“The development of man as a cosmic organism consists in the development of all his bodies. Following the development and strengthening of the physical body, or rather simultaneously with it, it is necessary to develop (strengthen and purify) the etheric body, which represents (in the words of allegories) the quality of the solution from which building. If for some reason this solution turns out to be of poor quality, the building can quickly collapse.

An insufficiently developed etheric body (less than 10%) makes a person lethargic and physically painful. In complete absence ethereal energy the physical body can exist for a very short time.

A well-developed etheric (orange) body strengthens the immune system, makes a person resilient and efficient.

An exceptional property of the etheric body is that all bodies of the cosmic organism can, if necessary, use its energy. At the same time, the etheric body cannot function at the expense of the energy of other bodies. Most of all, etheric energy ( prana) is spent on the needs of the astral (emotional) body.

Therefore, with the strengthening of the two main links of the etheric body: motor-muscular and respiratory systems, development automatically increases astral body, as well as two closely related intermediate bodies of the instincts of vegetatives and somatics (red-orange C-sharp and light orange D-sharp). In some ancient systems, these properties of the etheric body were widely used as the basis for spiritual advancement, for example in hatha yoga, qigong, etc.

The main characteristics reflecting the high development of the etheric body are: are: good health , physical strength, endurance, performance, developed respiratory system. It follows that the development of the etheric body is facilitated by physical exercise, sports, hiking, Various types breathing exercises etc. Of the numerous healing systems, it is recommended to engage in those that require concentration on breathing, certain muscle groups, and physiological organs.

Mindfulness and awareness significantly increase the effectiveness of exercise. For this reason, such systems are a unique means of promoting the development of the etheric body. breathing exercises How pranayama, breathing according to Buteyko, Strelnikova, etc..

A proven means of cleansing the physical and etheric body, which was used by initiates of all religions (Moses, Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Seraphim of Sarov, etc.), can be considered regular and thoughtful hunger strikes. One of the simplest and most accessible theoretical sources on fasting is the book by Paul Breguet, “The Miracle of Fasting,” which was published in large quantities, which we recommend paying attention to.

To move to a new etheric energy level, it is absolutely necessary, at least once a week. This principle, widely known in modern theory sports, is also used in some psychophysical systems. Let's refer to weekly "Pompas", which are mandatory for all practitioners in the system of spiritual development of the Chilean magician Oscar (see D. Lily "In the Center of the Cyclone", New York, 1972).

It is considered an effective way to restore lost etheric energy. stretching with yawning. The value of this technique is indicated by K. Castaneda, G. Gurdjieff and others. In addition to strengthening and cleansing the etheric body, the preservation of etheric energy is no less important, a necessary condition for which is mental self-regulation, because Energy leakage occurs when uncontrolled negative and strong positive emotions are expressed. Therefore, in critical life situations We recommend trying to maintain control over your emotions and keep your muscles relaxed.

To all of the above should be added several commandments regarding nutrition.

The first commandment: “Only sit at the table when you are hungry and never overeat.”

For some readers, this will be a difficult task, but its implementation is absolutely necessary, since energy is spent exponentially on excessive food processing.

Commandment two: “Chew your food thoroughly and concentrate on the food.”

Commandment Three: “Be calm while eating, otherwise skip the meal.”

Commandment four:“Exclude everything fried from your diet, forget about sweets and cakes (sugar takes away mental energy, it is better to replace it with honey).”

Commandment five: “Gradually bring up the intake of live food* *(Live food are freshly cooked plants, meat of animals, birds, fish (the shelf life of which is no more than two hours); honey (no later than 2 weeks of pumping out); fruits, vegetables, grains And legumes(if properly prepared and stored for no more than a year)) up to 80%, use all edible plants and flowers, as well as all fresh vegetable juices without sugar. Learn to eat sprouted wheat every day. Eat porridge cooked in the oven on water. Prefer dry gray or black bread, preferably without yeast. Remember! The healthiest vegetables are raw and baked."

Sixth commandment:“Implement the stated principles of nutrition gradually!”

Certain concepts on the characteristics of the etheric body have been developed by scientists of Russian science.

