Real spring and active tourist season usually begin with the arrival of the May holidays. We usually have a lot of days off in May - sometimes a whole week or a week and a half. This year we will have a “staged” holiday in May - first 4 days from May 1 to 4, and then another 3 from 9 to 11.

On the one hand, this is convenient because you don’t have to work off the postponed days (like last year), on the other hand, if you want to rest for 4 days, but a week or two, you will have to take time off or vacation.

When to start planning a vacation for the May holidays?

You can start planning your May holidays six months in advance. Usually, people start looking for tours for early May in late February-early March. At this time, you can still get in on the early booking promotion and choose convenient dates and your desired hotel. After March, choosing a suitable tour (especially if you have many special wishes for your vacation and hotel) becomes more difficult - many flights and hotels are already booked and you have to choose from what is available.

You can wait until April and start hunting for last minute tours for May. However, it is worth remembering that May is a season of high demand and the probability of finding a suitable tour on the desired dates is not 100 percent.

To buy a last minute tour at a good (reduced) price, we recommend taking advantage of our annual promotion - a sale of last-minute tours, which takes place in April. MegaBambarbia promotion (from April 1 to April 30, 2014) dedicated to the birthday of the Network of Last Minute Travel Agencies. This promotion gives tourists the opportunity to buy luxurious last-minute tours at very low prices (very inexpensive compared to regular tours). During the promotion, tours for April-May are sold and among the many last-minute offers you can find tours for May holidays. True, predict exact dates and countries in the case of last-minute tours is impossible. You'll have to do a little hunting.

Where is the best place to go on vacation at the beginning of May (for the May holidays)?

The beginning of May is the best time for all kinds of excursions– both in Ukraine and abroad. Particularly popular are Bus tours to Europe is an inexpensive and interesting way to relax and get to know several cities and even countries in one trip. Prices for bus tours in the Last Minute Travel Agency Network usually start from 88 or 99 euros(this includes discounts), and during our promotions and MegaBambarbia you can buy tours at “ridiculous” prices - for 19, 29, 49 euros - that is, almost for nothing!

Excursion tours for the May holidays

The geography of bus tours is very wide and covers all countries of the European continent.

You can go to Scandinavia or Holland , where the weather in May is pleasant and blooming tulips are a delight to the eye.

Those looking for cool weather for a holiday in May should pay attention to Baltic countries , where during this period the air warms up to an average of +15°C. It must be taken into account that during this period the weather is unstable - and therefore the number of rainy, cloudy and sunny days is unpredictable.

Czech Republic and Poland in May provide ample budgetary opportunities excursion holiday. Also very popular bus tours to Italy, France, Germany, Romania, Spain and thematic excursions– to castles or to a carnival.

Beach holiday in early May (for May)

In addition to excursions, tourists are actively interested in beach holidays for the May holidays. Let's see in which countries you can swim and sunbathe at this time (early May).

May is the beginning of the tourist season in European countries, as well as in Turkey and Tunisia. In the beginning of May in Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Portugal good installation sunny weather. The beginning of May in Europe is the best time to sunbathe or go on excursions. But swimming in the sea at this time can be cold - it all depends on the weather in a particular year. In general, depending on your luck. But you probably shouldn’t count on warm water (above 20 degrees) in early May here. The exceptions are the warmest islands - Cyprus and Crete.

The tourist season opens at the beginning of May. In Cyprus. At this time in Cyprus you can already swim, as well as explore ancient ruins and get inspired by the historical spirit Ancient Greece. Such tours will be especially interesting for children who are just beginning to become interested in the history of ancient worlds. And the weather is most suitable for sightseeing walks.

Canary Islands in May

If the May holidays did not have their own history, we would say that they were created specifically for travel to the Canary Islands. A May holiday in the Canaries is an excellent opportunity for... beach holiday without sweltering heat and long flights.

average temperature air in the Canaries in May: during the day +26 °C, in the evening +22 °C, water temperature +21 °C.

In Turkey in May there is no hot weather, therefore, the cost of vacation is slightly lower compared to the summer season, as is the occupancy rate of beaches and hotels. Despite this, travel to Turkey for the May holidays should be booked in advance. On average, the air warms up to +26°C, the water - to a maximum of +22°C (but this also depends on your luck). It can get quite chilly in the evenings, so you should take warm clothes with you. But the beginning of May is the best time for excursions to numerous Turkish attractions, and the presence of a swimming pool will brighten up your holiday in Turkey if the sea is still cool.


For lovers of thalassotherapy and walks by the sea, it is recommended to visit Tunisia in early May. Swimming in the sea at this time may still be cool here, but, as in Turkey, there will be a good chance to sunbathe and swim in the pool.

Egypt and the UAE – real summer in early May!

For lovers summer weather, generous sun and warm sea at the beginning of May (for the May holidays) we recommend Egypt and United Arab Emirates. In May, the tourist season is at its peak here: the heat is above 30 degrees, the sea in Egypt in May warms up to 26°C, and in the UAE - up to 30°C. And the endless sandy beaches in the Emirates are in no way inferior to those in Egypt. Smooth descent, safe bottom and clean water make these countries great place for recreation with children and diving. And the May holidays in the UAE also mean the busy streets of Dubai, offering limitless shopping.

Distant countries - where you can swim in May

From distant beach destinations, suitable weather occurs in early May in Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, the islands of Bali and Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar.

