Conscripts entered the tank forces in different ways. “Why did I become a tank driver?... I, as a man, saw myself as a warrior in the future.

In addition, my uncle was a military man, and in 1939 he told me: “Sasha, you are finishing your tenth year. I advise you to go to school. War can’t be avoided, so it’s better to be a commander in war—you’ll be able to do more because you’ll be better trained,” recalls tank commander Lieutenant Alexander Vasilyevich Bodnar.

The pre-war training program for tank crews was quite different from the one offered to wartime cadets. A career tank commander trained for two years. He studied all types of tanks that were in service with the Red Army. He was taught to drive a tank, shoot from its fire weapons and, of course, given knowledge on tactics tank battle. In fact, what emerged from the tank school was a general specialist - a combat vehicle commander, capable of performing the duties of any member of the crew of his tank and providing him with Maintenance. According to the recollections of career tanker A.V. Bodnar, “there was enough practice to own a BT tank. We studied the material part in great detail. The M-17 engine is very complex, but we knew it down to the last screw. A cannon, a machine gun—all of it was dismantled and reassembled.” The knowledge and skills acquired at the school allowed him to easily master first KB, and then .

Tankers drafted into the army during the war did not have much time to prepare. The troops required constant replenishment. Therefore, the course of study was reduced to six months, and the program was cut to the minimum: “I graduated from school, fired three shells and a machine-gun disc... There was some driving, the basics - getting under way, driving in a straight line,” recalls V.P. Bryukhov. At the 1st Saratov Tank School, which A. S. Burtsev and N. Ya. Zheleznov graduated from, things were better - the cadets were trained first in British tanks"Matilda" and Canadian "Valentines", and then on the T-34. They both claim that there was enough practice. The tank commander, Lieutenant Nikolai Evdokimovich Glukhov, who, like junior lieutenant Arsenty Konstantinovich Rodkin and A.V. Bodnar, studied at the Ulyanovsk Tank School, notes that the cadets immediately studied modern technology and the training was of high quality: “Everything was useful to us in battles.

And knowledge of weapons, and knowledge of technology: engine, cannon, machine gun.” Living conditions The schools also differed. In accordance with the order of the NKO of the USSR No. 312 dated September 22, 1941, for cadets of all military schools of the Land and Air Force The Red Army was introduced to the 9th food standard, which was close in calorie content to the front-line standard. However, if the tank commander, Lieutenant Georgy Nikolaevich Krivov, who studied at the 1st Kharkov Tank School evacuated to Cherchik, says that “they fed well. Porridge with meat, butter for breakfast,” then V.P. Bryukhov, who studied at the same time as him in the evacuated Stalingrad school, recalls that they were fed so poorly that “even prisoners are not fed that way.” Apparently, it was not always possible to carry out the mentioned order.

Upon completion of training, graduates passed exams by the admissions committee. Based on the results of these exams, until 1943, the ranks of “lieutenant” were awarded to those who passed the exams “good” and “excellent”, or “junior lieutenant” - to those who passed the exams “satisfactorily”. Since the summer of 1943, all graduates began to be awarded the rank of “junior lieutenant.” In addition, the commission carried out certification, based on the results of which the graduate could be appointed as a platoon commander or commander of a line tank.
The newly appointed commanders of the marching units were sent to tank factories, where crew members trained in the training battalions of the training regiments were already waiting for them.

Their training lasted from three months for driver mechanics to one month for radio operators and loaders. Driver-mechanic Sergeant S.L. Ariya recalls: “We were taught driving, communication with the commander, the design and maintenance of the engine. They forced me to overcome obstacles and change the track (it was a very difficult operation - repairing a caterpillar track). During these two or three months that the training lasted, we also participated in the assembly of tanks on the main assembly line of the plant.” Pyotr Ilyich Kirichenko, who ended up in a battalion training gunner-radio operators, says: “After aviation radios and high-speed machine guns, which I studied at the school of gunner-bombers, studying a tank radio and a DT machine gun was a trifle.” Indeed, after a month of training with the rank of “senior sergeant”, he was already going to the front as part of the crew. It must be said that the participation of crew members in the assembly of tanks was very common. Almost all of the veterans interviewed helped workers assemble tanks while they were at the plant. This is primarily due to the shortage of workers at the factories themselves, as well as the opportunity for young commanders to receive a coupon for a free lunch.