The etheric body is a copy of the physical body, exactly repeating its silhouette. It consists of special type matter called ether. Even in ancient times, the great scientist Aristotle used the designation "ether" for the fifth element, which initially included all objects located outside earth's atmosphere. Human spirit in Aristotle's understanding, it came from the ether. In the Middle Ages, scientists considered ether to be a substance that fills space.

The English physicist, mathematician and astronomer I. Newton believed that the ether permeates all matter and even individual atoms.

Laureate Nobel Prize German physicist A. Einstein initially argued that the ether does not exist, but subsequently he repeatedly changed his opinions about the ether. And today many scientists argue that there really must be a spatial fluid, that is, a cosmic ether that fills all existing objects.

The human etheric body has complex structure:

Firstly, it consists of many energy channels (nadis).

In 1937, British scientist Thomas Lewis wrote in a medical journal that he had discovered a nervous system in the skin, unrelated to the sensory nerve pathways already known to science. Dr. Marshall Gilul and electrical engineer James Beal wrote about the existence of another system, which, in their opinion, transmits information and controls signals on or near the surface of the body. It's about about nothing other than the nadi system. Ancient Chinese scientists identify 14 main meridians: the channel of the lungs, colon, Bladder, kidney, sexual channel, triple heater, gall bladder, liver, posteromedial, anteromedial and many side meridians, which are conductors of cosmic energy “Chi” or “Qi” absorbed by all parts of our body. Moreover, 12 channels are paired, and 2 channels (posteromedian and anteromedian) are unpaired. They supply energy to our central nervous system. There is an energetic connection between all channels, which indicates the energetic interaction of all human organs.

Followers of yoga also study the 14 main channels through which vital cosmic energy flows to all human organs.

Of the many channels, the three most important stand out: Sushumna, Ida, Pingala.

Sushumna - center channel, starts at the base and runs along the entire spine, is a hollow tube, inside of which there are three more concentric tubes, each thinner than the previous one. This channel controls the physiological functions of the central nervous system.

Ida runs parallel to Sushumna. It also begins at the base of the spine and rises upward in intertwining spirals and ends at the left side of the nose. It represents a negatively polarized flow of Yin energy (feminine, lunar, passive).

Pingala - also runs parallel to Sushumna, but ends on the right side of the nose. It is a positively polarized flow of Yang energy (masculine, solar, active).

IN physical body The Ida and Pingala channels control the physiological functions of the autonomic nervous system. Yang controls all processes of excitation in the body, and Yin controls all processes of inhibition.

Secondly, the etheric body has primary and additional energy centers (chakras) - the functions of which are to exchange subtle energies and information both within the person himself and with the external planes of the universe. The main energy centers, originating from the central energy channel Sushumna, located along the spine include the coccyx area, two fingers below the navel, the solar plexus area, the level of the heart, the base of the throat, the area between the eyebrows of the frontal part, and the crown of the head. In eastern treatises, these chakras have Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara.

All chakras are in constant rotation. In their open mouths cosmic energy is continuously supplied. Let's look at what they are.

Muladhara - depicted in the form of a lotus with four petals, red in color; is responsible for the condition of the liver and blood, large intestine and, in general, for the general physical condition of a person. Violation of the energy balance of this chakra leads to a feverish state, various inflammations, bleeding, and blood diseases. It is the occult center of the body because it contains the secret of the Kundalini energy, symbolized by a snake with its tail in its mouth, coiled into three and a half coils. Awakening Kundalini and moving up Sushumna opens and nourishes the chakras. The energy of this chakra fills the physical body. It develops endurance, confidence and logic of practice in a person.

Svadhisthana - appears in pictures as a lotus with six petals, orange color; is the center of sexual energy. The health of the genital organs, small intestines, and bladder depends on its condition. When imbalanced, diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis, various colitis, and anemia are possible. Working through this chakra gives a person the ability to manage his feelings and control sexual energy, he gains balance and a constant feeling of satisfaction.

Manipura - lotus with ten petals, yellow color; is the chakra of strength, controls breathing and the will of life. This is the life support sector. It accumulates and stores prana, which is distributed to all chakras, organs of the physical body, the etheric body, and through it to the astral body. The solar plexus area is also called the “abdominal brain” because the etheric threads of all centers and organs are intertwined in it. It leads to harmony and balance in the intellectual and sensitive centers, brain and genital area. Another equally important function that this chakra performs is protecting the heart from negative impact. She is responsible for the development of such psychological qualities, such as determination, independence of behavioral motives, individuality. If there are disturbances, there may be deviations in the functioning of the endocrine glands, migraine-type headaches, the appearance of irritability, aggression or uncertainty and a guilt complex.