, on Phuket and the adjacent islands from late April or early May to the end of October, the southwest monsoons bring tropical showers and quite serious sea waves, however, this period is considered optimal for active rest(especially for windsurfing, the best time for which is June and August). In May the most favorable conditions in the islands area east coast Malacca (Samui, Tau, Nan Yuan and Koh Phangan), although relatively dry and Pattaya area. On the west coast, if the weather is generally good, strong winds and storms are possible at this time.

Cuba and Mexico

In May, Cuba welcomes travelers with bright sunshine, warm Caribbean Sea and that unforgettable atmosphere that brought Liberty Island extraordinary popularity. The colorful streets of Havana and the legendary Havana cigars, Cuban rum and the best cocktails in the world, beautiful beaches and fiery rhythms - for this it is worth combining the May holidays and a well-deserved vacation and go on an exciting trip to Cuba.

The world-famous resort of Varadero attracts tourists with first-class beach hotels, numerous restaurants and a vibrant nightlife. Picturesque landscapes can also be found on the small Cuban islands, where there are significantly fewer tourists than in other popular resorts. And for an elite and relaxing holiday, you should go to Holguin, where secluded luxury hotels are located. For lovers of active recreation, Cuba offers diving in the Caribbean Sea and rich excursion programs.

Mexico offers good holidays in May, despite the rainy season. The weather in Mexico in May is determined by the influence tropical cyclones, there is a large amount of precipitation.

The rainy season is also beginning in Cancun (a popular Mexican resort). But in Playa del Carmen there will be bright light even in May spring sun, and there will be much less rain.

It will also rain in the resort of Puerto Vallarta in May, but it will disturb tourists mainly only at night. Most of the time the weather in Mexico in May will be quite warm (+25 °C - +35 °C), and sometimes it can even be cool at night.

Sri Lanka and exotic islands

If you go on holiday to Sri Lanka in early May, you should choose Northeast coast(for example, the Trincomalee resort), since the rainy season and high waves begin on the South-West coast at this time.

Having gone to Seychelles in May, you can see the world's largest coconut palms and visit an ornithological sanctuary. At the end of May it ends on the islands hot season when the air temperature warms up to an average of +29°C, and it starts to be relatively cool.

On Bali island The largest number of tourists come to the island from May to September: during these months it is much warmer there than in some other countries in the southern hemisphere.

Don't worry about the rainy season in the Dominican Republic, because even in this seemingly unfavorable period, you can have a great rest and enjoy your vacation days. From May to November, holidays in the Dominican Republic can sometimes be overshadowed by strong but short-term downpours, which, as a rule, come to the expanses of the resort area in the evenings and at night. During the day, absolutely nothing will interfere with your swimming and sunbathing.

In the Maldives Early May is also the rainy season. However, they will not prevent you from relaxing, but prices for vacations during this period are significantly reduced.

And here is the Indian state Goa in early May - no the best choice for relax. At this time it is too hot and humid, and there are heavy rains. The holiday season in Goa ends in April, so for the May holidays it is better to choose another holiday destination.

Israel and Jordan - it's time to go there for May!

In Israel in May the air temperature averages from +25°C to +32°C, depending on the region. There is practically no precipitation, and light sea breezes give a feeling of refreshing coolness. May in Israel is truly comfortable and even hot month, which perfectly anticipates the feeling of summer.

Jordan, where there are many biblical sites and a large number historical monuments(for example, the majestic Petra), attracts tourists with its unknown history. In addition, Jordan is perfect for a beach holiday - and in May you can relax at the Dead Sea, where not only water and mud have healing properties, but even the air heals the lungs! In the south of the country, tourists will find the coast and coral reefs of the Red Sea.

Hello, friends! It seems that we have finally waited for truly warm days, and spring has fully come into its own. And the invigorating, changeable May wind tempts us to break out of our usual and rather boring environment, succumb to its romantic impulse and make another exciting journey. And it doesn’t matter where. The main thing is that everyone has fun and feels comfortable around each other.

As experienced travelers and experts say, warm May days are a great time to spend traveling with children. And, in order for your vacation to be a success, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, when developing a route, you need to answer the question for yourself: what do we want to do on vacation? Swim and sunbathe on the beach, go on trips to interesting places and museums, or combine both?

The determining factor when choosing, of course, will be the age of the child. All children simply love traveling, and even little ones are happy to get ready for the trip. And, by and large, they don’t care where their parents take them. They know: where mom and dad are, they will always feel good, safe, and everywhere they can find something to do to their liking.

But, nevertheless, it is clear that you should not choose an excursion tour with children. This is difficult for both parents and children, and such a journey is unlikely to be enjoyable for anyone. And here comfortable stay by the sea - quite suitable for a holiday with children of any age, even the smallest. But even in this case, it is preferable to choose beach destinations with good organization of children's recreation and a rich animation program.

In addition, it is worth considering that in many resorts, if desired, you can combine a beach holiday with sightseeing tourism.

Choose a direction and determine the travel route

The seasonality rule will help determine the destinations that are most suitable for holidays with children in May. When choosing the countries you want to travel to with your child, you need to focus on the air and water temperatures in May (if beach destinations are your priority).

First of all, you should pay attention to countries that are not so far away, and preparing for the trip will not take much time. This choice means short flights, which is also important when traveling with children.

So, where should you go with your children in May?

In fact, there are a lot of options. We will limit ourselves to the most popular and not very distant resorts and countries.

As before, this year the Russians family vacation choose your favorites, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, Thailand. Among European destinations, according to ATOR (Association of Tour Operators of Russia), the leaders are Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Germany and Finland. Although, compared to last year, the demand for foreign trips has decreased slightly.