If the “green” lieutenants were content with the crew that their superiors provided them, then the older commanders with front-line experience tried to select experienced tankers like them for their crew. G. N. Krivov recalls:
“Some officers, who were a little older, selected their crews, but we didn’t do that.” Looking ahead, it should be noted that the situation at the front was approximately the same. “The tank commander, the platoon commander cannot select his crew. The company commander can already, but the battalion commander always selects from those with whom he fought before,” recalls V.P. Bryukhov. A typical example of this is the tank crew of the battalion commander, in which all its members were awarded government awards and which had to be commanded by A. M. Fadin: “The crew lived separately and did not mix with the other thirty crews.”

Some time before departure was spent “grinding” the crew members together and “putting together” combat units. The tanks assembled at the factory underwent a fifty-kilometer march, and firing training and tactical exercises were conducted at the training ground. For the crew of A. M. Fadin, the putting together ended as follows: “We received brand new tanks at the factory. We marched on them to our training ground. They quickly deployed into battle formation and carried out an attack on the move with live fire. In the gathering area they put themselves in order and, stretching out in a marching column, began to move towards railway station for loading to proceed to the front. And before departure, the crew of V.P. Bryukhov fired only three shots from a cannon and fired one machine-gun disk. But it also happened: “They told us: “Here is your tank.” It will be assembled before your eyes.” Nothing like this. They didn’t have time to assemble our tank, but the train was already ready. We filled out the forms, received a watch, a penknife, a silk handkerchief for filtering fuel, and went to the front,” says G. N. Krivov.