Anahata - has the appearance of a lotus with twelve petals, green; responsible for the functional state of the heart, nervous system, skin, joints. Rules the sphere of morality and conscience. Agni Yoga notes that it is a source of creativity and creation. A person who manages to reveal it becomes an accomplice in cosmic construction. Indian and Tibetan works indicate that it is in it that the root of human essence is located, separating this person from the rest of the animal world. Anahata is the seat of the second highest principle in man, Buddhi, or the spiritual soul, forming the Monad. This is what is called the “heart” and gives the ability to penetrate into the essence of things through insight, insight, that is, intuition. The heart chakra corresponds to qualities such as goodwill, mercy, universal love and compassion. With energy deficiency, selfishness develops, a person becomes insensitive and emotionally closed.

Vishuddha - denoted as a lotus with sixteen petals, blue color; responsible for higher emotions associated with the sphere of harmony; manages the health of the throat, teeth and skin, lymphatic and immune systems. The throat plexus, thyroid and parathyroid glands are associated with this chakra. It interacts with the occipital roots of the spinal cord. It corresponds to such mental qualities as high creativity, inspiration, and sociability. When it is unbalanced, obsessive ideas and stereotypical behavior may appear, and the aging process intensifies.

Ajna - appears in the form of a lotus with large two petals, each of which is divided into forty-eight petals, of blue color; responsible for clairvoyance. This is the location of the mystical "third eye". It defines abilities such as clairvoyance, the ability to influence other people at a distance. Ajna is considered the center of consciousness and is considered as a special meditative chakra human body. The harmonious development of our body depends on it. The normal functioning of the chakra activates such qualities as intelligence, imagination, and the ability to visualize vivid visual images. As the center of consciousness, it is responsible for logical, truthful, critical and conceptual thinking. Disturbances in it can cause various colds, emotional disorders, contributes to the development of schizophrenia.

Sahasrara - this chakra is considered in the form of a lotus with a thousand petals, white; in charge of cosmic energy exchange. Responsible for the development of higher mental functions, penetration into the superconscious. When this energy center is opened, all restrictions of space and time are removed, and a person reaches the highest stage of enlightenment. It endows a person with the perfection of abilities, three-dimensional thinking, cosmic love, enlightenment, and interaction with the cosmic mind. A blocked channel with space can lead to skin breathing disorders, ulcers on the body, eye disease, and mental illness.

In addition to the main energy centers, there are additional chakras. Their number ranges from 6 to 14. Additional chakras according to the Indian-Tibetan school are considered in the most detail in the study of E. Faydysh “Superconsciousness”.

Additional chakras also play a very important role important role in the full functioning of the human body. Energy disruption in these centers can lead to various types of diseases.

As healing experience shows, when the energy balance of one or more chakras is disturbed, functional disorders occur, subsequently leading to organic and mental changes. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the state of your main energy centers is in order to harmonize them.

Thirdly, the etheric body includes bioenergy centers of the brain. These centers play the role of command and control zones. In total, oriental medicine considers 18 such zones. To these are added three more zones discovered by V. Proskurin. This is the motor zone, sensitive, inhibition of chorea and tremor, vasoconstriction, treatment of dizziness and tinnitus, the second and third zones of speech, pelvic functions, sensation of movement, vision, balance, stomach, chest cavity, genital, liver and gall bladder, intestines, nose and throat, rest, inhibition of epilepsy, one-sided blindness, control of insanity.

Fourthly, one of the important links of the etheric body is the self-regulation apparatus (“miraculous” meridians). There are eight “miraculous meridians” in total.

Their difference from other energy channels is that they function only in cases where it is necessary to normalize the excess or lack of energy in human body. They are not connected to human organs and do not have standard points. However, they have command points through which excess energy is released.