But, according to ATOR experts, contrary to all expectations, the cost of tours for the May holidays to Egypt, Turkey and some European countries has not risen in price at all, but even, on the contrary, has become cheaper, by about 20 percent. Experts explain this decrease partly by a decrease in demand for trips abroad caused by currency fluctuations, or the effective early booking program, which allowed many Russians to buy cheaper tours.

And even now you can find good budget options for May, for example, to Greece - from 20 thousand, to Turkey - from 11 thousand, to Cyprus and Tunisia - from 15 thousand, attracting prices for holidays in Spain and Italy. Among long-distance destinations, the lowest prices are to Thailand and Vietnam.

Beach holiday in May

As before, beach holidays are given preference. In May, many resorts experience warm and even hot weather, and the water is already warming up well.


In May, Egypt has almost ideal conditions for a beach holiday with children of all ages. Water temperature: + 24°C. For very reasonable money you can get everything you need for have a nice rest: sea, sun and, if desired, exciting.

For holidays with children this year spring month Hurghada is more attractive, since here the summer heat that has already begun is somewhat softened by the cool wind from the sea and is not felt as sharply as, for example, in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Find a tour to Egypt at the best price


Although it is still loved by Russian tourists, it is nevertheless not the best option for a holiday with children in May. This is the last month of summer, when the resorts in Thailand end " high season" And many areas experience tropical downpours and strong wind, although it is still very warm (air temperature above +30°C).

Find a tour to Thailand


- a good option that combines a beach holiday with interesting excursions to numerous museums, historical and biblical places. In May it is already real summer in Israel (+25-32°C), but there is no sweltering heat.

Giving preference to a holiday at sea with children in May, do not forget that at this time not all resorts warm up the water to a temperature where children can stay in the water for a long time.

Find a tour to Israel


It's not too hot and not crowded yet. The swimming season only opens at the beginning of May. But what a treat it is, adapted for a family holiday with children.

You can relax well with children, for example, in the small green resort town of Kusadasi (accommodation prices here are lower than in Antalya). Average air temperature in May: during the day +24°C, at night +12°C, water temperature +20°C. Sandy beaches, great nature, sunny weather, water parks, national park Dilek with many animals and birds, interesting excursions to ancient cities - in a word, there is a place to have fun.

Another option - in one of the most expensive resort towns in Turkey on the coast Mediterranean Sea with excellent snow-white beaches, fashionable hotels, beautiful nature.

One of the most beautiful resorts in Turkey is Side, which is located just 70 km from Antalya, and is also a worthy place for a family holiday.

In addition, at the beginning of the month in Turkey, the Spring Meeting Festival takes place throughout the country. It's very bright folk holiday with festivities, fairs and concerts.

Find a tour to Turkey


Tunisia is a budget option for a family holiday in May, although prices rise slightly during the May holidays. And although summer season Officially, it lasts from April to October; however, a full-fledged beach holiday begins in the resorts of Tunisia only in June. And in May, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is only +20°C and is not very suitable for long-term swimming. Daytime temperature is +25°C, cool nights are up to +15°C.

But May is a great month for walks and interesting excursions. Resorts such as Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet are good for a relaxing holiday with children.

Find a tour to Tunisia


The swimming season also opens in Morocco in May. But, according to experts, traveling with children beach resorts It's still too early.

In May, even in the hottest of the popular resorts - Marrakech, with an air temperature of + 28-30 ° C, the water temperature in the ocean warms up to only + 19 ° C. True, oriental exoticism and interesting excursions can fully compensate for this shortcoming of an overall inexpensive holiday.

Well, it’s quite logical to assume that trips to resorts where it’s comfortable at this time and you can swim all day long are expensive.

Find a tour to Morocco


Holidays on these wonderful islands may seem somewhat boring to children due to the lack of animation, water parks and other usual entertainment. But the wonderful beaches and nature are magnificent.


In May, the rainy season begins in Cuba, which lasts until the end of October. Although the time from March to September is considered the best time for a beach holiday here (air temperature - +27°C, water temperature - +26°C).


In May, Mauritius is comfortable, despite the fact that winter begins on the island this month, which lasts until October. Air temperature +20-23°C, water temperature +22-26°C all year round.


Malaysia may become more accessible to tourists due to the emergence of low-cost airlines offering tickets at more reasonable prices.

The famous resorts of Borneo, the largest Bird Park in Southeast Asia, Legoland and Hello Kitty amusement parks are a wonderful place for a family holiday.


Holidays on amazing Seychelles, scattered in the waters Indian Ocean, is also becoming more accessible. Cheaper housing is becoming available and airfare prices are falling somewhat.

Bali (Indonesia)

The holiday season in Bali essentially never ends. But beach holidays in May are especially appreciated by lovers of this type of holiday. The air and water temperatures are conducive to swimming.

Holidays with children are well organized and thought out (couples with children are provided with special rooms, children's meals, children's clubs and children's cafes, babysitting services, entertainment centers and playgrounds are provided). In addition, Bali offers interesting excursions, bird parks and zoos.

South Korea

For a beach holiday, you should go to South Korea from May to October. This tourist route is becoming increasingly popular due to the abolition of visas for our tourists from January 1, 2014.


The average air temperature in May is +25-30°C, water temperature is +25-28°C. But you need to take into account that it can vary greatly in different parts of the country. In May, the rainy season begins, which, however, does not overshadow the holiday (it rains mostly at night).

It can be wonderful: everywhere good beaches, quiet relaxing holiday, interesting excursions (the only negative is the long flight). But there is a lot of entertainment.

