Especially for Defend Russia readers, independent military expert Alexei Khlopotov explains that the best examples of Chinese industry - the ZTZ-99 and VT-4 tanks - are built on Soviet technology from the 1970s.

China's ground forces are considered to be among the most powerful in the world. However, the vast majority of tanks in service with the People's Liberation Army of China have long been outdated, both morally and physically. The basis of the Chinese army's armored vehicle fleet is the WZ-120 and WZ-121 tanks - better known as the "type 59" and "type 69". These vehicles are repeatedly modernized clones of the Soviet one.

At the end of the 50s of the last century, China acquired a license from the USSR to produce this tank, which was already considered obsolete.

Soviet specialists built the plant, transferred technology and documentation, and taught the Chinese how to work. With the only difference: in the USSR, tanks were built on an assembly line, and they were afraid to give this technology to their neighbors. Production in China was launched along a different, less productive path. Over time, this served as a powerful deterrent, since due to the cooling of interstate relations, military-technical cooperation between the two largest countries the socialist camp was collapsed. An attempt to obtain technological assistance from the West also led nowhere. The USA, France, Germany, Israel - all these countries have noted their cooperation with China in the production of armored vehicles. However, in the transfer latest technologies they weren't interested.

Tank T-54. Photo: Sergey Fazulyanov

As a result, the Chinese were able to make a small technological breakthrough only after the collapse of the USSR. In countries of Eastern Europe and in the Middle East they purchased examples of the Soviet tank, which had been in production since 1974.

Unemployed Ukrainian tank builders helped figure out its design and technology.

This led to the emergence in China of relatively modern tanks ZTZ-98 and ZTZ-96. If the first was a copy of the T-72 in the form in which the Chinese were able to reproduce it, then the second was a hybrid of the T-72 and WZ-121, more suitable for release in large quantities at Chinese enterprises. With these designs China entered new Age. The ZTZ-96 became the main tank of the PLA, and also served as a prototype for export versions - the Pakistani Al-Khalid and its development - VT-1 (MBT-2000). Based on the ZTZ-98, a more complex and heavier tank, the ZTZ-99, was created, which is still produced in small quantities exclusively for the PLA. Export VT-1 was ordered by Morocco (150 units), Bangladesh (44 units) and Myanmar (several dozen units). An attempt to sell it to Peru failed due to Ukraine’s refusal to supply its 6TD engines to China.

The PRC does not have its own good tank diesel engine. After Ukraine’s refusal, in order to ensure export, the state engineering corporation NORINCO had to urgently rework the VT-1 design.

Previously, they made do with modernizing and boosting the Soviet B-54 diesel engine, but its potential is not endless. Attempts to buy tank diesel in the West were unsuccessful. The only thing we managed to achieve was to purchase an old “diesel” engine from the German company MTU. Apparently, it is precisely this version that is installed on the latest Chinese tanks. This is evidenced by the significant dimensions of their engine and transmission compartments. Naturally, such an engine makes the tank heavier, and, despite increased power, does not provide the required mobility. All this was noted by experts at last year’s tank biathlon competitions in Russia. The ZTZ-96 entered from China in obstacle racing was usually a full lap behind the old Russian ones.

Mobility Chinese tanks also greatly limits chassis, copied entirely from the Soviet T-72 early episodes releases. It was originally designed for a weight of just over 40 tons and optimized for average speeds of up to 45 km/h.

As speeds and loads increase, the chassis of Chinese tanks will simply crumble.

The Chinese are touting the weapons and electronic systems of their newest export tank, the VT-4. There is absolute deceit in this. Fact: the Chinese 125-mm smoothbore gun is an unlicensed copy of the Russian 2A46 tank gun put into service Soviet army back in 1970 - 45 years ago! In the same way, the outdated automatic loader and stabilization system were copied. China is at least 5 years behind in microprocessor development. The reliability of the Chinese electronic components also raises questions.

Things are even worse in China with sighting optics and thermal imaging cameras for night vision devices. All more or less modern Chinese tanks have the appropriate instrumentation from the French SAGEM.