Non-military people are unlikely to know that only those who are no taller than 1 meter 74 centimeters tall are hired as tank crews. “You need small but strong ones in a tank,” the tankers themselves joke.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to turn around in an armored vehicle, and you can easily get stuck in the hatch. But those who really want to join the tank forces sometimes use a trick:
“When I entered the Tashkent tank school, I was 1 meter 76 centimeters tall,” recalls the deputy head of the 467th district training center, Colonel Alexander Bely, who served in the army all his life. tank forces. “But during the medical examination he managed to contort himself so cunningly that the doctors recorded 2 centimeters less—the maximum permissible value!” True, he grew up later: But he fit in a tank, went through all stages of his career - from tank platoon commander to commander tank regiment.
The 467th training center, units of which are stationed in Kovrov, the Kovrovsky district and in Vladimir, trains driver mechanics, gunners and tank commanders not only for the Moscow Military District, but for everyone ground forces Russia. Specialists are sent to the Volga and Ural districts, to Siberia and to Far East. Today, cadets are trained on the most modern tanks, which are in service in permanent combat readiness units of the Russian Armed Forces - T-80B, T-80UD and the newest, most powerful T-90.
Even on the eve professional holiday– Tankman’s Day – at the tankodrome near the village of Ruchey, training was in full swing. The column of the 2nd training tank battalion of the 522nd training Riga tank regiment was preparing for a hundred-kilometer march. This serious exam for cadets who have already completed four months of training from the new young recruits. Another couple of months, and they will go to the troops, so consolidate the acquired skills in field conditions simply necessary.
The commander of the 5th training company, Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Afonin, is completely satisfied with the actions of his subordinates. There are 90 cadets and 8 sergeants in his company. Conscripts from the most different regions– from Kostroma to Krasnodar region. There are also our fellow countrymen from the Vladimir region. The current conscription is the first to serve for only one year. On the one hand, this has many advantages. The guys feel less disconnected from their usual routine and are more psychologically stable: a year - not two! On the other hand, experts are racking their brains: how can we manage to turn yesterday’s schoolchildren into professional soldiers? Modern tank- The machine is very complex. In a year you can only master it perfectly. And here it is already.
However, the level of training in Kovrovsky training center The command appreciates it very highly. A characteristic detail: today more than 50% of graduates of the 467th Training Center remain to serve under contract! And the troops welcome them, as they say, with open arms. A contract worker who has completed his tenure serves for at least three years. During this time he becomes a real professional. Today, permanent combat readiness units (exactly the same ones, for example, were involved in South Ossetia) are staffed only by contract soldiers. The results have already made themselves felt.
Among the best cadets of Senior Afonin’s company are Sergei Lagutin from the Krasnodar Territory and Alexander Szegeda from Kovrov. Both were drafted into the army only last May, but already with a multi-ton armored hulk. This has been clearly demonstrated in practice.
The company commander himself (by the way, he comes from the Vyaznikovsky district) is in his current position for the first year. After graduating from the Kazan Higher Command School, he received a platoon. Now they have entrusted the company. The upcoming exams for subordinates will also be a good test of the company commander’s skill.
“He commands well,” confirmed the commander of the 2nd training tank battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Yaroslav Gerasimovsky.
Gerasimovsky has been in the army for more than a quarter of a century. Has enormous experience. His battalion has three cadet companies. Two of them train mechanics (this is the most popular military specialty), and another trains gunners-operators. If during the training of the first two companies the roar of tank turbines can be heard from the training ground, then the training of the third company is even noisier. During night shootings in the houses of Kovrov residents, the windows shake. Tank guns are not toys! On the basis of Lieutenant Colonel Gerasimovsky’s battalion, an entire company of contract soldiers seconded from other units is currently undergoing retraining. This is evidence that the Kovrov tank is rated very highly in the army.
Meanwhile, the tank column was preparing to move out. Ahead is the command tank. It can be distinguished from afar by its forward-facing tower. The rest of the vehicles have guns facing backwards - this makes it easier to overcome obstacles on the march. A command is given over the radio, and, as sung in an old but still relevant song, the tanks rushed forward. They slid across the muddy field in the rain with surprising ease, but at the same time, terrifyingly.
And the next day, the club held the traditional honoring of tankers - both currently serving and veterans. The tankers were greeted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly and the Kovrov City Council, representatives of enterprises and public organizations. Gifts, certificates, flowers - everything as usual. Only this time the speeches and greetings sounded with a little more pathos. After the recent events in the Caucasus, civilians became more aware of the importance of the military in ensuring the security of the country, and the people in uniform themselves felt greater responsibility and pride in belonging to an army that could repel the aggressor. This is precisely the thought that was voiced in the speech of the Kovrovsky leader Viktor Kaurov.
Chairman of the regional ZS Anatoly Bobrov, former deputy commander of the educational center, presented an award watch to the head of the center, Colonel Vladimir Markov. And one of the veterans caused excitement by telling how their tanks helped carry out the following half a century ago: election campaign in Hungary! Thanks to something so serious, the communists won there then. Some of those present expressed the hope that today tanks will not be a political tool, as during the reign of the CPSU.

One of the significant forces capable of radically changing the situation on the battlefield is tank forces. This is one of the branches of the ground forces, distinguished by its survivability and powerful striking force. The tank itself appeared relatively recently. Even during the First World War, there was a need for powerful armored vehicles capable of passing through any obstacles and over any off-road terrain in order to deal a fatal blow to the enemy. Approximate time of appearance of the first tank: 1914-1918. The British were the first to use tanks on the battlefield. They showed a very impressive result.

The tank became a new revolutionary weapon. Although the first tanks had armor, it was only capable of protecting against rifles and machine-gun fire. The first prototypes were slow and clumsy. This is not surprising, because at that time there were no powerful propulsion systems. However, from the very first day of their existence, tanks created a huge psychological impact during attacks.