Take, for example, the resort of Nha Trang. Here you can visit the amusement park VinpearlLand (“Little Hollywood”), the fun “Monkey Island” or admire the colorful fish and sea animals in the Chi Nguyen open aquarium.

Excursion tourism in Europe

In May, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro, Croatia join the beach trend, but, however, they open their beach season mainly at the end of the month. You can already sunbathe on the beaches, and it’s also time to immerse yourself in the historical past of these countries. And in the second half of May you can already swim in the sea.

For inquisitive and active children, spending time on the beach may seem boring and uninteresting. Moreover, spring in Europe is a great time for excursions with fun “whys” and an opportunity to fully enjoy walks along the ancient streets of European cities, visit theme parks and museums, zoos and water parks.

European cities in many countries are always happy to welcome inquisitive and tireless little tourists.

If you are planning to increase the number of lovers of urban tourism, you can go to cities where, according to the results of a study conducted by the travel portal, vacations in May are the most budget-friendly. The top 5 is headed by one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - Krakow, followed by Sofia, Bucharest, Bratislava, Tallinn.

As an option for an inexpensive excursion holiday for the May holidays, you can consider visiting visa-free (or with an easier visa regime) European countries, for example Serbia and Macedonia. 3-4 days is enough for the first time to get new impressions and get to know the main attractions.

To visit the following cities, although you will need a Schengen visa, nevertheless, the trip will not be very ruinous: the resort city of Budapest, the capital of Portugal - Lisbon, Brussels (and tourism experts note that combined tours with excursions to the Czech Republic are increasingly becoming popular to neighboring countries, for example Austria and Germany).

Popular Italy and Spain will introduce you not only to their sights, architecture and unique cuisine. Resorts in southern Italy and Spain are already ready to welcome beach lovers to their wonderful beaches.

May is a good time to visit Denmark or the UK. Fascinating museums in London, unique nature Scotland and surprisingly low prices for flights from Moscow to Manchester and London will help you quickly decide in favor of such a trip.

Visiting neighbors

We shouldn't ignore our closest neighbors and friends. To visit Armenia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Belarus or the Baltic countries, just a few days will be enough and no hassle with documents.

Vilnius, Tallinn, Riga, Jurmala - for those who do not like hot weather. At this time in the Baltic countries it is quite cool (up to +15°C), but this does not prevent you from admiring these spring days ancient cities and unique architectural buildings.

Trips in Russia in May

Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring, holidays in boarding houses near Moscow, a river cruise on the Volga - these are just a few excellent destinations for holidays with children in May.

Here's what the travel portal recommends for us on a budget. The ranking of cities with moderate prices includes Veliky Novgorod, Krasnodar, Penza, Samara and Kaliningrad. Further into the top ten were Saratov, Kostroma, Voronezh, Petrozavodsk and Alushta.

St. Petersburg and Moscow, Kazan and Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Suzdal are still popular tourist routes on the May weekend.

In St. Petersburg, the season of fountains opens on April 19, which will delight city guests with their beauty during the May days. And Moscow is ready to receive about 140 thousand tourists in early May.

According to the information group "TURPROM", the travel company "RZD Tour" has prepared for the May holidays for tourists interesting gift– these are excursions on a real retro train of the mid-20th century: on May 1, the train departs to Tula, to the Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate “Yasnaya Polyana”, and on May 9 – to Monino, to the Museum Air Force. Children (especially boys) will probably really like real airplanes, gliders, helicopters and other military equipment in an open air museum.

And, of course, in May Crimea awaits us, so unexpectedly added to the list Russian places for relaxation, and its: Alushta, Yalta, Gurzuf, Alupka, Foros. The weather there at this time is warm and comfortable.

The good news is that we are promised quite reasonable prices for air tickets (the cheapest round trip air ticket costs 5,200 rubles) and direct flights from many cities in Russia (as reported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, direct flights will be made from 30 cities). And, as reported information Agency RBC, Crimea has become the most popular destination for the sale of air tickets for the May holidays and has overtaken even Sochi. I already wrote more about this in one of the articles.

Like these ones interesting travels and unknown routes await us in May.

How summer is getting closer, the more often we think about rest. If you want to save money and go on vacation before the high season begins, we are ready to suggest 10 ideal places to go on vacation in May.

Weather: Nha Trang is warm and dry in May. The air temperature reaches +33°C, the sea water temperature is +29°C.

Budget: traveling to Vietnam can hardly be called budget, but it is worth it. The cost of a tour to Vietnam in May 2016 for two will be from $2000.

Weather: The air temperature during the day reaches +29°C, the sea temperature - +27°C. There are rains.

Budget: a two-week tour to Samana for two will cost approximately $3,300 or more.

Weather: The temperature during the day is about +25-26°C, but the sun is already hot, the water in the sea warms up to +21-22°C.

Budget: a week's holiday for two in Cyprus will cost from €700.

Weather: the air temperature reaches a maximum of +25°C, the sea water temperature is +19°C. We recommend going towards the end of the month.

Budget: a week-long trip to Kotor for two in May 2016 will cost €900.

If you are thinking about where to go to the sea in May, then the Canary Islands will be an excellent idea for a relaxing holiday. Of course, you shouldn’t expect weather conditions like in exotic countries. But in the Canaries it will be warm, quiet (the tourist flow has not yet started pouring in) and calm. Among the most popular and developed seaside resorts we will name and.

Weather: The temperature on Karakh in May reaches +24°C, while the water warms up to +21°C. We recommend going at the end of the month.

Budget: a week-long tour to the Canary Islands in May 2016 will cost €800 for two.