No, and the appearance of complexes in China is not yet expected active protection tanks like the Israeli Trofy. This is especially sad for Chinese tanks given the lack of high-quality modern armor steels in the PRC, which is due to outdated production technologies. As for Chinese dynamic protection, due to the extreme confidentiality of the topic, it is impossible to make an adequate assessment of it, however, the installation of dynamic protection on the tanks themselves raises many questions. In some cases, significant areas of uncovered zones are formed in the frontal armor of the tower (Al-Khalid, VT-1), and almost always the remote protection does not protect the roof of the tower (including ZTZ-96, ZTZ-98, ZTZ-99), which very strange, due to the increasing prevalence of weapons attacking from the upper hemisphere.

The most significant drawback of Chinese tanks is their lack of reliability.

In 2006 Saudi Arabia conducted an international tender, during which the Chinese-Pakistani tank Al-Khalid was evaluated. It was the only vehicle that was tested not in the Arabian desert, but at its native Pakistani testing grounds. The reason for the refusal to demonstrate the tank on foreign territory was revealed almost immediately after the start of the test program. The tank broke down regularly. And with such frequency that complete full cycle testing was simply not possible. Let us remind you that Al-Khalid is a prototype of the export Chinese tank VT-1. The second VT-1 prototype, the ZTZ-96 tank, showed its “reliability” during tank biathlon competitions. Not a day went by at these competitions without something breaking on the Chinese tanks, sometimes more than once. As a result, crews were regularly forced to ask for a replacement tank. Reliability problems probably explain the extremely small number of VT-1s sold. This also prompted the Chinese to improve the machine, which led to the creation of a heavily advertised Lately tank VT-4, also known as MBT-3000.

Tank VT-4

People first started talking about VT-4 in June 2012. Then the Chinese newspaper Shijie Bao published an article according to which the MBT-3000 is “doomed to become the star of the world tank market, displacing the Russian T-90S.”

IN singular This tank remains to this day. In the video footage, experts found traces of rust in its fighting compartment. This was a consequence of the great rush in production prototype, for the role of which they took one of the old cars. One more circumstance is puzzling: at both IDE X-2012 and IDE X-2014, NORINCO never demonstrated this tank in real life. Only the model was shown. The VT-4 was demonstrated “live” once - in August 2014 at a Chinese exhibition. It was then stated that mass production of the new tanks would be launched before the end of 2014. Later it turned out that the first production cars would leave the assembly shop only in two years. This delay is quite understandable. Probably, Chinese engineers are still unable to solve a number of problems, due to which they had to significantly adjust the timing of the program.

The cost of Chinese tanks is by no means small. It is quite consistent with the price of a modern, reliable and proven Russian tank T-90S, which was sold in quantities exceeding 1.5 thousand copies. Even in the most budget version, one Chinese tank costs the same as two or three used but overhauled T-72Bs from the 1984 model. The latter, although they do not have modern system fire control, which affects combat operations at night, is significantly superior to new Chinese vehicles in all other respects.

We can confidently conclude that Chinese tank builders are still very far from reaching the level of their neighbors in the region: South Korea with their K2 Black Panther tank and Japan's Type 10 tank. Of course, Korea and Japan cannot compare with China in terms of the number of cars produced, but the difference in technological and design levels is simply gigantic. It is generally useless to compare Chinese tanks with European or, especially Russian, ones - there is a progressive technological lag of at least a quarter of a century.

Until the 17th century, China was practically isolated from outside world. Thanks to this, on the one hand, it preserved a unique culture and could definitely be called a great power for its region. On the other hand, the isolation of the Celestial Empire led to the fact that it was, as it were, taken out of the historical context and developed at a very slow pace. As a result, when the Europeans began their expansion into China, there was practically nothing to oppose them.

At first, the Chinese did not really understand what they were threatened by contact with the “round-eyed barbarians.” Europeans were accepted only as representatives of another nationality, who came to voluntarily recognize the wise power of the Chinese emperor over themselves. But time very quickly put everything in its place. A confrontation began in which China was obviously doomed to defeat.

No matter how hard the rulers of the Qing dynasty tried to protect China from foreigners, they failed to do this fully. Jesuit missionaries penetrated the country, simultaneously with the conversion of residents to the Christian faith, studying the state, in fact, intelligence. The British, who really wanted to expand their empire at the expense of rich China, began to import opium into the country. This drug has become a real disaster for the Middle Kingdom. Prohibitions and the fight against smuggling led to the Opium Wars, in which China was defeated and actually turned into a semi-colony for European countries. In addition to Britain, France, Germany and Japan tore pieces away from China. Albeit to a somewhat lesser extent, but she also took part in this process Russian empire. However, its relations with China were relatively correct and sometimes even close to allied ones.