Each “miraculous” meridian (M) has, as L. Puchko shows in his work, its own therapeutic indications:

World Cup 1 is responsible for nervous and mental exhaustion, cerebral circulatory disorders, spinal diseases, inflammatory processes in the lungs, ears, nose;

World Cup 2 - paralysis of central origin, convulsions, pain in bones and joints, in the lumbar region;

World Cup 3 - chronic pain neuralgic nature, skin diseases, seborrhea, dermatoses of various origins, bleeding of various etiologies;

World Championship 4 - chronic pain syndromes in the back, hips, neck, joints, pathology of sexual functions in women;

World Championship 5 - hypofunction of the urinary and genital organs, digestive and respiratory organs, convulsions and spasms in children;

World Cup 6 chronic diseases of the genital and urinary organs with pain in the lower abdomen, lower back pain, inguinal hernia in men, flaccid muscle paralysis shoulder girdle and lower extremities;

World Championship 7 - pain in the heart area, a feeling of fear, severe excitability, liver and stomach diseases, etc.;

World Championship 8 - pathology of the pelvic organs, internal genital organs, bladder, disorders of the digestive tract, liver and cardiovascular diseases.

Painful phenomena and pathological deviations appear when energy jams occur in the “wonderful” meridians. And this is only possible if the person has negative energy, which clogs the channels. If plugs are detected in the channels, it is necessary to eliminate them, using methods of cleansing from dark energy.

Fifthly, structural elements The etheric body is also the energy inputs and outputs of waste energy.

Energy inputs are the main and additional chakras, main (Sushumna, Ida, Pingala) and additional energy channels, biologically active points, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, feet. The peculiarity of these energy inputs is that on each of them there is a projection of all internal organs.

The outlets for waste energy are the surface of the body, the crown of the head, the spine, mouth, nose, eyes, fingers and toes.

These, according to the research and publications of authors of the Indian, Tibetan, Chinese and other branches of the Eastern school, Western European scientists and representatives of Russian thought, are the main structural components of the subtle etheric body.

There are many ways of influencing a person in the world, and it is obvious that they affect different components of a person. And this, in turn, suggests that a person consists of more than just a physical body.

There are also many models of human “device”.

For example, the Christian model is BODY, SPIRIT and SOUL.

Eastern esoteric schools offer a more complex model: the physical body and seven different subtle bodies, which we do not perceive due to the limitations of our senses. Together, a person’s subtle bodies form his aura. Each thin body has its own name and performs a strictly defined function. Meet various names these subtle bodies, but we will use those that are more often found in our literature.

And we'll start with ethereal, or human energy body. This body is an exact copy physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, extending 3-5 cm beyond the physical body. The etheric body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special type of matter - ether, which occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter of which our world consists and even more subtle matters.

Such heroes of fairy tales and mystical literature as ghosts, brownies, gnomes, trolls, elves, etc. are made of this matter. A person who develops the appropriate vision can answer the question: Do such entities exist in reality? But will we believe his stories?

Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical body, it is sometimes called human's ethereal double. The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond. The human etheric body weighs about 5-7 grams. In practice, only the etheric body has weight, since the other bodies are too incorporeal.

Some people are able to leave their physical body in the etheric body (etheric projection), remaining conscious and remembering their sensations. G. D'Urville's book “The Ghost of the Living” describes experiments during which people in etheric bodies left their physical bodies and performed pre-agreed actions (standing on sensitive scales, exposing photographic plates, walking through walls, closing bell contacts, etc.). The physical body at this time was in the chair completely motionless. Interestingly, the physical body completely lost its sensitivity and did not react to pain. That is, without the etheric body, our entire system of receptors does not work - there is no life in it. It was the etheric body that endowed the physical body with consciousness.

Feeling your etheric body

Stand straight and calm, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly and thoughtfully raise your outstretched arm to the side so that it is parallel to the floor. Lower your hand just as slowly and thoughtfully. Do this movement several times. At the same time, try to fully concentrate on the movement of your hand and feel every bone, every muscle, every cell. Lower your hand and, continuing to stand motionless (arms down along the body), repeat the same movement mentally. Evoke in yourself the same sensations that you experienced during the real movement of your hand: here the hand rises, here it reaches a position parallel to the floor, here it slowly falls... Although the material hand is motionless, and the action is only imaginary, you will be amazed at how clear the sensation is moving hand.