The Greek island is beautiful at this time of year! Probably because everything seems a little unreal here: sea ​​water- unusually azure and unrealistically clean, the grass and trees are amazingly lush, the wind is as if with menthol granules. In addition, a beach holiday here can be “diluted” by visiting local attractions, of which, by the way, there are many.

Weather: the air temperature reaches +25°С, the sea warms up to +21.5°С.

Budget: a week-long tour to Rhodes in May 2016 will cost €800 for two.

In our country they like to celebrate the May holidays on a grand scale. Therefore, weekends often drag on for more than a week. Most people prefer to spend the long-awaited holidays traditionally outside the city, at barbecues or fishing.
However, there are those who try to make them more exciting and go on trips around the world. At the same time, so that your vacation in May without a visa is not overshadowed, you need to think through the route in advance, draw up a travel plan and choose its direction.

May in our country is characterized by changeable weather and big amount precipitation. Often the long-awaited weekend passes to the accompaniment of thunder and flashes of lightning. Therefore, only the bravest person can go to the sea in May. It is not surprising that people who have the opportunity to travel try to use the holidays to organize a variety of tourist trips. At the same time, before going on a trip, it is necessary to study in detail the country of your future stay and prepare for the trip. Among other things, you need to know the following information:

Only by studying all these factors as much as possible can you be sure that the vacation will be truly good, and at the end of it the tourist will have extremely positive impressions. For those who prefer to go to the sea, it would also be useful to know average annual temperature water in May.

The summary table containing information about the water temperature looks like this:

A countryWater temperature (degrees Celsius)Duration of stay without a visa (days)
20–23 60
Egypt24–27 30 (visa on arrival)
Vietnam27-29 15
Israel22–25 90
Macau26–27 30
Indonesia28–29 30
30–31 30
Mauritius26–27 60
29–30 30
Jordan25–27 30 (visa on arrival)
Thailand27-29 30

The data above is an average as it includes information spanning several decades. meteorological observations. Real weather in 2019 may differ depending on the specific climatic characteristics of the region.

Top 10 countries for seaside holidays in May

  1. Egypt.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Mauritius.
  4. Cuba.
  5. Dominican Republic
  6. Mexico.
  7. Jordan.

Characteristics of top countries for May holidays

  • Sea temperature: from 20° to 23° C.
  • Air temperature: 26° C.
  • Average tour cost: $400.
  • Visa: not required. The permitted period of stay is 60 days.
  • Pros: This perfect place for holidays with children, as the hotels have a large number of children's entertainment centers. The advantages also include good service, low cost of travel.
  • Cons: Turkey is a large country, but some of the regions are not suitable for recreation. Therefore, tourists will have to choose a place to spend their holiday among the most famous cities and resorts: Istanbul, Antalya, Kemer and others.
  1. Egypt:
  • Sea temperature: from 24° to 27° C.
  • Air temperature: from 30 to 32° C.
  • Average tour cost: $350.
  • Visa: a residence permit for a period of 30 days is issued upon arrival to Egypt. The cost of a visa is 25 dollars.
  • Pros: Egypt has the Red Sea, which will really appeal not only to vacationers, but also to people involved in diving. The advantages also include a large number of children's entertainment centers, a rich excursion program and the absence of a language barrier, as in Egypt most of Hotel staff speak Russian.
  • Cons: possibility of poisoning of drinking water, local dishes and cheap alcohol, inflated prices for food and excursions.
  1. Indonesia (Bali):
  • Sea temperature: from 28° to 39° C.
  • Air temperature: from 25° to 26° C.
  • Pros: big choice tropical fruits and vegetables, unique nature, the presence of the ocean, many tourist attractions and attractions, unique local flavor and religion.
  • Cons: constant traffic jams due to the large number of bikes, lack of white sand (many Bali beaches have sand gray), high level humidity (about 80%), high cost of seafood, lack public transport, crime situation, specific local cuisine, high prices in restaurants, the likelihood of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, lack direct flight From Russia.
  • Sea temperature: from 30° to 31° C.
  • Air temperature: from 27° to 32° C.
  • Average tour cost: $1,100.
  • Visa: not required. The permitted period of stay is 30 days.
  • Pros: magnificent beaches(there are also unique black sand beaches), unique wildlife, a large number of amusement parks, delicious local cuisine.
  • Cons: not everywhere you can pay with a bank card, sea with jellyfish.
  1. Mauritius:
  • Sea temperature: from 26° to 27° C.
  • Air temperature: from 22° to 26° C.
  • Average tour cost: $800.
  • Visa: not required. Allowed to stay in Mauritius for 60 days.
  • Pros: same time zones with Moscow, wonderful climate, friendly local population, unique nature, no need for special vaccinations to visit.
  • Cons: long flight, few attractions, for diving undersea world Mauritius is not suitable, the entertainment program is poor.
  • Sea temperature: from 29° to 30° C.
  • Air temperature: from 28° to 30° C.
  • Average tour cost: $900.
  • Visa: not required. You are allowed to stay in the Maldives for 30 days.
  • Pros: white sand beaches, ideal service, large selection of hotels, unusual but very tasty local cuisine, plenty of entertainment for tourists.
  • Cons: the island is not suitable for active recreation, there are many sharks in the sea, National dishes all very spicy, lack of nightlife.
  1. Cuba:
  • Sea temperature: 27° C.
  • Air temperature: from 23° to 34° C.
  • Average tour cost: $820.
  • Visa: not required. The permitted period of stay is 30 days.
  • Pros: snow-white beaches, absence of cold currents, accommodation for children under 12 years old in many hotels is free.
  • Cons: long flight - about 11 hours, wild beaches contain moray eels, sea urchins, dangerous sun, lack of water and amusement parks, lack of mosquito repellents for sale in Cuba.
  1. Dominican Republic:
  • Sea temperature: 28° C.
  • Air temperature: from 22° to 31° C.
  • Average tour cost: $650.
  • Visa: not required. Duration of stay – 60 days.
  • Pros: weddings in national style, diving, windsurfing, wonderful climate, beautiful nature, active night life.
  • Cons: time difference with Moscow - 7 hours, little entertainment for young people, language barrier - few people speak Russian in the Dominican Republic, inflated prices.
  1. Mexico:
  • Sea temperature: 28° C.
  • Air temperature: from 26° to 31° C.
  • Average tour cost: $1,200.
  • Visa: an electronic visa is issued on the website of the Mexican Embassy.
  • Pros: no problems with currency exchange, good service, direct flight from Russia, snow-white beaches, active nightlife, large selection of hotels, diving, water sports.
  • Cons: overpriced.
  1. Jordan:
  • Sea temperature: from 25° to 27° C.
  • Air temperature: from 29° to 32° C.
  • Average tour cost: $800 and above
  • Visa: issued upon arrival for 30 days.
  • Pros: good service, friendly atmosphere, delicious cuisine, short flight, abundance of attractions, presence of two seas.
  • Cons: high cost of individual goods.