The beginning of the twentieth century turned out to be very turbulent for China. In 1911-1913, the Xinhai Revolution took place, proclaiming the beginning of the Chinese Republic. After this, in 1913, the so-called “second revolution” took place under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen. She was suppressed, and a military dictatorship reigned in the country under the leadership of Yuan Shikai. In 1915, an attempt was made to restore the empire with Shikai on the throne, but this “innovation” lasted only a year. In 1916, Yuan Shikai abdicated the throne and soon died. After his death, China formed a large number of militaristic political groups. Some of them received support from Japan, others from England and the USA.

Since 1912, there has been a party in China called the Kuomintang. It was led by Sun Yat-sen. Ten years after this, the Communist Party appeared in the country. It was led by Chen Duxiu. From 1922 to 1927, the communists and the Kuomintang were in an alliance, main goal which was the fight against militaristic groups. At this time, China actively cooperated with the Soviet Union and Germany. The USSR sent military advisers to the country who helped in training the local armed forces, and Germany supplied a variety of equipment, as well as setting up industry in the country.

In 1927, the path of the Kuomintang and Communist Party China separated. Kuomintang troops expelled the communists to the northern provinces, and the party, which by that time was led by Chiang Kai-shek, Sun Yat-sen's successor, finally seized power in the country.

In 1937, the war between China and Japan began. In fact, relations between these two countries have long been very far from good neighborly. But now the confrontation unfolded in full force and continued until the defeat of Japan in 1945.

During the period described, Chinese armed forces All existing coalitions used armored vehicles produced by other states. Tanks were either purchased or captured from opponents in battle. Here are examples of tanks used by the Chinese army.

Britain, which had rather unique views on the concept tank troops, managed not to become interested in the Vickers six-ton ​​tank, which was very smart for those times. As a result lion's share These tanks, produced in England, were exported. And China was one of the buyers, along with the USSR, Poland, Finland, Argentina and a number of other countries.

From the French, China bought no less famous car— Renault FT 17. This tank can generally be called an outstanding phenomenon, since it was in it that the layout that later became classic was first used: the engine in the rear of the vehicle, central location fighting compartment and a gun housed in a fully rotating turret.

Since China was at war with Japan, it was inevitable that a certain number of captured tanks would appear in the Celestial Army
of this state. Around 1940, Japanese Chi-Ha tanks began to appear under Chinese banners. These fifteen-ton vehicles carried a 57 mm gun, had bulletproof armor and could reach speeds of up to 19 kilometers per hour over rough terrain. By European standards, this was not a very high figure, but for Japan, the Chi-Ha was a fairly advanced machine.

With the outbreak of World War II, the range of Chinese tanks was replenished with American M5s. As part of the Lend-Lease program, these tanks were supplied to China in significant quantities. Again, it should be noted that while these vehicles were quite weak for the European theater of operations, for China they were quite acceptable.

After the end of World War II Soviet Union and China were on such friendly terms that Chinese leaders directly asked the Soviet Union to help upgrade the country's armored fleet. IS-2, T-34-85, self-propelled tanks began to arrive in China anti-tank installations SU-100 and IS heavy tanks. But the real date of birth of Chinese tank building as a completely independent one should be considered 1957, when the Soviet Union sold China several copies of the T-54 tank and technical documentation for its production.

The T-54 was an extremely successful combat vehicle. In the Soviet Union, it was in service for 30 years - a very significant period for the technology of the rapid and dynamic twentieth century. China was truly lucky to begin the development of its tank building with this combat vehicle.

Based on the T-54, China created medium tank"Type 59". Serial release This machine was organized at a plant in Baotou city, Inner Mongolia province. Soviet specialists took part both in the construction of this plant and in the launch of the tank into production. The first modifications of the vehicle were a complete copy of the Soviet T-54. Subsequently, the design was changed in the direction of simplifying production and adapting the machine to operations in climatic conditions South-East Asia.

There were about six varieties of the Type 59 tank, produced in different years and differing from each other by additional digital and letter indices.