Well, how did it work out? Congratulations! You have just made a conscious movement of your “subtle” body for the first time in your life!

Now let's complicate the exercise a little. Stretch your hand forward, straight in front of you - for example, in the direction of the opposite wall (if you are in a room) or the nearest tree (if you are outside or in the country). Now feel that your hand has stretched forward a meter, two, three - as much as it takes to reach a wall or tree. Feel it - like your hand is stretched out. Here she stretches out, stretches out, now she reaches her target, now she feels this object. Under your fingers you clearly feel the smoothly painted texture of a wall, or the warm, rough bark of a tree heated in the sun. But your material hand of bones and muscles is missing a few meters to really feel all this.

And you know, you’ve already done all this many times, although now you don’t remember it. You did this unconsciously when you were a baby in your cradle. And, of course, it was impossible for you to reach the wall, ceiling, closet or table with your weak little hand. And you've explored the world like this, at a distance, with the help of your energy, which you then very easily knew how to control. And then you grew up and forgot these sensations, you forgot about what you once knew. But now it is very easy for you to remember these skills of yours, because for you this is “a well-forgotten old thing.” Projective, energy element the sensations are subtle, but quite distinct.

Examination. Extend your etheric hand and touch it to the rough surface. Place your hand relative to this surface. Remember the phantom sensations. Now enlarge the palm of the etheric body, make it big, like a frying pan. Place it, remember your feelings. Now reduce your palm to the size of a matchbox. Move again and remember the sensations. How are the field sensations of a rough surface different in a large and a small etheric hand? If you can notice that a large hand feels the roughness worse than a small one, then you did everything right. The field of the hand has limited sensory density, therefore, as the etheric palm increases, the concentration of sensations decreases.
Changing the size of your etheric body

Now we will learn to more freely handle the same sensations, deepen them and expand them. Treat it like a fun game.

Take a relaxed position - sitting, standing or lying, whichever is more comfortable for you. Now feel how the boundaries of your etheric body begin to slowly expand. You become bigger and bigger - and now your body has become as big as a house. Your body has filled the entire space of the house in which you live. Well, did you feel like a giant? Now start to decrease slowly. You get smaller, smaller, and have already shrunk to the size of a grape. Be a grape for a little while, look around, feel what large objects surround you. Now return to your normal size.
Let your imagination run wild. Play, fantasize, experiment. But remember that now you are playing with real world. Well, have you awakened your childhood imagination? But children conduct such experiments all the time. Because they sense the possibilities of the energy-information field much better than adults - as long, of course, as long as they are not influenced as much as adults by the attitudes of society.

Go ahead. You are back to your normal size. Now move in space a few meters from your current location. For example, you are standing in the center of the room. Without moving, feel that you are taking a step, two, three - and now you are already standing in the corner of the room. And you, standing in the corner of the room in your invisible etheric body, look at your physical body in the center of the room. Now come back to yourself.

Now mentally leave your body again, you can move away, walk around the apartment, go into the next room... And all this without leaving the spot.

Isn't it an amazing feeling? And if you think that you walked around your apartment only in your thoughts and imagination, then you are mistaken. You moved around the apartment in your subtle body. This is reality. What you have just accomplished is often called lower astral travel by psychics. The lower astral, as the name itself says, is one of the lower and roughest layers of the energy-information field, but it is already less rough than the material world where our physical body lives. The next layers of the energy information field, higher in relation to the astral plane, are more and more subtle energy layers.

It must be said that most energy connections between people in modern human society concentrated precisely in the lower astral plane.

It is wrong to imagine the etheric body from the outside, to expect the same powerful sensations as from the physical body, and to focus not on the exercise, but on the mental block (I can’t do it). The feeling of an enlarged etheric body is easy to catch if you increase in it - and open the eyes of the physical body. A specific feeling of duality of your location arises - you look at the world through the eyes of the physical body and at the same time perceive the perspective from the level of the eyes of the etheric body. This feeling is a sign of correctly performed actions.