Türkiye is a favorite destination for Russian tourists

Is the most popular holiday destination for most citizens former Union. The main advantage of this country over other countries is the cost of travel and recreation in general. In addition, most hotels are aimed specifically at Russian-speaking tourists, which greatly simplifies communication. Well-developed infrastructure only increases the quality of your vacation, making it more comfortable.

May in Turkey is characterized by significant warming and an increase in the number of sunny days. However, the April cold still makes itself felt, since the air temperature, even on the warmest days, rarely rises above 25–27 degrees, and at the beginning of the month it can be even lower. Similar climatic features also affect the water temperature, which in the Black Sea is only 20–21 degrees, and in Mediterranean coast can reach 22–24 degrees.

During this period, most hotels reduce room prices and hold various promotions, the purpose of which is to increase tourist interest. As a result, the cost of vacation is significantly reduced. Entry into Turkey remains free, and the permissible period of stay is limited to 60 days.

Egypt - the legacy of the pharaohs and an abundance of hotel complexes

The beginning of May is the eve of the opening of the season, which has a positive effect on the cost of vacation. At the same time, a large number of hotels allows everyone to choose the optimal conditions for their vacation. To enter the country you must have a visa. The easiest way to get it is to apply for an entry permit right at the border. Its cost is $25, and the permissible length of stay is limited to 1 month.

Macau is part of the People's Republic of China and a great place to visit in May

In addition to beaches and warm seas, Macau is famous for its excellent infrastructure, the presence of a large number of hotels and shopping centers. Everyone will be able to find entertainment to their liking and make the May holidays truly unforgettable.

Indonesia - an unexplored corner with paradisiacal conditions for relaxation

You can have a great vacation in May, most of which are located near the equator. Due to its location, weather conditions in the country vary slightly throughout the year, and maritime climate It is distinguished by its softness and moisture. Moreover, it is in May that optimal conditions for relaxation develop, since the rainy season has not yet begun and the heat is on the decline. Starting from May 1, the air temperature gradually decreases to a comfortable 28–29 degrees, and on some islands, in particular Bali, to 25–26 degrees.

Indonesia's main source of income is tourism. Therefore, everything has been created on its territory the necessary conditions For quality rest foreigners. To attract tourists, the rules for crossing the border have also been significantly simplified. Similar privileges apply to citizens Russian Federation who do not need a visa to visit Indonesia. When entering the territory of the state for the purpose of tourism through 9 main checkpoints, an appropriate permit is issued with a validity period of 30 days.

Indonesia is still an unexplored destination for most Russian tourists who are put off by the price of air travel. At the same time, the paradise islands, mild climate and warm sea will not leave anyone indifferent.

Often the sudden heat in May suggests that it is time to think about where to relax. While many are preparing barbecue and going outdoors, others are thinking where it is better to relax for the May holidays outside the country. Holidays in May are a great solution to relax and gain strength before the most dynamic and eventful time of the year. We will talk about the best places to vacation abroad in May in this article.

Weekend in May: choosing a country for a weekend getaway

To ensure that your holiday in early May does not disappoint you, you need to think carefully about where you want to go. The May holidays are not a very long period for rest, so you need to plan your trip so that you have time to get back to business.

Some travel agencies are developing a large number of promotional tours especially for the May holidays, which are very popular among tourists, but you need to start monitoring such offers a month in advance, as they are quickly sold out.

When choosing where is the best place to go in May, you need to take into account that if you are planning to vacation in foreign countries, the paperwork process will be much longer, while organizing a weekend in the post-Soviet countries will be easier.

The best offers for a “quick” holiday in May are excursion bus tours around Europe (swimming in the sea is still cool, but relaxing surrounded by historical attractions is just right), among them is the Baltic tour “Pearl of the Baltic States”, which is designed for 3-4 days; The Czech Republic-Poland-Hungary tour is also particularly popular among tourists, because in just 3 days you can visit three European countries. A spa tour to Italy is a great way to relax and improve your health in just 3-4 days. If you are interested in the possibility of a short beach holiday in May, you can go on a tour to Egypt or the UAE - despite the fact that tours to countries by the sea last an average of a week, most travel companies offer the “author’s tour” service, using which you You will be able to create your own vacation program.