Thus, the Type 59-I, which began production in the early 1960s, was armed with an improved 100-mm cannon, equipped with a newer fire control system, infrared surveillance devices, and a gun stabilization system. In the eighties, laser rangefinders were installed on the tank. True, they were placed poorly - above the gun mantlet outside, so that the devices were vulnerable to shrapnel and bullets. Then a series of tanks "Type 59-II" was released, for which, instead of a licensed copy of the 100-mm Soviet gun D-10T mounted an Israeli 105 mm gun. It was different high accuracy shooting. Especially for this gun, the Chinese company Norinco created armor-piercing projectiles with fins. At a distance of up to 2500 meters, these shells, even at an acute angle, penetrated 150 millimeters of armor. Subsequently, experimental modifications of the tank with a 120-mm cannon were also produced, and the tank was tested and further developed by British designers. These days there is a highly modernized version of the machine called the Type 59D. It is equipped with dynamic protection, a very advanced fire control system, as well as a gun whose shells penetrate up to 400 mm of armor.

In addition, in 1963, it was on the basis of the T-54 that its lightweight version “Type 62” was put into production. This tank weighing 20.5 tons was produced in approximately 1,200 copies. "Type 62" was produced not only for Chinese army, but was also actively sold to other countries. In total, it was in service with about 11 states of the world.

Among the interesting experiments of Chinese designers, the heavy tank of the WZ-111 project should also be noted. This vehicle was developed in the early 1960s as a replacement for the Soviet IS-2 and IS-3 tanks, which were in service with the Chinese army, but were already outdated. Objectively speaking, the need for a heavy tank in those years was already doubtful. However, the Chinese still worked on a vehicle that resembled the IS-3 in its hull design with frontal armor built on the “pike nose” principle. This tank was supposed to be armed with a 122-mm separate-loading gun. The matter did not go further than the construction of one prototype: the project was closed. But one copy of the WZ-111 with a turret model was nevertheless built, and it is currently on display at the Museum of the People's Liberation Army of China.

China launched its own tank-building industry quite late. But this state began to use armored vehicles much earlier. And almost always these were cars that were among the best for their time. In addition, when the Chinese began building tanks, they did not simply copy other people's equipment. The designers were actively involved in modernizing and improving tanks, making the most of the potential of combat vehicles. As a result, it often turned out that Chinese modification of one technique or another was superior to its prototype. The dynamics of tank building development in China have always been only positive. And by our time, the PRC is releasing combat vehicles Very high level, which are deservedly considered one of the best in the world.

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In 2009, the world military community was excited by a sensational interview with the Chinese general designer of the Type 99 main battle tank, Zhu Yusheng. It stated that “the new Type 99 tank created in China among ten tanks in the world occupies a leading place in three the most important indicators combat potential - firepower, mobility, security, and only the German Leopard 2 and the American Abrams can compete with it.

Zhu Yusheng also noted that the Type 99 was completely developed by the Chinese and represents “the result work of three generations of people."

However, although Chinese tank builders say that “we should not slavishly follow other people’s trends, otherwise we will be doomed to lag behind,” they did not ignore the improvement of existing design developments and even direct copying of individual parts and assemblies, weapons systems, fire control, and protection of modern cars from Ukraine, Russia, Israel.

And yet there is no doubt that the new vehicle is a breakthrough in Chinese tank building and demonstrates the current high level of the military-industrial potential of the Celestial Empire.

The Type 99 main battle tank (ZJZ-99) is the latest in a line of Type 90 designs. The North China Institute of Mechanical Engineering No. 21 (NEVORI) in Beijing and the First Engineering Company (FIRMACO, former plant No. 617 in Baotou in Inner Mongolia) continued to further modernize the Type 98, which was, in fact, the prototype of the new tank. The main areas of improvement were: increasing mobility by installing a more powerful engine, increasing security by installing built-in dynamic protection, and improving the fire control system.

Technical solutions were tested on Type-90II/MVT-2000 samples. The Chinese industry produced the first 40 tanks in 2000. last years 200 (according to other sources, 100 or even 400) Type 99 units entered service with units of the People's Liberation Army of China. They are located in tank formations of the Beijing and Shenyang military districts.

MBT "Type 99", according to foreign specialists, despite the assurances of the Chinese that this is an entirely Chinese tank, it has the appearance of the mass-produced Soviet T-72 tank and was developed according to the concept of the Soviet school of tank building.

The layout of the machine is traditional: the control compartment is located in the front part, the engine is in the stern. Its body is somewhat elongated - at the front to accommodate a massive turret and at the rear to accommodate a larger engine (compared to the T-72). The upper frontal part of the hull is almost identical to our tank. The gun is a Chinese version of the Soviet 125 mm. The design of the turret is very reminiscent of foreign tank turrets, and the engine is based on a German one.