Not every soldier is able to calmly react to an “iron fortress” moving towards him. Over time, the tank became more maneuverable, and its powerful armor and the weapon became a compelling argument on the battlefield. Modern tank forces include the whole complex armored vehicles. They include armored personnel carriers, tanks, combat vehicles infantry, self-propelled artillery, anti-aircraft and missile weapons and much more. Initially, the leaders in this type of weapons were England, Germany, and the USA. It was in these countries that it began history of tanks. The heyday of Russian combat vehicles occurred during the Great Patriotic War when the legendary T-34 was created. Subsequently it was called the victory tank. In the post-war period, tanks began to improve rapidly. Science began to develop “by leaps and bounds.” New technological solutions began to be used in the tank, weight was reduced, armor was improved, and the weapon was improved. They began to use electronic systems. Now the capabilities have increased dramatically, an electronic stabilization system has appeared, and thanks to technological innovations, the tank crew has decreased and efficiency has increased.

I want to become a tank driver!

At the same time as the tank improved, its importance and prestige increased. Nowadays service in tank forces- this is something you can truly be proud of. Tank troops stand alongside the aviation and navy. This is the elite in any army in the world. On the battlefield it is impossible to do without ground or air support. Service in such troops requires additional efforts from the soldier, both physical and moral. A sense of responsibility and comprehension of all one’s actions are mandatory requirements for the crew of any vehicle, especially a heavily armed one. You have a huge responsibility, because managing an iron “monster” is not so easy.


Currently, Russian citizens have the right to perform military service according to contract. Contract service reflects the state's need to create a strong professional army and fundamentally affects the entire military organization states. What is required to become a contractor?


Entering the military service undergoes a medical examination, which determines health fitness for service. For a positive decision, a medical examination must recognize the citizen as fit for military service or fit for duty with minor limitations.

Compliance with the requirements for educational level, by level of professional training, by psychological and moral qualities, as well as by physical fitness. Citizen Compliance established requirements checked by the certification commission of the military unit.

Distinguish the following types contracts: on service in the Armed Forces and federal bodies, about serving in the personnel of a specific unit, about serving in a specific position in the corresponding military unit.

Refusal to conclude a contract may occur if there is no specific vacant position in the military unit, or if the citizen does not meet the requirements for those entering the military service By contract, as well as with an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction. Another reason for refusal is the presence of a child under the age of eight.

The law provides for the possibility early termination contract with the consent of the parties who signed it. Reasons for such termination may include health conditions, changes in staffing structure, and personal reasons.


  • Entry of citizens into military service under contract

You can become a military man by vocation, or by profession. The main thing is to have great desire and know in advance what documents you need to have with you and what tests await you on the way to this difficult and responsible matter - admission to service By contract .

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - application form for those entering military service under a contract;
  • - autobiography written by hand in free form;
  • - certified copies of education documents;
  • - certified copies of marriage and birth certificates;
  • - a certified copy of the work record book;
  • - photograph 9x12cm;
  • - a copy of the birth certificate;
  • - performance characteristics With last place work or study;
  • - extract from the house register.


Submit your application and provide all relevant completion documents military service By contract to the military commissariat where you are registered.

If you pass the first stage of selection, you will be sent for a medical examination, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. thirty Federal Law“On conscription and military service”, “on military service By contract A citizen who is found fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions may be admitted.”

After this, undergo a professional psychological examination, as a result of which you will be assigned to one of four categories. The first and second categories give almost one hundred percent probability of entering the military service By contract, if you were assigned to the third category, then the probability is small; the fourth category is assigned only to those who under no circumstances can be accepted into the military service.

Then be tested to meet established educational, physical, and professional fitness requirements.

Wait for an answer to your question from the commission of military commissariats for the selection of candidates entering the military service By contract.

If you are denied admission to service By contract, you have the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, prosecutor's office or court.

If you are accepted, you will be required to work for three months probationary period, after which you will be considered to have passed the test and will be able to continue the military service.


To enlist in the military under a contract, you must be between 18 and 40 years old.
The first contract for military service under a contract is for a period of three years.
The decision to extend or terminate your contract for military service is made by the commander of the military unit no later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

Helpful advice

Upon your request, you must be given a copy of the decision of the selection commission within three days from the date the decision was made.