The best excursion offers in May

For those who want to relax not just taking advantage of all the benefits of a beach holiday, the most successful excursion tours in May will also be of interest. There are many tours that offer a very rich program. Of course, the most popular place of pilgrimage for tourists is “old lady” Europe. During the May holidays, excursion tours to Prague and the Czech Republic are popular. Here you can stroll through the ancient streets of the Old Town of Prague, visit the Old Town Square, the Church of the Virgin Mary under Tyn and Charles Bridge. One of the most interesting offers is the excursion “Ghosts and Ghosts of Prague”. The peculiarity of this excursion is that it usually takes place at night.

Another pearl of the Czech Republic is the historical city of Cesky Krumlov. This city is included in the list world heritage UNESCO, and the city river Vltava simply amazes with its grandeur.
If you are looking for a cheap place to relax in May, you can safely go to Krakow. Considering that getting here is easy, the trip will not cost you much. Here you can visit the Market Square, St. Mary's Church, as well as the Wawel Hill, on which, according to legend, a dragon lived.

Traveling by bus in May is more profitable than by plane or train.

If time allows you to travel further afield, feel free to choose Paris. After all, nothing can compare with the pleasure of a weekend spent in the “city of love.” Here you can go on an excursion to the Latin Quarter, which is all “saturated” with history, visit the majestic Notre Dame and the Louvre, the Luxembourg Gardens, beloved by many writers, and other famous attractions of the French capital.

One more interesting place for excursions is Normandy. This is a very picturesque region, which is located two hours from Paris. Richard was here Lion Heart, and it was in the heart of Normandy, in the city of Rouen, that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.

For admirers of culture and traditions: holidays and festivals of the month

Europe in May cannot please you with a comfortable beach holiday, but a large number of festivals and holidays fully compensate for this. Already on the night from April 30 to May 1, Walpurgis Night is traditionally celebrated throughout Europe.

Walpurgisnacht is a traditional festival that celebrates the blossoming spring. The holiday is named after the nun Walpurgis, who came from England to Germany in 748 to found a monastery. In the calendar of saints, May 1 is her day.

If you are a fan of English-speaking countries and noble whiskey, we suggest you go to the UK. Here, for three days, there is a major celebration in honor of Chimney Sweeps' Day - this is the first day; On the second day, the holiday smoothly moves to the Scottish region of Speyside, where the most famous whiskey producers are concentrated, including The Glenlivet and Glenfiddich. These well-known brands allow everyone to enter their territory during the holidays and arrange a tasting of their products.

In the UK today there are only 600 professional chimney sweeps who take their work with irony, so the holiday is not a procession of chimney sweeps smeared with soot, but a real festival with songs, dances and humor.

Canada is ideal for flower lovers, because it is here that the world's largest festival of spring flowers, tulips, is held on May 4, and the organizer of this festival is a completely different country - the Netherlands. It is the Netherlands that generously gifts the country with flowers (20,000 bulbs a year!) for saving its royal family during the Second World War.

Fans of the film industry will be happily welcomed by Cannes. The most important European film festival is held here, however, unfortunately, access to the main events held as part of the festival is limited. ordinary people closed. But considering that during the festival (May 11-12) you can meet many of your idols just walking along the city streets, this is good compensation.

Through the French tourist office, you can reserve a place for an unofficial event - viewing the non-competitive program of the festival, which is held in the open air.

If anyone doesn’t know what “white jazz” is, they will tell you about it at the festival in Dresden. This is the second largest jazz festival in the world, which is held on May 13 and “passes the baton” to the Düsseldorf festival – “Jazz Rally”. More than five thousand bands and performers perform on thirty stages.
If you don't plan to travel far from home, you can visit the traditional rose pickers' festival in Bulgaria, which takes place on May 21. Despite the purely national nature of the festival, thousands of tourists gather here every year. The festival takes place in a picturesque area between Karlovo and Kazanlak.
Another national holiday is celebrated in Prague on May 23. This is the holiday “Khamoro”, or “Sun”, because this is what the gypsies are called in translation from the Roman language. Thousands of tourists, representatives of Roma nationality and journalists come here every year. The holiday simply “breathes” with gypsy culture, it manifests itself everywhere here: in clothes, in cuisine, in music, in dancing.

Considering that there are always a lot of gypsies in Prague, the local population does not speak very warmly about the holiday, saying that here such a festival can be observed every day at the station.

If you are a fan of the color black and Gregorian choirs, we invite you to visit the Gothic Culture Festival in Leipzig, which traditionally takes place on May 24-26 and attracts 20,000 tourists. Northern Europe can also delight you with a carnival, in which everyone can take part, not just professionals. The carnival is held in Aalborg (Denmark) and begins with the selection of a king and queen, who then lead the parade and receive the key to the city. This event has its own website where you can apply as a participant or purchase a ticket as a spectator.

Where to go in May: the best ski resorts

A seaside holiday in May is a great way to escape from the urban jungle, but not everyone is interested in where to sunbathe in May. Many tourists want to plunge not into the hot sun, but into snowdrifts. Taking a vacation with snowboarding and skiing in May is a rarity, because most ski resorts stop accepting tourists at the end of March, and no more than 50 resorts for ski lovers around the world remain open.
One of these resorts is Hintertux, located in the Austrian Alps, where, among other things, large parties and festivals are often held, and if you are lucky, you can meet your idol from the famous football team - they often come here to train or relax.

Another resort that will happily welcome you in May is located in Finland. This ski resort Ruka, which is considered one of the longest non-glacial resorts in Europe. This resort has 5-6 ski slopes and a ski park.