The Type 99 has a low silhouette: 400 mm lower than the German Leopard 2A6 and 200 mm lower than the American Abrams M1A2, which indicates the compact arrangement of its units and mechanisms. This shape reduced the frontal projection and, therefore, reduced the likelihood of damage and increased survival.

The hull and turret have an all-welded steel structure. The armor is composite: a layer of composite material is located between sheets of armor steel. To enhance the armor protection of the frontal part of the hull, the installation of built-in package-modular dynamic protection (DPA) units on top of the main armor was used. The blocks on the tower are arranged at an “angle”. Additionally, they cover the sides and the elongated aft niche. The DZ is also multi-layered and provides protection against armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles. They have a similar booking scheme modernized tank"Type 96" and Pakistani "Al-Khalid".

The configuration of the turret changed during the release of the tank. So, on the first samples, the armor on its “cheekbones” was built up forward, and then beveled from the sides, reinforced with remote sensing blocks. Blocks began to be installed on the roof, protecting it from cumulative shells operating from the upper hemisphere. The use of modular blocks in the armor allows for quick replacement in case of damage.

Experts point out that due to placement additional equipment and an ATGM in the turret, it had to be made more massive than that of the “90” prototype. As a result, a certain gap was formed between the hull and the turret, and when a shell hits it, the possibility of hitting the tank increases due to the turret being torn off from the hull.

The thickness of the frontal armor of the hull is 500 - 600 mm, the frontal part of the turret is 700 mm. With the installation of active protection elements, the potential armor thickness can reach 1000 - 1200 mm.

The vehicle is equipped with a turbocharged diesel engine with a power of 1500 hp, liquid cooling, created on the basis of the German MV871ka501. It allows you to develop maximum speed on the highway up to 80 km/h and up to 60 km/h - on rough terrain with a specific power of 25 (27.8) hp/t. Acceleration from standstill to 30 km/h in just 12 seconds. Note that the Abrams has a lower specific power – 23.8 hp/t.

Power point tank "Type 99" is similar to that placed on the sample "Type 90-II", but has undergone a significant rearrangement, as a result of which the height of the engine and transmission compartment has been significantly reduced.

The machine's transmission is a mechanical planetary with manual control, with seven forward speeds and one reverse. The suspension is torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers on the first two and last suspension units. It has six gable support rollers covered with rubber bandages and four support rollers on each side. The drive wheel is at the rear, the gearing is lantern.

The caterpillar is equipped with a rubber-metal hinge.

Foreign experts believe that this transmission is completely borrowed from our T-72M tank.

The main armament of the tank is a 125-mm smoothbore gun, which is a reworking of our 2A46 tank gun. Its barrel is covered with a heat-insulating casing.

Deputy chief designer of the Type 99 tank, Wang Zhezhong, believes that the Chinese version of the gun is significantly superior in its characteristics foreign analogues– the German KN-120, installed on the 2A5 leopards and M1A1 Abrams, and our Russian 2A46M-1.

1 – 125 mm smoothbore gun; 2 – turret 12.7 mm machine gun; 3 – quantum generator ZM-87; 4 – side screen; 5 – drive wheel; 6 – support roller; 7 – guide wheel; 8 – frontal blocks of dynamic protection of the hull; 9 – OPVT pipe; 10 – radiator grilles of the engine-transmission compartment; 11 – additional fuel tank; 12 – aft niche of the tower; 13 – cartridge box of a turret machine gun; 14 – embrasure of a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun; 15 – tower dynamic protection units; 16 – block of smoke grenade launchers; 17 – headlight; 18 – commander’s hatch cover; 19 – gunner’s hatch cover

1 – whip antenna of the radio station; 2 – warning sensor laser irradiation LWR; 3 – tank quantum generator ZM-87; 4 – release hatch for cartridge case trays; 5 – gunner’s hatch; 6 – commander’s panoramic sight; 7 – commander’s hatch cover; 8 – block of smoke grenade launchers; 9 – anti-cumulative grille of the tower niche

The ammunition load is 42 (41) rounds of separate cartridge loading. Projectiles - cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation, armor-piercing sub-caliber. There is information that ammunition with depleted uranium cores is being manufactured using technology provided by Israel. They have a length to diameter ratio of 20:1, a core length of approximately 680 mm and a diameter of -33.9 mm. The initial speed of such a projectile is 1700 m/s.

