, Lisa, I praise you! This is a very noble act!
The Fox, having bowed to the Lion, retreated to her place, looking slyly at her brothers. The Wolf took her place. He shifted his paws and for some reason covered his big belly. Looking warily at Lev, the Wolf began to say:
“I learned something strange today: I found a sheep that had strayed from the herd on the edge of the forest and took pity on it. I put the poor thing on my back, and carried her to the herd, and gave her to the shepherds. They thanked me and even fired a gun in my honor.
The lion was surprised by his story, praised the wolf's generosity and allowed him to sit down.
The Lion saw the Bear making his way towards him and motioned for him to stand next to him. The bear was flattered by the king's attention. He shifted from foot to foot for a long time, scratched his tousled head and felt embarrassed. Finally, Lev broke his silence:
- We are ready to listen to you. Tell us about your good deed.
The bear began his story:
- Well, here’s what happened, I’m going this morning, looking for a suitable raspberry tree: I wanted to eat raspberries. And suddenly, what do I see?! All the broken honeycombs lie on the old stump, and the honey from them flows straight onto the ground! And the poor bees fly over them, buzzing, complaining. Well, I think, we can’t hesitate, we need to help out the bees: “Who is that scoundrel,” I ask the bees, “who dared to ruin your hives?”
Then I took the honeycombs and put them back into the hives. And how the bees thanked me: they hovered around me and buzzed!
At the same time, the Bear mechanically rubbed his swollen cheek. Lev listened carefully to the Bear and nodded approvingly to him. The bear sighed with relief and headed to his place.
The Lion wanted to give the floor to the next storyteller, but did not have time: a frightened Hare jumped out right into the middle of the clearing. Seeing the formidable ruler in front of him, the Hare froze, covered his muzzle with his paws, and began to cry. Lev was pleased with the impression he made on the Bunny. But he was tired of waiting for courage to visit the Hare, and Leo asked him about the reason for his tears:
- Maybe you can tell us who offended you? We look forward to hearing about your good deed.
The Hare stood up and, looking at the Lion, began to tell him about what had happened:
- Let my master not be strict with me, but I have not done a single good deed!
Having said this, the Hare cried even louder. Lev seemed to feel sorry for the Bunny, and he asked as gently as possible:
- What did you spend your time on?
The Hare, not perceiving the threat in Lev’s voice, perked up and spoke again:
-I went out today to feed myself some grass. Suddenly I hear some kind of fuss in the bushes nearby, someone’s squeaking. Well, I think, let me see what’s going on there, maybe I can help someone? I crept up to the bushes and saw: the Fox was finishing the chick, she even closed her eyes with pleasure! I got scared and got the hell out of there. I’m running, where I can’t even figure out, just to get away from that place. I ran out to the edge of the forest and found myself in a new bind: I saw a Wolf running through the clearing, and on his back he had a freshly slaughtered lamb. And the shepherds keep firing at him with their guns. I was scared, I almost died! Out of fear I even forgot about hunger. I lay down in the hole, and when everything calmed down, I ran on. Yes, I was so dreamy about a good deed that I almost fell under the Bear’s paws. He destroyed bees' nests, and the bees stung him anywhere, so he almost crushed me blindly. I got scared, jumped under a snag, and sat under it all day. Forgive me, lord, such a pathetic coward! And the Hare cried again. And Lev exclaimed:
-Where do you see the coward? Yes, you Hare is a hero! You were not afraid of punishment, just so as not to be a liar. You preferred honesty when others lied disgustingly!
The Lion cast an angry glance at the place where the Fox, Wolf and Bear had just stood, but saw no one there: they ran away at full speed.
“Run,” Leo shouted to his henchmen, “drive them away so that they don’t know peace either day or night!” But here he is,” Lev pointed to the Hare, “so that no one dares to offend him: otherwise the matter will have to do with me personally!”

During the lesson we talked about how nature is amazing and diverse. Living nature is divided into kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, bacteria.
You can imagine yourself as the king of a fairy-tale kingdom. To do this, you need to make a mask and make a speech to your subjects. And this is what came out of it.

Manchuk Ekaterina:
The forest is our storehouse of life! The forest gives us air, a pleasant smell and good mood. Many flowers and trees grow in it, insects and animals live.
I, the Great Oak, Lord of the Forest, address my subjects:
-Take care of the forest! This is your life! Do not burn fires, do not throw garbage, do not pick flowers and do not break trees! Take care of animals and birds!!!

Akimov Alexander:
-I am a slender and beautiful MAPLE! I have unusual leaves. They resemble in shape hand, a Colors can be green, yellow, red. I hope that you like to collect autumn bouquets. I am very friendly and I like to be next to other trees in mixed forests, parks, squares and next to you in your yards.
-Take care of the trees! Don't forget that they play a big role in your life! Trees generously give you clean air, fruits, wood and their beauty!
-Protect the environment!

Many children approached this responsibly. During the lesson, appeals from fairy-tale kings were heard.
The masks were also very interesting.

If you imagine wildlife in the form of fairy-tale kingdoms, who, in your opinion, would be the king in the kingdoms of plants, animals, mushrooms? Get ready to act as one of these kings in class. To do this, make his mask and come up with a speech with which he could address his subjects.


I chose a predator from the animal kingdom - Leo. The lion is considered the King of beasts. This is what he would say to his subjects:

“Why are lions called the “king of beasts”? There are many factors that speak about my greatness. First of all, it’s my appearance. Among the felines I am absolute record holder in height at the shoulders. My luxurious mane can reach 40 cm in length. I also have well-developed, powerful legs. During the hunt they play a huge role strong jaws, often the length of the fangs reaches 8 cm. My color varies from dark brown to yellowish. A tiger could compete with me for the title of “king of beasts,” but he loses to me in the weight category. I can weigh up to 250 kg. I am the head of the family. Most I spend time defending my family’s territory and protecting my family. For the territory on which my family lives and for the entire family, I am ready to fight to the death. I constantly walk around my territory and mark it. And with my famous loud roar, which can be heard for several kilometers, I also remind you of my presence. For this, I am the first to start the meal, although I do not take part in the general hunt; lionesses do this; they are more dexterous and agile. It's easier for them to catch the victim. I take part only when there is a danger for the lionesses during the hunt, when they themselves cannot cope with the prey, then it’s my turn. Small animals die from one blow of my paw. I strictly monitor order in my family. Each family member has their own responsibilities. Like a true King, I am strict, fair and caring."