The Canadian resort of Whistler-Blackcomb welcomes vacationers until last days May. Considering that by May the thickness of the snow layer reaches 10 meters, skiing here in the spring is no different from a winter ski holiday. This level of snow here is maintained thanks to the glacier.

The resort of Tignes in France welcomes tourists until mid-May. If the winter was snowy, more than 100 km of trail remains at the resort, and you can get to the glacier using an underground funicular.

Where to go to the sea at the beginning, middle and end of May

Fans of beach holidays during the May holidays can enjoy the warm sea in Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, and Croatia. However, despite the fact that the air has already warmed up, the water temperature does not rise above 20 °C, although in Cyprus and Crete you can enjoy the warm sea. A beach holiday in Cyprus in May is not only about sunbathing, but also a place where you have the opportunity to study the history of Ancient Greece. Also in early May you can have a good rest in the Canary Islands and the UAE - here the water warms up to +26...+30 °. If you want to “get away” from the urban jungle, Vietnam, Thailand, Cuba and Mexico are good options - the weather here will be hot in early May. Montenegro is another place where the sea is already quite warm in mid-May.

Don't be surprised if in mid-May some resorts in Montenegro are not yet fully equipped.

From the second half of May, subject to good weather, it will be possible to swim in the warm sea at Turkish resorts; tours to Egypt have also been popular since mid-May. They please with their affordable price and good weather.
The end of May is the period when the tourist season begins in almost all countries. For a holiday during this period, in addition to the traditional resorts of Turkey and Montenegro, tourists are increasingly choosing the beaches of Morocco (for example, the resort of Agadir), where the air temperature warms up to +27 ° C. In May, last-minute trips to the Seychelles are popular, in particular to the island of Mahe, as well as trips to the Dominican Republic, which is better known as a holiday destination for partygoers.

Tours to exotic countries at the end of May it is much cheaper than at the beginning of June.

Which country should you go to with children in May?

For those who are planning a vacation with children in May, be it at sea or anywhere else, it is better to think about the trip in advance so that the trip is as comfortable as possible for all family members, especially the little ones.

The choice of places to relax in May with children is amazing in its diversity. Most often, tourists choose seaside resorts in Turkey and Egypt, and among European countries, travelers most often give their preference to Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic and Finland. Turkey, Egypt and Israel are a great way to improve your child’s health under the sun and improve his knowledge of history.

In May, it is better to avoid traveling with children to Sharm el-Sheikh and give preference to Hurghada, since the cool wind from the sea is not so felt here.

Countries for shopping in May

In spring, you want to update your wardrobe more than ever. Therefore, many people go abroad for quality goods. Italy is rightfully a favorite shopping destination. The most popular way profitable shopping— outlets. Here you can buy branded items at a discount of 30 to 70%. Italy is considered the best country to buy leather goods. Naturally, the center of shopping in Italy is Milan, but there are also many places in Rome where you can successfully go shopping. The streets Sistina, Frattina, Borgognona and Via Condotti offer a variety of shops.

Another popular country for spring shopping is Türkiye. This is a place where you can buy knitwear at a more affordable price than at home, and, in addition, get a discount when buying at the bazaar, since local traders like to bargain.

If your goal is premium accessories, you can safely go to Dubai. Here you can find luxury jewelry, watches and bags. But for fur products you need to go to Greece. Here's a fur coat good quality You can buy it twice cheaper than from us.

Where is the best place to relax abroad: May exotica

If you are tired of ordinary sightseeing and shopping tours, we offer you a list of places that are particularly exotic. Mauritius ranks first on this list. The temperature here does not exceed +20 °C, but this will not stop you from enjoying the view of the extinct Trou aux Cerfs volcano. At the end of May you can visit the ornithological reserve in the Seychelles. The temperature here averages +29 °C, although it drops already in early June. Exotic lovers will also enjoy a holiday in Indonesia, because the population here is very friendly, although peculiar, and some customs may even seem savage.

Where can you go without a visa in May?

If you decide to go on vacation during the May holidays at the last minute, and there is no time left to obtain a visa, you can always choose a country that does not require a visa to enter. For example, you can stay in Morocco without a visa for 90 days, and to successfully cross the border you only need a foreign passport. In addition to a beach holiday, there is a lot to see here, because Morocco has nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Casablanca, Marrakech and Rabat.

Another country that does not require a visa to visit is Montenegro. The period of stay without a visa is 30 days, which is enough to relax and see the sights, because in early May it is still cool to swim here.

Armenia is ready to accept visa-free travelers for a 180-day holiday. Since 2014, a visa is not required to visit South Korea.

Summer in South Korea, in addition to heat, it can also bring heavy rains, so the May holidays are the best time to travel here, because at this time the relative coolness is compensated beautiful view blooming trees and flowers.

Where you shouldn't go on holiday in May

Perhaps few people want to spend more than half of their vacation in a hotel room. If you decide to visit Jamaica for the May holidays, this may happen, because, despite the attractive price (from 1300 euros), from May to October the rainy season begins here, so a trip to Jamaica at this time can only leave negative emotions or a cold. The May holidays are not the best time to travel to Brazil, or rather to some of its regions: for example, the rainy season starts in the Amazon, and there are about 17 rainy days a month. For those who want to be in the heat in May, Paraguay is also not suitable, because the average daily temperature here is 17 ° C, which will not allow you to bask in the sun, and excursions to parks and walks along streets that have preserved the spirit of the 19th century can be successful only if you have a sweater.