The same Wang Zhezhong claims that their tank gun, when using shells with tungsten cores, is capable of penetrating homogeneous armor 850 mm thick from a distance of 2000 m, while the Abrams M1A2 gun, for example, from the same distance - 810 mm, Japanese tank“Type 90” – 650 mm.

The hydromechanical carousel-type automatic loader is designed for 22 shots. It is also similar to the Soviet-made automatic loader, although certain changes have been made to it.

A coaxial 7.62 mm “86” machine gun is mounted on the tank to the right of the gun, and a 12.7 mm “W-85” anti-aircraft gun is mounted on the turret in the turret in front of the commander’s hatch. Turret "QJC-88" – manual control with guidance angles in the vertical plane from -40 to +75°. Fire with its help is carried out in the forward sector at a distance of up to 1500 m - against air targets and up to 1600 m - against ground targets. Ammunition load: 7.62 mm - 2000, 12.7 mm -300. In addition, on the sides of the turret there are two blocks of 76-mm five-barreled smoke grenade launchers "Type 84".

It is also possible to place the complex guided weapons with anti-tank guided missiles ATGM 9M119 "Reflex".

The tank's fire control system includes a commander's panoramic combined sight, a gunner's sight with a built-in laser rangefinder and a television channel, a two-plane weapon stabilizer, a digital ballistic computer and sensors for atmospheric conditions, barrel wear, etc. The tank is equipped with a system for processing information from surveillance equipment, which displays the situation on color displays, allowing you to monitor the battlefield in real time. The thermal imager makes it possible to monitor the situation in the dark and in heavy smoke. Besides, installed system navigation with inertial and satellite channel GPS also displays data that is overlaid on a digital map of the area. Fire can be carried out not only by the gunner, but also by the tank commander, who, in addition, has six panoramic periscopes for observation.

The Type 99 is equipped with an integrated laser active countermeasures system JD-3, consisting of a built-in laser rangefinder, a laser warning sensor LRW, and a ZM-87 quantum generator. When receiving a signal that the vehicle is being irradiated by an enemy laser beam, the warning system issues a command to turn the turret towards the source. This turns on its own laser beam, but low power, which determines the exact location of the enemy. Next, the power of the beam increases abruptly to a critical level, disabling the detected optical means. The LRW sensor and the ZM-87 generator are located on the roof of the tower in its rear. Maximum laser power is 100 MJ. Reportedly, laser complex The tank operates at a distance of 2 - 3 km. It is alleged that it also hits the heads of incoming anti-tank missiles.

It is also possible to place on the tank active dynamic protection that destroys anti-tank missiles and the shells are already approaching the car.

China is modernizing the Type 99 tank. In recent years, the Type 99A2 modification has been developed here, equipped with active armor, improved engine, electronics and mechanics. However, it is believed that it was created on the basis of the Russian T-80, which is, in fact, a development of the T-72.

There is no doubt that the Chinese industry has created its own promising third-generation tank. According to Western military experts, the Type 99 can create serious competition for all vehicles currently in service. However, China produces new tanks in small quantities, in small series. Apparently, the high cost of production has an effect. The cost of one unit is twice that of other main Chinese tanks. In addition, bridges on local roads cannot support a heavy vehicle weighing 50–54 tons; it has restrictions on rail transportation. New tank, apparently, will only be used by elite tank units.

The country has established mass release two types of tanks that are cheaper to produce - Type 88B, equipped with a 105-mm cannon, and Type 88C with a 125-mm cannon, currently replacing the obsolete Type 69 in the army.


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Chinese industry, and especially the creation of tanks, is directly related to the development of this area in the Soviet Union. For a long time Slavic technology was an example for Asians, and accordingly, those combat vehicles that were produced People's Republic, were based, as a rule, on the T-72. The best Chinese tank is the Type 99 model. It is rightfully considered one of the most successful among “foreigners”. It is still used by some states in their discussions.


Like cars, tanks are produced in several modifications (generations). This model MBT-2000 represents the third version of the series. It was named Al-Khalid. When creating the main battle tank (this is its classification), the PRC asked for help from Pakistan, so the vehicle has double roots. IN neighboring country Chinese tanks first arrived in 2000 and are still in use there. The second name “Al-Khalid” is more often used in Islamic states.

On this moment For the manufacture of models, not French materials are used (as planned during development), but Ukrainian ones. There is a popular opinion that this happened because of the difference in price.