  • how to apply for contract service

Folk wisdom“houses and walls help” is especially relevant for conscripts. Of course, it is more convenient to serve in units that are located closer to home. But the principle of extraterritoriality of the Russian Army does not always leave young men in their native lands. Although some exceptions to the rules still exist.


Prepare a package of documents for submission to the military commandant's office. According to current legislation, the commissariat may decide to call up a serviceman to the nearest military units in exceptional cases. For example, if a conscript is married and has a young child, then he may be left to serve in his native land. city. In this case, you must independently present the original and a copy of the marriage and birth certificate to the commandant’s office or documents replacing them (certificates from the registry office). Today, it is this argument that is the most convincing for the commandant’s office employees in the matter of sending recruits to local military units.

Inform the draft commission that you are dependent on elderly, retired parents or other family members. In this case, you will need to document that you are the main breadwinner in the family, and that your parents regularly need your care for health reasons and do not work. Take a certificate from your place of work, a certificate of receipt of a subsidy (if the family uses state benefits), copies of your parents’ pension certificates. In some cases, you will also be asked to verbally prove or talk about what care you provide and how you provided it prior to enlistment.

Contact your employer for an application to the military commissariat if at the time of conscription you are employed in the authorities local government: municipality, regional administration, local parliaments, etc. By request local authorities the commissariat may make concessions, however the last word will be under army leadership.

Express your preferences to the members of the commission during its passage. Ask to record that you would like to serve in a specific unit or in certain troops. As a rule, members of the commission take into account the wishes of the conscript, and if, for health reasons and other criteria, the young man is fit to serve in this unit, then the commission has nothing against meeting the recruit halfway.

When young people reach a certain age, they receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a special medical commission. If a guy is fit for military service, he becomes a conscript and goes to serve in the army.

Russia is very large and extremely unevenly populated, which means serving on a territorial basis is impossible. Although for last years it became clear that military registration and enlistment offices do not send conscripts far from their homeland without apparent reasons and unless absolutely necessary. Looking from an economic point of view, for the state the territorial principle of service is much more profitable than financial compensation to the soldier for moving and maintaining him on the road. And psychologists have long proven that for the soldiers themselves, service in hometown or in the nearby area is the most comfortable and quiet.

Today the contract service gives to the younger generation guaranteed stability in modern life. After all, in addition to good income, military service also means many different benefits and privileges, such as free medical service, free transport and the possibility of obtaining housing.


To start young man who has decided to connect his life with the army, needs to decide - where to go?
Now great amount options are offered to potential. As for the place of military service, you can serve in Kaliningrad, Moscow, Murmansk, Leningrad regions. These are the most options. That is, upon arrival, a potential contract soldier himself chooses a place for service. If we talk about the type of troops, the future will also have to make a choice, however final decision on this issue remains with the military registration and enlistment office, which is decided on the basis of the personal file and the medical commission. If a person who wants to serve has poor health, a criminal record, or has a bad reference from a previous place of work, he is denied the opportunity to begin service. Even girls are not denied military service, because specialists such as telegraph operators and nurses are always required.

In addition to the above-mentioned places of military service, some young people prefer to choose Siberia. Is quite popular contract service in Seversk. Young people serving there have a stable income, compensation for living expenses and many other payments.

In addition to the territorial issue, young people planning to serve under a contract will have to choose a branch of the military. This decision is made depending on personal qualities, preferences and health status.

The first contract is for three years. Then the serviceman himself can choose the period and conditions of further service. Wage there are significantly more contract workers the average size on the territory of our country. Thus, contract service is not only interesting, but also sufficient, and everyone decides for themselves whether to work in the civilian field or choose the path of contract service with all its pros and cons. In recent years, the salaries of contract workers have increased by one and a half times, and this is far from the limit. After all, for great country a motivated army is needed. And the government is doing its best possible efforts so that life would be worthy.