Examination. Increase in the etheric body. Remember your phantom perception of the environment - what you see through the eyes of the etheric body, how it itself feels. Shrink into the etheric body and remember your sensations again. How do the sensations of a large etheric body differ from the sensations of a small etheric body? If you were able to notice that the perception of a large etheric body is more blurry and vague than a small one, you did the exercise absolutely correctly.
Feeling energy-informational changes in space

Sit on a chair in an empty room, relax. It is not necessary to close your eyes. Imagine that the boundaries of your etheric body grow to the size of a room. The boundaries of the room are the boundaries of your body. Feel your unity with the room. Feel like the air filling it. And the air, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the floor - this is all inside you, these are all parts of your body. Or vice versa: your body now consists of air, of the light filling the room, of its walls, floor and ceiling.

Now imagine that the door to your room has opened. Feel the difference in sensations that your body detects - the difference between open and indoors. Now imagine that a person enters the room. Again notice the difference in sensations. Isn't it true that the sensations are somewhat different now? It’s not surprising, because the energy information structure of your room has changed. Return to the feeling of an empty room again. Do you feel the difference? Return again to your usual perception, to the usual boundaries of the body. The sensations you just experienced are, at first glance, very subtle and barely perceptible. And at the same time, these sensations are quite recognizable and distinguishable, and consciousness easily recognizes them.
Examination. Sit in a room where doors open and close. This could be a reception area, a lobby, a railway station. Unite energy with space. Monitor the sensations for some time. Then close your eyes. As soon as you feel a change in sensations, look at the door - and if the exercise is performed correctly, you will see how it opens or closes. Thanks to the experience gained through these exercises, you felt how the energy of space at the level of the lower astral contacts internal energy person.

If you have successfully completed all these easy tasks, then you now have the basic skill necessary to regain normal energy circulation and a correct, undistorted perception of the world. The sensations of this class are very useful - they will help you merge with the surrounding space and feel the slightest changes in it. It is these sensations that underlie the sense of danger among representatives of wild tribes or animals.

The perception of the lower astral is only the first, simplest step on the path of learning to perceive the energy-information field. It is into the world of the lower astral that we find ourselves in a dream. There we travel in our subtle bodies and meet similar travelers.

2. Human etheric body

The next body that you should definitely pay attention to is the etheric body. The etheric body is more subtle, it is not very perceptible, it is not very visible, but you can do one very simple exercise. Rub your palms together, and, connecting your fingertips, begin to separate them. And you see how such translucent tapering threads begin to stretch between your fingers. They seem to be thick at the edges, and slightly narrower towards the center. Or just look at your palm and see that there are energy contours around your fingers. Yes, that's how transparent the vibration of air is.

For example, you go for a walk with your loved one and say: “Please stand there somewhere against the background of the moon so that it can be seen, well, so that a little backlight can be seen.” Preferably in the dark, but with a little backlighting. And you begin to look at it in a state of focused vision, and you begin to see that an outline appears around it. Moreover, depending on what happened to the person before you started looking at him, you will see that somewhere there is a lot of contour, somewhere there is little contour.

For example, those who are in an angry state, or have just had a fight, are still seething - they have a powerful energy cushion in the abdominal area. Those who are in love have their hearts in the area. You've probably read about chakras, this is how they are simply diagnosed.

So let's return to the etheric body. It is the human energy body. The amount of energy in a person’s body clearly depends on his etheric body. If the etheric body is weakened, then the person is like this - ummm... “I am a pale spirochete, I have no strength for anything, I can only sit and watch TV, giving it my last strength.”

The etheric body responds perfectly to our thoughts, to our attitudes, to our emotions. And it is controlled by the power of thought, very strongly.

It is very easy to pump up, it is easily pumped up by... Let's assume in what way the etheric body can be pumped up: by breathing - yes, yoga - yes, sports - yes, sleep, physical exercise, imagination, meditation - yes, contrast shower - yes, with the energy of the sun - Yes. The etheric body is very sensitive to thoughts. And very often we create diseases for ourselves . Yes, I must say about illnesses that they rarely arise at the bodily level. Only if you and I have this cute body somehow inadvertently poisoned or irradiated. More often, diseases begin at higher levels, and they simply descend to lower levels . Probably, we now need to talk about all levels at once in order to generally understand what we are talking about. The lower level is bodily, highest level

The worst option is a disease that begins at the causal level, then descends into thoughts, then descends into emotions, then descends into energy, and then is realized in the body. It is useless to treat the body. Because any disease must be corrected at the level at which it arose.