Chinese heavy tanks have been coming off the assembly line for a long time. One of their representatives is the WZ-111 model. This vehicle did not enter service. Total weight equipment is 49 tons; The salon is designed for 4 people. The first models of the tank came out back in 1960.

The main reason why production of the WZ-111 was shut down in 1964 is that its shortcomings could be fatal in battle. It's about about a too weak engine, hull and cramped turret. Before the project was closed, special tests were carried out. At the moment, the tank is in one of the PLA museums. In addition to the release of the main vehicle, several experimental chassis were also sold.


Some Chinese tanks are manufactured by NORINCO Corporation. For example, the MBT-3000 model is their “brainchild”. The development of this machine lasted almost 4 years (since 2012), production will be launched only in 2016.

The basis for the tank was taken from the main military equipment MBT-2000Ga. The differences between them are that the MBT-3000 has an improved engine. It is capable of developing a power of 1300 horsepower. In addition, the car has some new systems, in particular, a fire extinguishing function, and a navigator.

According to the manufacturer, the tank will be capable of reaching a speed of 75 km/h; its mass will be about 50 tons. It will also be able to overcome deep holes (4-5 meters). The cannon mounted on the vehicle is capable of firing both shells and rockets. Maximum range shot 5 thousand meters.

"Type 62"

The Type 62 or WZ-131 is a lightweight version of its Soviet counterpart. Production continued for 26 years and stopped in 1989. During this time, the Chinese entrepreneur was able to present about 1,200 options.

The weight of the tank was 20 tons, the crew could include 4 people. In addition to the Chinese main operator, representatives from Vietnam and Sudan were invited to work. Over the entire existence of the model, it has been upgraded several times. Initially, during development it was planned that the machine would be used in areas with wetlands, dense forests and mountains. The tank was constantly supplied to other countries and even took part in two large-scale wars.

"Type 80"

Type 80 - Chinese tanks, which later became the prototype for the Type 69 and Type 79 vehicles. The rollers of this equipment have the average size; the weapons showed themselves to be more powerful. The system is installed and there is also an automatic fire control function. The tank has a special snorkel. A snorkel is a device that allows a machine to operate underwater. The crew is in the turret, and the driver is near the ammunition compartment. In addition, this tank has dynamic protection, which helps preserve the “life” of equipment on the battlefield.

"Type 88"

The second generation of the Type 80 tank is a main combat vehicle. In the 80s, the equipment came into service for the People's Liberation Confrontation. This option resembles technical specifications some Chinese tanks, also foreign. We are talking about "M60" (America), "Chieftain" (Great Britain), "AMX-30" (France), "Leopard-1" (Germany). The car was upgraded several times. Production of all variants ceased completely in 1995. About 500 copies were produced.

The crew can consist of a maximum of 4 people. The total weight is 39.5 tons. Developers from China, Pakistan and Myanmar took part in the production.

"Type 98"

At the factory, this model was called ZTZ-98. This variant represents the third generation. The Chinese tanks, photos of which are below, “Type 98” were created in order to improve the state troops in the 90s, to make them more powerful. In fact, the developers wanted to reproduce a model that could be competitive and win in battle soviet tank"T-80". Some characteristics were borrowed from the German Leopard 2 car.

The basis of the technology, or rather the chassis, was taken from the T-72 produced in the USSR. And the tower has more modern details where optical instruments are located.

"Type 99"

The best modern Chinese tanks are represented by the Type 99 model, which received the working name ZTZ-99. The vehicle's base is taken from the Type 98G prototype. Surprisingly, the vehicle is a slightly improved version of the Soviet T-72. ZTZ-99 was a complete breakthrough for Chinese industry. The tank is equipped additional protection towers, buildings. The reservation scheme has a complex structure, which can also be found on Type 96 and Al-Khalid vehicles. The vehicle can accommodate a crew of 3 people.

"Jaguar" (tank)

As relations between the US and China stabilized, the opportunity arose to create a new powerful tank. The cooperation of these states ended with the creation of a car called Jaguar. Models such as "T-54/55" and "Type 59" were taken as the basis for the tank. Initially it was planned that the equipment would be supplied to the so-called

After development was completed in 1989 until 1990, tests were carried out new car. The common project did not bring good results to both countries; on the contrary, relations between America and the Republic deteriorated again, so this model of the tank is the last that was produced jointly.