Military service is important point in the lives of many conscripts. One day the time comes to repay your debt to your homeland. For many young people, this means stepping into a frightening unknown. Many soldiers want to serve close to home; in such conditions they feel more comfortable and calm.


Russian army cannot completely switch to the territorial principle of service, because the country is very large. In addition, the number of young soldiers of conscription age is not evenly distributed. The location of the passage also depends on the type of troops.

In recent years, military registration and enlistment offices have been trying not to unnecessarily separate conscripts from their small homeland. And this is beneficial for the army itself. You won't have to spend cash to send a soldier, for example, from the Moscow region to the Far East.

Most likely, the place where the fighter will serve will be determined by the military registration and enlistment office. However, it is important to remember that the conscript's opinion about where he would like to serve is great importance. In addition to army officers and doctors, psychologists also work with the future defender of the Fatherland. Therefore, all wishes regarding the place of service will undoubtedly be heard and taken into account.

In addition, when choosing troops, the military registration and enlistment office will definitely take into account the physical training of the young fighter and, of course, his specialty, if any. After all, it is physical strength military personnel plays important role in increasing combat effectiveness military units. This approach contributes to the humanization of the army.

There is no need to be afraid that the conscript will be sent directly from the regional assembly point to some “ hot spot" No officer would ever send an untrained soldier into real combat conditions. Doing this is strictly prohibited. And anti-terrorist operations, as a rule, are carried out by special army units, which include contract soldiers (contract service).

Young fighters, as a rule, are sent to serve throughout Russia. But still, the majority of recruits are sent to serve in the Central Military District. Thus, they can be sent anywhere: near Khabarovsk, Arzamas or even Siberia. Who's lucky?

There is a whole list of types of troops. They call for them based on the totality of the conscript’s desires, his state of health and the needs of certain types of troops for new soldiers.


Tank types of troops. They are the main force during combat operations. They play a decisive role in attack, resistance and defense against the enemy side.

Air Force. These include aviation, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops. Aviation provides territories from the air. There are 4 types of it: long-range - hits all important enemy targets; military - engaged in the transfer of troops with equipment; front and army. When recruited here, young men have the vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system.

Radio engineering types are designed to detect enemy mines and various devices. Everyone who has a strong nervous system.

Navy. This includes the following types: underwater, surface, and coastal services. The submarine is designed to attack enemy submarine forces and devices. Swimmers with excellent physical and mental characteristics are called here.

Surface army. Carries out the destruction of ships and ground structures. Conscripts must have the flexibility and agility to quickly climb onto an enemy side.

Coastal. Provides protection to the population, as well as defense of ground facilities from enemy attacks from the water. Young men with excellent hearing and vision are called up. Conscripts who have mild illnesses that are not an obstacle to service in the military can also serve in this branch of the military.