If we treat a level lower, this has no reasonable justification. This is nothing more than supportive therapy, but not healing. I hope that this question does not cause any discrepancies. There is a flow of life. There is such a concept - the flow of life. This is a set of laws that exist on a variety of planes of existence that are accessible to humans. And when a person begins to not comply with the laws of these planes of existence, the laws begin to adjust him a little to suit themselves. As if hinting to him that it would be nice to follow the laws.

The human etheric body makes it possible to effectively heal diseases and regulate processes in the physical body. Find out how to see the subtle body!

Subtle human bodies Ultra-modern Scientific research in area quantum physics show results amazingly coinciding with the knowledge of the ancients. They touch the essence of the universe, recognize the possibility of existence different worlds

and plans.

Accurate detectors registered the presence of a certain radiation that all people and living beings possess, thus confirming the existence of an aura.

The human physical body is only one of many. Other bodies are called subtle, are at a different vibration frequency and are invisible to the human eye. The densest of the subtle bodies is called ethereal: it surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of up to 5-10 cm. It consists of ethereal matter (energy).

It is believed that a person is not able to see this type of energy, however, there are techniques with which one can learn the ability to distinguish between auras¹ and etheric bodies². You can find some techniques on our website.

There is a simple way to see etheric matter!

Step 1: see etheric matter

1. There is only one requirement - the presence of a clear sky. The practitioner goes into open space

and begins to look at the sky. You need to contemplate with a close, distracted gaze, covering the entire picture of the sky, without blinking.

Concentration on the sky should continue for 10-15 minutes. If your eyes begin to water during this time, you can squint your eyes a little so that the surface is moistened with liquid, but you cannot close them!

3. The practitioner will gradually begin to notice unusual lines and stains in the sky, fast-flying translucent balls, figures with vague shapes.

4. With practice, the outlines will become clearer.

You can see creatures, air spirits, dragons, etc. flying in the sky. Ancient myths often describe such creatures in their tales.

Step 2: see the etheric body

Now you need to learn to see your etheric body, and then the bodies of other people.

The second part of the practice is the same as the first, but now you need to focus on the outstretched palm of your hand.

To do this, you can take a sitting position, stretch your arm up so that the clear sky is the background. You need to look at your hand with the same absent-minded gaze, noticing the changes that will occur.

After a while, you will see luminous dots flying everywhere around your arm and body. They can be white or black in color and resemble whirling midges. This is prana - Vital energy, which is constantly in the air.

The light dots are positive energy(plus), black - negative (minus). Both of them are needed for life on Earth. When a person inhales air, he saturates his body with prana and absorbs these energy corpuscles.

After some time of concentration, you will see a transparent shell of the etheric body, which “fits” your hand at a distance of several centimeters. Once you have been able to see the etheric shell, you need to consolidate and develop this skill by continuing the regular practice of concentration.

Then you will be able to easily see the etheric bodies of yourself and other people. By constantly developing your ability, you will learn to see auras in detail, the causes of illnesses and character traits.

How to diagnose the etheric body?

In order to analyze the etheric body of another person, you can use the following method.

1. The practitioner chooses a person whose etheric body he will study.

It's better that it was close person, which can understand what you are doing.

2. The person should stand against a light background. This could be light wallpaper or whitewashing the walls.

3. The practitioner sits opposite the person at a distance of two to three meters so that the gaze can completely cover his body.

4. He looks at the person with an absent-minded gaze, as if through him, without moving his gaze or blinking.

5. After some time, the practitioner will see a transparent shell around the human body, as if woven from air - the human etheric body.

6. By continuing to concentrate the gaze, the practitioner will be able to discern the shape and features of this body:

  • it can be deformed in places where a person has a disease;
  • dark spots may appear in various parts human body. They indicate energy holes in the human biofield or diseases in the organs;
  • various objects flying around or stuck into a person’s etheric body. For example, “pins” and “stakes” are also made of transparent material.

7. In order to heal³, the practitioner pulls out these “objects” from the aura and etheric body, and with the help of will and intention, patches up energy holes.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (Wikipedia).

² Etheric body is the name of the subtle body, which is the first or bottom layer within a person or aura (Wikipedia).

³ Find out about effective way energy cleansing