Non-military people are unlikely to know that only those who are no taller than 1 meter 74 centimeters tall are hired as tank crews. “You need small but strong ones in a tank,” the tankers themselves joke.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to turn around in an armored vehicle, and you can easily get stuck in the hatch. But those who really want to join the tank forces sometimes use a trick:
“When I entered the Tashkent tank school, I was 1 meter 76 centimeters tall,” recalls the deputy head of the 467th district training center, Colonel Alexander Bely, who served in the tank forces all his life. “But during the medical examination he managed to contort himself so cunningly that the doctors recorded 2 centimeters less—the maximum permissible value!” True, he grew up later: But he fit in a tank, went through all stages of his career - from tank platoon commander to tank regiment commander.
The 467th training center, units of which are stationed in Kovrov, the Kovrovsky district and in Vladimir, trains driver mechanics, gunners and tank commanders not only for the Moscow Military District, but also for all Russian ground forces. Specialists are sent to the Volga and Ural districts, to Siberia and the Far East. Today, cadets are trained on the most modern tanks, which are in service in permanent combat readiness units of the Russian Armed Forces - T-80B, T-80UD and the newest, most powerful T-90.
Even on the eve of the professional holiday - Tankman's Day - training was in full swing at the tankodrome near the village of Ruchey. The column of the 2nd training tank battalion of the 522nd training Riga tank regiment was preparing for a hundred-kilometer march. This is a serious exam for the new young recruits who have already completed four months of training. Another couple of months, and they will go to the troops, so it is simply necessary to consolidate the acquired skills in the field.
The commander of the 5th training company, Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Afonin, is completely satisfied with the actions of his subordinates. There are 90 cadets and 8 sergeants in his company. Conscripts from various regions - from Kostroma to the Krasnodar Territory. There are also our fellow countrymen from the Vladimir region. The current conscription is the first to serve for only one year. On the one hand, this has many advantages. The guys feel less disconnected from their usual routine and are more psychologically stable: a year - not two! On the other hand, experts are racking their brains: how can we manage to turn yesterday’s schoolchildren into professional soldiers? A modern tank is a very complex machine. In a year you can only master it perfectly. And here it is already.
Nevertheless, the command rates the level of training at the Kovrov training center very highly. A characteristic detail: today more than 50% of graduates of the 467th Training Center remain to serve under contract! And the troops welcome them, as they say, with open arms. A contract worker who has completed his tenure serves for at least three years. During this time he becomes a real professional. Today, permanent combat readiness units (exactly the same ones, for example, were involved in South Ossetia) are staffed only by contract soldiers. The results have already made themselves felt.
Among the best cadets of Senior Afonin’s company are Sergei Lagutin from the Krasnodar Territory and Alexander Szegeda from Kovrov. Both were drafted into the army only last May, but already with a multi-ton armored hulk. This has been clearly demonstrated in practice.
The company commander himself (by the way, he comes from the Vyaznikovsky district) is in his current position for the first year. After graduating from the Kazan Higher Command School, he received a platoon. Now they have entrusted the company. The upcoming exams for subordinates will also be a good test of the company commander’s skill.
“He commands well,” confirmed the commander of the 2nd training tank battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Yaroslav Gerasimovsky.
Gerasimovsky has been in the army for more than a quarter of a century. Has enormous experience. His battalion has three cadet companies. Two of them train mechanics (this is the most popular military specialty), and another trains gunners-operators. If during the training of the first two companies the roar of tank turbines can be heard from the training ground, then the training of the third company is even noisier. During night shootings in the houses of Kovrov residents, the windows shake. Tank guns are not toys! On the basis of Lieutenant Colonel Gerasimovsky’s battalion, an entire company of contract soldiers seconded from other units is currently undergoing retraining. This is evidence that the Kovrov tank is rated very highly in the army.
Meanwhile, the tank column was preparing to move out. Ahead is the command tank. It can be distinguished from afar by its forward-facing tower. The rest of the vehicles have guns facing backwards - this makes it easier to overcome obstacles on the march. A command is given over the radio, and, as sung in an old but still relevant song, the tanks rushed forward. They slid across the muddy field in the rain with surprising ease, but at the same time, terrifyingly.
And the next day, the club held the traditional honoring of tankers - both currently serving and veterans. The tankers were greeted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly and the Kovrov City Council, representatives of enterprises and public organizations. Gifts, certificates, flowers - everything as usual. Only this time the speeches and greetings sounded with a little more pathos. After the recent events in the Caucasus, civilians became more aware of the importance of the military in ensuring the security of the country, and the people in uniform themselves felt greater responsibility and pride in belonging to an army that could repel the aggressor. This is precisely the thought that was voiced in the speech of the Kovrovsky leader Viktor Kaurov.
Chairman of the regional ZS Anatoly Bobrov, former deputy commander of the educational center, presented an award watch to the head of the center, Colonel Vladimir Markov. And one of the veterans caused excitement by telling how their tanks helped carry out an election campaign in Hungary half a century ago! Thanks to something so serious, the communists won there then. Some of those present expressed the hope that today tanks will not be a political tool, as during the reign of the CPSU.